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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 17, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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speaks for itself and a rareears record for coyears of trump 24ut year biden. they put them through countless trials and this will be the o least of his concerns and i'm confident yo u will come outmy shining bu ct my concern, laura, june and it's early, plop foren t replacement play in the works. >> laura: if what they have ishen gretchen whitmer and not havingc gavin newsom come all i caann s is good luck. i don'workt think that will wor. it was great to see you theso other day and comeon back. thank you so much. we have a lot to cover tomorrow night here at the trial will continue next week and tomorrow is baron's graduation happywill graduation but back on monday wb will cover it then. remember, it is america, now and forever, jesse watters, "prime time" next. ♪ ♪ speed to a fox news alert,
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dangerous storms moving east through louisiana after bettering texas and killing four people in houston. ten people under tornado watches across the golf range and risk for severe flash flooding being described as a nightmare scenario. you are watching "fox & friends first" on a friday morning, aimed todd piro. >> carley: on carley shimkus 1 million power outages across texas and louisiana. widespread damage across houston. you can see the intense rain flooding into stores and blowing out windows. looking at this looking through the retractable roof, the houston astros were playing. >> todd: fox news senior meteorologist janice dean standing by to tell us where those storm is but the latest on power outages and storm damage. >> todd, carley, the sun rises early in several cities and the storm's path will begin to take stock of extensive damage caused by intense wind and rain overnight that tore through
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parts of texas before pushing into western louisiana here this is video from new orleans this morning. where heavy downpour set off flash warnings and national weather service a tornado watch but now more than 200,000 people in louisiana are without power. in texas, strong hurricane forest winds in excess of 70 miles an hour with used and blowing windows out of high-rise buildings, toppling trees and catapulting degree across the state's most populous urban center. torrential rainfall's astro stadium could not withstand the pressure as water was seen seeping into the stands. the destructive storm system caused four deaths, mostly from fallen trees and 800,000 people without power in texas this morning. >> stay at home. do not travel on the roads. it is dark. there is trees across roadways come across houston. so be very patient, cautious,
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take care of your neighbor and your family, your pets, and let's go forward. >> used in's mayor say the schools are closed today and encourage nonessential workers to stay home, todd and carley. >> carley: live with the latest, thank you so much. let's bring in fox news senior meteorologist janice dean and all we need to know about the storm this morning, janice. >> forecasted once again with a threat for flooding and severe weather across the gulf coast states including the houston area. we have many reports of wind gusts and hail and a couple of tornado reports. houston had tornado warnings in the area, but it looks like straight line wind damage, 80 mile-per-hour winds and heavy rains. that is why we see incredible amounts of flooding and damage. we also have the power outages. the storm system itself is moving eastward across the mississippi river valley here it still mississippi, alabama,
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georgia and we still have flood alerts from dallas, texas, all the way to lake charles, new orleans and pensacola, florida. here is the future radar. we still have potential for heavy storms with the texas coastline end towards louisiana over areas that have been damage from the storms yesterday and last night. that will continued this week and throughout the florida panhandle up towards the southeast. here is the rain still to come, 2-3, 5-8 in some areas higher totals depending on where the rain to rains or keeps coming over and over some of the same cities. flash flood threat today for parts of louisiana, mississippi towards alabama up towards ohio river valley as well, paducah, kentucky, nashville, areas hip hard by storms over the last weeks. river flooding will be concern and even eastward, we will see the rivers start to rise and thin crust over the weekends and we are dealing with major flooding in cities across texas
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and louisiana. this is a big concern, the flooding aspect because flooding kills more people than tornadoes do. so, we will continue to monitor this whole cross the gulf coast and potential for rain this weekend and the plane states, northern plains, some severe weather for them we will monitor as well. for all of the latest details. and we will continue to bring the latest and the damage as the sun comes up on "fox & friends first." such a singsong phrase turn around and don't drown but it saves lives and it is true. jamie thank you. to go house committees and the attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress but not before what basically needs to be described as something beyond absolute chaos during the late night. >> insanity is another word i would use, brooke singman giving us the honor of the details on this one. >> carley, the house judiciary and oversight committees did approve the content measure
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against merrick garland for refusing to hand over recording of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur when classified documents case. the report said president biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials, but did not charge the president in his report the special counsel also described biden as a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. but now president biden inserting executive privilege over the audio. the justice department said that she shields the attorney general from criminal liability. things got out of hand and the oversight hearing committee when marjorie taylor greene got into a heated exchange with democrat congresswoman jasmine crockett. and alexandria ocasio-cortez. i would like to know if the democrats on the committee are employing judge merchan's daughter. >> what does that have to do with merrick garland? do you know what we are here for? i think your fake eyelashes are
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messing up. >> that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attack another physical appearance of another person. baby girl! >> oh, really. don't even play. >> just when you think house oversight committee james comer has the situation under control, this happens. >> i'm just curious just to better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, pad built bush body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? a watt now, i have no idea what you just said. order, order! >> i'm trying to get clarification. >> calm down! >> i'm trying to -- >> you you are not recognized! beco calm down, please calm down. >> don't tell me to calm down. you are out of control. >> that was a wild scene,
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carley, back to you. >> todd: i think if this continues, c-span will outright the white house. >> thanked good though my goodness there was not a livable table. hopefully, when they hold that official votes, they mind to their ps and qs. >> i think everybody owes an apology. >> you know what is good about that to see james comer totally at odds. and they were like, we got to monitor this together now. thank you so much. for more dramatic scene to another, the trump trail with the final stretch on monday, which may be the final day of michael cohen's cross examination. the defense question cohen yesterday about a phone call where trump's bodyguard know my card, where cohen asked to speak to trump about stormy daniels payments during that call. >> todd: but text messages for moments before show cohen wanted
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to talk to the bodyguard about "harassing calls from a 14-year-old." a former state prosecutor work in manhattan d.a.'s office joins us now camellia, forget everything, everything in this case until this moment. did the exchange with what he said on the stand, did they create the reasonable doubt necessary to equip? >> there were already so many different looks a jury could have found reasonable doubt, but yes, this was very affected. they already elicited history, perjury, status as a felon, deep-seated hatred of donald trump. all of that is very, very helpful stuff on cross-examination. but yes, a specific piece of evidence only piece of evidence that connects donald trump, the defendant to the met plan to stormy daniels. now you have tremendous doubt whether the content of the phone call is what michael cohen said it was initially. backed away, even michael cohen when said what i believe, that is what the
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topic of the conversation was. i believe is not much to get beyond reasonable doubt. >> carley: so trump's played podcast clips on cohen i truly [bleep] hope this man ends up in prison. you better believe this man goes down for what he did to my family. if you are a juror, that is a memorable statement. >> we'll be highlighted in the defense nation. prosecutors have witnesses all the time with rap sheets and bad stuff in the background but usually they can rehabilitate the witness, look, just because these guys made these mistakes does not mean he has deep hatred for the person on trial. but the prosecution cannot make that because deep-seated hatred over and over and clips like that. >> todd: mended the cross-examination of michael cohen when will continue. that is a great move and lasting in the jurors mind pure and michael cohen when liar but the point has an end and it will ben the defense to put on a case or
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not. some options are robert castella who contradicts exactly what cohen said, the bodyguard on the stand to go into the details of this. put trump on the stand, should the defense to any of it or just say, we are good to. >> there are certainly a lot of avenues to argue reasonable doubt based on the case. my expectation they will put on costello or one or two witnesses. by and large, yes, most of the summation will be dedicated not to presenting alternative version affects but to simply attack the prosecution and say, look at all of these areas that brings reasonable doubt. >> carley: the only thing cohen testified to trump a plan for stormy daniels payments. in order to get a felony, you have to have mislabeled payments to intent to commit a crime and he hasn't revealed what that crime would yet be. >> a tremendous amount of murkiness to the elevation a basis for elevating to a felony. speed to the court is not in
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session today because donald trump will be at barron's trump high school graduation camellia thank you so much. more than 27,000 chinese migrants have illegally cross the southern border so far this year. the search isn't slowing down. >> todd: tudor dixon said this is part of china's strategic takeover targeting state like hers, michigan. she is here live to explain. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> todd: the police have identified the man accused of driving the vote that killed a 15-year-old ballerina off of the coast of florida. a78-year-old carlos alonso learns he is the one charged. they said he was voting and biscayne bay when he struck the young girl and kept drying. his law you're said he had no idea he was involved in a hit-and-run, wakeboarding behind another vote when fell into the water. her friends called for help but she died from injuries. her dad writing this heartbreaking message, the world has been robbed from what could have achieved but so far no charges filed. now it fox news alert, allegedly trying to break onto a marine base quantico, virginia. >> carley: this is concerning, madeleine rivera, hi.
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carley and todd went the incident happened may 3rd and quantico bay, two people in a box truck stopped at a gate and the driver allegedly told military police officers making a delivery to the post office and work for a company subcontracted to amazon. they were told to make no affiliation to the base. the barriers to prevent the truck from moving further into the base. immigration and customs enforcement said nationals interrupted for trespassing. griff jenkins asking deputy director of i.c.e. about the incident. >> currently in custody and in removal proceedings. >> where they illegally in the country here illegally and do we know more about that? >> we can get in a later date when we get information out that they are in removal proceedings now. >> some reporting that one of them hit the ts ds, terrorist
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screening database and can you share light on that? i can't confirm anything like that. >> regarding the database that the deputy mentions, bill melugin custom borders and protection to release nationalities of people on the watch list who arrested by border police in recent years. cpq rejected that request saying the private ancestry of the records you requested outweigh minimal public disclosure of information. any private interests you may have of the information does not factor into the tests. cbp numbers show 1.6 million got a ways between fiscal years 2021-2023. for comparison 1.4 million cutaways 2020 and border officials say spark national security concerns, carley and todd to. >> carley: those numbers way to hide, thank you so much. speaking of a number that is like brand-new cpd data 27,000
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chinese illegally cross the border this year and that is nearly 8000% increase from 2021 and tudor dixon is the host of "tudor dixon podcast." and she joins me now. we are talking record-breaking numbers and you say many of these chinese migrants are showing up in your home state of michigan but tell us why. >> absolutely come right now a lot of people are saying michigan may be the portal to the chinese coming into the united states. really if you think about it gretchen whitmer has given money with a better replanting the state of michigan and they said openly they would bring in chinese nationals. now we have these chinese nationals coming across the border, and there is great concern they will come to the state of michigan. something else that recently happened in michigan that is very devastating and the people of michigan should be rising up against this and say, "we will not allow the elected officials to do this."
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they recently voted down a bill that said, if we give taxpayer money to a country of concern, as to be made public. the taxpayers have to know if money going to a country of concern. in the house and the senate, that concerns me. what are they doing with taxpayer money that they don't want us to know about. >> ca>> ca>> carley: speaking oe china threat is typically an area of bipartisanship. but just this week, republicans on the homeland security wanted to hold a hearing on the increase of chinese illegal immigration. democrats dismissed it. they said it wasn't necessary and it was fearmongering. more than likely, we see this increase in chinese illegal immigration because of poor economic conditions in china due to intense covid lockdowns or anything nefarious. what do you think about that? >> carley, think about what is happening as we speak right now. the rus russian president vladimir putin is entering a meeting with the chinese president xi jinping pure they are saying right now, it is
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going to be a new era together, pledging a new era together and condemning the united states. this is the most dangerous rhetoric we have heard so far from these two countries and let's not forget that right now the united states is supplying weapons against russia. they have a great motivation to work with china against us. china has made it clear they want to be the world superpower and they want to come into the united states. they own a massive amount of farmland. they are building manufacturing plants in the united states, and joe biden made it easier for united nationals to come into the united states. when in history have you seen a grave threat to a country and yet, they leave the door to the country open. we don't leave the door to our shops open. we want to keep our shops say. we don't leave the door open to our house. how can we not condemn a presidency that allows people willy-nilly to come into the country and have no idea who they are when we have such a
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grave global threat right now. >> carley: "the wall street journal" said 100 chinese nationals have gotten to the monetary base is posing as tourists. you heard madeleine rivera's report about two jordanian national strength do the exact same thing. red flags that need to be looked into. tudor, thank you for joining us, have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> todd: music store that brian will give a memory you will never forget. watch this. [cheers and applause] >> thank you so much. we went that fan is here with his mom to tell us why this moment was extra, extra special for the whole family. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ d away. even a little blurry vision can distort things.
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>> as you can see today, we are expanding the electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey. we are going to win the state of new jersey. we are also looking really great in the state of minnesota and actually many of the states. i don't know, it could be all of them. this guy is so bad it could be all of them. >> todd: former president trump pushing blue strategy as he heads to minnesota for another rally after massive turnout in new jersey last weekend here the last time g.o.p. candidate won minnesota was richard nixon all the way back 1972. but trump came close in 2016 losing to hillary clinton by 4.5 points and losing to biden 2020 by seven points. today is the first campaign stop in minnesota since 2020 since latest polling shows biden leading trump over 2%. a former gubernatorial candidate
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and professor, he will be attending a dinner where trump expected to speak tonight but first he joins us. kendall, thank you for getting up with us. you know the voters and the issues that really, really matter to people in minnesota. interstate realistically in play for donald trump? >> yes, todd, thank you so much for having me, first of all. yes, it is definitely in play. when you think about what is happening with our economy and what is happening with the border crisis, all of those things affecting the rest of the country are affecting us here in minnesota. so, there has been a lot of shift. i called them what many left behind, democrats that the democrats have moved so far left, that they have left behind traditional democrats and even people of jewish heritage that are saying what is happening on college campuses and seeing the unlawful support from the biden administration on israel. >> todd: let's talk more about that, described the minnesota
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voter that you know and talk to on a day in and day out basis that voted for clinton, biden but thinking of making the switch for tron. bring me inside of their mind and what are they telling you. >> number one as the economy. they see that as disastrous. it is making it harder for people to get by, groceries, gas pump, all of those things, which are very different just a few short years ago. the other factor is has been our schools are just in crisis, not just public schools, but honestly, we have seen this on the universities. and lastly, the crime issue has not gone away. it has been persistent and it is because of the leftist policies putting people in harm's way's when they wouldn't be otherwise with different leadership you're less, i will say this, todd, this border crisis is happening so much so that our northern border of minnesota with canada is even affected, record numbers of
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acquisitions up there. >> todd: i would argue, each of those issues you just mentioned affects the young or than anything. a new fox poll and showing former president trump gaining traction with young voters under 30. just from getting down to brass tacks perspective, if joe biden does not dominate the youth vote like democrats expected historically to come is this race over at that point? >> absolutely, the young people don't show up, it is over. but here is the scenario that is even more so. black americans have been told for seven, eight years that donald trump is nothing short of the grand wizard of the kkk. and he is getting more support now than he had. you know, previously. a lot of people are waking up to the false narratives that are coming from democrats. >> todd: all joe biden wants to do is bribe with student loans and pot laws when all people, race, age, it doesn't matter, they want a
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normal life within an economy that doesn't kill them. kendall calls, have fun tonight. it will be a big night and minnesota. while trump campaigning, kamala harris, did you hear this, planning for exit strategy. a new political p said vice president kamala harris has joked to friends that she may return to california to run for governor. democrats lose the white house this fall, taking a page from richard nixon. speed to a her spokesperson said that did not happen. this november the vice president will prepare to be inaugurated for the second term of the biden/harris administration. joe concha a fox news contributor and joins us now. the vp thinking plan b according to this report, what do you think about it? the public polling telling the biden people this could be a one-term presidency and vice presidency. look, she runs her office in california, and that is a great job for her because basically if you are a governor of california you can do whatever you want
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your think about gavin newsom, right, the french laundry and pushing mass mandates and meanwhile at dinner with all of these people at a fancy restaurant in napa. remember the super bowl in los angeles, the los angeles rams, kids mast inside of the stadium but there he is partying with magic johnson without a mask. here's the bottom line, no one no one likes kamala harris, even in california because when she ran for president back in 2020, she dropped out in 2019 and she was polling sixth in california. she has the lowest polling vice president in history, lower than dick cheney, lower than dan quayle. use a potato and i say potato, todd. >> todd: if you factor your time in ag in california and all the potential candidates actually running or thinking of running in california, she is the foremost right candidate which is absolutely insane. it underscores the california. as kgb about this rumor
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yesterday, here is what he said they'll make ekg. >> have you heard -- oh, no, vice president karis said she may run for governor of the election does not go her way. >> that is news to me. i would say this, the vice president has been a great partner to this president. he is appreciative of the work she has done. it is impressive what she has been able to do. >> todd: joe, you know how politicians use the media. is that a surprise or potentially a plan in place that people on the upper echelon know about that we are just learning about now? >> some people have good my fake laughs and some don't. ekg does not have a good first laugh, the first time i have heard of that. what is jean-pierre going to say but the vice president is
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accomplished, can anybody here including the director's name one thing kamala harris has d done? they are shaking their heads. she was supposed to fix the border and causes of it it does to a crisis but the bottom line kamala harris doesn't have the best linkedin page as far as resume to run on for anything. so the interesting thing, she does run for california governor but rick stewart richard dixon did in 1972 and lost. the problem is he won the presidency 1968 so we can see a future kamala harris if she falls there follows the same path. >> carley: we want to talk about two people never in the same sentence but now they are. michael cohen is getting some words of encouragement from rosie o'donnell here they have been communicating through tex-mex dosage here in one text message exchange said monday before cohen took the stand rosie o'donnell writing this, breathe, relax, tell the truth. i love you and you are doing
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great. thank you and we love you. two people bonded by hate of another person, joe. >> that seems to be the case here, and michael cohen and rosie o'donnell can hang out a lot during this trial. how devastating was that yesterday, you have rosie on your side, maybe it is time to think about somebody else. >> carley: someone said one juror in particular very, very tuned in to everything going on was taking notes during the cross-examination. so you have to wonder why. >> todd: i say move over taylor and travis, the media has a new favorite. >> can you imagine rosie and he says he will run for congress after this. >> carley: joe, thank you so much. happy friday. a fox news alert, battling texas and louisiana causing more than 1 million power outages across both states. we are live in houston next. >> todd: super bowl trophy and
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harrison number one nfl jersey and also a kicker. that doesn't happen and all of this as critical as want him fired, cut over commencement speech. charlie hurt will respond to the controversy next. home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> carley: a fox news alert, dangerous storms moving east through louisiana after bettering taxes killing four people and used them. our fox affiliate kr irb live in used in right now. shall become of the city got hit hard. >> good morning, carley, it's almost like a small hurricane come through downtown houston with little to no warning or at an intersection in the heart of downtown and as you can see behind me, it is just completely riddled with glass from all over the skyscraper surrounding. if you go up, a catwalk where we are in nearly half if not more than half of those windows blown out. this one message the houston mayor is hitting home is all of houston to stay home today as we assess the damage. more than 750,000 people in this area that are without power cured for good reason, i mean, not just this intersection we ae standing in but this entire block the used and please have
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this cornered off so motorists don't drive through this dangerous area. we have more than a dozen school district out of school because of including houston isd the baker school district in the city of texas. look at the shot. you can see the blinds, drapes blowing in the wind how many windows blown out insulation where the length and damage and debris aside. but four confirmed deaths in this area because of this storm. we do have information on 3,004, two died from falling trees. another one from a crane accident. so right now, it is cleanup efforts trying to assess the damage, trying to get power restored to houston. so hopefully we can resume business as usual in the next few days, carley. >> carley: you see the broken glass littering the street you are standing on. shelley, stay safe, we appreciated. the fox news business with more
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on the power outages. some of the images of damage to businesses and even astros ballpark, cheryl. >> obviously, it is a ready to talk about what this will cost the state of texas but major economics and certainly millions and hundreds of dollars when it comes to the property damage you see on your screen here he would bend over in houston, particula, the greater houston area and counties that surround it come about a million customers at least without power. even if you combine louisiana and texas in the height of the storm and local officials last night into this morning. and in the state over 50,000 without power as the sun come again yet to rise in the great state pure they are waking up to severe damage. the roof off of the hyatt regency blew out and rain and debris covering the lobby. obviously, that hotel will be out of surface. in the park, water seeping into the buildings here at the roof, the rain was so heavy it was
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leaking through. but again, this is where the insurance rates will come in and to the clean up as well as the physical cleanup. now move over to new orleans and what we see, nearly 200,000 without power there. the rain is so bad in this video, you see somebody trying to brave the elements and certainly every time you see the gulf coast, new orleans and you think of the billions of dollars in economic damage from hurricane katrina. this is not that but these areas are susceptible to these strong storms. that is an economic story. >> carley: not a place you want to be during a storm like that. though harrison butker has been in the news for commencement speech criticized by the media but also positive reaction as well. >> faith-based commencement address that happen been addicting college. so, he wears the number 7. as of thursday, history most
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demand on he spoke about the importance of getting married, starting a family. it and as a catholic university, his comments went viral. the nfl is distancing themselves from him. so now petition asking him to be fired from the chiefs. 170,000 signatures, but to be clear, there is another side to this. other petitioners have started in support of him saying he gave inspiring faith-based message to the university. but some of those questions, some of those comments he made about women in the workforce, there's been a lot of backlash over that. a pretty fiery. but at least for his jersey, the sails right now, those are good. >> carley: they certainly are, thank you so much, todd over to you. >> todd: charlie, how is that for a response of the mainstream media, a kicker with the number one jersey sale here is because
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people are supporting him. >> you don't see that often. has passed patrick mahomes which you would never imagine pure this is "the people's court" has spoken. when you see controversial actions happening in the past would target bud light, you would see the massive drop off those companies based here are those people responded to controversial actions in one manner. but here you see turning a different manner supporting harrison butker because they say he didn't say anything wrong. a lot of people agree they maybe don't necessarily 100% agree with the things he said but he should have the ability to speak his mind especially to a group of catholic students who formally invited to address in that manner. all he said his men really need to impress these masculine roles and get back to the leaders of the home and the positions they are and. women need to embrace the roles of being wives and mothers and homemakers, not to say they shouldn't have anything else on their plates, but really
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those articles they will end up facing in their lives. but the nfl's response, who ended up even over 170,000 signatures on this, it is actually minority because he's being treated like a criminal. he didn't do anything criminally wrong or criminally inappropriate because look at his teammate where she writes, "facing eight charges for a car accident he was responsible for. is anyone causing him to lose his position on the team? absolutely not. this is what happens. >> todd: this is what we think of the speech but listen to the media and what they say. >> controversial commencement speech, three-time super bowl champion, harris and butker railing everything from president biden to a pdf and speaking directly to the women in the audience. >> the nfl coming off of viewership and tailors with
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relationship with butker's teammate travis kelce distancing themselves. >> really encourage him to find the best parts of faith and not dive into extremism. >> todd: did the mainstream media missed the point? >> i think they definitely missed the point. people want to say that he is pushing his beliefs on to the masses. that is not what happened. was specifically speaking to a group and addicting college where he was invited to speak, a group of catholic students as devout catholic man sharing his viewpoints here this was a welcome speech. we have seen time and time again where people have an issue with what people are saying. they scream, cry, yell, disrupt but you heard no one disrupting. they were receptive to his message. i think what he says holds true in a lot of cases. this moral lessons need to be pushed more upon our youth because i think a lot of them have lost their way, unfortunately. >> todd: boy, this shines a light or country is divided and
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these people buying jerseys, media reaction. thank you for your time, carley. >> carley: a 13-year-old super fan had a moment and never will forget. joining his favorite country star on stage. he is here with his mom to tell us all about it. but first, a look at having breakfast with friends at the st. paul cafe in dallas, texas, and joins us live. hello, steve. >> hello, carley. hello, todd to come up from deep in the heart of texas. i'm just outside of the world-famous first baptist church in downtown dallas. you know what, anybody who plays pickleball, you know that sound. one of the most brilliant ways to get people interested in the church these days is actually to invite the entire dallas community. you don't have to be a baptist. you can be anybody. you don't even have to be a christian to come down and play
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pickleball. can you believe this? they have taken off the street here in front of st. paul's cafe on st. paul street. coming up on "fox & friends" we talked to pastor jeffers and the world-famous kansas city chiefs, miss universe will be playing pickleball with me. that woman in the red t-shirt, 84 and a half years old and she can kick my butt. an added surprise, one of the biggest entertainers in show business will play pickleball on "fox & friends." live in dallas and new york, so stick around. ♪ ♪
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>> carley: a 13-year-old boy from arkansas who uses music as an outlet to heal after his dad's death got the opportunity on monday. country star zach bryan picked him out of the crowd and brought him on stage to perform with him during a packed out concert. [cheers] carr car 13-year-old braden miles joins us now with his mom that the. you looked so comfortable up there performing in front of some people. bring us back to that moment. what was it like?
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>> it was my dream. i have always loved singing for crowds and when i was invited up there, i was not going to go back after that opportunity. >> tell us how it happened. i understand that zac's gerald and videographer saw you jamming out in the audience. you had great seats. picked you out. told you to go on stage and then the rest we're seeing unfold on the screen. is that what happened? >> yeah. pretty much. >> carley: you got to hang out with zach bryan after the show, right? what happened there. >> right before i went on revival i got to hang out a little bit and it was crazy. i method him. he was hanging out right before his last song and i hugged him. took a picture and i had to go take a picture with his famous guitar and it was real nice.
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>> carley: revival was the song that you sang. you did such a good job arms out embracing the moment. natalie, your mom, braden's grandmother took him to the concert and called you and said oh my gosh braden got to perform on stage. it wasn't until the next morning when your daughter said this clip of braden is going viral. tell us what this really cool surprising moment has meant for you and what you think it means for your son as well. >> it's honestly just heart-warming and it's just amazing and mind-blowing. i did -- my mom did call me the night right after it hand and she said you won't believe it. people were taking pictures and getting autographs of braden at his hotel. she was like natalie, this is just wild. and then the next morning his older sister woke me up braden is all over tiktok and it's going viral. i didn't have tiktok. i had to download it to see what
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was going on. >> carley: that's so cool. what's it been like for you, all the attention that you are getting. tell us what you want to be when you grow up? >> musician whether i'm the head singer. >> kayleigh: what are your friends saying about this. >> you are famous. sign my shirt. >> carley: you are getting asked for autographs left and right. >> yeah. >> carley: cool story you were comfortable in this scenario where a lot of people said i don't know what to do. you have such a bright future ahead. bebrayden thank you for joining us. how cool is that? >> todd: great to end the week on a cool positive. >> carley: great for zach bryan to bring him up on stage and give him a moment he will never forget. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> brian: #:00 a.m. on the eas


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