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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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-- chairman -- tiktok was the lead sponsor of the met gala, spending millions in what is little more than a high profile charm offensive as they fight the government in court. remember tiktok either has to divest from china or face a ban in the u.s. and the met gala chairman is not backing down. >> we aren't going anywhere. we are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. >> they said it was simply impossible to separate tiktok from it's chinese parent company. >> the chinese government has made it clear it would not permit a divestment. >> there's your admission that there's a problem. i believe it there. >> three of him is even more creepy than one of him. raymond, thank you so much, i'm still trying to dissect some of those outfits. that's it for us tonight, follow me on instagram. i want you to send me photos of your pets watching the angle, i kid you not, we have a great photo on instagram. jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".
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tonight... >> absolute melee. [ crowd noise ] >> jesse: the violent revolution continues. journalists catch a beat down. the cross exam, her responses were disastrous. >> some of what she said might generate sympathy for trump. >> only halfway through cross-examination. it could get worse. >> jesse: the media raves -- reins on storm a parade. i thought the masters was finished. pretty sure the super bowl, i watch that already too. and a girl not just go for dinner without a game? >> jesse: women and sports. there it is. >> like what are you talking about? does it ever end? >> jesse: plus... >> one, two. [ screaming ] [♪♪] [♪♪]
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>> jesse: the hamas rioters are out for blood. they started off highjacking buildings, yelling slurs and threatening violence. now they are attacking reporters, slugging cops and stockpiling weapons. over 2500 protesters have been arrested since the college takeovers kicked off, twice as many people arrested as generate sixth for those of you keeping score at home. local and state police conducted late-night rates on multiple campuses. at umass amherst cops in riot gear marched into the encampment and handcuffed 130 protesters. >> hudy you protect? [ chanting ] >> who do you protect? [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] lately lately [ bleep ]
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[ crowd noise ] >> no! [ screaming ] >> jesse: george washington university in dc has been occupied for about two weeks. they planted foreign flags, desecrated statues and called for the beheadings of the schools president and board. riot squads were finally given the green light in the dead of night. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] >> jesse: they made the decision to breach the wannabe terror camp after getting some intel the protesters were gathering items that could be used as weapons and plotting to break into buildings. cops deployed pepper spray after getting punched. the squad calls that police brutality. and says arab spring break is just the beginning.
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>> students have been violently beaten without provocation. they have been arrested and charged with disproportionate offenses. they have been wrongfully smeared as anti-semitic. >> free free. >> palestine [ chanting ] >> i want all the democrats and republicans to know they cannot arrest their way out of this growing dissent. >> jesse: mostly peaceful students who love juice? i don't think so. punching cops is not peaceful and hamas headbands are anti-semitic the last time we checked. to be fair, some protesters have kept it civil and we respect that. like the hunger strike in princeton. >> almost 105 hours since our hunger strike has begun. it has been almost 105 hours since we've had any sort of food. but today is also my birthday. this is absolutely unfair. my peers and i, we are starving,
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we are physically exhausted. i'm literally shaking right now as you can see. we are both cold and hot at the same time. >> jesse: 105 hours is four days without food, not even birthday cake. that is a committed hunger strike. and a great way to get rid of the freshman 15. not that she needs to, she looks great. in ohio, protesters graffitied a building but when a contractor painted over it, they would not move. watch. >> standing in front of the wall >> they are going to love this. thank you. >> giving me a new hoodie. >> you dummies. >> jesse: some of this seems silly but some campus caliphate's are hosting seminars on hand-to-hand combat.
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>> your elbows talked in. >> self defense class? >> you touching my phone? >> i'm sorry. >> no, no, no i don't care, he touched my phone. that's self defense, not assault , you have to learn the difference. >> jesse: that was the ucla's so-called self defense class but why are students being trained to fight if this is a peace movement? at emory university in atlanta drones caught what appears to be a battalion of students training on how to hold the line against riot cops. maxine waters, no relation, told us trump voters are training for violence in the hills. we haven't found any evidence of that but if there were tapes of guys in maga shadowboxing in the quad, it would've played a loop
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until election. the arab antifa may look goofy and weak sprinting around with homemade shields and helmets like a renaissance fair but these videos are reminiscent of al qaeda training videos we watched during the war on terror. remember those? angry unathletic skinny little men who with strength and numbers and a little determination can pack a powerful punch. they only have to be right once. the campus caliphate is growing and could be dangerous, like when they seized a building at columbia and held a janitor hostage. he's scared to go back to work. >> i was ready to go to work and last-minute i said no, i'm not going, i'm not going. i got bad vibes for some reason and i said you know what, i said i'm not going. i don't feel comfortable. and then today i was on campus earlier and i see the protesters again and i'm like i thought
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they were gone. they are still here. and then they said oh well they are going to plant something big at 4:00 and i'm like alright i'm going home. i want no part of it. what are they still doing there? people don't feel comfortable walking through a mop to punch into get into campus. that's crazy. >> jesse: in portland at least 15 squad cars were torched. look at that. an anarchist group took credit for the attacks and state they did it in honor of the student protesters. at the university of washington, black bloc antifa dissented on an event hosted by turning point. fraternity brothers the first line of defense, challenging al qaeda antifa to a push-up contest. >> we are challenging and 15 to a push-up contest. this is unbelievable. i never thought i would see this antifa being challenged by frat boys to do push-ups.
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>> i don't know, brother. [ laughter ] >> challenging antifa. >> jesse: antifa did not drop and give them 50, instead they chose violence. >> wow. absolute melee. throwing punches. wow. wow, wow. >> hold the line! >> wow. this is untenable. >> jesse: investigative journalist on the scene. antifa did not like that. they put his home address on signs so everybody would know where he sleeps. >> don't trip there, girlfriend, don't trip. look at this guy. look at this. look at the shield. you've aloud the looney tunes to take over the campus.
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this as my address on it. hey, look at my address! this is out of control. they are trying to me. >> jesse: but they did not have to wait for him to get home, agitators attacked him and his crew the second they got a chance. [ crowd noise ] >> come on fat boy. >> we should call the cops. >> you have outside agitators antifa, 40 years old, losers with no jobs. go back to read it. >> jesse: investigative journalist and front line who joins me now. just out of the blue, did you hear anything from the american
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association of journalists taking your side saying this has been an unfair and violent attack on freedom of the press? >> jesse, i wish. it's been radio silence. aside from my supporters and others on campus, you know, i'm pretty much on my own. as you saw, if we did not have those courageous security guards with us, it would have been a part different outcome. >> jesse: how many guys were there in that antifa block? >> look, here's how it all started. a pretty much was in the quad yesterday getting b roll video and then i happened to stumble across one of the tents that said "death to fascists." i started recording and then i started to see one, five, ten, 15, 20 guys all blocked up, wearing black armour. they started following me. we started recording. we were trying to leave, that's when the melee broke loose. the situation is untenable and out of control and the part lest
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activists, the professional agitators have infiltrated a u.s. campus. in this case the university of washington. >> jesse: so they have all sorts of padding and helmets. do they have weapons? it looks like they are wielding the umbrellas as a weapon. >> they have umbrellas, they carry bear mace, i have no doubt they have knives. thank god we did not see anything like that being pulled out but again this is how they play. all as a mob. they don't go one on one, they sent ten, 20 guys on us at once and we are totally outnumbered 3-1. it's my two security guards, i'm on my own. i was not instigating at all, i was simply defending myself and had to take off as usual. >> jesse: what is it about antifa that they don't want to show their face? >> that's a great question. these are not students, the vast majority of the folks now in the quad at the university of washington campus are older
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folks, in their forties, may be mid-forties, these are professionals. they don't want to show their faces, they probably have jobs at the local grocery store, gas station or starbucks, i have no idea. but these are also some of the folks that i did recognize who did not have masks on, these are the folks i saw four years ago during the height of the blm riots in 2020, the same agitators are now here on the quad. >> jesse: and every time they are unmasked, not to be mean, it's just not the most delightful booking photo that i've seen, to put it mildly. i'm glad you are okay. you are the one who needs a self defense training. you see all of them out there in the quad learning. you did not expect this when you went into journalism, did you? >> yeah, look, let's just say i've cracked a few skulls in my day so i'm going to be just fine. but this is absolutely scary stuff. i did not realize that after 20 years in american journalism that i would be doing hand-to-hand combat with these idiots in black block.
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>> jesse: they are a bunch of animals. do you think this is getting better or worse? >> this is getting worse. at the end of the day the headline is the leadership and administration failing to protect students and people walking through this public space. if they are afraid to take action, than the governor needs to come out here, call in the national guard and clear this place out. it is a woke cesspool now infected with antifa scum. >> jesse: you cannot have people who don't go to the school, 40 years old, dressed in all black in riot gear with facemasks and weapons pitching tents and assaulting people on campus and not do anything about it. that is absolute insanity. i'm glad you are okay, keep getting this great video, it is brave and it's important. >> thank you for amplifying the story, jesse. >> jesse: fox news alert, joe
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biden is currently withholding military aid to our ally israel in the middle of a war against hamas because of political pressure from radical students. right now israel is on the cusp of going into rafah in southern gaza, the final battle of the war. hamas is entrenched among the palestinian civilian population, has nowhere else to go and still refuses to return hostages or agree to a cease-fire. just moments ago on cnn joe biden through the protesters a bone, declaring that israel would never receive these american weapons if aid went into rafah. watch. >> i've made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't yet, if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. we are not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used. >> artillery shells as well? >> yeah. >> jesse: the weapons biden is
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withholding have been approved by congress and our precision munitions, exactly what israel needs to launch smart strikes against hamas targets with as little collateral damage as possible. this is exactly the opposite of what biden declared israel's mission should be, remember? >> do you believe that hamas must be eliminated entirely? >> yes, i do. >> jesse: it's now clear that president joe biden is withholding military aid from an ally to help win on election. it's the exact same thing democrats accused trump doing and impeached him for. stormy daniels, illegal aliens and swiss army knives ahead. [♪♪]
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to schedule your free inspection, call 833.leaf.filter today or visit i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life.
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and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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[♪♪] >> jesse: democrats know they can't be trump in november which is why they wanted to bury him
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with convictions before election day but now their legal strategy is crumpling. the classified documents case has been delayed indefinitely, probably won't go to trial until after the election and if trump wins it will just have it dropped. a big issue in the case is that the fbi brought props to the mar-a-lago read to stage a photo shoot. remember the picture of trump's documents spread out on the carpet with cover pages is saying top-secret bright red block letters? the fbi staged that shot and brought with them top-secret cover pages, removed some of the trump documents and then slapped the top-secret cover letters right on top to make it look dramatic. the media ate it up. >> the filing includes this stunning photograph, a smattering of highly classified u.s. documents with unmistakably clear top-secret and sci markings laid out on the mar local carpet. >> this picture up on the screen right now, it's very hard for the former president to say he
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did not know he had these documents. i don't know how you would possibly make the claim. >> jesse: in georgia and appeals court sided with trump and will now rule on whether fanny -- willis can be disqualified. in the january 6th case, it's in limbo, waiting for a supreme court decision the summer before things can move on. at this rate, all of these trials may be pushed back until after the election which leaves only one case, alvin braggs case , and the democrats are panicking because it's falling apart. yesterday stormy daniels salacious hearsay testimony was designed to humiliate the former president but it turned into such a train wreck even the media is now admitting it could blow the case up. >> across exam, boy, her responses were disastrous. i mean do you hate donald trump? yes, of course he does. that's a big deal. when the witness hates the person whose liberty is at
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stake, that's a big deal. >> stormy daniels is one of those witnesses that tends to not just answer the question asked but at her -- at her own editorial and that is a really dangerous thing. >> some of what she said may generate sympathy for trump because for all of today, it was fascinating and i'm sure everyone is fascinated, as was i , most of it is just not relevant. >> jesse: in case you missed it, that was jeffrey offering legal analysis. who allegedly impregnated his own colleagues daughter, refused to take a paternity test and then brought her to have an abortion. also famous for getting caught pleasuring himself on a company zoom call. in some ways, this campaign against trump mirrors grover cleveland 1884 election. cleveland a democrat allegedly fathered an illegitimate child a decade before he ran for president and it became a rallying cry for republicans during the campaign. rallies were booming with chanting of my, mall, where's my
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paw. cleveland won that raised by a hair after voters dismissed the sexual indiscretion and eventually went on to become the only u.s. president to serve two nonconsecutive terms. 140 years later, donald trump is trying to achieve the same feat. as flagged by o'reilly's no spin news. trumps didn't -- denying claims made by stormy and looks like he's back on his way to the white house. an attorney representing donald trump joins me now. chris, what is going on down there with these documents? >> well, jesse, i think what you are seeing is across-the-board these cases are starting as you say to crumble a bit. rightly so because they are rife with misconduct, rife with problematic conduct by the prosecution. you have the documents case were now there's allegations that the evidence, the boxes, the
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evidence has been mishandled. there's no question. i was involved in the original proceeding challenging the search warrant and there's no question the photographs were staged. so now there's questions regarding the status of the evidence, the critical evidence in the case. in the georgia case you have an appellate court that has agreed to review what is i think to most americans obvious prosecutorial misconduct so i think that case is falling by the wayside and now this afternoon there are allegations that the justice in the civil case that we tried last fall, that he's under investigation under an ethics investigation because of inappropriate contact ,. and so you wonder at some point how much can the american legal system withstand? how much further are the democrats willing to push the envelope to strain the legal system in order to bend it to their will, in order to try and prevent donald trump from
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getting to the white house? what should have happened is what happened with grover cleveland, let the voters decide. that's why there's an election and donald trump, if they let the voters decide, i think that's what president biden is worried about. >> jesse: he's terrified of it and that's why he's going so crazy. so the judges in trouble, under investigation. what about fani willis, she's now about to be disk you'd by the court of appeals. >> it looks like it. certainly it's a welcome sign for those who are in favor of justice in america, it's a welcome sign that the appellate court is willing to undertake this investigation. that will certainly stall any trial. i think it's a welcome sign in the civil case that you've got justice under some sort of investigation apparently. this has been a judge that has been left basically unsupervised by the new york state court system for the past two years or more.
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and certainly we need a thorough investigation just like is apparently going to happen in georgia. we need a thorough investigation, the judge should be recused in the civil case and it calls into question the entirety of the -- integrity of the process. >> jesse: the judge definitely needs more supervision. everybody can agree upon that. thank you so much. i did not go to law school but i know you are not allowed to take evidence, spread it all around and then ring stuff from outside and slap it on top of it and take photos. that i know is not allowed. thank you so much. >> generally not the best practice. >> jesse: generally not. frowned upon in the legal sense. we just got joe biden buying votes, straight ahead. [♪♪] with homes that have been given to, catastrophically injured veterans, first responders, gold star families. for a groundbreaking of their amenity center. every aspect of this building has been designed with accessibility in mind.
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i saw on the blueprints, it looks amazing. this is going to have a rehabilitation center aquatic therapy, it■s going to have recreational therapy. it■s going to have art therapy. we've got a fitness center. we've got pools that have ramp access for all of our residents to be able to use them. we've got a game room for the kids. we've got an indoor gymnasium, a full size movie theater in here. two outdoor kitchens fully equipped with propane grills and refrigerators we got an entire children's neverland village, got a splash down center for the kids. you name it. we've built it here. until you see it yourself, you will not know how far your eleven dollar donation goes. i'm really looking forward to the adaptable workout equipment. not being able to have to try to find a place that can accommodate the wheels. i look forward to the pool and probably the clubhouse i'm hoping that this village will allow us to share and open up more. if more people are talking about communities like this,
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we■ll develop communities like this. and it■s not something special it becomes the norm. it■s going to be a lot of interaction with other veterans, which is good for me. they understand where i'm coming from. i see it as the center, you know it■s a beacon right here of, the american people has backed through tunnel to towers you see where every bit of your money goes. i donate so they should donate to i really am honored to having a house here. when i was presented with the opportunity to work for them it was a no brainer for me. this is not possible without donor support. to help people like me in your community go to and give eleven dollars a month.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: for years we've heard biden say trump is a threat to democracy. >> this maga threat is a threat to the brick-and-mortar of our
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democratic institutions. >> too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. donald trump and the maga republicans represent and extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic >> jesse: but a new pbs poll shows a majority of independence think it's biden who's a threat to democracy. and the media is very upset. >> i find it shocking. i can't, you know, make sense of that number. i wish i could. i wish i had some really great insight to it but i don't know if it's an outlier or not because the other numbers with independence and biden are going in the right direction so that may be it. >> jesse: nothing is going in the right direction for joe biden. he's trailing trump in every single one of the swing state averages. with so many democrats bailing, the campaign needs a backup plan. find more democrats. how do they do that and where do they get them from?
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joe biden ordered every single one of his federal agencies to register new voters. if you visit they try to register you to vote. the department of interior wants you to register to vote at national parks. if you are in the free lunch program, the usda persuades your parents to register. and put is trying to register homeless people. you see what's happening here, biden is using your tax dollars to register democrats to vote in the election. you say wait, jesse, he wants everyone to register to vote. no, no, no, he's targeting people who interact with the federal government, people who are depending on government assistants, families not get food stamps, families in the free lunch program, free healthcare, homeless people. is this a demographic you would consider traditionally republican? i don't know, may be. it also looks to me like biden wants as many ballots floating
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around as possible. taxpayers, democrats and republicans across the country are funding a massive get out to vote project for biden. whether they like it or not. just this week biden's small business administration cop busted running voter registration drives in michigan. why michigan? here's how they explain it "this partnership will help connect michiganders to vital voter registration information so that more small business owners can exercise their right to vote." it's not like michigan does not know there's an election. every time they turn on their tv there's a campaign at. trump and biden visit every other week. where do these voter registration drives take place? democrat strongholds, not read counties. republicans in congress try to investigate and bring the officials in for questions but the biden guys blew them often did not even show. fox news contributor and former councilor to president trump
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kelly and conway. this looks shady. is it? >> yes, of course it is. basically joe biden's weapon icing aspects of the federal government and in this case to undermine democracy and swing an election his way. turns out we are uncovering people paying off others to swing an election and it's not in braggs courtroom but in our college campuses, working with nonprofit groups and as you say hitting people where they live based on the benefits they receive and try to say if you like this then vote for us, e-bus and power. we know why they are doing this. for the same reason they are prosecuting an overly persecuting donald trump. they can beat him on inflation, the economy, the border, national security, ukraine, you name the issue the democrats are failing and flailing but this is serious stuff because it goes hand-in-hand with joe biden's attempted i off of former college students and current college students. just last week he forgave
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$6 billion in student loans of 317,000 art graduates. you combine they get up and vote program by all the government agencies on the college campuses with the student loan forgiveness, you've got a president not paying $130,000 to a point person, i don't say star because that's an opinion that i don't share. but you combine that and you know what, here's what's scary about it. we won't know if all of this works until it's too late. when you see all of the shenanigans, the mechanics, the process, the ballot harvesting, so many ballots floating, more ballots when people, and it creates chaos and a conundrum for most voters, when should i vote, where do i vote, how do i vote, did i vote, should i not vote. it creates chaos and we don't know how things went until all the votes are counted. >> jesse: you are right, it's like as you are receiving the transaction for the free stuff from the government, they are saying with this you take this and maybe here's a registration
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form as i give you this free stuff. you are exactly right. now kamala just said that from now went till november, you are going to here her talking a lot about the female anatomy. listen. >> i'm so fed up with this sometimes because i'm on the road full time talking about this and other issues. when i went to the reproductive clinic, it was a long day. the press was there and i said let me just tell you and you guys are going to have to be ready for this, ready for certain language, and i said very loudly "ovaries! ". [ laughter ] >> fallopian tubes! uterus! fibroids! and it was the funniest thing for me at least. >> jesse: well at least i may learn something about women following kamala harris but do you think the american voters are ready to here about fallopian tubes for the next six months? >> of course not.
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they finally found something she can say, even for more than one minute without a teleprompter. but seriously speaking, always with this russian title to break an issue and by the way kamala harris makes america's women feel smart. thank you for playing that clip for no other reason than i feel smart are right now. i like the party, republican party speaks to me from my waist up. she wants to talk to everybody from the waist down only and she just proved that. >> jesse: kellyanne conway, thank you and great job on hbo last weekend. >> thank you. >> jesse: women and sports. next. [♪♪] you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden.
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if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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[♪♪] >> jesse: the cpp one app, big hit. migrants have tried to use it more than 64 million times to come into the country. here's how it works. migrants travel from all over the world to mexico and then download the app. they literally camped out in mexico city and wait for a reservation to break into the
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country. investigative journalist nick went there to see how the app is working and who is waiting for us on the other side. watch. >> inside the encampment, one of the migrants received her appointment to go to the united states. >> they received their date to leave and they are leaving today. [ speaking alternate language ] [ speaking alternate language ] >> jesse: not everybody in the camp was happy to see neck walking around, filming and they let him know. >> do you hope your life will be better in the united states?
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what's your plan? all right, someone just through some alcohol at me. >> jesse: these people are coming here with or without biden's app. they are bidding made it to mexico. with a few more months? nick joins me now. what kind of drink was that? >> i don't even know what i'm talking about, that was not very good. alcohol right at my back. >> jesse: that's too bad. these people are just making reservations to break the law? >> yeah, will basically they are actually doing their best to follow the law because the app that joe biden has created has let them sign up once they get to mexico and then from there they can go to the united states, if they receive their appointment. but over 65 -- a pretty big backline. >> jesse: what are the accommodations like? probably pretty certain mexico is not thrilled with the entire world just kind of waiting there
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before they come into the united states. >> yeah, the mexicans are upset too because they are taking up the resources and it's because joe biden is leading the migrants come and giving them hope their lives can be better in the united states. while they are waiting inside mexico city or mexico, they are living in horrible situations. 6-7 people in a tent, it's very sad honestly to see that all of these people are coming because they have the hope of making it. >> jesse: why can't they just apply for asylum from their home country? why do they have to go all the way to mexico, download an app to do it? >> i think it's created chaos, that joe biden wants the people to come to american -- america through an app, and it makes it look better on him. >> jesse: is just a shell game so it doesn't run his numbers up. or most of these people like i've been here too long, i'm going north? >> yeah, there's not a single person who's not going to the united states.
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a lot of them have been waiting for six month or whatever. a lot of them tell me if they don't get it they are just going to go across the border. >> jesse: they are not illegal immigrants according to the white house, just newcomers. we are just making reservations for some newcomers. thank you, you are very brave. next on just turnaround in open your mouth and maybe you will get a cocktail. [ laughter ] >> thank you jesse. [♪♪] >> jesse: it's wednesday, time for cooler. let's bring in fox news host julie and terrace. -- banderas. when the wife is pregnant, it's a big moment when you want to go to the hospital, you can't miss it even if it's the playoffs. defensive player of the year rudy missed game two of the second round to witness the birth of his child and not everyone is happy about it. >> it's a baby, pro, he's going to be there when you get back.
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>> whatever you think you are going to do with the baby, he will be asleep. your good nba healthcare insurance, it's because of you playing. >> first child, not as important of game two of the second round. >> jesse: so i would not do that. i would not miss -- you are in the second round, your team has never won a title, schedule a c-section. >> are you freaking kidding me? i mean do you not understand what would happen if you miss to birth of your firstborn? >> jesse: what, is she going to divorce me? i'm an nba star making millions of dollars. >> i don't think so. yeah, no. if you want a divorce or lose all of your genitalia, then sure go to the game. that would be the stupidest thing you could do, to not be there. >> jesse: she wants or girl. there will be genitalia that will remain. >> i don't care, you are there for the birth of your child. the mother can't escape out on the birth, wash of the father? >> jesse: it's us on.
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when nick rose up, the sun would want the father to play in game two -- it's a son -- when it grows up -- playoffs for basketball and hockey. there are games pretty much every night of the week which is why you need to dvr "primetime" and girlfriends getting tired of it. >> my boyfriend keeps texting me where should we watch the game. like what game? i thought the masters was finished. pretty sure the super bowl, i watch that already. pretty sure it's done. like what now? can a girl not just go for dinner without a game, without the iphone and checking the screen, like what are you talking about? does it ever end? [ laughter ] >> jesse: is that how you feel? >> i can't stand sports. i sympathize for all women who are dating somebody who is obsessed with sports. >> jesse: we all are. don't you realize life revolves around football?
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you have college football saturday, football on sunday, now on monday and thursday, then playoffs in january, than the super bowl, then a little respite and then march madness. >> can't you just record it and watch while we are sleeping? >> jesse: you have to watch it live! >> screw it. who doesn't live? nobody. watch it on dvr. >> jesse: they don't understand. it's not like real housewives, everyone is going to know who won except you. >> that's true. >> jesse: mother's day is sunday." boy. moms everywhere expecting quality family time. relaxation, some gifts. the only problem is no one knows what's to get -- what to get their mom. what do women actually want for mother's day? >> we want nothing. we want to sleep. leave us alone. we want silence got privacy and we don't want you near us. >> jesse: what if there's a gift? are flowers acceptable? >> flowers are always acceptable but it should be at least want them -- wants a month. i don't want a holiday for
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flowers. >> jesse: no flowers. >> just give me my sleep. i don't even need to defeat me or do anything, just leave me alone. leave me the heck alone, that's what i want on mother's day. >> jesse: i will try that. >> actually she will hate you. >> jesse: i'll say it julie told me to do it. >> you personally need to get your butt out there, at the flowers, make her breakfast in bed and service her. don't watch any sports. >> jesse: service. i think she means breakfast in bed. >> i mean lunch and dinner. >> jesse: thank you julie. you are not going to believe what the boy scouts just change their name to. right back. [♪♪]
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birthday saying i'm going to allen bound so when i said they were going for a transition changing there name i was intrigued taking the boy out of the boy scouts all in the name of inclusion. >> it sends a strong message to everybody in america that they can come to this program bring their authentic self be who they are they will be welcomed here. >> jesse: scouts of america. at least the name has america in it. meanwhile a swiss army knife is transitioning it will now be available without a knife. thanks to new english knife regulations don't worry of the corkscrew and nail clippers are going anywhere so no boy and boy scouts and no nice and swiss army knives. every time i think we take 1 step forward we take 2 steps back.
6:00 pm
don't i have a window to share with you. such a good window i almost don't want to share it but what happened was because of my eye twitch accidentally bought decaf coffee now i'm just ringing decaf so moth coffee just decaf twitch gone. that i just. on will hear a 6 lane difference between a man a woman? >> yes, you did i know a guy who had fallopian tubes was just say i tied them up into a nice pretzel. i waters this is my world. >> ♪ ♪


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