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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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[ applause ] >> greg: we are out of time, to the studio audience, and greg gutfeld, olivia america! >> trace: good evening entrées
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gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, this is america's late news, 'fox news @ night'. >> is the president how confident are ye can bring home the hostages? >> trace: breaking tonight at president biden telling fox news he is not giving up hope what critics say biden is also not giving help, and instead he is undercutting israel's efforts to defeat hamas. one of the release of the hostages, then there is biden's opponent. >> mr. trump: i never used to talk about biden of this way until you did something you cannot do, and you indicted a very popular president, i talk about him differently now because now the gloves are off. there is no crime here. this is four weeks of keeping me from campaigning. >> trace: in the gloves are off, former president trump attacking president biden added a rally of 80,000 supporters and
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deep blue new jersey, a record of the rally in the garden state. while trump was doing a rally, biden was doing delaware, and what exactly one month since donald trump's new york criminal trial began, the prosecution it finally put up his key witness, convicted felon michael golden. with that we go live to native foyer outside of the supreme court, good evening. >> good evening, during his testimony michael cohen said the former president donald trump personally approved of his reimbursement plan after michael golden paid adult film star actress stormy daniels $130,000. claiming that trump and former trump organizations grossed out those payments to conceal them and hide the payments making it look like michael cohen's income rather than a reimbursement. trump can talk about michael cole and publicly because of the cords gag order but you did say
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the. >> mr. trump: we have a corrupt judge. >> so instead of campaigning, trump testified that he directly participated in paying off daniels "everything required mr. on top of that i wanted the money back. my google when used a home equity line of credit in order to wire daniels the money, he said he did that to conceal the payment from his own wife. trump on the other hand denies this affair ever happened, he maintains all payments to michael golden were legitimate legal expenses, trump's lawyers will begin their cross-examination and they are going to question his credibility. my google when is a convicted felon, he admitted to lying under oath several times, inkling last year when you testified in trump's civil fraud at trial just down the street. once again he will be on of the
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standard talking but his former boss,'s direct examination will start and trump's lawyers will have the opportunity to disclaim -- disclaim those claims. >> trace: lifer is outside of the court, let's bring in criminal defense attorney, federal litigator victor, great to have you on. our friend was watching the coverage with those today and he said this, walked... >> it is a prosecution, a liar, a connotative island, the worst possible witness . i cannot even imagine the prosecution has build the whole case so it turns only on michael cohen's testimony about what donald trump is thinking inside his head. >> trace: if you believe everywhere that michael cohen is saying, it is not a matter because there is nothing he is saying that is illegal when you look at this whole case. >> you're watching a movie, year waiting for that conclusion, waiting for that doozy to say now i get it, now i get the tale
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that is being told to us. where is the smoking gun of donald trump at key west thing, telling attorney michael cohen to go do these things. exhibit a, attorneys don't take lines of credit on their personal homes to do something for their clients. he was running rogue, he was doing whatever he could to appease a person he obviously has grade, great jealousy for. and this is the star witness in a case against the former president of the united states of america, any lawyer would be floored, anybody with common sense would strengthen this c case. >> trace: we heard a lot in court about a man named alan weiss invert, former cfo of trump's empire. he is anna -- because of the previous trial, he perjured himself. and he will not testify into this because alvin bragg does not want him to testify but andy mccarthy, a fascinating piece in the new york was at alvin bragg
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again wants to have an underhanded tactic, consequently, he is not testifying to because alvin bragg does not want him on this stand, rather have him sit in the witness chair, prefers for him to sit in rikers, warning other potential witnesses testifying on trump's behalf. he ran all the money, this case we will hear from him. >> he had an agreement, with the federal government, and the state government to provide truthful testimony whenever needed. prosecutors say i have you in the bag, the one person that can make that connection. take a seat and just hang out there in rikers island. that tells a lot. understand and a criminal trial, the prosecution has the burden of proof. so donald trump's team will undoubtedly say, where is the person with the smoking gun, where is a financial advisor?
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where is the person connecting the accounting dogs? that in and of itself is reasonable doubt. >> trace: lassie deagle after michael cohen tomorrow or did he lead to something side because it's not a legal or you try to tear his testimony apart? >> it when you're in trial the thing you have to be careful of is trout psychosis, as trial lawyers sometimes we believe in our case because we have been preaching edged ourselves, sometimes for years. the issue in this case, you have to look at it as a fight, a rink by. you are in a title match. is a be a combination between sugar ray reynold and floyd mayweather, a death by 1000 cuts. at the end it will be some bombshells and mike tyson will be there to knock a witness out. speedy makes me want to go see the final! grade is he is always, thank you. commencement ceremonies riding a big weekend for college graduates across the country, and virtually some of the
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circumstances, discovered by anti- israel postmasters. ashley strohmier is live a new york without a part of the story, good evening. >> we are beginning to see the college campus protests turning into that commencement protests with many say monies across the country being impacted already. a student at columbia university for the anti- israel demonstration started revved up her diploma on the stage during the school of social work ceremony, when he commencement it say monies have been reporting were canceled due to security concerns. and jerry seinfeld who is je jewish, heckling as a standup comedian, received this welcome from a crowd at duke university as he was being introduced to mike take a listen. >> hundreds of protesters repeatedly interrupted bc berkeley's graduation program
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with latter proposed in the entrance, some students and parents were upset but of those disturbances. >> i came here, we work hard for four years. this is extremely saturn. >> awaited for this day for a long time to see my son graduates. he is the first in our family to do so. it's not the appropriate time or place. >> more of this is being expected next weekend including at a more how is college in atlanta, giving the commencement speech, some student and faculty members or ask for the presidents invitation to be rescinded. >> trace: lifer is in new york, she thank you. let's bring in jason ranch, at the start of netflix skin it decision before and after, dr, sweeting both were coming on here. this whole concept of this is not the time or place, a lot of
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this but he was touching on of this. this is a columbia eight student wearing it zip ties and she rips up her diploma and as she rips up her diploma the crowd starts cheering, dipping into a little bit of the video. and then you hear the cheering. let's play this. here it is, you see them searching, right? [ cheering ] >> trace: moving gone out to jerry seinfeld, some students walked out, it was about 30 students over here. you part of and you mix it in nec around the country, it doesn't look like this will end, would he think? >> other than this being completely attention seeking, spoiled, disgusting, disrespectful behavior. i just had a thought, is out
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this clip this morning, these kids are paying tuition, the ones ripping up their diplomas. feeding columbia's implicit in the so-called genocide, you paying tuition, does not make you complicit to connect. >> trace: it is a fair question, jason over to you, at the university of washington today, pro israel, he had anti- israel protesters. we have a video we want to show, appears to be a barricade and it seems the police are protecting some of the anti- israel protesters. what you take away from this jason. >> that is exactly what was happening, you have the university of washington provided that only barricades but the police protection for the anti- israel activists. we are pretending to now that of the pro israel rally goers were the actual threads had not of the nt for thugs who were there, addition to the barricades provided by the college, in the
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opening of their own fencing. and i have complete total control of this encampment, which is a huge portion of the plot and they are not allowing anybody who is a jewish or decided to be a zionist from entering which is of course discrimination and it is illegal city of seattle. yes even here, the university of washington a city back -- sitting back in giving this approval. >> trace: meantime, we saw this, this video went around the world, the fact student is saved the american flight, they put it up, and they raised about $500,000 to throw a ranger. that was a quote. it's interesting, now you nec is dismantling the dui program when di programs and they are taking all that money and putting it into police on campus and a safety on campus. is it a start? >> i think that has been the silver lining of all of this, the more insane at these left-wing brainwashed students get, i think the more patriotic other students become.
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and it with a jerry seinfeld thing i spoke with the families cogito students who got up and left, the crowd started screaming to jerry! jerry! when you got a standing officials. as a mom in a junior in high school, duke, i'm looking at that school. >> trace: i am to, it is a great school per! arizona state university students joined the anti- israel encampment, jason ranch, while she got suspended so therefore she could not a graduated because you cannot take the final exam. she said the following, "i'm a little disappointed at being restricted from a lot of things right now that i did not expect to be were standing up for something that i believe in". maybe some but the trunks of what he should expand to her the consequences before you go into something like that because i think it was laid on pretty clearly and now it's like, i just -- oh, you knew. your thoughts can! >> eeve clearly new. not that i want to critique you but you read that without any tears and she was crying the
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entire time like a giant baby that she is. summary that very clearly does not understand that just because you think you are a hero and you're a some sort of self-righteous social just as a warrior does not ask you mean that that is the reality. your feelings about your own activism does not act to translate in the real world, and all of these kids are our spoiled brats. they are selfish, they're trying to do things that ruin other people's lives and i'm glad to see there was some consequences for her action. >> trace: jason ranch, dr,'s we think both were color coordinating, it looks fantastic on television, appreciate that. meantime, brandi poole showing president trombley -- leading president biden in five crucial battleground states as biden appears to be losing support among the young and nonwhite voters at an alarming rate, this senior national correspondent kevin corke with a new numbers, good evening. >> good evening, suddenly more than a few questions about polls, and medially coming to mind, like sample reliability,
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and, of course,, the posters themselves. but this much is certainly clear tonight, in a world where usually there is a heavy over sample of democrats in major polling good and a trauma voters in particular tend to be let's say coie about her support, the latest surveys are troubling to news for the biden campaign. with the former president trump meeting the current president in pennsylvania, arizona, michigan, georgia, nevada and performing within the margin of air in wisconsin. among other things, of the poll found that biden and trump were tied in the 18 -20 9-year-old category. believe it. drum also enjoys a six-point increase among the nonwhite voters since the 2020 election. and if he likes my help, trump would win over 20 percent of black support which would be the highest margin for gop presidential candidate since 1964. wow. one of the key issues, of course,, democratic party leaders find themselves really
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in a pinch about all bc is in their reaction to the biden at a ministration policy war on gaza. democrats questioning what seems like a little bit of away from a key ally in the region, while progressive democrats are adamant of the administration is committing war crimes by supporting the is was efforts to a limit hamas which are they argue is taking a necessarily heavy toll on civilians in gaza. and while much is an auto being set about the fog that asians and south asians are also trending towards the former president. the fact that his fan support is also turning ride is setting off alarm bells among many democrats by the way biden leading trouble new 41-32 according to the latest acxiom survey among his fan base, alarm bells indeed. >> trace: big-time alarm bells. kevin he, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] the fox news at 90 commonsense department often wonders why there is a show on
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tv called the view one of the women who are on a tend to be blinded by reality. common sense thinks about her name for the show is of the myopic. does not have the same ring but it is certainly more accurate. just today one of the show -- of hosts went on a rant blaming the media for not covering the think is joe biden does. what exactly does she mean? by the things that biden does? what does he do? he rarely if ever gives interviews and when he does, you're given to friendly outlets where biden's barrage of untruths goes unchallenged. a really mediation to cover the things he does not do, does not fix a border, doesn't want to send weapons to israel, doesn't believe the economies breaking the american families. because a new york, it's 2450. with the ladies of the myopic -- kasari govender the view, preferred over the entire complex constant covered the president's troubles? he is rubbed with the far left over gauze archive his
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historically low approval ratings, his dismal showing in the new bout of ground poles. common sense thinks if the president truly wanted more coverage, he would seek it out, walked towards the cameras instead of away. but you does not. and not being able to recognize that view is myopic. let's bring in steamboat institute of fellow, and jessica anderson, thank you both were coming on. i want to put on that it battleground, i think it is fascinating to. swing state polls, likely voters, you go down the line there, you have wisconsin, president trump leading in pennsylvania, they get down to georgia where he is leading by nine. nevada leading by 13 points u as kevin corke was saying, this is alarm bells city. >> alarm bells for sure, and m. agendas the voter, i'm from michigan which is one of those states in the midwestern blue wall that one of the candidates is going to have to win over it
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to secure to the white house. i would say that is a very simple reason biden continues to trail trump in the swing states right now, a charitable expiration would be heat simply misunderstands the average american voter because he is used to closing up to the hollywood elites with millions to spend. that's why you see he civilly does not care about the average megan voter. he has spent his entire legal career entrenched in the beltway elite to where he doesn't even remember what it is like to not make millions for himself. >> trace: jessica anderson, you know when the news is bad when the cnn this is the news is bad, watch... >> friendly for the joe biden campaign, his numbers are disaster. the smallest leaders in arizona up six, nine in georgia, 13 in nevada, my goodness gracious, my god, that is a huge lead, no democrat has lost that status and's john kirby back in 2004. >> lisa: usually they preface these things with while it's early, maybe it is wide the
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clock is ticking. >> that is right. one think everybody can agree on these poland numbers, the biden fatigue israel. the question now though i think for the republican party is how do you take advantage of biden fatigue? you look deeper out of the tabs in those pole, what you see is trump's enthusiasm, direct relationship to biden's fatigued and followed among the key traditional democratic groups like black, hispanic, winning in nevada. the party has a lot of work to do, the enthusiasm on the ground, with the rally because the issues are completely out the bottom for biden with his fatigue, that is a winning combination. and we have a raise for this november. >> trace: want to have 12-foot poles appear, hispanic voters in swing states, it's kind of interesting, we have robert kennedy junior and biden anyone,
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trump 31, also bow design for biden. you move to voters 18 -20 nine in swing states, trump up with 36, you know the president, the current president needs those young voters to keep -- win this race. >> he needs the young voters and he needs a working class of voters to win over the swing states, is only one candidate in this race right now who is treating working-class voters as a votes to be earned, not woulds they deserve. it is not joe biden. i can confirm back in ohio, my neighbors and friends, they are an independent crowd mind. he were obama voters in trump voters and biden voters now likely trump voters again. they are proud of who they are and biden continues to scorn them out of this campaign and ignore their concerns. >> trace: we have 30 seconds you to wrap this up, same topic, things are starting to widen a bit. >> that is ready. this 25 weeks to go before the election, if i was president
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biden i would go out every single gimmicky to try to get of these young voters, i expected more student loan quote unquote forgiveness, allowing these temper tantrums at college campuses to persist, he knows he cannot win on issues like the economy and immigration and jobs so he will take a different routes to try to wind this november. >> trace: thank you both. coming to alba, as president biden's commitment to israel really aren't cloudy because as threats to withhold weapons to arike as top middle east ally is now getting more bipartisan backlash. later in the "the nightcap", with the trump criminal case donating national news, how invested are you in the trial, are you keeping tabs on the day-to-day details? were just waiting for the verdict? why, let us know, we will read your responses again at the. we are coming right back. [ ♪♪ ] ey've arrived
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>> trace: president biden is to refusing to supply israel with certain weapons because he opposes military operations in rafah, but now the pushback against the president from both democrats and republicans getting louder and a stronger. live with the bay latest, good evening. >> politicians on both sides of the aisle have been criticizing president biting say the president promised to withhold article weapons from israel if it curios out of full scale invasion of rafah is only strengthening hamas. >> israel has no choice but to destroy rafah. i've always believed that a biden, unforeseen now part of the pro- hamas a wink of his party, if he's worried about winning the presidential election. >> i don't agree with him on everything, for example i was public when i said i don't think we should be withholding any kind of munitions . >> is a white house but have
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been trying to sway israel targeted strikes within the city of offer my, tonight's report says israeli forces are pushing a deep in to the ruins of gaza's northern edge to recapture an area from hamas fighters. today the white house pushed back on reports of israel and washington post that claims the biden administration is blaming sensitive information on hamas leaders and tunnels, to benjamin netanyahu if you agreed to limit strikes and not a full-scale invasion. jake sullivan insists the president is committed to is israel. >> nobody has been a stronger support of israel than joe bi biden. he has sent and a normative out of capability for israel to take on hamas. secondly the president has made clear he will continue to make sure his will has what it needs to defend itself, full. >> some critics say biden is pandering to hamas, as a toxic to win over states like washington -- michigan which has
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a large pro-western in popular asian. >> trace: let's bring in foreign policy -- former followed -- former foreign policy divisor and of a veteran, eric cole and, spee think both were coming on, always appreciated. we know that withholding that -- withholding weapons from israel is that your mental for israel but beneficial for hamas, it is amazing because antony blinken is said that he thinks hamas might have the best answer, watch those... >> israel has not acted in a matter consistent with international humanitarian law. no matter they do in rafah. or if they leave and get out of gaza, and we believe that's what they need to do, you will have a vacuum and a vacuum that will be filled by chaos and on ricky and ultimately by hamas. >> trace: guess what he is saying is just what you are doing everything right now and go back to the way it was. >> at the only reason that a rafah is the center of hamas is
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because is will has conducted the pressure cooker campaign which forced all over the ruminants of the terror group into rafah. the way that you condoned anti- terror operations into the most significant densely populated warfare that we have seen, is by not only selective operations voted by going into rafah. they have to clear all those 90-degree angles, they have to get barrels inside of rooms, they have to get those drones inside. that is the nature of unconventional warfare, so antony blinken is absolutely wrong, is on was lying, if you look between the white house and whatever relationship they had with benjamin netanyahu, it's about attempt. >> trace: and getting to the information, we know now that are they lowered the death toll in gaza. it says here, you and it seemingly has estimates of gazan women and children killed on maa shows 34,000 plus people reportedly has been killed in
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gaza, 9500 women, 14,500 children, too days later, do you and publish data showing 34,000, 844 encoding 4959 women, 7000, so have the number, we obsolete desperately need accurate information because the information that we have in flames parts of the world that we have seen it. >> what is so sad about a those numbers is it's a humanitarian organization, at the united nations, not exactly a friend of washington, that has said the numbers have to be lowered. it's not even at the administration itself, it should be our state department producing evidence that the members that the health ministry in gaza is in fact wrong. and that the health ministry is not telling us the truth either, it is controlled by hamas. the numbers are never right because that puts everything that put -- comes out of gaza that it is will has had a
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hospital, that israel has hit a human italian truck, it puts it all under a suspect way of looking at what is going on, if you can get the information right, you can get the strategy right. >> trace: and there's a demonstration continues to paired what has come out of hamas and gaza vermaak the new york times investigation shows how its modern everyday palestinians, goes on to say "the documents show hamas leaders despite a plant -- claiming to her present of the people of gaza not tolerate a whiff of dissent, security officials trailed journalists and people they suspected of immoral behavior. agents got criticism, remove from social media and disgust ways to defame political adversaries, political protests were viewed as threats to be undermined ". i think this is what you are talking about, at the same thing that happened in iran, it is the government against their people and that is what we are saying and gaza. >> that is right and israel is
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doing a favor to the palestinians by gutting hamas, for every second that we waste, another innocent person will be killed and the longer the united states waits to put the hammer on iran, the longer that is a waste of water the hammer on hamas and finish off those battalions, the great risk to the people. and greater the risk to the domestic threads here in the united states which are festering from these 88 kids running around with no concept of what is going on, getting stuck in the middle of gaza. the longer the white house waits and panders and all this nonsense, that it right wrecked and incitement will only as glade and fall on the shoulders of law enforcement. >> trace: and in eric's times, 18, 29 years old, we do sympathize with more, israel or palestinians? 44 percent postings, 18 -20 nine -year-olds, you know what is happening across the country will last awhile. >> i blame this on k. haven 16, and probably on your program, the lack of education and the united states about israel, about america's role in the
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world, the good that both have done, both regionally and all over the world, has led our young people to believe that hamas, which terrorizes its own people, and this is somehow superior to the united states, and to israel, and they really believe it. and i don't understand, the degree of which, your other guests have said, hamas has terrorized the palestinians, they don't understand how many of the palestinians have fraud into the rhetoric of hamas. this is a much more comp gated story than what is being told on the college campuses and streets of this country. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, fox news agnate exclusive on the fifth grader, you have to see this. fought to have an interfaith player club and hers will, she joins us live next with a very important update. we had her on a few weeks ago and she is willing to fight the fight, and you will see her again and we will tell you the
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dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep. (♪) >> trace: last night here night here on fox news at night we brought you the story of a fifth grayed student in washington state and was effort to start an interfaith prayer
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club at her elementary school was denied by the principle. we have an update on to this case, let's bring in laura and her first liberty institute attorney kayla tony, thank you for coming on. laura great to have you on the show, the schools that notes the prayer club, you fought back and he won, congratulations to you! you are a student of the month, what happened, how did this -- what happened after they said no? >> after they said no, first liberty sent a e-mail to them and finally they responded, and they said that we can have our club if we found a sponsor and we found a sponsor. >> trace: good for you, kayla to you now because he send an e-mail and part of it said the following, "by singling out a religious club in providing an inferior axis to school resources than what it provides to other noncurricular groups, the district shows a hostility to religion that violates the free exercise clause".
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are you surprised kayla that the school gave a mnpmac. >> we are not surprised because the law is very clear on this issue. the first amendment obsolete protagonists floor's ability to with her friends, it is a longer history and tradition in this country a voluntary student led prayer and the supreme court made that very clear, in another first liberty cays just 40 miles away. kennedys case. that prayer has an important place in public schools, and is that we are very glad that at the school district decided to do the right thing here, we think it is better for everybody because it laura is able to have her club was starting next week. she does not have to have a long drawnout legal bottle, and it's better for the school district because it brings a beautiful diversity to this school environment. >> trace: she let the cat out of the bag, now we know next week is the first meeting. i want to know was going to
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happen and how many kids do you think might show up to this meeting, what is the plan? >> some people have already reached out to me that if they love to join the club, and so i think that it will be great and we will have a good turnout. >> trace: yes, and we have this club, is it going to be a certain length laura, do you have certain things they want to accomplish during this thing, or are you still kind of in the planning faze here? >> i know we will be doing service projects that will make the community a better place, and pray together. >> trace: good for you. this is it really, it's a confidence builder for kids across the country. is that a fair assessment? >> i definitely think so. we are still encouraged by laura's example and we hope this shows that the law is changing and a good direction, the religious liberty is live and
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well in this country and i hope it inspires other people to start a prayer meeting at your workplace or school, if you run into any opposition please reach out to us at first, we are always with you. it is such a joy to stand up for laura. >> trace: is it a good feeling laura that he stood and you fought for what you believe in? i want to know what your parents when you phone said guess what, we get to have the club, what did they say? what did your friends and family say? >> people were happy. i mean i was very happy, it was a great lesson to learn that it even an 11-year-old girl can make a big difference, and that some people make you think that i won't make a difference but i've learned that anyone can make a difference. >> trace: you have made a difference laura, you are a shining example, best of luck to you, we can wait to have you come back, next time we will have video of the actual meeting
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and we will go from there. thank you, kayla, thank you, appreciate your time. >> thank you. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: first up intimates viral videos, the northern lights making a reappearance in the states as far south as texas and florida even here in california, the video shows a stunning display above san francisco, the beetle for side brought to you by a powerful geomagnetic storm that is also responsible for a number of power grid issues as well. and an english football club gatekeeper took a bit of a break during friday night's game to dig his opponents water bottle ahead of shootout. appeared only in the bottle had notes on it till other teams goalie which way to dive depending on which player was taking a penalty kick. mean to have a home runner in california may be rocking the boat with his artwork, the city told him to hide his boat behind the fence so he painted a buettner track a mural of his bow on the fence.
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the man thinks that he will be hard-pressed to challenge what you calls his first amendment right. and he is probably right. via mobile video with share it -- it with us, shared with us on a social media. end up next, by paying close attention to don trump's criminal trial in new york? following any and all updates in the proceedings? are you more of a way for the verdict kind of prison gimmick we are curious, let us know on x. and instagram, we will read the best responses in the "the nightcap". but it was john kennedy sounds off on fox and friends tomorrow as micah cohan retakes this stand, db or the show, like this one if you cannot catch a live.e [ ♪♪ ] nd. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest.
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ford government c3 back with the "the nightcap" crew, jason ranch, tonight's topic trouble on dry, with donald trump's new york cays dominating national news, how invested are you in the ongoing trial? are you tracking the updates every day, or are you waiting for the final verdict? guilty or innocent? you would like to start with kevin corke on this one. >> rbc professionally after covered and pay attention but personally, not really
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interested. they figure we know how this will turn out, awaited for the appeal and in the meantime maybe something crazy will happen along the way. >> trace: something crazy has artie halpern, a lot of crazy stuff, ashley strohmier? >> i could not have said it better, professionally you always you have to when you are in the news but it is not something i am i guess tracking on my personal time. >> trace: yeah, i was filming it from martha, you go to the updates, and you have lydia sending you updates cutting your reading all of them when you're thinking this is just fascinating to. none of these updates have anything in common, no crime. all this talk and details, no crime in the common records student waiting for somebody to pop off, nothing going on. night hated the middle east, i hate iran, i hate hamas so i tend to keep a closer eye because it is a different lane b3 it is interesting. jason, are you covering this
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gimmick do you follow this daily? >> idea, i'm a legal expert, watch all the good seasons of the practice of abc when it was on so noah thing or two about the law. to be able to put my knowledge to the test every single day, it's been very fulfilling. >> trace: jason i was saying a long time ago, same thing, i have seen a bunch of episodes of that show, and people look at me like what? perry who? a doctor? >> i'm a plastic surgeon, this is not my job to follow whatsoever, it's less fun one of those no cameras in the courtroom. they did not even allow photos for a while. it is basically not something so fun and riveting to be following second by second. if anything i am thinking it's giving him a lot of airtime and attention, the people that are hard-core trump fans adult liquids going on with the doj, this is only making it worse for them to three matt? >> i go in and out of paying
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attention, i think the stormy daniels testimony was interesting to. >> trace: here is a poll on instagram, yes 48 are presented, x. 35 percent yes, negative. i want to watch kangaroos court, i'll watch a nature tea and -- nature. this trial has trump's -- better than netflix . which by the way, you have to watch it. only for the comedic value, to take the act on the road, when this is over who says the woke killed comedy? scott williams, guilty verdict won't hurt trump, test to see if doj can we weapon dies for future cases. i am interested to because it is such a sham and i can't believe it is a real. david morris, no, this is a show trial and has no legal basis, it is making a mockery of our legal system. thank you for donay the "the thank you for donay the "the nightcap", thank you for watching the "the nightcap" and 'fox news @ night', i'm très' gallagher, we will see back here tomorrow. how many people did you tell?
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