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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 11, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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this week said it will give in to the protesters' demands and revise its investment policy. university president luke wood is now explaining his edition telling cbs he did the not want police presence on his cam put -- can campus. >> how i feel about it personally as an individual and really as a black man p i get a heightened level of anxiety. when people are in fear, they respond in a protected mechanism which does not always lead to the best outcomes. gigi the encampment was -- joey: welcome to "fox news live," i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: good to be with you. i'm griff jenkins -- [audio difficulty] jacqui: c.b. cotton is going to take it over for us, he is live on one of these campus protests, near one, rather, for the latest developments. c.b., what do you have going on
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today in brooklyn? >> reporter: we're here at the barclays center, home to to the brooklyn nets and the new york liberty, but today a pro-palestinian group is calling on supporters to come here and protest the ongoing conflict in the middle east. moments ago we watched as officers put these barricades up here and across the street, and certainly we're expecting a law enforcement presence to increase as the day goes on. now, we have seen protests here at the arena since the start of the israel-hamas if waxer but as you were discussing, college campuses and universities have been a focal point of these pro-palestinian demonstrations really within the last month. and now academic leaders are trying to hold commencements with divided ceremonies -- divided campuses, rather. soon those college kids will be heading home for the her, so we may start to see a shift with organizers holding more rallies at places like arenas, public parks, things like that. today's protest could truly mark the beginning of similar ones to
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come. organizers of today's event said on social media they're demanding a, quote, end to the occupation, full liberation and the right of return for all palestinians in gaza, the west bank and around the world to their averagal lands and homes -- original lands and homes. end quote. now, these organizers, at this event today it's like anything you've seen in the past, we're expecting hundreds of people to be here by the end of the afternoon. we're going to be monitoring for any clashes, any marches throughout the city streets and will bring it to you later here on "fox news live." jacqui: c.b. cotton live in brooklyn, thanks. ♪ ♪ griff: well, former president trump hopes to build momentum in new jersey if by holding a rally today that is expected to draw about 40,000 people. bryan llenas is live in wildwood, new jersey, with what we can expect this afternoon. hey, bryan. >> reporter: hey, griff.
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that's right, there are thousands of people expected here today. take a look, actually, some people have been out here, they tell us, since wednesday and even thursday to try and secure a spot for tonight's rally that starts at 5:00. we are in wildwood, new jersey. this is close the actually battleground state pennsylvania, and it is in deep blue new jersey, although this is a republican stronghold down here on cape may on the jersey shore. this is trump's third major campaign rally since he's been preoccupied with the hush money trial the in new york city. there will be a lot of attention tonight as to whether or not the former president will potentially get close to or even violate that gag order by choosing to attack michael cohen, his former personal attorney who's set to testify on monday as the prosecution's star witness. yesterday judge juan merchan told prosecutors to directly warn cohen to stop commenting on the case and trump. cohen, over the course of this trial, has been almost baiting trump, posting hours of live
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stream videos on tiktok commenting on the case and attacking the former president. even wearing a t-shirt on wednesday in one of the videos with a picture of trump behind bars. prosecutors say they have repeatedly asked cohen to stop and and he hasn't listened. merchan says the court can't subject witnesses like cohen to a gag order. trump, who's been fined $10,000 for violating the gag order, voiced his frustration yesterday. >> what the judge did was amazing, actually. it was amazing. everybody can say whatever they want. they can say whatever they want with, but i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody. it's a disgrace. >> reporter: now, trump's attorneys told the jury in this case during opening statements not to trust testimony from michael can cohen, particularly because he's based his, quote, entire financial livelihood on trump's destruction. prosecutors claim trump falsify
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pd those business with records in order to hide $130,000 hush money payment, those reimbursements that were made to cohen who ended up making that payment allegedly to the porn if star stormy daniels. now, ultimately here, you know, it is important to note that cohen pled guilty to federal charges for that hush money payment in 2018, but he also a pled guilty for lying to congress, lying to banks and even this past week a federal judge said that he potentially per youred himself when he -- perjured himself when he testified in trump's civil case in the fall. we'll see at 55 p.m. today what trump has to say in beautiful wildwood, new jersey. griff: we'll be following it. and, bryan with, i know my friend neil cavuto was talking about he has a health restriction to those italian grinders. i have no nobody known -- >> reporter: no, neither do i. griff: so send them down here to
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d.c. bryan llenas, live from wildwood. thank you very much is. jacqui: maryland's senate pri player's -- primary is heating up while former governor larry hogan is the latest on this race for us. hey, mark. >> reporter: good afternoon to you with. former governor larry 40 hogan appeared so confidence in tuesday's primary, he's not even campaigning this weekend with. after tuesday's primary after he likely becomes the republican nominee, republicans here in maryland with tell us they are going to do all they can, work very hard to try to flip a traditionally blue senate seat red. >> we need to treat in that we're down 5 points even though we know we can win and make the difference. but we're going to need a lot of resources, a lot of grassroots activism and really just outreach on these common sense principles which are not really partisan issues. >> reporter: ho-ho began is an outspoken critic of former
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president trump, and he says he's not even going to vote for trump this fall. while we'd moral -- normally see the back and forth between the former president and hogan, as of right now, trump is keeping quiet. it could certainly determine the balance of power in the senate. and while there are 10 democrats running to replace the senator who's retiring, ben cardin, the race appears to center on two candidates. alsobrooks had a campaign event earlier this morning, she's been trying to get out the vote holding multiple events in the baltimore area, an indication she knows she's going to have to overcome the the financial advantage that congressman trone has right now. >> we still believe that in this country if you put in the work, you care about a people, you deliver results, that no matter what even a mountain $622 million high can't defeat us. if. >> reporter: as you heard or,
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the county executive saying her opponent has already spent $60 million of his own money in this primary, a huge sum of money. and, of course, it's going to come out to turnout. jacqui: all right. mark meredith for us, thanks. ♪ friday griff now to our southern border where officials are concerned the cartels are getting more brains as now for the second time in two weeks agents have come under fire in the el paso area. agents were fired upon from the if mexican side just south of the border station. cbp called it a use of force incident. fortunately, no injuries were reported, but the fbi is getting involved saying this in a statement: el paso's violet crime task force is working closely with the office of position alp responsibility on this assault on a federal officer investigation. for more on this we're joined
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now with by national border patrol council vice president art del cueto and el cajon, california, mayor bill wells. yes men, thank you for being here. art, i want to go right to you. i've spent a lot of time in the field with you guys. this occasionally happens, but shots fired from the mexican side has got to set a off some serious alarm bells for the safety of agents. >> no, it definitely does. look, we mow it's a dangerous job. we've known from day one. unfortunately, this -- what's happening now is the direct cause because the criminals know that they can do whatever they want, and and they haven't faced any consequences. look, we just saw what happened in el paso with that large group that came across, how many did get -- that's a sign that goes worldwide and they say, look, you guys can do whatever you want because you're not going to face consequences. we've seen it many times for many years where agents have been attacked, and the
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individuals don't face con. intentions. many times the agents get injured, and they're receiving medical help, and the individual that has attack thed them has already been released. so this is something that's develop on for quite only time, and no one's taking the action to prosecute these individuals. we've got this going on now, it's serious. shots fired. these individuals have seen that they don't face consequences for their actions. friday griff and, mayor wells, in your area in california are you seeing a boehmedenening -- emboldening of the migrants coming through your area? >> it's the really the cartels. they run the entire show at the border. as things ooh tighten up in texas and arizona, we've seen a huge number of people shifting, which is at the direction of the cartels, to the san diego area. so so we've had 2214,000 the -- 214,000 people dropped off on the border since october. and last month we had 37,000
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people in just one month alone. we're seeing about 11,000-1,2 -- 1,000 people a day coming across the border and being cropped off in the streets -- dropped off in the streets of san diego county. griff: and, bill, we're seeing specifically chinese migrants. we can show you just some of the numbers in recent months here, the to border-wide the numbers you've got there. over 2,000 in march, over 3,3000 in april, over 12000 in the first -- 1200 in the first 8 days of may, actually. more than 99 a 5% of them if you look just in the san diego sector, it's almost identical a numbers. they're all coming there. what are you seeing, is and why is this happening? >> so we've seen about a 05,000 -- 5,000% increase in chinese nationals, mostly just single men and system single women. but not the kind of families that that you would expect to see or people coming over looking for a better life and a
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chance to raise their family in a better environment. they're here for some reason, and and we don't really know why they're here. but i recently had a chance to see a whole collection of id cards that somebody found in their front yard very close to the border, and most of those that i saw were chinese nationals. griff: yeah, that individual, corey, he's great. i've been out with him. he's a gun store owner, and he's on the border often. i've been with him when we pick those things up. it's quite a thing. let me just paint a picture here. the week that we have followed so closely trials, we've followed protests, but the border has had a lot of news. not only were agents fired upon, not op only are an unprecedented number of migrants coming across, but now you have in addition to all of this a field hearing, republicans held it in arizona, art, where you had a grieving mother who lost two sons just weeks apart last year talking about the fentanyl
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crisis. listen here. >> they made their choices, and and our family has to live with them. but this virtual flood of pills both into and through arizona which has dramatically e osar worsennenned under the current administration, allowed my boys to make choices they may not have without the current open border crisis. griff: art, what do you say to her? >> look, it's horrific, and it continues to happen. as tated earlier, you know, you see what's happening in california because as texas has tightened up, but unfortunately i will say this, look, arizona has continued to be either number one or number two when it comes to encounters. it continues to be at the top of the list when it comes to gotaways. the cartels know what they're doing. they know where they're going to cross individuals from what countries, what creates more of a media, you know, heightened awareness in one area than the other. that's why arizona, obviously, the area of the -- and i know people are tired of hearing it, but that is over 60 lin are car
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miles where it's got very limited access is, very limited resources, and that is where the drug cartels continue to bring, you know, dangerous drugs into the country. and, look, these field hearings are great. i think they're fantastic because the american public needs to see what's going on. but at the same time, you know, we need to make sure that we stay focused and we get individuals out there that can actually tell you what's going on consistently. griff: yeah. >> it has been quite a mess throughout the entire border and, unfortunately, arizona continues to be at the top, and that is where the majority of the heroin, meth am methamphetamines and fentanyl continues to come into the country. griff: and you mentioned one of the leading sectors for gotaways. just a few days ago i broke the news, i got insight from cbp sources there have been more than 175,000 known goesaway withs -- gotaways since the fiscal year began. and i don't have to tell you, art, because every agency talk to that talks about they are most concerned about that. border patrol chief jason owens
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told cbs that's what keeps him up at night, the gotaways. mayor wells, how concerned are you that someone with who wasn't apprehended that came in the dark of night, that has ill intentions for your community could pose a public safety risk? >> well, it's common sense, isn't it? if you try to come across the border, you're hiding a criminal past or terroristic ties, you would want to come over or in a place where you weren't going to be caught. you're going to want to sneak over, maybe pay a little bit of extra money. i'm also concerned about the 100,000 children that have disappeared that we know are being sex trafficked. griff: all right, we've got to leave it there, mayor, art, have a great weekend. >> thank you. jacqui: griff, you might have caught a glimpse of the northern lights yesterday. that was because of a severe geomagnetic storm that made the lights visible. but this event has sparked some concerns. madison scarpino is live with more details on this for us.
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hey, madison. >> reporter: a really cool thing to see, but it's already causing some problems at a big power grids across the country according to noaa. space weather experts say that we haven't seen this strong of a solar storm in decades. >> nothing that's not controllable, but we already have reports that they are seeing things show up, they're dealing with the problems. they're busy tonight, all of those operators, making sure the electricity continues to flow. >> reporter: so far nobody has lost power, and the agency doesn't expect it to impact people's neighborhoods. noaa's space weather prediction center classified yesterday's solar storm as a g5, the highest level are. now, here's some more video of the remarkable northern lights that people were seeing. seeing this is a bucket list thing for a lot of people. and millions of americans got to check that off last night when those pink, between and purple skies lit up right in their backyards. here's a fizz zest explaining
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how it works. >> basically what happens is part of the sun actually lifts off the surface, right? so this plasma, the charged particles, the magnetic field that makes up the sun, part of it streams away into space. >> reporter: and nasa says that the storms didn't cause any if serious issues with the seven astronauts aboard the international space station. and as of this morning, conditions are back to a level 4 storm, but the sun's surface is still pretty active according to fox weather. so if you missed seeing those northern lights last night, you still might have a chance to catch a glimpse tonight or the coming days. jacqui: all right. madison scarpino for a as, thanks. give judge juan merchan give michael cohen a warning before his testimony the on monday. that's next. but first, look at this, a live look over the national mall in washington, d.c. where right now we're watching dozens of vintage
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airplanes performing a flyover to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the aircraft owners and pilots' association. we'll check back in and try to identify some of these flying relics of history if we, indeed, can see them. we'll be back. ♪ ok ♪ strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... ...choose stelara® from the start... ...and move toward relief after the first dose... ...with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've had an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths,
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griff: former president trump's hush money trial in new york set to have its biggest day yet on monday with testimony from the prosecution's most crucial witness, michael cohen. madeleine rivera is live with the latest. >> reporter: hey, griff with. prosecutors have a lot riding on michael cohen. he will detail the alleged scheme by former president trump to pay off stormy daniels and reimbursement cohen for paying her or so her story of an affair with trump world not damage his 2016 campaign -- could -- would not damage. but cohen is being reprimanded ahead of his testimony, the judge asking prosecutors the have him stop talking about the case against trump. >> i will have a lot on my plate sometime beginning next week. smash those hearts, smash the blue hearts and so on, the like button, all that crap.
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do that just so we can show maga. >> reporter: judge her. chan did not place a gag order on cohen causing the form former to lash out against the judge. a former white house aide testified on friday that trump was a multitasker who would sign documents without reviewing them sometimes, and that could undermine the prosecution's argument that turn would have been aware of of the $130,000 payment to cohen. other witnesses included a lead compliance analyst for at&t, a senior analyst in executive relations at verizon and two paralegals from the manhattan district attorney's office. it was much dryer than daniels' dramatic testimony earlier in the week, but ultimately prosecutors are trying to establish a paper trail including phone logs to show how money changed hands. griff. griff: it's going to be an interesting testimony on monday. madeleine are rivera with the latest. thank you. jacqui: we're joined my
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former -- by former federal prosecutor katie cher cat sky, appreciate your time. >> sure. jacqui: everyone's looking ahead to monday. michael to cohen is crucial to the case because he's expected to testify that the reimbursements were falsify pd at the then-president's direction. but this is a man who has admitted to lying the congress in the past. how valuable can his testimony be at this point? >> well, i really don't know how michael cohen, even if we believe anything he says, could establish why these were false entries, and that is the minimum mall offense9 that the prosecution needs to establish, that these were false entries into business records. the only witness who would really matter is some sort of accounting expert to say this is an improper december egg neigh of that expense at a minimum if level, and that's not even talking about the escalated felony offense they need to
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prove. so certainly, michael cohen's testimony will not be believeed. he will undoubtedly try to tie donald trump directly to the so-called scheme to make this plan to pay stormy daniels and then to be reimbursed, but it doesn't speak to the criminality. that's what the prosecution is still missing, and even after cohen's testimony, i anticipate that will still be lackingful. jacqui: how much do you think it matters that cohen has been publicly taunting trump on tiktok wearing a t-shirt that shows trump behind bars? will the jurors really be able to get a sense of that given that they're not supposed to be paying attention to any news rounding this -- surrounding this case? do you think that will come through in the courtroom? >> it's a mockery of the judicial system, needless the say. these jurors are ordered to not pay attention to the news media, but heir not she questerred. they do go home every night and certainly, i'm sure, many of them are familiar with michael cohen and may be a aware of what he's been saying throughout this process.
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it does make it more incredible to have a witness taunting somebody on trial that, obviously, is presumed innocent to suggest that they can single-handedly convince others of their a guilt. but again, michael cohen's testimony, regardless of what he says, does not answer the mail about the criminality of -- the or jurors might be losing patience with the prosecution to be put through all of this very irrelevant testimony up to this point without answering the mail on that very issue. jacqui: to your point, the one witness who probably had the most relevant testimony was madeleine westerhaut, the junior book keep or, and yesterday i think it was, you know, she had a chance basically to further the defense's argument that trump made these payments not to win the election, but to protect his family, his reputation and his brand. and in her testimony, i one part that stuck out to me, she acknowledged that the whole situation was very unpleasant,
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but that her former boss never brought up his family during any of this. how much does that that weigh on the outcome here? >> well, theoretically the idea of what was motivating the payments could be part of the prosecution's case in the sense that they're trying to show that this was some sort of effort to impact the election directly versus something he was doing to protect his own reputation, his own family, his own brand which obviously is a legal purpose. but we still don't really know what the escalated offense is that they're trying to prove, nor has the prosecution even tied donald trump directly to the decisions that were made in processing these payments, in documenting how they were going to be re'em bursting michael cohen -- reimbursing michael cohen and the like. so it's been a slow burn to even tie donald trump to making the payments which, again, are lawful payments. we haven't seen anything whatsoever suggesting there was a criminal scheme of some sort and certainly nothing that a donald trump was personally tied to. again, michael cohen will tie
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him to some of these discussions, i'm sure, but whether he can be believed, that's going to be a tall order if not impossible for the jurors to get there with him. ye i want to ask you about something jonathan turley said pointing to what the judge suggested. the judge on friday suggested that former trump cfo alan wising burg should perhaps testify after prosecutors tried to bring his severance package into evidence. jonathan turley e had an interesting take on that hole de judge. listen to this. >> yeah, it's very unusual. it reminds me of a judge when i started out as a lawyer, he was notorious because he would say is the defense ready to present its case and turn to the prosecutors and say, are we ready to present our case. this is a little bit crossing the line. jacqui: i should clarify not a motion in the legal sensuous but a suggestion from the if judge that rubbed jonathan turley the wrong way. wisen burg is sentenced to five
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months in jail for perjury, and you have the judge suggesting a new witness while telling another witness -- rather, while admitting a lot of irrelevant testimony from one witness telling the defendant can, trump, that he can't talk at all. so what is your take on the judge with here in this case and that suggestion from him? >> maybe the judge does the feel that the prosecution has not presented a case, and the big question will be at the close of the prosecution's case the defense will, i'm sure, move for a directed verdict meaning that they will can the judge to find donald trump not guilty as a matter of the evidence presented before the case even makes it to a jury. and if the judge has any credibility yet, he could very well grant that motion. that is something that the defense is going to walk through very specifically. but if there is literally no testimony that gets to the heart
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of those elements, then a directed verdict9 of not guilty should be granted. is so perhaps the judge, again trying to maybe assist the prosecution, is really stepping out of bounds here. but we've been saying that all along, and that's very much true. this is not something you see in courtroom across america. this is a terrible reflection of the justice system, and it's just not accurate. jacqui: we'll be watching it as it continues to unfold. katie cher caf sky, thanks very much for come ogg. en. griff: new reaction to articles of impeachment being prepared against president biden over his threat to halt some weapons to israel. that's next. griff: but first, let's check back on the skies over the national mall in washington, d.c. where a first of its kind flyover is being performed. dozens of aircraft. you can see them there flying in the sky, two of them representing multiple storied chapters of aviation history, soaring 11,000 feet above --
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1,000 feet above the national mall as we watch them pass. i don't know what they are, but they're in the annals of u.s. aviation history. ♪ help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec.
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griff: president biden now facing impeachment efforts from some republicans following his threat to withhold weapons from israel if it moves forward with military operations in rafah. lucas tomlinson is live outside the white house on the north lawn with more. >> reporter: griff, the republican lawmaker leading the effort says president biden's decision the to withhold weaponry to israel is all about politics. cory mills, congressman from florida, said that, quote, he wants to win michigan, he wants to bander to the radical left. now, of course, president reagay president to withhold aid to israel, ronald reagan held up sending f-16s and cluster bombs in the early '80s. now is not the time to delay weapons shipments to israel after hamas slaughtered 12000
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israel -- 1200 israelis on october 7th. blocking weapon to israel while talking about settlement policy in 2019 is something biden said he would never do. >> to the israelis, but the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. it's just beyond my comprehension anyone if would to that. >> reporter: the white house defending the move saying, quote, our actions have been consistent with the law. we have been clear that every last cent of those funds will be spent consistent with legal obligations including respecting the recently-passed supplemental. earlier, the top democrat on the house armed services committee, adam smith, said what's being withheld are dumb bombs and that the president could have smoke. en -- spoken more clearly.
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when israeli forces struck that nuclear reactor in iraq, president reagan's national security adviser at the time, richard a a allen, said when reagan was briefed reagan said, quote, boys will be boys. griff? griff: lucas tomlinson, impressive. able to recall historical notes while a lot of sirens passing outside the white house gates there. lucas tomlinson live at the white house, thank you very much. jacqui: all right. for more on this we are joined by republican congressman from new york and member of the house foreign affairs and financial services committees mike lawler. congressman, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. jeff e swre thank you. i just want to begin where lucas left off which is with your colleague, cory mills, filing articles of impeachment against the president for withholding these shipments of thousands of bombs, you know? as he noted, reagan did this before, george h.w. bush did this before. does what president biden did in your mind rise to the level of a
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high crime or misdemeanor? >> look, i think what president biden is doing at this moment of war is unconscionable, and i think as corey mills pointed out, he is putting electoral politics ahead of the safety and security of one of our closest allies in the world. but we're less than six months away from an election, and i trust the judgment of the american people. i think what the democrats did in 2019 and '20, politicizing impeachment, did not serve the country well. i don't think it serves us well this close the an election, to be engaged in this. i think the objective here is the a make sure that israel gets the weaponry and the ammunitions that it needs to prosecute this war against hamas, a terroristest organizationful -- terrorist organization. i think joe biden should be embarrassed and ashamed of himself for allowing electoral politics to take precedent over
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the safety and well-being of the israeli people and the state of israel. jacqui: what i'm hearing from you, just the clarify, is that, no on impeachment at this point. correct? >> correct. look, we're less than six months away from an election. the american people are going to decide who the next president i- jacqui: got it. >> and, frankly, you know, joe biden's foreign policy has been a disaster starting with the withdrawal in afghanistan and now here with the withholding of weapons to israel. and i think the american people will render a judgment on that. jacqui: i want to move on to ask you about these campus protests that have deinvolved into dismays of anti-semitism across the country. sacramento state university has act but yes, sirred to proteste,
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sirred to protesters' demands and met if their demands -- met their demands. they made changes to university policies including issuing this statement. they say, this is what the president wrote, we believe it's important that our efforts to fund students' education do not rely on us benefiting from companies that profit from ethnic cleansing, genocide or human rights violations. so in a way, really making a statement about what is happening in gaza and calling israel genocidal. is that how you understand this? >> it's quite remarkable, you know in these are the same institutions that have no problem taking foreign investment from countries that actually engage in human rights violations. israel is not an apartheid state. israel is the only
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multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious democracy in the middle east. iran, china, russia, these countries are engaged in an unholy alliance that seeks to undermine and destable ease the united states and the -- destabilize the united states and the free world. china and the biggest purchaser of iranian petroleum, sale up $88 billion since joe biden took office. that's what funds hamas, hezbollah, the houthis. the fact that you have students engaged in these protests that are claiming we are hamas, the fact that hamas, iran and china have enors doered these proteste protests speaks volumes to the absurdity of them. and the fact that these institutions are acquiescing to the demands of petulant children is an embarrassment. we need to crack down on the anti-semitism that is running rampant on these universities and college campuses. it's why i fought the pass the anti-semitism awareness act which codifies president trump's
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executive order into law back in 20119 that requires the department of -- 2019 that requires the the president of education to adopt the working definition. that is what we have to be doing at this moment. people are entitled to free speech, they're not entitled to engage in violence or threats of violence against individuals simply because they're jewish. jacqui: well, and we should note that, you know, this decision really has no impact on the war. the sweeping change to the language of the university policy would 'em my candidate potentially -- implicate their involvement with companies that deal with china which is conducting a genocide against the weergs, but caving the these hundred or so kids after eight days making tease broad changes is pretty noting. especially in light of the state department report, and we're almost out of time, but i want to ask you because the state department has found, basically, that israel is lawfully using weapons provided by the u.s. government while very critical of's israel's conduct and calling for israel to do more.
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the state department found that israel's use of u.s. weapons is fully compliant and that weapons shipments can continue. that's despite president biden withholding them. what's your take on that? >> again, the president's decision and the remarks by senator schumer calling for regime change and nancy pelosi calling for prime minister netanyahu to step down are all political. it's rooted in the fact that they are concerned about electoral politics in michigan and minnesota. it has nothing to do with how israel has actually prosecuted the war. i think israel has taken great care to adhere the international law. hamas uses innocent palestinians as human shields. they don't care if innocent palestinians die. they use that as a battle cry. hamas is a terrorist organization that needs to be eliminated. israel that has a right to defend themselves, and i remind everyone the fastest way for a
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ceasefire to occur is for hamas to surrender and release the hostages. that is what president biden should be demanding. that is what democrats across america should be demanding, and that's what these protesters should be demanding. jacqui: your colleagues have made that point. telling israel to pull back really doesn't give hamas much incentive to do that. mike lawler, thank you so much, congressman, for being with us. appreciate your time this saturday. >> thanks. griff: powerful tornadoes turn deadly in tallahassee, florida. we'll take you there next. ♪ ♪ a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.
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confirmed tornadoes across the u.s. this week and, of course, tallahassee now reeling from that damage along with power outages after four radar-confirmed tornadoes. the 55% tree coverage that this city is so is proud of and known for took a beating from it, and it did kill one person, a woman killed in her home as a tree fell on top of her family's house on the west side of the city. now, take a look at this video of this power line on fire. nearly 90,000 residents across the panhandle of florida out of power. a majority of those outages here in leon county. the city of tallahassee said there was severe damage to their electric grid, linemen from 20 mutual aid crews are working here to restore the power. now, residents majorly impacted, i spoke to one heard alarms go off warning of a tornado, didn't think much of it. but this was the result. here's what she said. >> within minutes it was very, very crowd.
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loud. winds, like the classic tornado sounds that you hear people talk about, like the train sounds? and then things started hitting by house. it was, like, the fastest but scariest couple of minutes that aye had here. >> reporter: all right, griff. we're sending bait -- it back to you. griff: brandy, thank you very much. stay safe with those downed trees. jacqui: sean diddy combs has asked a judge to throw out a lawsuit that alleges he raped aa lawsuit that alleges he raped aa teenage girl. details coming up next. . for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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jacqui: rapper sean did the city combs has asked a judge to dismiss a rape lawsuit against him on friday as the rapp titan faces multiple lawsuits against him with two- his e homes raided in march. claudia cowan joins us with the latest on this one. >> reporter: that sex trafficking case continues, but in the meantime, combs is fighting this latest lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault calling it a, quote, that false and hideous claim that was filed too late under the law. his motion to dismiss comes in response the a lawsuit filed back in december by a woman whose name has not been disclosed. she claims back in 2003 when she was 17 and a high school student? detroit, she was flown to a
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recording studio in new york where she said she was driven drugs and which will until she was too inebriated to give concept, and then she says she was gang raped by combs as well as the head of his record label and a third man she didn't know. the lawsuit contains pictures of the woman sitting on combs' lap on the night she claims she was assaulted. comb's legal team says the lawsuit has damaged the three pen's business standing add, quote, the plaintiff cannot allege what day or time of year the alleged incident occurred but miraculously remembers salacious details despite her incapacitated condition. they also say the lawsuit was filed after the state's statute of limitations ran out. but lawyers for the alleged victim fired back saying the motion to dismiss the case is just a desperate attempt by combs to avoid accountability. it won't work. the 54-year-old hip-hop mogul has settled out of court with at least one of his many accusers,
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but he has never been formally charged and has denied any wrongdoing. it's unclear when the judge will rule on this latest legal maneuver. jacqui: we'll watch for that. claudia cowan, thanks so much. philadelphia. griff: we have much more ahead including anti-semitism on campus, and we'll spoke withams families of israeli hostages coming up next. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot.
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jacqui: president biden facing fierce criticism and impeachment articles from


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