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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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i got it. [laughter] >> bret: finally tonight, a special day. >> i found it exhilarating, exhausting, inspiring. i found the short putts really difficult because i was pretty shaky on the greens. >> bret: first time in five years the speed golf pairs championship returned to england. competitors try to shoot the score in the shortest amount of time with both numbers used to determine the total result. we believe a world record time of 37 minutes. tomorrow on "special report" we talk polling. the state of the presidential race with left and right. we're doing it fair and balanced and unafraid. thanks for watching. here's laura. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. eric trump is exclusively going
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to join us with reaction to michael cohen's testimony but, first, jug head is in a jam. that's to the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: the big moment in court today was supposed to be the playing of a taped conversation that michael cohen recorded between trump and himself back in 2016, yeah. 8 years ago where they could be heard talking about how they would buy the rights to karen macdougall's story. and on the tape cohen can be heard explaining to the then presidential candidate his plans to form an llc through which he would finance the purchase of the rights to that woman's story. >> we know what happened, okay, get rid of this. it's so false what they are saying, such bull [bleep] >> laura: it's all bull today as well. none of the hype amounted to anything. none of it proved anything. let's break it down for you. remember, in this case the state has to prove that the trump
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organization's internal bookkeeping records were not only falsified, okay, but they also were falsified to the extent that trump himself intended to have them falsified and that he did so in furtherance of another crime. that's what makes it a felony instead of a misdemeanor. and, remember, if it were charged as a misdemeanor the statute of limitations would have already run. but, alvin bragg thought so highly of himself that he thought that he could embrace that the "new york times" called a weak theory of election interference in the case. look, nothing that happened today. nag that was said today. not one peels of evidence offered today got the prosecution where it needed to be in this absurd case. and this is worth remembering from andy mccarthy who wrote this in national review today. given bragg's ever-evolving approach in this case which we documented from the beginning,
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bragg is an election denier who claims that trump conspired with cohen to steal the 2016 election by suppressing politically damaging information. but, new york state has not enacted a penal statute criminalizing election theft by suppressing politically damaging information. ergo therefore one cannot be guilty of conspiring to commit such theft. y. because they keep throwing around the language conspiring, which of course, they are not charged with now, it slowly and i mean slowly becoming obvious to even the most diehard trump critics that this trial was a big mistake. >> trump's war head than he has ever been. it's going the wrong way. it's not working. everything that we're throwing is spaghetti at a wall and none of it is sticking. got think of something different
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because, what we're doing is really, really not working. >> laura: of course not, james. now, americans aren't as stupid as democrats hoped and believed they were. they see, i think, what trump's experience -- what he experiences every day that our justice system is being used as a cudgel, a weapon against the only guy out there who has the guts to take on the establishment. because, in legitimate cases, especially those involving really high profile defendants, prosecutors focus intently on proving the elements of the crime charged. but not here. it's all sound and fury signifying nothing. >> you have got as the prosecution a liar, auto convicted felon, a convicted perjurer, the worst possible witness. i can't even imagine the prosecution has now built the whole case so it turns only on michael cohen's testimony about what donald trump's thinking
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inside his head. i don't think from what we have heard in the courtroom that michael cohen has dropped any blockbusters. >> laura: well, cohen is such a desperate man that he is now doing a regular circus act on twitter complete with costume changes that demonstrate just how obsessed he is with getting donald trump. yeah, the t-shirt shot. yeah, there it is. cartoonish shirt for a cartoonish man. wait a second, guys, we have to be fair tonight. what are we doing here? cohen does have his defenders like this guy. >> you and i both know people that have been caught in lies in the past that have reformed themselves. i think michael is one of the good guys and i think long term history will reward him for the honesty that he is portraying today. >> laura: well, that's true. mooch does know his stuff. >> and i'm going to say something contrary and on your show. i think he ends up eventually dropping out of the race and i
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think he ends up coming up with some type of spiro agnew type plea where is he out, doesn't go to jail. something happens to him but not too significant. and i don't think he makes it to the iowa caucus. >> laura: yeah. well, this manhattan trial has never been about pursuing justice. it was, like all the other cases, about pursuing and demolishing trump. and today we also see that cohen has kind of a love-hate relationship with trump. it's not all hate. he is resentful that he dent get a plumb white house job we found out today and, yet, he knows in his heart of hearts while he is resentful, is he still trying to be like trump. right down to his new pitch to host his own reality show. >> my name is michael cohen and for years i was the personal lawyer for notoriously bad man. i fixed his problems both
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professional and personal, gaining power, wealth and notoriety for myself in the process. and i paid the price for it. >> laura: he is saint paul on the road to damascus. he wants to help you. is he converted. he wants to be trump's apprentice, now he is just. >> paying it forward. wielding the tools that i have learned for regular people in trouble. the little guy doesn't usually have access to people with my particular set of skills. but that's all about to change. i will work with you offering expertise, advice, and solutions to fix your problems. together, we'll change your life. >> i am your fixer. >> laura: that can't be -- i just refuse to believe that's real and now ironically alvin bragg hopes that jughead is his fixer that michael cohen can help deliver a guilty verdict that was a bomb from day one.
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only the radical far left legal mind would think that a convicted perjurer and a nutty porn stash should be considered serious people let alone help decide the next presidential election. and that's the angle. ♪ all right, joining me now sol wisenberg former deputy independent counsel and fox news contributor and david schoen impeachment attorney. what was your take away from today's testimony and don't start layoffing about that pitch for the fixer show. i know, david, you have to be fixed by michael cohen and you are waiting in line to when that show launches. go ahead, david. >> i think the take away is the state obviously recognizes they have got a big problem. they are trying to reach too far with michael cohen. they want him to dot all the all the isand cross all t's. it was always only about the campaign. i don't think this jury is going to believe that donald trump didn't care about melania when they heard from a witness for the prosecution about how very much he does care about her and for her. so, but as you said at the
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beginning of the show, if you believe everything that he said, you simply don't make out the elements of this case. you don't even make out the misdemeanor. and, by the way, maybe he helps president trump on the misdemeanor because when he says part of that payment were for his bonus, that looks like legal expenses as it was booked. so, look, bottom line, the cross-examination, if they are halfway competent will be devastating. they should play michael cohen's tapes and videos and let the jury hear his own words when the old michael cohen was trying iting to be persuasive. he might have been more per swarve when he said donald trump did nothing wrong at all than he was today. they should be able to hear that. >> there was one moment, sol, where he was recounting his hope and dream of being in the administration which, i think was mass stake of them to do michael cohen was so bad, believe it or not, bill, michael cohen thought he could be attorney general of the united states. now we all laugh at that, but
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trump told him he is not going to be attorney general and told him he is not even going to the white house. >> laura: sol, will the defense try to argue that cohen's resentment of trump kind of hatred of trump also might be part of the motivation here? >> oh, i think they are going to argue that, you know, the testimony had its real comic elements. do you remember, laura, the old groucho marks line i would never join a crumb that would want me as a member. apparently on the stand today cohen said he would never want to be part of a white house staff that would want him as chief of staff. so, i think that we need to keep in mind what david said and what andy mccarthy said who you quoted earlier however damaging the cross sand direct was. the thing to keep in focus is this is a legally inveterans iny of prosecution.
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it is unlikely to survive on appeal and by the way, even if new york did pass a law that said paying for catch and kill stories is illegal it probably wouldn't survive constitutional scrutiny. >> laura: david, one thing that is quite something to behold is how as this is unfolding and we are getting minute-by-minute transcripts. we know what is being said in court. we know what the elements of the crime. any lawyer who just has ever studied criminal law in law school know what is they need to do here but they haven't done it. they have to prop up cohen from the outside. watch this. >> there is plenty of evidence by which the jury could convict. he has been good enough, based on everything that i have seen to carry the prosecution's case. that is if the jury believes him. >> laura: david, that's that former federal judge who said that he has been, quote: good enough? i can't believe that man had
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life tenure. god bless him. but that's quite something. >> you could think that michael cohen was great. none of that means anything to the elements of the crime. and by the way as we have seed before. the indictment is defective because they don't identify what the business record purportedly were falsified to commit. there is this misdemeanor 17152 under the election law to conspire to promote or prevent an election. that's a misdemeanor. simply covering up, putting the worst case scenario on it. bad facts about a candidate, like hillary clinton did, and so on, isn't a crime. it's part of election nearing. but i have to say this. the cross-examination of michael cohen, the beauty of it is you asked earlier try to show bias or prejudice of course they will. the beauty of this one is prior inconsistent statements impeachment. one after another and not just documents like we often have. again, video and audiotapes which must be played and his former lawyer who he told when he had every incentive to try to bury donald trump and the lawyer
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told him you don't want to do a day in jail like you say, give them donald trump and he said i can't. because donald trump didn't do anything wrong. they have to worry about that. >> laura: how much fun would it be for either of you to do the cross here? i mean, this -- this would be one of those moments that you really relish as a lawyer. but, some former prosecutors, guys, are looking for ways to, again, elevate the testimony of cohen, including on the issue of his former perjury. watch. >> doing very well. he should be doing well. it's direct. but, he was very controlled. and he also is not making any excuses. like he didn't say it didn't come from him where he said yes, i lied but it was for him. look, there was no -- it was like i lied. >> laura: so, sol, any former perjurer who testifies has to say yeah, i was lying then i was
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lying then but not lying now. isn't that forthright of him to do that i mean, come on. number one michael cohen is perhaps the most impeachable witness i have ever seen my life based on all the myriad of lies he has told in all of these different situations but, also, weissman is hardly an expert on defense cross-examination i don't think he has ever handled a trial as a criminal defense attorney. i could be wrong about that but i don't think i am. he is the last person i would listen to. >> laura: david, tomorrow there will be continued questioning examination of michael cohen and move to trump's counsel due to the cross. the first thing the trump counsel should do and i hope i'm in the court tomorrow to see it is what? >> such a good question. so many starting questions for this cross.
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but i'm not sure. i want to let them decide what they want to do, think, tomorrow. but i think personally for me, i would play as much audio and video of this i do guy as possible. i want the jury to see him in his best, most convincing form when he said donald trump did absolutely nothing wrong and expllove of him women and his we and all of that business. i would like the jury to hear that. >> laura: sol, we will get into another segment but the shear size of crowds turning out. this is not a political question. you are not a political pundit. but to the extent that the democrats wanted these cases to reverberate among working class americans is it working? >> well you are right i'm not a political pundit. i talked about the anti-doghts reaction i have seen who are not
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trump fans, enraged by mar-a-lago and enraged by these prosecutions. if you are going to do it, find strong cases for god's sake and don't start with this one. so i totally understand the crowds out there both to of because of what is happening to the country and the economy and because of what people see about these trials. it's unfortunate. >> laura: sol and david. i am going to be in the courtroom. i just heard tomorrow so it will be fun. looking forwards to it. sol, david, great to see you. thank you. up next, eric trump is here exclusively with his reaction to cohen's testimony. he was there today so stay there.
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what comments do you have for trump? >> cohen didn't have a lot to say there he seemed pretty rehearsed during some parts of his testimony. somebody who heard it all. executive vice president of the trump organization. haven't seen him in a while on sleep. how are you eric? good to see you. >> hi, laura. >> laura: tell us, you take us inside the courtroom. you have been there many days but this was the first day of testimony. >> i have been there many days. i love my father. is he incredible guy. what they are doing is unthink
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being. the entire top brass of the new york day's office is sitting in court and they are sitting there and giggling and laughing and this is their all-star moment. this is their super bowl moment and they are excited and they are laughing and finally have the opportunity to get my father and number three from the doj in washington, d.c. who left the doj to come into new york what sole intent to prosecute my father. cohen so giddy happy to say he was a personal attorney for donald j. trump. >> laura: including today. >> personal attorney how honored and great he was. worked in that roll even after he left the organization. despite that for some reason when he bills a company for a legal expense and they book it as a legal expense that's a felony. that's a felony according to new york prosecutors. laura, you can't make this up sham. they will stop at nothing to take the man down. it doesn't matter that people are getting shot in the face every single day. crime has doubled in this city.
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murders have doubled in this city from last year to this year and yet they are going back to $130,000 payment, that a man made in his individual capacity that he booked on his personal ledger as a legal expense because paid to his long-time attorney? and he gets 34 felonies? remember al capone got one felony my father gets 34? >> laura: why stop at 34? cohen said he called your dad to make sure that he reimburse and required donald trump to sign off on everything that's what he said throughout the day. >> interesting said delayed and delayed and delayed michael cohen kept making excuses he couldn't get the payment. emails i can't get in touch with him. i can't get in touch with the president. do you know why? because he is in iowa and is he campaigning in every swing state and he couldn't get him. amazing thousand comes out. the email chains clearly show. this laura, that's not what this
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is about. they want to take my father down in new york. they want to do it civilly and criminally they want to do it in georgia and try to do it in washington, d.c. go to the farthest area of this country. radical prosecutors were all with one thing in common all funded by soros every beginning gel one and a damn mission to go after donald trump because he is winning in every single poll. see wild wood on saturday where he had 100,000 people show up. 100,000 people bruce springsteen can't pull of a of that amount. i'm excited about. this see him in the "new york times" poll today where is he winning in every single stated. >> laura: we will get to that, too. here is what as a lawyer i see. i see a very dangerous precedent being set where a prosecution starts a cases with kind of a theory that clearly soon doesn't begin to pay off. the judge helps him by saying, he uses the word conspiracy a lot he comes on today saying
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donald trump was in control of this company. he signed off on everything. but does that concern you that he said your dad signs off on everything? >> first off, it's not true. my father was campaigning for two years at that point that's a big expense. >> at the present time the payment was made. >> i would say they are not crimes. >> of course they are not. ndas are completely legal. ndas are done every single day by every single organization. by the way every organization, including this one would go down in flames in a nda is illegal. every single organization and person has ndas in that world. >> laura: what kind of a guy was he? i met him a couple of times. and i don't want to be uncharitable towards anybody i really don't. he didn't seem impressive to me and your father is unbelievable like judge of so many people and situations how did he get hired?
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he seems like a jughead to me. how -- staff is so important. this guy was the go-to guy? why? >> the very reason my father didn't want to take him to washington, d.c. by the way he sat there for an hour today talking about how mad he was, right? >> laura: thank god. >> sending text messages to people i'm going to be chief of staff. i want to be chief of staff. he is lobbying for this. >> laura: how much of this is resentful. >> attorney general. my father doesn't want to take him to washington. a lot of resentment. he lost his law license went down the tube defrauding institutions taxicab medallions in personal life. their stars witness is a convicted felon a guy who lost his law license and a porn star. that's literally who alvin bragg wants to stack against the 45th and 47th because he will be the 47th president of the united states. >> laura: he discovered his bonus had been cut by two
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thirds, eric and he became enraged. that's a big cut. i was truly insulted, personally hurt by it after all that i had gone through in terms of campaign and laying out $130,000 on his behalf to protect him. it was insulting the gratitude shown back to me cut bonus two thirds. >> maybe my father's intuition was exactly right. today i would have said it would have been cut by 100 percent. >> laura: i would say don't cut it at all. >> remarkable as a person before all of this started to unravel what kind of a guy was he? >> michael? he was fine for a while but he totally fell apart. the guy who proclaimed himself to be the fixer broke more things than he fixed. that became very apparent very quickly which is why my father didn't want to bring him down to d.c. which why is he has the resentment he does. all of a sudden people realizes he was playing games in his personal life and he got convicted over and over and over again. committing bank fraud and all sorts of other things.
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everyone saw michael cohen's true colors. interesting when you see him pitching a reality tv show. i can fix your problems? oh really the same guy lost his law license going to fix your problems? it's not working. by the way he actually testified today that his whole intent of being personal attorney to the united states was to try to monetize it for self-serving purposes. >> laura: the prosecution has finish up tomorrow will be back. >> i will be there. >> laura: looking forward to the cross-examination. that will be a lot of fun. eric, thanks for coming into the studio. liberals are spiraling out of concern about trump's new coalition. what is that coalition? we will tell about it, next. ♪
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♪ >> none of this is playing out as i thought it would. trump is now leading in almost all the swing states but behind those numbers lie even more troubling details. i understand the polls are not always accurate but in general they have tended to under estimate donald trump's support not overestimate it. >> well, zoo za zoo car i can't. these numbers are absolute disaster. the smallest lead in arizona is up 6. 9 in georgia. 13 in nevada. my goodness gracious, my god. that is a huge lead no. democrat has lost that state since john kerry lost it back in 2004. the trump coalition is changing. that basically is what is cooking here. >> laura: you bet. joining me here ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority. also with me matt towery
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political analyst and pollster. matt, speaking of that new coalition. axios today finally caught up today with what we have been saying now for the past few years. the political shift among working class latino and black voters has accelerated in recent elections because they see democrats as out of touch with their way of life. these voter blocks are upset focusing on evs while moving to phase out fossil future fuel. also shift to forgive student loans unpopular with working class voters want more focus on making food and housing more affordable. wow, ned, take it away. >> you know, my thing is on this we have seen this shift taking place last four years as biden's policies are really hitting these people. i would also point out it's pretty apparent they haven't been through th the indoctrinatn centers of college yet. i guess guess the question shifts. brass tachs.
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how many are registered to vote. how many of them have a ballot and turn out to vote on novembe. this is encouraging, laura. i just kind of look at poll numbers as kind of fun. the numbers i'm looking at. how many are registered. how many of them have a ballot. how many are going to vote on november 5th. i'm looking at encouraging, talk to me november 6th. >> laura: here is how former obama adviser reacted to these devastating numbers just quickly to ned wants point. i hear you ned, don't be such a bad news bear. so negative, my god. we never saw numbers like this for trump in the last cycle. not ever. that has to mean something. >> young people are upset and it's not just the situation in gaza the economic prospects for young people are miserable and that's been building under obama. been building under trump. building under biden. we just do not have a pathway for young people to be able to pay off their student debt get a
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house. people are a looking at ai wave and worried about what job and career path. >> laura: a little long of a bite there matt, sorry. trying to hedge a little bit there. trying to take the blame away from biden. because housing is 47% since he took office. the price of homes because of interest rates. that's a significant whack to the voters as well. >> i polled most of these swing states for the fox affiliates in past years. i can tell you a couple thoughts i have. one, the timing of these polls. i still think they are going to take one more swipe at trying to get this guy out of the race. that's just my first intuition. >> laura: sure. >> number two, these numbers are real real issue to ned's point how do we wait our point at the end. lt. governor push for election
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reform. the governor actually signed it. georgia is going to be a safer state for the republicans. and our waiting will change there. in other states like in arizona, where they passed election reform but the federal courts decided people don't have to say where they are from from federal races that could impact race. devil is in the details. you have got a trial going on irrelevant to these people who cannot pay for their food. have their rent so high and now you have a stagnant real estate market on top of it. so it's sort of like watching this trial or you are everybody else. who could have predicted this ned, nobody protected. this we were all predicting. this trump said the border is going to be open a disaster. inflation is going to rage. people are going to be immersed in crime in the inner cities. he literally predicted every single one of those things. who predicted it? trump predicted it, that's who. >> that's correct.
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we are seeing the reality really hit people where it hurts in their pocketbooks and their day it-to-day lives not being able to pay some of the basic bills. tapping into 401(k) to see pay for their daily bills the thing that's glorious. i do want to be positive. >> laura: oh good. the lawfare collapsing. watching it collapse in real time. central part to biden's re-election. that's not happening. >> coordinated by the biden white house. the trump campaign and the rnc are doing the right thing focused on the real thing of avs and voter registration. feels like three political life times. head down and focus on these things. the republic is at stake. >> laura: the democrats have the money, clearly,. >> they do. >> laura: advantage is shrinking a little bit. matt, remember back to when hillary had katy perry. they are trying to do big celebrity push for old decrepit
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joe in june putting george clooney up there. is he still trying to sell an old catcher's mitt. i'm sorry, are you trying to sell that? here is the issue. shrinking voter base for them. some of these suburban votes. country club crowd think donald trump wouldn't fit into country club all of a sudden then decided not only would he fit in their country club he may save their country club. now things are moving. i'm seeing changes in the suburban vote and certainly changes in african-americans and working folks. this is a big shift right now. >> laura: ned finally very quickly. there is some -- the republicans who just need to come home, right? some of the billionaires coming back to trump. people like langone did not officially endorse biden last time around hammered trump after
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january 6th. endorsed nikki haley, they all have to come back and come home trump offer biden. r.f.k. doesn't play a central role. he doesn't have a chance of winning. so it's biden or trump. if you don't want this country to completely implode trump is your only choice. >> laura: nikki haley should have gotten out after iowa and endorsed trump. if she did that she would be in much better shape right now. >> she would be. >> laura: do you think biden could get a crowd like this. [chanting u.s.a.] maybe with artificial intelligence. trump did. we will tell you what that means for the election, next. ♪
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody.
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shell. powering progress. lawyer how many predicted three years ago trump would ever draw a crowd this big again? well, almost, what, is hundred thousand in new jersey? that's what is happening out there. more americans are seeing that the country is broken under biden and that the promises biden made were lies. chaos is the only thing he has accomplished. certainly only thing is he producing. then there is one guy who walked through the fire for them. >> as you can see today, we're expanding the electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of
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new jersey. we're going to win the state of new jersey. [cheers and applause] but we're also looking really great in the state of minnesota state of virginia. all across america, millions of people in so-called blue states are joining y our movement based on love, intelligence and a thing called common sense. >> laura: yes. as the angle has said before. trump needs a 50-state strategy for american renewal. that means no state and no city left behind. joining me now is someone who is in that crowd, new jersey republican congressman jeff van drew. congressman, great to see you tonight. what is this turnout tell us? are these people going to actually vote or are they just there to have a good time. >> oh, they are voting. they are serious, they love america. they love donald trump. do you know what, laura? this is not a dress rehearsal. this is a real thing. we need to win this election.
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if we want to continue to have our republic. if we want to continue to have american exceptionalism. this is for everything. so, and i wish everybody could have been there. the energy, the love, and you know what they don't talk about on a lot of the media, you will but others won't is the fact that we had 100,000 plus people no incidents, no fights. >> laura: good point. >> nothing mean-spirited all about america. all about the united states of america. >> laura: that must be why you are a congressman. you thought of that. like we just take it for granted though, right, congressman, that there's not going to be a fist fight, somebody is not going to smack someone in the head with a bottle. we're trying to save the country here. okay? i don't care where you come from. where grew up. how rich your parents are. how little money they have. the color of your skin. this is about saving this country. and the biden campaign not happy about having to, perhaps, defend new jersey. but they -- their stops might be a little different. watch this. >> everybody thinks [inaudible]
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biggest thing in delaware the biggest things in delaware are chickens. trump, i am the reason why roe v. wade was overturned. i need you, i need you badly. i need the help, kamala and i desperately need your help. >> laura: is he like 79,999 short of the crowd. but maybe that's just the intimate settings, congressman, that really can inspire the democrats to go vote for democrat. just intimate settings. >> they are not inspired, believe me. i mean, we are inspired and we have got work hard though. the one thing i spoke about is we can't take it for granted. and president trump's right when he says we have got to make it too big to rig. we have got win big. we got to win every state. >> i'm working hard in new jersey and, you know, his campaign chair for the state of new jersey answered said he wanted to have a big event. >> laura: former democrat. >> convinced everybody and his
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staff. >> laura: you are a former democrat which everyone forgot i reforget that until sam reminded me. sought light, congressman. welcome to the real world. we are happy that you are in the republican party. what do you say though all these other blue staters out there saying huh-uh don't even try to come to connecticut or don't try to come to minnesota or colorado you are never going to pull off a trump victory there what do you say to them real quick? >> i say be ready we are coming. we ain't sitting back. we are going to win and win big and we are not giving up one single state anywhere. >> laura: let, congressman. great to see you. thank you so much. kamala use as four letter word to win over asian voters. more commencement calamities? no. yes. raymond has it "seen and unseen" is next. ♪
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biden won the asians by 62 percent in 2020 but today biden and harris try to keep them in the fold. >> this interest -- intro should have come at the simultaneous translation. >> diversity of those cultures with the breath of achievement and strength you have for this country. >> makes no sense at all laura. i've heard of using the language of the group you're trying to target but i'm not sure the f. word has an asian route. >> some people will open the door for you and sometimes they won't. and then you need to kick the [ bleep ] door down. >> look. president trump has used profanity on occasion but an unofficial capacity, when you represent the office of vice president or president cat combo
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harris dropped it f. bomb and you remember joe biden said this was a big deal and this diminishes the office and i think it turns all family audiences. come a lot is a good bridge to the commencement calamities as they sent to the prerecorded video to historically black colleges and universities again targeting an important demographic for them. >> as a proud graduate, you can do and be anything and that you have a duty to be excellent. >> i wish their parents had gone that memo. at howard university school of nursing graduation, relatives could not get in an orion and suit. -- of riot ensued. [ chanting ] let us in [ chanting ]
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>> laura: nurses are so important as we have a nursing shortage. what is it about the nursing school graduations? >> the dean of that nursing school had to shut it down because the fire department came in and they shut the whole thing down. it's a shame as these kids were not able to walk. this is the thomas jefferson college or university nursing school and whoever the person was trying to read these names of the graduates needed some ursel time. -- rehearsal time. >> battista santos. >> victoria lee.
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>> jesse: what? >> laura: what? >> they claim it was the phonetic instruction they had. i'm delighted you will be covering the trump trial tomorrow because we need some clear coverage as some of these other outlets literally becoming cartoonish. politico unveiled their trump trial coverage. this is what happened when pornographic bulb heads. >> he was wearing silk or satin pajama i immediately made fun of him for and said? does mr hefner know? i told him to go change and we obliged politely. >> jesse: those are terrifying >> how did the cover... this is sad.
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>> laura: i thought this was a joke. >> this is politico doing recreations. even cnn jake tapper not spending on air time cartooning. >> i did some sketches on my ipad here. took it all in. >> made this diagram so you understand what the courtroom is like as the blue dots are cops and the witness it's here which sits as the judges stand is up here. >> laura: i'm doing that tomorrow but jake is a really good artist. >> we've seen judge duty. >> jesse: i will never get over the bobble head thing. terrifying. i have a fear of dolls. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse water pr


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