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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 17, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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touch your heart because he loved this country so much and like so many of our men who fought over there who were blessed enough to make it back and on behalf of all those who didn't, we appreciate you. love you and grateful for loving our nation so much that he would go so far away in her name. what do you say to a vietnam vet? it is what i just told you. thank you for your service is not enough. they feel the war and the soldier and marines and everybody that they were forgotten. we have not forgotten you. my trip back to vietnam was a divine assignment. please watch. limited series, watch 20, 25 minutes at a time. no commercials and a lot of heart. thank you, have a blessed weekend. "outnumbered" starts now. now.
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>> hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am emily compagno, here with my cohost, harris faulkner and kayleigh mceany. also joining us today is fox news contributor lisa boothe and retired u.s. marine and fox news contributor, joey jones. we began with nfl kicker harrison commencement address that has ignited a national debate about religious belief and free speech. he is a three-time super bowl championship kicker for the kansas city chiefs, he is not being attacked for his commencement speech at a small private catholic college in kansas. his viral address promoting his faith and his pro-life stance and his conservative views on marriage watch. >> i do think it is you the woman who has had the most died matt diabolical lives told to you. how many of you sitting here now are about to cross the stage and think about all the promotion and titles were going to get clear career. some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world
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but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. i can tell you that my beautiful wife isabel will be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. i am on the stage today and i am able to be the man i am because i have a wife who leans into her vocation. i am beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me but it cannot be overstated. all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in class back in middle school would convert to the faith and become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all. homemaker. [applause] that policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues.
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things like abortion, ibf, surrogacy, euthanasia as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stemming from the pervasiveness of disorder. i will own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to make us sign the cross during a pro-abortion rally, i'm certain he reported that the ap could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here have been evicting wouldn't be met with anger but instead met with excitement and pride. not the deadly scene set of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true god centered pride that has cooperated with the holy ghost to glorify him. to the gentleman here today, part of what plagues our society is this letter has been told to you and then are not necessary in the home or in our communities. the unapologetic in your masculinity. fight against the cultural
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emasculation ferments. do hard things, never settle for what is easy. >> can really make of this? >> kayleigh: a lot has been made of his comments about women which i found to be absolutely spot on i am a working mother and i have had a job at the height of politics, i have a job now at the height of television but that's not my best job and live my best job in life is being a mother and those of the things i do at home. beautiful words about his wife. but a lot of those things have been commenting and people ignore the other 19 minutes of the speech. i listen to all 20 minutes and i was blown away. this was the best graduation speech i've ever heard in my entire life. he talks a lot about christianity, he says the world want you to hide this away and want christians to be harmless but he said that we are in mission territory and we are in a post card world, so many of the problem's with talk about here on the couch, the crime out on the streets, the kids that we
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talk about, these stem from a culture that does not respect life and doesn't respect face. we live in a post-god will do what he said is true and you know what the what the nfl, for them to come out their senior vice president and also chief diversity and inclusion officer to come in and say that he gave it speech and his personal capacity, his views are not those of the nfl, his views are the vast majority of those who watch the nfl, good hardworking americans many of whom go to church and many of whom my face felt, how do you say that. but here's the thing people recognize truth and we live in a very dark time and when someone speaks life and when someone speaks truth left him a place of anger from from a place of compassion, that is exactly what he did. what happens? 1 million viewers just on the youtube channel of the school just on the youtube channel of the school best-selling jersey of the week people recognize truth and you go harris and you
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and living for this moment and it is amazing to watch. >> lisa: i have a lot of different viewpoints on this solid try to articulate them correctly. what he said was brave and what he said it is canceled culture. you look at the left and they think they are brave when they see the may say things like criticize trump or they cheer on abortion, but what he said was brave because it is counterculture. i think it is being overblown in all different directions, i didn't hear -- ever through the transcript and i didn't take as he sang a woman's only places in the kitchen or at home, that's not what he said i will read it as him praising his wife and recognizing the hard work as a mother and i think you can to be just fine because you have thick kansas city chiefs, the owner's wife putting out a statement saying that offending motherhood and praising your life is not bigoted so i think he will be okay with his role on the team, but i will say he does lay out how god uses people in all different walks of life, using
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sinners and saints are women with or without children, i mean sarah gave birth at 90 which is pushing it, even in today's society. so i believe people are sort of projecting their own belief system and their own views onto marriage and kids and onto him, especially when he was tasked with giving a commencement speech and part of his own was similar to students and i think there was a lot of wisdom of the things that he said. does that make sense? [laughter] "the faulkner focus" we are just listening intently. >> a few different thoughts but some of them will slightly conflicting. >> joey: i think if you are offended by this and he was sitting in that audience he wasn't talking to you to begin with. he didn't say all women are american women he spoke specifically to catholics in america. ellis until 20 minutes of this, three times over. this was a speech about conflicts and their role in society and their role within the church. the first people that he went
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out there with the leaders of the catholic church and the second people -- and when sa went after he offer his reflection on what they are doing right and wrong are trying to look at those instead of piety and also discipline and that he went after him then and this is what he said about men, i think this is amazing to me that none of this is brought up. he said right after talk about absent fathers, the unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of many do hard things and not settling for what is easy. that is not about ufc or ganso football are going to the gym is about being the provider is a particulars that we have been specific to us to do. masculinity in its best form is not allowed in bombastic and shaved to decide their heads and tattoos. masculinity is accepting your role as us to us to look for figure in a household in the family to provide and protect those who know how to nurture and do things that we are not as good at. he talked about them for lives of many society in all of this
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was under one specific word, not occupation, not perfection. vocation. a word rooted in christianity. he talked about his vocation in life is that as a father as a husband that a kicker in nfl team. as a matter of fact he said do not let football business get in the way of him performing his vocation. so this idea that he was misogynistic or attacking women are going after women, i never heard him say that they are not options are multiple options for women in this country, when i get heard them say is that if you are not catholic, you should be wanted to get married and have kids and he believes that in the catholic church believes that it did not know -- i am not catholic so i can hear arguments against it but in this country, men and women have to work because we cannot afford to live off -- you can afford to have one homemaker. so i am sure he understands that, i don't see anyone arguing against that are him arguing against it but i think cream 3 minutes of the 20 minutes
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each, became very effective in a tit-for-tat political argument and that is really important. >> harris: i think it is critical to talk about who this offender, beautiful is not being generous, very ingenuous, in fact they are lying when they say doesn't meet their standard and that it violates whatever they there was a player who nearly died on the field and everybody was kneeling and praying, and five year span anchors were single my gosh, everyone across the country they were videos and news anchors and people all of a plane for him, i didn't see the nfl put out a statement then about how it doesn't fit whatever their policies are. religion oil went too far i didn't see a thing. they are being disingenuous maybe they're jealous because they didn't come up with it. but the city of kangas is going to struggle not because the city according to the man and now the ag's look into whether or not the city doxed put out personal information to find the home of harrison butker. kansas city mayor has responded
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on twitter, to a message that was delivered on the city's twitter account he sent a message appeared earlier this evening, and it was clearly inappropriate for public account and the city has correctly i apologize for the air and we will review the account access and so on and so forth. by the way what it said had a typo in it. it says i apologies someone didn't care to put the word in ripe so we apologies for our previous tweet, it was shared in the area but no lenses you typed out what you thought you could do and told where harrison butker lives. that is not an accident. i was so shocked by that and i'm glad that attorney general bailey in kansas is going to look into that but the unified need to clean up as well. you know you believe something about faith and everybody was praying for damar hamlin and you were smiling how is this different? harrison butker by the way it is pivotal to those three
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super bowls. both seasons were some of the bus and kansas city history leading up to and including so god bless him and he is pray for what he said. >> so much more to come including theirs. things got really heated on the house for yesterday, it'll look like an episode of jerry springer, not a house in some random town in the u.s. congressional house. that video is up next. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪
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>> happy friday, a hearing at the house of representatives turned into a episode of reality television yesterday. watch as georgia rep. marjorie
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taylor greene and new york rep. alexandria ocasio-cortez got into this fiery exchange. >> do you know what we are here for? >> i think you know what we are here for. >> i think your fake eyelashes are making up your reading -- >> order. >> that is beneath you. please. >> i do have a point of order and i would like to take down those words, that is absolutely unacceptable, how dare you attack the physical appearance of another. getting my in a person. >> are your feelings hurt? >> do not even play. we are going to move and take your words down thank you. >> i second that motion. >> absolutely not not today. not today.
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>> i believe she needs to apologize. >> i am not apologizing. >> i am not apologizing. >> why don't you debate. >> harris: as a woman who wears fake eyelashes every day all it needed was a snap, for some law thinkers think that alcohol may have been involved. >> i didn't see the drinking but the dash she raised that saying that they are members drinking in the room and that is something that is with investigating if there was actually drinking taking place. >> harris: okay, i will look at the proportion are you kidding me right now there are no adults in the room. pennsylvania senator john fetterman summed it up this way. in the past i've described the u.s. house at the jerry springer show today i'm apologizing to jerry springer shelf. he is entertaining that man.
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>> joey: i don't know if i'll ever live in these districts, i am right on the edge and upset for a while that i live and had district and i think i do and i will find out on election day but my family does and that's why i am from i'm from georgia, and she represents the northeast corner of georgia, but i will tell you this and i found of 40,000 people people decided our mayor, so i do not know if we really come out the way and vote the way don't know she represents us the best. but where are we going with this? it is not about class are being fake is about being effective and if kevin mccarthy did anything in his tenure he got her tip attempt to be a serious legislature for a little while and i appreciate that i really do. she could be very effective. they could raise more money or even with a year or two ago could've put a tweet on twitter, than anyone in the house but if this is what you are known for people are gonna get of that. >> kayleigh: i feel like i
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just watch jersey shore, which i never watch what i can imagine, or desperate housewives, but know that was the united states congress. and they are screaming about fake eyelashes and you do not have intelligence and at one point one of the congresswomen says -- what is this? >> joey: that was the most entertaining moment that human did not know what to say to god. >> kayleigh: i didn't know what to say they were a moment away from throwing punches how does this have the permission of the committee, how does this so if the country it doesn't. and i have to ask with this have happened without cameras in the room? i don't think so. cameras are the reasons this happen, social media is the reason this happened, one of the congressmen posted this on social media but what a disgrace, the better. >> harris: will be waiting for the words of whether or not alcohol played a will, but it is interesting when you talk about getting things done, i agree with kayleigh mceany, we see so much avail what we see his
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dysfunction but this was linked committees yesterday the content, it usually went through the judiciary committee and it did this in oversight. >> lisa: i will say that the house is a reflection of society and society is messy right now and i think that's what we are seeing play out in the committee and the 435 people from all different walks of life in all different parts of the country and i will also submit for the record that they seemed certain things in past history and the 25th congress who died from a gunshot wound, dual with another member, it has been worse. and i will say that but i will also say i read the opening remark for the oversight markup and for the contempt of congress and he had pointed out which i don't think this gets talked about as much about how the white house counsel sent a former employee to the center to
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retrieve documents in the white house is denying the committee's request to try and look into that and to depose the white house counsel. so it is sort of distracting from the broader picture now we have an attorney general who says no one is above the law and he is back in the keys above the law and a president who acted like he was above. >> harris: i will shake hands and kiss babies into the whole thing. >> and you are brilliant. >> emily: that is the same, this was supposed to be the most noble, the most secret, or among them, saving it represented the people. if i want to see someone cussing out somebody else i walk outside my door because i'm from new york city. why should not be that the highest standard and the highest a quorum exists in the most secret building that they claim was breached on january 6th, and the most horrific and atrocious of crimes. represent the sacred and the sanctity that that building deserves. under that. i seen as a reflection of the
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complete arose and that our entire legislative body have become. you can wear what you want or say what you want a trash each other that you can or even bring coke into -- this entire thing has become an absolute devolved into, heightened under this administration that promised us on the way and they would be unity and a return to adulthood. i am disappointed and i want my money back every day. they do not earn my salary they have not earned my respect and displays like this, they are not even worth my time. >> it is a belting all right but like the x-rated kind. so you and i cannot believe t this, speaking of twitter, the platform, senator fetterman, and congresswomen aoc are having a very public spot. new york rep. alexandria ocasio-cortez, just accusing federman of making misogyny and racism into both sides issue. i understood that you likely would not have stood up for your
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colleague and seem to be confused about racism and misogyny being a both sides issue, but i stand up to bullies instead of becoming one. so they are already going back and forth in addition to what he said about her comments in this oversight. what is going on here? >> joey: i work on the hill and i worked long enough to get out of there and it wasn't like this i was just ten years ago, but what i will tell you where we are from where we represent, the way that we communicate is what we call bless your heart cultural meaning i could be more witty and cunning in my words and tell you down with complements rather than neatly to simply insult you. maybe we can do a luncheon and get a refresher on that, but i would rather her take out the squad pointing out how absolutely anti-american they are than what they wear on their eyelids or what words they use
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and strength. that's all i'm asking. >> harris: the tweet goes on to say i stayed up to bullies instead of becoming one enter the woman of pennsylvania i stand up for you to enjoy your friday. this is -- >> she lived and they said baby girl i don't even play look in the mirror. >> that was a threat. >> exactly. >> one snap away from a throwdown. >> harris: good luck with that senator fetterman. speaking of, michael cohen will get back on the stent on monday so they have a long weekend. so far his testimony has been disastrous for prosecution even the liberal media agreed
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with the prosecution. he is their star witness so remember that. they chipped away his credibility during a blistering cross-examination and accuse michael cohen of lying about her key phone call that links trump to the porn star payment. it was so compelling that even the liberal media think that the prosecution is in trouble. >> there's all this testimony and evidence from michael cohen's phone seized by the fbi, and some of it is being used right now to show that michael cohen is currently not telling the truth. >> i do not think i've ever see a stock cooperating witness to his knees chopped off as what we are happening to see with michael cohen. >> i thought that we were in for something and indeed we work it sort of just put a lot of his testimony and doubt given the passage of time and make the district attorney's office look terrible, all in one breath. this is a real moment for a real
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triumph blanche. >> michael cohen throughout the day, when he was cornered and found himself in a corner, he does have a pattern of settling not understanding the question. >> they are positively crestfallen. >> lisa: in an effort to get trump, alvin bragg might end up getting himself. the only person that has demonstrated that they have committed campaign finance violations is michael cohen who pleaded guilty to eight counts in 2,018 in the entire basis of this case rests on the liar who lied even during the cross-examination as well. and alvin bragg of course went for a felony because a misdemeanor had reached the stench of milk to make limitations and if he did engage or had done this with the intention of influencing the election that the former chairman of the fac said basically any candidate could be guilty of that and what is deemed to influence the election said this case has more holes than swiss cheese.
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>> so let's pull this up here is bradley a smith who will likely be testifying monday on behalf of the defense and here's what he wrote, underscoring the point that the candidate who thinks i need to brush my teeth or shower or put on a nice suit today in order to campaign effectively is surely not required to report as set campaign expenditure as his purchase of toothpaste and soap including when he eats the reading and surely one cannot campaign an empty stomach. the cereal and milk are not campaign expenses when he drives to his office. as gas is not campaign expense this is a former fec commissioner who will testify on monday. >> joey: it is ultimate that the judges so reluctant to have let him testify but wants to limit the scope but if stormy daniels can sit there and give her account of what she says happened how is this not relevant because from my understanding it was not a legal and color pain stormy daniels was not illegal, the only thing
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they are saying that is illegal is the intent behind it which is that he said versus he said right no, so having extra coming about campaign finance that says regardless of intent is not against the rule, that pertains directly to the case and has everything to do with the defense's argument which is simply no matter what the mix. if you believe neither are illegal. so to understand why the judges so by letting this person -- i don't know why he is so concerned about letting this expert witness, and testify about how the ftc has canceled this for eons. >> shoaf troops and for "the faulkner focus" you pulled up the cross examinations and you talked about a phone call ad you spoke to him about the phond the stormy daniels payment and there was actually a text message talking about a 14-year-old and they said they talk about those come up about this, todd blanche said we are not asking for your belief that jerry does not want to hear what you think having. >> harris: they did not want
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to hear from michael cohen, because what he believes is like a continuation in mind that changes moment by moment. it is a he said, he lied situation. one guy lives as he breathes. what lea seong cross-examination was appropriate terms of putting pressure on that reputation of n and showing that he is a convicted liar and all of that. they need to do more of that they need to press and more ns attorneys have told me, experts who are both defense and also prosecutorial, they have said do not do anything else with this. there is not time to try to defend or do anything at this point it is time to really close in on their star witness. even more than you already have. so looking forward to monday to see what they're going to do with the fish in the end of the line. because he is a shark and you don't buy the shark with witnesses who may or may not say what you need them to sale which thought they would but they've got this. now they have to lean and hard
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and close need emily. >> the jury instruction what that told juries if you find someone that you are misled are material facts that they may start the testimony? >> if someone intentionally falsified a material fact, you can disregard the entire testimony in that instructor goes on to say that if you feel or ask if you feel there was bias in the witness there is stormy daniels testimony because of the window because clearly she said she wanted him to go to jail and then michael cohen is just a mess and i feel like in that last scene when they're counting up the bullets but to add to your point about that he said, she said and the lies, the under player is on top of that it only matters if you had a tent to cover up a crime and the point is there is no crime. so every layer's house of cards crumbles and when you dig into the liar that is michael cohen and the ease of what you can
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export his entire testimony that hopefully the jurors will respond accordingly which is this person is so bias and also untruthful but yes i would disregard not just the sentence but the entire testimony and they should remove stormy daniels as well. [laughter] >> tune in for all the latest we will bring it to you it is currently fighting. republicans are accusing president biden of being afraid to release the audio of his interview. i wonder why was that your great aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most. discover, preserve, and share the stories of your family's heroes. explore all us military records on ancestry for free today.
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what was going on. >> that was president biden as he swears his memory is just fine but a lot of americans disagree with that. he is now claiming executive privilege over the recording of his interview with former special counsel, that means lawmakers and voters will not get to hear why they described him as a elderly man with poor memory. the house counsel sent this message to house republicans saying that the absence of a legitimate need for that audio recording please bear your likely call to chop them up to distort them and use them for partisan political purposes. the white house claimed that biden's decision wasn't politically motivated. >> why don't they block the release of the audio? and obviously the letter from the white house counsel laid out the reasons about the concerns of this privileges but that seems to imply that the white house is concerned that it could be politically damaging so why not just released a
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discussion with this? >> for one of the transcripts as you all know is already out there and the second piece of this is that the attorney general needed clearance is the law enforcement files like these need to be protected until the president made his determination at the request of the attorney general. we wanted to make that second point that we made really clear. >> this is interesting, they say that there is no political motivation but i remember when her transcript was released and the report, there was a political headline and white house frustration with garland grows on the white house was upset according to politico that garland had not pushed back and not demand the edits to the report and it went so far to say that joe biden himself has not weighed in on the future and most of the present senior advisors do not believe that ag will remain in his post for a possible second term so their motive was to screen out all of the bad stuff and it seems to me that would be political in nature. >> at the time, i scratch my
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head at that because this was a win for them they can even count as a win. he could have been indicted. he kept as a senator oliver skipp those documents. so they are lucky that his memory was so bad. what they're angry with is that they memory so bad so i don't know if they can regain that memory for things coming up like debates or whatever, but it is problematic for them and that is a hundred percent political because otherwise the guy will get some medical help other people do and he would sit down and say take care of himself but he's under the pressure of running again probably by his own delusion and there they said they have to try and keep this tape out because he is probably not gonna sound good of the word sound badge and imagine how the word sound coming out of his mouth. >> i think we have to put our minds back to when the report came out there was a ferocious response not just from republicans with democrats and here's this nbc headline it was moments after the report and make may special counsel assessment of joe biden's
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mental's fitness triggers a panic there were articles written in vulnerable house democrats who started commenting on his age and acuity they know is the audio goes out is that around to. >> they shouldn't be but i think it's very big issue for voters because we live in a world of excuses and politicians do not admit mistakes and have an excuse for everything, if you are supporting joe biden and you read this and you say well the special counsel most of them politically motivated, if you think that joe biden is a crook or any version of that and you look at this and say they're obviously heading this because it shows that he has those problems, i think asserting executive privilege and not putting it out that his conventional wisdom but it is political note. >> also remember that to this day, joe biden maintains that it was mischaracterized. so if it was mischaracterized wouldn't you want the tapes to be released in a political pointed that out they said this is awkward because maybe for the small percentage of people that
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are undecided on this he is being hypocritical and he is playing both sides. if you wanted to know that it was mischaracterized and let it be released so we can decide for ourselves whether or not. but they are most afraid of the reality which is that he is a elderly man with a poor memory. >> joe biden says his memory was fined by spoiler alert it's not. the damage has been done politically to joe biden from this. because it takes to poison out of the documents case against donald trump but joe biden is mishandling document since his time in the senate going back to the 1970s, also -- which is a crime. >> it's really bad if the president has more authority and then secondly it already plays into this broader notion of americans and their belief that joe biden is not mentally equipped to be president of the united states so for those duties in the political damage is done and obviously the audio would be worse but i really think this is political damaging for joe biden. >> we may not hear the audio,
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but we will certainly hear that when 90-minute debate between donald trump and joe biden. so they can't hide that. >> , harris may already be lining up our next new good, you will not believe what it is that is up next. if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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>> was said that the fund and administration is more about undocumented immigrants who tried to get into the marine base, what were they up to? former secretary joins us on that. a view from inside the courtroom without the court at governor he is also trying to help shape trump energy policy, was that that heading? what is in store for the future? our economy panel take that up and how big money never overcomes donor and is never -- i am john roberts join sanjay and i at the top of the hour for "america reports." we will see the thing. >> harris: vice president, harris my may have a ready backup plan. this is the girlfriend standing behind me given away to your boyfriend. politico is reporting that kamala harris has joked to friends that she may return to california to run for governor if democrats lose the white house this fall taken a
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page from richard nixon. however, the vice president's team says otherwise here's a quote from them. this november the vice president will be preparing to be inaugurated for the second term of the of the brandon harrison administration. yes actually believe they talk this way lisa. >> lisa: i think she can win. you go back to the presidential primary and i don't think she can win, she spent $40 million to drop up before december or in december and was pulling at 3% you look at how unpopular she is as a vice president and that is going to be such a crowded primary field i don't even think she can win. >> e >> harris: when she was actually in charge of the law was she right? >> emily: what this does to me if such it underscores and illustrates how all of this is just a strategy put together by the democratic party that has nothing to do with people's actual functions or abilities because she felt her way up including failing the bar multiple times before she passed that i don't want her as my
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governor like i didn't want her as the ag, but the whole point is the donors at the same and the families in charge of the same so they're point to say okay, let's move kevin here and shuffle, and i that doesn't work. the whole point is they are resting, away from the people who say i am so sick of these ineffective humans that are occupying space is making executive decisions and legislating our lives into the ground but apparently my vote does not matter. i wish i backup plan would be out of public office because then we would all fare better. >> harris: now that i've heard that it makes my next question seem silly, but a lot of vice presidents might think well, going to help this guy get elected so if he sits down i am next. ever think that would be her backup plan. >> joey: i am sure that is her primary plan. but she has to have a backup plan because it would look like he would win. that is the reality of it. i don't know if she will go back and be governor of california but if you look back she had two prerequisites outside of her identity that made her a
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vice president choice, she had all kinds of money, all kinds of money behind her eye know that for a fact especially out of california and number two, when she was in the senate, the public perception was this bulldog character on the dais drilling i believe the judiciary drilling cavanagh like she was many political points in an aggressive way. since she's been vice president arguing about her choice are bad and there hasn't been a personality and i think it was a good complement for president biden coming into this administration didn't play out that way but i don't know what executive experience in win she can lean back on and say that may be governor. >> i would putting too much on her because she's the vice president? >> no. >> because mike pence was the vice president and he let the coronavirus tax for us so step up if you want to other vice president have. but she says this is a joke apparently according to political it is a joke because her teams tonight but we can
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only hope it's a joke. she was a borders arch and now it so we are so maybe she is writing to pardon all of the innocent men and women who had small possessions of weed, normally if you fared a job you right into the sunset and going to a private-sector gate i don't know why she's delusional enough to stay in government she will run the state further into the ground but the happiest people to hear this is desantis, greg habit. you thought there was a mass exodus but put kamala harris in charge and they will both lean. >> harris: it will be the most to collect state and. >> we don't really want -- [laughter] >> send them to georgia. >> harris: we will be right back. >> stay out of florida. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife.
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>> last but not least its national police week and we are honoring the men and women that put their lives in harm's way every day for every single one of us. this special week follows peace officers memorial day on may 15th every year with tens of thousands attending the event in our nation's capital. whether you make it to d.c. or not we can all show our appreciation. they are our peacekeepers and we
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owe them and their families a world of gratitude. we must never let them walk alone. this weekend every week, thank you to all police and law enforcement with our whole hearts of gratitude. >> absolutely paired i want to say real quick we get to report on police officers that are killed in the line of duty in new york and the big cities which is something that happens in small towns too. the fact we have people willing to do that job is really a testament to how great this country is. >> and in north carolina losing more of their finest as well as a heartbreaking time to acknowledge the sacrifices these men and women are sometimes called to make. >> and in the smaller communities particularly what joey is saying it changes the texture of protection in the small towns because they all know each other. they know they are protectors. >> they are our protectors and we thank them every day. we thank you for watching and now here "america reports." >> i have never seen a time


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