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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 14, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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a local artist turn the barrier into a mural of thrn thee boat.h >> he has yet to hear back from the city. but he claim he cs he played by the rules. and you deserve it. all you code enforcement people. i love that. all right, greg. all righ we havet. tonight, we got jim naughton, nicholas giordano, kat timpf, tyru timpfs. we're going to do that drive time. let's do it. greg's absolutely disgusting news. this is repulsive. take a look at it. it's real lifeumper and bamb thr in bambi, deer in a rabbit greeting each othe r. should >> i know what you're saying. this is perverse. these animals should be separated. what if they mat separt ifhey m could be disgusting. but it happened in the backyard of a home in oregon. they're all perverse things. they're darker, jesse. skipwhatever. we're going to skip what i had. will just promote the show. jesse watters primetime. itr se8:00 wit.rmed we have the get it together series with a reformed arms trafficker. >> awesome. all right. that's it for us. jesse and the gaext. night. welcome to jesse watters, primetime tonight. >> michael, look like another
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rough day on the on the stand for you. are you obsessed with donaldon . trump? why do you want to see him get convicted? do you think he might be a pathological liar? >> michael cohen, under cross-examination, i thinkposi we're exposing this scam for what it is. >> thank you very muchngsfor wht >> those are white house eminem. oh. y oh. can you tell us about your dance troupe? therroupee was midnight magic. >> the dems try to rebrand kamala again. >> i really enjoyed it. yeah. david, we're gunrunners. >> let's go run some guns. e war dog gets it together. plus, i have. i ha greg. could you milk m, coule? of it's day 17. >> in the case of the crime, the democrats still haven't named donald that trump. escaping is called manhattan
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cage. moments ago, in high spiritsgo >> today, we had a very, i think a very good day in court, which is see what's happening. and you'll have very good it because i can't talk about it too much but i i think it was v a very, very good day. >> the former president rolling into courty go this morning with a posse of dark suits and red ties. >> lad >> ladies and gentlemen of america, this this triad geli is a joke.a fa this thing is a farce. t where's the crime? therhecrime?e is no crime. i the only crime that is happening here is this democ det judge and the democrat party prosecuting their politicall rih rival right in the middle of a presidential election. the miit is one of the most depressing places i have been in my life. the prosecution's mainn my stray appears to be to bore the jurors into submission . s the judge's own daughter is making millions of dollarss of l doing online fundraising for democrats. they're using this trial is a hook. it's so corrupt. it's so corrup at, and everybody
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knows it. president trump is leading all over the country >> and thew from conclusion you can draw from that is the american people have already acquitte d donald trump. >> when the squad shows up,en t the trump kids gethes coziera h and the media hates it. >> they want the formerreside president freezing cold, alone in a courtroom where fears don't dare visit, fearing the stench of scandal waftin og on to them. >> this is the scene the left's tried to produce. >> the fact the former president has no family with him, no, you know,ust's friends. >> he's just got his legal team. he is by himself. and whenlegal team he's by himsy his supporters and people are not showing up. >> but now that trump's possen came to town and circled the wagons, the media realizes they're facing a united republican party. >> republicans runningin towardt battle. we haven't seen that in a whileh .e and the party should be growing. we should have had the entir she house and senate republican caucus outside that courthouse. speaking on behalf of alf president who's unfairly gagged by a judge who donatesf to bidn
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thhese 34 charges turn the trump campaign intoto the a movement. stunned the left, leaving them l no choice but to mock it as sort of even a mimeticw thing. >> he saw him with his handshi like this. k like you know, he's trying to even act and speak like trump. those people standing outg there, they're just spineless sycophants. >>e, they're going to say and do whatever donald trump wants. >> the media is disparaging duly elected republicans and worshiping every single worg duly e d uttered by a pornstar ghostbuster and a convicted felon. stormy daniels gets paidn. to have with men on cameracamea and says she can talk to dead people. but the medisa thinks a senators defending a president's honors the joke in the media's world. >> the disbarred lawyer who wears a superman t-shirts, cowboy hats and roman war helmets is the one we have to take seriously fighting for due process rights. and that's just pathetic. why is the star witness in thesl
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so-called trial of the century wearing costumes like a theater kid? wear? anyway? >> the entire trial's political theater. the entire t, and now reena the media is reenacting it. watch. he goects, how long do you think i will be on the market for? >> not lon market g. t >> what? did you understand that to me? to wasn' t thinkingmilan yo about melania. this was all about the campaigup . >> abby, they're talking oscars over there, and we tell you right now. that was good. that was a good rendition. to's important to dohat was tha. >> is it? today was the climax. e climaxalvin bragg, star witnes michael cohen back on the stand for day two of testimony. >> michael looked like another y on the stand for you.h are you obsessed with donaldou trump? why do you want to see him wan g get convicted? do you think he mighett be a pathological liar? >> trump's defense attorney finally gote ogical lat to cross-examine cohen. and right when it got started, he threw a haymakecross-r. ready? we've never met. but you know who i am, don't
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you? cohen says yes. you called me a little bleep. on tik tok. >> cohen saying, sounds like something i'd say judge merchan saying, approach the bench. atr trump's defense attorney drew blood early, getting michael cohen to admitearly, g that hecd called trump a dictator de bag who belongs in an f ing cager like an animal.mal. from there, the defense painted a picture of cohen trashing trump to cash in. >> cohen admitted he mentioned trump in every single one of his podcasts, over 200f hi of them. cohen testified he rakeda in over three and a half million bucks and is anti-trump book deals. trump's legal team even askedve him, why are you selling $35 t-shirts with trump in an orange jumpsuit behindrump i ba, which cohen used as anused opportunity in court to plug his shop, directing the jury to his website to buy merch? >> cohen even admitted he wasd e addicted to going on msnbc and cnn even after the d.a.
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told him multiple times, stop going on tv and talking about the case. cohen disobeyed the d.a.'s instructions and he even admitted the leaking stories to the media to damage the defendan medt. tify cohen was made to testify that he didn't always hate trump. he used to love him. he was obsessee obsesd wm felt likbee he was a memberum of the trump family, owed hist i entire career to donald trump,on made four and a half million dollars in one year while trump was president, just from new clients, jusent justt becaue his title was counselor to the president. but soon, cohen became bec a scorned lover after the feds raidedd his office and flipped them. how they do it, they told michael cohen he had 48 hoursnd to plead guilty and ift hi he didn't, they'd put him in prison for the rest of his life as well r as his wife. that's evil. flip on trump or your wife rots in prison. >> they did that to me.too.
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i might flip to.fe i love my wife. en cowan when cohen was serving time. briggs office cameime, to him and said, would you cooperate with us on the stormy case? stormy and cohen says, what's t for me? what's in it for me? should be written on cohen's tombstone. one. cohen could never workd neve in corporate america again. 's y he's angry. he's broke. so we went on a revenge tour br. . anti-trump book deals, tr hirts, netflix, tikto cnn trashing trump for income pt and doing and saying anything that could put the man who made th. alehind bars all because trump wouldn't bring them to washington and make them whitd noe house cf of staff. when your star witness is a ratr who lies for cheese, you knowr e your case is fizzling out. so what are the democrats do when they're out of cards to play? >> you know what time it is? the race card. the view doesn't thinkk trum trump will be convicted, not
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because there isn't a crimee str and the star witnesses are lying flakes, but because the courtroo yingm is too white. >> i was in the courtroom again. iyesterday. yes. thank you. thank you. what i want to do is give wo a little coloris to the courtrom because a lot of people are watching. >> we do that. >> no, no, no.o, a lit a little color. i mean that literally and figurativelycolor. when thee the race card. you know, that's the only card they havu e left.y know >> that means they know they lost gary cooper inside the courtroom today. did you sit next to her? >> i sat in front of her t yesterday. okay. ye shehe courtroomoday was stary white and blond head. >> what's it like inside? i and what was it like today of all days? >> you know, one thing that's interesting is i'm sitting among press who i've known for years, going back to my days working at doj. and before that and i know for a fact that a lot of them have been recipe foc of psychotic phone calls from michael cohen. when you work for donald trump,
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so wh as they're watching him testify, they i don't know how they couldn't remember some of the ranting things that he would say to them, the cursing, just the crazinesis . and, you know, other than that,i i have to say, i thought your monologue was excellente t the thing that really stands out is how obsessed he i reallsd with him. >> it's weird. it's an obsession. he's wearing costume. it's an s. he thought he could actually be white house chief of staff . >> that's how delusional he is. and he's now on this revenge is. tour for cash. did the defense establish that? >> you know, they're going through this. this has been a bit of a plottinge g, it's walk througha his testimony, both with the prosecution. now we're finallpl walk-through. >> it's going to spill overo into thursday. , bubut one thing i think that people aren't paying enough attention to, and you mentioned iten't pgh inr monologue, is that he continued monoytain the title of attorne of donald trump in 2017 and 2018. this is when trump was in the whit ie house.e re the reason that matters is because he also testified yesterday that these invoices that he submitted were false,
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that they were not for servicebs that year. >> they were services in the past. it was reimbursement. well, wait a second. t. it aif you were trump's attorney and you testified that you made millions of dollarstestifmillions in oute consulting gigs because of that title, that you otherwise wouldn't have gottenulting, the' isn't it reasonable that trump may have thought, you know, ifii he even knew how this was classified and how exactly he was getting paid, that heasss was still operating as his personal attorney? given that hase was his personao attorney? >> yes, he was. so is the jury digesting this? are they are they at attention ? are they dialed in? are they are they following this? diollowinghey falld they fall a they hear about ? dohe about they get to the edge of their seats? >> carrie? , one thingell i notice is that whenecut pre prosecution approachedio the prosecution a couple of times, had to say to michael cohen, tell the jury thiupletims because he wasn't looking at them and that's not good. >>g at and so when he did look at them, they would look back and be engaged. gaged, they're taking notes. but, you know, we'll see.
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bu with theo contend t fact that for weeks they've been listening, like i've been listening to everythey single witness saying bad things about him before he even started testifying, which is remarkable, if you think about it. these are the prosecution's witnesses were all sayin these g bad things about their star witness in direct contrast by the way, to the same witnesses who have said pretty good things about trumpretty g p the whole time. >> so it's interesting. >>interestg. you do >> now, you don't ever maken' predictions, do you, because you've been in there almos t every day. have you been there every single day? i've been there almost every day. if anybody, so anybody was going to make a prediction about how this was going to shake out, it would beg to sha would, you. >> and you're going to do that right now. you're not going to do it. you know, this is what i would say. there are two lawyers on this. jury. i don't see how these lawyers can si w thest there and and not ask themselves, what is the crime exactly? >> why are we here?ements elements haven't been established. eq dirty h does not equal illegl as much as the prosecution would like to conflate that. and the jurorsuagal, a is th mie
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those lawyers know better. so i'm wondering if we'll end up with a hung jury, but we'll see. >> it's here and it's new york. e it's new york.pu >> you're putting this on lawyers because i'm a lawyer. i know. and i'm not going to hold >> jow and you. >> all right, carrie, thank you so much. thanks. >> robert, raise the successor to ken starr and former whitewater counsel who joins us now. all right. so big day, cross-exam, they ammunition. >> we'll probably finish them off on cross on thursday him da. >> what's next? i think the remainder of the cross-examination, jesse, you know, one thing that's been explored whichion, one is exploo with every cooperating witness, is areas involving bias and that the witness should not be believed because, as you framed it, he's a pathologicalbu liar. but in addition, one of the other taskt in adds that god defense lawyers are able to do, and i think you'll seeable t moi this on thursday, is through cross-examination.
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your communicating to the jury that the jury really shouldis hate this case because the prosecution has sponsore bd this witness before them and hopes that they will believe him in order to convict. and i thind k that, you know,, i still hold out great hopeyoi in the jury system herea that that even in a jury pool, that politically, obviouslyy isn is not favorable to donald trump. i dooto think juries try to be fair. and, oh, every american, non matter who's on trial, a fair trial. >> and, you knowial, a fair triy of this testimony is just so awful that i think that you're going to see further efforts through thursday by todd blanche in cross-examination to reallyee get the jury to think about whether or not they should start to hate this or the t. ting interesting. so you're getting the jury heto say, i don't like this prosecution. i don't understand the crimepro they're trying to make me believe a stone cold liae r
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and that's through this, right? i'm wasting everybody's timeeved right. >> and not only that, but i think there's a fair argument thert e made that michael cohen pleaded guilty to a campaign violent finance violation under federal law. that probably is not even a crime. and he did so by his. own admission in testimony because the prosecution put him in then positionpu of having to pleadin guilty or they were going to go after his wife, which suggests that he would have pleaded guilty to just about anything. now, he'll he'll tryguilty t abk that and deny that and say that, you know, i pleadedn fact guilty because, in fact, i am guilty. but i think there' s already serious question about that. th to seered ou're going some of that explore, which gets to your other point, which is wearingother exactly is thee here. and i think that a loti more cross-examination through. cohen will explorek thoser your issues. >> to answer your question about where we go from here. all righnabout wht. se: i i know you're a lawyer. i hate lawyers. don't hate you, but hate
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lawyerkn a yers, dos to say that you're going to plead guilty in 48 hours or your wife's goingis to rot in jail, that is dirty. >> that's about as dirty as itta gets. >> i don't think people realize that prosecution is hardball and can be a very ugly business. verand i think that you're goi to see more of that through cross-examinatiog ton, again, f the purpose of persuading the jury to hate thi s case. >> all right. well, i already had it. robert ray, thank you so much for joining jesse watters primetime. >> thankou. you. >> illegal aliens, international arms traffickers and robert de niro ahead[ on prime tim♪e. >> imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over into the thingsto help that keep our food fresher, our familiestic make safer, andr planet cleaner to help us get there.
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convicted felon who democrats keep letting out of jailctelon,e on the view today and called trump a fascist war criminalda.l >> i don't understand why people are not taking him seriously because you youcaus read about it historically in other countries that they didn't take the peopleth seriously. i think hitler, mussolini, but they're fools and clownsdid well, and i hear it. some people. i mean, who who does not think that this guy is going to do exactly what he says he's going to do, but he's done it. already. >> americans are taking trump seriously. that's why he's beating biden in the polls. americans just aren't taking de nirbiden the polls.o seriousr nobody thinks trump's mussolini. and let's be hones de nt, most kno democrats don't know who mussolini is. they think mussoliniw wh is anai appetizer and italian joint. >> i thought whezen people olde, they find peace. >> when i'm de niro's age. in tranpe to be basking in a sea of tranquility. he' not de niro. he's lost his mind.
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it and they might think that it's going to make their life better. or'smake they just want to excue my french. >> literally, it's almost like he wants to do the worst thing to show possibly do this country. audible he should. >> >> raging bull. >> kind of like the movie better. >> joe biden's in denial. he thinks hunter is innocente b inflation's down. connell is brilliant and he's up in the polls. quotation isalise the dismissivs poor polling is sincere, not public spin. biden has been telling anyonbli who will listen that he's gaining ground and is probably iup on donald trump in i their rematch from 2020. >> instead of trying to turn the ship around and fixd fi america's problems, the biden campaign decided they have a better ide a. ded
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relaunch kamala harris againth, this time as the candle buying gal pal and leotards. >> do you like the vibe? i just grew up with p-funk. i mean, let me just tell you. and i actually have been in touch with bootsy collins. yes. bootsyeen in touch collins, of . >> yeah.upe. we had a dance troupe. we called us. we named ourselves midnightth man. >> so i'm thire thire ind one iw right here. >> and we made those oute ma. so we got these leotardst th and thenes we went to the fabric store and got these and made and t. kir >> i used to shop in california, had a woman owned business and buy candlesny . >> and i love the smell of gardenia and jasmine gardenias. my favorite said, yeah, garde i became vice president. >> she created a scentni for me. >> and that's what that was. nothing on inflationd, crime, order. i know. what you really wanted to know wawhat y s how was your mother's day?day? >> how did you celebrate
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your mother's day? >> it was really lovely. i mean, all the kidsreally l the called colin allen, everybody but my and my niece. and then my baby nieces and. >> and who here? whd then my goddaughter, who was also here, came fromo d mother's day. and she and my husband cook dinner for minner foe. >> it was really nice. it was really nice. so you just said that what you were calling for? >> yes. and i really enjoyed it. yeah. >> why does the white house treat kamala like a de prop and dangle her in frontdani of audiences to win over wine momsngn and african-americans with windows into her silly personal life? why would getting to know kamala better make people more likely to vote for biden? the american people already know kamale america and they dor her. >> we don't care what music she likes or what candlee whats shef >> it's been years of thisd and we never cared. weand you know who really doesnt care about kamala? about kn. en only 36% of american women like
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her. >> why should we take kamalae ta harris seriously as all she doeske is like ditzy sit downssh with fangirls and talk about date night girlss? i'm not a fan of hillary, but at least she was seriousa f >> she had a health care plan. she had foreign policy plans. fo just has plans for dinner. >> hillary would never go on a talk show and blabber about candles and dance routines. >>les and dance ro americans are actually worried about biden's health, whether he can even make it another term. wouldn't you want to show woton take the reins, maybe be respected? >> why doesn't she want that? >> we have to knowmes pe that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. sometimeop for you as they won' >> and then you need to kickee the door down. here's my light. >> but hamas protesters and migrants are kicking effing doors down. >> how about we lock some doors around herown.e right?
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>> what does she even talking about? we're talkinaround here.g aboute who has broken glass ceilings. >> she's incrediblare talky pasb . and i will leave it there.lyonat e antherand, you know, i could t be more proud to to to have u her as someone that i look up to as vice president. and i think many people herepree would say the same. >> we're so proud of kamala fo r shattering. this afternoon, she did an interview with a peruvian chef and a 13-year-old. 's n >> it's no wonder the left's been desperate a for years for a different black woman to swoop in and save the day thh
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candle, but i'll tell you this, jesse. hamala harris has had more reinventions, more eras at this point than taylor swift, and each one is more cringe worthy than the last. but she's on this little jok charade, this little joke where she's trying to be a gal pal. she's trying to be, i don't know, a girl boss, somethingng h like that.t sh she's trying to show that she's funny and she can drop f-bombs and she's in with the cool kids. she's trying to make fetch happen. rying tohappenbut jesse, it's nt kamala. >> let's keep in mind this whole administrationlet' is reaf a freak show and a reality show. you've got your secretarrey of state over in ukraine rocking out to neil young, playinaine rocg the guitar.n wh you've got joe biden, who doesn't know where he's at orknowe he who he is half the t. and then you've got kamala going on sherri shepherd and yucking it up about candles. i'm not sure what i'm watching, but i'd sure i'm like to change at le that channel. >> i mean, at least blankety blank has talentas. a tune kamala can't play a tune to save her life . tommy. what about michelle? you've heard stephenie drop
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the name. >> we've heard the name dropped. what happens in augustd. if biden's numbers keep dipping? is michelle going to take a phone call? o. >> i don't think so. michelle right now is living the good life. elle rig tshe's on jobs.lo she's making a lot of money. she's doing podcasts. she's havingmoney, d a great ti. and her and barack are probably honestly running this country as w here speak. k so >> so why would they need to run for office to do that? but i'd also likthey ne to point there's a lot of conversations about how bad it is to pits to black women against one another. the old naomi campbell and tyra bank blackwomen s and now the lg media is trying to do just that. tryindie does not like this narrative. >> i'd like to run america from a yacht that sounds better than the oval. sounds er ti have to try that . first, i have to get a yacht.hae we'll work t on that. tommy, thank you so much. >> thanks. biden funding music therapy fore illegal aliens. straight aheadn music th.
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use casino now you get it. : whn >> t when there's a problem in the country, politicians have two answers. m ine the other party or throwor money at it. biden detonated a bombow at ther border on his first day in office, blamed trump and now wants more of your money i to fx it. biden has more resources than bide. , ident in history he canhe fix the border with executive orders. so where's he want more money? today we're finding out wheree h the border bucks are going. the free press into the nonprofits who are paid by the governmenitt to take care of migrant kids. billions of dollars go to thesee nonprofits and the ceos. >> filth fy rich ship full grown runs. the nonprofit endeavors. >> chip makes 600 gs. before that, he worked at the dhs, the same agency that now throws him contractsdhs, the. >> the free press reportshad his group had 1.3 billions
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in contracts with the government. and he >> 2022. s endeavor spent a half a mill of that monef y on music therapy for migrant kids. music therapkids.y. they also offer pet therapy and plant therapy. >> we don't really knowplant what that means,th but 500d is grand's a lot of money for pets, plants and music l, which last time i checked, for free. endeavorwere back to us. they say their ceo's pay is in line with other nonprofits and that pay compensation includes benefits, travel and other business expenses. ey they also do work for vets and homeless. southwes do wot key programs is another nonprofit flushlush with cash run by dr. anselmo via reale. >> like that makes over a mil. the ngos problems worker was charged with abuse and they were investigated for misusefun. of funds. >> they still got $800 million 0 in contracts from biden.
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800 million. then there's chrishell mar vigna roja. she made over a 500 gs as ther ceo of global refuge. how did she get that job? well, she worked for michelle m obamica. >> also john kerry and hillary crooked taught her well.m chris went from a government -- salary to making half a million a year. now she calls trump a dictator on marhalfa millios. the agenda that they've laidy pl moayt most recently in the times article reads like it straight of the dictator's playbook. the trump campaign knows there's no tk. popular support r the kind of authoritarian crackdown they've laid out, . led kind of laid out. betterthere's got to be to send all this money to charles to. marinos, a former senior law enforcement adviser to the secretary of homeland security and author of terrorists on the border and in our countryr --. >> what is plant therapy for migrant kids?
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yeah, i have no idea. look, the president setssets national security strategy for the country, which is why he owns this crisis in itsh why because it was caused by hisit inept policies. we know that. and americans have been paying the price ever sinc. e. e they've been paying the price the sylform of, in some casein their lives through fentanyl poisoning and through criminal alien violent acts within the country, and alsithin tho financially with their tax dollars. in this case, billions to thesee non-governmental organizations who have been assuming a lot of different roles for the governmenteen ot, fornt o the department of homeland security. jesse, for examplef homeland nge serving as the official travelrv and agency when it comes to housing and moving illegaltho migrants around the country. when it comes to health and human services it coh an, tn involved in the trafficking of children around the country..
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and let's remember, dna testing is a thing of the past. no longer do we dna test theseet children to make sure that they're being handed ofyf to somebody that they're related to. the whole thing is a disaster. and none of this should come as a surprise to the american peoplssurprisee. . >> so it's a racket and how is easy is it? so you just have to know michelle obama or knows someone at dhs not you can just punch uh a nonprofit and say, gimme, gimme, gimmep . yo you get $800 million and you take a migrant kid you, you hers a fern, here's some serious, awesome hit play. and you can play with my poodle for an hour.hour this is just another bad lookt for an administration that's compromiseand lod. orce they refuse to enforce the law. we know that our threat level th here in the country, thanks to these policies,es is ten tims higher than it was pre 911. we hear thisis fro from directon and others when they testify, but i can telld otheestify you o
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that the ngos are participatingi in this illegal trafficking throughout the united states of america. and weck d states o need to get to the bottom of it. yeah. trump, if he gets reelected, is going to have>> jes: trump to crackdown and it has to be serious. no more plancrackdowand itt thei migrant babies. enough. that's right. engh.t.hanes k you. >> how a miami stoner became ann international gunrunner. . xt psoriasis all over. i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. conc thatc circles on both. conc thatc circles on both. >> people with psoriasis on the scalp have a four times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions so severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. or isome fatal have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, have a infection or symptoms, have a vaccinworkin symptoms develop or worsen. still working for me.. still working for me.. >> still. th
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>> let's david and his business partner, ephraim deverauxtner. b he went from being described by rolling stone as the stoner desc a to convicted felonsconv who defrauded the u.s. governmenticns who. as >> when david joined the arms company a y, he was livingring l the dream. >> scoring million dollar contractlas to transport weapons all over the world. but then things wentt south whn we secured his largest deal yeta a $300 million contract with the government. illion-dthe mission was to suppy the afghan army with a hundredmo million rounds of ak 47 ammo. millions of sniper roundson roc and aviation rockets. but the contractke stipulatedla that no chinese ammo could be used. and while david and his partner didn't listen. instead, chinese ammo to hide ci the origins, which violatenesed the contract. david pled guilty to one countpi of conspiracy to defraud
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the u.s. and served seven months house arres monthte his partner, four years in federal priso, fourn. but david's gotten it together, war dogs academy,ow which teaches people how to legally government contracts. >> and he joins us now. so, david, you were a misusef and then all of a suddenr ar you got a multimillion dollar contt from the bush administration. >> how? well, we learned very well how to use the federal contracting system and bidg sysm on federal contracts and win those contracts. >> you just went onlinn end s and started bidding. >> it's that easiddingy. eas i wouldn't say it's easy. it's definitely complicatey?>> but anyone can learn how to do i this and is what i teach now doc with war dogs academy. >> all right. so you first find out you got y this contract. irst$300 million. you'd never done anything like
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before. you've never had a contract by the government. you'vaknew nothing about arms.a >>rm you were kind of a hippie. >> then what happened? well, we had won quite a few contracts before winning the big $300 million contract, but definitely the $300 million0 contract was by far our biggest contract. dollart was but once we won tha, we started deliverine wog on it and the contract wasent ty actually for 30 different types of munitions, everything from pistol ammo to tanpe munitk rour to anti-aircraft rockets. but the stuff that got us in trouble was the ammunition for the ak 47 seconds, 76 two by 39. that turned out to be originally from china, whichhe violated the terms of our contract, even though we bought it termsof our from albania. but we found out later that it had originallynally come from . >> now, when you bought the ammo from albanian weaponsou dealers, did you kind of know that it originated in china?
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well, we found out that it originated in china when we went over to albania to inspect it w and discovered that therees were many chinese markingse mark on the boxes that kind of give your. >> okay. so then you realize this is illegal is a le. what did you do to hide that? did you just scratch off all the chinese markings? >> so so we we originally considered doing that to sand off, to the chinese markings off the crates, but we wanted to get rid of the crates anywatt to reduce the shipment weight, to save money on shippingn wa and the ammunition was stored in these metal tins inside the cratesstoredtins. tins a and the metal tins also had chinese markings, and inside the metal tinslse markind in th documents with chinese markings on it too. so we had to dwe o a complete repackage. so we took out all the ammunition and repackagecompwed into sealed plastic bags to prevent corrosion and then into thick cardboard boxes so c that we could transport itou ini
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lightweight configuration to afghanistan. >> got it. it's like when you take conffghanisthen you liquor outu parents bottles, you replace it with the garbage, and then they'lpaplacl never know.u >>gu how didys you guys get caut ? well, i would say that we didn't replacel it with themuni garbage. the ammunition was very high quality in thtiony highe uu was very happy with the quality of the ammunition. what we diald was we took off te the label and changed the label so it would look like it wasabel from somewhere else that that's what we did. >> so. so how did they smoke you guysse out? you're right. so the way we go t caught was my former business partner, ephram de broglie, who ise movi played in the movie war dogs by jonah hill. he didn't. he he we had changed people to do the repackaging job and the he didn't want to pay the old repackaging guy about $20,000 of that he owed them. and that guy got reall andyt wi at that and told the fbi and the "new york times"
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about it. st >> wow. a just all over 20 grand men. imaginllr 20e if you could havee back and done that one over again. >> s o in being an international arms trafficker, you must have a u must h great insight into the world of espionage, ou lea geopolitics. >> what did you learrnn? >> wel >> well,l i learned that theres a lot of things that got on behind the scenesof thi that everyone pretends isn't happening. but that everyone is finethat e with unless it gets into the medivewitha. so, for example, the u.s. army, it came out later in courtfo that they actually knew that the ammunition was originally from china the entire time, but they didn't really care because real were getting a very not good deal on the ammunition and it was it was high quality. somunition they looked the othe. but when the new york times n published a front page articleew about, it then they couldn'tth look the other way anymore. and then they pretended like they were shockeermore d and appalled app and charged us with everyone's pretending to be shocked
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all the time, even me. >> sometimes i pretend. so now you've got it together.un >> you did. you did. your seven months. how did you get it together?r an and how did you turn thingshow arounddi? advice >> and any advice for anybody else? e fi >> yeah.rsg i so the first thing i did afterus actually, i was under house arrest. arre, i r my first invention, which was a product called the beat buddy, whicht cy is hands free drum machine. i'm a musician, so i created that and i' launched my company singular sound. i also invented a produc tes all called the floss. which floss has all your teeth for you. in 10 seconds, you can check yho your insta and yeah, it's very cool. that's how i have this beautiful smile. my i might neefd one of the most recent. yeah, i highly you to check out the floss that come and get one and my most recent venture is war dogs academy which people can find out about at abo war dogs academy icom where weut teach people how to do gov government contracting the legal way.
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so went e for we take people who know nothing about government contracting, nothingnothin abou general, and we have a stepana by step course to how to form yu your company, how to register with the federal government,r t how to look at the government's website to see which solicitationgoo ses you're likey to win, how to give yourself various advantages, what they call seto win, t asides with fet contractors. great. and how to deliverracts on it.y >> that sounds great. i'm going to have johnny bid on a few contracts and in a fehe meant send over some toe floss to fox. all right. e a whole crate. i just make sure it doesn't n have chinese markings on iott. w >> thank you so much. we appreciate it, david. y it's actually manufactured in mexico, so. okay. >> even better. thank you. more ahead on prime time. let's look on the bright side. south dakota stayed open for business during the pandemic. now we've got more jobs than people. so i'm filling in until you get
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>> there are some of them. with >> kelly from santa barbara, o california. sunnf themy from the view must e colorblind. trump's entourage today had plenty of color, or, as hef would say, diversity. th >> frank from africa de niro'svs last five movies didn't draw the crowd that trump did on saturda ty, not a hair shy of 100,000. >> bob from salt lake city plant therapy. e call >> i was in high school. we called it something elssomet got all that in. >> thomas from sarasota. jesse, could you please try a new opening instead of the hand slash, squat and slash this? what do you mean this? 's not that's not a hand slash. ah i'll show you a hand slash. >> i'm waters. this is my


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