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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 10, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is friday, may 10th. happy birthday to walker, my cousin. this is a serious story in tallahassee. fox weather alert. destruction where tornados are touching down and janice dean will bring the latest. >> brian: that, plus learning the president's former attorney michael cohen set to testify on monday in the new york versus trump star. >> will: and mccrobbeary will b here. >> ainsley: drinking cabernet in the cab of your truck. it is about a breakup. >> will: final hour of "fox and friends," remember, mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: fox weather alert.
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tornado touches down in tallahassee, florida. janice dean has the fox weather f forecast. >> janice: people are still hunk erred down. national weather service not reporting and radar is not operating. people are sheltering in place. storms are moving quickly. tornado-warned storms, at least three, indicating strong rotation for lafayette and taylor and madison into valdusta, georgia, for this area of georgia. these storms are really potent, heavy rainfall, hail and tornados. confirmed tornado in the capital of florida, tallahassee, moments ago. we are trying to get reports out
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of the city, people are still sheltering in place. in effect until noon local time and severe storm threat from central florida to the southeast and mid-atlantic. incredible week for severe weather. four tornado emergencies for four separate states. over 60 report of tornados. an ef-1 in oklahoma this week. power tracker watching florida, thousands without power. alabama close to 80,000 without power. another situation unfolding past the storms as they exit eastward reports out of tallahassee. people are still sheltered in place. confirmed tornados, big deal. >> ainsley: that is huge. thank you. we have a fox news alert, we learned the president's former
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attorney michael cohen is set to testify on monday in new york versus trump trial. >> will: following testimony from stormy daniels this week. today former trump white house aide will be back on the stand. >> brian: eric shawn is at the new york supreme court. eric. >> main event monday michael cohen versus donald trump. michael cohen has been called to testify. his much-anticipated from the stand facing off against his former boss and the former president monday morning. from a porn star testifying to how she hates trump to young woman enchanted by him. says he was a great president ands he has been treated unfairly. her name is madeleine wes westerhaat. former assistant when he was in
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the white house. she cried on the stand. prosecutor called madeleine to testify about trump signing of checks in the white house, he was the executive assistant and set up the meeting one month into the presidency between trump and his lawyer michael cohen. some reports claim she was in the meeting and was going to tell about the deal. we never heard anything about that. i was told she was not in that meeting, her desk was six feet from the door. trump is close to his families and he would ask to wave when he took off on marine one. she told the jury she respects trump and thinks he's been
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treated unfairly. it is important to share with the american people the man i got to know. i don't think he's treated fairly. he's amazing and enjoyable to work for. judge merchan dealt defense double defeat, keeping the gag order on trump and denied a mistrial. >> this judge, what he did, what his ruling was is a disgrace. everybody saw what happened today, he's a corrupt judge and totally conflicted. >> michael cohen is expected to detail to the jury alleged agreement in which the former president supposedly agreed to pay off stormy daniels and how that was then repaid to michael cohen through checks sent sfrom trump tower all part of 34 counts of false records that
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make up this case. michael cohen here monday morning. >> brian: we'll find out how long he will be on the stand. he has a lot to say. thank you. >> ainsley: bring in carry urban. she's been in the courtroom most days, what is your reaction to this and what can we believe? he's ben disbarred and caught in lies and served time. >> can you imagine culmination of your case putting a serial liar on the stand after weeks of testimony from witnesses who had nothing but negative things to say about him. this is a -- witnesses, one witness broke down on the stand saying trump has been treated unfairly. even people that were set to say
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negative things about him also said good things about him. we'll see. >> will: kerri, looking back at testimony of stormy daniels, you and i have talked. we had a longer conversation on the will cain show. this has little to do with justice, proof and evidence and the law, it is about throwing dirt and slime. i'm curious -- providing such salacious detail, which plays into the prosecution game of con conflating dirty with unlawful in the eyes of the jury.
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by the time afternoon rolled around and yesterday, as well, she became hostile and defense drew out three themes. she is biassed, she testified proudly she hates trump. she would have danceshg d ded dn the street if he went to jail, flushed him down the toilet. she's made a lot of money off donald trump. plus the fact she owes him thousands of dollars for filing a frivolous lawsuit. if he were to go to jail, it is les likely she would have to pay him. she says she will not follow the order from the ninth circuit, no way that plays well with the jury. lastly, what the defense did was draw out inkonconsistencies in
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testimony. she went from saying i don't care about making money, i want to get the story out. that is ridiculous, she would not have sold her silence to michael cohen. the major inkonconsistency, she signed a statement saying she never had an affair with donald trump. i imagine the jury walked away thinking maybe that sexual encounter happened, this woman is not cred ible. >> brian: nice to know she had a fallback, being a medium and she thought her house was possessed, but it was a possum. looking ahead, do you think michael cohen could be on the stand for two weeks? one week, do you think?
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>> no. i think probably two days, three days most. >> brian: both sides? >> i do. i think it will go poorly for the prosecution. will he say damaging things about donald trump? of course he is. he has lied in courts and to the m media and congress. when trying to draw out negative things that happened with donald trump with previous witnesses, it ends up halfway through going poorly and prosecution starts realizing, this is not what we wanted to do. on cross, what will happen is same thing with stormy daniels, they will go pick apart statement after statement that was inkconsistent he said in th past. it will come down to michael cohen's word and donald trump about bookkeeping.
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could he be there all week? i suppose, i don't see this helping the prosecution. >> brian: then defense takes over and closing statements, could get done by memorial day? >> it is possible. they will cross-examine and they can do redirect, recross, re-re-direct. after michael cohen, i can't imagine them having many people left. it is possible to present closing arguments week before memorial day. one caveat is if donald trump decides to testify. if that happens, this case will take longer, the prosecution will have opportunity to cross-examine him and calculation that donald trump will have to think through. he may not want to open the door to those kinds of questions from the prosecution. >> ainsley: i would be surprised if he did that.
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>> ainsley: and karen mcdougal no longer a witness anymore. >> brian: thanks so much. they don't have friday off, they doll it today. white house scrambling after president biden cnn interview this week, where he stopped sending weapons to israel. >> will: madeleine rivera is l live. >> madeleine: the president must navigate growing rift 29 anti and pro-raisraeli faction of hi party. hard to disagree and dis disappointing. aid to israel is sign protest like the ones on college campuses are working. congresswoman pramila jayapal says i commend the president for protecting innocent palestinian
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lives and refuse to supply wea weapons. mega-donor said bad decision on all levels, please reconsider. let's not forget more jewish voters than muslim voters that care about hamas. listen to the president's red line. >> president biden: i made it clear if they go into rafah, they have not gone into rafah yet. if they go into rafah, i will not supply weapons to deal with rafah. we'll continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and ability to respond to attacks. >> white house think no surprise as they have been signalling their position for some time now. shipment are not from foreign aid package approved last month. >> president and his team have been clear for several weeks we do not support major ground
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operation in rafah. million people are sheltering with nowhere safe to go. president has said that publicly and communicated that repeatedly and straight-forwardly to prime minister netanyahu. >> madeleine: former white house sp spokeperson jen psaki says the president should have acted sooner. >> i think there is some leverage we are seeing being used. should it have been used earlier? yes to that. they are holding back sending of weapons, pretty significant sign. >> madeleine: blinken expected to submit a report to congress regarding whether israel followed international law in operation in gaza. axios reports this could happen as soon as today. >> ainsley: thank you, in her report, she talked about a letter from a big-mega-donor, number 23 on america's richest
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list. he said he thinks it is a bad decision and we need to reconsider, more jewish voters that care about israel than muslim voters. christianity is number one religion, judaism number two. if he cares about voters and seems he's pandoring to voters, he needs to think about, there are more jewish people and many jewish people are not voting for him because of this. >> will: fascinating to see. that is a vote they have relied on. cutting off aid is something joe biden said he would not do in 2019. >> president biden: the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region
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is preposterous, beyond my comprehension anyone would do that. >> will: that was 2019. he was talking directly about israel. >> brian: couple things here. certain times in of well, you do what you are supposed to do. >> ainsley: i agree. he seems to care about voters because he is back pedalling. >> brian: jen psaki revealed where most of the democratic party is, telling stephen c colbert, and what their objective is, they got to say there is protest on campus, michigan is going south, the president should take weapons away. how about allies are democracy, they were attacked october 7, worst since 1940s when hitler was presiding.
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what is objective to wipe out hamas? where are they? rafah. how many are left? 8000. where is the head man, sinwar? in tunnels of rafah issue why not go in. how dare you not allow a country that lost 2200 people, including young people at a concert for peace, how dare you tell them they can't go in and get the people responsible. every person that dies is on hamas's hands. >> ainsley: there are american hostages being held still within -- >> brian: he never brings that up. never brings up the hostages either. everybody wants hostages out. the other thing to keep in mind, president of the united states could be defining hospitals are hit because they are headquarters for hamas. playgrounds are hit because they
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are weapon depots for hamas. wonderful if he would say that instead of throwing israel under the bus. "john >> will: might come up in a debate, he tsaid he will debate trump. >> mr. president, when -- president trump? >> set it up. >> will: set it up. >> ainsley: and trump said, where is it, he said on truth social, let's set it up now. i don't know why i couldn't remember that. >> brian: the president has courtesy to the press, never talks to people. they got to do it. debate commission have not been contacted by either side. trump said if we're going to do it, do it before early voting start to give everybody chance to see both candidates.
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i don't know, if he gets convicted, they will say, i'm not going to debate a felon. >> will: they can't put him up there, no way. no way. you see videos from 2020 debate. >> ainsley: i think they will debate, i think they will. >> brian: if he's trailing. >> will: over to carley. >> carley: additional headlines. on israel front you saw the b bowman tweet saying it is going to impact rioters, it is going to be good to keep riots going. fox news alert. police in riot gear arrest protesters at university of pennsylvania, clearing out anti-israel encampment. officers seen putting people in the back of vans early this morning. governor is calling the situation unacceptable and says it is past time for the university to address protests.
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spirit airline flight ended with two passengers brawling on the plane. two men throwing punches in front of a family. you see a flight attendant trying to shield herself trying to break it up. unclear what sparked the fight, no charges filed. outrage after a transgender runner competed at portland interscholastic league finals. former swimmer riley gaines joins us to discuss and she's outraged, too. >> we can't even be surprise this is happening, this is what the administration is empowering. they are allowing this and celebrating this behavior. we'll see this continue. >> carley: athlete finished first place securing a spot in the varsity finals. >> in time for mother's day,
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give moms and moms to be a special treat, this group hosted to lunch massages, yoga and dance with little ones. it is important for moms to rally around each other for support. >> janice: can i have massages? >> brian: depends from who. >> will: well -- >> ainsley: right on, janice. >> will: friday before mother's day, we asked "fox and friends" viewers how you are celebrating. a mom said she believed mother's day should be celebrated separate from grandmothers. gerald e-mailed, grandmothers should be celebrated with mother's day. it has been that way 100 years. >> janice: my mom is my mother, i need to celebrate her, too.
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hi, stella. >> carley: i just thought of something ems else why not make saturday a day to be celebrate said. >> brian: mother's day eve. >> ainsley: joan wrote this, we celebrate them together, they are both mothers. what is next? >> janice: where did we find that e-mail? >> ainsley: a mom on social media said i'm mother of three, spread too thin, my mom understands, i will celebrate my family and then celebrate her. >> will: we have three mothers on the couch. >> awe. >> carley: so sweet, look at those beautiful flowers being held by lexi. >> brian: second best one, janice. >> janice: i apologize, one
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producer asked me to talk about the borealis. >> brian: just ad-lib, look at the pictures. >> ainsley: so sweet. thank you. >> will: happy mother's day. >> carley: a surprise. >> brian: what are you doing for mother's day? >> janice: i would like a mauncling sa, my husband is fine. >> ainsley: my husband is just fine, i guess. >> janice: westminster dog show is coming up, i'm doing that. there is fun and cake is coming from my birthday. i was born on mother's day. >> carley: do you have anything for your wives? >> brian: absolutely. >> will is not a gift giver. >> will: i nailed it.
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oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. >> will: white house in clean-up mode as biden claimed inflation was 9%n he took office and it was in reality 1.4%. >> are you worried you are running out of time to turn that
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around? >> polling data has billion wrong all along. >> grocery prices up 30% since beginning of the pandemic. >> president biden: fact is that if you take a look at what people have, they have money to spend. >> will: new survey reveals 4% of retirees are living the dream and 89% say inflation is lessening value of their assets. co-host of big money show brian brenberg. two levels, deal with lie and attempt to convince people of lie. this thing was full of lies like inflation rate. >> bryan: >> brian: like me saying, i dropped 40 points in the game, coach said you dropped eight, we have a scorecard. he is saying, i have no responsibility for this. all of this, i got, i made it
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bro better for you. he will not change policy. spending and regulation and everything that drives up cost, he'll stick with it, he says that is solution stuff. not problem causing stuff. that is why you look at retirees living on fixed enemy and they see prices going up and i have famous breathing room and i don't have that, everything is getting compressed here. >> will: trying to convince people of a lie. people have lower consumer confidence, he said, we fixed it. he wants people to believe something different than they feel about the economy. >> brian: he's got to. inflation we have is part of the left's project, they want to change the way we live and make life unaffordable. if he got rid of inflation, you wouldn't have to switch your car
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or stove or wouldn't need government subsidies. we'll keep on with the transact and get you where we want you to be. >> will: big money show today with brian brenberg, tune in. thanks. house majority leader steve scalise live in studio next. >> brian: /* (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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us now. >> great to be with you, happy mother's day in advance. >> brian: first time we've seen y you, you look great. >> all treatment is finished, feeling great. thank you and thank everybody for the prayers. >> ainsley: you look fabulous. >> brian: i could not believe weapons are true, we are cutting off weapons shipments you authorized to israel, not new stuff, old stuff. do you want to stop it? >> i want to reverse it and deliver those weapons to israel that they paid for over a year ago. this is not something new. joe biden is continuing to cater to this anti-american pro-hamas wing of the party. when you see college campuses taking down the american flag, defacing george washington statues, those are people joe
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biden is trying to cater to by walking away from israel. republicans and democrats a lik support israel and don't want joe biden to do this and i think you will see action to push back on it. >> ainsley: republicans are drafting articles of impeachment. he says the house has no choice but to impeach joe biden for threatening to withhold aid to ukraine unless they fire the attorney general of burisma. >> joe biden was critical of previous administrations, what he's doing is much worse. >> ainsley: you can impeach him for this? >> we want to help israel with their fight against hamas. a terrorist organization in hamas invaded israel, brutally
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murdered israelis and is holding hostages, including american citizens. where is joe biden standing up to hamas? he goes after israel everyday and turn his back on our strongest ally in the middle east. you will see strong bipartisan support in congress. used to be unanimous, there is a pro-hamas wing of the democratic party that has taken over and you see joe biden catering and turning from israel. they are sanctioning a lot of antisemitism you are seeing and looking other way toward antisemitism. dangerous for our country or any country to allow. >> ainsley: 7.6 million jewish americans living in our country. >> brian: great to see you, talk to you on the radio later. meanwhile, this. >> ainsley: anti-israel teen protester accused of van liesing
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>> carley: back with headline. wild video out of nebraska. thief in omaha in middle of robbing a jewelry store when
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plans foiled by the store's owner. a u.s. army veteran. he stormed out from the back pointing a gun at the suspect and scared him off. that vet says he always carries a firearm. a blind man survives after falling four stories down an empty elevator shaft. this video is being used in a lawsuit against the building's owner. those are your headlines. thank god that man is alive. >> brian: thanks, carley. 15 minutes before top of the hour. world war i memorial and during the met gala, rich of the rich dress up ridiculously and go talk to each other. they decided to take aim at that in new york city. group of peel el went to this
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world war i memorial and started defiling it. the mayor said i'm putting my own money to find out who did it. turned out the 15-year-old doing it, his dad found out and turned him in yesterday. >> brian: recognized him on the video. >> ainsley: picture of the kid sitting on a bench at the police station. can you drop the banner, cool high-tops and you can't see his face. >> will: defiling american heroes and defiling american history, supporting a cause you know little about. his dad turned him in. i think that is such a probably in some ways difficult decision for a father, but right decision and best decision for his son. best thing he could do as a parent, put his son on the right
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path. >> ainsley: charged with a felony, criminal mischief. >> brian: they burned the flag. >> ainsley: that's that. >> will: counter music. >> brian: will accused me of not having good traningsition. ike you nailed that one. scotty mccreary. >> ainsley: how many number one? six. check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up top of the hour. >> bill: a lot of talent in that room. back in court we go, we'll see former president in minutes. we just learned, next blockbuster witness will appear. trouble in the ranks, why african americans say they do not have love for joe biden. president told whoppers on cnn, we'll go through the list and
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denver cutting cops to help migrants, how will that land? it is friday, folks, we'll see you in minutes, coming up. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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the numb one charts. >> ainsley: his new album is called rise and fall and it's out today. >> brian: why wasn't he looking at the camera? he joins us now to share what's inspired him. great to see you. they've been hanging out all morning. for the record scotty warms up in gym shorts. looks like an athlete. >> ainsley: you can wear them. we dept care. >> we have a show in michigan tonight. that's my plane attire. >> sixth number one. playing at warming up all morning. it's flying up the charts. you have to feel awesome. >> it's awesome. fans are great to me. 13 years i've been doing this. not too long ago we had 0 number ones. i try to remember those times and enjoy it while it's going. a fun ride. >> ainsley: tell us about the song. a breakup song. what happens? >> we wrote this in the
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mountains of north carolina on the back porch and feels like the country music i grew up listening to. a breakup song and i sing it with a smile. >> ainsley: drinking her wine out of a solo cup. >> i didn't want it to go to waste. >> brian: thank goodness people break up. drinking and breaking up is so much part of music. >> aren't the best country songs the heartbreak songs, the breakup songs? it's my favorite. >> brian: do you have writers beating down your door because you've had the run. your goal to them. >> i have a great buddies in nashville. songwriting buddies and we're writing together. i have a lot more songs hitting the in box than previous years when things weren't working so well, which is great. nashville, the artists live there because the songwriters live there. >> i've been asking scotty to make his voice deeper. given me tips, non-surgical.
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you can work to get your voice more manually. >> brian: you have had this deep voice doing "american idol" and how old? >> 16 then, voice dropped five or six. >> brian: it was deep then. do you think you would have broken out without idol? >> my plan was to go to nashville for college and hit the honky tonks. there is a lot of talented folks in nashville. i'll never know. >> ainsley: ready to hear the song. thank you. ♪ ♪ well i've sent a dozens texts and i ain't heard jack. i guess she is busy playing hard to get back ♪ ♪ so i bought roses and her
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favorite wine thinking we'd be making up in no time. i'm park down here on her street, looks like the joke's on me. sitting here i can't believe what i just saw ♪ ♪ couple shadows kissing on her bedroom wall looking like my plan didn't work out at all ♪ ♪ our break turned into broke up ♪ ♪ now i'm finding how a heartbreak tastes with a silver oak 1998 ♪ drinking cab in a solo, solo in the cab of my truck ♪ ♪ oh, yeah, i thought about taking it back to the store because it's the nicest bottle that i ever paid for ♪ ♪ yeah, but then again if i had
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that money back, i would find a bar and go run up a tab ♪ ♪ i could go for a whiskey before i could go for a cold beer but hell, i'm already here sitting here i can't believe what i just saw ♪ ♪ a couple shadows kissing off her bedroom wall ♪ ♪ looking like my plan didn't work out at all, our break turned into broke up ♪ ♪ now i'm finding how a heartbreak tastes with a silver oak 1998 ♪ drinking cab in a solo, solo in the cab of my truck ♪ ♪ she just turned out the lights ♪ ♪ yes, she meant it when she
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said goodbye, man, i swear i can't believe what i just saw, a couple shadows kissing on her bedroom wall ♪ ♪ it's looking like my plan didn't work out at all, that break turned into broke up ♪ ♪ so now i'm finding how a heartbreak tastes with a silver oak 1998 ♪ ♪ i'm drinking cab in a solo, solo in the cab of my truck ♪ yeah, i'm drinking cab in a solo, solo in the cab of my truck ♪ come on. ♪ [cheers and applause]
6:00 am
>> awesome, seriously. >> ainsley: so good. >> brian: how many on this album? >> 13. i wrote 12 of them. >> i'm a country music -- that has my stamp of approval. >> i live in raleigh. i try to keep one foot in the normal world. >> he has the wolfpack on his guitar strap. it's cab in a solo, solo in the cab of my truck. >> brian: download the whole album. >> i've never been more proud of a record. every single song i'm fired up. >> ainsley: he is on "fox & friends" and supports us. you all support him, please. >> bri: thanks, guys. have a great weekend. happy mother's day. >> ainsley: happy mother's day. >> bill: good morning. here we go. donald trump enters thne


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