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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 8, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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douglas, wow. before we go, bill, the sky is the limit for a group of australian women all female skydiving teams shattered records. they aassembly of god two formations in one day. a total break sequential. on the second jump they broke the record for the largest australia women's star formation. >> bill: they're pretty good. >> dana: the only way i could do that is through a.i. like the met gala. that's pretty good. they are braver than i. >> bill: all women. all women. good for the women. >> dana: of course, you go girl, you know it. i will see you tonight on "the five" as well. we'll be here tomorrow as well. harris faulkner is next. here she is. [shouting] >> harris: hate and violence on
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full display. a lot of drama overnight at george washington university after weeks of jewish hate pouring out running rampant at g.w. you can see police swarming the anti-israel encampment. they went in there to dismantle it. they had to use pepper spray to break up the violent crowd. then they began arresting people. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." it gets worse by the day. i wonder what the president thinks of it all? maybe he will speak up again. the university pleaded with washington, d.c. leaders to take action sooner. they didn't do anything until just hours before the mayor and police chief were set to testify about the encampment and hate-filled protestor. james comer canceled the hearing because the police finally did their jobs. d.c. mayor bowser with what sounds like a bit of a spin today. >> i want to be clear that our
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responses to demonstrations is always rooted in public safety and constitutional responsibility. mpd is the best in the business at keeping people safe during the exercise of first amendment demonstrations. >> harris: big protests, multiple arrests in new york city last night as well and an unending moment of drama and violence here. police cleared out another encampment. this one at the fashion institute of technology. i thought fashion was supposed to make you feel good, relaxed, calm, take it on in. beautiful colors and design. nope. it was the last one left in the city and they took it down. [shouting] >> harris: this just happened a few minutes ago.
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morehouse college in atlanta. you heard the chants, we won't vote for genocide joe. students protesting the president's upcoming speech there and now we have gone to live pictures. this is still going on. biden is scheduled to give the commencement speech on may 19th. two senators with very different politics on the same side of this issue. >> i'm not sure what they are really protesting about. if you ask them they aren't really sure. it is working against peace in gaza. >> if you say we're hamas and you mean it, then you are a religious nazi. if you say we are hamas and you don't know what hamas is all about, you are a dumb ass. there are dumb ass and terrorist sympathizers. >> harris: mark meredith is at gw university campus. >> good morning. the cleanup is underway at george washington university. d.c. police are clearing out the
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encampment taking place now for a little more than two weeks. so many of the tents and supplies have been set up have been cleared out. d.c. police decided to move in in the middle of the night around 3:00 a.m. video we saw as police met with these demonstrators. the city said they let them know they had to disburse or they could face arrest. at least 33 people were arrested and likely face multiple different sets of charges. we have also heard that pepper spray and the d.c. police view was necessary. protestors said it went too far. g.w. 's encampment had been growing for two weeks. organizers had a medical tent and food stations and holding daily press conference. over the last few days something was changing and things were escalating so much they felt they had to move in. >> they began very peacefully but over the past few days we began to see an escalation in the volatility of the protests at g.w. our plan included giving warnings, multiple warnings,
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clear direction to people inside the encampment to disburse the area. we allowed protestors ample time to leave the area. >> now this is hardly an isolated incident. multiple colleges are dealing with ro protests. harvard and m.i.t. are threatening to suspend students and created new headaches for the white house and eager to make sure jewish american students know their safety matters but they aren't reacting on a campus by campus basis. >> when it comes to local entities it is up to them to take whatever action that they deem is necessary. we are talking about colleges and universities. it is up to them to decide on. >> now what's unclear is whether or not after the cleanup is complete whether we'll see the same group come out here. one person out here shouting. other than that most of the students arrested have left. there was an effort to try to get them out of jail as quickly as possible and we have seen reports that some of them have
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already been released but there is at least one person shouting at this point. harris. >> harris: one lone voice in the background of your live shot, mark. thank you very much. appreciate it. congresswoman kat cammack, republican from florida serves on the subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government and house energy and commerce committee. great to see you today. wish it were always under different circumstances when we are talking about anti-americanism. that's what this is, too. this is american hate, too. >> absolutely. harris, we're seeing these are professional protestors. to assume this is all students and not a mix of students and professional protestors would be a mistake. these people have a financial, fiduciary aspect to what they are doing. they find glory in objecting. when you see some of the professors engaged in this we, of course, know that they are the ones that were protesting on campuses decades ago.
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the people that read rules for radicals and carried this mentality throughout their careers. this is a financial gain at the end for these people. we know that it is not just israel that they are targeting, not just the jewish communities they are spouting hatred toward. it is america, right? they see us as the big sat an in their own words and hosting workshops yesterday talking about the glory of north korea. my god, these people need to get a clue. you play big stupid games you win stupid prizes. they are about to win the lotly when it comes to stupid prizes. we start with defunding the universities that tolerate this kind of b.s. when you have students that are being physically assaulted, intimidated, prohibited from going to class. they are canceling graduations, this is a total assault on american students, on israelis,
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on jewish american students. it is unacceptable. we have the power of the purse. we have to exercise it. a resolution is a good start condemning this type of behavior. we need to actually wield the power of the purse and pull back all the funding for these universities. >> harris: it was interesting that mayor bowser. g.w. is not that far from the white house. how the president doesn't see this or comment on this i just boggles the mind. d.c.'s mayor said that it is all in the name of safety. how in the world is it safe to let complete unvetted strangers onto college campuses, onto g.w. and others across america? how is that even safe? i'm surprised parents have begun to sue. i would want a refund. >> absolutely. a lot of these parents are making those considerations and having those discussions around the kitchen table. think how much college is these days. >> harris: especially these. >> you are looking at six figures. no way parents will tolerate
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their child going to a university where they are denied access to facilities, continually targeted, harassed, hazed and bullied. in some cases outright assaulted. that won't happen. i think parents have a right to take legal action and they should. i look to florida and how we've handled the situation. 0 tolerance. if these universities took that position they would be in a much better place today. >> harris: it is not just jewish students and not enough that hate is flowing but everybody is put off by all of this. when they cancel graduation at usc they cancel it for everybody. let's get to this. the department of education is circulating a dear colleague letter to schools on how to deal with surging anti-semitism. giving examples of what schools should do if students report being harassed. here is the new guide, congresswoman being sent on the same day that education secretary cardona testified on the hill.
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let's watch. >> do you condemn the illegal activities and anti-semitic and discriminatory speech we have seen over the last several weeks on college campuses? >> i do. >> do you want to have the taxpayers pay their loans off? >> i believe that students who are breaking the law and are disrupting the educational environment should be held to account. >> mr. secretary you aren't willing to condemn calls to cut ties with -- will you condemn it? >> we are responsible for adhering to title vi and enforcing it. >> harris: i've been saying that for weeks. they are now just getting around to it. >> it's unbelievable. the last two times that i have seen this secretary, secretary of education, has been at rap concerts. he seems to spend more time at these fun activities than actually doing his job. you can see it from evidence of
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that video that he is ill equipped and ill prepared to address the real challenges we're facing in higher education today. the fact remains that when you have a commander-in-chief who refuses to outright condemn the anti-semitism that is taking place and has to include other elments in that statement, it will bleed down into his cabinet. we know they will not take a stand on this because this is political. he is a political appointee. at the end of the day it is about dollars, about votes, and that's why they refuse to take a stand. >> harris: they should change their name from the department of education to something else then because education is in jeopardy to the entire process as these schools are canceling things and finals. give everybody a pass grade. it is ridiculous. another censure resolution for far left congresswoman ilhan omar. republican colleague cited her long history of anti-semitic remarks and focused on these comments that got a lot of
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backlash. >> kids should be kept safe and we should not have to tolerate anti-semitism or bigotry for all jewish students whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide. >> harris: and her fellow far left member tlaib is making this demand. issue arrest warrants to netanyahu and senior israeli officials to hold them -- a dozen republican senators have a warning for the i.c.c. such actions are illegitimate and lack legal basis. target israel and we'll target you. congresswoman. >> there is so much hot tea here that i want to spill. let's talk about the democrat caucus first. they have a very, very big problem. behind closed doors they were screaming at each other just a couple of weeks ago about what
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are you going to defund my people? that was coming from tlaib. my question is who are her people? did she not take an oath to the united states constitution? is she more loyal to palestine than she is the american people? these are the things that people should be asked her and that's happening behind closed doors. they are trying desperately to keep their caucus together but it is about to spill out into the open. on the second part about the international criminal court, this is absolutely unacceptable and disgusting. where are they when it comes to the active genocide, the real genocide that is taking place in china? what about north korea, venezuela, iran? are they now going to become the mouthpiece for the largest state sponsor of terror, iran? that's what this is teeing up to. shame on them forever consider south africa's petition. this is absolutely ludicrous. they need to get their stuff straight. i am telling you, there will be
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swift backlash here on capitol hill when it comes to the international criminal court if they don't back down. >> harris: you spilled it. that tea was hot about those democrats fighting behind the scenes. thank you, congresswoman. >> have a good one. >> harris: israel continues to root out terror in rafah and i.d.f. continues its precise terror operation until hamas savages are eliminated or until hostages are released. can we have both of those things happen? underground tunnels are being targeted in eastern rafah. cease-fire talks are set to continue today and the biden administration is facing immense pressure after stalling a weapons shipment to israel. after all the talk, is it true, is it not? it's true. the president signed that aid bill, israel didn't get its part. a new op-ed is titled biden should give israel the weapons he promised it.
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one editorial board with this headline. biden aban dons israel. the white house dodged the question. >> how can the u.s. have commitment on one hand and another hand slow walk arms sales? >> our commitment to israel security is iron clad. i won't speak to that question about arms sales. >> will they answer to congress about the arms sales >> that's up to congress how they want to address any questions they have with us. >> harris: does she not know the president's foreign policy would be my question? does she know where we stand on the weapons. jeff paul is in tel aviv with the latest. jeff. >> we know that negotiations continue today in cairo, egypt where mediateors met with both parties from israel and hamas to come up with a deal that both can agree to and learning that c.i.a. chief william burns, also
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just in egypt and qatar, is here in israel meeting with the israeli war cabinet. his visit comes as this ongoing operation continues in eastern rafah. israel says this operation really is intended to put pressure on hamas to help free the remaining hostages. israel reportedly so far sees no signs of a breakthrough in the negotiations but it will keep its delegation there in the meantime. that same report indicating c.i.a. chief burns met with israeli prime minister netanyahu about possibly suspending the operation in rafah for a hostage release. israel says it has reopened the crossing today which is a key entry point for humanitarian aid. life for civilians in gaza remains desperate. crowds continue to evacuate from eastern rafah as fighting intensifies there. many palestinians are packing what they can but say no matter where they go, they never truly feel safe.
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>> the suffering is tough. there is no food or drink. we are looking for a loaf of bread and cannot find it. look how many people are here with us. countries should pity us. the world should pity us and look at us with mercy. we have no one but god. no one cares about us. >> despite the u.s. recently delaying that weapons shipment to israel, israel's defense or military chief said that their relationship is good. basically down played it and said sometimes parties from disagreement and handle them behind closed doors. >> harris: house republicans including mike johnson are announcing a voter registation bill called the save act. they say it is designed to protect election integrity. it would be in place to amend a federal law to require proof of u.s. citizenship in order to register to vote in federal
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elections. we will monitor this and bring you any news out of it. the fact it is happening is big news on the hill right now. overwhelming reaction to stormy daniels' testimony yesterday in donald trump's new york trial. prosecutors had hoped she would turn the jury against the former president. all that sexually graphic detail she gave could backfire on the prosecution according to legal experts. right now a house hearing on the true cost of biden's open border policies is going on right now. billions and billions of your money, taxpayer dollars, are spent every year. you know how broken it is. they just throw money at it. doesn't keep us safe. real people, entire communities, cities, states, are buckling under the weight of the illegal immigrant crisis. i go deep with my special round table. "the faulkner focus", border in focus next. >> it is totally broken. it is a problem in every aspect of the country.
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every state is a border state. this is happening for the choices that this administration has made on the southwest border. and now i'm winning again. blue-emu is the powerful relief i need. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> harris: fox news alert and you are watching again live. the house budget committee is digging into the true cost of president biden's border crisis. i feel like we haven't talked about this enough recently. we aren't ignoring it. we need to focus again. taxpayers nationwide are getting hit hard. house republicans say in 2023 alone it cost $1 hundred 50 billion. right that down. nearly $9 thousand that americans are spending peril legal immigrant. anybody hand you a check for
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8700 recently? budget chairman here. >> that 8,000 plus amount we're spending as taxpayers for each illegal immigrant is what we pay for our most vulnerable citizens in medicaid and veterans for military retirement. a big waste. the wasteful and unnecessary spending in the people's government. we need to highlight that as just one more element of the consequence of this border chaos that has ensued ever since president biden took office. >> harris: it is not just crippling border states. we say on this hour every day almost communities nationwide are feeling this because every state is now a border state. so you know i love to do a round table on a single topic. we'll go now all of the chaos, firsthand, all of the danger, the fentanyl firsthand. let's watch border in crisis.
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>> harris: let's take a look at the crisis facing all americans, every single state is a border state. "the faulkner focus" border in focus. our round table. we love doing this. one single topic. we have watched the chaos play out for years. president biden's open border policies allowing millions of illegal immigrants from around the globe to flood into our nation. almost 200 nations. the overwhelming majority of them are allowed to stay whether they are vetted and we know who they are, gotaways, no idea who they are, whatever their status is, they are allowed to stay here and given a date far into the future. if you have children they are in first grade now. some won't get a date to go to court until the kids are in middle school. well, then they are free to go around the interior of the united states of america during that time. border communities absolutely again overrun, big city budgets blown apart by the immense cost of caring for illegals. places like chicago, illinois.
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leaders are now feeling the weight of their so-called sanctuary city policies. sanctuary state policies. the number of illegal immigrant encounters, those people coming across not in a checkpoint but any kind of way they can get in, those numbers are skyrocketing since president biden took office. records broken month after month after month. you can google it and the google machine, as i like to call it, comes up with historic number 3.2 million for 2023. even google doesn't color it into something that might be nice and special. no, that's raw data. the administration denied and down played for years. >> we have a secure border in that that is a priority any nation, including hours and our administration. >> we're certainly doing a lot more to secure the border. we have taken unprecedented action over the past year and a half to secure our border. >> we have a process in place to
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manage migrants at the border. >> the border is not open and doing everything we can. >> harris: well, finally now impeached in the house homeland security secretary mayorkas admitted what everybody -- we all knew it. >> it certainly is a crisis and we don't bear responsibility for a broken system and we're doing a tremendous amount within that broken system. >> harris: nothing is changing. the senate didn't kick him out. they are the after the house im peaches the senate decides if he should be ripped of his position. yeah, chuck schumer, senator and majority democrats wouldn't put it on the floor. in a moment my panel of guests, round table. a single discussion, who have all had real life experiences with the border crisis. first correspondent matt finn is at the border in new mexico with a special report for us. >> for years texas has been the
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immigration hot spot but governor greg abbott bolstered the border causing the immigration crossings to shift toward the west where i'm standing. new mexico, arizona and california. in new mexico repairing fresh holes in the border wall is a steady job. these two men trying to get through one of those holes called a fox crew racist. another place in new mexico is swarming with illegal immigration. they threw rocks at a drone. >> there is an active criminal element working every day to facilitate the equivalent of modern slavery. that to me is totally unamerican and that is dispeck able. ? >> in georgia friends mourning the loss of laken riley allegedly killed by a venezuelan national illegally pennsylvania rolled into the u.s.
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>> i feel so dark right now. we lost one of the brightest lights there has ever been. >> in new york a group of migrants beat up two cops in times square earlier this year. they had been previously arrested but living in shelters funded by taxpayers. >> in recent months a wave of migrant crime has washed over our city. they are essentially ghost criminals. no criminal history, no photos, no cell phone. >> denver's safety net hospital is struggling to stay afloat after spending about $(13) 600-0000 in care last year for treating tens of thousands of uninsured patients. more than 8,000 migrants made 20,000 visits to denver health in 2023. in el paso, this surge of migrants rushing u.s. authorities in a violent stampede resulting in the rare move of more than 200 migrants being criminal lay charged. over the past couple of weeks we've seen alarming things here
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in new mexico. clear criminal enterprises, human smuggling. we presented our video to the democratic governor asking for explanation, asking for insight into her border strategy here and she has declined an interview. >> harris: i appreciate that so much. matt finn reporting to us. round table. ron, a former acting immigrations and customs enforcement director. art dell kety owe, a friend of the show and we've been to the border together. steven, republican state senator from new mexico and a chicago resident, outspoken and executive director of chicago red. we have to learn about that. however, senator mccutcheon, i will start with you. this is your state that is a new ground for border crossings, for fentanyl, all of that that matt finn was just talking about. what is going on and how quickly has it happened? >> there has been a border
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crisis in new mexico for a long time but starting to get a lot more pressed and a lot more visual because of what texas has done to try to seal their border. because they've sealed up there we have an area that the cartel is labeling themselves as a free zone. they call it a free zone. free for drugs and human trafficking and whatever they want to bring across. >> harris: you are caught in that. from our report what happens in a free zone? matt talked about it a little bit but i'm curious. a ramping up. >> when you seal out portions of the pipeline you increase pressures in other portions of it. so we're seeing just in my district a month ago they busted a prostitution ring operating out of a massage parlor. a lot of women working there were illegals. they were not citizens of the united states. so we see that we have the drugs, a lot in my district,
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fentanyl. we have had double digit increases every year since 2021 at 35,000, 75,000, in 2023, 145,000 just was the fentanyl seizures and track to double that 300,000. >> harris: along with that come deaths. >> four out of five new mexico hospitals are not profitable. they're not profitable for various democratic policies but the border crisis, the care that they have to give on the border and the fentanyl overdoses put a tremendous strain on our healthcare system. >> harris: art, i know that work you have done and been a leader in border protection. i'm just curious as you hear the senator talk about that, what is your reaction to what you are seeing in places like texas and arizona? >> it is frustrating. we realize the media can only show what they can show in the
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areas they can go into. as we've all seen the video of the 300 that crossed in el paso that took down the fencing and everyone was in awe and upset over seeing that. that same weekend there was over 5,000 that came across in arizona. the problem isn't just what we're seeing, it is what we're not seeing, right? so just this past month alone the agency has reported for the month of april that more or less over 83,000 encounters nationwide. then you look at tucson sector at over 30,000 encounters for that month. a big chunk of that out of tucson but you aren't seeing it because unfortunately a lot of it happens in an area of a reservation, native american reservation along the border. 60 miles with mexico. very limited what you have there. agents that are stuck in the processing centers, which is part of their job and we know that. they are so overwhelmed because
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the groups continue to come across. the culprit of the en desire situation is the drug cartels. the ones in charge of everything that's crossing. it doesn't matter what it is. they are the ones that control it and say who crosses and who doesn't cross and under this administration, this current administration has continued to empower the drug cartels along the borders. >> harris: no doubt. if they make decisions about our national security at the border our president and this white house are out of control. >> they are giving them the keys to the country. >> harris: ron, i want to come to you and a sample of how many chicago residents feel about the crisis there. what they are going through. the resources being soaked up. this is how other people in america are feeling what is happening thousands of miles away. watch this. >> you vote for the money for these immigrants today and we are coming for them seats. >> 43-year-old resident of the city of chicago versus being somebody who just got here who being treated just like you
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should be treated. >> they are showing up here in new york and chicago attacking people in the streets, the police are fighting with them in the shelters that you guys are funding. >> you turned your back on the citizens and said your voice doesn't matter. >> harris: welcome back to the program. you and i have been together at the height of some really tough moments in your city. how is it now? >> it's not much better and i was sitting here listening to these gentlemen and it angers me when i think about how our mayor and our governor is scandalizing the governor of texas doing what he has to do because his hands are tied. it is a travesty when you say we are the city of big shoulders. we can take you. we'll welcome you, a welcoming city and then to get to the back end and find out that there are no funds to support people who are coming here. we have no place for those people to be housed. we don't have the resources.
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we've spent in the city of chicago thus far a billion dollars and when you think about those monies and the fact that our communities are still underserved, we still have schools that are underserviced, underutilized, underresourced, and you look at the money that is being spent we are angry. >> harris: it seems like a generational shift. do you think that young people in chicago will feel this for some time? >> absolutely. we don't even know what the effects of this is going to be. when you think about the hospitals and you talked about this, and the schools, and having to have resources for those children who are coming into the country who are migrants, what are we going to do with them? how are we going to take care of them? right now like i said we've spent a billion dollars. we certainly don't have that
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kind of money to spend every year. >> harris: the politics of this are you just told me off camera you voted for the first time republican in a primary. chicago red is a movement that you are part of. >> yes. >> harris: it is interesting because one president, formerly, did some things that stemmed the flow of people coming into the country illegally. and the president the very next one we have now, president biden, has turned on the faucet. >> he has been non-existent when it comes to handling this crisis. he can put forth an executive order to end it any time he feels like it and he has not. not only has he not done anything about it, but none of the democratic lawmakers. they aren't speaking on it or standing up against it. for that reason, i am now republican and i am working to turn chicago red. the sentiment of the citizens of chicago are the same. when you want something
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different, you have to do something different. so that means standing up and saying to the democratic party we're going to no longer blindly support you because you've shown us that you aren't going to support us. >> harris: ron, in ice, as you look as where we are now, how broken are we. >> totally broken. i share the frustration and amen to chicago red. it is a problem in every aspect of the country. you said it in your opening. every state is a border state. this is happening for the choices that this administration has made on the southwest border and also you talked in the opening the secretary finally admitted this was a crisis after over three years. and just an example of how little they care for the rest of us, we -- fox reported early this year so far in the fiscal year they have got 25,000 chinese nationals crossing the border illegally. we know based on the secretary's remarks that 85% of them or more will be released into the united states. where is the plan? where is the plan to hold those
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people, to vet them properly, to make sure that they are not a burden on society or worse, that they come here to do us harm? where is the plan from the administration to team this flow? they haven't done it in any way ever. >> harris: what biden said to israel shortly after the massacre and they retaliated and got into it a little bit with iran, take a win. maybe that's what he wants citizens to do. maybe a win for him in this and he thinks we should just take it. i want to talk you about with the parole situation, if you can, and how we are impacted? >> he is doing whatever he wants. they want the republican states like texas and florida to chase them to the courthouse. that's the biden strategy. parole exists in the immigration and national act. art knows this. it is supposed to be an individualized situation where people come to the border because they have a humanitarian need, an operation for their child. a hospital that can do it very
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well in the united states. we give them allows them to have that operation and then return from where they are from. that's what parole is for. people being persecuted by their own governments and great danger to their own lives or some public interest. we want you as a witness in court against a king pin drug dealer let you have parole to come to the united states and do the testimony in court and go home. this president is said if you are from these four or five countries apply on the app and you can come into the country, over 300,000 people. supposed to be an individual determination they led 300,000 people into the country that way. >> harris: wow. i want to give my special thanks to ron, art, state senator steve mccutcheon of new mexico and kata truss. what a conversation. we learned breaking news this morning. you heard it in the reporting with matt finn talking about laken riley.
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the illegal immigrant charged with murdering her has been indicted in her killing. and i don't know if you are aware, but on the same day jose ibarra allegedly killed lake yen riley is also accused of going to an apartment at the university of georgia peeping through a window and spied on a university staff member. the breaking news, indictment and now we know more about the day she died. we'll keep you posted as more news breaks. nightmare for trump prosecutors. the judge in former president trump's classified documents trial has delayed the trial indefinitely. democrats must hate that. and another hit to trump prosecutions, what a judge in georgia just decided about district attorney fani willis, the one who had a lover on her team until he had to quit because the judge made him? stormy daniels graphic testimony
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got a lot of testimony yesterday. she is back on the stand tomorrow. some legal experts say the prosecution is doing nothing in terms of handing itself favors. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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>> harris: cross examination of sex film star stormy daniels set to begin tomorrow. the case is off today. they're all strategizing after she dished out salacious details. there was a motion for a mistrial. the judge rejected that but said some of her details were better left unsaid? does he have control of that court or not?
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he could have stopped that. here is constitutional law attorney jonathan turley. >> the judge created this dumpster fire that went off in his courtroom. the defense said there is no reason for this witness. she is not material to the case. the details of their alleged tryst doesn't have any bearing on the crime. >> harris: but she loves to talk about it. nate foye is at the new york state supreme court with the latest. >> former president donald trump is spending the off day in florida. he will be coming back to new york to trump tower tonight so he can make it to the courthouse tomorrow for more testimony from adult film actress storm edan yells who testified she meant trump in 2006 and had sex with him shortly after. trump denies having an affair with daniels but can't talk publicly about her because of the court's gag order. trump post evidence about his restrictions on truth social writing in part.
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what these thugs are doing is an attack on the republican party and our once-great nation itself. our first amendment must stand free and strong. give me liberty or give me death. prosecutors said daniels' testimony is necessary to establish the conduct that trump is later accused of trying to hide. but trump's lawyers, as you mentioned, requested a mistrial saying the testimony is unrelated to the charges he faces. the judge said i agree it would have been better if some of these things had been left unsaid. i don't believe we're at a point where a mistrial is warranted. daniels testified she met trump at a celebrity golf tournament. several times after that because she believed that he could help her career. but now she admits that she hates trump. daniels will once again take the stand at 9:30 tomorrow morning. you mentioned her cross examination will continue and the prosecution has already signaled they also have more questions for her. harris. >> harris: all right. it will be another busy day.
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thank you very much, nate foye. brian claypool. criminal defense attorney. paul mauro, and great to see you both. brian, come to you first. in realtime we were reacting to this yesterday. now there has been just a few hours to digest it all. give us the top line in your mind on it. >> great to be back with you. i have one word to react to this. appeal. right? i would tell the prosecutors be careful what you wish for because what they did yesterday, harris, is they secured an appeal for former president trump in the event he is indicted. why am i saying that? jonathan turley is correct. stormy daniels testifying isn't relevant to the case. the case is about whether trump commanded somebody to falsify financial documents with an intent to interfere with the election. what does stormy daniels getting
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undressed in a bedroom, what does president trump allegedly not wearing a condom. about her staring at the ceiling saying i wish i was doing anything but that, that is highly inflammatory. it is not relevant. and it is prejudicial and character as assassination. the judge has no control over the courtroom. why? look what he just said. what judge would say on the record that will be used for an appeal that yeah, some of this stuff probably shouldn't have come in. are you kidding me? that is catastrophic for the prosecution and embarrassing for this judge. >> harris: real quickly, why do we have to wait for an appeal? why didn't he declare the mistrial based on this and more of it coming? >> he clearly should have declared a mistrial and the reason why trump's team did the mistrial is because they are
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securing a record. everything they talk about, the court reporter is typing everything. and that will be used to get this appeal granted. but he didn't want to be embarrassed and why he didn't grant the mistrial motion. >> harris: okay. i want to get to you just with some quick remarks and we'll move on. you have some things you want to tell us about this judge. >> look, i think everything that has been said is absolutely accurate, okay? this thing is ripe for reversal and the appeals court in new york state hopefully reminded us of that by overturning the weinstein case on the same grounds. to put it in laymen's terms you can't dirty the guy up. it has to be relevant to the charges and why they overturned the weinstein case and why trump's case is most certainly ripe for reversal. >> harris: the circuit court of appeals will look into trump's request to disqualify fani willis. this is in his election interference case. i thought she would be a reality
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tv star by now. the judge in this case had ruled that fani willis could stay on the case only if her former lover and prosecutor nathan wade dropped out. he quit. in florida the judge in the documents case postponed the trial indefinitely saying there are too many issues that need to be resolved and jack smith admitted that seized documents from mar-a-lago are not that their original order and sequence. make this make sense. >> they are falling apart. part of what's going on is the rush to indict trump, they are all stepping all over each other. the judge in florida says i will postpone this case. he is stuck in new york and the cases are conflicting. now you get the mess relative to the evidence. the federal case won't be heard until after the election. you have the fani case? the thing about that case. now the senate there is investigating. they have subpoena power. she says she won't respond.
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let's see if they can get her in. the holy grail there with the case going up on appeal. you need to get the evidence of her texts and other material between her and nathan wade. you will open her up to perjury. she said under oath she has campaign money in a closet. >> harris: paul and brian, i will bring you back. so much to get to. "outnumbered" after the break. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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