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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> from college commitments to the campaign trail to events on president biden's calendar today
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at right now he is headed to detroit to speak at naacp events. earlier the president give a keynote address to the graduating class at morehouse college morehouse, or the historically black universities in atlanta. the president is seeking to fire up his coalition to bring home traditionally reliable democratic voting bloc in november hello everyone i'm eric shawn this is "fox news live." hi arthel. >> hi eric hello everyone i am arthel neville but president biden's visit to atlanta is the first time he has been on a college campus since they became the staging grounds avert massive protests over the war in gaza. we are reporting less than a dozen students at the commencement turn their backs to the president during his speech seemingly in a protest. this comes as the president is also seeing his numbers a road with black voters new fox polling shows approval among the key groups slipped seven
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percentage points since before the 2020 election but meanwhile president trump has gained nine% support over the last four years among the voting block we do have a live team fox coverage for you. lucas tlucas tomlinson is standy at the white house with what to expect from the president later today but we begin with madison scarpino live in atlanta with the wra wrap up of the presidens remarks. >> hi arthel is the first time biden has been on a college campus directly address the students since the war in gaza began and since all of the campus anti- israel protested. during a biden speech, you mentioned this about 10 students and one faculty member turned their backs to the president as part of a silent protest. it did not take long for him to address that, listen. >> i support peaceful nonviolent protests. your voices should be heard. i promise you i hear them.
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hamas uses attack killing innocent lives and holding people hostage but innocent palestinian caught in the middle of all of this. men, women, children killed or displaced but that's why call for an immediate cease-fire. an immediate cease-fire to stop the fighting. bring the hostages home. >> dozens of graduates were wearing and one had a policy and flag around their shoulders. the valedictorian had a palestinian flag on his cap. >> it is my stance as a morehouse man may be as a human being to call for an immediate and permanent cease-fire in the gaza strip. >> just off of campus hundreds of people gathered for anti- israel rally. many were chanting biden, biden, you are a liar. come november we will remember. over all mostly peaceful with no
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major issues or disruptions. just for some context morehouse college has a long history of activism it's markham martin luther king junior's alma mater here on campus students and staff were divided on the president's visit. some embraced it. some saw it as a political opportunity to gain more support from black voters. back to you. arthelsteve i live in atlanta mn scarpino thank you. eric: when the president lands in detroit today he'll be in a state he cannot afford to lose in november. the key to that electoral win could be the african-american vote there. michigan also has a sizable arab voting block has taken issue with the present support of israel against the terrorists of hamas. lucas tomlinson life at the white house with more of what we can expect to date. height lucas. quickset is right swing states are critical to present biden's reelection chances so many say is no coincidence he went to georgia this weekend to offer
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the commencement address at morehouse because they the traditionally all-black and all-male school. two key demographics the present is to rent reelection we heard from madison's reporting there were number protest about president biden israel policies him that young men at morehouse turning their back to the president. early in "fox news sunday" congresswoman alisa's to phonic talks about that policy was shannon bream. >> we had a equivocation after equivocation from democrats led by joe biden whether it's chuck schumer calling for that is not the place out the type of leadership we need to be seen from the highest levels of the united states of america. >> president biden has been losing black voters according to a number of new pulses fox news full set he has lost 7% in black vote across the country young people to down 14% compared to four years ago. another poll likely send the biden campaign in general
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quarters in the swing states, this "new york times" siena poll next line please which says biden has lost 28% the black vote in the >> thanks so much. arthel: eric and lucas former president trump firing up the crowd the national rifle association annual convention in dallas last night.
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he accepted the groups endorsement an urgent gun owners to get out and vote warning that a biden a win what is that? gun owners voted we would swamp them out levels no one's ever ir seen before. i think you are a rebellious bunch. let's beat rebellious and vote this time. >> trump republican national committee are launching a new coalition called gun owners for trump. the group consisting of olympic athletes and gun industry leaders plan to take aim at the biden administration record on guns. president biden has issued several executive orders to curb gun violence was trump is promising to undo if he returns
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to the white house. the gun-control advocacy group releasing this statement in between meandering iran's about al capone, the president of france and golf, donald trump once again made clear he has all in and on and are a politically toxic agenda of undoing the lifesaving progress made on gun safety under president biden. he signs other issues like immigration, the board and the economy trump brought up robert f kennedy jr. in his speech. trump is ramping up his attacks against the third-party candidate who is currently not slated to participate in the presidential debates. kennedy telling "sunday morning futures" this morning he is in discussions with cn and to get on the stage next month. >> a key piece of criteria is that every candidate has to be on the balance in enough states to get 270 electoral votes by
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june 20. we will qualify for that. >> kennedy said his estimate cnn polling requirements, president biden trump have committed to two debates in june and september. see c5 madeline thank you very . some were criminal trying his former president trump resumes tomorrow here in new york city. they expect to hear more cross-examination of former attorney and fixer michael cohen. trump's lawyers work to highlight cohen's past, lying under oath he has admitted it they will also wait to see if the president himself will testify in his own defense as he has a promise. cb can't live in york city and what we can expect tomorrow. >> hi eric. as you just said former president donald trump defense team has worked overtime to try and damage of michael cohen's credibility. cohen's cross-examination is expected to wrap sometime tomorrow and so far trump's
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attorney todd blanche has worked to highlight lies cohen has told while under oath in the past and during cross-examination blanche also tried to accuse cohen of lying again during his witness testimony for this trial. cohen stood firm on his retelling of the stormy daniels deal trump's defense team is trying to paint a picture cohen is bent on revenge after not getting a job in the white house. during cross-examination on thursday cohen insisted he never wanted one said he only wanted to be considered for a role. but get this, earlier in the trial stormy daniels former lawyer keith davidson told the court cohen appeared suicidal after not receiving a white house position there's no way to know how any of the heated cross-examination is landing with the jury. but, the defense could choose to present a case of its own after the prosecution rests its case trump's defense team has not committed to calling any potential witnesses to include the former president himself or
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robert costello: former advisor who told fox news cohen completed the daniels deal by himself to gain trump's favor. >> he said specifically and i cross-examined him on this. this was my idea. it was his idea to take care of the nda because he had been contacted by a lawyer for stormy daniels said she was going to claim donald trump and sex with her. >> court resumes tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. court was not in session on friday so the former president could attend his son's high school graduation and as you well know this means that jurors will have had a long weekend to ruminate and process on the cross examination thus far, back to you pickwick so is everyone cb thank you. we will have more on the tryout trailwith republican missouri attorney general andrew bailey is coming up our coverage of the trout resumes tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. eastern on fox and
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friends. arthel: exclusive new border numbers obtained by fox or sparking renewed national security. cbp tells us migrants who entered illegally did not turn themselves in are at an all-time high under president biden with a the more than 1.6 million gota ways in the last three fiscal years alone that is more than they trump and obama years combined. in addition there been more than 365 people on the terror watch list caught trying to sneak and let's bring it nebraska senator pete ricketts he serves on the senate foreign relations committee. senator the last part of that interest said that people who are on the watch list they were caught trying to sneak and so are we catching or are most of them part of the g got away list as well?
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we just don't know they trump administration there are 14 people on the fbi terror watch list to cross the border illegally they were caught. it's a 45 year low. this administration has had hundreds that does not count it's just crazy if you look at all the numbers ac crossing bidn administration how much more it is t in the last 10 years c combined. because they are got a ways we do not know how many got in there. arthel: wow. do you happen to know how are they physically evading border agents? and who is helping them? >> this is all been done by the cartels. the cartels are being paid to move people, drugs, whatever. i've been on the border four times and talk to customs and border protection folks with the cartels will do is take a bunch of folks were coming here illegally, put them through one sector and then take their high
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value targets so maybe it's the drugs push them to indifferent t sector we know we are thin because we have to move the resources around. cartels are running this like a highly efficient business. some of the biden border policies are endangering our country. arthel: if you were to temporarily close the u.s. southern border. to smuggle illegal immigrants into our country. >> owes look with the trump administration did they had remained in mexico policy that brought illegal crossings down to 45 year low. in 2019 when i was governor and there was about 46 bills from conventfentanyl we took off our highways. the first six months i ju jump o learn 51000. you may not bill to cut it down to zero you can see the trump policies able to bring the number people to very low
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numbers a second border policy is thrown at all wide open. that's what we are being flooded for example with illegal drugs. arthel: considering this will remain a crisis for the next eight months, if trump were to become president again, what would he do on day one to cut off the flow of illegal immigrants? >> i've not talked to the trump administration but i talked to custom and border protection people they said the single biggest thing we can do to turn this around his re- implement remain in mexico this is a policy for come to seek asylum in our country you have to wait for years sometimes in mexico and take it your silent hearing. the weight is working right now is biden's letting everyone into the country there in our country for years waiting for the hearing. by the late how many others people actually come back years later to the hearing? not many. arthel: is mexico now totally against remain in mexico policy? >> oh well, the trump
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administration proposed to mexico the first place they were getscancer but the trump administration convince them to be able to implement that policy for the biden ministration could do the same thing and i'm confident the trump administration will do if they are reelected. arthel: meanwhile i guess we wait is that what we do? >> sadly that is what we are looking at this open border policy created by joe biden's letting in millions of people we do not even talk about the abuse of parole and is creating national security human trafficking, trafficking, child trafficking at the southern border it's a catastrophe all this is directly the responsibility of joe biden. arthel: what about the bipartisan senate border bill that was in place and just got turned down? because basically president trump, the former president told her probrepublicans opacity wann on the border issue. >> and got to tell you in the senate, nobody was voting against that bill because trump told them to us because it was a
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bad bill. arthel: in the house let's excuse me. part of me then what if it was on the house side what about that? somebody was told in congress to not vote on it because of former president did not want it to pass under biden. cooks of the end of it is a bad bill set the emergency level of 5,005,000 is a catastrophe. even obama people admitted to that that's one of the bad things it did not adjust your abuse of parole. it did not close the loopholes in our asylum system. it was a terrible bill and that's what failed in the senate. in the house, i cannot speak to that i'm not in the house i can tell he was a bad bill. arthel: okay with more than a 1.6 million got a ways in the last three fiscal years alone you would think a bad bill is better than no bill. >> i would disagree with you on that one it did not do anything to address the real problems here it did not do anything to implement remain in mexico is a
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not do anything to end up bidens abuse of parole he has paroled one point to million people into our country last year. that number on average during trump and obama was 5000 or 6000 people yo your that's one exampe how biden is continue to abuse our laws to subvert our laws and allow literally millions of people into our country. the bill that was proposed would not do anything to address that. arthel: senator, within 8000% increase of chinese nationals, illegally crossing the southern border and the last two and half years, what is the national security implication? >> this is huge for that's why said it's a national security crisis that biden is creating at our border. we will be naïve to think the chinese communist party is not putting spies and saboteurs in that huge group of people coming up fast. just a few weeks ago and the san diego sector in three days they
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more chinese nationals cross in the entire 2021. our adversaries like the people's republic of china know we have an open border. it's not just them syrians, it is iranians and pay their coming across the border. arthel: it is alarming. we are showing pictures, it is a crisis for sure but i'm running up against a clock but i want to ask you because i know you said the bill that was on the table the senate border bill is not sufficient can congress do anything to wait for biden's failed border policies to prevail for the next eight months? >> at the end of the day what we know is biden could address this if he wants to he chooses not to be hhe has the same tools trumpd one truck brought to a 45 year low. a real bill that would force biden to close a border could pass for the democrats have not allowed that. we voted on a chart one for example but frankly at the end of the day the think we need to
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do is throw this president out of office. arthel: alright republican senator from nebraska pete ricketts thank you very much for joining us. take care, we will be right backck. ♪ yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at believe it or not baby... you could earn your...
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arthel: at least a dozen anti-
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israel protesters were arrested yesterday during a heated officers tackled and arrested several demonstrators after warning them to move the march to the sidewalk. no word yet on exactly what charges those detained protesters are facing. >> this is a blatant outlaw fare in election interference by the radical left. charged with that one circling the beautiful in the oval office. democrats do not have a case against president trump. this former president trump speaking thursday week five he is accused biden ministration of being behind the prosecution. legal experts point out there's no evidence of that.
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manhattan district attorney's office is independent of the executive branch of the federal government. our next guest missouri attorney general andrew bailey is investigating any possible links and freedom of information request for any records the justice department contacting potentially prosecutors. in joins us now put mr. ag, welcome. what you want to find out? >> look, president trump is absolutely right. it appears on the evidence in the public domain the biden administration specifically the crooked department of justice is deploying resources to solicit witchhunt prosecution against president trump with the goal was not to obtain a legally valid conviction was to take president trump off the campaign trail but what i am referring to previously the third ranking official at biden's his tecate is taking alower paying job to n bragg and the prosecution of president trump. we all knew the case itself was
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not supported by the effects of that we see that play out in real time the defense demolishes the credibility of cohen and the other witnesses against president trump. but now what is being revealed with the freedom of information act seeks to make transparent is the illicit motivation of the prosecutors themselves. at the end of this will undermine the credibility of whatever convictions and seek to hold the wrongs accountable. eric: rios and he was put there by president biden to skewed this trial? >> that is absolutely a reasonable inference to be drawn from the facts. the biting department of justice is selectively prosecuted political opponents of president biden to include president trump as they ignored hilary clinton. remember peter struck an lease that page of the deep state was colluding as president trump before even took office? it's absolutely reasonable inference to draw the same thing is happening now there'll be evidence support that. and again we need start holding wrongdoers accountable. these are prosecutors who are
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engaged. eric: i guess the attorney general froze. maybe it's a conspiracy against what he was saying. it's technical issues will see. gremlins in the ether. we don't have him. we apologize. just as the attorney general of missouri it wa was talking willo get him back and continue our interview about his allegations concerning the trump criminal trial when we come back attorney general andrew bailey.ting we'll hope we can get them on the phone. ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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it does not concern you at all and what exactly are you looking for? >> yes, again we are looking for any communications related to the department of justice coercion and collusion with state prosecutors with president donald trump in this witchhunt we've seen a real time the case falling apart the case alan bragg is prosecuting is not supported by the facts and the law on the fact i want to make all attorneys are subject to rules of professional conduct. prosecutors are held to a higher standard. any prosecutors self interested in the case has to disqualify himself. but is not what's going on in this instance. we know alvin bragg was involved in civil litigation is president trump he wo work for leticia jamesburg we know it is a longtime activist within the dnc. they are politically motivated. that is enough to raise the appearance of impropriety but we blew this actual impropriety are just as there was with back in 2016 but we need to expose that
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and undermine the credibility of what illegal conviction they obtain. but again that was over there nr goal per their goal was always to take president trump off the campaign trail but it's time we prosecute the prosecutors and hold them accountable. eric: he is of course i here to defend himself but this is in 2022 he got the job in the das office is what bragg's office at about" he brings a wealth of economic justice experience combined with complex white-collar investigations. he is the sound judgment and integrity needed to pursue justice against powerful people and institutions when they abuse their power buried there is the statement. standing by him saying he has integrity. and he is following the law. you do point out his deputy assistant to president obama he was chief of staff secretary tom perez the labor secretary 2008 8 he dnc political consultant. do you think perhaps they should have stepped aside and give in this case to someone else?
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>> absolutely. but i am saying is we believe there is sufficient evidence of an appearance of impropriety we do believe with transparency we can expose actual impropriety. again that's going to allow sold tlove soldthe wrongdoers accouns dripping with irony the manhattan district attorney's office, their motto is one sort of justice for all. how this album bragg say that with a straight face given the political illicit witchhunt? especially has actual crimes in new york go under prosecuted for yet he uses these sorts of resources to go after political opponent of president biden it could not be more clear. we intend to shine the light of truth on this at some point is going to be time to hold the wrongdoers accountable. super finally what is your prediction tomorrow i go cohen is on the stand and cross examination finishes the jury could get it later on this link will wait to see if the president himself will testify in his own defense. what do you think the verdict is going to be? once it needs to be an acquittal the judge should dismiss the case for failure to actually
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establish criminal behavior. when album bragg is trying to criminalize the practice of law the fou founders would have rouy rejected that position the case is not supported by the facts of law but we already knew it wasn't illicit witchhunt prosecution. assembly take a look at the illicit motivation of the prosecutors themselves. steve before 34 counts of falsified bumps up to a felony. the jury may get at the end of the week will see what happens missouri attorney general andrew bailey thank you for your insight today. arthel: eric, thank you fox news alert for our viewers the white house says it is monitoring reports of a helicopter carrying iranian president suffered a hard look and according to a running state media. a search is underway for where it landed let's go straight to trey yingst is alive in southern israel with more details. trey, what more do you know from that angle?
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>> arthel good afternoon we are following breaking reports indicating the helicopter that was carrying iranian president crashed in a mountainous region in northern iran. we do not know much about what happens. we do understand at this error search and rescue teams deployed across the area amid bad weather conditions searching for the eye iranian president and the foreign minister who was reportedly on board. earlier today he was in meeting with the countries of president before this reported crash took place. we do understand according to our iranian state media they believe this happened as a result of bad weather conditions in the area. there is a convoy of three helicopters. two helicopters made it to the destination and iran for the third at does remain missing at this hour. state media has asked civilians across iran to pray for the country's leader and at this
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hour we do not have any information on where the helicopter crashed exactly but the helicopter is missing and a mountainous region and are ron d bad weather conditions. arthel: definitely alarming report you have there. i think the most important item you did mention and that it was perhaps the crash due to bad weather. no indications of foul play. there's nothere is no indicatiol play at this point. as we covered the developing story there are questions about what this means or iran as a country amid a very delicate security situation. he does affect the operations of iran until concert national security level. mass a story unfolding right now with the helicopter belonging to
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helicopter ebrahim raisi along the foreign minister britt you look at at the political structure by iran's supreme leader the ayatollah who ultimately makes the decision. as a certainly a story the continued world will continue to follow. information about what exactly took place but at this hour we can report the helicopter that was carried iranian president ebrahim raisi along the country's foreign minister is missing in northern iran. and at this hour we understand it as night fell in iran their search and rescue teams on the ground looking and foggy conditions for this helicopter crash site. arthel: betrayed, again i iranian state media is reporting that so you would imagine the ayatollah is aware of this information. have we heard anything from that office yet? >> if it very limited information is coming from i iranian state media as you
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noted. their reports indicating a special cabinet has convened to gather information about the search and rescue efforts. neighboring the country's president was earlier in the day has offered assistance along with other iranian allies in the region. there is an understand the rescue efforts will be incredibly difficult due to the terrain as the crash took place in it the foggy conditions where this helicopter reportedly went down. wwitters denton the supreme leader is aware of what is taking place on the ground. we also understand there's a special cabinet convening to coordinate these rescue efforts. i run to health minister said all medical facilities are on standby they have deployed dozens of ambulance and rescue teams to this mountainous region. again according to a running state media at this hour they have not located the crash site. arthel: okay, trey i know you'll be working to get any statements
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from the supreme leader and bring them to us when you do obtain that. trey yingst live in israel for it thank you very much for the update. we are going to move on house republicans looking for answers on how tax payer money is being used for pei programs. missouri congressman explains why coming up next. 's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took
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arthel: group government diversity programs. the letter to the office of management and budget they write quote it's important we know why that the administration is spending the american people hard earned taxpayer dollars on divisive, diversity equity and inclusion programs mystery congressman eric burlison is spearheading an joins us now.
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congressman, first of all do you have any idea even a ballpark figure how much is spent on government dei programs each year end how much should be allocated for those programs? >> it's a great question. in fact at last year i tasked my team to investigate this and find it line items for all this waste is occurring. they dedicated months of time we uncovered about two and a 70 line items in the federal budget in total probably -- make it was a billions of dollars being spent on wasteful programs in the vast majority of those programs or offices of de i. dei positions, di officers, and look it is just appalling to the taxpayers to be paying for what is in essence communism in the united states. arthel: let me ask you for one moment do you support government diversity equity and inclusion programs? >> what is unfortunate we have taken a good effort to try to
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eliminate bigotry and racism and the workforce. in our government for sure. the problem is a leftist have taken the good and noble cause and shoehorn into it the tenant of communism, the tenets of socialism. it is no longer about creating equal opportunities in the workforce. it's all about trying to create some form of equity. arthel: non- merit-based hiring or management is not the basis for dei prim sure you are aware of that is to assure all qualified people have access to jobs and to apply for them with our without access to a pre-existing inside track. is that your understanding of what di is? >> is not what is been done in practice. the programs being used for is to elevate people regardless of
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their merit to make sure whatever is in the workforce there is some form of equity outcome being measured. and so the end of the date we need to return to the philosophy of doctor martin luther king who said we looked at the content of someone's character not the color of their skin. arthel: do you believe people who do not fall under that dei umbrella, they are all qualified for their positions? i am not sure how to answer that question. i think at the end of the day the hr process that is to work for the last few decades is one that should continue to work. that is to make sure there is no place within the workforce for bigotry and racism. arthel: why do you call it bigotry and racism? i am very confused on your take
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on what this program is all about. >> what i am saying is there is now a distinction. they have taken what they noble program once again are shoehorning in the concept we have to have equality of outcomes. that's truly an un-american concept. arthel: equality of outcome reflects how america looks. okay, let me ask you this. what do you expect to become a viewer and i believe nine other fellow republicans inquiry? >> hopefully we get a full picture. i have a limited staff and resources. this is clearly a pervasive effort throughout every agency of the federal government. we want to ascertain how much money is being spent to basically shoehorn communism into our federal government.
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arthel: while you are inquiring about how much money is spent perhaps you can inquire about how those programs are actually run and what the purpose of those programs are for. i am not sure that information is clear at this point. at least as far as what you're telling me it doesn't seem there is a clear indication of what dei was meant to cover and to protect. >> well, we may just disagree on that. at the end of the day we should be focused on eliminating racism and bigotry in the workforce but not trying to create some program that tries to equalize the outcome and the results kept everyone across the workforce. arthel: would definitely greet bigotry and racism neither of those horrible traits have any place in the workforce. or in america quite frankly. congressman you are a representative of all the people. appreciate your efforts on behalf of all of the people i
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pushed your time with us today. missouri congressman eric burlison thank you so much. buck's thank you. arthel: it will be right back. dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions.
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arthel: jeb bates a blue origin is back in business launching this morning out of texas and into space for the first time since it was a grounded two years ago. the crew in today's trip includes edited to white our first black astronaut candidate picked up by president john f. kennedy in 1961. this trip is his first time in space. >> make congratulations you have nascar drivers are revving up of historic speedway in north
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carolina. for the all-star race it is been busy today since there's a lot of rain as you can see just flooded the track box business madison is alive with the conditions today. >> hey eric, as you can see conditions looking a whole heck of a lot better. we have got sun we had our first rays of the day completed. everyone is crossing their fingers for dry conditions today on all-star race day. as you said we got a lot of rain. what started as a drizzle quickly turned into a full on downpour. it 2 inches of rain in into hous and completely flooded at turned when it got so bad the trucks it pitted in that area had to be pushed up uphill as the water continued to rise. to purchase cars uphill. after they or move members of the nascar teams they actually started swimming and turn one's
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new pool the fans absolutely loved it dives into the water, belly flops, brushstrokes and the team it m members without a driver swimming out there. for the team members were floating so were the tires of teams also had to rescue the tires as the rain continued to pour down. we were catching all of this as we are huddled in trying to avoid the rain. a major challenge of being the track race ready today was outside of the track. the parking lots many lots were rained out. 880 tons of gravel i had to be delivered to shore up the park in the crews tell us it is unlike anything they've ever seen at this track. but, like i said the good news today conditions are looking good. we should be all set for the big race tonight that's happening 8:00 p.m. eastern on
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8:00 p.m. eastern on this is remington.
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...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. a rescue attempt is underway this hour after a helicopter


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