tv Hannity FOX News May 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> hannity: welcome to hannity. tonight we begin with the message from your vice president kamala harris. >> we have to know that sometimes people will open a door for you and leave it open and sometimes they won't. then you need to take that [ bleep ] door down. >> hannity: she is one bad fall away from the oval office. joe biden is one and fall away from being -- from not being in the oval office. plus a new scandal surrounding another person in joe biden's orbit. he is going to want to circle back after she was caught in what is an egregious lie in her new book, biden's former press secretary, he tried to rewrite history claiming that a former boss never looked down at his watch not once during the dignified transfer of u.s. service members who were murdered because of joe's
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disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. to gold star dads who were at that dignified transfer will join us. they will respond. that's straightahead. also i wonder if the media mob will treat her the way they did governor christie gnome on the issue of you meet kim jong un or not? also tonight donald trump in the blue state of new jersey. while all i have to say. take a look. >> as you can see today we are expanding the electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey. we are going to win the state of new jersey. have a great group of people with us. >> hannity: more than 80,000 people turned out in a state that has not voted for a republican president more than three decades. there is huge momentum for donald trump and it's not just empirical. bombshell pole, new york times
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showing donald trump leading in all but one swing state including a massive 12-point lead in nevada and this is estate he previously lost twice. trump is also up seven in arizona, ten in georgia. ahead in pennsylvania, michigan. donald has barely been able to be out on the campaign trail aside from that rally in new jersey. he hasn't been able to barnstorming the country, he's been stuck in a courtroom for nearly a month because of a political show trial thanks to phantom charges cooked up by the democratic da of manhattan. and the guy that ran on let me get trump and the trump organization and the trump family platform. this case in reality is nothing more than a misdemeanour, document labelling allegation for nearly a decade ago whose statute of limitations have long since passed, up charged to some felony because of a nebulous, is
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still unexplained federal election crime that was never prosecuted or even charged knowing to have the jurisdiction to charge but they never did on the federal level. democrats are obviously using the system of justices as a political weapon. poles reflected that this strategy is backfiring, boomeranging big time. every day that donald trump sits in this kangaroo court, has pole numbers go up and for good reason. this is a clown show. donald trump is now forced to endure it because he has donald trump. even fake news cnn stated the obvious. take a look. >> the republicans seam to be uniting behind trump, whatever opposition he faced in the primaries has largely melted away. the trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base who sees him as a martyr and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe that his prosecutors are
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politically motivated. this happens to be true in my opinion a. i doubt the new york indictment would've been brought against a defendant whose name was not donald trump. a majority of americans are sceptical that trump will be able to get a fair trial according to a cnn poll. >> hannity: wow. this is beyond a judicial circus featuring plenty of crowns, we've already heard testimony from the porn star that admits she hates donald trump, want him in jail, owes him $500,000. last week she testified that she sees dead people and told jurors many graphic stories and jokes completely irrelevant, all of it immaterial to the case. today was the day for the star witness, michael cohen, the fixer in court. he is a disbarred lawyer, trump pater released from prison in 2020 after a multiyear sentence for tax evasion, bank fraud and a variety of other crimes. he was also convicted of lying to congress after lying under
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oath and right now he is facing even more allegations of lying to congress. those allegations were recently referred to joe biden's weapon eyes doj. for months cohen has been out there appearing to solicit donations or what they call gifts on tiktok. often while wearing a shirt depicting donald trump behind bars. even fake news, they have -- there is cnn experts, they are perplexed at the prosecution would ask the jury to believe anything this guy has to say. take a look. >> so unique, i've ever seen a witness with bigger credibility problems than michael cohen. i've seen witnesses and used witnesses have done way worse things than michael cohen but i've never seen a witness who was lied to congress, lied in court, allied to the irs, lied to new york and to his banker. the entire prosecution witness team has been lied to by michael cohen.
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>> hannity: according to prosecutors cohen is telling the truth, this time. all the other lies were just aberrations. of course even if he was telling the truth, he did not really seem to outline any crime. jonathan turley... has testimony bombed. cohen only confirmed that trump knew he was going to pay for the nondisclosure agreement and that it would be buried before the election. none of that is unlawful. he continued, cohen also admitted to taping his client without his knowledge, a breathtaking breach of trust and confidentiality. in the end, no one seems to be able to explain the court tenant of the prosecution's allegations. why is labelling a payment to a lawyer -- a legal expense? wise that a crime? here's the reality. it's not a crime. even hillary clinton skirted much more serious allegations and charges after she labelled
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payments for christopher steele and the dirty russian disinformation dossier as a legal expense. the fbi at the time swore that he was credible until he wasn't. hillary's campaign was headquartered in new york city. no charges whatsoever against hillary clinton out of new york, her last name isn't trump and she's not a republican. the case against trump, time for the election season is not about justice or the law, it's not about equal justice under the law, it's not about equal application about laws. it's about getting donald trump at all costs. that's it. if this is left unchecked, this weaponization of justice from democrats, it is going to shred our sacred constitution. that will destroy our country. all of our laws are based on that document. the judge in this case, abide in
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donor, has the power to dismiss this case due to lack of evidence. but that won't happen. soon trump's fate will rest in a jury from manhattan, 90 percent voted for biden. is that justice to you? doesn't look like it to the american people. this is backfiring big time. now with more former president trump's legal spokesperson... you've been in the courtroom, you've been there today. is it common for lawyers to tape their clients like this? i thought i was highly unusual but maybe that's me. and highly unethical on top of everything else. [ simultaneous talking ] >> there's something called attorney client privilege obviously. that doesn't stand if you're going against donald trump because none of the rules stand if you're going against donald trump in a political campaign where he is winning and they
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have no other way to win but to take him down with illegal and politically motivated law fair. you said it best sean, hillary clinton did something far worse. they looked at it, they examined it and they gave her a slap on the wrist, she paid a grand for hiding the dirty dossier, the russian hopes against donald trump and nobody cared about anything. she wasn't dragged in the court and neither was bill clinton in the... but if you are donald trump you're going to be gagged unconstitutionally so that you can't even discuss testimony of people that are calling you a liar and you can't defend yourself. can i tell you i have never seen anything worse than what i saw today. i'm not going to get into the testimony of somebody under oath on the witness stand but i think if you read the news, it speaks for itself. >> hannity: if you look at russia, russia, russia. we got everything right, the mob, the media got everything wrong. then of course not one but two
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impeachment's. then it's january 6th and it's charge him in new york, charge him in dc, charge them in georgia, charge him in florida. we're learning learning more and more that there are tainted evidence issues in two of the cases according to one report in the epic times today. i'm wondering, are they not noticing the american people in poll after poll are seeing through this, that they have done the impossible. how do you turn donald trump into a victim? how do you turn the american people, so turned off by this, that people who maybe didn't even like donald trump are finished with this. they see it for what it is on top of all the failures of the biden administration. this is... >> what i saw today, the da showed up for the morning. it's something i saw my self with miss james...
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this is political and and out in our schools, in our courts, in our country is at stake. i think the reason you're seeing all of these independents turn and we are at the highest level right now of independence turning towards republicans is because they are seeing system of justice. as president trump says, he's just in the way. this can turn to you, it can turn to me or to our children. that's what they are doing. they are indoctrinating, or corrupting and throwing out the american constitution that our country was made on, it is completely out the window. it is so sad to see. it has to stop. >> hannity: thank you. we appreciate being with us. joining us now is fox news contributor jonathan turley. great to have you back on the program. you have a new column out. michael cohen bombs on the
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stand, offers no new evidence to convict trump but as you have been pointing out rightly so, there's no crime nor do we even know what the real charges are here. i thought this country you had to be confronted with the charges but yet here's what we find ourselves. >> i was labouring under the same misconception. there is still a debate. not just on the -- this network but on some other networks where experts are shrugging that they are not quite sure what the cash back with the crime being alleged here is. on top of that the prosecutors haven't really explained why denoting this as a legal expense was wrong. so we don't even have that explanation. what we've had from other witnesses is that payments that went to michael cohen as the lawyer tended... this was a large overall payment
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including his fees, has time, has costs. one of those was the nda and they listed them altogether. now you might want different terms, but i've never seen a case like this where you can claim that that denotation is enough for a felony against a defendant of this type. >> hannity: maybe you can explain this to me professor because i think this is really important. how is it that you have a misdemeanour, a statute of limitations run out, i judge that donated to biden, all this discussion about the judges daughter may benefit from the outcome of the case, every indication is according to new york law and he was selected instead of him being chosen from a jury pool, how convenient in new york. explained to me how it is even possible that all of this can be unfolding in one case, you don't
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even know the witnesses until the day before if you even know. you don't know what the charges are in this particular case. you have some any conflicts, you have a judge that should have and it's like a prosecutor that promised to go after this guy, can get any more corrupt than this because i can't think of anything comparable that i've seen in my life. >> nor can i. you also have the third in command at the biden justice department coming over, giving up his job so he can bag a trump in this case. the optics are horrendous. so is the reality. it's not just optics. it is what we are witnessing in that court. i've never thought that as an attorney i could see a system like new york's, one of the most sophisticated legal parts in the world, really debase itself in this way. this judge should not have allowed this case to go forward.
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he's going to have one big opportunity, we discussed before. when the prosecution closes his case and he handed over to the defence, they will ask for a verdict. they should give grant that motion because there is an insufficiency of evidence here. no crime has been shown. i don't know what the theory is anymore. you've got someone like cohen who has only one skill set. he's willing to say most anything for a sponsored. but even cohen can't check these boxes. he can't say that trump intentionally committed fraud to hide some crime. partially the reason he can't do it is because he's been interviewed and he's testified before. if he has a subnet tiffany that trump basically laid out a conspiracy to him, he will be alive. they say you've been interviewed on this, you've testified this repeatedly and this is the first time you've set it.
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he is trying to find a way to give him just enough to get to the jury and brag hopes that a motivated jury, a motivated judge is all he needs and he doesn't need any evidence after that point. >> hannity: i didn't know this, i must have missed it because i read the new york post cover to cover. they revealed before cohen took the stand that he had been peddling a reality show called the fixer and working with people to create -- the guy who helped create joe exotic, tigers lies and coverups. he came in with a pitch and a cheesy promo, i am your fixer. if it wasn't so serious it would be funny. it's insane. thank you. joining us now with more is fox news legal analyst greg gerrit ... professor let's get your take on where we are in this case, this trial and what you thought
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happened in the courtroom today. what is the crime? can you please tell me professor because i don't know. >> i've been doing this 60 years and i can't find the crime here. what i can find is the crime committed -- committed today in a courtroom by michael cohen. he look the jury in the eye and he lied. asked him why he tape-recorded his client. instead of saying maybe i was afraid i needed some protection, he made up this whole story about why he did it for packer. nobody is going to believe that. this raises serious ethical problems for the prosecutors. in 60 years of doing this i have never put a witness like michael cohen on the stand because i have ethics and good lawyers don't put people on the stand who they know are going to lie either on direct and he built -- he lied on direct and we are going to see lie after lie. we see ethical violations
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occurring right in front of us and allies occurring right in front of us. we don't even have to get into the issue... he lied right to this jury and i hope at least the lawyers on the jury will see through it and understand that he is trying to sell this jury a bill of goods. if you listen to cnn or you read the new york times, this was the most compelling testimony you have ever seen in your life and that's why these trials should be on television, so we can decide for ourselves who is telling the truth instead of having to understand this evidence through the prism of biased reporting. >> hannity: by the way, michael cohen i would argue based on the referral by jim jordan and james homer about six other lives that they believe they've identified that he told congress, he has personal
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impacts whether donald trump because -- becomes president or not. those would go and be taken seriously if there is a new attorney general correct or no? >> at least a half a dozen other new laws that any fair and objective department of justice would already have arrested him and started the prosecution of it. i will say that cohen failed to connect trump to any crimes. i know the prosecutors know that. tomorrow they will try to change things. and will probably do what he always does best. he will lie, he'll say trump ordered me to falsely record these expenses as legal expenses the trouble is that's going to be a tough sell because today he recounted all the legal actions he took that constituted legal expenses. not sure he understood it
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because he is not a bright guy. the real test for michael cohen will be cross-examination, the defence will spend a full day confronting him with his innumerable lies. then they will ask the question one by one, were you lying been or are you lying now. once these jurors see some of the unhinged lunatic rants by cohen on tiktok, they are going to hate him. the question is do they hate donald trump more? will they acquit because there's no evidence of crimes or convicted for purely political reasons. that's what alvin bragg is counting on because he has no case. >> hannity: i would like to know to how much time he spent with the prosecution may be mocked questioning beforehand, prep sessions with them. here is my exit question. i don't have a lot of time. what are the odds of either an acquittal or a hung jury?
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>> i think the all its of a hung jury are fairly high. you need three jurors to be hung if you have one, generally they get talked out of it. i think there's a good chance of a hung jury. there is some chance of an acquittal if they take their obligation seriously. this is new york and as a cnn commentator said, this jury is representative of new york. that's the problem. it's like a white jury in mississippi being representative of white jurors in the south. >> hannity: we will give you last word. acquittal odds, hung jury odds. >> alvin bragg got a political judge who will allow this to run among. the jury is predisposed against donald trump. best case scenario, hung jury, all you need is one. >> hannity: i would like to believe you're both right.
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knowing new york as i do i don't have confidence in either. i can say 100 percent overturned on appeal. don. there's no way this can stand. >> that will be after... >> that is too late. very well said professor. only come back, president trump with a massive rally in new jersey this weekend as biden continues to flounder in the polls. we give you an update on what those poles say and mean. even the media mob could not hide how bad things are for the biting campaign. we get reaction straight ahead.
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a deep blue state in new jersey. you're never going to see joe biden draw a crowd like this. i don't think he can draw a crowd like this ever, anywhere. take a look. >> we are going to win new jersey. we win new jersey, we when the whole thing i think we're going to win. could be all of them. this guy is so damn bad could be all of them. whether you are a republican, conservative, independent or even a registered democrat i'm helping for -- asking for your help in saving america. i had a hot dog and it was very good. the price of hotdogs up 22 percent, a chicken is up 32 percent and hamburgers are up 37 percent, that's why i had the hotdog, it went up the least. >> hannity: it was...
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a little mustard, sauerkraut, perfect. 's poll numbers reflect the enthusiasm on the ground. a new batch of poles from new york times showing donald trump with a very healthy lead in five of the six key swing states including a 12-point lead in nevada. things have become so dire for biden that the democrats, the media mob are absolutely freaking out. take a look. >> trump is leading in almost all the swing states but behind those numbers lie even more troubling details. 's -- as someone worried about the prospects of a second trump term i think it's best to be honest about the reality. this is not working in biden's favourite. he needs dezoete -- needs to do something bold and dramatic to seize the initiative. >> it's going the wrong way. it's not working. everything that we are throwing
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is spaghetti at a wall and none of it is sticking. >> these battleground states for the joe biden campaign these numbers are an absolute disaster. thirteen in nevada, my goodness gracious. that is a huge lead. no democrat has lost that state institute thousand four. >> it should be a wake-up call. young people are upset and it's not just the situation in gaza, the economic prospects for young people are miserable. >> hannity: it's young people ... it's pretty clear. biden knows he's in trouble and that's why he is taking desperate measures. for example asking his celebrity friends like george clooney, julia roberts, barack obama, hillary and bill clinton for help? all reaffirming everything i've been saying. this radical new democratic socialist new green deal climate
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alarmist religious cult party is the party of coastal hollywood elites. the republican party is now by far the party of hard-working men and women in this country that due make this country great the forgotten men and women in this country suffering under biden's horrific policies. according to a new report, congressional democrats are going to try and blame republicans for biden's border crisis after claiming for three years the borders closed and the border is secured. trump isn't biden's only competition. rfk junior's national profile is going and so do the threats against him. kennedy, the other liberal candidate in the race is asking his supporters to sign a petition demanding he get secret service protection. by the way, i would gladly sign a petition if joe doesn't. by the way, he claims another intruder broke into his home.
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let me be clear, kennedy deserves secret service protection. biden better step up, if he doesn't and something happens to rfk junior or his family, this administration will be to blame. this man's father and his uncle were assassinated. what part of that is joe biden not getting? i disagree with most of rfk's policies. this family has been targeted enough. reaction to all of this, former speaker of the house, fox news contributor... it is chaos everywhere. you have that historical professor -- you are the historical professor and you have that perspective. my question to you is what do you make of all of this? >> let's start with what you just said about robert f. kennedy junior. it tells you how vicious and how cruel joe biden is behind that
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mask of this being a daughter and grandfather. here he is putting somebody whose father and uncle were assassinated, who clearly meets the requirements and what does -- what is the justification for joe biden deliberately leaving robert f. kennedy junior... just as his treatment of israel where he is cutting off weapons at a time when israel is involved in a life-and-death struggle, every time you turn around he realized underneath that pleasant grandfather mask is a vicious, calculating and highly dishonest person who doesn't mind who he hurts or who he runs over. the problem that carvel has and the problem that every democrat analyst has a simple. you cannot raise enough money to offset reality. the reality is that inflation is
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terrible and getting worse. every american knows that. every time they go to the grocery store, the reality is that millions of illegal immigrants are poured into this country as a deliberate policy and that's led to horrendous crimes that individually get publicized in a way that bounces back against biden, the reality is over 100,000 americans a year , more than died in the entire vietnam war are being killed by drug overdoses, largely driven by the chinese communists. it's a form of warfare that's real and this administration has no clue. every time you turn around you realize that everything they would like to convince us of falls apart because in fact the biden administration is profoundly wrong about the nature of reality and profoundly wrong about policies in the world that's why as ben jones
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pointed out, young people are leaving because they can't get a job, they can't buy a house. their life doesn't look like it's got a big future. they would like a president who is optimistic, positive, dynamic. that's donald trump, it sure isn't joe biden. >> hannity: what you make with the case in new york, the poll numbers that we see, poll after poll, these demographics... and then the clear and present danger. you mentioned china. we have joe biden, 10 million plus unvented illegal immigrants. tens of thousands from china, from russia, from egypt, afghanistan, iran, syria, yemen. all in the country. it is a clear present danger. it's not if in my mind and it's win.
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i pray to god i'm wrong. i don't think i am. >> first of all joe biden is the most dangerous american president since president buchanan allowed america to drift into a civil war which could have been avoided if we had a strong, courageous competent president in 1859 high for an 1860. i really dangerous president who is doing really dangerous things. that's part one. part two, this is more about trump versus biden, this is about a sick left-wing establishment that can no longer get the job done. and the whole rest of the country and -- has figured out there only champion is donald jay trump. so what you are seeing, you saw this in new jersey. we talked about earlier today, other than somebody like taylor swift, virtually nobody can get 85 to 100,000 people in new jersey except donald jay trump.
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that because they are rallying to their champion who is not a candidate, he is the leader of a national movement. >> probably springsteen, probably bon jovi. have to add those to. and you added donald trump and taylor swift as he mentioned. thank you. me come back, she is forced to edit her book after being called out for blatant dishonesty. dibble tell you what she did straightahead.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins.
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he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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(vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. >> hannity: they claim to be a journalist and she is being forced edit her new book after falsely claiming that biden never checked his watch repeatedly. remember during the dignified
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transfer for the soldiers that were killed in the attack in afghanistan, something that never should have happened, a shameless lie especially considering the numerous first-hand accounts, photos like the one right there on your screen clearly -- clearly showing that he did. they were the same people that were unrelenting against the governor of whether she met kim jong un not. i think they're going to call out this disgraceful dishonesty, don't hold your breath. it has been complete radio silence by her pals in the mob. tonight these gold star families are pushing back, highlighting the contempt members of the biden administration have shown for their children who lost their lives. we drove we -- we are joined by two of those goldstar father's. thank you both for being with us. i want to say to both of you i
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know you both lost your sons and you were on this program, you were also -- look like you are facing charges on the 11th of march when you were on this program. eight days later thankfully those charges were dropped. you are a grieving father and you have every right to say whatever you want. what is your reaction to this? >> thanks for having us. really appreciate it. is devastating. it's not really surprising from this administration and from the people that have worked in it. they continue to lie, it to manipulate facts and change their narratives to support their narratives. to try to change the history regardless of what mishaps they've done and for them to do it at the expense of us goldstar parents at a moment that we are grieving the most for our
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children as the caskets are passing by. i couldn't even concentrate on that. i was so infuriated with our president and the conduct that he was portraying at that dignified transferred that i missed my son being past into the van. >> your son kareem was 20 years old, unbelievable. mr hoover you lost your son taylor, 31 years old. died in this attack, what is your reaction to all of this and to both of you, our prayers and deepest sympathy. >> thanks for having us sean. from talking about it on your radio show today, circle back is just a violent, shameless human being. trying to make money off our kids backs and rewrite history
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and establish those lies for the biden administration on their failures, their catastrophic failures. and what happened to our kids in afghanistan. it's been nothing but lies all along until we've been able to speak with the congressmen. they were the head cheerleader for us and brought us to washington. then congressmen waltz, chairman michael,... they also did listen to us and now it's coming forward that they are fighting for us to get the truths out there because the most transparent administration in the history of our country can't even tell right from wrong they are nothing but lies.
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>> hannity: it's sad. i think you are right about the money part. she claims to be a journalist. thank you for what you are doing for these gold star families. i really appreciate it. you are so committed to it and i know that is sincere. you look at the treatment of her ... she made a mistake apparently about the issue of kim jong un, wasn't even sure she made a mistake. she admitted she shot a dog that had been killing chickens and attacking people, okay. commander joe biden's dog writes 24 secret service agents, nobody blank sun i. she writes this lie about the watch and not a peep out of the media. it is so corrupt. this is why i said in 2008, journalism is dead. this is a great example, your reaction to. >> this is -- it's alive on this show even though you don't want
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to call yourself a journalist. they say what they saw and get the truth out there. i will say one thing sean, it is so interesting that to try to make a little money, they sell a book and be part of the biden campaign team has or minded people once again of the deliberately botched afghanistan withdrawal and by trying to claim that something didn't happen because you can't see something that didn't happen and people saw what did happen. so further goldstar families they've tromped biden and she's reminded us of one of the greatest failures militarily and diplomatically of all time and we are still trying to get some of our si bees out of afghanistan. still trying to get justice for the goldstar families. all of that three and a half years into this -- into this administration. >> hannity: thank you for your
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efforts. please know this, this audience cares and we haven't forgotten what happened to your sons. we know the truth about joe biden and what he did that day. our prayers and thoughts are with both of you. i can't imagine as a father the pain you live with every day. thank you all. we're going to tell you why kamala harris dropped an f. bomb earlier today.
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sometimes they won't. then you need to kick that [ bleep ] door down. [ cheering and applause ] >> excuse my language. >> hannity: the thought of her being president, not funny. the host of... your reaction last week it was fallopian tubes now here we are dropping out bombs and giggling again. >> listen i'm not going to clutch my pearls over the fact that she said the f. word. that doesn't necessarily bother me. it doesn't sound great coming out of the mouth of the vice president but beyond that i think what rubs me the wrong way is how disingenuously she dropped that f. bomb. to me this is her attempt to be cool. her attempt to be hip. we know the administration is taking -- tanking with young
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people. this was her attempt to sound hip. to sound like she was one of the young people dropping an f. bomb, she is so edgy and cool. reminds me when hillary clinton won on the breakfast club and talked about having hot sauce in her purse. she cracks about herself. if this is going to be our next president we are really in trouble my friends. >> hannity: i'm with tommy. are not offended by the f. bomb. at doesn't offend me. i'm not woke and i don't get easily offended. i have to report the news, your reaction to all of it. >> i don't get easily offended either bit hashmak but this bothers me. democrats and republicans. donald trump has dropped many swears at his rally and i have to tell you i'm old-school enough that i think you should be able to tell your children that person is the president of
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the united states, you should listen to whatever they have to say. teach people to oppose them on policy but i do think there's a certain decorum that comes with high office and she violated it. i think donald trump at his rallies violates it. it still offends me because i'm old-school. >> hannity: exit question. how scary is the idea of her becoming president do you think? what percentage of americans would want her to be president? go quick. >> none sean. that's why i'm going to say it again, that's why gavin newsom is going to jump over her. she's not going to be the replacement nominee p. she's not even in the question. they will pick the straight white guy from california. >> i'm holding to you -- holding you to this. >> that would offend me. if she became the president that would really offend me. she is dangerous. [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> hannity: thank you for making episode one of outlaws and lawmen the most watch -- watched show on fox nation. i learned so much in the process the second episode of the series drops this wednesday but you'll only see it on fox nation. episode two following the rough justice and... that's all the time we have left. set your dvr, never ever miss episode. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld would -- will put a smile on your face next.
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