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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 16, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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what it's worth. visit coventry direct e-com to find if your policy qualifies. or call one 809 83 6200. coventry direct redefining insurance. >> the cross-examination of michael cohen is set to continue. biden may have been trying to call trump's bluff, but trump said yes. and here we are with diplomatic efforts to end the war. unsuccessful airstrikes continue only on fox news channel. >> all right. a quick programming note, by the way. thank you for making on fox nation my new special, outlaws alary nem. and number one for eight straight days. anyway , they have now released episode two. it follows the lif e of wilde li bill hickok and his rough justice and wyatght. fox nation. it's all the time we have. time y, but not your heartbeat trouble. greg will put a smile on your face. thanks for being with us.
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yes, yes. we all right. we'll have a show then. happy wednesday, everyone. let's get started. earlier this morning, president biden agreed to pairbi of debates with former president trump. biden has listed some demands, including no live audience, no third party candidates and a group of visiting angelse th. >> standby, but no live crowd. i guess joe wanted an audience of his peers. >> but trump not only agreed to the two debates, he offered a third one on fox news with martha maccallu m and brad beyer as hosts. but not to be outdone. biden offered a fourth debate with walter cronkite and peter jennings.
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oh, my god. >> meanwhile, president biden had an odd moment at a galaod in d.c. last night where he acknowledged an attendee. listen to thisnt in a . >> where's our version? stand up, kid? i like that dress. i don't see your gow n. >> let him see your gown. >> well, turns out this is who he was talking to. [ la thought. and that wasn't even the weirdest thing joe said. >> watch this. >> they want to undo what they finally got doney will. and then what we did finallyd tn got done to make up for it. they wanted to. >> they want to give power back to big pharma. joe, be careful what you say about big pharma. you're going to need him forad e that pre-debate adrenaline shot in your.
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>> what the mayor eric adams is suggesting. migrants could solve nyc lifeguard shortage because quote. they're excellent swimmers. lifhe also said some of the men would be great surgeons because they're so good with knivest swimme. >> i know.e the white house says its using executive powe br to allow bordr wall construction in texas. they're planning saving money by employing the scaffolding previously used on nancy pelosi's. today is national stocking day. >> yeah. >> yeah. but many new yorkers were already celebrate waiting. celer >> 60 nine year old gayleat king is making her illustrated swimsuit issue debut in a sizzling one piece bathingsuit suit. other models include randyo weingarten and the elephant man.
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. >> rachel maddow mocked allies for dressing uniformly like trump at yesterday's court appearance. this from a person who's dressed like a per jason priesty on 9021 every day for 20 years and the 148th westminster kennel dog show was last night. and this one best in show.this g >> check that out. can you see it? >> i haven't seen that much grooming since. did his pool party. p >> oh, no.oo hash tag. no. daddy? yeahy. all right. our entertainment leadt are starting to realize that the dreaded virus could comeg thdreaded back, too. i mean, covid bird flu. will smith. no, it's the orange scourge. donald orang trump. the latest poll numbers hit america's self-appointed tastemakers like an hash out
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for a sunday drive. >> oh, i know. on the beaches in malibu, slopes in aspen and the tv studios of new york. the tantrum has commenced. and like joy bayer's toe fungus, it's getting ugly. these are not strong people. >> they're coming apart like jesse's. we've on a rainy day. you should see them chasing it down sixth avenue. god, he's pathetic. bs so while these hollywood celebs can demand rewrites of bambi replacing the deer with a nonbinary emotionally support k, they're learning yet again that real life writes itsc script. and right now, there's a new rin town, and it lookshe's like he's getting the final cut. exhibit a robert gettin de who's been playing the same angry uncle with hemorrhoids for the past decade, went on the view and claimed trump will end the country as we it. >> have a look. i don't understand why u people are not taking him seriously. becaus takine read about it
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historically in other countries that they didn't takine the people seriously i think a hitler mussolini. h hiif he gets elected it's going to change this country with everybodyev and thy might think that it's going to make their life better or they just want make to excuse my french. they just want to put the rest of country literally. >> that wasn't french the way. >> but he knows so much about.yn and yet this poor old man doesn't know that trumpup p actually gave up power when he lost. >>ow no wonder bobby went into acting. >> reality isn't his forte, but fantasy is. now, i don't know about you, but when i think of keen political insight, i definitely think of the star of meet the fockers ranting to five frigid dingbat. >> but like de niro's movies, it just went on and those people who support him with anger and hate because that's what he's about.
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they're to see. i mean, i used to see these things. i didn't understand how he and rosie o'donnell used and together. i didn't really care. i see what a hateful meanday. spirited, awful thing he is. what more do you need? it's almosed thinkt he wants too the worst that he could possibly do to this country to quit. >> doet wants s his slogan shou] be america? >> it's amazing that he' s thinking about rosie o'donnell. is that a cause of concern bobby? >> an angry aging has been desperate to stay relevanting hm >> i'm talking about de niro because i didn't say facg de nty more nonsense to add, bob. >> imagine if he actually did win the election. yeah, it's yeah. we're going to have such civil strife. we're going to all the things he saye sayss because everybody is now onto him where he projects what he's sayinghea it's what he wants, what he envisions the world to be, whic to beh chaos and craziness? >> total craziness. well., someone please show bob a doll and have him point to the place where trump heard
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him. we're going to have civil ve under joe biden.jews jews can't go to classo and illegals are attacking cops and getting away with it. it's amazing how this nut is focused on thingssth that haven't happened versus things that have. here are some things that you don't get upset about. rising crime , violence against women, jews and kids, illegal immigration, fentanylfentan inflation, perhaps because those concerns inhabit realityyl and reality is not bob's turf. and so his mental shelfes space is taken upa with hypothetical calamities hypos. e haght >> no wonder he hasn't madede a decent movie in decades. in his mind, jodie a dec fosteri is still a hot 13-year-old. >> so while de niro rants americans are far concernedar with jobs, safety and border securityd with, not trump's personality, americans are more interested in how to putn food on the table or, in the viewer's case, how to pu tod on more food on the tableth.
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the fact is, de niro is scared, much like all of hollywood, because no longer controler the narrative. the average american isn't buying what they're their influence is waning. they've learned they really t aren't special. just like i told those kindergartners at graduation. and it's making them imperviousi to own behavior. they sound crazy to everyone but themselvesunding c. >> donald trump, who is so a aware of everything that his face is doing, leaves his face with his eyes closed in tortured elderly shapes when he drifts off into his closed eye space, his mouth shiftss ma from its preferred scowl to the look of a collapsing old building. the mouth loseofg ols all the ls become unrecognizable by the wrinkled curveable by s that the under those closed eyes. the old man sitting theren they and defendant's chair head si right, eyes the'r
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closed, made it look like a trial at a nursing . if he were found like that in his chair at a table in the nursing home during lunch, e ime he would be immediately checked for signs of lifdide and fe noth about your viewers, larry. >>bu but half of whom died while you were talking just now and this is from a guy who's i five year, five years younger than trump. but but that's insanity. you can't see it when you're ind . and that's why they look crazy. but we don't whyon't is that perhaps because we have lives outside of politics and live s of trump and they don't and their irrationalitty only persuades dopes also prone to irrationality, which explains why normal men are fleeing the party like it's a h booth. sing boot which brings us to sunny hostino
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,hottest member of the view since barbara walters died. er ] oh, my god. here's her analysis of trumpr pn in the courtroom. as i >> i was in the courtroom againn yesterday. thank you. he appeared orange in an unnatural way. i've never seen anyone that orange before. he is not asleep. ybody thhe's and that's why i tk he's so orange, because i think it's red underneat's wayh. rneah i saw him during michael cohen's testimony sort of going like thi iurin s. >> and i said, oh, here is hee sleeping. and he wenhe went.t, that is whs happened. he said, oh, my dog does, that when he's sleeping, sleeping, he's not sleeping. ysa joy is playing dead.yi so you won't eat him. but that's impressive. abc actually said heabr to trial and all she got out of it was his orange is how deep. i've seen smarter heads golf clubs. >> she can only focus
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on trump's skin color. >> i guess the apple doesn't fall far frople doesm the holdei wasn't her grandparents, i guess, but they're all a mes s . these hacks are falling apart like bette midler's from years of overuse. hey, look, black and decker just don't make them lik blae they used to do. but they're unhinged because trump shattered their narrativ e for years. they painted him as the villain in their storypaintiag. ey are t the story in which they, of course, are the heroes they thought the third act wasea over and the credits were rolling. the villain wand credits s vanquished, and our hero rides off intor he the sunsetro. but they didn't account for trump's popularity among averagump's poe americans, the e who actually work for a living. it's the plot twist they didn't see coming and understand america. that's why they alsoee hate you. because of a guy who gets you is elected of their country that they weren't really that special to begin
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with where they you ignored them in 2016, forcing them to take a look in the mirror which is terrifying when your industry is based on looks like well tonight's guest is comedy it's as clean as the white he wears at the rally,y, t fox news contributor tom shillue. she's as hot as her kids. she leaves them in a parked car. fox news anchor julie and jen, she's like a pinata whenevera wn she's at birthday parties. children want to hit her witevh bats. t timp "new york times" bestselling author and fox news contributor catch him. and his fans are like a lovely spring day, right? in 72, "new york times" best selling author comedian
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and former first timer. i am tough as a white supremacist with major angergemi management issues. >> how can you relate to the anger that de niro is expressing? >> i really it's quite amazing to watch him because you see you he doesn't seem that bright, but, you know, he is because when you see his moviese ise need, he's a gr. and it takes a certain amount of intelligence to be an actor. but it doesn't mean you're smart in other areas. he's obviouslyn u ar he's lost t and i don't understand it he he wentdon't un to the hitler and mussolini. >> yeah but then they never it's like i want to hear the ways. >> he's like hitler. he's not like hitler. yeah, i mean, hitlerhitlers nol. trump hates war, right? hitler blamed everything on the jews. >> i don't think trump blames everything on the jews. yeah, hitler had does. that lite mustache. >> trump doesn't have that. yes. must have th it, charlie chaplin mustache. yes. reg:r like that?
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>> and idea that he's not going to leave? >> this is the other thing they say. whoopi said it. he said it. welllike he'not going toeave bu, but he left before. >> like, do they know he was d e president? >> yeah. and he's been in florida for the past four years. >> and we have proof that he w left becausee he. >> those boxes. yes. you don't pack boxes ife you're not planning to leave. so he obviously made the plan. obvi. t's fu >> it is funny truly that like i think when you're into the in thisnn insanity, whether it's temporary or not, you lose all self-awareness so he doesn't understand how irrational s he's become.l u >> no not at all. but you know what i think i and what m i most am criticalhe of is the fact that the women on the view di that wod, nothing to actually counter this. >> so it's just such a onebalane sided argument. there was no balance whatsoever. whk it's but of course, not shocking that abc lets this stuff go on the air. they knew that he was going to come on on a more mission het
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right and they knew and they were not armed and that was the whole thing. and its e thin kind of just goes to show that this is what you get when you watch mainstream mediahat yot . course you're never going to get pushback. and of course, he's going to come on there and he's talkin goinheirg about how trump says all these angry things. >> so calling it mussolini, hitler, that's like a kind thing. like, hey, buddy, you remind of a killer. >> have a nice day. i mean, what the isto that that's supposed to be not hateful. >> yeah, i mean, you know, a lot of people who don't know histortefuy are going to go maye hitler wasn't a bad guy because everybody's getting compared to him. yeah . >> okay, cat, you know what i notice? you know, when people grab put of us and they put it onlinend and they say, well, we're wrongo ,we might be wrong, but we don't look or sound craz y, we're actually having fun. >> but why is it when you see these things, you realize they're nuts? >> first of all, bette midler. , i'm sorry, but there's zero chance that she cannot afford to buy as many as she wants. >> yes, but she keeps losing them. she's a national treasure. do besmirch her.daughter
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she's my daughter's favorite witch. and that halloween thing like i don't even beneath my wings get it together. >> gutfeld all so she wanted to her could have anyway, now that i got that very important point out of the way. >> yes, i thinou thek that thers a a i think that maybe they only hang out with each other and people who agreem with them and have this thiss view because they don't understand that there's a whole range of views. it's not just people think like they do and then people who are like at january 6th. >> yes. yeah. there's a whole different range ole diffe. there might be people who thought january 6 was bad, but maybe don't thinhtates 6k at all day long. >> think about other stuff, other stuff that affectssome more in their daily lives. a little thing some people don't even likon't eve trumpe, , you know what? things are really expensive now and that's affectingnow that me. >> so i think that when it's just all of this likeryin
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super and they're almost trying to outdo each othe r with how it's getting harder because they've gone so far,he it's getting harder, but they're trying to kind of outdo each othee trr with wih how hard they're going to go. and i don't know if they expose themselves to people donin who differently along that spectrum. so i don't think they se epl how it looks to other people who might think different. >> that's true. they're in their own erentl bubble. but tyra's it's weird though, because we are we could say that we're in a bubblere i but, but kind of stick our heads out ef the bubble and look and w always think that, like, we can tell when we're being silly or obnoxiou whes. tel >> i don't think they can tell what's going on because it's personal for them. it's not personal for us. r ah, we tell some jokes, we give our thoughts and opinionsto ,and then we go home to peoplet who don't care about our thoughts o ourr stuff. >> yeah, normal life story. so true. e wh when i walk in my door, i'dr be like, hey, who wants to hear about. yeah, i'll take the tras suppost which one gets? like no one cares, ntrash ouo os
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,you know, great doesn't call me. hey, man. segment four i'm a little. a little nervous. i'm not getting my point across. can we get online right now? and we've got to get out there. it's and when you're emotional, you can't handle things. that's whyit's scarborough falls apart. and maybe now's a good time for someone to lean into. like you're really bad at improv. yeah. tell you youe, mp is likton an right, because there's no follow through. >> but it's personalthrough it'd >> and they had a be i call i text you today, i'm onyou th the five and i was telling you the fix is on when when it take when you have 30 takes 30 takes to say make my day you're not going to debate okay when you just did a speech, when you said stand up, i want to recognize you gown like brinn.g her up like this. that's not debating like this again. the i feel like it's like you need the black point of view here from someone likiee one quarter cup and all of a sudden the prosecutor starts planning things ahead of time a the, or f a sudden the group is against you suddenly announcing a date. they're willing to d do itbeca
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because you're going to be busy on the 27th. mr. trump like, i feel likus 27ean they feel like everything's going the way they want because it's personal. >> mm you might be busy on wednesdaynal. thes, you know, i'm saying like, just watch the if you can stomach through the, like when you see this tonight they'll be like 47 cuts of me saying thi 47s all we got to move on. >> the debate stage is set >> the debate stage is set but will biden forgemot with flonase allergies don't have to be scary. ache andy gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief flonase all goo d also try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. >> how do you transform your outdoor space into your favorite room? simple. keep the blazing hot sun keep the blazing hot sun and heat away with sun cente and enjoy cool shaded comfort any time of day. >> call today for your free idea and we'll send you a limited time discounawning,t. good for $200 off your purchase. sun setter america's number one retractable awning puts one retractable awning puts you in control of your outdoor
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up. it's on us to stand up to cancer once and for all.♪ did joe see on his face sea by agreeing to debate, joe biden said he will debate donald trump twice and he promises to be alive for at least one of them. so assuming he continues wil to cheat death, there will bee one debate in june, which would be the earliest to head debate ever and again in september before early voting start. >> i'm an old joe made the announcement on x.r.
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>> donald trump lostost tw two debateics to me in 2020.any0 signs said he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wantsgan to debate me again. >> make my day, pal. i'll evely daten it twice. first pick the dates. donald, i hear you're free on wednesday's heae move over y harry and me. >> dirty diaper air. that was biden throwing down the gauntlet. we're usually the only thing joe throws down as a towel whe c to up his accidents. >> but the real story here, the manyet i times they had to splice joe's video together in order to getogethert single . rachel levine makes less cutsshn shaving her beard. >> play itg again. . >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020, but sinc trumpe toe then he hads up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again like he. e ao >> well, make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice. >> so let's pick the dates, donald. i hear you three on wednesdays. arfive cuts. just you can add 13 second video. i guess i had to edit out
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all the times he started all lost consciousness and flatlined. meanwhile, trump already agreed to the debates, telling fox digital quote, i'm ready to go. saying i'm they proposed are fine anywhere, any time, any place. >> i will provide my own transportation. i'll drive back. >> donald, what a guy providinga his own transportationther. o that's smart. you don't want to rely on democrats to get you there. you'll endcrats toou there in a. >> all right. >> i know. w terrible, right? so what's joe to say here? >> let's do this. all right, here we go. here we go. here we go. go! >> trump los angeles. 20, 20, 2020. >> why do i. say why do i say that?t number twicenumb now is like he wants to debate me again. >> when you say that line pointo to yourself so they know what you're talking about. urselfnotalking you don't say t. >> no, he's not going to debate
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me again. wonder twin powers that to me. >> go ahead. make my day. tel >> can i tell the story here? let me do going blah, please. >> see? to t don't even know it twice. so let's pick the debates, donald. let's pick the debates. piclet's pick the dates of the debates. >> donale debated, to any of th surely. >> julie, i don't believe conspiracies. >> but there's something. do you believe this is actually happening? or is this jus yout being pushed at only to be withdrawn? >> my contac wt and my lashes are falling out. oh, my god. >> i don't even know what your question just was. but i do think this real. >> no. well, this is very real. but unfortunately, so is joe biden. i mean, that is such a perfectad
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i mean, that is joe biden. >> lawrence o'donnell is making fun of trump being dead and asleep and caught. i mean, have they watched clips? they should. i'm sure they watch the show. you knowy, they do. but you know, what i think is brilliant is the fact that biden's like, oh, let's aht man, we're going to gohe with these two debates. two debates? yeah, they're being heldey areen and abc. are you freaking kidding me? abc, who just had robert de niro on there slamming trump, they are going to beir s responsible for delivering the voters a proper bypass questionnaire to this, to theser two candidates and get fair questions out there. i mean, jake tappet there.r, da, they're like really objective when it comes to trump. yeah, they. holy. yeah. all right. kat, do you. i don't i i'm i'll say the conspiracy question to you because you brought it up. >> what do you make of the edi edittss? yeah, it is wild. but i also do kind of think
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republicans might be playing this badly in terms of setting the bar really low. i said that on the five. wellbeca, i get it.if you look, i get it to some extent, right? but if you're coming like biden is going to his pants so hard, he's going to fall ove hif right. >> and, you know, mutter and start muttering about this. it's like if he managemanages tt least maybe not like, audibly himself and like for me, i would vote for three coherent sentences and stand to the whole that i stands, he's going to he's going to come out of it looking like the victorious underdogg li, especially because of something that i've mentioned before. but i'll mention again in a lo and t of times, biden's greatest strength is his weakness. >>s is it's really hard to looke like you're not bullying someone if you're debating himy and other guy you're debating is just sitting there like lik e ,yo, it's true. >> it's true. it's and also it's like, oh, god, he did. >> he did better than we thought. yeah, exactly. these me thinking maybe he's like your grandfather or your great grandfather or orr ih your great grandfather was a . >> tyrus s
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o we were. i mentioned something on the pipe, and then you texted me and you and you were saying you thin tk that thk fix is in, that they know. they know that the verdict is guilty in new york. so they're they're doing this. >> no, they don't. they're playing this withepublicans can't play with the lead. democrats don't know how to do quietly. out o so they're oh, i challenge just out of nowhere of a sudden, f there was nothing a specific date, june 27th. it's on. yeah. tough guy. cut. they cut for a reason. the jury will probably prosecution probably rest like friday. so we don't have to worry about going into the weekend. mm-hmm. then fens the defense, they're not going to call. i think maybe one witness. then they'll hit goi guilty. that's not even. we know it's coming back andndne then, oh, he's gettingd arraigned on the 27th there. oh, he can't leave the state of, new york. and that's what he said. it's going to be something to wear. and then we'll have joe standing a podium go . joe where is he? ays why on't get up and then
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go home. >> but this is just watch anyof villaivin movie. i mean, just playing this out there, they're really hoping thise theie they're prayer is tt he's guilty and that he's caught up all this stuff. and i'm sure another interview, another miraculous 75,000 m charges will rain down from somewhere. ir 7000he didn't he didn't tip the cream mainn in 1967 and his little whole emotional thing there. but they'll find something. 7 ere theybut joe, when he gave a specific date, there was a reason that and watcharound what happens around that time. yes i'm saying the fix is in t top. what do you think in the conditions? no live audience>> greg: what e it is very interesting. however, i feel like trump seems very confident with this and it's so funny the way that he doesn'n't anything in a normal way. that's one thing everybody agrees on. thatand you are supposed to play this expectations game. that's what everybody alwaysnsg is. my opponent is a great debater, but i'm going to do my best best. t that great debaterder d >> but trump just today, w
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he said, i'll be surprised if he makes it to the podiuouldrisw he's not going to play that game. >> you know, he he doesn't careb about expectations. and i think he knows he could do weloutnd il this situation. i think the limitations wouldsii help trump because is he is at his best at a republican.e exce >> that is where he excelsls with the live audience and he crushes people. ce and cbut he's at his weakestn he has that kind of general election. and it's in front of a live audience. li audienc is thee interrupter. joe biden is the one who says, give me a break, man. 1e band, you know, white supree and all the stuff he's always doing, the interrupting. if they actually have silence, if they mike if they silence the mikes and they have toe if give straight answers and he's against these cnn anchors, stump actually knows he does against cnn people. >> you know, when you watch him against jake tapper, you watchne him or when he does like 60 minutes, he does pretty well in those hostile environment. >> stes he do i think without the audience, it will be a tamer trump, which is going to help him in the generalaudie >> all well, there you go. yeah. yeah. yeahtion.>> grehere you, i am.
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>> it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. very day. it's not only the painfu memories of lost loved ones,. but now with pensions of less but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions. imaginaybe he forgot e of all. >> but i believe in god. but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell story and i will find a match. plea sose i understand you deliberately. >> i face hunger again.iv ne or go online. now to help rush one survivalro food box to a holocaust survivorus. who is suffering and in desperate need. >> this is whaif you ht wants f. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice,'ll know i'm asking you to now do it when it's on your heart. >> i pray that they'll know
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well, get started at aig .com a story in five words migrants t needed to save swimmers. >> roll it. h how do we have a large bodybody of people that are in our cityur and country that are excellent swimmers excel and at the same e we need lifeguards and the only obstacle is that we won't give them the right to become a lifeguard. >> that's just doesn't maket sense. >> kat that's mayor eric adams suggesting illegal aliens could be able to work as lifeguards to solve the lifeguardas i. >> some people called it racist. i just call it stupid and sad. i >> what say you?dstupid you know, it's h ae came really close to having a good point, which is kind of sadd came becar i do think that, you know, if there's open jobs, i think that migrants rather should be able to work. i think that people want to come here non-viable. o the
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you want to contribute to the economy. that's a great thing. ecusedi was confused.t he was like, who?sw he said, you do who are excellent swimmers. and the womaimmen the woman nexi to me is shaking her head like, yes, they ar like. >> did i miss something? yeah. it's almost like you think that everybody knows all these illegals are great swimmers, s as jesse says. >> have you seen their gold jessumedals? >> and also the knowing notn what he said. great swimmersthe to him.w it i didn't know if this was something that i perhaps was missing. yeahwas missing or. er where there's this knowledge when i see, oh, yeah, all the best swimmers, they swam to geta here, i guess. is that what he thinksm get kn? it's funny. i was once a lifeguard at wasat pool. >> i don't know how i feel s about them trying to steal my job that i had. >> well, to be fair, you were just in charge of the shadowing. ye o bes. the you're welcome.
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at. >> yeah, it's really cool right now, to be black, becauses we can be as racist as we want to be, and everyone will call us heroes. >> st toe ano, like, he's litery going, oh, he's attacking other groups now. yeah, i heard they're good swimmers. you know, like, like, well, we can say, we can say. and then like, go ahead, man.we say it. i'd say it too, becauseaway w right now we can get away with i aret. and so they're getting away with it. it's just never been thrown back on their have been thrownho back on the left where the left brother is on their new comers. so their heads to explode. i love it. keep it going, brad push the envelope. see how falope seer can go.s fr >> eric because his frustration is to the point of name callingl . and i agree he should be calling screaming names because we're seeingd benames s not assimilation. they're like, oh, we're getting a we get this, we can get a wha car, we get a credit card, we get a hotel like work for what. so i love the fact that he's saying this stuff because the left's beethiscause thn it r
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the last eight years every time i show up on tv. so now ww the get they're gettig it back phenomenal. >> let's just all be racist together. you tom, being a lifeguard is actually a lot of responsibility. >> you have to enforce ruleshavu right? run, young man. yes. put some lotion on msome on y back.>> wha >> what poolt did you go to and just run? yes. i had a lot of it was a kiddy pool. yes, they're gooddie pd blowinge whistles. so, greg, we all know that. was know, i don't know if what he said was offensive, but it wasn't true. have you ever been dow definit n can the border? >> not all of them can swim. great. people try to save them because they think a lot of drowning messed up, man. you said all of them by force are not sending their best swimmers. i w >> no. some of them have to go back. >> yeah. so it is amazing. it is like crazy because this is like there is actually and i'm not going to say it a derogatory term about illegal immigrants coming from mexico that hasants com to do with wat.
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yeah. so if some if a republican had this. >> julie, would you care to say that word? could you imaginwould you cae i supremacist like tom shillue and he white said something likd that? well, they are good swimmers. i mean, no, that would absolutely be unacceptable. but because he's a black man, he's allowed to say that that was the most racis allowt thingy you could possibly say. but it's okay because he's black. i prove that point. so >> gck this is a good time. yeah. all right, let's move muste on. coming up, what the wasu'd li li chronic kidney disease, there are places you'd like to be like here and here. >> not so much here. >> not so much here. first, seek a reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can seri dialysis. >> our siga can cause serious side effects, including ketosits
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right? wow. he updated nero in his fiddlfida >> thank god neil young's notnel alive to see this. tyrus he knew this video would come out right. he knows if he does this, it's going to be filmed. does he just not care or thinkte it's a good. >> i'm just confused because i have to work extra jobsa jo to cover the taxes, to get money over there to helpbso co in this fight. and apparently it's karaoke night in ukraine. like what is goingappare it's k, are we in a war over there or not? but again, this is the problemty with this administration. wherever they go, they have fun .
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nobody else does. he's singing songs, the free world. and they're like, sir, i haven't seen half my family in six months because they're behind enemy lines. you got a song for that, bromo when he does it like this is the thing. you got time for that we my money back. >> you know, tom, ironically, it's called keep on h in the free world. as ukraine suspends their elections indefinitely. and the song is, by the way, not a salute to america. >> no, i mean, it's -- it'squ a critique of america and war. i wonder if neil young is going to take this off the spotify war playlisttake t. l thin >> yeah. but the real thing that offended me, i meang that d the guitar was bad enough. then he comes in on the chorus and he sings that on down an oce like a church dad. he's like, keep on rocking in the three. so it's like a church. dad so you're ever a case where being called church dad is a tim good thing? . i'll play the church, dad. juli>> ge, does this is this ofi
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you, upset you, or just go like there's. i don't know. i find i find it weird that there are a bunch of people dyinit weig. >>d if he was doing it here in the united states at a bar, yeah, it would be okay ioing. d i thought this was very distasteful. and the song that he's singing is oddt was. was his singing was disturbing as well. but that wasn't even the point. i meansturbinghat's no , he's singing about a free world. he's rubbing it in the ukrainians faces because. they have not been free for so long. embathis is our representation of america. >> it's embarrassing. they were celebrating all the money that we sent therrassingm >> you've often said the power of music can heasaid thel anyth. >> well, actually, you've nevera said i. >> you were talking to someone else. ? >> does it bother you? yeah. t thiit's one of those things e you see it and like, it's okay. i wouldn't pay for it, but thes is. i am. yeah. you know, and there' am s justf all this talk all the time of you can't make cuts anywhere in the government. and it's likmakes in thee, not e have to pay for this war, we also have to fly people to
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go sing at it. >> yes, we paid for we? how muchch d we paid for that g. we did.g th yeah, no kidding. that whaat'st t just said? >> yeah. i'm sorry. i was thinking about.ry i sorry, kat. >> up next. at what age is there a dipc is t in feeling hip? imagine a future. plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresherus ge our families safer, and our planet cleaner to help us getan. there. america's plastic makers america's plastic makers are investin to create innovative products and new recycling for sustainable change. because when you push for smarte r solutions, big things can happen to get your yard done right. pros everywhere trust greenworks for instant on run all day commercial grade absolute power.
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it could help save her life. hear her five more words being.n
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>> cool ends at 39. let's go to the coolest guyy he here, tom shillue. yeah. a new study finds that 49% f of americans feel uncool. by the timeel e they're 39, 60% of americans are confident. >> they know what's cool. doe ent th you what's cool?l an >> and please don't say white power again. i do know it's cool and i love this story because i went and i actually read the study and the interestinang thing about this is the study never mentioned anything about cool. they askedmentioanything peoplen familiar with and what they were into, what they were theinto andinterested, and at , people were no longer interested in musiat 3c orf celebrities or any of those things. the journalists writing about the stud. jog about y, the word cool that shows you journalists think that knowing about thing s cool. but when you're 39, you realize knowing about things isn't cooly .
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mhm. celebrities aren't cool, movies aren't cool. esnowing aboutthings'reu your life that's beautiful. >> white supremacist julieg i think what tom was saying def is the definition of cooinitlk is caring what people think is cool. so the people that are defininge this are actually the coolest people on the planet. >> yeah. >> like when i eventually become 39 years old, i'm no longer going>> 3 to know what the w washa that? >> never nine, three more times. i'm no >>t going to give it up[ bl when i get to that age because, i mean, what is there to care poout atee get age that point? you've already had kids, you've been married, maybe divorced once oinr, twice. >> i mean, there's nothing to care about anymore. your life is over. almost yfe is now. >> i mean, i'm far away from number thing. the eternal optimist. kat e banderas cat feel they feel uncool by the time they're 39. so you've got a few years toconi maybvee four. >> yeah. you know how old. i have.
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yeah. i just imagine imagine carrying ,imagine caring like, oh, you're not cool like you. i'm cool.y wh >> okay, loser. like, go find someone who loves you. you know. >> no, it's true. it's true. u.s people trying to be cool usually are the most, you know,e get you mentioned before joe scarborough. remember? he started a band. st. h remember h >> and he was like, singing. and it was like. so he was trying saso hard. always trying. yeah. that needs to stop. >> yes. we saw what the very definition of uncool was. we had a creepy old man. you watch it, lawrence. g what's his name? lawrence o'donnell. read him reading a bedtime story. yeah. your kids. >> my god, man. like, stop. if you ever have to. are co if you're cool, just rewinold yourself back to the early days of your childhood. >> in high school, when you asked that same question, what happened after that probably was a wedgie. maybe the inside of a locker room. >> my preferred one was to hangr
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them on the door. >> you know, i'm saying, yeah, put you up there. i've been up there many times. yeah>> gre, but joke's on them.i i like being up there. i run so fast up here. look how fast my. this is the funnest i've ever had hanging from here. and you know what, give me a wedgie. yeah, i . yeah, yeah, yeah. >> gutfeld is undefeated, undefeated fistfights also because he fights naked. so give me a swirly. yeahwell i i love it. could you just imagine that the bullies like, i'm going to i need to go rethink my life is more purple nerf. yeah g, but i've got a thirduldn on my back. all right. all right. i will be righ >> you know, i'rf you were cash cash and you could earn on everything, which is one baby. so if you're off the rack oron m back on flapjacks, baby. back on flapjacks, baby. >> back for tacos at the tacor.
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