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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> john: live look inside the new york state supreme court where former president donald trump just walked back into the courtroom. the prosecution's star witness former trump attorney michael cohen set to resume testimony any second now. along john roberts in washington, sandra, welcome back to the craziest week of court history. >> sandra: i was looking at that live shot and thinking bill hemmer hopefully made his way and there and got his seat. he will be joining us shortly as court is set to resume any moment now. i'm sandra smith and this is america reports. you begin the test when he early this morning and said his duties at the trump organization included killing what he called negative stories. he detailed shutting down the karen mcdougal story alongside david packer. prosecutors are tasked with making him a credible witness despite his past criminal charges and lying to congress.
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spiel live an all-star team throughout us as testimony resumes. >> sandra: let's get the nate foy outside. here we go. >> here we go. the jury is being let in right now. michael cohen's testimony is set to resume. so far during much of the morning session, he has talked about the karen mcdougal deal that american media purchase for $150,000 but just before lunch starting to get into the specifics of the deal that has brought former president donald trump on trial and that is the charges related to how the stormy daniels payment was made and he talked about how this happened right after the release of the "access hollywood" tape and he spoke about former president trump's reaction when he brought that news to him saying that trump was very angry. michael cohen claims that trump told him to take care of it fearing that women wouldn't vote for him in the 2016 presidential election. he claims that trump said women are going to hate me as a result
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of it and cohen told the court "this is a trump quote "push out as long as it can. get past the election. if i when it has no relevance and if i lose, i don't even care." he testified today that when women came forward alleging affairs, trump was more concerned about his political future rather than his family. trump denies the affair was happened and his political allies say this trial is meant to take them out of this year's presidential election. >> at the end of the day, the democrats, the democrats are trying to be president trump in the jury box because they can't beat him at the ballot box. >> so when the cross-examination begins, trump's lawyers will lead into his credibility concerns. he is a convicted felon who pleaded guilty to lying under oath and has testified since then admitting to being untruthful several times under oath. prosecutors say he lied in the past to protect his former boss.
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trump. the fo former president son eris here today and he posted on x "i have never seen anything more rehearsed." michael cohen's testimony is resuming right now and as john just mentioned we are going to hear a lot more about how and why he was compensated as former president trump's former lawyer. back to you. >> thank you for setting that up. john. >> john: let's bring in fox news contributor jonathan turley as testimony resumes this afternoon. i want to go back again to this quote that was carried in "the new york times" february 13th 2018 in which he says "neither the trump organization nor the trump campaign was a party to the transaction with ms. clifford and neither reimbursed me for the payment either directly or indirectly. the payment to ms. clifford was lawful and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone." to quote a noted constitutional
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law professor, how do they make that cat walk backwards? >> that will be a very difficult thing indeed and thank you for the reference. this witness is a little different because he seems to believe in reincarnation during his own life. he is going to say that was a different michael cohen. that was three redemptions ago. every time he announces he is a redemptive center he's caught again and then he said i get it this time. i shall not sin again. and that's all going to be laid out by this litany of lies when he takes the stand. he has already done what alvin bragg has demanded to some extent. he has said that trump told him he just wanted to bury this until after the election but that's not enough. and part of my problem with what the court has done here, one of the reversible elements of this case is that the court has not really given clear instructions
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to counsel as to what has to be shown. he hasn't responded to objections from the defense as they refer to things like election violations making it sound like trump violated election laws which he did not. but it's also not enough for michael cohen to say he wanted to bury an embarrassing story because bill clinton had an army of lawyers that buried stories with women. that's politics. that's what happens. michael cohen himself admitted that he was completely unaware that pecker had been telling stories about trump for a couple of decades. if he was killing stories 20 years ago, was trump planning to run in 2016? of course not. he was also killing stories for other celebrities.
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cohen's testimony is already somewhat adrift. >> sandra: so just real quickly a few minutes ago we did see the former president reenter the courtroom. there's a quick little shot of him moments ago. as he reentered. based on what you just said about the clear instructions to the council, to counsel lacking and as far as the objections from the defense not being addressed by the judge, can the defense stand up for itself and request this? >> a camper at the critical moment will be when the prosecution rests. the defense will stand up and make a standard motion for a directed verdict and say there is no evidence of a crime here. there is an insufficiency of evidence. merchan should grant that motion and i don't put that out of the realm of possibility because even he at this point may be a little bit concerned about how
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this entire case has gone adrift. he has allowed us to go forward without a clear definition of what crime was involved here. what alvin bragg is worried about is that the judge may get sticker shock and say this is too much for me to carry over to the jury. so what bragg is trying to do is have michael cohen state the words he needs and then he can go to the judge and say it is just a credibility issue. it has to go to the jury. >> john: it seems to me that if the prosecution is going to try to get a guilty verdict, what they need to get out of michael cohen is they need to have him say that the financial reimbursement to him was a scheme that was cooked up with him and trump and weisselberg to hide the fact that this was a reimbursement under the guise of legal payments. to which i assume that the defense would simply say you said back in 2018 that none of
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this happened. were you lying then or are you lying now? and how was anybody to believe anything you are saying if you say you were lying then and now you are not lying and how do we know you are lying? how do we know you are telling the truth back then? this just seems to be on such than ice. >> it's virtually imperceptible, the ice. what bragg is trying to do is rely on a motivated judge and a motivated jury is out as long he can get this past that motion to dismiss, he is hoping that the defendant's name alone could secure a conviction. i'm not as confident on that point because cohen has got to say that trump shows evidence that trump intended not only to conceal these payments but to do sue to conceal a crime. we are still not sure what that crime was. but he needs a very high level
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of intent. he's not very close to satisfying that and that's what makes the judge uncomfortable because merchan might get uncomfortable unless he gets a vague this story is going to go away. what bragg is counting on is he can get cohen to go forward and to sate the intent was to hide a crime. >> sandra: jonathan turley always appreciate you joining us. thank you so much and we know the jury is now being brought back into the courtroom. the cohen testimony will resume and we will take a quick break and mike eilers will join us on the other side. >> you have a witness where the only witness that prosecution will present as far as linking trump to a crime and this witness has no credibility. dow. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna
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>> sandra: court is back in session and former president donald trump's criminal trial with the prosecution's star witness back on the stand michael cohen and joining us now is mark eiglarsh criminal defense attorney. we are getting some read out of what is happening now the court is resumed. i will read it to you almost verbatim from our producer inside the room. resumes by asking about the funding deadline to stormy daniels for it exhibit 64 is presented which is emails between michael cohen and davidson dated october 2016. he said cohen should have all necessary docs and cohen explains that this was to continue to delay the execution of funding. he used the holiday of yom kippur to delay the payment until after the election because after the election it won't matter according to mr. trump.
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your response to hearing that is how things are back underway in the courtroom? >> how convenient. cohen and convenience go hand-in-hand paired everything the prosecution has been missing up until now, he's going to put it out there on a silver platter. if i am defending this case, i divide up his testimony into two parts. number one, all the stuff i can live with. i take him through his testimony and say these payments or stories that don't help people who are high profile, not only is that not uncommon it's been going on for decades and they know that through picker's testimony. the stuff that they really give the testimony that lays out the missing pieces of this case, you eviscerate him. you show how he cannot be trusted. >> john: this comes back to the point that the prosecution unless they haul weisselberg and court which there is no indication they will do at this
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point, all they have it cohen potentially saying that some scheme was cooked duct to pay him back and cover the payments so that long after and cover up the fact that they tried to influence the effect election but then they have this contradictory statement from tht hour where he told "the new york times" that he paid the money, he was never paid back, the trump organization and the trump campaign did not know anything about it. it strikes me as hard to believe that bragg will pin the entire case on cohen making that point if indeed that is where they are headed. as >> right. after they rest, there is a motion to dismiss that almost always is not granted by the judge. it's very rare. usually he will let jurors decide but i would make a very compelling argument at a minimum to the appellate courts if there's ever a conviction and say there's not sufficient
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evidence to let a jury decide this case. they did not make what we call a prima facie case meaning they did not hit every single element that is required here. too much of this was done by michael cohen by his own admission. >> sandra: while we try to reestablish a connection with mark, it looks like we are getting another update from inside the courtroom and mark, do we have you back? >> john: i don't think we ever lost him. >> sandra: continue. i apologize. >> i made my point. i don't know where i got cut off but my point is there is too much here that can be argued to the judge after the prosecution rests their case assuming this is it and there might be some more but assuming this is that, there was enough to make an argument that there is just not enough to let this go to a jury. >> sandra: the update we are getting from inside the courtroom per hour reporter, cohen acknowledges that he did not use a truthful description
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of the first republic bank account. he open to required the story rights from stormy daniels. he wrote management consulting including hr and marketing. the prosecution asked why not use the true description and he says if he had written to pay off adult film star for nda, not sure they would have opened the account. if the bank didn't open an account because they knew it would pay an adult film star, that is a reputational concern. it is not because it is illegal. your response to that? >> that's all him. he did that. that's what the defense should argue. trump was out there, big picture. little picture in that he authorized to pay off perhaps if you want to concede that but how specifically, it should be handled, that is what he has a lawyer for. to make sure that it's not in everyone's face but to abide by the laws as cohen understands them. you can argue that what cohen
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did, assuming the prosecution is arguing it, was nefarious, maybe even unlawful and i wouldn't necessarily concede that if less i had to but that trump did not know about it, did not approve it, did not okay it, does not have the requisite fraudulent intent which is what was required for a criminal case. >> john: and this goes back to what cohen testified to congress in october of 2022 when he said there's not a single thing that occurs at the trump organization that is not directed by and for the benefit of donald j. trump. but if he is telling untruths to a bank on which he is trying to open an account, there is no account that donald trump is directing him to do that. so what else has he been doing without the direction of trump? >> there is plenty. it's impossible for anyone to embrace that testimony that trump knew of all the minor show. again, it's one thing for him to know generally what
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michael cohen is doing but the specifics and how he carried it out which is what the claim was unlawful, i don't know that anybody would believe that trump knew and was down in the weeds with him in light of all the other things that were going on in his life at the time. >> sandra: really interesting stuff coming out of the courtroom in real time we will keep covering it. mark eiglarsh, thank you. >> sandra: we continued to watch michael cohen's testimonym the stand. former trump attorney will join us on that coming up next. >> sandra: plus how are these legal cases impacting the former presidents presidential campaign? a brand-new set of polling suggests he might still have the advantage appeared more on that with james freeman who will join us live coming up. >> anybody who lives through october 2016 knew that that story was going to be bad for donald trump politically. but just because something was bad for him politically does not mean that the steps he took thereafter were wrong illegally. oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life
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>> john: michael cohen is back on the stand for more testimony. some wonder if trump himself will testify in the trial. let's big ring and bill brennan. he represented president trump in his second impeachment. it's good to be with you this afternoon. the prosecution is trying to lay the foundation here that any nda was done to the benefit of the campaign. but now they have to make the connection that the way that cohen was paid back was fraudulent. it seems that he's the only person they have got to make that claim. i was saying to do either mark eiglarsh or jonathan turley that it's pretty thin ice to base her case on. >> it's good to be back. thank you for having me. to have the entire case now for weeks all really hinge on the good word of michael cohen has to have this prosecution team worried. >> sandra: good to have you. sandra here in new york. what has struck you so far that you have heard?
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>> what has struck me sandra having been in that very courtroom with judge merchan not that long ago and most of this prosecution team in the trump payroll case is that we have gotten to four weeks of trial and where's the beef? there has been no crime established. if they don't bring it home with cohen who is a polluted source, this case should be not guilty. the testimony has been so far about catch and kill, about nda's. none of which are illegal. they have to show if any of this occurred, the motivation, the primary motivation in the defendant's mind was the election. and any married individual on this jury when they get back to deliberate, if it gets that far, is not going to just think about the impact of what the disclosure would've had on that
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marriage. >> john: we had hope hicks on the stand and she would appear to be the pinnacle of credibility saying something completely different than what michael cohen is saying now peered hope hicks out that the former president was worried about the impact on millenia and now you have michael cohen saying he didn't worry about her at all. >> when you think about jury trials in general, this is a group of peers that would judge you or i or in this case former president trump and they will assess these witnesses as they come and go. they don't leave their common sense at the door appeared hope hicks gets on there and she apparently has no ax to grind. she gives her testimony. now you have mr. cohen. formerly a narcissistic sycophant to president trump. looking for a pat on the head and made some outrageous statement about i would take a president dominic bullet for you and i was on a 180. there's a thin line between love and hate and now he has an ax to
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grind. he's on social media wearing ridiculous shirts with cartoon images of the defendant in jail. he is making statements saying that he hates the defendant. this guy has skin in the game. when that jury gets back there and says who's testimony had the ring of troth. appeared hope hicks or michael cohen. it's an easy choice. >> sandra: one outstanding question whether or not the former president himself will testify. i know you have a different thought and take on this. >> i don't think that he will. it's no reflection on the former president. in any criminal case, and i've been trying cases for 35 years, you just don't want your client to be exposed to cross-examination. any time you're just this case. and i found that interesting. i have a lot of respect for judge merchan but i saw in a certain media outlets an excerpt from a sidebar conference that was held the other day where the
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judge according to the transcript i read on the screen told todd blanche you have open the door because you are opening and you denied this happened with ms. daniels and miss daniel said it dead and it will come down to ultimately, said the judge, who do they believe. daniels or trump. that's not correct. with all due respect to judge merchan. in any criminal case including this one, you can sit there as a defendant and play tiddlywinks good you could do the crossword puzzle. there is never a shift of burden to the defense. it's not who do you believe. it's the state of new york decided to bring these criminal charges. they have the high burden of proof and they must prove it. donald trump or any defendant. you, i, any american citizen does not have to do anything but show up. >> john: when either todd blanche or susan nicholas or emily bovee take over the cross-examination, if you were there doing that for
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donald trump, what would you do with cohen? >> i would, and i suspect i don't know mr. blanche only by reputation which is excellent. i worked very closely with susan pier and she is terrific and she did a really nice job with stormy daniels. but they've been -- it's almost like in the movie secretary where they are holding back on the final stretch but i think they get the web out and i think todd blanche comes out swinging in a measured way. cohen has an allergy to veracity. this guy can't tell the truth. he told "the new york times" none of this occurred. he's going to tell this jury and have told the jury it did occur. he's all over the board here and what's interesting in the place where i primarily practice in pennsylvania, our perjury statute has a subsection that says if it was sworn testimony, if in sworn testimony you say it happened and in sworn testimony beat you say it didn't happen,
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the commonwealth need not prove which is the light. they know he's lying. he's a proven liar. he lied to congress and he lied to the irs and it should be an interesting cross. >> john: i'm sure will be. >> sandra: i suddenly have the movie quote let him run in my head. thank you very much for joining us. >> john: now that's. >> there it is. trump leading by a lot in every state. every swing state leading by a lot. this trial is rigged. i should be out campaigning now instead of sitting in a very cold court house day long. >> sandra: former president donald trump might be stuck in a courtroom but his poll numbers have not taken a hit. in fact, a new set of polls show the former president of the head of joe biden and head-to-head matchups in five crucial battleground states. james freeman, assistant editor of "wall street journal" editorial page and fox news contributor is here. >> great to be hurt.
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>> sandra: what do you want to tell us about this? is this hurting the former president? >> you look at these polls and what people are looking at them a reasonably voters, as voters often do, they are concerned about the economy. about inflation. about how the next person running our government is going to affect their lives. there have been various polls that said one of trump is convicted? there seems to be an effect there. you need to be a little bit wary because people answering hypotheticals about how they will react to a future event is tricky. a lot of that depends on if somehow this joke of a case which never should have been brought results in a conviction in new york. the question then is due voters take it seriously. do they respect the results. >> john: they are getting into the funding now and michael cohen is testifying that he had conversations with
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allen weisselberg how to get the funding to stormy daniels. they are saying one option for funding was if someone wanted to purchase a golf membership at the golf courses. cohen said that's not a possibility because each entity has a trump name and the whole purpose was to make sure that the trump name stayed out of it. he suggested to weisselberg that he, weisselberg pays the money. weisselberg said he's not in a position as he has four grandkids and prep school and summer camps. he said because of the urgency i ultimately said i'll pay it. they discussed repayment with sex saying don't worry, we will make sure you get paid back. he is portraying a scheme that was cooked up between he and weisselberg but there is no trump and it appeared >> no. and there is no campaign issue here. if donald trump had paid for this hush money out of campaign funds, somebody would be
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prosecuting him for misusing campaign funds for something that is not a campaign expense. so the case that they have brought has nothing to do with any of this discussion between the two of them. even if people are inclined to believe what michael cohen is saying, the fundamental problem here and the reason the people charged with enforcing our federal campaign laws have not made this case is because there is no case. >> sandra: i want to get this and here. carrie is giving us an update from the courtroom that cohen just testified that he told trump directly he was going to front the money for the nda. she is saying that she believes that is the first time we have heard that. >> okay. you might have a question about the accounting. the tax. the prosecutor is not bringing a tax case here. he is not bringing a fraud case.
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i'm guessing among people who pay hush money that hush money is normally not how they describe it in their ledgers. this is all very unsavory but this is not a campaign finance case and along with mr. cohen, stormy daniels testimony, i know you discuss it a lot. right, left, and center. attorneys have been talking about how prejudicial it is. it had no bearing even on the alleged issue that this case is supposed to be about. in terms of getting back to how voters view this. again, even if somehow there is a conviction here, i think the big question is do people look at this as a legitimate issue with trump or as a miscarriage of justice by a politicized prosecutor and judge in new new york. >> john: again. cohen told the times and he told me on the phone while i was covering trump at the white house that he took out a
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home equity line of credit to pay stormy daniels. there was never any talk about getting paid back but apparently at the time cohen was already being paid back. but what we get down to here is not the fact that he was paid back but it is what was written in the ledger about how he got paid back and is a payment to an attorney regardless of what it is for classified as a legal expense. in your expertise, does it sound like that would be the normal course of action? when you are paying an attorney something at the legal expense. >> a lot of people would look at it that way and just to be clear, the payment that went to cohen, it was the settlement money. i believe his services and also some other stuff that was unrelated to stormy daniels. this question of whether this is legal services or not, i think there would be a big argument about that.
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even if you could get past the part about how what this is all leading to is prosecuting something that was not a crime. i'm guessing, again, if you examine the history of hush money payments, that's not normally the way people who are doing them describe them because they are not points to doing hush money if you are announcing and disclosing that's hush hush money. >> sandra: reading through some of the latest readouts from the court repaired cohen said that he and weisselberg spoke to trump and said that cohen would be paying the money and trump was appreciative and said good, good. there's more to this. james freeman, we will take a quick break and thank you for joining us. more from the new york state supreme court here in new york city when we return. jonathan turley up next. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen,
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>> john: michael cohen still on the stand and we are getting updates by the minute. he is taking and detailing the steps taken to shut on the stormy daniels story. let's bring in jonathan turley. more updates from the courtroom. michael cohen says that he and alan weissberg spoke to trump and expressed to him that cohen would be paying the money of your trump was appreciative and said good, good. cohen said i was doing everything i could add more to protect my boss which is something i had done for a long time and not hand out a $130,000 nondisclosure agreement for somebody else. it goes on to say here that cohen says he had a home equity line of credit. the account was paperless. his wife would have not understood $130,000 missing from their joint account. he says if this matter was not resolved it was going to be catastrophic to mr. trump and
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the campaign. then there was a call with david pecker and dylan howard from the inquirer about this. eric was telling that the nda needed to get done and it was good we catastrophic for the campaign. he said he asked defund the police stomach pecker to make the payment and he said not a chance because he never gm mcdougall agreement and he said he would take care of it. so far, again, no evidence of a crime and unless cohen can establish in the jury's mind that the method in which he was paid back was fraudulent, where is the case? >> that's a good question. it would be a novel one for the judge to raise at some point. what are we talking about here? if you have someone that is representing a client and says i'm going to take care of this and this is how i have taken care of it and the client is in good, good. make sure you are covered. why is that a crime? at the end of the day, cohen is
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discussing an arrangement that he came up with. he negotiated. and asking that his client should go to dale for doing something that he told him to d. what's missing here is some notion of an attempt to disguise or conceal a crime. it is not a crime to have an nda. it is not a crime to try to get a story to go away. in the case of pecker which he just reference, he said he was doing this for years before trump ever thought of running for office because that is what celebrities do. you have other witnesses who said i think he did it because he really did not want to embarrass his family. he was also the host of a major television program which he has a clause in it by the way that you can lose the contract in scandal or controversy. there is very likely a mix of different motives but what you need for a crime is the intent to commit the crime. and that is what we are still
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light years away. >> sandra: reading through things coming out of the court room. one thing that has struck her listening to cohen is how desperate he seemed for trump's approval and affirmation and would do anything for it noting that this culminated in him taking out a home equity line of credit to take care of his bosses dirty business. she obviously followed that up with culminating in him taking out a home equity line of credit that he had from his wife to take care of his bosses dirty business. this is more and more bizarre by the moment, jonathan. >> he did handle dirty business. he had a horrible reputation. i criticized him when he was still representing trump. he was a legal thug. and there's the old joke that they will replace white rats and labs with lawyers because there are things that rats won't do. cohen was the ultimate lawyer
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who would do most anything. and he later said he expected to be attorney general and it does dovetail with what other witnesses were testimony. he would exaggerated, he exploded, he was volatile, he was unprofessional. all of those things are true. from all of us who have observed him from years. >> john: and real quickly here. lydia who raises his points as for such important testimony, prosecutors should be clear where and when did these discussions with weisselberg happ appeared on the phone, and person, in trump's office, and cohen's office, was anyone else present, what was the time of day, did anyone see them talking at this time. it's all pretty generalized and the prosecution is just letting them spew without nailing down any details. >> : what they are doing is that they are building the elements on the crime.
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here's a document, but when you look at it, there is nothing there. these documents prove nothing but what is uncontested. payments to an nda. an effort to silence a bad story. none of that is a crime but the prosecution is simply trying to prove what they can prove which are a bunch of noncriminal acts. >> sandra: okay. jonathan, we are waiting on more updates to come from the courtroom. we should have more any moment now. jonathan, thank you very much good we will see you again shortly. we will take a quick break. more on the trump trial and more from the courtroom when we return. mark eiglarsh rejoins us can't gn because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan.
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>> sandra: this fox news alert as we look alive at the new york state supreme court here in new york city. a dramatic date in trump's criminal trial. michael cohen come the prosecution's star when he says on the stand at this hour. how is his first day of testimony going? mark eiglarsh joining us. criminal defense attorney. your take on what is coming out of that courtroom. we've been getting a lot in the past few minutes. >> a lot of what he is saying doesn't hurt that offense at all as long as the defense embraces what he is saying. payoffs are normal. it's not a problem.
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it's been going on decades before cohen ever came onto the scene and it happened way before the election. can see that. it's okay. pecker normalized those payments but where he is potentially trying to hurt the effort, the defense effort, is saying that trump knew about the payments and more specifically, he was concerned about the campaign. it wasn't about his wife, it was all about the campaign. which is why i say how convenient. i don't know how any juror can take that to the bank. >> john: and there's no snow coming out of the courtroom. cohen talked about some phone calls. establishing his home equity line of credit, cohen spoke to trump once every three minute and once every one minute around october 2026. he said he was needing to tell trump what was being done. he said he would not have made that payment without getting trump's approval.
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cohen said everything required mr. trump's signoff on top of that i wanted the money back. but we have this discrepancy not five months later he told "the new york times," he told other reporters including myself that he took out a home equity line of credit to pay the bill and did not get paid back. but now he saying i wanted the money back and we have to get into the details on how we got the money back. is that in any way damaging? >> of course that's what he saying now because scooby wants a snack. he is willing to say whatever it is that the prosecution needs to get beyond the exclusion of every reasonable doubt. he has clearly a vested interest in a conviction. i'm already thinking about closing argument. i'm thinking ladies and gentlemen of the jury, if your doctor who said you or your family members required significant surgery and that
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dr. left you feeling as comfortable as weisselberg, wouldn't you want a second opinion? unless it is recorded, which it isn't, unless it is an donald trump's words on paper saying this is exactly how i want you to structure this deal with evidence as fraud, he cannot be worthy of belief and that's a reasonable doubt. >> sandra: an update from inside the courtroom. she is noting that when asked by the prosecutor why he did not include trump, obviously this is being asked of cohen, and include on any bank docs, he said it was to protect him from the overflow room she says it looks like trump made a face when he said that. >> because it is convenient yet again. there is no direct evidence that donald trump was in the weeds with cohen. >> we appreciate you joining us on the breaking news as we cover everything coming out of that courtroom. we will take a quick break and we will be right back.
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12:00 pm
>> alright so more coming out of the courtroom the past while. cohen signed an authorization october 272016 to wire the $130,000 payment to keith davidson who is stormy daniels attorney. the purpose was stated as retainer. cohen said it's not true and it wasn't a retainer it was paying her for her life rights. but who made the payment? was at cohen? did he lie about it are was it someone else quit. >> sandra: big questions. our coverage continues and our legal analysis continues. i am in for meal at 4 and we will likely hear from the former president himself walking out of court and we will share it with you. bill will join us again. thank of joining us. >> john: looking forward to that he spent time in the did you courtroom at that speed is great. i'm john roberts see you tomorrow. >> sandra: i'm centra smith the story with martha maccallum begins. >> announcer: good afternoon i'ed


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