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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like quality inn, for the dad that gets every dollar and minute outta this family road trip! the day is upon us! book at hellllllooooooooo! >> steve: good morning, live
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from "studio m," welcome to "fox & friends." commencement walkout, will he general jerry comedian jerry seinfeld the latest to dewith the anti-israel agitators. one duke graduate speaking with us the last hour about what happened to jerry. >> very obvious that they oppose his point of view bus thee students definitely went in there and completely violated duke's rules. >> lawrence: plus a fox news alert. convicted perjurer michael cohen set to take the stand today in new york's criminal trial, but the star witness faces serious questions about his credibility. >> i will be in d.c. and in new york. anywhere mr. -- >> i will be there. >> i do not want to go to the white house. >> brian: liar. >> ainsley: and a hawkeye celebration caitlin clark's teammates surprise her with a graduation after she couldn't attend the ceremony.
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[cheers] >> without that degree she never would have amounted to anything. >> ainsley: piece of paper in the xerox machine. >> brian: she would have been so lost. second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now remember mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: right outside of charleston, it is a beautiful place ill of palms. >> lawrence: i'm jealous of south carolina have you beaches. we don't have that in texas.
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we have galveston but it's kind of dirty. should probably clean it up a little bit. >> brian: they have had a bunch of hurricanes. >> lawrence: a lot going on. >> brian: reminds me of a place out in the hamptons called the boardy barn where they play that stuff over and over again people get really drunk. >> lawrence: how do you know about this, brian? >> brian: it's been a i will who. i think that song plays 24 hours a day. >> ainsley: still open boardy barn? i have never heard of that. >> brian: yeah, it is. long island, it's big. go out to the harassments and see the boardy barn pull over. you will not have a bad time. another guy 61'1 call him lunch. he would with one hand throw out drunk people. it was amazing to watch how many times have you been thrown out? >> can i stay inbars. i don't embarrass my family. >> ainsley: we showed you south carolina. it's an important state when it
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comes to this election. so are a lot of these swing states there are new polls out this morning. >> brian: stunning. >> ainsley: confirm what we have been telling you before. this is the "new york times" siena polls. >> steve: it is indeed the polls are pretty much exactly the same as november which is just going to terrify the people at the white house. right now, if the election were held today, the question went. who would you vote for. in the state of pennsylvania trump leads. in arizona trump leads. >> brian: by 7. >> steve: in michigan trump leads. nevada trump leads. in wisconsin joe biden leads by 2. >> brian: look back at georgia. that's 11 now. georgia, arizona, michigan, i mean, those were all -- that was biden wins. >> ainsley: what do you mean 11? >> lawrence: look at the margin. >> brian: by 10. can we restart the show? >> ainsley: i thought you were saying data point. >> brian: i don't mind from lawrence but from you. you are the nice one on the panel. what's going on.
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>> ainsley: he is ahead. trump is ahead by 12 points. >> that's the one thing that's alarming. these polls go up and down. but to see 12 points in a swing state. i think if you are the biden camp, you are shaking this morning and got to ask yourself why? is it the economy? is it the border? and, if you were depending on these trials to slow him down, it looks like it is doing the reverse. >> steve: according to the article, lawrence, what it. >> brian: look that the crowd. >> steve: just dropped about an hour ago. joe biden is losing support with young people and not white voters. they are upset about the economy. they are upset about the war in gaza. now, here's the part that terrifies joe biden's team 2456789 is we heard that the economy is going to turn around. the trial is going to start. and, also, we're going to have a lot of money to spend. they have been able to spend millions of dollars on tv ads in battleground states. the criminal trial has already started. and the stock market is up about
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25% from where it was in november. and none of it has helped joe biden. and so that is a problem for joe biden. of course, it's still early. polls can change. but, nonetheless, people are heading to the exits. >> brian: right. i think it's also important to point out when you look at the distance between them. some tight. look at nevada. is he you up big in nevada. this is pretty good. also it shows you the strength of trump over the strength of party. because, in the senate races, the republicans are trailing in nevada. they are trailing in arizona. they are trailing in pennsylvania. they are trailing in wisconsin where the president is up in all those. so, people used to say trump is drag on the ticket? really on what planet. >> ainsley: last week we did the tale two candidates. so cool to see so many people out there supporting trump on saturday about. 100,000 people there in new jersey. you just mentioned the crowd. >> brian: how do you get 100,000. >> ainsley: seeing joe biden who has these big fundraiser invite only events where $275 for a
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plate to go and shake hands with him and take a picture. that's george clooney. that's now julia roberts who is going to do an event with him next week. then that's also barack obama. look at trump's crowd. that's the everyday person. that's free to go and see him and those are people dealing with inflation and can't afford $257,000 ticket for one event. >> lawrence: interviewed focals in the article, nearly 47% plaintiff trump's supporters say the economy or the cost of living was the most important issue. they talked to this young lady registered nurse jennifer wright and she said even me, as a registered nurse, i'm buying kroger brand or store brand, i'm not buying jiff. we have all had to cut back. to are me, who is the best candidate? who is the best candidate is who is going to help me in my financial situation to retire. >> brian: or at least try not to deny it. when you go and see the economy is great. i will yell at you if you ask me again. this goes to show you the biases in the media that would be hard to pick up. he is see 100,000 people. how is this going to be covered.
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do you know what the story in the "new york times" was. donald trump jabs manhattan prosecutor in profane speech at rally. really? how about about 100,000 people see him speak for over an hour. then extemporaneously in weather that was unseasonably cold. many of which didn't get close to the stage, at which point there was some mention of a prosecutor while no violations of his gag order. among the people who noticed where this elections is heading, and is somewhat alarmed by it, although mark penn is extremely fair, long time clinton pollster, clinton adviser. he said this in the "new york times." if mr. biden wants to serve another four years, he has to stop being dragged to the left. and chart a different course closer to the center. this sounds like axelrod. while he won't get any younger, he could still move to the center. hover up swing voters who desperately want to strengthen trump. destroying hamas and rally the base at the end. that means, first, pushing back against the base rather than
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pandering to it. remember, when it comes to the math of elections swing is king. >> steve: what joe biden has been talked into doing right now at a point -- remember, he has locked up the nomination. so has donald trump. so, rather than continue it oplay to the wing, left wing in joe biden's case, he should be playing toward the middle. and that's what mark penn said. it's getting to the point where it's almost too late. he said, quote: scared candidates are easily sold on the idea that the democratic base or republican base is going to stay home in november unless they are constantly fed what they want to hear. the democratic base is not going to -- ultimately, he says, in november, the democratic base is not going to sit idle i by and let donald trump win. what he says is that he can do some help to his own campaign by going to the middle, which he is not doing. >> lawrence: the problem with
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joe biden right now he is not giving us anything to vote for. >> lawrence: is he invisible. >> lawrence: as a result we have to default to our current situation, which is an open border, inflation, is he saying that he is not going to renew the trump tax cuts. good luck, americans. everybody's taxes going to go up. not just the richer he's likes to say. the crime is going to continue. hhe has now become a little fickle with israel telling them to get off the gas. that's not going to play well. >> ainsley: mark penn says 40% are going to vote for biden and 40% for trump you need the ones in the middle. >> steve: that are persuadable brian. >> ainsley: to focus on base with israel. massive taxes to your point. failing to connect on key issues, inflation, immigration and energy. and leaving behind the centrist swing voter. >> brian: look at martha r raddatz, kristin. indiscriminately killing babies. they are going by hamas numbers. when israel puts out numbers
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they say israel puts out numbers unverified. but hamas, we don't verify them but we will use those numbers for certain. just go to the war colleges. they say that the way they are fighting is extremely the rough esther rain on the planet. and they are being extremely efficient and discriminatory on it. i will bring to you this one statement. if hamas has the weapons that israel has. they would wipe out israel tomorrow. israel has the ability to wipe out hamas and instead they are weaving through the masses in order to kill people who are in tunnels underneath. that's why they need the bombs, mr. president, because they built 500 square miles word of tunnels with our money, a lot of it, and they are hiding down there, the palestinian people are up front and you provide the precision weaponry that goes on the kits that go on those bombs they will hit exactly where they are supposed to. not in your world, they are now sitting there on the dock. >> lawrence: imagine not even into a year into the war when we were attacked here
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september 11th, foreign countries telling us to get off the gas when usama bin laden was still on the release. sinwar is still out there causing havoc. now to a fox news alert major expected star witness michael cohen is set to take the stand today. >> brian: they will be on they say about three days. eric shawn is live outside the new york state supreme court. eric? >> eric: yeah, good morning, brian and guys. he once said he would take a bullet for president trump. now he will be firing at him from the witness stand starting today. the former president's so-called fixer, the long-time lawyer michael cohen expected to tell the jury that it was trump who organized the payments to keep stormy daniels silent. so her story would not hurt president trump's campaign in 2016. when he takes the stand, cohen is expected to testify about meeting with the president in the oval office in february of 2017. one month into the trump presidency. cohen claimed at that meeting
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trump agreed to reimburse him for the money that he paid to stormy and then knowingly lied about it by calling the reimbursements legal expenses. at the basis of the 34 false business record charges against the former president. but, you know, cohen is a disbarred lawyer convicted felon and already admitted he has previously lied under oath. he has been making a career of attacking his former president. the former president is under a imag order in this case and can't talk about cohen. take a look at how he savaged cohen during the civil trial last fall. >> somebody that is a felon. that's a grace. many of his clients by the way not just me. many clients. but is he a disgraced fellen, felon, andthat's the way it's ct and i think you all see. this so far through this whole trial no witness has directly tied the former president though alleged scheme. prosecutors hope michael cohen will do just that but, of course, will the jury believe
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him? back to you. >> steve: eric, it all comes down to he is going to say that he paid stormy daniels the money ultimately, and then donald trump reimbursed him and then and then michael cohen then falsified the business records and said they were legal expenses, right? he is the guy who put it on the -- as a legal expense. >> they had invoices invoiced from michael cohen, one would assume expenses. one would say it was the trump organization that falsely said it was legal expenses and that none of this could have happened without the former president's knowledge and involvement and knowing about it. but you don't have that direct tie, yet. and you may get it from michael cohen but, of course, will that be enough. >> brian: eric what stays in my mind is that michael cohen said before this started, there's going to be some surprises. and he september saying over and over again there is going to be some surprises. so far not getting any sur
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surprises. we will see what happens today. thank you very much. i'm curious to see what is going to happen because the president of the united states is getting penalized for following his lawyer's advice. then i go down and think about it again. all right. let's say $130,000. it was michael cohen's idea. no one says it isn't. says this is what you did. there is a tape out there and one of the tape says if i can paraphrase it says i feel bad that we even made that payment. he goes every one of your experts you talk to say you did the right thing. say it is $130,000. it is a misdemeanor. how does it become a felony to put somebody in jail? >> ainsley: is it a misdemeanor in i thought everyone we had on said it's not illegal to pay someone. >> brian: let's say you did what hillary clinton did took campaign money and paid a law firm, christopher steele to do the dossier let's say you did that she got find. found guilty, fined $450,000. that's really what this is.
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>> lawrence: today, brian, the major point of what michael cohen says out of his mouth today. mr. cohen, are you still licensed? are you still able to practice law? okay. why not, mr. cohen, all right. so when it comes to the legal expense, mr. cohen, you agree that this happened, right? did you consult the former president to do that? were you the lawyer that said? how was he supposed to know. if you are his lawyer and you told him this is the way to do it, why is this a thing? didn't you have a duty to let him know? did you let your client know that he was breaking the law? i just don't understand why would you put this by on the stand. >> brian: you have. you have to, lawrence. you have no choice. if he was the only one there with the invoices. >> ainsley: irony of this whole thing is michael cohen is his lawyer and gave him this advice. donald trump took that advice and now michael cohen is the key witness going against donald trump for taking his advice. >> brian: things go well he will have a tv series. >> steve: is he shopping it. >> ainsley: the fixer. the breaker. >> steve: comes down to if you are in the jury box and listening to the defense beat him up look you have told all
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these lies in the past. how are we supposed to believe you now. will the jury think that there is reasonable doubt in his story that he is telling now as opposed to things that he has admitted he lied about in the past? >> brian: i got some things to follow up on the boardy barn, coming in from the boardy barn correspondent. carley shimkus i love the boardy barn i choose to work here full time. >> steve: work at the boardy barn. >> brian: no, fox. off today. and also dawn, ohio married she said boardy barn is closed. then i'm getting other reports from an executive board here that the boardy barn might reopen. >> ainsley: we need to go. >> lawrence: do a show from there. >> steve: brian, you called out lurch, the former bouncer. lurch, if you are watching right now give us a call triple 8 tell fox. >> brian: stand by a pole in the middle and look at people. 6'10". >> ainsley: eric says it's so much fun no one wants to leave the dance floor some people wear
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diapers. >> brian: that story. >> ainsley: it can get a little gross but it's a lot of fun. >> steve: wait, they wear? >> brian: i do not know that i'm not saying it's not true but i did not know that. >> ainsley: wear your boots if you go. >> lawrence: rain boots. >> ainsley: you know so you don't get stuff on you. >> steve: i don't ruin a weird kind of barn. a lot going on in that barn. >> yuck. >> ainsley: legendary actor steve buscemi is treated in the hospital after punched in the face while walking down the streets of new york. his pub bliss telling the "new york post" that he was assaulted in midtown manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city. is he okay and appreciates everyone's well-wishes though incredibly sad for everyone that this has happened to him while he was also walking on the streets of new york the suspect
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can be seen getting up from his walker and then lunging at two women with a knife. the victim was treated and had to be taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay while the suspect was arrested and remains in custody this morning. happening today, crews are set to finally demolish the largest remaining ruins of the collapsed francis scott key bridge bridge. the demo was originally set for yesterday but postponed because of the lightning it. comes nearly seven weeks after the cargo ship hit the bridge causing it to collapse and six of the. maryland officials gospel rebuild. the cost would be up to $1.9 billion and say the new bridge could come as early as the fall of 2028. and check this out. pro-palestinian protesters shutting down the florida highway near disney world leading to a huge traffic backlog. [screaming free, free palestine]
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[horns beeping, sirens] >> one driver got out to confront the group known as years for palestine. officers quickly arrived at the scene and took the three to jail charges them with misdemeanors. and those are your headlines. steve from that car, those cars to that car right there. heading up -- rather down park avenue that in that car, michael cohen heading to court. >> brian: no security. just that biker. i guess he was left out of the car. >> steve: bike security. >> trump tower. >> lawrence: testimony is he going to give today. which story is the true story? >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about, of course, we're in graduation season. and we have seen a number of protests at different places yesterday at rutgers, i think, 50 people did some protesting and things like that. also yesterday, at duke university, there you can see
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the featured speaker, we're talking about jerry seinfeld, who has been a vocal supporter of israel after october 7th, he did not mention any of that his speech, instead, he told the students to embrace hard work and what they love and do what they love after graduation. and students with palestinian flags, started walking out of their seats as soon as he was called to the stage. they did not like the fact that jerry was going to talk. >> lawrence: here it is. [crowd booing] [applause] [chanting jerry, jerry, jerry] >> brian: when you see his reaction and notices everyone leaving. giggles. went over to israel. pro-israel. got heckled at comedy club he was leaving. something he has dealt with his entire year. not saying he you can't handle
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it. noncontroversial comedian. most successful ever. if you watch his shown, if you have seen him do standup. you don't really ever see him taking a position on anything political. but he was out as a jewish kid growing up on long island, he was out and about for israel. >> ainsley: do you know what is interesting, brian, last week he was reporting that comedians, some of the older ones have been grandfathered in like larry stayed david, here is he still getting heckled. did he post "i stand with israel" on instagram. when you see students walk out, follow them. i will say being from the carolinas, i was proud of how -- i mean, there weren't a lot of people. there were only three dozen that did protest during that ceremony. >> lawrence: i think it's also important to not label this as anti-israel. this is anti-jewish. i mean, he talked about october the 7th. but he hasn't been out there on the circuit doing speeches about this. they weren't targeting him because he is a jewish man.
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earlier we talked to a student that was there that said that the good without weighed the bad there here she is. >> i can't say i am surprised given these protests. it's very obvious that they oppose his point of view. but these students definitely went from and completely violated duke's rules. they made it clear to students they are not allowed to bring in any signs or flags and thee students completely violated the rules of duke university. after the students walk out and by the way it's only 40 students, they walked out. after they walked out, the entire stadium started booing them and eventually started chanting jerry's name clearly in support of him being our commencement speaker. if there is any to be targeted i feel like i would be one of the first students and can i happily say duke has done everything in their power to ensure the safety of the students. >> unfortunately we cannot say the same for universities across america. >> brian: bcu walkout on governor glenn youngkin. one woman arrived on staining with no robe wearing all white
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covered in red and white. and then she threw her diploma as across the stage. >> ainsley: audience and hear jerry seinfeld talk. is he the father of a duke alumna and another student -- another child at duke as well. >> steve: i have a way to make us all feel a little old. pretty much every kid who graduated at duke yesterday, were born after his show on nbc. >> ainsley: they can watch the reruns. >> steve: they could if they wanted to. >> ainsley: survey shows americans are craving outdoor time like never before. dr. marc siegel joins us with this medical monday story. >> brian: he is coming indoors to do that? >> ainsley: no. we are going to be outside. get your coat. ♪
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this morning manhunt for cop killer in ohio coming to an end after disturbance call turned deadly. officer jacob durbin shot and killed in ambush style attack saturday night. only 23 years old. in first year service with the department. hours long standoff the suspect was found dead inside ohio residence. the trial coming as mark national police week. mism in d.c. retired police lt.
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sean sticks larkin. look at this case right now. shows you how dangerous every call is. a 23-year-old shot by a 24-year-old. >> another track tragic incident of violence against police officers. 378 officers shot in the line of duty. luckily due to individual first aid, medical training and so forth, only 60 officers died from gunshot wounds. now, jacob durben, 23-year-old rookie killed by 24-year-old suspect as we have seen some times before with the long violent criminal history convicted felon shouldn't be back out on the streets. >> brian: your thoughts about this, too. i just thought it was interesting description. his name is deshaun anthony vaughn 24 years old a man with black hair and brown eyes. 63, 215 pounds. they don't tell you if he is black or white. if you are looking for somebody, isn't that a little bit of a hinderance. >> absolutely. any time you know a suspect,
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regardless of the race, the sex or anything like that. you need a solid physical description. can i tell you for us in law enforcement, when we are looking for a suspect we are telling each other the race of the suspect the race of the suspect. the physical build of the suspect. the clothing they are wearing, something like this. when you have got somebody that dangerous out in the public that shot and killed a police officer, you need that information out for the public as well. >> brian: still trying to be politically correct in your job. 19 officers have been shot and killed in 2024. which makes your special coming up on fox nation so important. it's called officer down. >> yeah. listen. you know, this is my first year to be part of the national law enforcement museum. i'm out here with my friends and my family. partnering up with bill alexander the director of this thing. this something a lot of the general public doesn't know exists. police week. we are putting 382 names have been added to the wall this year of officers that were killed in 2023 as well as some in the past. and public needs to know this is out here. this is where we come pay our
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respect to the men and women of law enforcement. we got a candlelight vigil tonight. 3 #th year that they have down this. people can donate to the national law enforcement officer memorial fund. these men and women that are doing this job. the jacob durbins of the world. people in north carolina that -- the marshal that was just shot as and killed as well as the other officers there they need this type of support. >> brian: absolutely. i will be there tonight. i will be with you tonight. hopefully i will see you later on. sean, thanks so much. watch the full special. officer down. honoring the fallen available this friday on fox nation. sean sticks larkin thanks so much. meanwhile, let's go over to ainsley or the other breaking news. >> ainsley: i do. actress olivia munn revealing she opted for a full hysterectomy after undergoing double mastectomy to treat her, quote, aggressive form of breast cancer. she told vogue it was a big decision to make but it was the best decision for me because i needed to be present for my family. the newsroom star who shares a
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2-year-old son with comedian john my lanny also sharing she froze her eggs in anticipation of her treatment. and we're taking a look at the beautiful photos that you sent us of the northern lights, lighting up the nighttime sky over large parts of our country over the weekend. this beautiful aurora was sent in by ken from michigan. anna sent in this photo showing the colorful skies down in alabama. over in pennsylvania, mary sending us a view of this beautiful scene. look at that with the person flag. the northern lights are expected to linger in some parts of the u.s. through the evening. and those are your headlines. now to another big legal case today. bob menendezens corruption trial. sean duffy on the implications for democrats moving forward. that's next ♪ that don't effect me much ♪ so you got the brains ♪ but have you got the touch? ♪ now don't get me wrong ♪ yeah, i think you're all right ♪ but that won't keep me warm in
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>> janice: good morning. oh my gosh, what a month it has been. look at this, storm reports from may 6th to 11th, 160 tornadoes. wind over 900 and hail 527. this has been one of the most active mays, really that i have seen in many years. it's been really incredible. the great news the storm prediction center has been right on where the watches and warnings have been placed over the last couple of weeks. we will continue that trend, hopefully warning you where the danger is. we have a severe tornado watch in effect for parts of mississippi in towards alabama. the florida panhandle as well. and, remember, some of these areas were damaged by that tornado on friday. so, the power is out in a lot of
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areas across the gulf coast and we have more rain in the forecast and the potential for severe weather. we will keep you up to date on that. but, this is through thursday and saturday, so another round of storms moving in and i am concerned about texas, severe storm threat for today. can you see all of those areas shaded in red and orange and yellow and then tuesday across the southeast. so we will keep our focus on that area. and then we will warm up the west coast as well. still a little bit of snow in the higher elevations which we will certainly keep you up to date on fox for all of your latest details. steve doocy over to you my friend. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: you got it. meanwhile today in a federal court jury selection begins in the corruption trial of u.s. senator bob menendez, a democrat. it's the second one the new jersey democrat over the last decade. menendez is facing charges alleging he accepted bribes of, among other things, gold bars and cash in exchange for influence as well as acting as a
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foreign agent for egypt. joining us right now is the co-host of the bottom line on the fox business. you got to watch it tonight. former wisconsin congressman and prosecutor sean duffy. sean, good morning to you. >> sean: steve, good to see you, thanks for having me. >> steve: you know, there are a couple stories out there, i think in the "new york times" it suggests that maybe bob menendez may actually throw his wife under the bus and say she had information i didn't know we were taking bribe money. >> sean: i had no idea but the gold bars that came in my house allegedly from my wife. i googled online how much they were worth. also, steve, the prosecution has really wonderful details. one of the envelopes of cash found in his jacket pocketed when fbi searched his home, they have fingerprint evidence of the driver of, you know, one of these business associates who allegedly paid the money to menendez. and, also, d.n.a. from one of those business business associates. they not only have the gold and cash but they also have
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fingerprints and d.n.a. on the envelopes that held the cash. by the way, bob menendez has spent his life serving in government, local levels in new jersey, all the way up to now u.s. senator. i can attest that when you serve in government. you should not have gold bars. and almost half a million dollars in cash in your home. you don't make that much money. something else was going on here, steve. and it's -- the soared did soard details of this case bob menendz won re-election after that jury trial. i think he thinks is he going to get off again. if he does, he is going to run in new jersey potentially as an independent, not a democrat. and what that can do is allow republicans to actually win the seats so democrats are a bit freaked out about the politics of how this plays out. >> steve: last governor's state in the great state of new jersey, jack ciattarelli, who is
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a republican came within four or five points of beating the incumbent. so who knows what is going to happen. there is, and you know politics better than anybody, there is the political hypocrisy. it wasn't that long ago that george santos, a republican faced all sorts of charges, ethics violations and stuff like that, essentially was drummed out of the house. meanwhile, you got -- it was never adjudicated. in the meantime you got this guy, bob menendez, once again, not adjudicated but he is sitting firm and not going to leave until they drag him out of there. >> sean: yeah, so it's interesting. george santos, that's a good point, was charged with federal crimes. and the house threw him out, given republicans a much tighter majority. george santos was a republican voter was also on the team. they kicked him out making that majority thatch smaller. menendez also charged, not convicted and he is still in the senate. again, it begs the question,
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democrats are able to do things different than republicans. republicans kick out their allies and friends before aexecuted occasion, democrats tonight i think it's 145eu78ful this double standard. henry cuellar democratic congressman down in texas charged federally for corruption there are a number of trials we are going to watch. if you are bob menendez in new jersey or manhattan, you probably have a little bit more favorable jury pool than, say, donald trump. a little deeper blue and a little more agreeable to the democrat persuasion; however, gold bars and cash, steve, that's pretty tough evidence in a courtroom. especially with people who don't make that much money. >> steve: i wonder if they will actually bring the gold bars. in they have a bunch of potential jurors today. jury selection starts here in manhattan and tonight 6:00 over on fox business, mr. duffy along with dagen will have highlights on fox business. is he also going to host
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outnumbered today at noon, so you got a busy day, sir. thank you. >> sean: i do. it's going to be a lot of fun. thank you, steve. >> steve: good enough. see you sean. a new survey shows americans are craving more time outside. dr. marc siegel says that's a good thing -- wait, is he drinking olive oil outside? what about a pepsi? i see a pepsi behind him. which would you have? ♪ i just want to hey you, with the small business... ...whoa... you've got all kinds of bright ideas,
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♪ >> do you love spending time outside? >> ainsley: well, you are not alone. some 57% of americans aim to maximize their time in the great outdoors. a vast majority say they are more relaxed. they are clear-headed and happier when they're outside. our next gest is here to explain how it has significant health benefits. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel joins us on this medical monday. great to see you. >> good to see you. >> ainsley: is this because of the pandemic, people locked up inside? >> that's part of it. a lot of people were at their zoom. they were at their desks, their iphones. they didn't get out. they were told to be locked down or shut down. they got anxious. a big study in lancet in great britain, migration the amount of time you got to walk or get outside or move around decreases your risk of depression. and everyone here, all our camera people, producers all say
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being outside helps them. >> ainsley: we were just asking them. >> we all agree this survey out from talker that says at least 60 minutes a day improves your mood. decreases your depression. people surveyed 60% of them said if i'm inside i go crazy. i gout to be outside. 80 percent said travel for the purposes of being outside. like going to a national park. going on a hike. by the way, being outside with you, a dear friend of mine for so many years, that lifts my spirit. and hifirst really important. >> ainsley: who doesn't love a beach vacation? we all feel better when we come home. >> immediately. absolutely. >> ainsley: researchers at harvard are saying you can lower your risk of dying from dementia if you have olive oil. cook with olive oil. how much do we need and why is
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this. >> first of all my wife has cooked with olive oil forever and replace the margarine and butter, which is saturated fats. olive oil is much healthier, mono and saturated fats and policy fee nils antioxidants. you have been coo cooking with avocado oil. unatunsaturated fats. antioxidants in the brain decreases dementia from forming. 28 years 90,000 people. even though it was observational. we know olive oil decreases heart disease. microheart disease effects on the brain causes these dementia problems. >> ainsley: does it matter what type of olive oil? sometimes when i'm at the grocery store if you buy the store brand it's a lot cheaper some olive oil containers are really expensive. the virgin olive oil is better. any olive oil is better than no olive oil on top of the mediterranean diet you have with fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts
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and berries all really good for you. glass of wine here and there. >> ainsley: you recommend that, doctor? >> yeah. one glass here and there, of course with friends. >> ainsley: exactly. they say replace the mayonnaise, replace the margin and cook with olive oil. avocado oil is good what did you tell us to look for mono what. >> mono unsaturated fats. look up google policy phenyls antioxidants. better fats. healthier fats and be outside. >> i remember growing up i was. i don't want any butter or oils good for you. >> right oils are good for you. not only is the olive oil that much better for you but the kind of things when you are thinking olive oil you are thinking fruits vegetables and good health. >> ainsley: now at our age that's what we are thinking about. i want to live a long life for my child and i want to meet my grandchildren one day and i definitely don't want dementia. >> all of that is going to be true for you. starting here is really, really
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important. you are not going to sit there drinking a half a cup of this in you're food. >> ainsley: just a teaspoon. >> 28% decreased risk of dying of dementia over 25 years. that's enormous improvement. please everyone out there use olive oil instead of butter. my prescription for medical mondays. >> ainsley: thank you for saving our lives. lawrence, i'm going to toss it in to you. >> lawrence: i love you ask the question we are all thinking why is olive oil so expensive? >> ainsley: right. why is it so expensive? >> ainsley: it might be worth not getting that starbucks coffee and putting that money toward a bottle of olive oil if it is going to preach the from you having dementia. >> definitely. >> lawrence: exmumford and son's guitarist says he hopes his new festival called dissident dialogues will become a hub for viewpoints of diversity where, quote: real debate can happen. marshall telling fox news digital, quote: we're not an anti-wokeness but we want
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everyone at the table. and we are very keen for all ideas to be valued and brought. in sounds like a great idea. lindsey lohan celebrating first mother's day since giving birth last summer. the mean girl's star says she has found the greatest joy as a mom to her son. posted this photo saying i'm loving the little things with my babies who walks and baths and feeding times together. she also had a message of encouragement for other new parents telling them, quote: you got. this taylor swift and travis kelce proving their love story is still going strong on the singer's 87th show of her heirist tour in paris. kelce spotted dancing not guilty stands alongside bradley cooper and gigi yesterday swift performing two songs rumored to be about the football star and even wore chief's colors on stage with a new red and gold costume. those are your headlines. so i guess i was wrong. maybe it is a real thing. all right. and about 3400 miners ago we saw michael cohen leaving his new
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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on east


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