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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ i'm at one with my humanity -- ♪ trying to reclaim my sanity. ♪ nothing in my if vein ises but vanity -- ♪ he's the same old, same old. ♪ you told me it's your
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battle -- so i need you to fight ♪ there's some things i need to die. ♪ my ego, my pride, my grip on my life. ♪ growing old9 into the fire -- ♪ leave no survivors. ♪ survivors. ♪ survivors. ♪ survivors. ♪ growing old into the fire and leave no survivors ♪ if. pete: hey! [applause] we just had a chance to listen to jeremy camp perform no survivors off his new album, deeper waters. will: incredible. pete: well done. will: great job. pete: talk about a front row seat to a concert --
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rachel: yeah. and and waking us up at 9 a.m. pete: for sure. he's got a full performance coming up at 9:50 eastern time. see you in a bit. rachel: thank you. pete: well, joe biden is heading to atlanta today for a campaign event just one day ahead of his commencement speech at morehouse college. this comes as former president trump narrows biden's lead among black voters. will: madeleine rivera joins us with the details. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the white house says the president has been working on his speech all week. they are aware that reactions on campus are divided. some students say they're honored to have the president speak, others are talking about turning their backs on him as he speaks. the white house believes the president, though, will hit the right tone, but he did appear the really forget the name of the hbcu on friday. >> i'm going sunday to make a speech at that other place -- [laughter] that men's -- called more -- morehouse! [laughter] >> reporter: the president's
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address at morehouse college is part of a series of events to shore up support among back voters. a fox news poll shows the president receives 72% among black voters up from 66% in february, but it's still below his 79% before the 2020 election. former president trump, meanwhile, seeing a slight are bump with 23 support up from 4% in october 2020 -- 14%. there are some black voters or weighing in. >> president biden, i really feel like he's making everything harder for everybody. >> i like him and what he stood for up until this well thing with palestine. that kind of messed it up for me in a lot of ways. >> before trump got out of office, or there was money circulating, and now biden is in, and it's crazy. >> reporter: president biden is drawing contrasts with trump saying on a radio interview earlier this week he falsely accused the central park five. he's a founder of birtherrism. he tried to repeal obamacare the
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first time, now he's promised to do even more damage. the president heads to michigan, another battleground state after he wraps up his speech at morehouse to. will, or pete and rachel. will: thank you so much, madeleine. you wonder how long and do you ever reach that point where empty proms combined with accusing your opponent of racism runs its course. that currency ceases to be able to be cashed in. when do we arrive at that point. and i think, i think we could be getting closer. pete: we might be there. you know, donald trump in 2016 famously said what do you have to lose to the black community, saying you've been underserved for decades by this political marriage you've made with the left that's never delivered for you with. now that community -- not that they're a monolith, heir not. they've seen what -- they're not. they're voter like the rest of us. time and time again, we had some great sound from fox news digital earlier in the program of black voters saying everything's more expensive. the world's in chaos, my
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neighborhood is more violent, and everything costs more. how is that -- rachel: you hit the nail on the head -- will: it's all a abstract you to to buy grapes, and they're $17. rachel: yes. that's the thing is that you have the two guys who have, you know, shown what they can deliver. pete: yeah. rachel: donald trump pre-covid, pre the pandemic not just the greatest economy we've had in our lifetime, but the lowest economic -- wages were raising, going up the quickest. people were doing well. african-americans were doing better, hispanics were doing better. and if now you see what joe biden does. and now these two guys are matched up, so it's just a lot easier to make an apples to apples comparison. pete: and there was supposed to be all this stimulus money and inflation reduction act most of which has been misspent on cronyism or climate priorities not touching people's lives. i get nothing for it. rachel: and now his answer is,
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oh, i've got some pot for you. pot legislation, that's the answer for the african-american community, super patronizing when what they want is a better economy. will: kansas city chiefs' kicker harrison butker talked about the importance of family values, motherhood, fatherhood, masculinity, but it's been reduced into a hand maid's tale version of, women, get back in the kitchen. we thought we might do you the service of playing for you some of what he actually had to say at a benedictine. >> -- it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the a promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? some of you may lead successful careers in the world, but i would venture to guess that the9 majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. i can tell you that my beautiful wife isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly
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started when she began living her vocation as a wife and mother. part of what plagues our society is the lie that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. be una apologetic in your masculinity. fight against the cultural emasculation of men. do hard things. never settle for what is easy. if. pete: for christian, for catholics, there's nothing controversial about what he said at this commencement address -- rachel: 100% catholic. pete: it is a point of view that has been the underpinning of our country since our founding, yet saying that today makes you somehow extreme or an extremist. will: i don't think it's just for christians or catholic, think disease it's controversial dub it's as controversial as a mother's day card. it isn't controversial -- pete: well, that's controversial against the countervail ising culture. will: only a mother who has said you not living up to your
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potential if you just rah raise a family, and this world has said that for half a century. rachel: it's not just that it's demeaning motherhood, i understand what you're saying, but there's something deeper here. i think this is not just anti-catholic, but it's anti-christian bigotry. the heft hates our values, if we're honest about a it, the left hates christian values, and they really dislike it being platformed by a good looking, strong guy like that on your screen, a guy who from everything we can tell is walking the walk and cares more about his family and his wife and his kids than he cares about, you know, these idiots at the nfl and all their corporate dei stuff. and he's just going to speak the truth. and what they want is to make people like him afraid to say the truth. and what he's doing by doing that is giving a lot of other people courage. pete: earlier on the show -- no doubt about that. we had the most prominent football coach from the most prominent catholic university in america, notre dame, lou holtz
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comment commenting on what he heard from harrison butker. here's what he said. >> i look at how many championships have you win. if you're unsuccessful as a father, you have really failed. and that is really true. it's what he believed, and that's the thing, you've got to speak because people are going to criticize you. people criticize what i say here. i can't kohl that. i can only control what i believe and i'm true to myself if as well as my values. somebody stands up and says i believe this, he doesn't say everybody should, this is what he believes. and that's why they brought with him there, to say what a he believes, not what the university should say. i spoke to 16 college graduate commencements, not once has anybody ever said, coach, you need to say this. you have to speak from your heart on the things you believe in. pete: do you think he expected this level of exposure from that speech? just curious. rachel: i do. pete: you think so? rachel: i think there was a look on his face, a little smirk where it's sort of like before
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the dog does that, you know, takes the bone. it's like he knows what he's doing. he takes that platform very seriously. i don't think he was trying -- pete: no doubt he took the platform seriously, but, this thing has gone to the highest levels of our political discourse. rachel: but as mother's day card as you say it is, in this culture -- will: oh, i know that, yeah. rachel: -- what he is saying is truly controversy. and it's interesting, president dei nfl guy, the vice president and head of dei at the nfl who rushed to distance the nfl from these statements, what they are afraid of is more people like this standing up. pete: which is why it's so important, what he did. will: and i don't mean to diminish what he's saying. it's important and courageous -- rachel: yeah, yeah, yeah. we've will my point is -- rachel: why is it is to controversial? will: if you just stop and think for a minute and listen, it's, like, irrefutable, you know? if unless you've turned it into
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somethings something else in your head -- pete: it's already been turned into something else, that's the main thing the. rachel: the statement came from a dei guy who's tolerant of every other view except this, and that's what makes me angry. this guy, this football player, harrison, spoke at a catholic university. finish and there's the not one syllable in his speech, and i listened to it from beginning to end, that was not catholic. pete: rachel, you know this, jesus said it himself, you'll be hated for what you believe. rachel: amen. pete: it's a tale as old as time. rachel: so true. pete: you know this, we've talked about the shortfalls in recruiting in our military. the navy is 6,700 sailors short in their recruiting goal which is why it was significant when the navy secretary, an obama appointee, went to capitol hill to the senate armedded services committee and was testifying and was asked some tough questions by missouri senator eric. >> michigan here's how it went. >> recruitment challenges -- >> [inaudible] >> you refuse to admit dei's a
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part of this. you're firing qualified people who are well trained, and you sit here so smugly to act like one of that has any impact on the readiness of our navy. >> senator, we recontacted 3500 of the 4800 people who were fired. do you know how many actually decided to come back to the navy? >> how many? >> two. >> shocker. [laughter] rachel: yeah. who wants to come back to that organization? pete: think about how detached you have to be as a navy secretary to cite that fact as something that supports your position. so you've kicked out 3500 qualified sailors, most of which are well-trained, higher enlisted because they've got the stance to say i don't want to take the jab, and then you're bragging that only 2 came back? what kind of world view do you have? how do you view your own force? will: we've talked about recruitment efforts falling short, and eric schmidt then, senator from missouri, was on "fox & friends," and he talks -- talked about the effect of dei. quality, also the issue of quantity make it smaller.
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watch. >> he thought he had some gotcha stat there, and -- [laughter] i said, shocker. no wonder they were so disrespected by their own government. thisty vis we've ideology, this cultural marxism that is what dei is, is really dangerous. and it causes division. it is completely naive not to to think that, again, pushing this political agenda that the military has isn't affecting recruiting. of course it is. china now has a bigger navy than we have. not a better navy, but a bigger navy. we have 4 naval shipyards, they have 12. each one of their 12 has greater capacity than all 4 of ours combined. these are startling statistics. we have got to get serious about this if we're going to win the 21st century. rachel: pete, here's my question looking at this, looking ago at the stuff discussed in your book, we had this crisis of white supremacy and the way they used january 6th and other things to purge people who might be a problem, do you ever feel like covid was a way to purge
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people who were a little more independent-minded -- pete: of course, because if they wanted to provide exemptions or opportunities can -- rachel: religious exemptions. pete: -- they could have. instead, they had a zero tolerance policy. we talked to guys that wrote letters that were dozens of pages long about their religious connection to why they wouldn't want to get the jab. out, out, out. the a carte blanche attempt to filter out, no doubt. the military went out and the did it, this is in the book, went out and did a study, how racist are our members? turns out members in the military are seven times less racist than the general public because of the nature of the institution. will: really? if. pete: one more stat on china, the pentagon has a perfect record in the last 10 years in war games against china, we lose are every time. and it's because of navy secretaries like was just talked about there. he -- del toro. he's focused on climate change and greening our fleet. he wants electric the boats.
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we now have a smaller fleet than china does, and china's building ships meant to destroy can our ships. and then we have a military industrial complex run by generals who went along to go along who are pumping the same stuff into our system that's not going to defeat our enemy. rachel: it doesn't seem very safe to give a vaccine for which there were no long-term studies to the entire force anyway. pete: to soldiers? rachel: yeah. that seems really counterproductive to me. pete: you have to take a vaccine, is and then you can also volunteer can if change your gender at the same time in today's navy, which is happening right now. which make you non-deployable, but there's a path out of it, and "the war on warriors" talks about it. will: all right. we'll turn now to your headlines. shocking video that appears to show sean diddy combs assaulting his ex-girlfriend cassie ventura. this video is disturbing. you see diddy running down the hall, grabbing her, throwing her to the floor and then kicking her preetedly.
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ventura's attorney -- repeatedly. ventura's attorney saying the video only further confirms the disturbing and preed if story behavior of mr. combs. words cannot express the courage and fortitude that ms. ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light. the incident was referenced by ventura in a complaint she filed against the rap earn in november saying, quote, he followed her into the hallway of the hotel, he grabbed her, and then he took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator or to escape. we reached out to diddy's team for comment but did not get a response. this newly-obtained video shows the nypd arresting the homeless suspect accused of punching actor steve buscemi in new york earlier this week. clifton williams is facing an assault charge after allegedly slugging the actor as he walked down the street in manhattan on may 8th. williams is also accused of attacking another man before --
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he looks like he's heading to an exercise class, not homeless. police across the country are warning that at leasts are now targeting electric vehicle charging stations. targeting charging stations. charging cables contain copper, and that make makes them an enticing target. one tesla supercharging station in california had all of its cables stolen. they reportedly cost thousands of dollars to replace. and vermont state university awarding an honorary degree to one special cat for its adorable service to the community. the tabby cat named max was named, quote, a doctor of literature. [laughter] rachel: ray that's i awesome. will: many students seek him out for extra cuddles. pete: therapy cat. will: scratching post privileges and litter box responsibilitying s. pete: self-sufficient cat.
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rachel: instead of ripping up your harvard degree, you could have given it to your cat. pete: my cat's smarter than most harvard grads. rachel: or you could use it in the litter box. [laughter] pete: as the lining? that's you i there. will: roams campus. he's like a barn cat. pete: he's like a barn cat -- will: why don't the barn cats get degrees? they're use too. rachel: in this world, everyone gets degrees. pete: yes. [laughter] rachel: all right. well, the democrat versus republican divide gets a little steeper. >> are your feelings hurt? >> oh, girl, baby girl finish. >> oh, really? >> don't even play. >> baby girl? rachel: girl, don't even play. [laughter] so sad. it's, like, uh. okay. senator fetterman saying they're making it the jerry springer show look tame. t on propane to e everything great.
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♪ i will waiting i will wait for you. ♪ and i will wait, i will wait for you. will: washington d.c. pete: uh-huh.
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will: i win. pete: yeah, you what? [laughter] you did the skyline game right there? you are 2-2. you know when you see those clips on the internet of foreign legislatures where it just breaks out into a brawl -- will: and they throw a shoe -- pete: or chairs, whatever? we're not quite are there the yet, but we're getting there. there was a hearing yesterday in the house oversight committee. it was supposed to be about why biden's justice department won't release the transcripts of joe's interview with the special counsel over the documents where there's a lot of discrepancy about what he said and didn't say. pretty important hearing. but it devolved pretty quickly into this. just watch. >> with i'd like to know if any of the democrats on this committee are employing judge her a chan's daughter. >> what that have to do with merrick garland? do we know what we're here for? >> i think your fake eyelashes -- >> order -- [inaudible conversations] >> that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person. >> are your feelings hurt in.
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>> oh, girl, baby girl --? >> oh, really. >> don't even play -- >> baby girl? i don't think so. >> we are -- i'm just curious, just the better understand yowrg your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blond, bad-built, body that would not be. >> what not? i have no idea what you just said. [inaudible conversations] >> order, order! okay. >> i'm trying to get -- >> calm down. >> no. no, no, no, because this is what y'all do, so i'm trying to get -- [inaudible conversations] [laughter] rachel: i love it, there's almost like this boomer translation like i don't think comer knew what -- will: a what now? rachel: what'd she say? oh, my god, this thing was so out of control and then to to see aoc just overreact to that and do this whole, like -- she's really pretensioned, right? it's ko -- cosplay.
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i'm so street, she's from leafy -- can. will: greene's insulted her eyelashes, and she comes back back with that bleach blond, bad-built -- and comer's, like, what now? he goes, i don't know what she said. [laughter] rachel: well, you know -- pete: the house of the people at work. rachel: right. i think aoc was quick can to jump in because she really hates marjorie taylor greene in part because in the past she's called her a little communist. so there's a lot of bad blood there between the two of them and, boy, it's just sad. pete: i mean, the whole thing, the whole cadence, you could tell, oh, baby girl, i'm trying to figure out what to say. i'm going to come at you. [laughter] it's pretty -- by the way, senator fetterman, as he has a tendency to do these days, chimed in and said in the past i described the u.s. house as the jerry springer show. today i'm apologizing to the jerry springer show. will: and, of course, aoc had
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something to say in response to that. i understand you likely would not have stood up for your colleague and seem to be confusedded about racism and misogyny being a both-sides issue, but i stand up to bullies. pete: so that was racist? the. rachel: misogyny nistic. pete: for a woman to talk about another woman's eyelashes is racist? rachel: or maybe she was saying that john fetterman is racist or misogynist ific. who knows? when this girl --s this is what she said, does, she just throws all of it out. imperial ifism -- will: all the words. rachel: get all the isms out from her marxist classes at boston college and then, you know, there you go. pete: it's boston university. rachel: oh, my bad. will: there's your congress, jerry springer. [laughter] rachel: hurt. after his goddaughter is tragically killed during a car crash caused by an illegal immigrant, a south carolina state rep is running for congress to shut down the border. he's going to join us with her
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mom if next. >> my daughter was killed by an illegal immigrant. joe biden doesn't care. but to stuart johns, maaedty's t life matters. thanks to you... we're getting bottles back... and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic. new bottles - made using no new plastic. you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back... ...we can use less new plastic. see how our bottles are made to be remade.
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memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you ♪ rachel: last fall 3-year-old maddie hines was tragically killed in a car crash by an illegal immigrant. for her godfather and close family friend, that was the final straw for bind's open border policy -- biden's open border policy, and he is now running for congress. >> my daughter was killed by an illegal immigrant. joe biden care. but the stuart johns, maddie's high mattered. rachel: stuart johns joins us along with maddie's mother, chelsea. wow. chelsea, why don't you, first, just tell us what happened to poor little maddie.
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>> so the week before her 4th birthday, we were celebrating. it was literally the best and the with worst day of our lives. so my son's 18th birthday and our middle daughter, she was getting baptized at our church. and so all of our family, our friends were gathered. we spent the afternoon hanging out with everybody enjoying lunch, laughing, and then the afternoon we went to run some errands and do a couple things. and on the way to stu and kelly's house, our car was struck by an illegal who failed to yield at a stop sign. and maddie was taken instantly. rachel: wow, or chelsea. >> in that cash. rachel: it's such a tragic story and just a reminder of how
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quickly life changes. but in this case, maddie didn't have to die. there was somebody here who shouldn't have been here and was doing something illegal both in being here and in this accident. i guess, stewart, you're the godfather. how much did this play? you say you're running because of this. the talk about why you're running -- talk about why you're running, how you plan to honor this child, your goddaughter, through this race. >> yeah. you know, i've been fighting against this for over a decade. first as a county council member going back to the refugee resettlement program and then as a state rep. and i've actually been successful at defending our constitution, you know, at the local level and at the state level. and so now i'm fighting to go to congress to secure our border and just to insure that this doesn't happen to anybody else. rachel: you know, i don't mean to be cynical, stewart, but there's a lot of members of congress, a lot of gop if
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members who are there saying they're trying to do this, and they haven't been able to get joe biden to close that border. if why do you think you'll do, you'll be different? >> yeah. i've actually beat joe biden at the state level. just as an example, i actually authored and passed the legislation the stop is and the biden vaccine mandate right here in south carolina. so i've done it before. i'm an eighth generation south carolinian, i fight for the principle of null by case of states' rights, and so is -- nullification, so i'm going to take that to washington. we're going to fight for maddie hines, laken rile -- riley and everybody who's been hurt in these situations. ray avenue chelsea, what's your message to joe biden and the politicians in washington including alejandro major saws -- mayorkas who has this policy that allows illegals to enter our country? >> well, for one, i feel like we have to start taking care of our
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own people. we have to start taking care of individuals here. a lot of people do not think we have a border crisis. i've seen people in interviews laughing, making a mockery of the border, and until you are a statistic, until you have endured what we've went through, it's one of those things that you sit back and you're, like, how can you not think that just because you're state does not border the border, it does not mean we don't have an issue? we do. and that's the main point we need to get across, is we need to start caring more about our society than we do about the illegals coming over. there's a way to come over, a right way to come over. and the process that we need to go about doing that needs to be honored. rachel: well, our heart just goes out to both of you. you can see maddie's beautiful face there. she's just a beautiful child. our hearts are broken.
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we hope that joe biden and everybody else is listening to this message. by the way, stewart, you're honoring her memory through your race, but the hines family has made a foundation in honor of little maddie as well. love like maddie is the name of that foundation, and it helps provide musical instruments to underprivileged children. i just can't imagine having the beautiful day that you had and, as you said, it was the best day and the worst day. our hearts go out to you. god bless you both, and is we wish you luck in, as you said, stewart, chelsea, we hope that you will help put americans first. it's about time. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. rachel: you got it. little maddie, rest in peace. what a beautiful child. we'll be right back.
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pete: vice president kamala harris' team pushing back against a report that harris told her inner circle she has a backup plan if joe biden loses. mitt coe reporting this, quote: harris has joked to friends that she may return to california to run for governor if democrats lose the white house this fall. taking a page from richard nixon. if meanwhile, the current governor, gavin newsom, is facing backlash for these
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remarks on the homeless crisis. >> state of california's seen a decan clean in veterans' homelessness -- decline. we have a national model. what prop if decision 1 did is he reinforced that model, provided more resources, and we're very excited to get those dollars to work. pete: here to react, former gubernatorial candidate larry elder. gavin says he's got it all solved, and kamala says if it doesn't work out for me, i'll just follow in gash's footsteps. >> i urge all my my fox listeners to check out my new book. here's the deal, this is plan c for kamala. plan b was for after the biden-harris ticket defeated trump for biden go in the oval office, stay for a few days, sign a few executive orders and then hand over the baton to kamala. surprise, surprise, biden enjoyed being president. more importantly, dr. jill biden
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enjoyed being president. so now the polls are in the dumpster as you pointed out on fox. trump is winning all but one swing state. she knows it does not look good, so she's telling people to tell people that she's going to run for governor. why? out in california it takes a boatload of money to win, over $100 million, and the election is in 20 26, and right now there may be half a dozen candidates who want to run, and she knows if she doesn't let people know she wants the run, the money will not be there when and if she -- pete: so you buy it. i mean, their campaign is denying, the spokesperson for harris is denying this, saying it did not happen. >> of course. pete: you believe it. >> pete, of course they're going to deny it, otherwise it looks as if she's being defeatist. she can't do that. she has to go nudge-nudge, wink-wink. in the event we don't win, i'm your girl. make sure that you put some money down on me. of course she's going to deny
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it. pete: that says a lot about their confidence in their campaign right now, by the way, that they're -- she's already openly talking about a backup plan. i also want to get to homelessness because gavin newsom says he's round aring a corner based on, the money spent. there have been $24 billion in california spent on the homelessness rye sis. you live there. i know people that live there as well. they definitely say it's not solved. >> of course not. it's called the homeless industrial crisis. [laughter] with gavin newsom, when he was the mayor of san francisco, he said i will solve the problem by the end of my second term. have you been to san francisco? he goes to sacramento, becomes lieutenant governor, serves for eight years, and he says i have nothing to do. and i said, how about going back to your hometown and solving homelessness? [laughter] and now he's been the governor, this is his second term, and it's only gotten worse. we have more homeless people in if california than any other state. recall when the head of china came to san francisco, all of a
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sudden the homeless problem was solved at least for a but days. it can be solved. there is no will. as i explain if in my book, as goes california. pete: you're right on so many levels. standards set in california make their way into other states and other countries -- cities that follow their lead, unfortunately, especially on environmental policies. >> that's right. pete: larry elder, thank you very much. >> my pleasure, pete. take care. pete: you got it. let's turn now to chief meteorologist, our chief, rick roik muth, fox weather forecast. what's up? rick: i was just talking to somebody who spent the week in florida, talking about how hot it was. it's going to be really hot today. take a look at the maps, it is hot, it is humid. so the actual air temperature today into the lower to mid90s. we're going to be talking about humidity that is going to be up, feeling like in the 80-degree dewpoint which basically means it feels like you're stepping into a steam bath. it's going to be feeling around 105-110. tomorrow an improvement by around 4-5 degrees but, i tell
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you what, this is brutal heat across push of 238. be very careful throughout the day today. pete, back to you inside. pete: don't go anywhere, christian music if or artist jeremy camp is performing his new song these days. that's coming up next.
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will: well, with 6 million, over 6 million albums sold and3 number one singles -- 43, jeremy camp has spent over two decades topping the christian music charts. rachel: and his new album, deeper waters, is available everywhere. pete: jeremy camp joins us now. >> thanks for having me. pete: 43 number ones? if. [laughter] that's awesome. >> i've been in it for a long time. pete: tell us about your new album. >> this is ultra-personal because i've been through some things lately, people have been praying for me, so thank you so much. just the desire to go deeper with the lord. my whole heart's desire is, god, i just want to go deeper or with you. all the a trials, tribulations, the difficulties brought me to my place where i'm on my feet before jesus. that's why thal a bum's called deeper -- album's called deeper waters. rachel: how do you do that? >> read your bible. also apply it to. -- too. if you don't apply it, what's
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the point? so apply it, and also spend time in silence with the lord, spend time on your knees. those are massive times spent with jesus. i love it. will: i know this album is perm and i touches on a lot of things you've been through. tell us about what you've been through this past recent part of your life. >> yeah. a couple months ago i had this surgery called an apolice station, basically, they go and burn off portions of your heart because i had atrial fibrillation, which a lot of people have had, mine was getting to the point where it was happening on stage, and i couldn't perform. it was bad. i had surgery. it was rough because we had some scares, basically, and i had another surgery a year ago for9 another heart thing -- rachel: did you say it was three months ago? >> yeah. rachel: i just saw you performing. i'm, like, this is the quickest recovery from heart surgery -- >> it's not an invasive, open chest, so that's why -- rachel: but you feel good. >> with i do. pete: it also puts you in a mace
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where everything is in a new perspective. >> absolutely. i realize so much more my life really is in god's hands. like, you can worry and worry and worry, but you have to go my life is in god's hands, i have to trust that. every night when i would say, i went on tour after surgery, i mean, it was tough because i was tired. but watching god show up and watching just people's lives being touched, that's why i do what i do. we will does this album hen because of everything you just explained to us, on the back end of 43 number one hits, is this album -- i mean, how is this different? is it more personal? more tied to your personal experience? what makes this album different? >> i think, you know, 22 years doing this, and, you know, my first album that a came out, it's, whatever, 23 years of your life experiences. i feel like for some, reason this album is very much an overview of the past 22 years of doing this, like looking back, a bird if's eye view of looking at, wow, look at all the things
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god has done, or all the hardships, all the joys -- ray the wisdom. >> yeah, i think. the as you get older, you grow and you want to learn, so this is the step back and going this is all that god's taught me. rachel: that's what i told will, you've just got to get older and wiser -- >> bro -- rachel: he's afraid of aging -- pete: don't worry -- >> i was going to say, get some gray hair. rachel: he doesn't dye it. pete: i don't know how he does it. [laughter] enough of that. what are you going to perform for us? >> these days, first single off the record. rachel: we're so glad you're better. >> yes. rachel: amen if. >> appreciate you guys. ♪ ♪ these days my heart's always -- ♪ these days the world's spinning out of control. ♪ finish -- these days are fast
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and they're furious -- ♪ feels like the worst day's ahead of us. ♪ sometimes it's hard to feel at home but -- ♪ if i believe that you and i have mt. right place at the right time. ♪ god called us by name. ♪ he doesn't make mistakes. ♪ i know we were born to shine bright in a dark world and give you some light ♪ don't have to be afraid. ♪ baby, we were made for these days. ♪ baby with, we were made for these days muck what the --
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isn't brushed. ♪ just needs the hope that's inside of us. ♪ what if there's more than destiny. ♪ what if we're part of a masterpiece? ♪ to our -- til our father brings us home -- ♪ i believe that you and i are in the right place at the right time. ♪ god called us by name, and he doesn't make mistakes. ♪ i know we were born to shine bright in the dark world -- ♪ don't have to be afraid. ♪ baby, we were made for these days. ♪ baby with, we were made for --
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♪ to love with open arms muck it's something to embrace muck baby, we were made for these days ♪ ♪ i believe that you and i have in the right place at the right time. ♪ god called us by name, and he doesn't make mistakes. ♪ i know we were born to shine bright in a dark world that needed some light -- ♪ don't have to be afraid. ♪ baby, we were made for these days. ♪ baby, we were made for these days ♪ finish. [cheers and applause] choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine -
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♪ ♪ pete: well, the album is deeper waters by jeremy camp. check it out. will: where can they go get it? >> anywhere you stream music. pete: there you go. you had some moves up this too. rachel: pete's jealous. pete: that spin move? >> i can't teach you. rachel: just do it. >> it's this. you've just got to go like this. will: no, you went -- first of all -- [inaudible conversations] pete: with the microphone? >> hey, that's actually pretty good. i'm actually pretty impressed. [applause] rachel: grab the mic and do it, pete. >> a rock star soon. pete: that's not the his. >> what was that? pete: i don't know. jeremy if camp. rachel: thank, jeremy. pete: see you tomorrow. >> thank you. [inaudible conversatio


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