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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 10, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> trace: i'm trace gallagher thank you for joining us for fox news at night. >> president joe biden: it's 8-point 3% employee data has been rolling along. 80%. democracy is at stake. >> trace: and the fact checkers count 15 lies in 17 minutes during his sit down with cnn he told a lie every 68 seconds in the network that won't let former president trump appear live didn't say a word about biden and at the state of ohio laying down the law on the israel protests threatening student agitators with potential prison time under a law designed to hold members of the kkk accountable coming as arrests are being made on college
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campuses across the country or senior national correspondent's live in dc with the latest on this good evening. >> reporter: roussin this movement across the country first out on the east coast and then the west coast and suddenly to the interior from new york to washington dc to la and seattle and austin and chicago just about everywhere but also as you would know protests have spawned encampments nationwide including over a mat and the university of pennsylvania where encampments were raised and cleared out by a latest efforts by colleges across the country to finally begin to reign in the escalating protests. >> we have an opportunity to lead by example. stop brutalizing your students and show the world you stand by your own mission to work wisely and creatively and effectively for the betterment of mankind.
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>> trace: this is from the lead person mat he says as president my responsibility is to the whole community to make sure the campus is safe and functioning for everybody. saying that the presence of the encampment recently made it impossible to meet all obligations and thus it was moved out. as you would also know mat and harvard were protesters remain camped out on harvard yard long have been in the hot seed over the respective handling over the tense debate on the law months along israel gaza conflict in the protests and encampments going along with that. the protests in part already cost leadership at some ivy league colleges including harvard where even tonight a two-week occupation continues despite pleas from the school interim president for the protesters to finally leave. and on it goes live thank you
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for joining us. >> similar to what we saw happening during covid-19 shutting it down rather than deal with it. the threat of cancellation of the graduation some of the most beloved that students have fought for and that families want to come to we call upon the universities did not even think about it. >> trace: to a story you will only see on fox news at night our next guests where it ucla them demanding action on anti-semitism not just from campus leaders in college state leaders as well. we're bringing in steve hilton and former california state senator gloria romero for first steve the both of you made clear that across the country not just here in california this is a leadership vacuum on this campus. >> absolutely and absence of leadership. the key report had the word
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finally which is great to hear that's what we've been highlighting and ucla in los angeles the leadership or so-called leadership caving to the mob. cancelling classes and commencement in graduation and totally disrupting the education these students have a right to and that they paid for some of the biggest moment so their lives erected by a handful of local and often violent minorities. that's who gets the upper hand because the leaders aren't deleting. >> what would you add to what they are saying? >> it's the sounds of silent deafening may graduate there i did a postdoc at ucla as well the anti-semitism is what is field the protests make no doubt about it. is somebody was washed for auschwitz personally i stood today on these grounds and thought what part of never forget did we not remember.
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so i do call upon not just a lieutenant governor the ag speaker of assembly get a backbone and stand up and provide the education taxpayers fight for as well as ending the anti-semitism korey bush had this to say watch. >> from george washington university to washington and everywhere else students have been violently beaten without provocation arrested and charged with disproportionate offences suspended and barred from campus denied access to food and medical services and karen campus. barred from walking the stage at graduation. >> anti-semitic holding classes across the country and spewing hateful rhetoric for weeks and weeks. >> ridiculous way to look at the
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situation 80% and separate opinion polls and they just went to get on with education being blocked by some student some outside agitators overseas money is feeling all of this and people like that supposed to be standing up for the rule of law underwrites the students to study is absolutely outrageous she makes a point being a former state senator as he's quoting them lingering in the background under which led to around 200 arrests ucla and then they force classes to move online meeting privately with law enforcement officials yet to. >> speaker-02: the news media with the los angeles times
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calling out gavin newsom is mia. >> there is a fearing cowardice have dictation of responsibility the governor needs to stop running across the country preaching to other states how they run their states protect students in california use the bully pulpit to end the mob violence was resorted that sanity to education. last topic your without outrageous what's happening right now as just today we saw your vest handful student sitting there around 12. of the entire commencement moved 30 miles away instead of moving a handful of protesters they've cited with them and all the hard-working majority have to disrupt their plans their families plans because leadership won't stand up to the mob to make if you're the
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chancellor you say remove those students we have a graduation to get back to you. also fox news it made exclusive ohio attorney general is issued a warning to anti- israel protesters who choose to wear a mask saying they could be charged with felonies. the warning based on a state law drafted to hold members of the clue collects clan accountable. here's more with brand-new information on this. the ohio republican ag sent a letter to university presidents alerting them of a little-known state law that could effectively crack down lawbreaking campus protesters trying to hide their identity and the letter explaining that the law makes it a felony to create a crime even a misdemeanour like trespassing with other people while wearing masks. sharing the walls as they become accidental felons caught up in the moment.
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>> why did the kkk and the 20th century where those foods it's because they were committing crimes they didn't want other people to know who they were and what they were doing which is why the state of ohio way back when said it was a more serious crime if you wear a mask while you commit the crime. the same thing is that people don't want to be identified. >> looked at consequences in an online world writing that the thing rivers and so break for many for earlier generations of university activist who gained it moral force in part by putting words on record with their futures in jeopardy for a larger cause for violation as a fourth degree felony punishable
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by 18 months in prison the $5000 find that the 5 years in community control. thank you it's bringing the ohio attorney general. mated for the first time when covid-19 mask mandates where in play they learned protecting them from a surveillance and media scrutiny is there come to serve the same purpose as you have anonymity when nero carved up. >> exactly the idea and it's exactly what the kkk did in the 20th century they wanted
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anonymity because they didn't want to be held accountable for what they were committing. and we just saw a dramatic footage not just from ohio but of people being forcibly removed from places with the commencements up with occupations going on that's a trespass. >> it's interesting as people are wondering what your getting and what the reaction is in your state david is getting pushed back mostly in favour or wet what are you finding? >> the reaction i'm getting from regular people is thank you for speaking up thank you for pointing this out and thank you for saying it some more serious thing when acting in concert and
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acting like a mob and hiding your identity. but candidly our capital city they put out an editorial which is called shameful. with most other places in the country my job is to be illegal for representation for colleges i would've been remiss in my duty i didn't wind the presidents of the university. >> the first amendment is giving you the right to free speech best of luck to you we appreciate your time. in the meantime stormy daniels salacious testimonies in the rearview mirror the entire case will likely come down to testimony of the next witness former trump fixer michael cohen who takes the stand monday
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morning. is more from new york city outside the courthouse with the latest. the prosecution only as 2 witnesses left before the case what happens next week 1 of those 2 witnesses is michael cohen and at the end of court today trumps the lawyers asked the judge to oppose a gag order on him because he posts about the case or talks about it on social media the judge asking the prosecution to ask him to stop doing exactly that trump reacted that today it was definitely amazing. they can say whatever they want but i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody. >> they say cohen live streamed
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on tiktok as recently as wednesday with a t-shirt showing trump behind the bars and untrue social the judge refused to put a gag order on people were truly out of control only on the presidential candidate me, mistrial next week prosecutors used the cohen testimony to convince to them they were in a scheme to pay off stormy daniels. the baiter hundred $30,000 lawyers from both sides last cohen about what trump knew during that time. cohen will take the stand at 9:30 monday morning. >> we will be there waiting for thank you we bring in a law professor stan goldman thank you so i don't get it if you could explain to us with the judge asking prosecutors to ask michael cohen to stop commenting about the case but refuses to put a gag order likely.
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>> insert a c witnesses gate but it's getting close it wouldn't be surprised if he goes on the air over the weekend the judge might find a way to do that especially once he appears in court. there might be an issue as to how much you can gag. >> does the track record work into that because you have michael cohen literally on tiktok going over this case mocking trump on youtube making money off of the case he's free to say what they want and go after him. >> if i was representing trump what more can you ask at some point they have to show the picture from 2 days ago behind the bars and suet the defendant should won't know but in peaches the objectivity if he had any the question is will the jury believe him anyway.
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>> they didn't believe me is on television he went on msnbc telling them that they need to forget about the past lives. >> the median credible whatever happened in the past what i owned claims they shouldn't have been charged with are irrelevant in the case. >> it's not irrelevant he's a convicted liar stuff to get that passed the jury and when you're trying to convince the country as there are plenty of cases tried successfully prosecuted investment based on testimony of murderers but i think he's got a week armour here claiming he's never done anything wrong with tax evasion the past he denied
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he was telling the truth when he pled guilty to be the thing he that was somewhere around that make it look like he can't tell the truth about anything what he pled guilty to. >> if you cross-examine this the go to the cross-examine. what's the main thing you grate -- dragged out of michael cohen in front of the jury? >> show reasonable doubt what you need is on each individual element of the charge with testimony about trump carrying about his wife is a reasonable doubt that might have been his motive even if you were involved with the paying off then it's not a violation of the felony same for cohen if you don't believe cohen with circumstantial check if you don't believe cohen river reasonable doubt as to the testimony credibility whether instructed and done with
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approval. >> trace: jew know the big felony because i can't that's where they have lawyers on the jury. >> you need 2 lawyers to explain at the rest of the jury the also understand the burden of proof so it's big to have those layers on. >> trace: coming up like a horror movie being replayed an illegal immigrant release into the u.s. free to roam as he pleased is charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a child we will talk to nicole parker as this stands does at the same social impact as others taps politically and socially and during a rare sitdown interview at cnn they counted 15 lies in 17 minutes. are common sense and political panel will look at the cnn political polygraph. and then the night graph they tell biden he will debate them anytime anywhere and for the
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first time biden said set it up as to details are being worked out many are sceptical biden would actually debate him do you think a debate will happen or does biden sneak out of it and how let us know on instagram and twitter we will read the best responses in the meantime 8:19 in the west coast first a live look at tempe and arizona home to the arizona stone -- sun devil's than kentucky the bourbon capital the world lay look at providence rhode island home to the first-ever diner in the nation who knew if you can't join us live don't forget to set your dvr and watch as any time we'll be right back with common sense on the 50 and allies in 17 minutes made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile's reliable 5g business internet.
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employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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an illegal immigrant from guatemala has been charged with kidnapping and sexual assault of a child. some very disturbing details about why the suspect was set free in the u.s. to allegedly attack an 11-year-old girl we bring in former fbi agent and fox news correspondent nicole parker. the county beat sheriff said this is about a suspect in marvin perez lopez the share saying we grabbed him he confessed to the crime so he's going to get tried for catholic -- capital crime before he even gets deported he will do the time first is that enough is the if it confession and enough work any changes, please is always a
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worry of a backdoor a side door for these people. >> ease in the state of florida they don't mess around he was not let out on bond this is not a liberal blue state it's a state of florida he will receive full justice for the alleged crime having worked crimes against children for the fbi sexual assault of minors is important and gruesome disgusting and evil that take advantage of a young child where the most vulnerable in society and for this illegal immigrant to come into the united states turn himself in the border patrol and then say, hey, come back for a court day in 2027 an acceptable inexcusable and joe biden and his administration have responsibility for this so many other crimes against the most innocent individuals in our society looking at all these young children being assaulted what is it take to wake up enough is enough.
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>> the sheriff quoting here the other statement was the federal government is victimizing people >> you could stop these individuals from ever coming into the border and i am fair i try to tell the truth under president trump they didn't at this promo the border you know i'm originally from texas it impacts my home state of texas i live in florida got to end and frankly the only way it does end is take it to the polls and the election in november you don't like what you're seeing vote and see what happens. >> just putting it up there for congressional field hearing today and arizona here's what 1 mother testified about losing both her sons to drugs. >> a list my boys due to the fan smoke races in arizona it is dramatically worsened under the
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current ministration idol of my boys to make choices they might not have. >> trace: they might not been able to make that choice a keeps flooding across got about 30 seconds getting to the list of tragedies occurring with a wide-open border let me tell you i believe we're sitting books nursing decks of terrorist attacks around the corner see it stepping on college campuses they don't seem to be anywhere where to speak up about this and unfortunately more more people are will people are faintly speaking out in to see is going on and take what action you can as us is near the right to vote thank you. the common sense department would note during his 17 minute interview on cnn they say he told 15 lies 1 lie every 68 sug
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a paste would give others pause how may times was a challenge during those 150 mean it is cnn aren't they the network that prides itself on the truth are they the network that won't carry a speech alive by the former president because of his misleading claims. >> misleading. cnn relishes a misleading russian collusion and bounty gate, laptops complaint with russian disinformation leased biden's tall tales up tend to be repeat offenders that run his gambit such as billionaires don't pay taxes the economy is great the polls are always wrong and he is always right common sense the favourite fib is that biden said when he came into office it was around 9% was around 1 point 4% but who's counting.
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also who's countering not cnn after roa biden lie is a favouring memory of trump lies an assault on democracy a political polygraph in the media decides a lie is alive. common sense things even they would've created a more honest 1. let's bring in committeeman sean steel delegate roxanne. as it went on for a minute and 20 seconds couldn't have that long so we will play a few of the 15 lies let's watch. >> herbert hoover is the only other job is lost more jobs and these created. >> he says he will do away with what i've done on medicare. probably put a 10% tax increasing everybody's costs around 15 bucks a year civilians have been killed as a consequence of the ways to go
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after population centres. >> they for veteran from speaking and this goes on unchecked? >> the chip they planted into biden it's on a role and he can't get off that path. >> that's a whole thing right speaking of lies i thought this was interesting to you as chuck schumer yesterday was trying to convince the country it was the republicans responsible for these 11 million illegal immigrants crossing the border. >> or publicans are going on and on about the border the fact is a stubborn thing when americans ask this year who's to blame for the continue mess of the border should listen to the words that came from donald trump himself he said please blame it on me that's what trump said.
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>> trace: so easy to fund the police that was republicans win it pulls bad they start twisting >> just an automatic serial liar doing this like a soviet union 30 years ago whatever you say upside down we see in real life receipt on college campuses as the best part is nobody believes him as the top 1 is the border as when you see the border as number 1 as yet to start fibbing about the border. >> a few google illegal alien sexual assault you get a lot of stories and people know what they are seeing.
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>> voters under 30 that was interesting so in 2020 yet biden with a 25-point lead as you do the methods of 43% swing unheard of in politics. >> 1 kind of sample. this is going on and on and on the afghan american committee and among younger women seeing trends we haven't seen with her republican since ronald reagan's not going away seeming to increase. >> 15 seconds to add it to that. >> the numbers are going up. >> trace: come a what would you do if your school allowed satanic priests to serve as volunteer chaplains we're talking public schools it could
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happen in oklahoma if the new bill becomes law the state superintendent says satanists are not welcome in schools but are welcome to go to hell that's the superintendent ryan walters who joins us live next. [ ♪♪ ] of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters.
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>> trace: so have this for friday food for thought tracking similar bills in red states allowing satanic priests to serve as volunteer chaplains a public schools here's the new information on this. >> 2 red states allowing champlin's in public schools placing their own ministers on school campuses with florida in oklahoma legislatures looking at bills to replace clergymen and schools with florida having 2 bills being considered with the satanic temple organization says if they pass it it would gladly play satan worshiping priests on
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campus rhonda santa said it would never happen. >> some would say if you do a school chaplain program that somehow you would have satanists running around at schools were not playing those games in florida is not qualifying to be able to participate in this so we will be using common sense see you don't have to worry about it. >> they challenge him to a debate after they singled the group out he didn't mince words when responding to the ideas saint's -- satanists and schools telling them that they are welcome to go to hell can get much clearer than that. >> we bring in local a state
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superintendent who says see mr wilkin to go to help and give the executive director the satanic temple we are committed to offering compassionate guidance to students who come to us to make positive changes in their lives by listening to their needs providing support they what's the real goal what's the deal here and would you allow them to go to schools mimic i'm not surprised people worship satan why they are lives with her try to do in worship state satan is destroy the lives of children undermine the judeo-christian values of the country and destroyer skills. is not a religion we would allow owner schools are bill would not allow satanists into the school it would only allow religions protected in this country since the outset of the founding it's clear they want to destroy families and kids lies by worshiping the devil that's not a religion we won't allow them at schools it's interesting as
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we had chaplains in the military in congress under president trump we didn't see the satanists believing they could inject themselves in the schools the president biden is cleared the way where they feel emboldened to get in there and influence kids and we aren't sending them to hell. >> they say the following providing religious exemption and legal protection against laws and scientifically restricting people's reproductive autonomy exposing harmful pseudoscientific practitioners in healthcare and schools besieged by proselytizing organizations and engage in other advocacy in accordance with our tenants. why is it -- why is this happening why are they coming up? >> we want the influence as we understand judeo christian values are the foundation of the
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country and they weapon iced the federal government against christians in the 1960s allowing them to be state-sponsored centres of atheism we want her christian communities in judeo christian values but we will not allow satanists to hijack this and believe their way into our schools we will stand firm against us not a religion shows you how the left is also taken history and warped it they didn't believe to invite pitt state in the public schools they wanted to protect the faith of our citizens to feel the practice religious beliefs which is judeo-christian values. >> thank you for coming on the show as always we appreciate it in a follow-up to a story we brought you a couple weeks ago about a faith leader in florida who baptize hundreds of people who baptize hundreds of people in easter sunday celebrating
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sacrament again this time working out of a pickup truck outside of a miami movie theatre we bring in the senior leader of the core group great to have you on the show we left the check in with you mean we were talking about satanic school people i know you are exit which turned to minister what you think about that moving in to your part of the conversation. >> i agree with the what the gentleman said infiltrating and getting into schools destroying good godly values and we have to push against that. we have to protect their children it's a literally nonsense when each christians to go in and say were not having this. >> on the right hand of the screen we see these baptisms all hearing of the endless summer in the summer of love your calling this the summer of baptism
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what's the plan over the next few months? >> summary of baptism and the plan is to go to as many places that allow people as people are desperate for a change and people find that and it's amazing is tomorrow we will be on the beach baptizing thousands of people with 6 locations all over the united states even 1 in new zealand happening so it's really amazing. >> you said you were fishing reversals so what are you telling these people how do you sell them? >> come get transformed that's what it is. it's not hype it's not a poet makes you feel good for a moment this is a turn all thing people can find it the transformation
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is in jesus as you said in the beginning i meant quick and i was homeless living on the streets cutting myself constantly and i am completely changed and only 1 thing did that and that is jesus telling people come get transformed. best of luck to you come back in midsummer happy weekend advice thank you. and coming up a great debate biden versus trump will actually happen biden said today to set it up as he finally ready to take on trump let us know. we will read your responses in the nightcap
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>> back with the nightcap group as with the challenge to debate right now anywhere biden set for the first time set it up still many questions of whether it will actually happen since biden public appearances seem to be guarded in rare.
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is it going to happen will there be special rules attached. let's check in with our political expert on this. as what you will see quickly is president biden we get a break in the media no surprise that president trump will be treated harshly a good barometer probably. >> thank we will see 1 presidential debate. >> that probably won't as they have a thousand outs as they go out the out the debate whatever it is before the debate like the state of the union. they are going to pump him for love drugs that's how he gets for and cover it as the points
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had in the swing states. >> what if trump is 5 or 6 points ahead as with that happening. as biden didn't agree to the debate and that's 1 of us set up so no debates ice cream at 8 as as 1 debate there as it's a very controlled a friendly moderator and it's going to be very biden friendly just because it will be
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by a friendly media company that does the whole thing that's my take. we asked our most social media followers do you think the debates will happen. 8% on twitter anyone present on instagram. it's like trace put us out of our mill -- misery nobly want to see a geriatric rematch of 2020. it won't ask anything relevant as as unless cognitive lead there he won't debate. trumbull debate biden's replacement not unless biden brings a teleprompter with them you already have begun by then thank you all for watching haveb a greautt weekend see you back here monday tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr—
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