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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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nonprofit. substance abuse experts say last year's approval of the overdose reversal treatment narcan has saved lives but also has its limits. >> they may have narcan right there but if there is no one there to see they are overdosing the narcan will sit there. we have to change the culture of solo use to make sure you have a friend. >> drug safety advocates say others follow. >> how do we have a large body changing that culture involves of people that are in our city striking a difficult balance. they want to reduce the stigma and country that are excellent of fentanyl use to bring abusers swimmers, and at the same time we need lifeguards? out of the shadows to seek help. and the only obstacle is that we at the same time, they don't won't give them the right to want to downplay the very real work to become a lifeguard. risks of these potentially fatal that doesn't make sense. and illicit drugs. >> bill: they have to figure it >> dana: new york city's mayor out. proposing a solution to the thank you. >> dana: fox news alert is game on. trump and biden agreeing to hold lifeguard solution. two debates potentially setting let's bring in brian brenberg the stage for a face-off as soon as next month. and jimmy failla. that's our news that we start with today. jimmie, what's up? welcome to a new hour of >> wow, what a glorious sound
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"america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. bite by eric adams right there. a few more twists and turns before it is all settled. wildly racist if a republican says it but imagine how dumb >> dana: it can't be this smooth. that was. if you look at the body language >> bill: never is. i'm bill hemmer, good morning. on the people next to him they are trying to get out of the president biden ditching the shot. can i not be in that viral video bi partisan debate commissions for all the wrong reasons? original schedule and channeling his own dirty harry. why is there a shortage of ups >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. drivers because of all the drugs since then he hasn't shown up these guys deliver into the for a debate. country. now he wants to debate me again. >> bill: he talked about nurses and food service workers. make my day, pal. >> i think we should go farther. >> bill: donald trump meeting let's make squatters the the challenges posting on truth building inspectors and columbia protestors in the parks social i'm ready to go anywhere, department because they are good any time, any place. with tents. >> dana: they are sparring over they are flying so badly. tariffs on china and the it is a real problem and trying economic rivalry with beijing. to make it up and not good on >> bill: we'll talk to larry his feet. >> bill: might be under the kudlow and get his reaction. radar. 1.9 million, is that right, white house north lawn, peter guys? migrants arriving in new york doocy with the latest on the city? 1.9? >> you have to feel for them upcoming slugfests. because they get off the buses will it happen? >> we'll see. in new york and they think this is coming a few days after they've already been deported.
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some very unfavorable polling wait a minute here. for the president and his team. they are looking for something how do i get back? >> dana: they keep coming. to change the subject. the other thing is i know this they pass along a lot of fine has to hit you at home. print, including this. the first debate should be red lobster, they say all you can eat shrimp promotion was hosted by any broadcast organization that hosted a intended to draw customers back. republican primary debate in people ate too many shrimp and 2016 in which donald trump now they have to close participated and a democratic locations. >> i love you came to me with primary debate in 2020 in which president biden participated. that one. >> dana: you ate the tate tots. neither campaign can assert the sponsoring organization is unacceptable. it will limit partners that the >> we have just about bankrupted biden team wants to cnn, abc, restaurants because of all we ordered. >> i look like i get paid in telemundo or cbs. they want one-on-one for this debate. biscuits. their plan cuts out rfk junior. we aren't allowed back in. it could also cut out micks. >> we take buffets as a the campaign says they only want competition, it is look a proof microphones active and turned on when it is a candidate's turn to of manhood. >> bill: they started at $20. speak. the trump team seems eager to they raised it to 22 and raised participate. the june debate would mean trump is up at the republican nominee it to 25 bucks. before that is officially people continued to come.
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>> you are in the fattest certified at the convention a country in the world, okay? month later. truth social donald trump is writing i am ready and willing don't let the insta fromm to debate crooked joe biden at the two proposed times in june filters fool you. and september. i would strongly recommend more i can filter may way out of than two debates and for excitement purposes, a very this. pass me another biscuit. large venue. biden is supposedly afraid of >> dana: tom brady, everyone is talking about the roast for two crowds. only because he doesn't get weeks and now he is saying that them. just tell me when, i'll be it was not a good thing for him there. let's get ready to rumble. and he shouldn't have done it and it even hurt him as a if president biden wants to debate in only a month he may parent. watch here. >> i loved when the jokes were have to alter some of his preferred talking points. about me. i thought they were so fun. for example, twice in the last i didn't like the way it affected my kids. week he said inflation was 9% the bittersweet aspect of when when he took office. you do something that you think it isn't true. is one way and all of a sudden it was 1.4%. >> bill: nice to see you on the you realize i wouldn't do that again because of the way it north lawn. affected them. >> dana: larry kudlow joins us actually the people that i care now. about the most in the world. the number one issue in the it makes you in some ways a country is the economy and inflation and that is probably better parent going through it. going to be the first question, >> dana: reminds me of listening if not second, third and fourth to president bush 41 and 43 question at the debate when it happens. saying it was easier to be the how do you think it will go for president themselves and get criticized than to see their
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both of them? >> well look, all the polls show loved one get criticized and that's when they drew the line. that president trump has an >> totally. i'm not a professional comedian. enormous lead on the economy. you could foresee some of those it ranges upwards of 20 jokes coming if you signed up percentage points and you had for the roast. that is one where on the front numbers out today on inflation. end, pre-nup or something. inflation is heating up again. it's about 4 1/2% at an annual >> brady brought down the room. rate for the first four months >> amazing to think he has been of this year. so the fed's target is two. retired two years, that was if you go back to president deflated. he cheated. biden's inauguration, cpi he had to know what he was prices, the level of prices are signing up for. i am sympathetic. up about 20%. it is hard to see loved ones i think energy is up about 35%, take the heat. as the life experiences of children go, brady kids are groceries up over 20%. mr. biden still has a problem. doing all right. they are so rich they are using i don't understand, he keeps other kids as furniture. saying he inherited 9% they hire kids to sit on. they will be fine. inflation. he said it twice or three times a little tough love, you will be in the last week. i don't get that. okay. everyone in the world knows it my kid got driven to school his first day in a taxi and we were is not true. as peter doocy says it was 1.4% so poor i had to charge him, okay?
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annual rate. in fact, trump's entire four i don't feel bad for these guys. >> dana: now you are doing years, the inflation rate was great. >> i'm doing all right. less than 2%. so overspending, deficits and >> dana: thank you. >> bill: what did he say? overborrowing under this administration has taken their a wild ride for meme stocks. toll. >> bill: gas was a buck 50. struggling company seeing a a rise in prices. we'll explain. a great story for brian the trade war eating up with brenberg, actually. china. biden starts agreeing trade war ising after the electric vehicles that china would shop or sell in america. he is trying to save his electric car dreams. now. from 2019 joe biden in a tweet as it used to be called. trump doesn't get the basics. he thinks tariffs are being paid by china. the american people are paying his tariffs. cashiers at targets know more about economics than trump. end tweet there from 2019. trump is saying listen, you have the wrong idea here.
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china will bring all these autos into mexico, the parts, anyway. we're going to buy these cars from mexico and china will still win. trump is saying i'll put the tariffs on mexico in addition to china. has joe biden gotten religion on this to date, larry? >> well, i don't know that he has had a burning bush experience. i think it is an election year flip-flop. i think that's the reality. by the way, 18 billion of tariffs, we have over 300 billion trade gap deficit with china. and it is really just to protect government investments in stuff -- we don't import evs. we are hardly buying evs here at home. we don't import the batteries very much. you go down the list of stuff here.
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critical minerals we don't import. steel we don't. solar cells, shipping cranes. it is symbolic, okay? the thing that's so troubling not only are they putting election year tariffs on import we don't import but he doesn't deal with the mexican problem. china can still come in through mexico and sell under the radar of the usmca. they don't have to abide by the tariffs or domestic content laws. even larger point is what did we get? what did biden get for this? basically there was no negotiation or minimal negotiation. i was on the china trade team during the trump years and we negotiated for over two years back and forth, beijing, washington, beijing, washington. they don't talk about the china phase one deal. because mr. trump put it in place, i guess. the issues here are still intellectual property threat.
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forced transfer of technologies, chinese ownership of any american or foreign companies, china did not meet the commodity purchase requirements for the manufacturing requirement. in other words, china is still practicing unfair trade and putting weak tariffs on stuff that we don't even buy really is not the answer. i want to make one other point. one thing china continues to buy iranian oil, despite the sanctions. china continues to buy russian oil, despite the sanctions. and i don't hear the bidens making one peep about that. no protest. china is basically financing two wars against the united states right now in ukraine and, of course, in israel and the middle east with iran. where is the pressure?
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where is the use of tariffs as a negotiating weapon, which mr. trump knew how to use all too well? biden isn't talking about that. they're caving in on that. all this stuff to me is symbolic too little too little. nothing going on here. no change. we're still run $3 hundred billion trade gap and still financing two wars against the u.s. >> bill: fair points. thank you. nice to have you on at 4:00 on fox business. >> dana: jim jordan was on with us earlier going back to the debate trump and biden will have. all the points larry made i imagine they will be something trump brings up in that debate. overall on the economy here is what jim jordan thinks. >> what will he talk about? we went from a secure border to no border. safe streets to record crime. $2 gas to $4 gas. joe biden has to defend that record.
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president trump can defend his record. >> bill: you can start there or you could start in kabul in august of 2021. that was the marker that sent his approval rating down. >> dana: a good point about china buying russia and iran oil and financing wars. >> bill: remember the migrants, six of them seen beating new york's finest? they may be getting just a slap on the wrist. bryan llenas on the story from the beginning around times square. the fallout today, bryan, what do we know? >> according to new york law if the case were to go to trial the seven migrants face up to seven (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. >> harris: let's get ready for a debate. years behind bars if found make it two. president biden challenged his guilty of assaulting two nypd predecessor in a video this morning. the challenge was already out officers in time square in there. trump has been trying to do a debate for some time. january. according to the new york alvin former president trump says he is ready any time, any place, bragg offered plea deals. anywhere. one year in jail. calls for jewish hate protesting others to serve six months in are putting new york university an alert.
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jail. they are having their graduation another given a deal to serve two years. if they all agree to plead ceremony today. the ceremony is set to begin in guilty to second degree assault a few minutes. charges. this started when two police after the top of the hour when i see you with "the faulkner officers were assaulted by a focus" they'll be trying to have group of migrants in times that. u.s. house republican leaders square after asking them to want the justice department to move. some insisted including this man investigate michael cohen for lying to congress as he offered a one year plea deal. police directed him to move and testifies in new york's criminal he attempted to escape and when trial against trump. both officers, according to james comer is with me. prosecutors were pulled, grabbed and kicked by the group of gianno caldwell and paul mauro. migrants. the man escaped but was arrested a few days later. the 24-year-old was held behind >> dana: the return of meme bars on $15,000 bail but was stocks are shaking up wall freed in february after an street. back in 2021 the price of game activist priest from a brooklyn stop and amc skyrocketed. church posted his bail. it is happening again. according to the post the man what is going on? was rearrested for apparently we have more. attempting to steal children's >> these once novice traders clothes and fragrances from aren't so novice anymore. rather sophisticated. macy's, a judge allowed him to look at this. walk free yesterday. "wall street journal" makes a the police union telling fox glowing comparison. news, the individuals who is warring kitty the internet's
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attacked our brothers need to serve their time here and then warren buffett? the man you see there. be deported. the bottom line is they cannot the man who started the meme be allowed to return to the mania back in 2021. streets of our city to cause my opinion he is no warren more mayhem. buffett but i would say his two of the seven migrants charged were on ice detainers to influence right now is. be removed from the u.s. he resurfaced monday taking a >> bill: your move, right? three year break and a doubling thank you, bryan llenas here in of names like game stop and amc new york. monday and tuesday. these names and many others are dana. >> dana: speaker johnson, down sharply today. but the 2021 retail online small majority leader scalise and congressman emotmer are holding traders who stood up to the big hedge funds who were shorting their stocks are still doing that. the difference is now they have police week press conference. a lot more experience. giving remarks and they look >> the institutional investors like they're figuring out a way to put pressure on democrats to have access and always had point out soft on crime poll access to better stuff, more seals across the country especially in blue cities and information, the fact that d.a.s where police don't feel retail guys can take a hedge supported. >> bill: that man looks like he fund down, i think it is is in charge. >> dana: i'll follow him. >> today we'll have robert awesome. >> that was then. three years later.
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costello, former attorney for these retail traders are moving michael cohen who talks about in and out of different stocks. how michael cohen can't be trusted. jim trussy testifying in front reddit, trump media. of our committee. we think it will be a great djt moving allot. hearing. it seems like two big days of >> dana: republicans hammering donald trump's ex-lawyer michael gains on the back of those posts cohen as defense prepares to online from roaring kitty is turn up the heat in his cross over, at least today. we'll see about tomorrow. examination tomorrow. our next guests have been >> dana: the best new haircut in watching the drama unfold in the the building. courtroom and join us next. >> thank you. >> bill: hunter biden under the >> bill: before we go, seaside gun as his criminal trial over shadows the re-election bid. california. it violated this. there is a trial here. he got creative. how the first son is setting up he built a fence and hired a painter to make a realistic the strategy for his defense. mural of the boat. he calls it artistic statement >> dana: mayor adams, why his not to mention it's more quick fix for the lifeguard attractive than a regular shortage is drawing fierce against. he is a local celebrity. backlash. >> how do we have a large body of people that are in our city before we go they are doing it and country that are excellent in seaside. >> dana: judge janine did that. that's so smart. swimmers, and at the same time we need lifeguards? you know the inspectors are like foiled again. all right. great to be with you. court is in session tomorrow.
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we'll be back with everyone. harris faulkner takes you to the next hour. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. look, it is veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. everyone say space pod! (♪)
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>> bill: from the airport in palm beach we hear the faa says former president trump's plane clipped a private jet in west palm over the weekend. the wing tip of the boeing 757 grazed a jet after landing. not clear if trump was on the plane at the time. no injuries reported. you know that airport is quite crowded with rich people and big planes in palm beach. >> dana: luckily no one was hurt. the son of a sitting president will face a criminal trial next month. hunter biden's federal gun case is beginning june 3rd. david spunt live in washington with more. that's coming right up. >> it really is a few weeks away. hunter biden, dana, could have two verdicts under his belt before his dad takes the stage at the convention in august.
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an appeals court last night in california cleared the way for trial in los angeles on tax charges at the end of june. hunter had hoped to delay the california tax trial. that's on for june 20th. hunter will spending most of june in court. the federal judge in delaware told hunter biden's attorney to prepare for jury selection to begin the week of june 3rd in the federal gun case. in a tense court hearing the judge strongly rejected defense efforts to delay the trial saying the case is simply not complicated. she expects the case to take a week. she told hunter eva's attorney about the preparation for the trial quote i'm not taking anything away, mr. lowell. you haven't done what you need to do, end quote. the president's son facing three charges of lying on a federal firearm form in 2018 when he said he was not addicted to drugs. he owned a gun for 11 days. beau biden's widow reportedly threw out the gun in a trash can
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behind the local delaware supermarket. hunter's team is talking about second amendment rights issues and addiction to drugs in defense. he brought three charges against biden and pled not guilty to all three. don't rule out a plea deal in either case. as of this morning both sides seem very far apart. things could change in hunter's legal team is back against the wall. >> dana: would they like to have it settled before or after the big debate we don't know the date of. more intrigue. >> it should be equally concerned about how the legal system is being weaponized and abused. remember this, all around the world they're watching this trial and seeing what a disgrace this is. a big disgrace for new york. >> bill: donald trump's criminal trial has a break today because it's wednesday. picks up tomorrow. a heated cross examination of trump's ex-lawyer michael cohen.
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defense grilling him on multiple media appearances and statements against the president. two of our reporters at the courthouse every day. ladies, nice to have you with us today. looking forward to this. todd blanch says. i'm asking you yes or no, do you want to see president trump get convicted in this case? cohen says sure. how many of an admission is that in your legal mind? >> when stormy daniels talked about wanting him to go to jail as well. they all play into the credibility, bias, motivation as to why someone like stormy daniels and michael cohen sitting there in the first place. things the jury will have to contend with as far as his veracity. for weeks the jury has been sitting listening to every single witness say only negative
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things about the prosecution's star witness. that's remarkable considering these are all the prosecution's witnesses. they all say that about michael cohen and consistently saying good things about donald trump. when closing arguments happen the jury will have to contend with this. whether they believe michael cohen enough to put the former president of the united states and possible future one in jail. >> dana: here is another one. cohen's attorney from before, his name is lanny davis, democratic operative. this is what he said about his client's performance so far. former client. >> the jury has to make its own mind up whether somebody is capable of owning lies and turning and telling the truth. it won't be easy for the rest of the cross examination. but he raised himself up and he stood up to the challenge and testified before congress and then in the a.g. trial. where is mr. trump? he promised he would testify.
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>> dana: your thoughts on that. >> it's interesting now he is trying to say michael cohen is able to rehabilitate himself on stand in realtime. the prosecution is seeing this as a problem coming their way as the jury heads into the deliberation room soon. on direct they spent a lot of time letting michael cohen talk about his mistakes, his lies from the past, lying to congress and lying in the mueller investigation trying to take the sting out of the cross examination and what's to come. what i thought was effective from the defense yesterday and kerri you remember this as well how much time they spent laying out michael cohen's likely motivation and seeing a take down of donald trump by money. he made 3.4 million off the two books he wrote. the podcasts, the merchandise. i think we have a photo entered into exhibits yesterday of the t-shirts for $3two he is hawking on his social media site which he plugs in realtime. and in the testimony.
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>> that's what he is telling go to his website. >> murdoch has a great piece on he served on three juries in manhattan, the foreman on the third trial he talked about. >> dana: he would be a good one. >> bill: correct on that. talked about how there is inherent fairness among all the jurors. folks at home may not think that being in new york, 8-one, democrats to republican. the point he makes in one of the trials it was obvious to them they needed to hear from a witness and the prosecution decided not to put that witness on the stand. so i'm thinking allen weisel berg who was the accountant for decades his name has been revoked repeatedly. the judge gave the prosecutor the opportunity to call him. they said no essentially. if you are a juror when you go into deliberations, isn't that the guy who can complete the circle or break the circle? >> allen is the missing link.
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everything allen said to do this and that. it sounds like according to the testimony we've heard so far it is allen who directed the accountant who directed the lower level person to classify these things as legal expenses. michael cohen was dealing with allen weiselberg is because donald trump was on trial. there hasn't been strong evidence that trump actually knew the ins and outs of all of this which again matters if you are trying to prove a crime that donald trump committed, not somebody else. >> dana: can you forecast ahead for us? how much longer? when does the jury start deliberation? >> this is the prosecution's last witness. next will be the defense opportunity to put on a case. whether they elect to put one on at all. they don't have an obligation to prove anything. the prosecutor's burden. a big tell if the defense says you know what, we don't need to put up a witness at all.
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we believe the prosecutors haven't carried their burden of proof. we might be heading into closing arguments maybe next week. >> dana: okay. >> bill: are you on board with that schedule? >> i'm optimistic. i'm too aggressive in what i'm predicting. >> dana: thank you both. amazing reporting and the producers there in the courtroom for us have really appreciate jevityed it under challenging circumstances. >> bill: tell grace and maria we said hello. thank you, ladies. >> here is what he is saying to israel. let me run the war for you. here is my advice to israel. don't let him do it. he will screw up your country like he screwed up the world. do not let joe biden make military decisions for you. >> dana: strong words from senator lindsey graham of south carolina on president biden's micro management of israel's war on hamas. now the white house with a surprise u turn in policy.
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board walk empire actor sucker punched in new york city and how he is doing and details on the man who attacked him next.
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>> bill: we have more now on debate gate. joe biden, the u.s. president, tweeted this on x a moment ago. i've received and accepted an invitation from cnn for a debate june 27th. over to you, donald. as you said, anywhere, any time, any place. 6-27, 24 is the date offered. that's a thursday. >> dana: it is strange this all happened, coordinated with cnn, and trump is the one who has been saying since january any time, anywhere. let's do it june 27th and with cnn. maybe it will be happen and smooth. there will be some bumps along the way.
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trump has a very competent team. the details to be worked out. at least there is going to be a debate, i think. >> bill: yes. in the summer of 2015, is that right? we had a debate in cleveland, ohio. we had one debate at 5:00 in the afternoon with martha and me. we had 8 million, i believe. and then for the prime time deal with ten candidates, we had almost 25 million viewers. those people are out there summertime or not and find a way to watch this. >> dana: it is a high stakes election. >> bill: thursday in late june and we'll see whether or not it sticks. that's the invite that's on the table. meanwhile president biden apparently sending israel more than a billion dollars in tank ammo, tactical vehicles and bombs. that reverses last week's pause on weapons shipments. general jack keane, former vice
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chief of the army and now strategic analyst. great to have you on. i don't know which way this is going. apparently the winds are blowing the way for jerusalem. "politico"'s headline. biden administration doesn't think israel can fully win in gaza. take a crack at that first against hamas. that and that's what the pettiness of stopping these 2,000 pound bombs when israel has so much on its plate. just look what they are dealing with. hezbollah is still attacking from the north into israel and they displaced 80,000 citizens. the israelis need to go into rafah to deal with what leadership is there, put pressure on the release of the remaining hostages, and also destroy as much as they can hamas fighting infrastructure
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that's there. now they are dealing with gaza, the statement you are referencing, where the israelis once again are doing the second and third clearing of certain neighborhoods to deal with hamas. at the same time in the last several days, hamas has attacked them over 30 times in very small groups attempting to snipe at them, ambush them. much more like a gorilla unit. it cites the advantage that hamas has in the use of the tunnels, bill, where they can -- when the idf is clearing in a neighborhood, some will stay and fight, others will move away and come back another day and that's what we're seeing the advantage the tunnels have. 2,000 pound bombs interesting enough, bill, were being used by the idf to destroy those tunnels because they have the penetration capability to do that. why many of us took issue with the biden administration.
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so the idf has their hands full for sure in prosecuting this war. it is much more complicated. they will admit that the tunnel complexes themselves are considerably more extensive than anything they had imagined them to be and they certainly are providing refuge for the hamas fighters and the ability for them to move from one area to another to interdict the israelis as they conduct the military operations. >> bill: why vacillate, right? why were these headlines coming out of the white house about the delay. talk about a billion dollars, okay? but withholding one single shipment of 2,000 pound bombs. apparently you will make the dumb bombs smart bombs. they made a point of telling america that's was happening. perhaps that's more a political
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than military question. take a track at it. >> i think what really happened. we know for weeks they were trying to stop the israelis from going into rafah. obviously millions of people had moved there and were seeking temporary refuge. all along idf said they would move the people. hundreds of thousands have left and the israelis told them they are moving in and where they are going. but i think the administration got so frustrated with the israelis refusing to stop the operation in rafah that they made a decision okay, we'll take away some of their weapons systems and show them how serious we are. i thought it was indeed petty on their part to do something like that. and then of course it became public and backfired on them. >> bill: you can say school is out and the universities, many of them are done now. jack keane, thank you for coming on today and appreciate your input. thank you.
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>> dana: republicans put up a series of pro-police legislation and sharp rebuke to democrats' soft on crime policies. aishah hosni on the hill. the press conference is currently underway. hi. >> good morning to you. the house will begin debating this long list of gop crime-related bills around noon today. coincidentally at the same time the president biden will be visiting capitol hill to deliver remarks about police week. one of these bills i want to tell you about has to do with allowing ice to arrest and then deport illegal immigrants who are charged with assaulting cops. of course, it comes after the group of migrants attacked those two nypd officers in times square and this morning we learned some of them are getting plea deals now. here is congresswoman stefanik. the safety of law enforcement has been sacrificed for the sake
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of the democrats' pro-liberal agenda. they have failed bail reform like new york and pro-criminal policies that appease the far left democrats' defund the police agenda. >> we've been talking to police officers all week. we spoke with d.c. police union chairman just yesterday and he was telling me that legislation, yes, is important. messaging is as well. he really wants the president today to send a very strong message that is pro-police. >> send a message that these ideologies of defunding the police, reducing police presence, reducing the number of police officers in major environments is a failure. the evidence is in. we've tried it. all the areas are trying to dig their way out of historical crime rates and low staffing numbers. >> we'll see a couple of votes take place tonight. the democrats whipping against them. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: more breaking news here
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on this. it confirms former president trump he will be there and is looking forward to being in beautiful atlanta. end quote. we have a location as well. see whether or not -- last thursday in june. the annual hemmer get together in north carolina. >> dana: it crossed my mind. i wouldn't say anything until you did. >> bill: he has accepted and so far it seems like everything is on track. you made the point that maybe the white house coordinated with cnn to make sure they had a date available. maybe there was a book room deal on the trump team, too, and they were saying okay, we might go for that. it's coming together at least publicly. >> dana: america will get a debate and that's great. this is not great. red lobster closing dozens of location with the future of the company in limbo. what exactly went wrong? ♪ after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back?
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