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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 12, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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(vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. nasa see event in a in the blue
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state of new jersey tens of thousands turned out for beachfront rally held by former president trump in wildwood, new jersey. trump told supporters he plans on flipping the garden state read and took aim at president biden on everything from the economy comment to electric cars as the two races towards a rematch in november. hello everyone and welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville hello eric. super hello everyone thank you for joining us in varick schaumburg former president trump comic man did he bring on the surpr surprising new jersey yesterday north dakota governor former republican presidential candidate doug berger and run the former president on the stand and the stump. that's fueling speculation this morning that he could be on top of the shortlist for trumps of vice presidential pick his appearance comes after axiom reported yesterday nikki haley had been under consideration for that role that's a report to the former president quickly
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dismissed. arthel: madeleine rivera has the latest of all this from washington. >> president biden oh one new jersey by about 16 percentage points in 2020 but the county leaves conservative. it's only about 90 minutes from pennsylvania so the event drew coverage from the nearby rich voters in the battleground states. former president trump making appeal to folks in the area with his messages on inflation, immigration, and college campuses this was trump's third campaign rally since the start of his hush money trial in new york city. he attacked the case which she shesaid is being done under president biden's direction even though it was filed by local prosecutors in manhattan. >> i've forced to endure a biden show trial all done by biden. all being done by him carried out by radical democrat district attorney, and you know who he
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is? fat alvin. >> trump did not go after michael cohen who is expected to testify tomorrow there's open question head of his rally but had trump done so he would've violated its gag order which prevents him from talking about witnesses. he has already been fined 10,000 dollars and faces jail time if he violates that gag order again. north dakota governor former republican presidential candidate doug berger spoke before trump took the stage he praised his knowledge about energy told him to get ready for something but did not expand. trump is that he will make his decision regarding a running mate in the summer. arthel: all right madeline live in washington thank you. >> after that new jersey campaign rally former president trump will head back to new york court tomorrow morning downtown in manhattan criminal court. prosecutors expected to put but their star witness on the stand time for his personal attorney
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self-described fixer to testify against his or her boss. live outside of trump tower will be can expect from his former. >> prosecutors have said they could be headed into the final week of witness testimony and as you said we are expecting michael cohen to take to the stand tomorrow. cohen, former president donald trump is expected to detail how he negotiated stormy daniels and how he secured his reimbursement. cohen has said is trump who directed him to pay daniels leading up to the 2016 presidential election in an effort to keep her quiet about alleged sexual encounter with trump. when he repaid: the payments were unlawfully marked to conceal their true nature. former president trump said he never had sex with daniels and
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denies it any role in falsifying records. here is trump this past friday right outside the courtroom. cox it was a legal expense that somebody come onto an afscme i did not do the bookkeeping i did not know about it but a very good bookkeeper marked eight lega legalexpense on as an illel expense. they didn't called instruction, they did not kill it ability o or -- very simply a legal expense to a lawyer he was a lawyer. >> cohen has never shied away from talking about this case especially in social media. urge the judge to take some type of action. the former presence under a gag order and cannot respond to anything cohen says outside of the courtroom. he told the court he could not subject to a gag order he did
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tell prosecutors colorants expected to be a prosecution who can expect the defense to attack his credibility he is a disbarred lawyer and pled guilty to lying to congress it. back to you. eric: r8 cb at trump tower. we'll have more on what to expect attorney brian is with us and our coverage starts tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. on fox and friends. arthel: thank you. president biden is facing fear some backlash from all sides on his handling of the war in israel. they are denouncing his announcement to a halt shipment to in the middle east. lucas thompson is live at the white house with all the latest details. >> president biden is angered members of his own party some of the left think the president did not go far enough. those on the right state withholding certain weapons to
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israel since the wrong message here senator rick scott on "fox news sunday" hosted by our colleague benjamin hall. >> israel has no choice but to destroy rafah i've always believed a biden has unfortunately part of the pro- hamas wing of his party. all they are worried about is worried about with winning a presidential election. >> secretary of state antony blinken said he is not seen a plan by the israelis to help protect the civilians in rafah. >> if said to israel cannot comment will not support an operation and rafah a major military operation in the absence of a credible plan to protect civilians. >> is still not delivered it. are you slowing? >> new reporting from washington post the biden administration working urgently to stave off a full scale is racy invasion is offering valuable assistance if it holds back. including sensitive intelligence to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of hamas
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leaders and fight the groups and hidden tunnels according to four people f family with u.s. offer. top democrat on the house armed services committee who denies that report is true. here's adam schmidt. >> the crucial thing about that story is there is no evidence whatsoever that it is true. the biden administration has absently been sharing intelligence this week and head of u.s. forces in the middle east general visited the idf says they discussed operational developments if any intelligence was shared. steve advocate lucas ahmanson thank you. eric: turns republican senator of wisconsin ron johnson member of the senate homeland security budget committee's good to see it. what is to think about and said seven is israel? xo considered outrageous.
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why did they feel him to attack why does ha hezbollah fill them both into sent missiles into israel? why did the trent eight attack? the obama administration they've coddled around they have funneled tens of billions of dollars into the economy which of the incident military of iran for the largest state sponsored terror provides a support for groups like the trent eight, hezbollah, and hamas. iran the state sponsor of hamas by withholding weapons and showing itself to be the main protector of hamas. this is beyond outrageous. >> the administration said the biggest most destructive type of bomb that could potentially cause such horrible civilian casualties. do you buy that? >> are here and get some
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guidance systems for more precision bombs. who knows. i cannot trust anything the biden administration tells us how caution the american public to caution anything they tell them either. we simply do not know. it's a really bad sign is not good diplomacy. it's not good to be causing iran. it's certainly not to be the protector of hamas. we are supporting israel rather than doing everything then to accomplish in order to it defend itself long term this is unsustainable state of affairs for israel to have a population governed by hamas dedicated to wipe out. young people talking about genocide is hamas against jews and against israel. i completely understand my israel has to destroy hamas. america's role ought to be to support israel and that request as horrible as war is its hamase offset end of the cease-fire. it's hamas that hides behind women and children.
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stores their admission, it digs their hospitals that's a israel doing that that is hamas who is endangering palestinian civilians. eric: former president yesterday he really slammed the biden administration and the president for withholding some of these arms but let's listen to with wt the former president said. >> i support israel's right to win its war on terror is that okay? i don't know. i don't know if that's good or bad politically, i do not care. we've got to do what's right there is a terrible attack october 7 was a terrible attack. i don't know it's probably bad politically but i don't care or you have to do the right thing. eric: he is they are talking about politically he doesn't care do you think president biden is being affected by the progressive wing of his party? >> absolutely. this is all about biden afraid to lose michigan. he's pandering to the palestinian supporters in michigan primarily. again there's no doubt about
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there's a pro- hamas wing of the democrat party at most americans believe the former president. they want to support israel and its right to defend itself against terrorism. unfortunately into many of our children have been indoctrinated by the leftist university system and it's shocking to see the pro- hamas demonstrations on the university. university. it should not surprise anybody. we have had professional agitators insight for decades are called the faculty and administrators. not all but many and starting to manifest itself right now and ie pro- hamas demonstrations on campus. >> what you think of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu should do in terms of going into rafah what is your sense? the administration to pinpoint the type of attack should to be something stronger? should they try to be able to wipe out hamas once and for all? what's everything i hear of israeli public opinion they support prime minister kristine
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lazar supporting hamas they may not support it but they understand they have to do more destroy hamas but we hit a meeting with prime minister netanyahu is that israel's wingg everything they can to protect civilians but it's difficult when hamas fi hides behind women and children. so again, most americans believe israel has a right. when you stand behind israel and its people. a similar terrorist attack occurred in the same set of americans got slaughtered as israelis will be close to 50000 americans. you can imagine to be demanding of our government to take on that threat and destroy the terrorist organization. president harry s truman to japan and he was very clear about what happened with japan. even though they were horrible
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civilian casualties this is a former president truman's words quote where now prepared to obliterate more rapidly complete every productive enterprise the japanese have above ground in any city we shall destroy the docs, their factories in their communications. let there be no mistake said harry truman we shall completely destroy japan's power to make war. prime minister netanyahu's of the very same thing israel wants to completely destroy hamas' power to wage war. to think they will be able to do that? hamas finally be defeated? >> they have to beat defeated be defeated thatis what war is . it is not israel that nc's further trying to peacefully coexist with a palestinian state. they gave gossett to the palestinians. 77% voted for hamas to be govern. that perpetrated the horrors to
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state solutions both his have to recognize the other nations right to exist. hamas, the palestinians do not recognize israel's right to exist. at some point and time you are going to have to defeat the ideology of the transfer and try and find palestinians who are willing to accept israel's right to exist and live with them peacefully. i wish that would happen sooner rather than later. eric: hitler put a bullet in his head in the bunker in berlin that's eight parking lot of a normal house. one can only hope the same. republican senator ron johnson, thank you. >> have a good day. >> despite president biden's warnings, israel has issued new evacuation orders for raw for the hhead of a likely expanded d operation in the southern gaza city. let's go to trey yingst who has
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the store right now. >> good afternoon, nearly 220 days into that war between israel and hamas israeli forces continue to operate in the northern part of the gaza strip with ground troops currently working around the area. you can see the black smoke behind meat rising from the skylight as the israeli air force targets different hamas positions in northern gaza comes as israeli forces say they are pushing deeper into gaza's third largest city of rafah. work palestinians are currently sheltering the israeli military said they have made their way to the humanitarian zone along the mediterranean sea in recent days amid ongoing evacuation orders. had this to say of the situation overnight. >> the start of the precise operation we have eliminated dozens of terrorists. exposed underground terror
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tunnels, vast amounts of weapons for quick selectivity continuing inside the gaza strip, pressure is mounting on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to cut a cease-fire deal and get the remaining hostages out of gaza. there were protests overnight in tel aviv. demonstrated clashes with police calling for a new government hostage of this is a biden administration is warning the israelis not to go deeper into rafah mak making the military ao israel contingent on the military plans. arthel: thank you trait. eric: three atlanta police officers have been wounded the suspect dead after shooting last night. officials say those officers are responding to a call about an armed individual found the suspect with a handgun and a night and they say a struggle ensued. the officers rushed to a nearby hospital at the two did undergo surgery paid all expected to survive. the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. police say they are continuing
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their investigation. arthel: former president trump will be back in court this week. tomorrow he's expected to see his former attorney michael cohen take the stand. a trial attorney joins us next on how that could go. you are watching "fox news live." and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again.
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arthel: reported earlier prosecutors and historic criminal cases say they hope to wrap up witness testimony this week. trumps ex lawyer fixer michael cohen is expected to take the stand. ain detail the six-figure paymet to stormy daniels. (trial attorney brian, the focus will be on character. >> first of all happy mother's day to all the mothers was stormy daniels is going to continue get pushed up a notch in thithis coming week with micl cohen's testimony. i got mafia type case. think about sam it was a former informant to the mob against jon gotti. but they're going to try to do
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is michael cohen all the stuff is come out about him being a liar, perjuring, they are going to say he is a chronic liar pit he is somebody that was lying at best and at the direction of his boss donald trump. that included the payoff and the president the former president directed him to make legal fees paid to him. not simply a nondisclosure agreement or settlement agreement that would have sent donald trump and stormy daniels because had it got out before the 2016 election and the prosecutor is saying and their whole cases that would have ultimately changed the election that is for the fraud is. spieth. arthel: fetzer saying prosecution is going to paint michael cohen figuratively take a bullet for mr. trump what about defense?
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how are they going to cross? >> exactly. the prosecution will set up as an informant. now the what the defense is goio have to do almost like got mafia type trout they're going to say anything this guy said. just the other night he was out on tiktok wearing a shirt and the former president wearing on his website. he has been convicted of crimes included crimes of perjury. exit wait a minute p you know that's what they're going to say he's been convicted of those crimes he was covering up for the former president. >> i agree. i don't know that's going to be overly affected. going back to the prosecution they already laid out including witnesses like keith davidson the attorney who is ultimately negotiating this. it's going to be hard strategy for the defense that is all out
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there. michael cohen is just not a trustworthy guy and ultimately with the prosecution is going to be sitting willing he would do this lie in a pull off mate in a settlement agreement which should not have been illegal. see arthel: in terms of tone and tenor. >> absolute there but risks all over think stormy daniels testimony last week was more like a harvey weinstein type of situation for that testimony of a very well set up for an appeal i think this week let's go back to the civil fraud case we had just a few months ago. michael cohen testified in when he was cross-examined by the
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former president's lawyer he was objesubjecting from the witness stand. this is a popcorn type a week that's coming up. candidly at the end of it the prosecution is going to say yes he is a liar, he is a flipped informants but that is why you need to believe the fact he would have done this for his former boss which is ultimately the crime they're trying to prove it. he is the lawyer pretty is smart, he is articulate. what days will he be strong witness or prosecution questioned his testimony, what he might say. how could he inadvertently be a strong witness for defense since the prosecution a he's there witness. >> is a great question. from a prosecution standpoint if he were my witness, michael please be empathetic. be remorseful. beat the witness who says i really am looking back on this. if at this moment in time i wish
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i had not made all these lies. i wish i would not have help this person who is my former. save the american people or whoever he's going to say praise going to have to come across empathetic and remorseful. on the defense side that could flipped backwards when this guy, michael cohen was out on tiktok just a few days ago selling shirts with the former president who was defended in this case behind bars. you are going to have two different narratives going on. i have to tell you, arthel, it's fascinating for a case it's all about financial records fraud. arthel: is much as michael cohen is an attorney as we said is going to try to be measured. there's got to be so much emotion involved here. he would have to, i imagine, and you tell me he would have to show some emotion as a human being and not a robot but not get too emotional as to where he
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would discredit himself because he's out to get the former president. >> that is the tap dance for that's what michael cohen's got to get himself through which to be three maybe four basic testimony this week. he's got to keep his cool and the empathetic and remorseful way we need to be indignant on cross-examination in a way were he is saying yes, i have lied before. he needs to be able to say that. i have lied, i've made mistakes in the past i am saying this now because i worked for this person before. i lied on his about half we have ultimately for what he is saying in the prosecution is saying for the american people but what that's right, wrong, or indifferent that's a different story. arthel: definitely going to be fascinating to watch tomorrow and however many days and michael cohen will be on the stand. for now we say thank you to you,
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and trial attorney. thank you so much for joining us. >> it was my pleasure. see our anti- israeli protests around the country, they have not stopped. how would you like that if you went to college for four years, paid a lot of money and your graduation is disrupted? former trump administration envoy to combat anti-semitism and when can this stop?
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do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! arthel: francis scott key bridge this was supposed to happen yesterday but was delayed by poor weather. demolition comes almost seven weeks after a cargo ship drove into the bridge causing it to collapse and killing six maintenance workers. the controlled demolition will allow the ship to be disentangled from the wreckage and guided him back into the port of baltimore. once that is done maritime traffic can begin returning to normal. eric: another weekend of anti- israel protests against the country at the university of north carolina in chapel hill for demonstrators smeared red paint wrote anti- israel messages on the chancellor's
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office. that, hours before commencement ceremonies began their prick university of wisconsin madison students disrupted graduation ceremony, some walked out altogether carrying flags as you can see. and in new york city hundreds of anti- israel protests linked arms and block traffic shutting that one of the bridges to manhattan, the manhattan bridge. former deputy special on white to combat anti-semitism under president trump senior fellow at the independent women's forum. always good to see you. this is still continuing and spreading it. do you expect it to stop at any time? >> eric is great to be with you. seven months into the pro- hamas movement we see excellent reporting coming out of fox news, tablet magazine wall street journal they've exposed the dark mining that the funding and organizing this movement it is again heavily funded heavily organized. we saw president trump call on joe biden and the dnc to return
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the money they are getting. the biden administration the biting campaign apparently is getting funding from the same dark mining sources. you have put people at the rockefeller fund, and ebay same folks the family from chicago are finding anti- american approach g hottie anti-semitic movements. these same folks are funding the biting campaign. but sign for the biting campaigo deming they should be calling for an end to this movement. i have to point out the timing. it is reminding many of us of the blm movement prior to the 2020 presidential election. it feels very reminiscent. we do have to ask ourselves if this is not another attempt to cause chaos and the ignited states state of prior to a presl
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election. >> 's before eating the people you just mentioned there are those who say there's no evidence of any connection they donate to groups that may be support the cause is part of the protesters. the open society of his fund that fund a broad spectrum advocated for the rights of the palestinians and israelis for a peaceful resolution. it is not connected completely to the protesters. but a lot of this money is funded to places like the tides foundation which is directly linked to these and protesters. there is incredible reporting coming out of the wall street journal, wall street news tablet i read those articles see the linkages. the other have been exposed to
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this web is a palestinian academic who was linked to organization u.s. treasury shut them down they turned out to be front groups for hamas. he was raising money for hamas. this is again a very big a web of dark money. it behooves the fbi and our authorities to be investigating further. we are seeing a lot of violence come out of this. we are seeing police attacks. we are seeing the facility workers at colombia university columbia universityheld hostageh students physically assaulted and attacked. it behooves the fbi to understand this as a domestic terror threat. to be investigating and to be exposing. i really hope to beat making arrests. we cannot have chaos in our country and lead up to elections this is a true threat to democracy it is the domestic terrorism that we should be focusing on. eric: do we know for example who
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paid for the tense and pays for the stuff we saw that the protesters had? this stuff doesn't just pop up. someone is arranging it and planning all this. it's exactly right for the wall street journal had an exposé showing the students were being organized for months and months prior to the campus explosions. that began after april 15. they had been planning these protests for months. and learning lessons from paid organizers. again, this is not a grassroots campaign. this is a well funded, well organized campaign meant to create chaos in our country. starting on the college campuses but we can expect that when summer starts they will take over our streets. it behooves authorities to get ahead of this right now. we should be able to have stable elections in this country. we should be able to have it presidential elections without expecting our cities to burn
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without expecting chaos across the country. eric: he's not here to defend himself but in terms of continuing what do you expect? after graduation were getting into the summer or to the protesters scope? >> look in red states at the university of texas in austin, and florida, we saw under red governors are red states you can shut this down immediately within two hours. even at ucla they sent in the police and gave them the mandate to arrest they were able to clear out within hours. again it is within the power of authorities to take actions which can shut down the pro- hamas movement. what president trump called a approach a hottie anti- american anti- somatic movement. and rightfully so. when the authorities want to shut it down they can shut it down within hours it's all a matter of political will and again i have to call upon authorities and blue states governors and blue states to do
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the right thing. we should be have presidential elections and this country that does not involve chaos. it does not involve burning down our cities. it does not include threats to americans, two jewish americans. we need to have law and order put back in this country so that we can have a functioning democracy. >> at barkley was one of two professors that signed the statement say we decry it in a cause for violence in any form or support for terrorism. we continue to mourn the loss of innocent life. with that in mind they want to share these online threats and the harassment they say they are receiving. how do both sides quell any violence? can they both come to an intellectual reason and conversation as opposed to the disruptions we are seeing? >> absolutely. free speech is one of our greatest freedoms in this country.
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making statements he may have done and the pastorate statements are wonderful. but we need to see is action. so again with united states treasury is shut down organizations he has been tied to in the past because they have turned out to beat front groups for foreign terrorist organizations like hamas, we are beyond statements at that point there is a track record to look at. it behooves the fbi and other law enforcement to be investigating where this money is coming from. where these organizations are linked too and tied too. if there's a legal activity make a respite shut them down but we have a legal system when you see enforcement of existing united states laws. >> it is certainly not stopping and likely will continue. good to see you, thank you. >> summer is right around the corner. soon many americans will be heading to the beach but they could be in for a not so friendly surprise.
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the jon williams draws theme. some beaches are already done the shark attacks will have all the details for you coming up next. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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what i do really does make an impact. so i love what i do for st. jude, and i just know that i'm in the right place.
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arthel: beaches to fishermen a couple weeks ago. the 24-year-old deckhand slipped off of a dock and fell into a group of about 20 sharks in the bahamas. he somehow made it out alive with his limbs intact. madison scarpino is live. these can be very serious. >> a terrifying situation for the doctor who operated on him says it is a miracle that he is alive. to sharks and attacked mark lead last month. he is not recovering in west
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palm beach the 24-year-old was working on a boat at a marina that's known to have a shark infested waters. >> my entire life of working on boats, that exact mari marine ie worst marine i've ever seen. at all times or 20 sharks roaming around. you can walk on their heads almost. >> there is eight for late table right in the middle of the marina all of the fishermen throw fish scraps into the water. so as you can imagine there are dozens of sharks around pretty much constantly there priest try to get from the dock to a boat when he fell in. >> he grabbed me, pulled my head underwater. and then let go of me. i got really lucky he didn't head shaker hold on for a while that was a shark bite store up his entire leg. just missing major arteries. doctors say he is going to recover. he will just have some nasty scars and of course a heck of a story. there has been some recent shark
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attacks in the bahamas but shark experts say they are extremely rare. take a look at this. there is just a great white shark sighting in alabama and researcher spotted the eight-foot great white shark near mobile the second time it has been spotted in just the past few weeks and scientists say the great white sharks are becoming more common in cooler waters near new england or california. it's very rare for them to be seen and alabama. and as you said beach season is right around the corner of not well underway in some places. so just to be on the lookout again i would say sharks aren't typically trying to go for humans is a food source. back to you. arthel: how lucky. i hope he takes this opportunity to continue with life and uses it for some good because man, he was spared for sure. alright madison, thank you. eric: that is for sure. a lot of talk about people
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losing jobs to artificial intelligence. at least one company is using ai to help the work a place to be safer for us humans. quoddy in los angeles with more on this. >> hi eric that is right artificial intelligence now being used in factories and warehouses like this one here in sacramento to help protect people who work around forklifts, conveyor belts and other heavy machinery. software made by comp science a process is a recorded on the company's existing security cameras and highlights potential dangers. the colored boxes that show were eight worker almost tripped over steel beams or got too close to a moving forklifts. >> it has given them something obvious to look out a true example rather than someone like me go in and saying you know you're not supposed be standing next to the lift was moving, right? software could also see if a worker risks hurting themselves from lifting heavy loads the wrong way. >> it is a set of tools that
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help companies understand the risks their employees are exposed to. and really engineer that risk out of the facility to prevent accidents from happening. >> he technology scans of thousands of hours of visual data and offers recommendations on ways to improve safety. there is no facial recognition involved here. the ideas not to punish anyone but rather to reduce accidents and lower worker comp claims. to putting on the size of they are being monitored the price tag ranges from a 3000 to a few hundred thousand dollars. some workplace accidents like a back injury can cost more than that over time and a workplace death can run into the millions employees we spoke to said they appreciate this added level of information. they can see where the hidden dangers are and learn how to avoid them to get home safe. >> it is a good use of ai. all right claudia, thank you. mom's a date forecast is next here on fox news live.
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actual mom lawrence knebel. millions of americans are due for another rare chance to see the dazzling display of the northern lights a spring in fox weather meteorologist adam klotz. >> you are right sue. we can still see the northern lights again the last couple of days we have seen a bunch of solar activity. unfortunately it now it's a little bit lower. there is reason to think it could bump back up in the next couple of days but again probably not stretching all which is 79 cents if you are in the northern tier you are still going to see an opportunity to see the northern lights has been very active the only thing is will it be cloudy where you are? there are some storms we are tracking currently kind of a soggy day across portions of the mid atlantic stretching up into nnew england dressing rain move across the region. the biggest showers across the entire country currently moving mostly across east texas you are seeing a bunch of thunderstorm activity there from houston stretching up to dallas and places little further off toward the east. there's a small risk of some of this becoming severe weather today you see that wrap around the gulf coast throughout the
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next several hours as the system makes its movement. here's your forecast on the sunday the midwest, larger chunk of the southeast on the west on a mother's day is looking really nice. arthel: sounds good to me. thanks adam klotz. all right eric? eric: you know all the famous moms. arthel: what can i say? eric: happy mother's day to your mom of course. arthel: misse ms. doris nevillee you. m 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at strike! hey ump! you need your eyes checked! yeah, things are getting fuzzy! then go to america's best! why?! for a comprehensive, quality eye exam! —from a doctor? —yeah!
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