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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 8, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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personality. that is whatth's w she is doingi >> laura: jimmy, she tried to clean it up today and she said, she misspoke, okay but she regrets it. they didn't know what ram was, how much ram. >> no, no, that makes it bettera >> laura: i'm joking. she said that she misspoke. we only speak when we say people are dumb implicitly. jimmy, sorry we had to cut youo short but don't forget to catcho jimmy on the road. he will be in boston on may 18th. that is it for us tonight.e on follow me on social media. we are getting a lot of comments on instagram with the rosedeo, video, the new rose video. yes, it is slightly embarrassing, but that is okay. remembery. it isn't amamerica nw >> carley: a fox news alert, anti-israel protests in our nation's capitol turning violent
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after officers began tearing down encampment on the campus of george washington university. >> todd: demonstrators can be heard calling police pigs, shoving into them as d.c. metro force tries to keep the situation calm. police had to use pepper spray. things started to spiral. >> carley: pepper spray there. dozens of protesters caught in chaos throughout the night. lucas tomlinson joins us with all the details. lucas. >> lucas: good morning, carley and todd, this began about 3:30 this morning after weeks of this encampment on the campus of george washington university. police rolled in to clear the encampment. spray was deployed and tents cleared out. protesters have moved from the
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gw campus, one block away at western mark on the corner of opinion pen and 20th street, five blocks from the nation's capitol. this is ahead of congressional testimony today. george washington university president, mayor bowser are supposed to appear before james comer this afternoon. before they go to capitol hill, the encampment was cleared out. george washington university had demanded for police to clear the encampment and the mayor had refused. we saw the statue of george washington defaced, showing the palestinian flag. we saw an american flag unfurled and saw a palestinian flag on the flag pole last night. we saw long live intifada, we
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saw genocide joe projected on the more than flag. it appears students are gathering, there is medical aid over here. it is noisy here, sounds like they are not getting ready to clear and could be moving back in. we'll monitor the situation. >> carley: you're right, for days, d.c. mayor bowser declined to clear out protest encampments on gw campus. what changed? >> lucas: it appears this congressional testimony changed, carley. d.c. mayor did not want to go in front of chairman comer and have to explain why the camp wasn't cleared. it appears congressional testimony here this afternoon. we have protesters coming in, it is loud here. it appears congressional
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testimony forced d.c. mayor bouz boushs /* /* bowser to clear the encampment. many protesters are not students, we saw that at the encampment and spoke to many people. many saying, we are not students. students are chanting about student brutality. this story is not over, stay with us. >> carley: nothing like congressional testimony to light a fire. thank you for bringing those scenes, we'll check back in soon. stormy daniels on the stand tomorrow in the new york versus donald trump trial after judge denied defense request for a mistrial. >> todd: i debated doing that transition, glad you took it. brooke singman. >> brooke: the judge had to warn
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stormy daniels and prosecution her testimony gave unnecessary information. despite admitting witness is hard to control, the judge still decided to proceed with the case. stormy stormy daniels was clear on her thoughts about don't. am i correct in saying you hate donald trump? correct. you want him to go to jail. if he's found guilty, yes. stormy daniels was questioned about how she benefited financially from sharing her story. she denies she was trying to extort the former president, but she's been making money by telling her story and she added, it also has cost me a lot of money. donald trump says it was a good day for his team. >> this was a very big day, very revealing day, their case is
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totally falling apart. they have nothing on books and record and something that should bear little relationship to the case, just a disaster for the d.a., for the george soros-backed d.a. >> brooke: he said, great day in court today, i can't believe i'm gagged from talking about it. my constitutional rights have been taken away. stormy daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow morning when trump's defense attorney will continue cross-examination. >> todd: we have wednesdays off in the trump trial in new york. we begin again on thursday. bring in former federal prosecutor andrew cowski. did you hear anything from stormy daniels that has anything to do with the business records at the center of the alleged legality in this case? >> nothing about stormy daniels
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testimony did anything to advance guilt in this case. i think it blew the prosecution's case into smi smith smitherines. there is lack of case. the sorid detail of what stormy daniels said happened in 2006 seemed uncredible or incredible. she said she can't remember the sexual act that occurred, not specifics of it. the prosecution case is in trouble and the jury is likely losing patience with prosecutors and this is a big mes we saw coming from a mile away. >> carley: quote from judge merchan, i agree it would have been better if some things had been left unside. i don't believe we're at a point where mistrial is warranted.
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>> interesting and curious if judge merchan thinks that, he is convinced this case is headed to acquittal unless some evidence of guilt, he'll be compelled to direct a motion for directed in this case. prosecution has to admit some evidence of guilt. the idea whether there are f fraudulent entries in the business record, the state has not presented a theory about what should have bye-bye in the records. stormy daniels was not their david weiss to testify about accounting books and we've heard these are reasonable entries and legal expenses. i don't think yesterday advanced any degree of guilt and judge merchan did a poor job before court yesterday and had
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objections during the day. >> todd: directed verdict is when the judge says i rule in favor of defense before it gets to a jury. be clear on that point. >> carley: are you saying that is possibility it could happen? >> right now, it is the only option, we'll see what michael cohen testimony is. the judge can't do a directed verdict if some evidence of guilt. if michael cohen comes in and gives some theory of guilt, it will make it to the jury. >> todd: interesting. >> unless there is more, there is a problem with the case. >> todd: go pessimistic for donald trump. there are 12 jurors there, you have a judge involved with the democratic party. you have 12 jurors in new york. if donald trump is convicted, just yesterday alone, what would
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you have seized upon in preparing an appellate brief to appeal whatever happened in court yesterday? >> i have faith in the jury system. i've had guys accused of terrible crimes, juries come in and hate that person next to me more than these injuries would hate don't. they sit through the case. i have faith in the jury system and facts have failed to be presented in this case. there are appellate issues. the idea judge merchan allowed stormy daniels to testify, at all, and get into whether there was an affair does nothing to establish legitimacy of business record entries in 2017. i think appellate court would be critic critical of that.
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if we get to appellate system, that is way past the 2024 election and then we have truly election interference at hand. >> carley: prosecutor for bragg donated to biden's campaign and to act blue during the 2020 election cycle, does this surprise you or matter ? >> it is no surprise, they have blinders on. we have alvin bragg, who is put into office promising he wants to take down donald trump. we have issues with the judge and michael colangelo. this case is garbage. it is answered in evidence of their bias. >> todd: you wonder if the jury,
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to your point, not only was viewing yesterday as what it was, but has been bored by the testimony thus far. it does not prove any law. >> carley: they were not born yesterday. wild. >> todd: up to this point, boring, yesterday was ente entertaining. there is no there there. >> and two attorneys sitting on the jury. >> carley: prosecutors want another two weeks, more to come. stormy daniels back on the stand on thursday. thank you. have a great day. >> todd: massive storms pummel the midwest and will spread throughout the u.s. today. >> carley: janice dean will join us next with an up ddate.
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>> todd: we're back with a fox weather alert. in the city of portage, 50 people trapped inside a fed ex building, rescue crews got them out before anyone was hurt. >> carley: homes and businesses were destroyed and several people injured. this morning, more than 140
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million people from texas to maine are at risk for storms as this weather continues throughout the week. senior meteorologist janice dean has the fox weather forecast. janice. >> janice: video proves incredible damage yesterday. more of the same today. across ohio river valley toward great lakes, we had tornado damage. damage reported in arkansas. live radar will show severe thunderstorm warnings in effect south of memphis toward tennessee and kentucky toward west virginia and we could see potential for heavy rain causing flooding. this is an ongoing situation today, tomorrow and friday. tornado watch until 6:00 a.m. central time to paducah. we do not have tornado warnings
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right now, we could see spin-ups. we have setup for tornados and large hail, damaging winds, heavy rainfall that acccould ca flash flooding. moving eastward. moisture from gulf of mexico and instability, part of ingredients for potential of twisters. severe threat today for millions from dallas, texas to columbus, ohio to northern plains and toward the mimid-atlantic. zoom in, this is where we have four out of five for the severe weather threat including tornados, heavily populated area. we're not done yet. fox, will assist on that. >> carley: thank you. take a look at this, bus driver fighting back after a woman
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attacked her while getting on the bus. >> get off. get off me. get off me. get off me. [horn honking] >> get off me. >> carley: not something you see everyday, clear video, as well. suspected attack er was boardin a free bus and tried to pay the driver. the woman began punches her. this happened a few days after 360 l.a. bus drivers called in sick same day to protest over safety concern. >> todd: odd story and horrible video. parents in l.a. fight to get police officers back inside public schools. schools should decide if they want officers on campus after l.a. did away with police in school because of defund the police movement. >> how many students have to die so you are able to do something.
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we need to have the school police in all the schools. >> how long before you come down to our level from your ideological castles in the sky and listen and act in best interest of our community, the communities that put you in position. how much longer? what else do we have to do? >> todd: you heard from luissa palma who started a petition to bring police officers back to school. she joins us with a mom. thank you both for being here. maria luisa, how bad have l.a. unified schools become? >> we hear from our kids most days, high school, middle school students bring home videos the kids have taken on campus of fights, very intense fights with groups of kids fighting, another
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kid on the ground and others jumping on top of him. this has become the norm here. the district is normalizing this type of violence. we have data released mid-april that confirms what we've been hearing. >> todd: in 2023, 54% increase in physical aggression, 37% increase in threat and increase in illegal controlled substances and ep was from the year before. how responsible is deun fund the police movement for the increases? >> it is 100% responsible for that. what is going on is lawlessness. you can seek asylum in california, it has become an asylum. a bunch of crazy people that are ruining our streets, our stores
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are getting smash and grabs and we had edd fraud, my daughter saw two armed robberies in broad daylight. of course, we need the police there so our kids are safe at school. we need to know our police officers are citizens, also, they have noncitizens becoming police officers in california. >> todd: none of it makes sense. what goes through your mind everyday when your child leaves the safety of your home to go to school? if it were me, i would be freaked out all day everyday while they're at school. >> it is heart wrenching to know we make huge investments in our children to keep them safe. just to think they are exposed
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to drugs and bathrooms and witnessing closeup violence in the fight out of control. there is not an environment of discipline and consequences, that is moving from a discipline environment to restorative justice and positive behavior support discipline policy we believe is not working. there is no deterrence to keep the kids from acting out. the schools are not safe. kids can't use the restroom safely. kids do not use the restroom because they don't want to go in there. there is drug use in the bathrooms in schools. >> todd: you can't learn under those circumstances, we reached out to the district, they
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directed us to a safety plan. they say look at our plans and figure it out for yourself. thank you, stay on top of this, your kids deserve to learn in peace not experience what they are experiencing now. president biden head to chicago for fundraiser trying to win back minority votersic is of democratic policies. >> carley: will biden be able to convince voters? two voters are here with their thoughts coming up next.
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>> todd: fox news obtaining letter from house sub-committee to blinken after it reviewed classified information that suggest covid-19 originated from a lab-related, in wuhan, china. acted to prevent investigation into that lab election, urging blinken to give staff level briefing before a may 14th deadline. >> carley: president biden off to the windy city, hoping to win back democratic voters fed up with rising crime and migrants overflowing the city. two chicago residents join me now.
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good morning. president biden will be in chicago for a fundraiser tonight. if he chooses to look around and see what chicago is like, what would he find? >> he will see chicago is not a democratic stronghold they anticipated it would be earlier this year. >> carley: by that, what do you mean? >> the city is fed up with the democratic party. we are stepping over illegals everyday. they are trying to break into people's home, gas is through the roof, groceries through the roof, violence is up, nothing is comfortable under democratic leadership and we're all moving on. he will come to maga country like sjussie smollett told us. >> carley: you have thoughts on president biden's visit, you are trying to figure out why he's
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coming to chicago in the first place. what do you mean by that? >> i mean, i know like miss p-rae says, democratic party has counted our votes so long, they don't even try to appeal to the black community or voters at all. there has been a shift taking place in chicago. black members have decided to switch from blue to red. it is too late now to come to chicago to appeal to us. there is nothing here for him. we are fed up as miss p-raesfai. this is a disfunctional city for a while under this party and people here are fighting back, especially the black community. >> carley: wow, you know -- that is interesting because president
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biden won cook county by 74%, landslide territory, now you are saying people no longer support president biden. do you think come november those people will vote for donald trump or just not show up to vote at all? >> i think they are definitely going to vote for donald trump. we can't afford to keep subsidizing illegals coming here, i believe the mayor said 5000 per month. people are proudly stating they are going to vote for the first time in their lives and run to the polls to vote for donald trump. >> carley: chicago has spend on migrant care, when you hear that number, what goes through your mind? >> it's very, very upsetting for
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me, that money could have went to so many things in the city of chicago. our school system, particularly in the black community suffered. our students are leaving our communities to go to other schools. the crime rate is very high here. we have crimes that have gone unsolved, homicides going as far back as 2014, so many things money could have been used for and we've been told we have no money, there is no money for citizens here, but all of a sudden money is coming in to support illegal aliens, not migrants, illegals. we are citizens, we've paid into the system and we're suffering. >> carley: they figured out a way to find $310 million to
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fight the migrant crisis and you are saying that money account have been put back into the community to support legal residents born in the united states. president biden on the campaign trail and going to chicago today, while donald trump is tied up with these court cases. what do you think about those court cases and will it impact your vote? >> we're not paying attention to the tabloid foeder, they can put him in jail, we will write him in. we want our president back, we want america first president because we areern ms. i'm an eighth generation free american, any president that will put my country and my community and americans first have our vote, we don't care about those trials. i'm very calif.ed r confident the president will beat this
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sham trial, as well. >> carley: thank you for joining us, have a great day, ladies. listen to this, delta flight forced to evacuate with emergency slides after a small fire start the inside the nose of the plane. we have details as crews investigate. >> todd: trump deals with his new york trial, major decision just made on his classified documents case in florida. former attorney general pam bondi is here to break it all down, that is coming up. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn.
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lawsuits. lawsuit filed in u.s. federal court on tuesday, seeks to face a ban in the u.s. bite dance says congress subjects single platform to nationwide ban and bars every american from the community. many influencers are celebrating the move, still lawmakers maintain this makes sense. this is the only way to drasz the national security threat, instead of continuing, time for bite dance to start the divest ment process. they say if they lose in court, they'll shut down tiktok in january of 2025. >> todd: we will see, intriguing to watch what happens there.
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bye-bye boy scouts, emphasis on the boy. >> cheryl: this is wild. after 115 years, boy scouts are no more. in effort to boost inclusion, boy scouts are scouting america. the president of scouts says the name will be new, we will remain unchanged. we seek to ensure everyone feels welcome in scouting. just over 176,000 members are girls. the group is attempting to avoid bankruptcy, they paid out 2.5 million in settlements last year. >> carley: and scary moment on delta airlines. >> cheryl: forced to evacuate at the gate after it landed due to
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a small fire under the nose. >> it is on fire in front of the plane. the plane is on fire. >> cheryl: crew members noticed the fire and deployed the slides. the airbus had just landed safely from cankcun. you can see the actual fire where they plugged in the external power, norm al operatig procedure. >> todd: you don't want a fire on the plane. >> cheryl: especially with the jet fuel trucks there. >> carley: i'm walking the rest of my life. >> todd: president trump's classified documents trial postponed, judge saying, the court determines finalization of trial date is inkconsistent in
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considering pretrial motion before the court necessary to present to a jury and vacates the may 20th day. >> carley: pam bondi joins us now. what does this mean for donald trump? >> good morning, carley, it means he will receive a fair trial in one of the cases. that is the right thing to do. people need to remember in all criminal and civil trials he's facing, all rights belong to donald trump, yet they are being denied to him in most cases. defendants are entitled to as much time as they need to prepare for trial. i wish judge merchan in new york was following this judge. >> todd: the judge in new york, new york versus trump case, business records case, we don't talk much about business records
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these days. prosecution knows it has not established legality, the case will get reversed on appeal and trying to put on witnesses that hurt trump politically, they have a willing judge in judge merchan. >> yeah, so first, this trial is all of her testimony was salacious and should not have been admitted. one basic test as judge, does probative value of her testimony outweigh prejudicial impact to donald trump? the answer is no. she denied multiple times she had an affair with him, she was trying to extort him, she hates him, she wants him to go to jail. i firmly believe reversible error committed in this case by her testimony and starting early
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as jury selection when the judge did not give president trump enough challenges and denied him removing jurors for cause who clearly said they did not like him. it's been remarkable. this typically is not how a jury trial is handled. >> carley: what happened in the courtroom yesterday, stormy daniels told a story, she said she swatted donald trump with a rolled up newspaper and donald trump mouthed that's bs to his lawyer and seen shaking his head and that caused a judge to call trump's lawyer aside and say the former president is cursing audibly and other than waing he needed to be quiet or held in contempt for influence ing the jury. what do you think about that? the judge warning donald trump not to react when some details stephanie clifford, stormy
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daniels, were saying, should not have been permitted to be said in court. >> none of her testimony is r relevant or admissible to business record case. yet the judge ashesllowed it, prosecution put it on. no rights given to donald trump and he can shake his head and say this is bs, it is bs and jurors are seeing that. the judge and prosecution are worried fchl they wanted to put on her testimony, the judge should have proffered her testimony, taken jurors out and heard what she was going to say before presented to jury. the judge admitted she was a loose cannon yet continued to let her testify. >> todd: you can't up rring unrg the bell when that information
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is released. carley interviewed a woman who said, i don't care anything that comes out of the courtroom, i'm voting for trump because my city has been destroyed by joe biden. interesting to see how this plays out. thank you. house lawmakers hold a hearing on potential bias, remove potential at npr, ceo refusing to show up to testify. a joe concha, he never has bias, he has a blue tie, he'll react next. >> carley: brian kilmeade will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." pink tie, dots. >> todd: purple. >> brian: i will build around the tie, my suit answered to the tie. after the tie talk, talk about this on wednesday morning, tense moments between police and anti-israel protesters. clearing encampment at george
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washington university, how about cleaning up the statue? live report from campus, lucas is up early. tornados ripping through midwest and ohio valley, millions at risk for severe weather. janice dean is tracking it all. plus covid cover-up new document show it originated in the wuhan lab and covered up by china. did you hear about students s suspended for using the term illegal alien. his mom is suing the school district, she will join us top of the hour. on deck, trey yingst in studio and piers morgan is not, we will use his accent and sean hannity and elise stefanik could be a vis presidential candidate, she'll talk about that and more. i ask you to gradually get
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>> todd: today house lawmakers are going to hold a hearing on bias at npr. turned down an invitation to testify. the npr respects the committee and its request and offered to testify on date in the near future that works for the committee and mar. mar will provide written
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testimony in her absence. fox news contributor joe concha joins us now. joe, she is essentially telling congress i'll call you back later. >> yeah, of course, carley. katherine maher is unable to testify before congress because of a scheduling conference. i can guarantee you guys as sure as you were born if katherine maher was invited to the biden white house for a meeting or a lunch or brunch, she would happily cancel anything on her itinerary and be there in a heart beat. because, remember, it was katherine maher who openly campaigned for joe biden in 2020. she has no business running npr or at least claiming that she is going to be objective in doing so. npr should stand for national propaganda regurgitation at this point. because, remember, it's long time he had toward ira berliner unemployed he pointed out blatant bias that the news organization. katherine maher's past tweets are so bad in terms of bias and
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its focus on identity politics and social justice that even the "new york times" wrote a critical piece on her. npr was founded something like 53 years ago. original mission statement included, quote: to speak with many voices and many dialects, unquote. now it's only voice is to appeal to the far left. katherine maher being in charge will continue that mission and then some. it is well past time and i have said this before i will say it again to defund npr from a taxpayer perspective, todd, carley. >> todd: that's the point. if they were a private entity in capitalism they could kind of do whatever they want. the fact that you and me and you, i'm you, you're me, we are all paying for it is not right. speaking of not right, "the view," they did something yesterday. fantasized over what prison they want former president trump to be sent. to say yes, this happened. watch make a point to prove a point put him in the clink.
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[laughter] >> i don't want this to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking. [laughter] >> yes. >> which prison would be best? i'm okay if he goes to alcatraz and they reopen it. what about guantanamo bay? >> todd: joe, what did we just watch there? >> that sound you hear is barbara walters rolling over in her grave in terms of what this show has become and what she created nearly 30 years ago. because, look, abc news has the audacity to call "the view" a news program, that falls under its news division. honestly, who cares what these so-called ladies have to say at this point. it is the most unhinged, unprofessional, unlikeable show on television. and the worst part is that it's utterly predictable which therefore makes it patently boring. for the sake of conversation, let's say, this all right? you have a judge who has an adult daughter who worked for adam schiff and kamala harris
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and a judge that donated to joe biden who is presiding over this case. so, donald trump may very well go to prison but, if that happens he wins in a landslide because everybody will see what this case is about the weaponization of the justice system, guys. >> carley: mayor eric adams says the city is prepared if trump is thrown in jail for violating the gag order e said he already talked to riker's island. he talked to the department of corrections just in case that happens. you have to wonder what the news conch will be like. >> todd: he is not going to rikers. that physically logistically can't help. >> carley: secret service auto would have to go jail, too. unbelievable. joe, thank you so much have. great day. >> see you friday. >> carley: great show, great hour. i spoke next to the ladies at "the view" they were basically attacking trump there. this is real. this is how they think. "fox & friends" now. >> carley: wow. >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. welcome to "fox & fr


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