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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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number one, and meet the people and number two, raise money. but he is doing it anyhow. largest fundraiser ever just last month. he almost doubled what biden raised in that one fundraiser. is he going to do great. we're going to be able to do this. not just how much money you raise, it's how you connect with the cibs as well. >> carley: yeah. on that point, their economic messages are much different. president biden on tv last week saying that the economy is goo. when people aren't feeling it and on saturday during this rally, donald trump was out there saying, biden is destroying the summers in at the jersey shore. hot dogs and hamburgers are too expensive. which i think speaks to many people out there. >> todd: thank you. and once again the fact that he got 100,000 people two weeks to memorial day to the shore is big. "fox & friends" is now. >> lawrence: budge up. big show.
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6:00 a.m. on the coast. >> brian: i buckle up i promise. michael cohen take the stand today in bold in trump's new criminal trial. even cnn says the case is politically motivated, i doubt the new york indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not donald trump. >> brian: what? gregg jarrett was standing by to preview. those weren't be your words but it was your column. >> ainsley: jerry seinfeld becomes the latest to deal with the agitators. [crowd boos] >> >> a duke university student who was there will join us. >> steve: looks like some people missed a good show. and a pickleball jackpot, one player says he makes 2.5 million bucks a year playing pickleball.
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lawrence i'm in the wrong business. >> steve: stays out of the kitchen every other day. >> brian: he doesn't have a word robe deal. >> steve: he does. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: we'll get to pickleball in a minute. first, we start with a fox news alert. a major testimony expected today in former president trump's criminal trial here in new york. a star witness michael cohen is set to take the witness stand when court resumes at 9:30. three hours and 30 minutes from right now. >> ainsley: eric shawn is live outside of the new york stated supreme court with what we can expect today. eric? >> eric: what a day today, ainsley. michael cohen. he's going to take the stand and is he expected to be the first witness in this trial to directly tie former president trump into this scheme to pay off stormy damages and then file those false business records. but you know michael cohen will come here to testify with quite a history. he has made no secret of his
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disdain for his former boss. his job was once to go after trump's enemies but today is he turning the tables by going after former president trump. he is expected to tell the jury that trump told him to pay off stormy and then the former president reimbursed him to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. but, of course, trump's defense is expected to point out a lot about michael cohen. the lawyer that he lied to congress, served federal prison time for tax evasion, bank fraud, campaign violations and ccannot be believed in anything he says. the former president has trashed cohen's credibility before when cohen testified at the civil trial last fall. take a listen to what the former president said. >> he is proven to be a liar. it's been very proven very ba badly. convicted felon for lying. went to jail for lying. and this is their only witness
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when you think about it. >> eric: again, michael cohen expected to be the first and a perhaps the only witness to directly tie the former president into this alleged scheme. we will have to see though if the jury really does believe him. back to you. >> ainsley: all right. thank you, eric. let's bring our fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. what's your responses? i have heard you say over and over this guy is a lawyer. he has gone to prison. he was accused in 2018 for tax evasion and violating campaign finance laws. how much of this will matter? can we trust him? >> gregg: oh, absolutely not. he's what i call a pinocchio witness, ainsley. disgraced, disbarred, convicted perjurer went to prison for lying to banks, lying to congress, lying to everybody. he's still lying. he recently admitted he lied in court when he copped his guilty plea. the angry federal judge called him a serial perjurer which, of
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course, he is. yet, alvin bragg has invested his entire case on a guy with zero credibility. you would have to be either desperate, i think, or deeply uncapitol hill to do it. alvin bragg is both. he knows cohen is incapable of telling the truth. and that's what bragg is counting on. is he essentially stubborning perjury to convict trump because, without cohen, they have got no case. nobody has connected trump to the charged crimes. they know that cohen will lie and they want him to lie. it's disgraceful. >> steve: well, and, gregg, so it sounds like he is the next to the last witness. there is supposed to be two more witnesses. is he number one and then somebody else. but it sounds like the prosecution knows that he has got the problematic background. and so so far, they brought in other people to essentially say the same stuff he is going to say. now is he going to take the stage, say it, but then they are
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going to go you can't trust that guy. but then the prosecution is going to say yeah, but what about those other people who said the same thing? >> well, nobody has said that donald trump was behind the allegedly falsified business records. michael cohen will lie to do it. i mean, this is a guy who if he took a lie detector test, steve, the machine would explode in flames. and the d.a. knows it. so what they have been doing is coaching michael cohen. so, on direct examination, as you suggest, steve, they are going to elicit voluntarily from cohen his past lies. they will try to preempt the attack. portray them in innocuous light. and then co-line deliberately turn to the jury and say i'm a reformed continue sinner. i have seen the light now i'm telling the truth. it's a charade, of course, you would have to be an idiot or gullible to believe it.
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>> brian: what about the test. >> gregg: real test on cross-examination. he would be confronted with all of the lies and asked the standard question were you lying then or are you lying now. are you not a chronic habitual liar. >> brian: put yourself as a defense lawyer walk out. prosecution say 130,000ness checks 12 days before the 2016 election. also got invoices. and signed by president trump to reimburse him. so, he produces all these documents, gregg, he's your witness. how do you handle it? >> gregg: well, i think you recite all of his a lies. for him to admit that those were lies and now you expect these 12 jurors to believe you're telling the truth? part of his problem is that he has a true motive to lie, financial motive, and the motive the hatred. he despises donald trump.
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admits it. recently he has been trolling for dollars by trashing trump on tiktok. wearing a t-shirt with a picture of trump behind bars in an orange jumpsuit. at what point in time is he wearing a t-shirt that, you know, has superman embroidered on it. this is a guy who is so twisted and delusional, he thinks he's going to save america by bringing trump down. >> lawrence: and running for congress. crazy stuff, gregg. thanks for joining the program. one thing people forget. although you have two attorneys on the jury. they are human beings, not lawyers. when the defense asks the question: okay, how do you know the president made illegal contributions and put it there as a legal expense? okay. because did i payments. did you advise him to do that as well? well, yeah, did i advise him but i was a criminal at the time. i turned my life around.
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that's just not going to look good to human beings that are on the jury that some day may need a lawyer and you are getting advise from a lawyer and then turns out to get you in trouble i don't know if that's going to play well. >> ultimately comes down to a reasonable doubt. gregg made the argument. mr. cohen you admitted you told lies in the past refresh your recollection lying now? sudden the people on the jury are going to go that's a good question set. telling me a story. >> ainsley: did you give donald trump this advice he? followed your advise vice. you are an attorney. you say you are the fixer instead you got donald trump in so much trouble. >> steve: what a good idea. >> brian: keith davidson came out. he said cohen is he a jerk, highly excitable. sort of pants on fire guy who no one wanted to talk to. hope hicks said he is the fixer because he would break things and have to fix it. nobody likes him. >> ainsley: fix his own mess. >> brian: then again you say do you have to be likeable. they keep on putting those
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checks in front of you and verified. in stormy daniels all this stuff came out, nothing matters. only thing they said what about the money? who give it to him. i don't know. it went to my lawyer. who wrote the checks? i don't know. so the other stuff doesn't even matter except it hurts the president's reputation, former president. >> steve: gregg jarrett was talking about how if they wired him up to a lie key tech tore it would exploit. one of the early shows lie detector. wire somebody up and try to figure out whether they are telling a lie. michael cohen while his nickname is the fixer. apparently he was shopping, according to the "new york post," he was shopping a reality show called the fixer starring michael cohen as, you know, he would go into a difference business situation and try to fix it. here's a little of the sizzle reel that the "new york post," our upstair's neighbor got their hands on.
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>> i fix problems, both professional and personal, gaining power, wealth and notoriety for myself in the process, and i paid the price for it. since then i have been on the journey of redemption, working to set things right with my family, my friends, my country. speaking truth to power and calling it like i see it. but now i'm paying it forward. wielding the tools that i have learned for regular people in trouble. the little guy doesn't usually have access to people with my particular set of skills. but that's about to change. i'll work with you offering expertise, advice, and solutions to fix your problem. together, we'll change your life. >> i am your fixer. >> brian: worked so well with your first gig. you really fixed everything for him, too. i want to bring some of the cohen image to your life. >> ainsley: we did reach out to him because we wanted to get a comment from him and we did not hear back from him. >> steve: he is busy. >> ainsley: hope hicks said he
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is a fixer he would break things and have to fix it. could you imagine him to hire him to fix your problems. look what you did to donald trump. i don't think you are going to try to help me. >> lawrence: most fascinating thing about this he continues to talk. and continues -- the judge who has gagged the former president i'm directing the prosecution to get. dude, you are the judge here. can you gag him. >> brian: the prosecution has no control over him. he gave the whole thing i'm not going to say anything for the good of the case and starts with the t-shirt and all that other stuff. i thought one thing significant on sunday i watch fareek is a kari show vehemently anti-trump almost every week. i was stunned to see this week he was saying some of the same things i have been saying. we can't figure out why this cases is on trial. jonathan turley why this case is on trial trial. he came out. bill i didn't joel talks to, a lot of left wing didn'ts, always
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choose to talk to. he came out and says some things, two things about who is winning this race. and he also came out and said about the merritt on this case, listen. >> i have to admitted, none of this displaying out as i thought it would. trump is now leading in almost all the swing states. but, behind those numbers lie even more troubling details. as someone worried about the prospects of a second trump term, i think it's best to be honest about reality. i understand that polls are not always accurate but in general they have tended to underestimate donald trump's support not overestimate it. the trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base who sees him as a martyr and even may serve to make make him the object of some sympathy in general who believe that his prosecutors are politically motivated. this happens to be true my opinion. i doubt the new york indictment would have been brought against
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a defendant whose name was not donald trump. >> lawrence: it's not just the base. it's independent americans. look at this. want to look at the facts and say show me something. just show me the crime. and they look at and say it's just not fair. why are you doing this in the middle of the elections. why didn't you do it three years ago? why didn't you wait until this moment. people that voted for joe biden that said i just don't understand. this when you have lawyers and educated people saying they don't understand the case. how do you think. >> ainsley: makes it worse that their star witnesses have flip flopped so many times. said one thing. they are saying another thing in the courtroom. that includes michael cohen. stormy daniels, a porn star. this fixer guy who used to be his attorney. who turned on donald trump. who released some of their conversations. and who went to prison back in 2018. so, when those are your keyens withs. it makes america say y'all are doing everything can you just to get this guy.
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>> steve: and you know we have been talking for over a year because we have heard that joe biden's whole plan was go ahead and during the primary season right through the conventions, let the chaos on the republican side take over the news cycle and then joe biden just l. just show how to be president and he will get reelected. that walls their plan. but, ultimately it's back firing because when you look at this, and to freed's point. you know, it infuriate his base. mosecsympathetic. joe biden is not doing anything. >> ainsley: what do you compare and contrast to. the democratic party is so divided and what is happening in israel. only 33%, he says, support israel, gaza, with what biden's message with this. and then you contrast it to donald trump over the weekend, donald trump's campaign is reporting that 80 to 100,000 people were at that rally in new jersey. >> brian: most under reported
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major story if you're sitting there, i watched sunday shows. not one went outside ours was actually point out over 100,000 people showed up in a place that he lost by 15 points. i know people came from pennsylvania and new york, obviously. they sat for hours. it was 50 degrees. maybe even lower. do you know how windy it gets on those beaches? steve knows. wildwood, new jersey. 100,000 people. they couldn't get close a stage they wanted to to be part of it. name one other place if you took jjulia roberts, george clooney, barack obama. you would not get 10,000, 15 maybe if you brought bruce springsteen in. this guys 100,000 to make a speech and the prelim was the governor of north dakota. you have to take a step back and say why is this happening? we have spent six years trying to tell you he is not worthy of being a human being let alone being president. i want to say this. you can't underscore enough when
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fareed is a car i can't backs up bill maher and joe rogue. joe rogue voted for bernie sanders. bill maher said i'm a quintessential liberal. try to marginalize him on both. for him to say that, this shows that this thing is caving in. either you pull joe biden out right now or you almost concede it. >> lawrence: to your point about the crowd, brian, compared to the celebrities with joe biden. it's one thing to be hanging out with celebrities. there is another thing to have a massive rally and then have celebrities attend a rally. lawrence taylor come to the rally. >> brian: two days' notice. do you know what he said my whole family has voted for democrats. i will never vote for one again. this is my man. ottis anderson the same thing. >> ainsley: fareed started out by saying this is not playing out the way i thought it would. >> lawrence: i got to give him credit. >> brian: he is very bright. he get it. one of these traditional politicians who think joe
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biden -- donald trump is not worthy of it. he cannot get over it. and he just now he can't help but see what he sees. >> steve: well, when you think about four years ago, in 2020, joe biden ran on and won when his message was essentially i'm not donald trump. well, now donald trump, four years later, is running as i'm not joe biden and people like that. it's like we're watching this guy and is he screwing stuff up. >> brian: steve, i would say you're not wrong he also says i'm donald trump. he says everything i told you, i'm going to do it again but now you're even more ready for it. >> steve: is he pointing out the contrast. >> ainsley: almost like saying i told you so. you voted for biden and look what you have got. >> brian: i'm not changing the country has. >> ainsley: a fox news alert. right now, israel is observing its first post october 7th terror attack memorial day. beginning at sundown yesterday, and then going through tonight. last night's ceremonies were highlighted by a long memorial
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siren, honoring those that were killed by hamas. prime minister benjamin saying of the memorial, quote, our beloved are always before our eyes with the clear knowledge that the state of israel exists thanks to them. hang today, in a manhattan federal court, jury selection will begin in the corruption trial of senator bob menendez. it's the second corruption trial the new jersey democrat has faced over the last decade. menendez is facing charges alleging the prescribes of gold bars and cash in exchange for his influence as well as acting as a foreign agent for egypt. and now to a fox wildfire alert. a live look at minnesota as officials are warning of effects on the air quality in the northern united states from the first major wildfires of the season hitting canada. officials counting about 146 total fires, which began over the weekend. triggers air quality alerts and causing hazy skies. across the dakotas, montana wisconsin, and minnesota.
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remarkable photos from connecticut show 40 first responders helping rescue two horses were stuck in deep mud. the crews using plywood, logs, and ropes to form a makeshift bridge in order to reach the stuck horses. according to the fire department, it took five hours to free the animals, who were both able to stand back up without an issue and even snacked on some fresh hay afterwards. the top ranked pickleball player -- oh, steve, this story is for you. he is the top ranked, i think it's fix mixed doubles player in the world. he says he made $2.5 million last year playing the sport. that is a 10 fold increase since 102021. pickleball pro-ben johns stay saying, quote. we haven't reached the top i think there is still upward trend. the three people he would like to play pitbull most thes at the sla ceo elon musk novak djokovic
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and kevin hart. steve, where is your name? those are your headlines. >> steve: he started at age 17 so he has been doing it for a couple years. congratulations to him. >> ainsley: you have been trying to get me to play pickleball. suddenly i'm interested. >> ainsley: you want the salary. >> lawrence: i'm in. >> brian: lawrence, you are not going to make that right away. you don't just get up and say. >> lawrence: maybe i'm a natural. >> ainsley: the sport is not as easy as you might think. >> steve: he is already good at staying out of the kitchen. >> lawrence: couple weeks ago brian showed me how to play soccer. >> brian: you were pretty good. put you at center back. >> ainsley: swing a react. >> lawrence: we'll have to see. >> ainsley: steve is going to a pickleball place in dallas where it's christian -- >> lawrence: is this the dating one or them bringing him the.
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[laughter] >> steve: is he interested in the dating one. >> this is the one where to get people interested in the church they actually say hey, why don't you come and play pickleball. >> lawrence: we still love that message, too. >> steve: speaking of messages, i was celebrating mother's day yesterday with my wife and peter's wife hillary vaughn down in -- let's see north palm beach county, we were at a place called jetty's. as i'm leaving, some lady goes hey, steve, i turn around, and she said just want you to know mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: that's right. >> steve: it's working. we say it every morning. >> ainsley: and she said i'm dressed. [laughter] >> steve: they let her in. >> ainsley: happy mother's day to everyone. >> lawrence: good morning to la.
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>> steve: mornings are better with mothers. jerry seinfeld became the latest commencement speaker to deal with anti-israel agitators. [crowd boos] >> brian: festivus. the area of grievances was short lived. one describes how the crowd rallied behind the legendary critic. stands actually chanting jerry, jerry, jerry. ♪
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>> brian: not good more problems in new york. steve buoy chemy treated in a hospital after he was punched in the face while walking the streets of new york. madeleine rivera joins us now with the details he is recovering from bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye. the incident he assaulted in midtown manhattan. another victim of random act of violence in the city. he is okay and appreciate's
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everyone's well-wishes. though incredibly sad for everyone this has happened to while also walking the streets of new york. a woman who works in the area says she witnessed part of the assault. here's what she shared with the "new york post." she says i saw he was with a woman and then through the corner of the window i saw him trip and fall backwards. he right away got up and ran in the opposite direction. i didn't see who hit him. the nypd released these images of the alleged suspect who is still on the run. the photos show a bearded man wearing a backpack, baseball hat, blue t-shirt. black sweatpants and white sneakers. buoy shemy brooklyn native fargo american workers. second actor from boardwalk empire to be attacked. michael was hit in the back of the neck with a rock while he was walking in central park on march 31st. he was able to chase down his attacker who was taken into custody and charged with assault. >> brian? >> brian: thanks, maddie,
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appreciate it. go downstairs to steve. >> steve: all right. brian. thank you very much. senator lindsey graham saying israel should do whatever it has to do to protect itself. >> when we were faced with destruction as a nation, after pearl harbor, fighting the germans and the japanese, we decided to end the war by the bombing h hiroshima, nagasaki wh nuclear weapons. that was the right decision. >> steve: his comments were made while condemning president biden's remarks withhold weapons from israel. pro-palestinian protesters shutting down a florida highway near disney world leading to gigantic traffic jam. [screaming free, free palestine] [horns honking] >> hey, hey. let's go, let's go. christian, come on.
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>> steve: one driver did get out to confront the group known as the years for palestine, officers then arrived and took the three to jail charging them with misdemeanors. they wound up arresting them within 10 minutes. they do things fast in florida. >> lawrence: they would not survive one day in gaza. thanks, steve. >> steve: you bet. so comedian jerry seinfeld becoming the latest graduation speaker forced to deal with anti-israeli agitators. the crowd ultimately rallied behind the legendary comic as he shared his one of a kind perspective on life. watch. [crowd boos] [chanting jerry, jerry, jerry] >> again, a lot of you are thinking i can't believe they invited this guy. [laughter] too late. i say use your privilege. i grew up a jewish boy from new
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york that is a privilege if you want to be a comedian. [cheers] >> thanks. >> alana was one of those graduating yesterday and she joins us now. were you surprised to see this happening? jerry sign spelled obviously jewish. he talked about october 7th attack. but he hasn't been out there talking about the war at all. so, why did they target him? >> you know, given jerry's very outward zionism and openly judaism, i can't say i am surprised given these protests. it's obvious they oppose his point of view. but these students definitely went in there they completely violated duke's rules. made it clear to students that they are not allowed to bring any any signs and flags. and the students complete lid violated the rules of duke university. >> lawrence: you said you were not going to allow them to win. it looks like the crowd overall
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at duke university supported jerry. >> absolutely. what you are not seeing on the media is after these students walk out and by the way it's only 40 students. they walked out. after they walked out. the entire stated yum started booing them and eventually started chanting jerry's name clearly in support of him being our commencement speaker. >> lawrence: i questions my question, i have been at these rallies and these little gazas all across the country, would you say it's a small minority of them on these college campuses or do you see this growing movement? like do you feel support at duke university being is a jew or is it quite fearful for you you know, lawrence, i'm actually greatful to say duke university has been a much safer environment for jewish students. i'm somebody who is very openly jewish and zionist and proudly walk around campus. i wear my jewish star necklace.
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if there is anyone to be targeted i would be one of the first. duke has done everything in power to ensure safety for the student. unfortunately we cannot say the same for universities across america. >> lawrence: real quickly before i let you go, what do you think duke is doing differently than the rest of the universities. >> because i think it can be a model. >> i think there are millimeter factors that go into. this one of them being that duke has their rules and they abide by it and stick to it for every group on campus. it doesn't adjust based off certain political beliefs, personal beliefs, identities. additionally, i generally believe duke has done an amazing job in building a community on campus and what i am seeing on other college universities is, that these students don't have a place on their campus. they don't feel like they have meaning. they don't feel like they have a purpose. and duke has generally created a community that students feel a sense of fulfillment and don't feel the need to turn to this
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violence. >> lawrence: yeah. such a good point. you see it all across the country where some jewish students can't even go to class. you have protesters blocking them from going to class. but at duke, it's much different because you got to follow the rules. what a novel idea. alanna, thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you,. >> lawrence: lawrence appreciate it. crooks, cowards and the couch. that's how charlamagne tha god describes our choices for 2024. ben domenech on the growing division. that's next. ♪ we're talking about practicing-- practicing good financial strategy. cashbackin. what'd you think i was talking about?
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austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪ >> janice: good morning, everyone. happy monday. we have another risk for severe storms today. this one is focused along the gulf coast, we have frontal
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boundary draped along this area and potential for large hail, damaging winds, tornadoes and heavy rain that could cause flash flooding. thunderstorm warning across the mississippi, alabama. severe thunderstorm in effect for 11:00 a.m. local time meaning conditions are favorable for severe weather. that includes the area of tallahassee where we had several tornadoes on friday. remember a lot of people without power here. this is not going to be a good deal as we go through the day today. severe storm threat really from san antonio texas all the way across tallahassee in across little rock. flash flooding a big concern here we could see upwards of a foot of rain in just a couple of days and that's going to cause some big problems. here is the flash flood risk, especially from new orleans towards mobile and man p&a panama city. up to a foot. could cause a lot of issues. >> we could have severe storms. warming up across the west and more rain in the forecast, darn it, for the northeast as we get
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into tonight, tuesday and wednesday. okay, steve, and i know it's cold. you came from florida and all of a sudden it's like brrr. >> steve: i know it. it's okay. it's getting warmer. >> janice: sooner or later. his radio show reaches nearly 6 million listeners a month and one of the most popular spots for politicians out on the campaign trail. but charlamagne tha god blames one force for america's division. the radio hosts saying quote to the "new york times." i blame the media so much for what's happening. i tell people all the time if you lie to them about democrats, they won't believe you when you tell the truth about republicans. this is probably the most consequential election of my lifetime because every republican candidate has been demonized. fox news contributor ben domenech joins us right now. ben, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: what do you make of his assessment of what the media is doing to people?
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>> ben: that's definitely true. one of the things we observed over the years the closer you are to knowing what the truth is, the more you are aware of when the media is lying to you about what's really going on. and everyone in the media landscape has been complaining for years about silos, about the idea that people aren't getting the kind of information that they need to because they are only paying attention to things that affirm what they already believe turns out the left is in a silo to a much greater degree than the right. if you are on the right, it's almost impossible to avoid hearing something from the "new york times," from npr and different sources that are on the left. that's why my republican friends are a lot better at explaining what democrats think than democrats are explaining what republicans to think. you continue to see that problem playing out every day within our political landscape.
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>> steve: best news gives you both sides of it. sometimes there is even three sides there are really two sides when it comes to israel. senator chris if you are if i the democrat from the great state of connecticut, ben had this observation about how our president is doing regarding the war with hamas. listen. >> i don't mind the fact that the president isn't paying attention to politics. i think, you know, frankly, when you are being a good leader, you are often upsetting people on the right and the left. i think the broad middle of the country wants to support israel's ability to destroy hamas, but is very concerned about the fact that there are so many kids dying. i think the president really is squarely where the middle of this country is on this conflict. >> steve: is that right about where the president is? i think a lot of people stand with israel, ben, because of what happened on october the 7th. >> i think i would like to know
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what color the sky is on the planet that chris if you are if i is on. the idea that joe biden isn't playing politics on the israel issue is completely absurd. he has been making every decision at every stage based on his own domestic political priorities. based on the fact that he is very scared of his radical progressive left friends who are out there in the streets with megaphones but actually only represent about 10%, if even that of the country. the vs. majority of americans want to stand behind israel, they want to be behind the full bore and the president has slow walked every decision he has gone and undermined them in so many different obvious ways and had his team do it in many obvious ways simply to satisfy his own domestic political concerns about a lack of support on the left deputing him re-election. >> steve: i think you are exactly right. ben, thank you for getting up with us on this monday and joining us. >> good to be with you. >> steve: straight ahead, joe
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biden's border crisis costing the city of chicago nearly 300 million bucks as a local pastor says faith in local government is eroding. rachel campos-duffy is going to rachel campos-duffy is going to react and she is coming up next & friends." ♪in pair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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♪ >> ainsley: this morning the migrant crisis growing worse in chicago. the blue city spending more than $300 million on its 40,000 illegal migrants and one local pastor who spent years working to improve his community says city leaders are to blame. >> >> i understand when people are from chicago or other areas start to really question the fact that now we have these resources and they're going toward individuals who sometimes are not even legally here. and we never have the opportunity to get those resources ourselves. the leadership ofttimes has been taking funds from much needed areas and they're getting a lot of flack from it. >> ainsley: "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy joins us now to react. hey, rachel. >> rachel: hi, good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: how sad is this when we have corey brooks, we interviewed him so many times.
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he spent time on the roof top to raise money to for the community center to help the children on the south side of chicago. overtaxed e is complaining saying this is overwhelming. we are trying to improve our community yet, these migrants are come in. and they're lyle. what's your reaction? well and by the way, ainsley, they just approved another $70 million that are going to it. so, listen, this goes way back. chicago has a long history of quote, unyet, welcoming illegals. the first black mayor of chicago back in 1985. had the don't ask policy banning city officials from asking about citizenship. can you fast-forward all the way to governor pritzker who says i want to make illinois the most welcoming state in the united states. and so, you have someone like corey brooks who spent, as you said, nearly a year, braving the cold and the heat and for going foregoing the comforts of life to raise $30 million in private money. all of a sudden all this money shows up for illegal immigrants.
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and by the way the illegals magically always appear in their shelters. magically always appear in black neighborhoods. the black community in chicago is going what the heck is going on? we didn't know there was all this money. i mean, we are raising as corey is from private money or they are being told there is no money for youth centers to keep kids off the street or whatever the program is even the homeless. but, there's room and shelter space for illegals. so, clearly, it's frustrating. but it's more than that it's revealing. i think a lot of african-americans are waking up to the fact that the democrats maybe really didn't care about them. that they were just another voting block. and when this other voting block, which, you know, when joe biden opened the border. they are coming through. they are having a lot more kids. they are a more reliable base, perhaps, for the democrat party. and now the black community is waking up and saying hey, i think we are being replaced.
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we are being de-prioritized for this new group that seems to be electorally a priority for the democrat party. >> ainsley: chicago voted brandon johnson. since he took office spent 215 million on migrants. they all said we want to be a sanctuary city and that's what it looks like. rachel, thank you. great to see you. >> yeah. thank you, ainsley. you are welcome. >> ainsley: okay, brian, over to you. >> brian: thank you, ainsley great job. turning to sports. brad kozlowski, winless streak happened yesterday after he took advantage of crish buschur and tyler reddick. knocking each other out of the race exchanging a few words after the checkered flag. we taped it. [shouting] [bleep] roy mcilroy to win
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championship on sunday. are you kidding me? mcilroy will tee it up this weekend in kentucky. one former heavyweight is looking out for another as mike tyson he has not been active in 20 years. they should not just license him because of who he is. that's how people get hurt. god forbid he gets hurt. the fight is being recognized by the state of texas as an official bout with fight night set for july 20th in dallas. and both men spar a lot. and we tape most of it. all right, no basketball today
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because the knicks really got destroyed. indiana played great. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. throw in something animation-like ♪ [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia,
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