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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> several republican leaders are coming together outside the manhattan courthouse with the new york versus donald trump trial is underway. they are all joined together in support of trump and to stand up to what they say is an abuse of our judicial system. it is a remarkable showcase of unity the republican party, at this coming together to defend trump and what they are calling a politically motivated trial. trump is of course the presumptive nominee for the united states, we all know that but instead of spending every day campaigning in battleground states are meeting with voters across the country, he has been inside of the courthouse. the one you are looking at, the one that he called the icebox as he is listening to hours and hours of testimony. today for a second day understand a convicted felon and admitted liar and a former attorney, michael cohen. donald trump cannot speak about
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the trials he has a gag order that has been put him and the threat of jail time if he violates it. today there appeals court rejected donald trump's appeal from that back order that was imposed in this criminal trial. but the entourage and big-name republicans will not be silenced they are doing what donald trump cannot do, speaking directly to the american people and calling out the politically motivated attacks, and blasting the blasting the weaponization of the judicial system and calling on americans to see through an abuse of their legal system against a candidate for president of the united states. here they are just moments ago. >> you have an opportunity to see this up close and it's personal and it is actually a scam trial and then you have the star witness who is a serial perjurer, this is a joke and a farce and a travesty and we are better than this as american and unfortunately the
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democratic party has lost their ever loving mind. so it will take the american people to remind them that justice is supposed to be blind, it is not supposed to be going after political opponents and political rivals. >> ir from being here in person it is one of the most depressing places i've ever been in my life but it is fitting because the only thing more depressing of the environment of the court room is what in there, the prosecution's main strategy appears to be to board the jurors into submission. if you look in that direction, sadly it may be working. i would like for anybody here in the press or anyone at home or in the media to clearly state what exactly is the crime that donald trump committed. i will wait. >> good question he might have to keep waiting is something we are trying to figure out hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i am kayleigh mceany here with harris faulkner.
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also joining us is gerri willis, also kennedy and also fox news contributor paul mauro. there is a lot to go over here but i want to start with this appeal decision from the first appellate division on the gag order i have it right here. >> kayleigh: let me sum this up, we have a picture politifact, this is michael cohen, what is he wearing? he is wearing a shirt depicting the former president donald trump behind bars. so he can wear this on tiktoker talk all about the trials but donald trump cannot respond. this is what they found, donald trump's documented speech is demonstrated will -- i am wondering what the functioning of a national presidential election of one of which they serial with a gag order that is
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inextricable from the d.c. case. this child has a direct bearing on a presidential election where free speech and political speech should be at its penultimate level but no, according to the appellate division he cannot speak. >> paul: of course political speech is your articulate, remember something else as well, while the jury is not sequestered they have been instructed not to even imbibe on any media relative to the case, so theoretically what are we protecting them from? all of this goes the fact that we have put this case a part of a million different ways and all the lawyers on the network and other ladies here et cetera, the bottom line is this i know that courtroom and vivek ramaswamy's right, but the bottom line is they have created as the prosecution has created this narrative that is really simple, trump got involved with some unsavory people in there when it came time to run for office he wanted to get away from them and hide them. that is it that is the whole narrative that is what they
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going to take into the deliberations. first of all it is going to make the charge for the jury, this very procedure and could be dull, but that is where the rubber will hit the road here. what he tells them about mda being legal or not is going to be very, very important and we need to watch that. secondly, unfortunately nsf said i know that room, you can pull all the legal issues out and put them on the side and very often and narrative can be enough and the office knows that. so that's why when stormy daniels comes office off right and when michael cohen looks like a unsavory character it works for the prosecution and they eat that narrative so if you are on donald trump side of things, it is going to be an acquittal or et cetera, you need to manage expectations because let's just remember this is a manhattan jury. >> kayleigh: it is an trump is sitting there and taking it all an end we are going through
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minute-by-minute details, as michael cohen testifies. but donald trump this morning had a comment about the gag order and i imagine that his attorneys is whispering in his ear maybe even during the break that the gag order stands in the appeal didn't work, i imagine we will hear some sort of reaction but here's the last, we have from this morning on the gag order. >> they got going to have to come off. so when you asked me a question about the people that we are talking about, i am not allowed to enter. >> kayleigh: he is not a lot to answer and i'm sure we will hear more about this. >> harris: what is truly interesting is that he is find a workaround. those surrogates who are out on the lawn and there's a great "washington post" article about this today about how much latitude that the circuits have been a less is telling them word for word what to say there is no applicable gag order that the judge could've put on donald trump or anyone speaking for him. so they can, and say whatever
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they want to say about the case it would be helpful to teach donald trump if it is mostly about him and defending him but today the constitution as you brought up paul, brought up by one of the circuits. they have been speaking since 1015 this morning, a little color of what's going on outside of the court because i wonder if the president was aware of how much was going on on his behalf today. so within seconds of them leaving the screen, less than 1y and the governor walked back into the courtroom. about five and a half minutes ago, the president understands that they are there and they know when he speaks, and the country gets to see that. actually it's like a campaign stop. effectively, to have that much force on your behalf whether it is this case or anything, it is truly interesting the workaround for politics and for this case on behalf of donald trump. >> kayleigh: it is very smart, kennedy, their parameters because we have seen him at the
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in real time articles but he's allowed to talk about the judgment some details of the case but he can't talk about witnesses because you can, let's go to mike -- watch. >> this man has been clearly on a mission for personal revenge. and who is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. he writes to congress, led to the irs, lied to federal election officials, even michael cohen's own lawyer testified to a grand jury that he is not reliable. this guy is a convicted felon who admitted in his testimony that he secretly recorded his former employer and he only did it once allegedly and this was supposed to help donald trump. does any reasonable sensible person believe anything that michael cohen says? >> kayleigh: donald trump can't say those things but they can. >> kennedy: you could have 11 people on the jury who watch cnn and also msnbc and the finding that they are doing with the
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legal analyst over michael cohen's performance, and they may believe that but i have faith that there is one person there who to vivek ramaswamy point just wants to know what is legal here, let's say that trump is about judge of character and has done some bad things in the past or with people or up by also putting so much stress and michael cohen, being a bad judge of character might be a character flaw but it is not a legal. stormy daniels, going over in this wretched detail about their alleged affair has nothing to do with bookkeeping, unless she was keeping some sort of spreadsheet -- [laughter] >> oh, my goodness is it that the med had went there that is hilarious, but one of the added benefit i would say to having the circuits is a show of strength but he is at their thing and a political component. >> kayleigh: the vice president tryouts, you have j.d. vance there, you have rumors that tim scott could show
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up one day you have rick scott, and many others, and one of the single most important attributes of whether the vice president is it someone who can articulate to the broader american public the legal issues and an effective manner, what a better child. >> gerri: absolutely and they are getting great airtime right now but i want to say something about paul's comment earlier because i disagree with you a little bit i think it will audience for this is american voters. i can american voters i am the legal scholar but i look at this trail and i, what is going on here? there's a bunch of disgusting people testifying so far and michael cohen himself light under oath he can't practice law here he's been disbarred when this was a take away from this? i am disgusted with this trial. i believe voters are the main audience here. >> kayleigh: yes, they are the ultimate jury. but you all will have a decision
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in just a few short months. coming up as you know, michael cohen is on the stand, and so far he has admitted to creating false invoices and statements to protect the former president during his testimony this morning. we will have a live report on the latest coming up next. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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>> he breezed as he lies and vice versa, michael cohen admitting to crafting false invoices to hide payments to stormy daniels earlier today. so basically he is using the trial to correct what he said in other places to lawyers and judges. fascinating. how convenient for him. he also confessed to lying about trump's role in the payoff and 2018 saying that he felt that it
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was reassured that the president had his back. and not just, michael cohen said that he decided to stop lying after pleading guilty to federal crimes. let's go to eric who is life outside the new york supreme court with more details on the trials and some breaking news on the future of trump gag order eric? >> yes, he will still be gagged as of this morning. from a president trump, lost his appeal. the appellate court unanimously decided that the judge properly has restricted the former president from attacking any jurors or witnesses or court staff or members of the court staff and their family that includes the judge and his own daughter, even though she works for a consulting firm in chicago. that firm happens to do work for prominent democrats and many of them as well as directly for
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president biden. the former president is not allowed to do that, the appellate court is saying that they were basically threats, this really came down as michael cohen was back on the stand testifying and he brought the jurors directly into the white house into this testimony and type the former president directly into the reimbursement for paying back porn star, stormy daniels. the heart of the case of the checks. 34 counts of filing false business records and michael cohen said he knew all about them and the checks were meant to reimburse michael cohen. he testified that they met in the oval hours of february 2017, that one month into the new presidency he said at the meeting the new president told him that he would pay michael cohen back for the money and he wouldn't get checks, but michael cohen never said it was donald trump who falsify the record or that the presidential someone else to do that, and that admission will certainly help the defense and coburn say
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he continued to serve as the personal lawyer for a few more years and then the media spokesn admitted that he continued to lie about stormy daniels when he was raided by the fbi in 2018 he said that he felt concerned and despondent and angry. he said that trump called him and told him that don't worry i'm the president of united states, there is nothing here, stay tough, there is nothing getting the former president from speaking out about that and the gag order that he lost so get ready for some heated response from the defendant and the former president later on today on the fact that the dash he still want to be gagged. back to you. >> harris: we've already gotten a response today from his surrogates. that news conference was as i put it earlier, those are the people that you want defending you. and to talk about politics and also cases and everything, yes, they lined him up today and we know just moments ago they walked back into court said the president does know that he had
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some fuzz on her side. thank you very much. let me get into this, so went to the courtroom on the tickle as well, this was while we were on commercial break, michael cohen pleaded guilty and he talked about doing this he pled guilty to something related to stormy daniels, he confirms that he paid the money to stormy daniels to -- so we are getting some sort of inside the courtroom back and forth and i like knowing what the different subjects because that tells me that some of what they're going to go or do on cross examination. michael cohen paid stormy daniels to make sure it would not affect trump's chances to become president of the united states, it is interesting because that kind of conflicts with what he said earlier where he was working with eric trump to make sure that she didn't talk and so on and so forth and asunder like he protecting himself. >> paul: this is the linchpin
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of the case, they have the documents and the fact that the payments were made to michael cohen is not in dispute, it comes down to trump and his intent, michael cohen, at present, appears to be the only person who can put some sort of front of fraudulent intent on the 34 entries, the pity for entries which were made in 2017 subsequent that donald trump winning the election. so part of the argument here is really that he attempted to defraud an election he had already won. so the entire time blankets for a very skewed because the first charges have to be in service to the second charge and a second charge has never been articulated and i said what i said about is just the fact that they are just throwing all the stuff at the wall and they're trying to get 12 manhattan jurors to say that is enough i will convict. >> harris: they told everybody that, the democratic strategist said that we ferret out the spaghetti at the wall and doing everything we can and it is not hurting him. >> it is political theater,
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trying to win the election and i would like to say one thing about lying on these business statements if you have the fortune 500 feet on the prior same topic heart someone would go out of business, everyone obscures or lies at the margin and tells fibs about the business statements, if you have have a look that one of these statements, you would know a lot of it is not true. >> harris: kennedy, now you can prove that a liar was lying then but he is not lying now, that is a big jump with the prosecution can they do that? >> kennedy: it depends that there moved by their hatred by donald trump. that's why i think it only is going to take one person. i think this thing is so fascinating, and the prosecution has gotten so far open. let over their skis, and to think strike me. number one alvin bragg lets criminals go every single day violent criminals on the street to reoffend and number two you could pay them the national debt
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with what every presidential hopeful has paid inconvenient people with fluid stories and this has been happening throughout the history of our country. >> harris: quickly, we know from inside the courtroom, they will only add that he is speaking calmly pursuing visible signs of frustration occasionally signing and shaking his head. >> if he is frustrated signing and also shaking his head what is he going to do if he is cross-examined. people will be adversarial will come his way. but i have a question on where is ilan westerberg and we know it's not for head. my prohibited from coming, he's involved in so many of these conversation and there's a pattern with regard to stormy daniels and the and michael cohen says that he directed him to eliza buerk and they discussed funding end of february oval office meeting and this was about michael cohen's repayment he continues and said that michael cohen
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trump wanted him -- they could d that he had no involvement in this, he was involved in her way up at the needy and grady were between us aware of alan i would love to hear from him? >> paul: he may come in on the defense. >> harris: and he also gets to drop his name if your records don't you want to help us? >> he doesn't want to be prosecuted again that is his biggest fear, this is the second time they've sent him to rikers and he is worried that whatever he says, especially if it's in favor of the foreign president, they are going to talk to him again. >> that are supposed to right? >> and the authoritarian regime that is yes. >> harris: we are moving on, it is so spicy, we are all over it please stay close. into the things that keep our food fresher,
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>> harris: in this campaign season and president biden is out and about he didn't have to go farther he is out in the rose garden and about to deliver remarks on his agenda to promote american investment on jobs how about we hit that inflation mr. biden about that? we have been told he is just about one minute away or so to begin speaking after this introduction, what does he need to do? >> gerri: fess up about inflation just like you said, he keeps telling us that when i came into office inflation was 9% but when you came into office it was lower and 17 months later it was 9%. so you need to get on that and fix the problem and daughters were american face the biggest problem they are facing right now. we have more bad numbers this morning and we have horrible inflation numbers, everyone knows this. >> harris: what was number today compared to what it was before? >> gerri: 0.5 -- >> harris: we are going in the
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wrong direction and it gets passed on to the rest of us. >> gerri: yes and we will see that number tomorrow. >> harris: and it was 1.4, and then within months it was like a .5 and the prices are still going up, people think that because for 25 says it but he is wrong, prices are coming down but no, we're going back above 3% and those prices never came down and it is a compounding interest basically. >> gerri: it is cumulative and it builds on itself, we look at it like how wall street looks at it but that's not how people experience a people remember it from before covid and realize that they are still paying so much for just basic goods. >> harris: okay, so the president is expected to talk about his accomplishments regarding the private sector investments inc. job creations, clearly really quickly, you have one former president with what he calls the same trial, you have the other one who was on
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it, but with a topic that i'm not even sure he understands the economy. >> kayleigh: the to he did lie with his interview, but here's whether former president has an here, he can have president biden speak and get medical coverage and he can walk to the microphone as we saw him due on friday, and do a real-time fact-check about you just mentioned the 9% inflation and there was no fact-checker, but his political opponents trump, the network was on, so that is the advantage he has, a massive megaphone and when he uses it to get off defense because all the questions are defensive and going to offense on the economy and inflation and beyond. >> harris: it is interesting because the trial has given him a bully pulpit that no one could have predicted, he comes out and he says the press secretary, you have shared your notes for back in the day in the white house because he comes out with a litmus or stuff you want to talk
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about. >> he's not inventing numbers because people are feeling it and where they are feeling it is in food and housing. those are still very unaffordable for the majority of americans and also trying to tamp down inflation meaning that you have to raise interest rates so when the feds raise interest rate is more than expensive in the interest rates for the banks go up as well so that means that want to give people fewer money if they can afford to get those loans. some people at the height of inflation they were deficit spending on their own credit cards and they are now maxed out and paint 29% interest on those credit cards. that is why those numbers are hurting people. >> harris: that is criminal, criminally moving against the american public with the new tax inflation that will die in the interest rates that people cannot afford to pay. compounding that over and over and over. i mentioned this earlier and now we can show it, democratic strategists who was a little salty with his words, i think we have the bleak machine on,
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democrats are definitely upset. >> donald trump is more ahead that he's ever been, it is going the wrong way and it is not working, everything that we are is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking. me included. and, it is hard when you starting your 80th year, and you have send opinions to yourself and the opinion i have come to is that i do not matter. it does not matter. you can be on tv or be prepared or you can write pieces or have a youtube channel, you can have a podcast, and nothing. nothing. we have to try and think of something different. because what we are doing is
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really, really not working >> harris: the timing no one could've planned so we will go from all of that and to that exabyte -- and to the president now who was speaking in the rose garden of our netconomy he cannt fix. >> i would love to recognize all the people who are still. all the workers, the communication workers in the boilermakers and the machine as i am proud i'm proud to be the most pro-union president in the history. i've said it before, a lot of the folks are here, but they did not build america, they build classical america, and unions build the middle class. folks, leaders from key american industries are here as well including steel, aluminum, soil, and members of my cabinet are here as well. the treasury department, catherine, our trade
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representative and the standing members of congress as well. debbie, we like to welcome you. and haley stevens is here, and i'm glad you're here to tell me you might not be able to make it. and debbie dingell, again smiled debbie it is okay. you are responsible for a lot of this. thank you all so much for joining us, as i announce a series of actions and to make sure american workers and american business and corporations can compete and also win and industries of the future because that's what this is all about. the factors american workers are able to outwork and outcompete anyone as long as the competition is fair, but for too long it has not been fair, for years the chinese government has put state money to chinese companies across the whole range
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of industries. still aluminum, semiconductors, solar panels, the industries of the future. and even critical health equipment like gloves and masks, china heavily subsidizes all these products pushing chinese companies to produce far more than the rest of the countries can absorb and then dumping the access products onto the market and driving prices. putting people out of business. i won't go into a boat we were talking about how many aluminum plants they used to be and how many they are now. the prices on fairly low because chinese companies do not need to worry about a profit because the government subsidizes them heavily. in chinese rely on other noncompetitive taxes as well but fortunately american companies are able to transfer the country to do business in china. i spent a lot of time with the leader of china and i said why we were being unfair and he said we will play by the symbols if you want. if you want to do business you have to have a 51% chinese owner
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and provide access to all your properties et cetera if you i do that in america then we will be silent. sometimes that's what it is -- it has been internationally recognized and when you make textbooks like these, you are not competing, it is not competition it is cheating. and we have seen damage. america. to name an example, back in 2,000 and china when they began to flood the market across pennsylvania and ohio it was hit hard and i from those was no well -- for the 1,800 iron workers in ohio where they lost their jobs. i would not let that happen again. i am announcing new parts of the economy to ensure that workers are not held back by unfair trade practices. they include 25% tariff on chinese products, and will
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counter the overcapacity in these industries. we are making major investments in clean american steel, clean american steel aluminum, it is a big deal, clean because of the way we manufacture it here, make half as much carbon as they do in china, last month my administration announced a large investment in all of history to up to $1.5 $1.56 billion cleanl projects across america. creating and supporting thousands of union jobs. up next, 100% tab and electric vehicles made in china they said wow. [applause] we are not gonna let china, flood our market and make it impossible for auto manufacturers to compete fairly. we are also implementing a 25% electric vehicle battery from china and 25 per cent tariff to make those batteries. folks look, i am determined that the future of electric vehicles will be made in america by union
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workers. period. [applause] and we will do it by following international trade lost to do it. american companies are investing tens of billions of dollars into electric vehicles and batteries. thanks to my bipartisan infrastructure law we are building a network of 500,000 charges station all across america. including thousands and thousands of jobs across america. electric charging stations, we're going to do this and it simple they are easy to find just as the gas station that's what this will be. you will not have to worry about taking off and not making it all across the country in one drive without having to figure something else out. our partners around the world are making similar investments they are also wanting supply chain for electric vehicles that isn't dominated by unfair trade practices from china. america continues to buy -- let me make this clear, we can buy
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any kind of car we want whether gas or electric or hybrid, but we're never going to allow china and are unfairly control of the market to control these cars, period. [applause] next, we're going to waste tariffs on chinese solar panels, for 25 to 50%. here again because the chinese government is subsidizing excess capacity and flooding the market. driving manufacturing companies out of business in europe, but we will not let that happen here in america. but putting a 50% tab on semiconductors made in china, these are the computers, but for the public those little tiny computer chip smaller than a fingertip, the power every day lives, from smartphones to automobiles to dishwasher or satellites, american vanity is cheap, but over time we stop making them, we invested overseas and now, thanks to make chips and science act, when the
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most significant investments ever in science and technology, we are bringing this energy back on where it started in the united states of america. [applause] finally, we are putting tariffs on health equipment such as masks or gloves for nurses and doctors, and what they wear every single day, the pandemic caught us and we realized we needed to have a secure supply of essentials here at home. folks, these key sectors are strategic and targeted. it is a smart approach, compare that to the other administration what they did, my predecessor promised to increase things but he did not. he failed. he signed a trade there were china and they are supposed to buy $200 billion more of american goods, instead china imports from america and barely it budged. and now trump and the republic are running on imports from all
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countries if he is elected and that will drive up costs for families and an average of thousand $500 per year each y year. it simply does not make sense. for years i've heard many republicans and even democratic friends in china and they are rise, actually china is on the rise but america has fallen behind. i've always believe they've got it wrong, america should be rising and we have the best economy in the world and since i have come at the office the gdp is up and trading with china is down in the spin that the lowest in over a decade and we are standing up against chinese government now, at the same time -- [applause] we are standing up for peace and stability across the taiwan straits, i have revitalized a partnership for the specific allies, and india an extra in japan and south korea in the philippines in this pacific island nations, i have nations of the most advanced nation that we develop can be used by -- cannot be used by the chinese
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government under my national security. frankly before it rains, for all this tough talk on china, and never occurred to my predecessor to do any of that. the bottom line is i want fair competition with china and not conflicts and we are in a stronger position to win the competition against china versus anyone else, because we are investing in america yet again in the american workers. to close, i come from scranton, a town where a lot of working-class neighbors all across america, or wisconsin where he visited last month, once you've manufacturing move sound and chuckle economics came along, certain things the hollowed out. six years ago my sister carried a shovel and promised -- he said it would be it is one of the world, big promises that never came true my predecessor, he used that shovel to dig a hole and then failing to it. but not -- that is not part of
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my plan. we are delivering thanks to an investment of my administration and microsoft is investing billions to build a new data center and creating thousands of good paying jobs because the view from scranton and towns like that a lot different from myla cox, it is a view that money does not determine your worth and everyone is entitled to be treah respect and everyone deserves a fair shot and really no one behind. that is the america we are building together. and optimistic about the future and i'm going fast because of the rain. we must remember who we are because we are the united states of america. and there is nothing, there's nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. god bless you all and let's get out of the rain. thank you very, very much. [cheers and applause] thank you.
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>> please sit. >> harris: okay, so no umbrella but the president is eager to get out of the rose garden now, and that allows them of course not to take any questions, don't know if that is his motive, but we seen them do it before. he signed that proclamation that he was talking about into law. and he's going to put some distance politically between us in china and their economy is what he is talking about just to sum this up. but yes, we are not connected a question and nothing is shouted and none of that stuff is he going to respond to, wait hold on -- [applause] that was quick --
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>> get off my lawn. >> harris: that was kennedy everyone. so charles, he had to hurry because apparently it is raining but only on him, because they were not any umbrellas or anyone else who was inconvenienced by the rain he sang something else and they didn't even try to cover that some confuse, what did you make of this and i think you something from japan, nick japan is buying a huge amount of steel but they are now lipe. >> they like to buy u.s. things it would be shocking if the biden administration go through the regulators and they shot down every sort of merger announcement that his administration had over the last couple years some that made total sense of -- i doubt they will but i do want to pick up on the theme here. most folks are looking at this and really this is inconsequential right now we are not importing electric vehicles from china, but it is inconsequential that president biden suggested that the american consumers have a
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choice between eb's are the kind of cars or automobiles and that is simply not the truth because he has this grand ambition by 2030 over half the cars will be zero missions and believe the influence this cafe standard, corporate fuel efficiency in the bottom line is if you are out on the grandest country you will have no choice but to make electric vehicles, many of them have been pushed back because the stocks have been hammered and they are losing tons of money hundreds of thousands of dollars, but what is interesting to me and talking about the solar part of this, the biden administration put out some tariffs on solar input from china but what happened? last year we had a record amount of imports and they were all linked to china which operates companies and southeast asia so that bracket 82% increase of solar panels so came from china. and now what china has done is putting a lot of manufacturing
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capabilities for electric vehicles in mexico. now let's talk about the rent that's part of this, the graphite, they have 99% of graphite and we cannot get to the graphite, so it is all nonsensical and the most important part of this is that the american public has no choice in all of this and even if you believe is in your heart and so the climate change is right around the corner and we have to really do something about it this is the dumbest way to go about it. we need these rare herbs and that is not just for electric vehicles but for cell phones and for fighter jets. it could be a smart way to implement this and get alternative resources but they are not available right now. so on the topic of inflation because he brought that up as well, this is nuts, there's a hundred and 23 electric vehicle makers out there, they have a amazing vehicles -- the bottom line is he is pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with economics and once again trying
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to wrap it into the veneer of economics and the irony of these workers in protecting these jobs is that he is willing to ruin the jobs of millions of americans in these great pain jumped from the fossil fuel industry. it is nuts. >> harris: with no transition points. none whatsoever. so that means people off a cliff or whatever investment they have made into the vehicle they can finally afford to drive because of six years from now it should be paid off, it will not even be -- it will be obsolete in his mind a 2030. i talked about that japanese company buying steel because he made such a big deal out of regulating the steel that china's bank, or he has a deal on the table with the united states deal buyer from japan it just seems like china is not at the table i didn't understand why he focused on that so much your last click? >> be careful of the buzzwords, when you started talk about clean steel, americans
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need to hear that it is more expensive. the agenda has driven inflation to a 40 year high and it will not come down. the pace is slow but are still at highs that many adults have never seen the percent of americans told ft recently that they are suffering from it. >> harris: not a single other alphabet soup that looked at this and i called on that because their names did not spell anything like fox. the good news and go here they were still on donald trump they did not cover the president of the united states and you can bet trump is can it tee off on this economic talk later today. thank you for breaking this d down. >> kayleigh: onto the fox news alert, trump is making the news, this is for us in our network that trump is announcing that this week you will have raised $25 million, tonight there is a high dollar fund-raiser as well as within the grassroots, you will see woody johnson the owner
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of the jets there amongst others but interestingly, do you know who will be here this evening? tim scott. doug burgum, vice president contenders contenders before trump had stuffed a to ohio where he will have a fund-raiser with j.d. vance contender, as that was breaking about the campaign hall, we heard this, this was on with clay, i imagine this must be a pretaped interview because trump is in court but they say j.d. vance is in play and these are all names be talked about sort of like a lot of people in play and this is an interesting part, i am really a believer they get to attend the convention, so that will be unconventional to name your vice president and the convention but donald trump knows how to drive i think can keep a story going and control the narrative and revenues. >> paul: to that point let's compare what donald trump is doing to what we just heard from president biden who to my ears came off a soda from furring and
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unsure and occasionally he roused himself and he is slurring et cetera, it goes to the current trial, two things, we notice a segment population said they would not vote for donald trump if he's convicted and i'm skeptical of that because of something else, if they get the effort here, felon, attached to donald trump, there will be the biden campaign excue not to debate because number one next to the other, to start difference distinction and donald trump frankly would just run rings around her because when we saw joe biden come up script at the state of the union that moment that was mostly has come back to work the only time he cannot strip, because he was reading that state of the union, the only time he came off is when he found. and he started calling things different names and conserve himself but cannot afford that and if they can put the filling world on donald trump i predict that they want to use that so he
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doesn't get up on stage. >> at a spot on kennedy because president biden was energized and a state of the union he got a lot of praise for that speech but what we just watch he was saying over and over again that i am revving up here and i cannot imagine him standing vis-a-vis donald trump wwho is more on message than i'e seen in quite some time in this candid unscripted environment. >> has been a organizing source for him the trails in the reaction because he has a certain amount of time and he has been much more disciplined with his message. i think the vice president thing is brilliant because as we've seen with governor christie, sometimes these potential vice president implode of their own undoing so he is getting more people time and one way to make a case for themselves but also to fumble and stumble and get themselves out of the way and out of the way because he really doesn't need anyone else right now and joe biden is with
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kamala harris, in the poll numbers are worse, so the former president can make just about any one of the convention into light part of. >> harris: earlier today, right before the house speaker mike johnson spoke, the campaign for donald trump sent this out, my next vice president will be decided by you all, what do you think or who do you think my vice president should be, alert and cast your vote. everything i do i do for you so they were sending out campaign type messages as the surrogates were stacking up to the microphone outside of the courthouse. it is a interesting way to play the political game and we will see you november who wins. >> if olympic heavy appre apprentice. >> harris: i like that. >> when you tried the narrative that is no small matter and for weeks we continue as you are looking at the courthouse this man former president trump is driving the narrative we hate wait to hear from him and we will bring you
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all the latest from the courthouse here on fox news. he could speak at any moment so please stay with us. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ >> this lunch break is going to be interesting for michael cohen in the park done my prosecution. they are on their lunch break as they do each day until about 2:15 p.m. today and when they come back they are set for cross-examination by trump's attorneys. so the strategy being worked out on both sides as you can imagine michael cohen, i am not sure if he is ready for this are how did you describe it, kaylee? >> he is frustrated, he hasn't even incurred. >> yes by the way when we went to commercial break he may have seen the former president donald trump was leaving the courthouse we wanted to rerack at this moment he gave a couple fist bumps. he or she talks at the end and of the day will take a what
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happens but will make return cross-examination or when they do it 2:15. paul, where would you start? >> i think one of the things they're going to do aside from this idea there is nothing connecting donald trump to a fraudulent intent because you need intent to real quick room for something else, everything donald trump seems to have done here including the tapes is he did it on advice of his lawyer. who was his lawyer? michael cohen. >> who he trusted. a confidential relationship. >> this will get brittle this afternoon. i think this will be really, really interesting. we will all be leaning in. >> so well michael cohen. no doubt. thank you so very much for watching this our of our coverage today. so, again, 2:15 p.m. pop your corn in the moment it starts michael cohen cross-examination by michael dell mike trump's attorneys. "america reports" now. >> you ask me questions i'm not allowed to respond.


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