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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, it is tuesday,
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may 14th. this is "fox and friends" from new york and d.c., where you see brian. michael cohen now en route to that new york courtroom to take the stand in just about an hour and a half, likely facing a cross-examination from trump's attorneys as senator kennedy afters a seering take on this trial. >> this trial, i thinks more about our politics, than about our alleged crime. this is not supposed to happen in america. >> ainsley: judge jeanine straight ahead on that. >> steve: president biden today set to tout his economic agenda as shocking report shows family of four in the united states need to earn $170,000 a year to live comfortably and that is in the cheapest states. >> brian: it changes state by state. thousands gather in washington, d.c. to remember fallen heroes
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and support their families. >> express the closeness and how much camaraderie is. >> you look around and see all these people, one huge family across the country. lawrence >> lawrence: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. >> ainsley: just over an hour from now, michael cohen expected to be back on the stand in former president trump's trial. >> lawrence: house speaker mike johnson will be in court today to support the former president. >> steve: he'll be in the courthouse and outside eric shawn has been there from the get-go, he is outside the u.s. state supreme court. >> wait for the cross-examination. trump's lawyer will try to rip
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michael cohen apart, tear his story piece by piece, leaving him battered and bloodied on the witness stand. in stunning testimony from michael cohen, trump's former lawyer and loyal fixer implicated the president into the scheme to falsify record to protect the 2016 presidential campaign. after court, former president quoted jonathan turley. >> the whole world is laughing at new york weaponized legal system. watching this unfold in this courtroom as a lawyer is deeply disturbing. they keep referring to documents, the documents show the nda, and payment that is not in dispute. >> michael cohen directly tied
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trump to the whole thing telling the jury when the president was sho shopping found out stormy daniels was shopping her story around he thought it was going to be a disaster so he paid her from his home equity account with his boss thanking him and promising to pay him back. once i received the money back from trump, i would deposit it. trump told him, just pay it, no reason to keep it out there. he said trump told him, don't worry, you will get the money back. the former president has been under the gag order so he's had allies come here to defend him. house speaker johnson will
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attend the trial today and vivek ramaswamy will be here and likely have a news conference we'll carry live. mr. ramaswamy believes this trial is a sham and his words, a charade," and prosecutor differ with that. hope to hear more from the speaker of the house and former presidential candidate defending the defendant today. >> steve: according to experts, it doesn't sound like today he is likely to talk about an encounter in oval office when donald trump was president of the united states and mr. cohen said they hatched this plan how to pay things and shortly after, the checks started being cut. as eric said, it will be cross-examination, what we've seen so far is everything
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michael cohen has said, everybody knew what it was because he is going off script from the prosecutors. the defense will try to rattle him and bring up stuff, why should we believe him now and they are hoping he blows his top. >> lawrence: he is supposed to close this, they have not found a crime and it looks like it is uniting the republican party. because of the lawfare, they are uniting behind the president and taking turns joining to support the president. andy mccarthy said, i keep asking does this judge want to be the judge who threw out trump, his daughter defines himself by loathing trump. can this judge intervene when he has his daughter on the other side? the former president says he is
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conflicted. >> brian: i don't see the judge intervening ever. their goal is to prove the president of the united states did this to enhance his election effort. the defense is saying, this is a bad story, he did not want it out predominantly because of his family. both could be true. say the president of the united states is running for office and he went bankrupt and then thriving. if they have a negative story, he'll make sure they go away. one involves sex, one involves business, no different, what will help you go out and win and the cfo is in jail at ryker's
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island for decades. can you get him out to come say i'm watching this go. president of the united states went to the white house, i was handling the business and eric was in charge of all this and this is a legal fee. why don't they want wisenberg to testify. michael, this is what you are recounting happened with donald trump. he does not agree. the defendant does not agree, why should we believe you and go on the different times he flip flopped and bring up in closing argument what was said, one in the white house and one at trump tower. app looks like democrats are trying to interfere with this election by putting him on trial. it is not panning out how they hoped it would.
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in poem polls, he is ahead in five of the six swing states. >> steve: and a year ago, before alvin bragg indicted him, ron desantis was beating donald trump in the polls. as soon as the indictment happened and ron desantis talk about, i've never been involved in porn star payoff money, donald trump started going and going and hasn't stopped. >> brian: one thing i want to bring up, i can't imagine being in a relationship and taking home equity loan out on my house and no one knowing about it. i will take equity loan out on the house and no one will know about it. how do you do that and swap it out and pay it off? how does that not came out? >> lawrence: i don't think that would fly with dawn. >> brian: let me try.
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>> lawrence: text her and get back with us. >> brian: i will try to do that. >> steve: cohen said his wife was ceo of the family and would see it in his checking account, home equity line of credit, she never saw. >> ainsley: i love the land line, what happened to your cell phone? >> brian: this is bret baier's special report has to modernize, one thing no one wants to talk about, i'll break that story here. >> lawrence: judge jeanine has been in the courtroom and will be on the show later on. >> ainsley: few blocks away from where brian is, president biden set to give a speech on the economy.
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>> lawrence: jacqui heinrich live with more. >> jacqui: president biden at campaign reception dismissed the polls saying you can't get accurate results because people don't answer land lines. trump is leading in five of six swing states, all of which trump won in 2020. trump ahead in michigan, nevada and pennsylvania. biden leads in wisconsin. big driver is sliding support among black and hispanic voters because of economy and inflation. biden won 91% of the black vote. in 2024, it is down to 63% and among hispanic biden lead is 3 points. today the president will announce plans to keep trump tariffs in place and raise others. it affects electric vehicles which will jump from 25 to 100%
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and semiconductors, battery, steel and aluminum. targeting working-class voters in michigan, poll shows biden losing. in 2020, biden criticized and pledged to repeal some of them. >> steve: 100% tariff on a chinese car coming to the united states, crazy. >> ainsley: fox business alert, game stop and amc skyrocketing 45% this morning. this comes after stock trader keith gill, known as roaring kitty, posted his first meme on x. he sparked the game stop stock craze during the pandemic.
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today, day two of jury selection in corruption trial of new jersey senator bob menendez after zero jurors seated yesterday. menendez faces charges alleging he accepted gold bars and cash from as /* acting as a foreign agent. west virginia republicans looking to flip joe manchin's seat as governor jim justice faces off against congressman alex mooney. fo former maryland governor hogan is dominating while david trone and angela brooks squaring off in the senate primary. those are some of the headlines. >> steve: talk about this, this is cover of the "new york post" this morning. jen psaki has a new book out and she says that when the -- during
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dignified transfer of the president of the united states never looked at his watch when troops were being returned in august of 2021. you can see there, he's on his watch. on his watch. >> ainsley: yeah, the book excerpt is called "say more" and she said the president looked at his watch after the ceremony ended. we talked to a gold star father, mark smiths, he said, i was there and she wasn't there. >> steve: she said, the detail in a few lines of the book about exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints.
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>> lawrence: it is disgusting, everybody knows what happened. afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster. you had calls from that front. he made it about himself when he greeted the family and told them he understood their pain because his son beau was killed. this is disgusting, brian. >> i wanted to prove i had a hard conversation with the president, i told him his personal story was not well received. for her to say something is inaccurate for a book pre-released makes her look
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terrible. what other fictional accounts does she have to bring forward? mark smith was on this show, father of jar ed smith, he reacted to jen psaki denial about biden checking his watch and knew the facts. >> i couldn't believe her book just came out right before mother's day and wounds have been reopened from a talking puppet. we were 25 yards away and watched in horror and disgust as he looked at his watch and i couldn't look alt him at him after that. that was his mo, watch the casket go by, watch my watch.
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>> steve: his story is different from jen psaki. >> ainsley: he is calling for resignation of jen psaki and he says he plans to take legal action. he had to speak in front of congress, i wanted to shout it's two fing 30 hole. >> lawrence: it is infuriating for many reasons and one thing we keep hearing from democrats and communicators, he is the guy that consoles and brings unity and can make you feel pain and understands pain of americans. when he gets opportunity to show it and his aides get opportunity to talk about it, she could have wrote it was a moment we regretted. >> ainsley: sends a message to folks at home, i have another place to be, how long will this take.
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>> brian: big point is, explosion at abby gate was his fault. he said nobody briefed him, they testified they did. they knew there was going to be a suicide bomber. these men and women died and come back to dover and he can't focus long enough to give proper tribute. they held him responsible because decision he decided to make because he was tired of the afghanistan war. look at documents, you saw how proud he was that he was against the afghanistan war to begin with. that was beginning of the end of the disaster of the first trump and hopefully only biden term. meanwhile, that is the story yesterday, you can't fool the families of the fallen.
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>> steve: right and you are actually down in washington because of the 36th annual law enforcement week down there and last night you were in at attendance for this candlelight vigil. >> brian: thousands came from everywhere, different police forces, some were family members that lost someone in the line of duty and wanted to be part of lives lost that qualify to go on the wall in washington and others want to be a part and show unity to men and women in blue. it went to a candlelight vigil. director of fbi and homeland security was there, who's who of law enforcement. stories of those of those left behind. from an officer that died while
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sitting in had car to others with covid to others being shot and over 60 killed this year. here is what thoughts were of the families waiting for event to take place in beginning of police week. >> 282 men and women we identify died in the line of duty in 2023 and years prior, every single one of these deaths has a deep and lasting impact on the law enforcement community. >> brian: what brings you here today? >> celebrate heroes out here, especially my dad. >>y woo are here representing a fallen co-worker. to honor my son. >> brian: what are your thoughts looking at the sea of people here? >> it is heartwarming, i can't find words. >> it is hard to express the cl closeness and how much the camaraderie is among the people. >> one huge family across the
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country. >> brian: that gentleman with the red shirt on with red collar, lost his son two or three months ago. he said it was surreal he was there and his family and kids were there. guys served over 20 years, first time out on his own and he gets killed in a random shooting. one important story after another and we'll put the package online and you'll see it later and on instagram account. >> lawrence: has the tone changed with support of law enforcement? vicious attacks across the country? >> brian: outside a couple i talked to from austin, if you talk to guys in new york and chicago and new jersey, they don't feel like they are back. they feel like people they ar arrest, they are getting support
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on the streets and i talked to people who say their academies are filling up. everybody i asked were down dozens of cops from the last five years and looking to bulk up. they have tax money to pay them, they don't have people to wear the uniform. >> steve: a lot of families, kids grow up to be law enforcement, but it has not been admirable job over last few years, hope that tide is turning. >> ainsley: thank you for going down there, i'm getting messages th thanking you for being there. >> lawrence: great job, brian. >> brian: no problem. we'll talk to speaker johnson and find out what is going on on capitol hill and i'll bring that back for tomorrow. back to you. >> lawrence: liberal new york magazine admitting democrats are in trouble ahead of november. who is running the country? >> my name is joe biden, i work
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for kamala harris. >> lawrence: senator tom cotton is next. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma.
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>> ainsley: back with a wild story out of arizona for the sentencing of a woman pleading guilty for poisoning her husband's coffee with bleach. brooke singman joins us live. >> brooke: fascinating, judge sentencing her to three years of probation. the judge downgraded attempted murder charge which would have resulted in prison for each count. johnson's husband who is in the air force catching her in the act on hidden camera and he spoke in court and advocated for her to receive mental health treatment. >> our once cherished
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relationship is marred by this. this contributed to dissolution of our marriage twice. as forgiveness and compassion is linked. >> the husband is planning to divorce the woman, she wants the son to reconcile their relationship some day. >> brian: thank you, appreciate it. we are back. today at the white house president biden will promote his economy, bidenomics as new polls show it is in trouble with 70% of young voters trusting trump to handle it and calling biden a problem for the party. there are legitimate reasons to gripe with some argument why biden is so unpopular, dot, dot, dot, inflation may cool, with
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election six months away, voter p perception is unexpected to change. senator mark cotton, what could the president say today knowing poll numbers are where they are? >> maybe apologize for causing chaos, you could feel their pain. >> 70% of people believe joe biden's policies are a failure. people see chaos, they go to the grocery store and can't afford groceries or gas, can't afford rent or interest rates. under president trump, you had job growth and wage growth and stable prices, low gas prices, as well. economy was booming and people were getting ahead, especially working class people. you don't have that in joe biden's economy, they view bidenomics as terrible failure. >> brian: you expect it to be
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about china today and china tariffs than revamp and ackno acknowledgement the economy is struggling and here is what i plan to do? >> if joe biden wants to try to take credit for this terrible economy, he will. he is worried about donald trump having more confidence on how to confront communist china, they announced half measures on chinese terrorists, something that pails in comparison to what donald trump would do. i assume joe biden will stop talking about the weak economy and criticize donald trump. >> brian: today house will take up a measure to address the fact the president of the united states decided to cut off weapon shipments earmarked for israel. the house is taking akction and so far kjp was speaking out and
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here is what they have to say. we oppose attempt to constrain president's ability to deploy -- >> brian: your reaction? they are upset. >> i don't know what joe biden's national security objectives are, embolden iran in the middle east? that is why the house introduced legislation to force the administration's hand and repeal arms embargo and withhold sal real estate from department of defense impleapting policies. this is contrast with donald trump, you have peaceful status quo around the world with joe biden unleashed chaos and placed kick me sign and american adversaries are on the march.
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>> brian: un came out with new numbers, may six, death toll in gaza, turns out they were wrong by 50%. they say total number of deaths is 34,000, number includes 4950 women and children, 12, 756 civilians as opposed to a number double that. they killed more hamas fighters and les civilians. >> u un is hotbed. every civilian death is a tragedy, but for hamas, every death is a strat knowledgy. hamas knows it can't beat israel militarily so trying to use civilians as human shields, hiding behind them to increase
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death totals, exaggerating them to united nations and joe biden who will put pressure to end the war. if hamas survives, hamas wins. >> brian: 24,000 civilian deaths, turns out, there were 12,000, big difference and maybe the president of the united states could emphasize that before his economic speech. great to see you, appreciate it. quick to tell you, later i'll be on capitol hill touring the capitol and talking to speaker johnson about what he plans to do over next six months. he's spending this morning at court and watching the president's team go at michael cohen. we expect a key inflation report that could be bad for president biden or could be good news. and janice dean is live atz
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>> steve: fox business alert. key inflation report released, april producer price index shows inflation is up by .5%, more than march's 2% increase and year over year prices for domestic manufacturers up 2.2%, largest increase since last april, not a good number.
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>> ainsley: fox business's hillary vaughn joins us now. hillary. >> good morning, democrats say grocery stores are the problem with inflation and they think president biden should use executive authority to pressure them to bring prices down. senator warren asking biden to take executive action to target grocery store chains saying big food companies want to keep huge profits and hiring lobbyists. congress stalled on doing work to help families lower cost and the president can fight back. the group says biden should block mergers to keep competition in the market. republicans say democrats are looking for a scapegoat. >> there is no shortage of finger pointing for failure of bidenomics instead of taking
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sfnlt for unchecked spending and increased regulation across the economy, biden administration would rather throw a towel over the mirror and say, not me. >> almost two years ago president biden signed inflation reduction act into law. inflation still tormenting families and spelling trouble for biden just months ahead of election day. >> steve: you went to the grocery store on sunday, are they price gouging? >> i don't think so. >> ainsley: how do you know that? you sent her to the grocery store on mother's day? >> >> steve: my wife did. >> we were out of beer. >> ainsley: to get beer and baby food? >> steve: the baby is hungry and somebody, maybe your husband needed the beer. >> ainsley: she is married to
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peter doocy -- >> steve: who likes beer. >> ainsley: peter is steve's son. michael cohen will take the stand against. >> lawrence: judge jeanine pirro is next. >> ainsley: come on over. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20%
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>> lawrence: fox news alert, in an hour michael cohen will take the stand in the trump criminal trial in new york city and cohen account be cross-examined by the trump team today. judge jeanine pirro joins us now. a lot happened yesterday, what do you expect to happen today? 40u do they move forward? >> judge jeanine: prosecution has not rested this witness, i suspect he will be cross-examined at least by this afternoon. michael cohen came into this courtroom, if i can set the table, witnesses the jury heard from have described michael cohen as a bully, someone who screams at people, it unfriendly, threatening,
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negative connotations they gave to cohen. that is who the jury believes michael cohen is up to this point. you have donald trump, fantastic working for him, great guy, he could multi task, always business at his job. you have michael cohen, who everybody pretty much hated, he called himself the fixer because he broke it. the jury is looking at michael cohen, they don't have the forehead banner that says liar on it. he is convicted of nine felony counts, he is convicted of lying, convicted of perjury, in court of law, that is most serious crime to question credibility. hear from the judge, if you believe a witness lied about one thing, you are entitled to
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believe he lied about all testimony. >> lawrence: stay there for a second, you have the cfo, he cites him a lot. that is hearsay. there has not been anything substantial with evidence, no evidence at all. >> judge jeanine: you don't have to argue it, not one witness laid a finger on donald trump. there should be a case for directed verdict of acquittal. >> lawrence: why hasn't that hatched? >> judge jeanine: i was in the courtroom, it should say biden biden-harris campaign. he allowed testimony about sex acts by stormy daniels. and not one person indicated donald trump said, i want you to
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file this business record. i re-read the indictment this morning, let me go back, did donald trump falsify business record with intent to conceal a crime. not one person laid a finger on donald trump as relates to that, all inuendo. >> lawrence: as former president says, the judge is conflicted. catch judge jeanine 5 p.m. eastern time. over to you, steve. >> steve: headlines on tuesday morning. kelly clarkson, the singer, admitting to using a weight loss drug, won't specify which drug she used. she has said it was not ozempic. she cited walking and high protein diet helped her lose the weight. and caitlin clark will make her regular-season wnba debut this
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evening, sell-out crowd expected. cheapest ticket is about $100, tipoff 8:00 eastern, i'm sure we'll have highlights tomorrow. and rufootf competition. janice dean is live at the westminster dog show. first bill hemmer. >> bill: caitlin clark debut and at same time pacers play the knicks. >> steve: no contest. >> bill: what do you do? >> steve: watch her. >> bill: we'll see. good morning, what will cohen bring today? who will be in court for trump? great lineup coming your way. and senator bob menendez's case continues what we're learning about gold bars and everything else and "new york times"
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battleground state karl rove and ke kevin mccarthy are here. dana and i will see you top of the hour. spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action.
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>> ainsley: the 148th
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westminster kennel club dog show is now underway. tonight is the much-anticipated best in show. >> steve: janice dean is live at the stadium joined by fox sport's jamie little for a best in preview. >> so exciting. last night, of course, is the semifinals. >> it was so much fun. four groups last night. we had some upsets and amazing dogs. i'm not a professional. i watch them come in the ring. that dog looks amazing. so does that dog. it was breathtaking. the last dog that won was a german shepherd dog mercedes. absolutely beautiful that way she moved in the ring. she is a cousin to rumor who won the show in 2017. so she will be back in the ring tonight for best in show. our fourth and final group. seven different dogs going for best in show. four wheels to four paws, a
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little different speed. i love nascar and this dog show. 2500 dogs showed up to try to win best in show. we're whittling it down tonight. >> you didn't get a lot of sleep. talk to us about this dog? >> caroline. a staffordshire terrier. my favorite breed. she is getting ready to go in. absolutely gorgeous girl. we have so many dogs. big dogs, working dogs tonight. sporting dogs, retrievers. so a lot to see. we're coming up at 7:00. >> this is a brussels griffin. your -- >> we come to a dog show. most dressed up for a show. full length dresses, earrings, hair, makeup. >> make sure it doesn't stain. >> when a shop that's a real
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thing. you have to have material that doesn't stain. you will see i touch every dog that wins. >> you have to tune in fox sports. all day long. fox nation as well. 148, baby. >> let's do it. >> let's do it. >> best in show tonight. >> we have totally gone to the dogs. >> they're so cute and so funny. >> steve: have fun. >> ainsley: have the best time. thank you. >> steve: brian will be traveling back home but you have a busy day. >> brian: right after speaker johnson gets done in court and gives me a tour of the capitol and what's going on in the world and stay within themselves and i'll be doing the radio. >> ainsley: and get dressed. have a great radio show, brian, thank you, bye, everyone. >> bill: let's get back at it. lower manhattan.


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