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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> president biden is on the campaign trail this weekend, set to make stops in atlanta
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and detroit, where he's aiming to rally up support amongst black voters. that's a key demographic and recent polling shows him losing ground to former president trump. the big problem for him, trump expect today speak later on this afternoon at the n.r.a. convention happening in dallas. a very busy weekend it isment welcome to fox news live, i'm aishah hasnie. good afternoon to you, griff. griff: and president biden will deliver the commencement address at morehouse college. and lucas tomlinson kicks it off at the white house on latest on the president's plans. hey, lucas. >> that's right, president biden just took off aboard air force one for georgia. a critical swing state in the 2024 elections, a state he lost in 2016, but won narrowly at 2020. and he took the motorcade over
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there and the president did speak yesterday at the african-american museum in washington. >> my predecessor and extreme maga friendsing going after diversity, equity and inclusion across america. they wants it for some not for all. >> and this is a close election and expected to be all votes are critical. you mentioned the youth voter and you could have mentioned this is where some of the alarm bells are sounding at the poll. and another poll in swing states, according to this, biden has lost 28% in the crucial and swing states and trump's support among black voters would be the highest for
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any republican presidential candidate since the enactment of the civil rights act of 1964. some republicans think it's too late for biden to turn these numbers around. the problem is no speech joe biden is going to give is going to change the fact that he has wrecked the economy for all americans, inflation is massively high hurting everybody. the southern border is massively open, squeezing cities and their budgets and so he should concerned. >> president biden will attend a pair of fundraisers in atlanta before speaking to morehouse college, a historically black school that's also all male. griff: lucas tomlinson on the north lawn kicking things off. thank you. aishah: as we mentioned, former president trump is going to be spending the day in texas speaking at the n.r.a., and in a push to win the land of
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10,000 lakes this fall. garrett tenney is live with the latest and the big gun convention. >> if president trump could win minnesota, that would be historic. it hasn't happened in 52 years going back to richard nixon. his campaign believes they have a chance to make that happen. trump narrowly lost the state in 2016 by a point and a half before losing it by seven in 2020, but president joe biden's support has taken a hit since then. in minnesota democratic primary 19% of voters chose uncommitted. last night, former president trump headlined the state's annual g.o.p. lincoln-reagan dinner to make his pitch. tomorrow democrats -- top democrats in minnesota say he has no chance of winning the deep blue state. and they say it's a head fake to make the biden campaign spend money there that could be
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going to true battle ground states. and here in dallas, he'll address a crowd. and no one will lay a finger on their firearms if he's reelected. vice-president harris taking a shot at the trip today. the choice in this election is clear, president biden and i will continue to take on the gun lobby to keep america safe and form president trump will take this issue. and this ranked number 18 on issues that voters consider to be deal breakers. and for people here, it's likely higher up. aishah: garrett tenney in
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texas. thank you. griff: a shocking video from cnn apparently showing diddy combs, attacking his girlfriend. and this continues for looking into combs for other allegations, including sex trafficking. and in a warning to viewers, this video is graphic. >> hi, griff. we want to warn our viewers, this is is graphic, disturbing hard to watch. this was obtained by cnn from the inter-continental hotel in los angeles in march of 2016. it seems to show combs violently kick and drag his then girlfriend down the hallway, and that he paid $15,000 to the hotel for the footage. >> and her lawyer says the gut wrenching video only confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs and that alleged behavior was laid out
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in a graphic lawsuit that ventura filed against combs last november. the two settled the lawsuit a day after it was filed. and ventura's attorney said throughout their relationship mr. combs was uncontrollable rage and frequently beat miss ventura tragically that she was caught in a cycle of abuse, violence and sex trafficking and in november his lawyer released a statement saying that combs vehemently denied these outrageous allegations and accused miss ventura of seeking a pay day. and that did not start there. rodney jones filed and accused him of sexual misconduct and in march, they raided combs' l.a. and miami homes, part of a sex trafficking investigation by federal authorities and now combs is back in the headlines
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over the disturbing surveillance video from 2016 which appears to show him abuse miss ventura. >> in my years as an experience as a prosecutor, that's not a one-time situation at all. he's probably done this multiple times and once one person comes forward, many women start coming forward. >> now, we've reached out to combs' legal team for a response to the video. we've not heard back and he has not been formally charged with any crimes, griff. griff: such a disturbing video indeed. christina coleman, thank you very much. >> if you're travelling abroad anytime soon, the standpoint department is issuing a pretty serious alert all americans going overseas increased caution worldwide. potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations and actions against u.s. citizens and interests, on top of that, the state department also says it's aware of the increased potential for foreign terrorist organization inspired violence
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against lgbtq i-plus, community, persons and events. ♪ >> more questions remain over two jordanian nationals in ice country who attempted to gain entry into quantico in a box truck. they were in the u.s. illegally and officials are refusing to release their identities. neither the white house or pentagon have offered additional information. for more on this, let's bring in former dhs acting chief of staff, lori reese and san diego county supervisor jim desmond. thank you for being here. the story has just come to light in the last 24 to 48 hours, but officials have known, lori, for the better part of two weeks about this incident, which certainly raises national security concerns. i just want to play for you
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what the white house in an exchange particularly with our reporter lucas tomlinson who pressed the folks at the pentagon. watch here. >> so going to be really mindful of these two jordanians who you're speaking of remain in ice custody and giving it's an active law enforcement matter. i'm aware of the reports i just don't have more information for you. >> this incident happened almost two weeks ago. >> yeah. >> you make it sound like you haven't heard of this incident before. >> i can assure you, lucas, that we get updates from all of our bases all around the world and are aware of incidents. griff: lori, why don't they have more to say? >> well, this is bad optics for this administration and they refuse to give out information about this. and this is not the first base breach that we've had. we had two in march at different bases in california, including one by a chinese national. and so, this is going to continue. are these dry runs for
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terrorist organizations? and meanwhile, we have to take into account the state alert that was just discussed in your last segment that the state department is flush with billions of dollars to bring in refugees among vulnerable populations, billions of dollars and the administration has a poor record at vetting these migrants and so we're going to be bringing more through the front door in addition to people crossing our very open border through the back door. griff: you raise a good point, lori. to be fair no terror related motives have been identified or surfaced this this story, yet, we have had the warnings constantly from fbi director chris wray in particular about red lights going off and a threat level being at a point he's never seen, but you also raised the chinese nationals and supervisor desmond, i want to get to that with you,
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because you're at ground zero in san diego county where that's happening. to show our viewers this fiscal year past seven months there have been 27,583 chinese nationals coming across. break it down, 85% or just under 24,000 were single adults. and if you compare this, just back to two years to fiscal year 2021, it's a nearly 8,000% increase. jim, why? >> well, the welcome mat is out here, unfortunately, here in california and san diego, we're the number one area now for border encounters, and about 10% of those people are chinese nationals now. it didn't used to be that way. unfortunately, california, we give free -- we give free health care out. our local law enforcement can't enforce immigration laws. and i think, you know, the chinese nationals, they've got this figured out and unfortunately, fentanyl, the chemicals for fentanyl are primarily produced in china.
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so that's also coming across our borders. and i think this is more of an issue of public safety not only for san diego, but for the country and the fact that the people coming across the border are not properly vetted. the border patrol agents are overwhelmed. they do not time to vet these people and also, in san diego, we're getting more and more boats just being grounded or beached on our beaches, where dozens of people will jump out of the boats, walk into the neighborhoods, get picked up. local law enforcement can't do a thing and we have no idea who these people are and where they're going. this is more of an issue, i think of safety for our country, and increase in the number of people coming from china, as you had mentioned, and a lot of them are mostly adult males between the ages of 18 to 35. griff: and lori, when we talk about the vetting and i think both of you really put your finger on the challenge from a national security or public
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safety risk front, and that is the vetting process, not only to a terror threat with these chinese, particularly, surging, lori, the challenge to determine whether or not they may simply be here to have ties-- and have ties from the chinese communist party. >> right, they're coming from countries that we don't have great relations, if any relations with. those countries, those governments are not going to cooperate and give past criminal histories or national security issue histories for our government. and also, when we are talking about the crush of numbers, the border agents do not have adequate time to vet who is crossing the border and the administration will just kind of whistle past the graveyard as to the results from it. meanwhile, senator schumer is about to return to his bill and bring it up again this week, supposed border security. it failed in february and it should fail again because it
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would codify biden's open border tools and make us even more insecure. griff: that's a great point, laura. and jim, i want to give you the last word and that is to talk about, we've seen an increase in brazenness. the migrant was shot in eagle pass, texas just a few days ago because of assaulting a border patrol agent. we've seen it multiple times. are you concerned that with so many migrants being released on your streets that it's putting your community at greater risk? >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. and like, as you mentioned, the vetting is not taking place. i talked to our border patrol agents and they told us that if they're able to do any vetting, they only vet against our data base and not from the country of origin and it's futile. the ones that are coming across the border engaged with border patrol agents, they are fingerprinted, but the people
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coming in boats and jumping over the fence and got -aways that we don't know who they are, we have no idea who they are, where they're going, what are their intentions. from a safety perspective it's not safe for our citizens to have so many people entering the country and without knowing who they are and backgrounds. griff: and it's the got-aways that the chief says keeps him up at night. more than 475,000 this fiscal year alone. have a great week. >> thanks, grand river. griff: aishah. aishah: so congressional chaos on capitol hill bleeding onto social media. we've seen the video, it's viral. and now oac and fetterman are going after it on x. and comparing it to jerry springer show. and madeleine rivera joins us live with the story that just
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won't quit. >> hey, good afternoon, aishah. pennsylvania democrat fetterman is parting. and i compared it to the jerry springer show. and now apologize to the jerry springer show, which frequently had fights among guests. and alexandria ocasio-cortez says you would not stand up for your colleague and confusion about misogyny and i stand up to bullies instead of becoming one. to the woman of pennsylvania, i'd stand up for you, too. the house committee devolved into chaos, voting whether to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt for refusing to hand over the recording of president biden's interview with special counsel
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hur. and sparks flew when marjorie taylor greene commented on her eyelashes. and she had shots of her own. >> how dare you attack the other person. >> oh, baby girl. >> really. >> don't even play. >> i'm curious to better understand your ruling. >> if someone on this committee starts talking about somebody's bleach blond, bad butch body that would not be engaging in people's personalities, correct. >> what now? >> there were some allegations that some members were drinking in the hearing and accusation that ranking member jamie raskin says is worth investigating. >> thank you so much. griff: i mean we're lucky that congressional cat fight didn't become violent. did you see this? taiwan's parliament descending into chaos and lawmakers
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disagreeing over reforms in the chamber throwing punches and physically attacking each other. this fight came just days before taiwan's new president is set to take office on monday. >> all right. what to expect as former president trump's new york trial heads closer and closer to those closing arguments. it's coming. that's next. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> welcome back. a federal judge just sentenced the man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi's home and assaulting her husband. and you remember that david depape is that man and now 30 years in prison. he hit paul pelosi with a hammer and admitted he broke into the pelosi's san francisco home with the intent to hold nancy pelosi hostage, griff. griff: aishah, alec baldwin's legal team argued friday in a hearing to have the involuntary manslaughter charges against him dismissed and they say that the prosecutor used a sham, and the ruling is expected next week. aishah: donald trump's new york criminal trial will resume on monday after taking a pause on friday, so that he could attend
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his son barron's graduation. an important moment. and they're expecting to finish up the cross examination of michael cohen on monday. and let's bring us in mark smith to get us ready for the big day on monday. i want to go back in time a little bit because donald trump finally had a really, really good day this week. this past week. defense tore into cohen's testimony about the hush money payment and he had said underoath it was going to make a call about the hush money payment with stormy daniels and released text messages that showed that the call was about something completely different. how big of a deal was that moment? was it a pivotal moment for the defense and how do you think the jury took it? >> well, yeah, aishah, i think it's a huge moment in favor of president trump that michael cohen demonstrated how he got really convicted of being a
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purgeror or other context and i think it's a very good moment for trump. one thing that we have to keep in mind, every single day in this country people go to prison and are convicted by virtue of the testimony of known criminals. so one danger that president trump still has, will this jury still believe enough of michael cohen's testimony to find donald trump guilty. you and i are never going into business with michael cohen and we're not going to enter into a contract with michael cohen, that's clear. but the question, will the jury credit enough testimony of michael cohen to find trump guilty. it's up to the jury the end of the day. aishah: mark, would it be smart for the defense to rest with the last witness being michael cohen? that's the smart thing to do, right? >> if you feel the things is going your way. if the trend is your friend in a criminal case, yes, you don't want to do anything to disrupt the trend. if they feel they've destroyed
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michael cohen and good about how the jury reacted and they're watching the jury every moment of this trial, if they feel good about the trend, i would let sleeping dogs lie. sit down, move for directed verdict and go to closing arguments if that's the trend. right now it looks like the trend is very favorable in the courtroom for president trump. aishah: talk to me about judge marchand and these jury instructions now it's on the jury, right? we've got 12 jurors, seven of them are men, five women and two, this is big, two are attorneys, lawyers themselves. so, talk about how important the instructions now are for the jury from judge marchand because you're saying that this could go either way depending on what he says? >> aishah, this is an unappreciated sort of thing for non-lawyers, the importance of jury instructions. in that courtroom there's one person that the jury trusts because they feel there's one
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person that is a neutral arbiter of what's going on, that is the judge. so whatever the judge says to the jury is really taken very seriously. when the judge instructs the jury as to what constitutes a crime, when they should find donald trump guilty or not guilty those instructions are critical. and marchand has been favorable for the government from donald trump. if he gives instructions with broad definitions making it easy for the jury to convict donald trump. unfortunately, if you screw up jury instructions it happens all the time on american law, it takes a year on appeal to fix them and retry the case long after the 2024 election for president trump. so hopefully judge marchand does not mess up the jury instructions. but based on how he's done so far, i'm not optimistic. >> you would get to see them? >> you see them and read out loud as he instructs the jury.
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we'll know exactly what they are and critique or compliment them depending what is said. >> and the big trial in the city. bobby mendes. the jurors there saw the gold bars, infamous gold bars found in his home and of course the mercedes was a big deal, too. explain to me, mark, if you can, why the defense here is here in a way-- i'm reading it as throwing his wife, nadine, under the bus here, who by the way is now dealing with stage three breast cancer. what's the strategy here? >> i think that the senator is probably going to argue that virtually all of his conduct has innocent explanations everything he did associated with his official duties can be explained away by being a political official on the foreign affairs committee. on the other hand he wants to be able to explain why there are these gold bars and cash in
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his home and by saying, look, based on the reporting, these were found mostly in nadine menendez's closet. which is his wife's closet. aishah: middle eastern background. and i have middle eastern friends and gold bars, and that doesn't sound like a strong argument. >> they talk about the gold bars, but the gold bars are very heavy and if you think about it, the gold bars are equivalent of a single bit coin and not unusual as we look at the price of gold going up, silver going up, bit coin going up. a lot of concern about political disrupt and currency collapse and things like this. this is talked about all the time on the business channels, aishah, so it's not crazy to think that someone would take certain steps to protect themselves keeping things out of the financial institutions. not everyone does it. one could do it.
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and bob menendez says it's not unusual for senators to go through, and why would he do this. and rely on one witness that's a criminal defendant and now flipped and give prosecution testimony. this is going to be a dog fight and currently a case that we should be watching. aishah: a lot of good cases in new york that we are watching. some good is-- the definition is something else. dramatic cases. mark smith. >> yes. aishah: thank you very much for joining us, you have a great weekend. >> thanks, aishah. griff: more campus chaos. several arrests were made last night at u-penn after a new group of anti-israel protesters attempted to seize a campus building. that's next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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>> the n.y.p.d. has arrested the man suspected of attacking actor steve bushemi is new york last week. the 54-year-old man allegedly attacked him on the street and punching him and leaving him with a bloody eye. the latest on this story. >> people were outraged by this news. critically acclaimed and beloved actor steve buscemi violently attacked, and a former firefighter. and officers say he was homeless and when detectives walked him out he said nothing as reporters asked him why he did. the n.y.p.d. say the random attacked may 8th around noon when buscemi was struck after crossing a street. he was taken to the nearby
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hospital with swelling, bruising, bleeding from the left eye and widely circulated photos showed him returning to a film is set with a black eye hidden by sunglasses. he was knin movies and he was a former firefighter. these are trending upwards this year however, overall crime in the city is slightly down. back in march, buscemi's co-star was hit in central park and that attacker was also arrested. aishah: cb cotton live for us in new york. thank you. griff: multiple anti-israel protesters were arrested last night at the university of pennsylvania, after they
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attempted to occupy a campus building. this comes one week after the encampmentment on the campus was taken down and it's unclear how many were arrested last night. and in the windy city, in chicago, protesters took over the university of chicago's institute of politics building friday afternoon and raised a palestinian flag. the campus newspaper reporting that students brought chairs inside the building, locked doors, and spray painted security cameras. campus law enforcement were able to clear the building. now, for more on this, let's bring in the author of "the parent revolution, rescuing your kids from radicals ruining our schools" cory deangeles. thank you for being here. i want to scroll on the screen and our producer did a great job to show this, the number of institutions, schools that you are seeing an acquiescence, i call it, u-cal berkeley,
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occidental, brown, harvard, ivy leagues here as well and the list goes on appears to be a case of the school administrators acquiescing to what are appearing to be petulant children, your thoughts? >> yeah, it's a total mess. the campuses sometimes look like a war zone. the universities need to get their college campuses in order or funders are taking it elsewhere and where the degree used to signal you had skills and worked hard for a few years now it signals you're an entitled brat and breaks things and maybe we wason't want to hie you anymore and it could be what they charge. columbia are they going to still be able to charge $60,000 a year? i don't know. hopefully families wake up and see other forms of education that are better as opposed to indoctrination. this doesn't start out of nowhere, the kids don't behave like this out of nowhere. this rot started in the government school system and i
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trace this in the parent revolution which was recently endorsed by president trump, that look, they're not focusing on the basics, not math, reading and writing, focusing more on lbgt's than the abc's and our test scores are horrible. we're wasting tons of money and it's propaganda and it's a way for the left to control the minds of other people's children. they can use the school system to raise other's kids, conservatives, libertarians, free market types you need to wake up and read the parent revolution to fight for your schools back, to fight for the direction of this country to go towards a more conservative direction as opposed towards socialism. griff: cory, it's a fascinating point, not talked enough about that you're essentially saying what we're seeing, the chaos on campuses started well before in the high school years. what can parents do?
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what signs should they be looking for and what is the end result to reverse this? >> well, you can take senator ted cruz's advice and he endorsed the book and he said ruin randy weingarten's day by reading this book. and go over policy remark in the public school system and showing up at school board meetings. if they're going to cut off your mic or call you a domestic terrorist, you need leverage. you need to be able to take your kids' taxpayer money for the school that works for them. maybe the public school if that works for them, but you should have school choice. you should have that aligned with your values and even home school setting and parents should be in the driver's seat and have a stay in their kids' education and look, let's have more transparency, where is the money going and we need to win this and fight on multiple fronts. i'm optimistic and 11 states have passed the universal
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school choice in three years. >> cory, it's clear that this recent turn of events on these campuses has created a political problem of sorts for president biden's reelection, and getting young people, which traditionally followed democrats. he spoke about this yesterday and he is sort of shifting sort of where he sees a blame. watch. >> today the resistance comes in other insidious forms. an extreme movement led by my predecessor and his maga republican allies and backed by a supreme court and gutted college admissions. my predecessor and extreme maga friends are now going after diversity, equity and inclusion all across america. griff: your reaction? >> i mean, biden is suffering from a lot of ailments, it seems, but he's specifically suffering from trump derangement syndrome right now and look, he's the one that wants to pay for all of these gender studies degrees and people protesting on campuses
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using a cancellation of student debt which actually does not happen. there's no such thing as canceling student debt, it's someone that didn't go to college has to pay for someone else's degree. that's not fair, that's not equitable. and look, the federal department of education, one, shouldn't exist, but the federal government should not be in the student loan business, no business getting involved and hikes the price of education. it causes tuition to rise and again, it's not fair. you shouldn't have to pay for someone else's degree and biden, real quick, is also a hypocrite on school choice. he went to private school. he sent his kids to private school and pulled the ladder up from behind himself and doesn't support it for anybody else. griff: interesting point and topic for another day. cory deangeles, author of the parent revolution. aishah: a major setback for the united auto workers union in the deep south. we'll tell you all about it next.
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sarah shaw: my day job is as an author relations manager for a publisher. i'm in books, and i think about stories all the time. the st. jude story, it's a beautiful, beautiful story that you can't make up. fundraising and raising awareness for st. jude is not just helping kids in the united states, it's helping kids all over the world, and that's a huge deal. what i do really does make an impact. so i love what i do for st. jude, and i just know that i'm in the right place.
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>> well, did you hear about this? mercedes benz workers at a plant down in alabama voted against joining the uaw unions. it's a big blow to the growing wave of organized auto workers. madison scarpino is live with what is next. >> hi, aishah. 56% of workers at two mercedes factories near tuscaloosa voted no to unionizing yesterday. this is the first big loss for the uaw after recent wins. just last month. volkswagen workers in chattanooga, tennessee voted overwhelmingly to join the uaw and they looked at pay raises and better working for general motors and stellantis last year, and no doubt this was a setback for the unions. i've lost elections in our
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lives, and we put everything we had in this fight and left nothing on the table so there's no regrets in this fight. >> the uaw accuses mercedes of breaking the law by intimidating workers to voting no and mercedes denies that and says it will continue to work with workers. historically unions have been unpopular in the south and governor kay ivey reacted, alabama is not sweet home to the uaw and goes on to say that automotive manufacturing is one of alabama's crown jewel industries and number one in the country, and we are committed to keeping it that way. and the results of yesterday's votes still need to be certified and both sides have five days to object to the election, aishah. aishah: madison, thank you very much. griff: aishah, houston is cleaning up after a massive storm left at least seven dead and over a million without
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>> cleanup efforts now underway in the houston metro area after deadly hurricane force winds tore through the city. the national weather service
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confirming 100 mile per hour winds are responsible for the damage and fox weather reporter katie is right in the middle of it downtown. and katie, it looks like a mess. >> it absolutely is, griff. and we know tragically the death toll has risen to seven people who lost their lives when this happened on thursday night. some of the neighborhoods here in houston are absolutely destroyed. this used to be a tire shop, but you can tell it's unrecognizable right now. i was speaking with the owner, marvin, who was inside with a co-worker when this all happened. those strong winds just ripped it apart. and they actually crawled out from underneath debris unharmed. as they clean up what's left, temperatures are rising making the work they're doing that much harder. we still have hundreds of thousands of people without power in harris county alone. cooling centers are opening for people without ac to find relief, but many are worried about getting through the next week as we're forecasted to hit
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the 90's every single day. >> we need help. i'm on a breathing machine. people here have medical issues, we need water and food. >> i'd like some answers how long it's going to be. if we need to make plans to leave the area for a while. >> city officials are warning people without power that they could be without it for a week. i will tell you that the heat is a lot different the last couple of days, it feels like it's getting so much hotter out here, griff. griff: katie burn live for us in the middle of it in houston. aishah: let's take you live to the fox weather center to learn what to expect for the rest of the weekend to see if they have anymore severe serious weather on the way. adam klotz has our forecast. >> hey, aishah, we're tracking the exact system that brought the severe weather yesterday. it's probably not as intense as yesterday. and going back to the big storm
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yesterday from austin all the way to new orleans, a ton of wind damage and that was the main concern yesterday. today we could still see some severe thunderstorms firing up over the course of the day. here is where the line is moving currently across portions of the panhandle and stretching into georgia. still for the time being nothing severe, but we have a two on a scale of five here as the risk for severe weather on the day. mostly there from the florida big bend stretching over to the georgia coast near savannah, that's the best risk of seeing severe thunderstorms into the afternoon hours. really it's something that will happen in the afternoon as we get the daytime heating cranking up. the energy and moisture is in the atmosphere and flooding is a major concern. round after round after round of big storms through the area and no surprise that we've got a flood watch including panama city beach and stretching from southern alabama to georgia.
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and so much rain and flooding could be a concern as we move forward. this is a two on scale of four here for a risk of flooding. primarily, yes, it's the florida panhandle and again, stretching into portions of southern georgia, the real main concern there is with all of this heavy rain, round after round. and the other story particularly in the south is the heat. and warm air across the country right now, the current temperatures 80 degrees in chicago, how about that, but down in florida, 93 degrees, you saw it bump up in miami and we are going to talk about potentially record breaking heat for the state of florida, a cold front stretched across the state and potential record highs, climbing into the 90's you're talking in may. you don't typically get quite this warm. there's a ton of heat and a ton of moisture out there. that could fuel some big rains before it's said and done, but, yeah, storms in florida and we're talking about temperatures, aishah, running into the 90's. it's going to be a hot one in the south. aishah: i'll take 93, 93 any
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day over what we've got in washington. it's a mess. let's get to summer. thanks, adam klotz, griff. griff: if it's hot on the hand in florida. go in surfing and cool off. aishah, we've got another hour ahead and this week's raucous congressional hearing and aoc's attack on a fellow democrat. can't make it up. fox news live continues next. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. .. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this?
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