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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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no-hassle inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833-leaffilter today or visit out of time, thank you to you all, i'm greg gutfeld, i love you america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. is 11:00 pm on the east coast,
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8:00 pm in los angeles and this is america's late news "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, it's ago. two presidential debates between joe biden and donald trump now officially on the books after months in limbo. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020, now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. make my day, powell. let's pick the dates. i'm hearing your free on wednesdays. >> trace: deciding it's in the presidents best interest to face-off with trump although with a long list of demands. and if brand-new fox polling isn't the indication, the debates are president biden could be make or break. so mark your calendars, debate one june 27th. matt finn is live with the details on the upcoming presidential showdown. good evening. >> reporter: trace, you know well the possibility of a debate between former president trump and president biden was fervently speculated about for quite some time. the offer was always on the
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table from trump. today it became a reality with biden agreeing. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. since then he hasn't shown up for a debate and now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. make my day, pal. i will even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald, i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> reporter: that free on wednesdays line was a job that trump whose current 17 day trial in new york is scheduled off on wednesdays. trump and biden have agreed to two debates. cnn announced it will host the first debate in june. abc will host a the second in september. former president trump posting to truth social today, i would strongly recommend more than two debates and for excitement purposes a very large venue, although biden is supposedly afraid of crowds. let's get ready to rumble. biden agreed to these debates with a list of restrictions, including no in person audience. he argues the debates are more fruitful without jeers and interruptions from a crowd.
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candidates microphones are cut off when the other is speaking and no third-party candidates, which includes longshot rfk junior. and only networks that previously hosted debates with both trump and biden can host again. left only a few. former president trump agreed to a debate on fox. biden steam did not. >> trace: matt finn live for us, thank you. let's bring in erin perrine and spectator usa's washington editor amber duke. eighty -- thank you to both of you coming on. i think peter doozy had a fair question today that he asked about biden's sudden decision to debate. play that and i will get your take. >> this sudden offered from the president to debate, is it a signal you guys realize you need to change the subject after some really [ inaudible ] >> i don't want to get into polling, any more details on polling. >> trace: no details on the
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polling but they have to do something because the polls are not good. >> it's true. polling is very weak for president biden at this point. but both sides can kind of claim victory tonight when it comes to this debate. one, donald trump gets at least two debates against joe biden when there was a serious concern he could get none. joe biden can say that he gets the terms to which is going to meet the former president for the two of them to have this out. the conversation they will have been that debate is going to fall to two groups they are trying to win. one, those persuadable voters. the good thing the trump team can hang their hat on his these debates will now fall before voting begins. under the presidential debate commission, they were not going to happen that way. for them, that persuadable block still exists. for those people who many call the double haters, those who will never it -- neither support biden or trump, who will they be able to pick in these debates? this debate calendar now allows
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for them to both go after those core demographic voters. >> trace: wall street journal editorial board said the following "mr biden may have more to gain given well-deserved public concern about his mental and physical capacity. he is so protected by his staff and so scripted at events that americans are right to wonder if he is up to the job. a pair of debates will help voters judge." i mean it is going to be very instructive for a lot of people, these debates. >> right. and i think the one thing that biden has going for him is the bar is set so unfathomably low that all he has to do is get through this without basically collapsing on stage and that will be seen as a victory. but i've actually -- i'm not convinced that these debates are actually going to happen. i think biden did something pretty sneaky here by separating this out from that commission because he now has to negotiate one-on-one with the trump campaign and at any moment he could throw a wrench into the
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plan by introducing a restriction or a, you know, a new rule that is unacceptable for trump, forcing trump to back out or vise versa. biden says that trump is being unreasonable and he can walk away from the debate and say see, look, i tried but we could not make it happen. >> trace: there's a lot of stuff up in the air. the fox pole when it comes to debate, how important is it that biden and trump debate? you see right there extremely 41% very 23%. that's a big number. about 43% in the extreme lean very if rfk is included so it looks like voters are okay with a head-to-head. >> they are. they very want -- very much want to see this head-to-head but it helps both candidates are not have rfk on stage. if you go into polling and look a little further right now, you see that it really splits on who rfk is taking votes from as of this point. keeping this head-to-head
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certainly gives joe biden one thing to focus on instead of having to focus on two and that for them is something that is going to help joe biden. but for the american people seeing these two front runners, the ones who really have the opportunity to win, rfk is going to continue to make noise and say that he should be on the debate stage and he has every right to say that but these two front runners, this gives them the opportunity to make their best case and amber is correct, the bar is so low for biden if i'm donald trump and his team i'm raising the bar right now and making sure that joe biden has a mountain to clear. >> trace: two way presidential matchup with voters who say trump a better handle the economy and immigration. look at the numbers supporting trump. eighty-seven and 84. that is disastrous, that is a big blow to biden, amber, 30 seconds to wrap us up. >> and that's why it's so mind blowing how badly the biden campaign has manage this by actually coming out and coining bidenomics when it was clear that it was in the tank,
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according to american voters. continuing to talk about that issue, now trying to talk about immigration against the former president, running against him on that issue, it just boggles the mind what their exact strategy is here. i don't think they really have one. >> trace: amber, aaron, thank you, we appreciate it. [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department agrees with michael buffer, let's get ready to rumble. there are now two presidential debates set and more could be coming. and if you did not hear joe biden accepted the challenge, clint eastwood style, saying "make my day, pal "east with that punk not powell but maybe he's just been presidential. although can you sound like clint eastwood and then act like don knotts giving scaredy-cat demands, no audience, only from the tv outlets and cutting candidates microphones when their time expires. if commonsense has this right, trump has agreed to let cnn
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control the volume. the very same network that refuses to ever let trump speak live. the same network that allowed biden to rattle off 15 lies in a 17 minute interview, unchecked, is now controlling when trump can and cannot speak ring the debate. maybe trump should demand a button to cut off the moderators so they don't end up fact checking, also known as like lining a preferred candidate. otherwise it is christmas in june for biden but instead of cupid, comment, donor and blitzen, we get cooper, tapper, acosta and blitzer. still commonsense thanks trump should have responded with another eastwood line, do you feel lucky, punk, because even in friendly territory, biden debating is a big gamble. let's get media analysis from news busters managing editor curtis houck and the host of a home that heals podcast, the queen of idaho television, former tv news anchor dee
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sarton, thank you for coming on. to you first curtis, because you don't think that cnn moderators will give trump a fair shake. explain that for us. >> i think you have to watch out for shenanigans, trace. we at news busters said this when there was that infamous cnbc debate during the 2016 election cycle. jake tapper received awards for pushing the collusion case so as you point out in your commonsense, the demands that president trump is willing to meet, yes, you want to see these debates happen but do you do that at the expense of a fair show for you? >> trace: and it was written, "trump along with every other republican should at least have a guarantee that there won't be any more chris wallace moments where the moderator takes liberty to run interference for the democrats." i mean we have learned that moderators can really sway the
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jury. i mean you have worked at the debate so you know what's going on here, de. if you were advising trump, is there anything you would advise or add? >> oh boy. my stomach turned when i heard who the moderators were going to be. it's a tough situation. i feel like he came out so strong and said anyplace, any time. that was sort of his power play and now they've turned the tables a little bit with this. so i am a little bit worried about that and i guess my advice would be you have to really think about the americans that i'm around all the time who would really love to see these two men side-by-side, you maybe are still a little bit undecided in this, what do they need to here to cut through that? but that has to be tough. i can't imagine when you've got all of that going against you how that happens. but the guy is pretty smart and i think he can figure it out but it's going to take a lot of work to be ready for that night and
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in a way that his message will be heard. >> trace: it seems that the biden team once this debate to be as controlled as possible. you control as much as you can and hopefully you can contain any errors or any, you know, bad looks. >> yeah, exactly. i mean and then there's the question as you pointed out about life fact checking. 's daniel dale going to be there. i saw someone on x argue that maybe tapper and davis on abc should not be wearing earpieces so they are fed things in their ears, they could have clocks there like we do in our studios if we are keeping time but other than that i mean it should just be free-flowing and who knows about snarky chiron's. we really have to watch out for it. and real quickly on substance back peter do see is right, it's very clear this is to distract from the issues concerning --
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considering biden has been dragged on issue after issue. >> trace: and it really is a big gamble because you look at this and think they can control this, they can cut the microphone to donald trump and cut biden's microphone and maybe even limit the moderators. but the bottom line is, there's no teleprompter and if you are an 81-year-old president who is known to kind of speak out of turn, this is something that they cannot control and it's not the state of the union speech. i mean you can do whatever you want to but you have to speak off the cuff for a lot of this. >> you really do. i was thinking about this earlier today. it's a situation where people -- i've heard some people say today trump, he feeds off the audience, he needs that audience. i'm not sure i agree with that. i think he can bring it without an audience, even though obviously it helps, i've done debates when the room is empty and it really doesn't sock all the life out of the room. but i do think it's going to be tough. from what we have seen of
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president biden, i just kind of can't imagine what that's going to be like. and not having those support systems in place for him, i think that will be the achilles' heel for him. i don't think the lack of an audience will be nearly as damaging to president trump. >> trace: yep. you are the president, you are alone and flying blind for a short time there. dee sarton, curtis houck, thank you both. meantime the prosecution and donald trump's near criminal trial expected to rest it's case tomorrow after the former presidents defense team has finished cross-examining michael cohen. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live with a peek at tomorrow's trial headlines. good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. when court resumes on thursday michael cohen as you pointed out will be back on the stand under cross-examination. and yes, he is expected to be the last prosecution witness. meanwhile attorneys for former president trump are expecting to finish questioning mr cohen by tomorrow afternoon. cohen as you know dirt pushed out heard by now has described
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payments he made to actress stormy daniels in 2016 as cash for silence about an alleged encounter with his client mr trump, something mr trump of course denies. cohen has since racked up a criminal record after pleading guilty to federal crimes. however amid cohen's cross, a new name could surface in court soon, a lawyer by the name of robert costello. e-mails show to the jury depicted mr costello as a bit of a back channel of comms for cohen while he was under investigation. in effect somebody who can relay messages to than president trump by way of his attorney rudy giuliani. now costello today said he had recently received a call from mr trump's lead attorney to ask if he would be called as witness. he told cbs maybe. the plot thickens, trace. >> trace: it does thicken, kevin corke live in dc, thank you. let's bring in the former dod chief of staff under trump kash
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patel. great to have you on the show. as kevin was talking about bob costello, a former legal adviser to michael cohen, former federal prosecutor and he testified at a house hearing today about what cohen knew about trump. the soundbite is 31 seconds, a little long but it's worth a listen and i will get your take. >> the way this works is, if you have truthful information about donald trump, that's clearly what they are looking for, i can have all of your legal problems solved by the end of the week. 's response? i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. i said michael i want you to think carefully about this. i probably came back to this subject ten or 20 times during the two were period. every time i brought it up, every time he answered i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> trace: and throughout the entire hearing he kind of went over that team again and again which could be damaging to the prosecution's case. >> great to be with you trace.
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as a former federal public vendor who tried 60 criminal trials to verdict in front of juries, michael cohen is not the last witness you called to build a case on, he's a witness you never call. one live from one witness is rehabilitation in of itself is possible but when you have the former lawyer for the lead witness for the prosecution saying he had no information on donald trump, let's review the track record. michael cohen lied to the united states district attorney's office for the southern district of florida. michael cohen when lie to the department of justice. michael cohen when like to a federal judge. michael cohen when lied under oath to multiple congressional committees. those are all felonies michael cohen has not been prosecuted for. then michael cohen when went on to lie to the world, the media and trump himself most importantly and most consequentially, and now this office who air mailed in a department of justice career prosecutor to wreak the case and forces prosecution is saying you
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now have to believe michael cohen, a 15 time convicted lawyer, a 15 time convicted felon? this guy has no business in port -- court and they are incinerating donald trump's due process rights along the way. at the travesty of justice. >> trace: and as much as he took on michael cohen, it was interesting he went after the judge. was into this. >> there's no coincidences here. the fact that the judge has had all of these cases, and by the way when he finishes with a donald trump case, steve bannon is next. of all the judges in new york county, somehow they keep coming up with the same judge. coincidence? i don't believe in them. >> trace: you talk about number 3 at the doj and then juan merchan. there's something that these guys who have been in this, they know this district very well, are like yeah, something shady. >> absolutely. we have this thing called the judicial wheel. cases are supposed to be assigned randomly and every district across the country.
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it is not random to get the two biggest legal cases in modern u.s. history happening to fall in the judge's courtroom. there is no coincidence here, it's not a coincidence that this very district attorney's office alvin bragg refused to bring the case, the southern district in new york refused to bring the case, the department of justice refused to bring the case because of the witness that michael cohen went made and the lies he's told and the felonies he's got away with. of course they raked the system against donald trump and forced this prosecution and now we are seeing the lies exposed and i hope the world is watching and none more so have been violated than donald trump's due process constitutional rights. america is watching this system and saying this is no place in the united states of america and they are cheering donald trump because he is the juggernaut of justice and he's the only one standing for the truth. >> trace: and the polls are showing this. the polls are showing that the fair or unfair think is going in trump's direction. kash patel, great to have you
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on. meantime six illegal immigrants charged with attacking new york city police officers in times square, now getting a plea deal. including one alleged attacker who was arrested twice. ashley strohmier live in new york city with the latest on this. ashley, good evening. >> reporter: of the seven migrants charged in the assault against two nypd officers in times square, the new york post reports that six of them are now looking at two years or less behind bars, that is if they plead guilty to second-degree assault, a felony punishable by up in seven years in jail. if the suspects accept alvin bragg's offer, the report says three of the migrants would serve just one year in jail, one migrant would be sentenced to two years and two others would get six months in exchange for their guilty pleas. the defendant's attorneys have not yet accepted those plea deals according to the post, including the attorney for the 24-year-old who was freed on bail in february and was let go
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again just yesterday for reportedly attempting to steal from a macy's. meantime we are getting new exclusive information about the surging number of the so-called got a ways, migrants who have illegally crossed into the u.s. without being seen by the border control. it shows a steady increase since 2010, but the number has increased dramatically since president biden took office in 2021. more than 670,000 in fiscal year 2023 alone. and this is the first time these numbers have even been released to the public. they were revealed by cpp in response to a request by our own bill melugin. back to you. >> trace: absolutely incredible. ashley strohmier live in new york, thank you. breaking tonight, anti-israel protests are escalating at uc irvine. they have reportedly overtaken a building on campus. you can see right here the university issuing a shelter in order place is the police move-in. we will have the latest on this
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coming up after the break. and later in the nightcap, the presidential debates are set but biden has a long list of demands including no audience, kill buttons on the candidates microphones. should biden be allowed to have as much control over the debate or does he need the help? and why or why not? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read your responses in the nightcap. [♪♪] customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile's reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline in memory issues,
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[♪♪] >> trace: breaking now, hundreds of anti-israel protesters are overtaking a lecture hall at uc irvine about 45 miles from here in or county. students are being told to avoid the area because the police are closing in and yet another graduation ceremony is marred by anti-israel walk out as an why
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you are adds chant that we will free palestine during a ceremony at yankee stadium. let's get back live to senior correspondent kevin corke. >> reporter: scores of police officers converging on uc irvine today as, as you pointed out, pro- palestinian demonstrations escalated. our local fox affiliate reports protesters occupied and barricaded themselves inside the physical sciences lecture hall which is near their encampment while no classes were held today, classes were being held in other nearby buildings, two of which were locked down. a campus alert advised students to avoid the area. this all happened as a group of nyu faculty and staff called for justice in palestine, disrupted nyu's commencement over yankee stadium. the group chanted we will free palestine while some protesters have their hands painted red,
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others held palestinian flags. that demonstration comes as other demonstrations and protests have disrupted commencement ceremonies across the country. in what some have called a rise in anti-semitism on college campuses. house lawmakers are hearing directly from jewish students from harvard and pen. in fact they did so at a hearing today on capitol hill, lawmakers pledging to dig into anti-semitic activity on college campuses. and of course the ongoing response from both the federal government and universities which some have deemed insufficient, trace. >> trace: yeah, many have deemed that. kevin corke live in the nations capital, thank you. let's bring in the foreign desk editor and chief lisa daftari and remington franklin from bulletproof israel. thank you for coming me -- it's interesting because you look at uc irvine, they are taking over buildings now when you think, you know, what's happening here is they are going from college campuses but it's about to go
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all over, they are going to go and get their own little encampments wherever they happen to be this summer. it will keep going on and on. >> of course it is because they are being rewarded. they look it's schools like rutgers and northwestern and brown and see a small group of agitators that do not represent a generation, that do not represent all college students are all universities, but a small number is being hyper represented in the media and the schools, this is the damaging part, are willing to sit with them, willing to meet with them and they are giving into these gross concessions. what's the message to these students? you bully your way and now they are being rewarded. >> trace: it really is and i want to play some sound, these are nyu students chanting at yankee stadium so listen to some of this, if we can swap over and play this. this out of them chanting at yankee stadium goes as follows. watch. >> we will free palestine! >> within our lifetime!
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>> trace: the dichotomy of this is you look at the fox news polling and it says feelings toward campers protesters over israel-hamas war and you say support 33% back opposed 59%. so the support is going toward and against -- toward israel and against these protesters and yet as lisa was saying, the universities are caving. >> i mean the universities are problematic in general with what's happening. they've done nothing to stop this. in some cases, they are letting it happen. the one thing though is america is starting to see who these people are and a lot of the people on the campuses are not students, they are paid agitators, there to cause trouble. >> trace: it really is interesting because you look at this and you hear the chanting and then we take you to capitol hill because today there were some jewish students who were testifying before members of congress. here's a couple of them. watch. >> while students walk to class they are met with masked
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individuals screaming at them "go die, you are hitler's children and nazis. out. >> i have seldom experienced such disdain, just regard and contempt for a minority group than the way in which harvard treats its jews at harvard. >> trace: it's 2024, lisa! >> and they would like to paint themselves as antiwar and pro- human rights, freedom of protesters, but they are actually pro- war and anti-american and anti-semitic. and the people around the world who are watching this, they are understanding that's exactly who they are. if this actually were about policy, about the land war that's going on in the middle east, they would not be threatening to behead the administration like they did at george washington university. so it obviously has nothing to do with that and what's unfortunate is that it is shaping and invigorating and empowering these students to continue on with their radicalism. this will become a huge issue if we do not rooted out. it looks like the universities
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do not want to rooted out. >> trace: i keep asking, when are they going to say release the hostages, hamas surrender, or is anybody sending weapons to israel? no, it's about divesting. they have an agenda, a certain precise agenda. i want to play one more soundbite from one of the students and we will put it up to jerrold nadler and what he said at the hearing today and i will get your final response. >> within 24 hours of installing two american flags at harvard divinity school they were vandalized three separate times, the flags tossed across the ground. this is not just about anti-semitism and it's not just about june hatred but hating the united states. >> criticism of israel's government or political criticism of zionism on a college campus is not inherently anti-semitic. >> trace: the left does not get it. it is inherently anti-semitic and they say it again and again. when people show you who they are, like you said many times, believe them. >> yeah, i mean the fact that these students, and i will use
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that with air quotes, have to wear masks just shows you where this is that. and what was just said is ridiculous, it is completely anti-semitic. the actions are anti-semitic, they are all antisin medic. when the fact was that ucla parents were calling us to escort their children to campus to make sure they were save, it's 2024. if you can't say that screaming that in someone's face are pulling down a flag or threatening with death isn't anti-semitic, anti-zionist is just another way of saying anti-jewish. >> trace: thank you for coming end, safe travels, lisa we appreciate it. coming up, artificial intelligence in modern warfare. jennifer griffin gives us this exclusive and instructive and fascinating look at how high-tech is changing the battleground. plus, what happens when a likely storm and erupting volcano collide? plus a 106-year-old texan reclaims the world record for
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the oldest tandem skydiver. the days best viral videos are next. 8:34 on the west coast, or trip across america, a live look at denver, colorado where it's 9:3o reject hosting the olympics. 10:33 and dallas, texas, home to the first hotel to have air conditioning. finally baltimore, 11:33, 11:34 now, one of the front runner scratched because of a problem. if you can't join us live, your dvr and watch us live, we are coming back. jennifer griffin and the ai battlefield technology that will change everything. [♪♪] i thought water would hep with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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[♪♪] >> trace: talk about a changing battlefield, two of the companies developing ai weapon systems now showcasing their work to the country's top military leaders who are apparently impressed.
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here's the chief national security correspondent denver griffin. >> it's either we own ai or our adversaries in china or russian own ai. >> reporter: modern wear. revolutionized by artificial intelligence. >> our adversaries have as long a tradition of being not interested in the rule of law, not interested in fearless or human rights and on the battlefield it really is going to be also them. we have to dominate and then set a rule of law to constrain development which is what we did in that post world war ii period with nuclear warheads. >> reporter: the u.s. is a leading producer of ai software, far outpacing china and russia, says alex karpa, cofounder of -- whose technology is being used in ukraine and in the middle east. this mixed reality had set from -- allows the war fighter to see the battlefield, available air assets, enemy targets and supply routes in 3d. but fear that ai could lead to killer robots and taking humans
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out of the so-called kill chain has led to anxiety and threats of regulation that worries american innovators, former intelligence analyst shannon clark says this targeting technology would have helped shorten the war in iraq and afghanistan. >> software by tech companies can streamline supply chains, something that will be needed in the pacific. this simulation shows how software can find a nefarious cargo ship hiding in busy sea lanes. >> it's going to be all about scale. you are not going to be able to do this alone as a human. you are going to need machine learning to tell you how do we get through this process faster. >> reporter: the pentagon is taking note. >> i'm putting my best foot forward to make sure we are going to win. >> reporter: in washington, jennifer griffin, fox news. >> trace: let's bring in former navy seal who trained with idf special forces cameron hamilton and the cyber guy kurt knutsson. gentlemen, thank you for coming on. i think it's fascinating here
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because we look to ai for other things, not necessarily as weapons, but is this kind of a short way of saying that we are in kind of a weapons battle for ai? >> this is a new oxygen of wartime preparation. we are absolutely fully geared up to fight future battles with ai. you can't live without having this at the front and center part of developing a strategy to protect your country, period. that's what everyone else is doing it. it's a race. >> trace: it's fantastic to listen to these people and talk about this because it's all kind of baffling, but i wonder if you think what one of the speakers said is is that you have to dominate in this category before you can negotiate. you can't just let china and russia get ahead of you, you need to dominate and then you can talk about maybe containing this. is that a fair assessment? >> i do, i think that's a very fair assessment. the way that we aggregate data and put information in the hands of the war fighter in a
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decentralized fashion is really compelling. these tools have been around for a while, they pave come more sophisticated and advanced. what we are doing is ultimately at the end of the day ai is a tool to empower the war fighter to make realtime decisions that have a better synergy with other resources and other logistics as it pertains to the war effort so it's really incredible. we will also use this tool to have a minimize asian of unnecessary loss of life, as it pertains toward friendly forces. it's a really sophisticated tool that has to be implemented -- implemented aggressively and to the full measure. >> trace: great point and a great segue because foreign policy magazine says, and ai driven system called lavender has tracked the names of nearly every person in gaza and it combines a wide range of intelligence inputs and assesses the probability that an individual is a combatant for hamas or another palestinian militant group. so it's an play, it's at work in
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gaza and maybe in other places. >> including this country. you can imagine that every time our face hits a camera, walk around a city block and you will be picked up by a variety of government-based systems, whether local law enforcement or you go through an airport it's going to be the tsa and other protective services. all of that, imagine if you could take every image being captured by your citizen ring, including in israel and gaza, and have an idea of who is where -- who is here, who is in that bad spot, who is the bad guy we are trying to get at in leadership and hamas and suddenly you pour all of that data into what is called lavender and then you put all of your systems together of other intelligence on the ground that human beings that are entering and saying hey i saw so and so here at four 03:00 pm, put that together and you have an incredibly decisive accurate system to be able to target and get to the enemy. >> trace: and it's interesting because you know that they are doing this in israel and
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everybody says this and they repeat this and nobody is listening because they are trying to do this in a very humane way so they can precisely target things and they are getting very little credit for it. >> you are right. i think at the end of the day it's another enhancing element we will be empowering humans to make realtime decisions. i think the concern over these technologies running rogue is legitimate however that being said so long as we keep living breathing human beings in the central positions to make key decisions, to release missiles and things of that nature, i think we will keep it within appropriate safeguards. it's essentially a collective tool that allows us to integrate in such a way and then to aggregate things that might be inferred, that human intellect might see, but he makes those connections in realtime in nano seconds as opposed to perhaps minutes to hours that human might. >> trace: great analysis. gentlemen, thank you. cameron hamilton, kurt knutsson, we appreciate it. [♪♪] first up into nights viral
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videos, epic video from guatemala showing what happens when a thunderstorm meets a volcano. the volcano lights up the sky extending smoke and ash as a lightning bolt then jolts the crater and the gas column from the volcano hits almost 1000 feet in the air. pretty cool. life imitating art with a tiktok video showing a real life thumper and bambi, based off the disney movie, the rabbit and baby deer greeting and sniffing. the animals by the way were spotted in oregon. and a 106-year-old texan world war ii vet alfred once again has the world record for the oldest person to tandem skydive. he says the jump is proof that everyone is more capable than they think. and if you have a viral video to share, share it with us @tracegallagher or at fox news night on social media. coming up, president biden agrees to debate trump on one condition. well a lot of conditions. should he be able to put so many
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parameters on a presidential debate? why or why not? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read your responses we will read your responses coming up. in the nightcap. for[♪♪] [♪♪] or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said
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>> trace: back with a nightcap crew, kevin corke, ashley strohmier, matt finn, lisa daftari, kurt knutsson... presidential debates are set but biden offered comes with the man's like a limited number of tv outlets, no audience, candidates microphones being cut. do you think you should have or should be allowed to have his way? why or why not? ashley strohmier. >> no, i don't. the only thing i wish he would be more demanding of is maybe things like the board or or any other dumpster fire in america right now would be really nice -- border -- >> trace: erin. >> i don't think he should but both clearly have an issue with the debate commission so trump was willing to cede all of these things to biden to get him on stage so it's kind of win win lose lose for both. >> trace: lisa daftari. >> i think trump is flexible enough he could dominate anything and i think that things that biden asked for it would be
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easy for trump to overcome. usually when you have the upper hand you are the one who makes the demands but here at the other way around. >> trace: kurt knutsson. >> keep the cameras on, the microphones hot and add air horns and may be whistles for each podium. >> trace: bring the crowd, bring everything, turn the cameras on and go. to the debate like debates are supposed to be done. matt. >> there's no law or mandate requiring any candidate to debate so biden did hold all the cards in this and by the way it's trump who always has -- says everything in life is negotiable so those two came to a deal. >> trace: kevin corke. >> stupid, dumb, ridiculous, i would never agree to this. it makes no sense to me but do what you have to do. i think voters already know how they are going to vote anyway. >> trace: cameron hamilton. >> i think biden will have a good opportunity to show that he's been wrong on virtually every decision he's made for the past four years so i look forward to trump destroying him. i don't think he's used to not getting his way so this will be interesting if he does not get his way here.
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>> trace: could biden be allowed to have this much control? x yes 4 percent instagram 4 percent. that's a big no. wendy, no, it shows weakness. if you are competent let the sparks fly and let the people decide. cable news has absolutely trump was the one desperate to debate. church, maybe joe should decide the conditions for one and trump sets the conditions for the second. seems fare. kristin nicole says next biden will want a teleprompter and a lifeline to phone a friend. where's regis when you need him? leann clements, neither should. a traditional debate should be held. and kelly says, if biden can't handle the heat he needs to get out of the, say it with me, kitchen. thank you for joining the nightcap, thank you for watching the nightcap and thank you for watching america's let nate -- late news, "fox news @ night". i'm trace gallagher in los here for the thursday night version. good night. [♪♪] [♪♪] what makes it possible? t-mobile for business 5g solutions.
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