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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 20, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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might be a plaid shirt. i'll be at fort liberty in north carolina tomorrow to highlight the men and women serving. find out what they go through on a daily basis. vips, important officers of all levels 82nd air board. going to fort liberty right after this. they changed it. building up to memorial day and the men and women and serve. they never forget who came before them. neither should we. >> steve: if you can join us for flo rider that would be great. see brian in an untuck it outfit. >> brian: looking for the triangle at the bottom and i know it's the right length. if it's down to my knees it is not -- >> bill: good morning, everybody. we think we're in the homestretch of history. day 19 of new york versus trump.
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michael cohen is back on the stand momentaryly. defense appears to be nearing the end of its cross examination. the judge believes testimony and evidence will wrap up this week. summations to come next week. we're not done yet. good morning, everybody. bill hemmer, hope you had a glorious weekend. >> dana: i'm dana perino and the "america's newsroom." when you said we're nearing the end. we are. >> bill: we thought we might get deliberations this week. based on what the judge just said that is not going to happen. >> dana: we're awaiting president's trump's decision if he decides to take the stand. here is what he said this morning on his way into court. >> thank you very much. i'm here instead of campaigning. as you know, i was supposed to be in a very different state this morning. the judge actually decided to call it early and yet it looks like we'll have a very big gap between days and it will be
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determined right now in court. but we are here about an hour early today. supposed to be making a speech for political purposes. i'm not allowed to have anything to do with politics because i'm sitting in a very freezing cold courtroom for the last few weeks and very unfair. they have no case, they have no crime. it has been determined by everybody, every legal scholar, "new york post" editorial board today, trump prosecution wind-down. it has always been a witch hunt with a prosecution winding down, we have to ask in the words of peggy lee, is that all there is? "new york post" editorial board. the key element to any prosecution is missing. the key element is missing.
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missing, a crime, no crime. they go through all this stuff and nothing done wrong. ndas are perfect and legal expenses. we paid a legal expense? a legal expense. again, not marked down as construction, not marked down as sheetrock and cinder block. it is marked down oz legal expense. you have a lawyer. you pay him a legal expense. it is covered in the books as legal expense. i had nothing to do with that. the bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense. that's why i'm here. i don't think there is one person that says this trial is legitimate. everybody is talking about the judge. the judge shouldn't be doing this trial. he is totally conflicted. he is the most conflicted judge possibly in the history of the court system and everyone knows what i'm talking about. >> bill: that was a moment ago. they are inside the courtroom
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and once closing arguments the case will at that point be in the hands of the jury, right? they decide whether or not trump becomes the first president to be convicted of a crime. >> dana: team fox coverage. let's begin with eric shawn to get us set up for our conversation. >> good morning. early today the trial is underway, michael cohen about to take the stand. he was on the stand all last week as president trump's attorney todd blanche tried to show he is a liar after the prosecution ends and the defense will begin its turn to defend the former president. blanche got cohen to admit he lied under oath in the past and tried to show that cohen lied to this jury when he claimed to talk to trump on the telephone talking about the stormy
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daniels. so far in this trial cohen has admitted he lied to a federal judge, lied to congress, lied to f.b.i. agents, lied to his bank when he opened a shell company and lied in the verb yeah investigation lied about seeking a trump pardon. the former president said he wants to testify and is under no legal obligation to do so. his lawyers have not yet said if he will do that. if he does not take the stand the only witness the defense may call is bradley smith. smith is an election law expert and former chairman of the federal election commission expected to testify the payments to stormy daniels don't count as campaign contributions as the prosecutors have alleged but are personal expenses. smith has already compared trump's case to the 2012 prosecution of former north carolina senator john edwards. you may remember he faced charges that he misused campaign funds to try to find an affair
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with his mistress. that exploded during the 2008 presidential campaign. despite all that, edwards' trial ended in an acquittal and a mistrial. see what happens with this trial today after cohen finishes. it would then be up to the defense the judge saying with no trial on wednesday or friday closing arguments expected next monday so the jury likely could get this case on next monday. back to you in the street studio. >> dana: it might be tuesday because that's memorial day. >> bill: michael waltz and sits on the foreign affairs committee. the wheels of justice grind slowly here in new york, i tell you. i think we had 3 1/2 days of court last week. looks like maybe 3 1/2 days this week. maybe 3 1/2 days next week. right now they are arguing on this defense expert witness, eric shawn mentioned the name
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brad smith. i don't know if he will be allowed to testify. what is your state as affairs as you see it from afar right now? >> you nailed it. as the wheels of justice crawl along, every day that this drags on, president trump isn't out on the campaign trail. where he should be. and i was there last week and, bill, the thing that jumped out at me was seeing biden's number three official from the department of justice, who should be up in washington doing whatever d.o.j. does, but instead is on a leave of absence and sitting in a new york municipal courtroom just feet away from the man, donald trump who is ahead in five out of six swing states. if that isn't the poster child for what this is. election interference, i don't know what is. why is the d.o.j. helping out a local d.a.? don't they want this to turn out how fannie willis in georgia
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turn out? that's the question we all should be asking. >> dana: in addition over the weekend there was news out of iran when there was a diplomatic mission from the iranian officials to azerbaijan. there was a helicopter crash confirming by them late last night that raisi, the president, was killed in that crash along with the foreign minister. here is what dan hoffman said about that earlier today. >> i think we'll see a continuation of the general contours of iranian foreign policy, meaning domestic repression, carrying on support to hamas, and there so-called axis of resistance against israel and the united states and for the filing their alliance with russia, china, and north korea. >> dana: if that continues what do you think the biden administration should do now? >> well first i just want to say good riddance to raysy, no one
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should be shed a tear responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of dissidents as a prosecutor and shooting school girls in the street in a protest. the girl who was murdered by state police for not wearing a hijab. good riddance. the president is more like a chief operating officer. it's the ayatollah that matters. the thing the watch is the suss session plan for the eye tail yeah. if we changes the ayatollah is quite elderly, could die at any minute. raisi was seen in helping with the transition to the ayatollah's son. so that's what we're keeping an eye on. in terms of just replacing the president and major shifts in iranian policy, i don't see major changes. to answer your question, dana, the thing the administration
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should be doing is making the regime worry about its own internal stability. the thing the regime cares the most more than destroying israel or supporting terrorism is it's own internal survival. it needs cash. we should be enforcing the sanctions going back to maximum pressure. making the ayatollah's inner circle wonder, maybe there is infighting there, wonder how s succession is going to go. the more it is scared about its own stability the less time, energy and israel it has to destrap lies the world. >> bill: it is previous the trump team had a different take on iran and biden went back to the days of the obama administration where they want to have a relationship with this regime. you are right about the ayatollah. he pretty much calls the shots. it looked like he was trying to prop up raisi. that now will end. you called him the butcher of
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tehran. gillian turner reports from the state department that iran executed 853 people last year, many of them women and teenagers. political dissidents among them. this year more than 200 people have been executed so far including two women just two days ago, congressman. >> that's right. they didn't just disappear as awful as that is into some state prison. many of them were hung in the streets, children, teenagers, to send a message to the school girls that were daring to protest the regime. so this regime's brutality cannot be overstated. yet we just had a senior administration official secretly meeting with the regime in oman just a few weeks ago. the appeasement approach from this administration doesn't seem to be changing. they have to do a 180 on the
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iran policy. it would solve so much in terms of gaza, hezbollah, and the houthis and instability in the regime. go back to maximum pressure and make the regime worry about its in survival. >> dana: one thing they could do is take down as much as possible or to be able to help provide actual internet access, free internet access to people where they are not being censored. some of the things coming out yesterday from iran, the ridicule about the regime, the desire for people to get their information out. to find out what's happening in the world and for all of us to hear from them. that's one practical thing that they could do and quickly i will give you a final word on that. >> well that's right. the protest started with the kurds, our friends with the kurds and helping our friends. they can't get a meeting with
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biden's state department. secondly we passed the ship act to put secondary actions on chinese buyers of iranian oil. you put those sanctions in place and dry up the oil. 90% of illegal iranian oil is going to china. you go back to maximum pressure and you will solve the problem. >> dana: thank you for being with us this morning. appreciate it. >> bill: we'll talk again soon. breaking news from inside the courtroom now. these are new pictures of donald trump on day 19. it looks like white shirt, blue tie on this monday morning, all right? and the judge apparently has just made a ruling that brad smith, who is a witness the defense wants to call, an expert on federal election commission, he can testify about his background, purpose and general definitions and terms that relate directly to this case. the judge does not want smith to
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testify or divulge into sub phrases and sub definitions. we'll parse the language on that. our legal eagles will help us defined what a sub phrase and sub definition might be. >> dana: can't wait. we'll be right back. >> bill: okay. rocking on a monday. where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv.
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>> bill: update you now in court, a gentleman by the name of brad smith could be the next witness called for the defense. might be their only witness, in fact, depending whether or not the former president testifies. so he is an expert on election law. and what they were talking about during the commercial is that the trump team would ask him, they are speaking to the judge, the jury has not been brought into the room yet. cohen is not in the room, either. and so trump's attorney says we
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would ask this witness what does expenditure mean, what does contribution mean? i think anyone of a fair mind would be able to distinguish between the two. it is clear based on the sub definition what we were talking about a moment ago. andy mccarthy, you are on the clock and about to begin another week. you are outside the courthouse. andy, we'll get issues in a moment. man, this seems like it is taking a long time. and we thought we would get closing arguments this week. now it doesn't look like that will be the case. it looks like we'll go well past memorial day before the jury starts to deliberate. i know it is a former president. the weight of their decision is significant. but does this have to go on for more than a month? >> well, here is the thing, bill. if you are going to charge the jury, then you want them to start and keep going until they
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finish. and if there are down days this week for reasons of people's availability and especially with the holiday three-day weekend coming up seems to me it would be reckless to start deliberations unless you had a good feeling that you could get through them. you wouldn't want to charge the jury and have them start deliberating thursday and then take a long weekend off in the middle. >> dana: okay. the other thing that happened, andy, and i just want to play this sound from trump to set it up. it was a ruling from the bench about bradley smith who might testify about what is an expense and what is a contribution. listen to trump what he says is a clearly legal expense. >> it is no crime. there was nothing done wrong. ndas are perfect. by the way, legal expenses. we paid a legal expense? it is marked in the book as a legal expense.
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again, not marked down as construction, it is not marked down as sheetrock and cinder block, it is marked down as legal expense. you have a lawyer. you pay him a legal expense. it is in the books at legal expense. i had nothing to do with that. the bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense. it is why i'm hear because they called it a legal expense, a payment to a lawyer. >> dana: defense wants to call this guy saying i worked at the fec and let me tell you what the definitions are. any problem with that? >> not only don't see a problem. i think it is essential. judge merchan has deeply prejudiced trumps defense by allowing evidence that michael cohen pled guilty to two campaign finance violations and that pecker entered a non-prosecution agreement. so if you are where the jury is sitting, you may actually think that that part of the case has
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already been proved, there has been a campaign finance violation. in fact, that evidence should not have been admissible against president trump. so they need to do something to correct this. what i'm fearful of is this is a controversial law because of the first amendment problems attendant it to. if the judge will let smith read statutory definitions without explaining how the federal election commission explains this and interprets this law in order to remain on the safe side of free political speech, it does no good. >> bill: the first time you have been down at this courthouse for this trial. you are not unfamiliar with it. what are your first impressions as you arrive there today, andy? >> i was actually -- the big thing i would say, bill, is nypd is they are wonderful.
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they actually are giving people a sense of real security here without being obtrusive. you have people demonstrating across from us and it isn't interfering with the court proceedings or pedestrian traffics and cops are moving things allot. we all feel a lot more secure because they are. >> bill: they are inside and outside. stand by. >> dana: paul mauro, you are with us. one of the things you wrote about in ops desk is about the question of whether another witness might be called. someone we had on our show last week named bob costello. if you could get call for three up ready for us. i want to play this for you, paul. there has been no mention from the trump team that they would call him. he says bob costello said look, if i were them i would call me, i'm a reliable witness from last
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week when he was on newsroom. >> i kept on going back and suggesting to them listen, michael, if you have something truthful on donald trump, now is the time to cooperate. and he kept on saying over and over again, ten to 20 times, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything against trump. >> dana: michael cohen on the stand today. bob costello, should he be in the batter's box? >> that's a dicey call, dana. i -- i take it seriously because this is a manhattan jury. at the end of the day. you see everything through a lens. you may feel like you have undermined the prosecutions case, we need to put on this one expert to give a general definition and then we will sail off into the sunset. if you have a bob costello in your quiver my opinion is you have to seriously consider using him. the question is how. because much like the expert
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witness, you will have issues with the judge potentially here in how much costello can say and the easiest path, that's what i wrote about that you allude to, is that he can be brought in essentially just to undermine what michael cohen has said. just to contradict it. that makes it not hearsay. he is there to demonstrate a prior inconsistent statement by cohen. in other words, hey, cohen is lying again and lying about the key issue in this case, which is whether donald trump knew anything about this. that's what team trump would want. that's the tension in this thing if they can get costello in a position in that court to speak. if you can get that, i don't see why you don't call him. >> dana: paul mauro and andy mccarthy, stand by. a quick 5-minute break in court. we'll sneak in a quick break while we can. be right back. with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that.
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>> bill: okay. right to the minute 9:31 eastern
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time donald trump is back in the courtroom and i imagine the jury will be brought in momentarily. so, too, will the witness michael cohen. what do you think he did over the weekend? four days to stew on his testimony. >> dana: i bet he watched the knicks. >> bill: likely, i would say. not a great performance, i would say also. kayleigh mcenany is with us, former white house press secretary president trump. we could get into legal matters but let's get into politics. trump will have a rally in the bronx on thursday, all right? roll this. here we go. >> we'll come into new york and make it a big play for new york. other cities, too. this city. i love this city and it has gotten so bad in the last three, four years and we'll straighten new york out. >> bill: so that was a month ago in harlem, all right? now the trump team saying 21, guys, both new york city and state at large have been ravaged
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by surges in violent crime as a direct result of biden's and democrats' pro-criminal policies. murders are up 23.1% from 2019 and felony assault is up 34.5. these upticks are devastating. get you a shot at that. what strikes me about the statement is that you have a clear contrast between biden's record and trump's record and no too far apart. >> that's exactly what this is designed to do. the trump team says we can win new york. anything is possible. biden took 61% of the state. poll shows biden up by ten points. a heavy lift. to your point this draws a contrast, gives huge earned media in the way a new jersey rally did. a huge show of support among a demographic he wants to win. black men or at least really improve those numbers. you see 23% in the "new york times" polls what he is pulling in among black voters. that's the highest number of black voters any republican has
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gotten since 1964 in the enactment of the civil rights act. this is more about winning a demographic and earning media and drawing a contrast than winning the state. anything is possible. >> dana: another reason to do it. any time somebody goes to a rally the campaign gets information. how do we reach you? can we get in touch with you? would you consider being a donor? will you make sure to show up? that kind of information is valuable in addition to the earned media that it will get and the contrast between biden giving a speech at morehouse college and trump giving a rally in the bronx. i don't think that the trump team could get a crowd like that here, i just don't. >> i think this is -- the biden team maybe could but the trump team -- >> dana: i don't think the biden team could do it. i don't think they could. >> you are right about that. the trump team allows them to bring in 3,500 people with a permit.
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a big -- we now know the verdict will come after memorial day. there was a thought it could come down thursday. imagine if a guilty verdict came down even though the law suggests it shouldn't. what if a guilty verdict and a president on stage with a huge show of support? this was cleverly designed around the legal case. >> bill: here are the numbers from 2020. joe biden won more than 60% of the vote in the state of new york. that's a tough -- that's a high hill to climb. torres is a democrat who represents that district where the president is going and he said this. the south bronx has no brate greater enemy than donald trump who is on a mission to dismantle the social safety net on which bronx families depend for their survival. trump is and always has been a fraud. the south bronx the most democratic area in the nation will not buy the snake oil he is selling. his team probably wrote it. instead of giving a positive,
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uplifting message for the people you represent he goes to this social safety net. in the bronx. i wonder how folks feel about that? >> the social safety net. we talk about that. another number that matters 17.5%, the rate of prices that have gone up in new york state. not much of a safety net when you go to the grocery store and can't afford groceries much less the housing market and interest rates. i remember being on air force one with the president and the "wall street journal" news article came out talking about real wages going up for the black and latino community and all communities who hadn't seen wage increases. if you want to talk about a safety net waging up and not facing 20% inflation is a safety net. >> dana: and a belief in the individual that the government doesn't have to do it for you. another thing is president trump loves to get people agitated and on their -- keep them on their toes and what he said over the weekend about a possible third term.
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watch. >> fdr, 16 years, almost 16 years. he was four-term. i don't know, will we be considered three term or two term, you tell me. >> dana: i think that he is joking. the media will definitely not think he is joking. >> this has been an ongoing matter. as wimp approaching the 2020 election he posted a fake "time" magazine covered altered through the centuries, all the way trump 2024, trump 90,000. a way to really trigger the left. he was asked in a serious interview would you say beyond a second term and he said it would require changing the 22nd amendment. i wouldn't be in favor of it all. the media will take this. >> bill: was it 90,000 or 900. >> trump 90,000 and trump forever. >> bill: cohen is back on the stand now getting the jury to come in at the moment.
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the judge asked each side for a draft proposal on the theories in question and send it to the other side. the judge can get a red line where they differ. what is that all about? >> this is about the jury instructions. he is talking about each team presenting their set of instructions and he will be the determination in that. the bradley smith might pertain to exactly what bradley smith would say, not say, what they think the law says. that is interesting. they talked about not going a level deeper than what it needs to affect an election. bradley smith wrote an article talking about affecting an election. everything effects it. brushing your teeth, buying a suit, all of these things would not be affecting an election campaign contribution. so i think the judge is trying to bar him from going deep down to that granular level. that would be helpful to the defense should brad le smith, a former fec commissioner testify to that. >> dana: the other thing is you
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have michael cohen, who as we were joking about at the beginning had the whole weekend to sit and think about the continued cross examination. from what you know about him, and his mindset and what we heard bob costello say about him how he was desperate not to go to jail but said he didn't have anything on donald trump and now he is under cross examination. >> yeah, i hope he spent the weekend reviewing his text messages. he was confronted with one that was construed by the defense as a lie. he said that he had talked to trump about the stormy daniels payment, text message suggested he was talk about a 14-year-old bully. hopefully spent the weekend reviewing the messages. all the defense needs is reasonable doubt. if you reasonably doubt the testimony of michael cohen and think he lied about a material fact the jury instruction will say disregard his testimony entirely. all they need is reasonable doubt. they have proven that and more but you have a manhattan jury at the end of the day. >> bill: we get a lot of emails. our team is great all over it
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down there at the courthouse. one of the attorneys for trump was advocating for his client's interests, as he should, as lydia hu points out. at one point merchan the judge said just relax, and both defense and judge seemed frustrated. so i have guess we'll kick it off on a brand-new week on that note. we'll see you at noon. thank you for coming in. we'll get you back down to the courthouse. mccarthy on the outside, turley on the inside. we have you all covered now for day 19 as we continue. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like quality inn, for the dad that gets every dollar and minute outta this family road trip!
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>> dana: we're back. we want to bring in criminal defense attorney phil holloway, former assistant district attorney because, phil. cohen is on the stand, cross
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examination has started again. so we're underway. over the weekend, cohen had a lot of time to sit and think. so did the defense team. how do you think it goes this morning after the text messages from last week were eye opening and you even had people like anderson cooper saying that wasn't good for the prosecution? >> alvin bragg's case has fallen apart. that train is completely off the tracks. guess who else had the weekend to think about michael cohen's testimony? the jury. in fact, i think it was brilliant for the defense team to time it so that they could take a break for the long weekend and the last thing that they were hearing about is all of michael cohen's lies, hearing about his bias, all of the things that will cause that jury to disbelieve him and then they come back this morning and they get hit with more cross examination. more impeachment of michael cohen. let's be sure there is a lot to
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work with. he has prior inconsistent statements, probably thousand of them that they can catalog. he also has a felony convictions based on fraud and dishonesty and bias, any witness that this degree of bias is not worthy of belief. if he says the sun is orange in the sky then i'm not going to believe it coming from michael cohen and he has that kind of bias. in addition, you always got the defense has got some witnesses coming up. i would not be surprised if we don't hear from costello, okay? the former attorney who will come to this courtroom, i think, and tell this jury that michael cohen not only has he lied in all these other courtrooms, he lied to you guys in this one. if that happens this case may very well be over for alvin bragg. >> bill: let's just refresh our viewers' memory. brad smith we believe will be called. that seems to be the indication we get from the emails inside the court.
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an open question on costello. the judge has been pretty strict about where these witnesses go. here is where costello went with dana and me last thursday. watch here. >> when we got into the discussion of the stormy daniels nda, he said specifically -- and i cross-examined him on this -- this was my idea. it was his idea to take care of the nda because he had been contacted by a lawyer for stormy daniels who said she would claim that donald trump had sex with her. cohen said i didn't believe the allegation but nevertheless it would be embarrassing to melania. that is michael cohen's words. so i decided to take care of this myself. >> bill: if you are a juror and hear that, it could be devastating stuff. and the costello was the attorney for michael cohen when this happened in 2016, 17, 18. but the judge may say it's
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hearsay and not allow any of this. >> it is not hearsay. it is not hearsay. by definition hearsay is an out of court statement that you are offering to the jury to prove the truth of the matter asserted. here it would not be offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. it would be offered simply to prove that cohen talks out of both sides of his mouth. it is being offered merely to show that cohen made those statements and that they were inconsistent with his testimony. so by definition, it is not hearsay. now i do agree with you there is a chance that this judge, because i do think he is biased against donald trump. there is a chance he may rule it inadmissible. this is the same judge that let us here all the inadmissible irrelevant stuff from stormy daniels and the like. if he were to exclude robert costello he would show his true colors and doing reversible
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error. what costello has to say it's admissible. if i'm defending donald trump in this trial i would move mountains to try to get costello on the stand. >> dana: your thoughts now, andy mccarthy, now it's underway. cohen has agreed that any time he testified under oath there was prep but that is not unusual. that is standard, right? >> that there is media? >> dana: there is prep. >> yeah. i was wondering, dana. the first question i would have asked if i were todd blanche were did you speak with the prosecutors over the weekend? the usual rule is if you put a witness on, if you are the party that puts the witness on, you can't speak to that witness while the witness is on cross examination. i agree with phil that it was very smart of blanche to run the clock on the last day of last
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week. not only because he got to start afresh this morning but should have blocked the prosecutors from speaking with cohen over the weekend. if they did do that it would seem to me that would be an issue. >> bill: it doesn't appear he asked that question and/or it doesn't appear that he did. so the exchanged good mornings, the read-out we're getting. hang on one second here. oh, blanche said how many reporters did you talk to over the weekend? cohen says he spoke to reporters to say hello and check in but didn't speak about the case. cohen is still talking to the media over the weekend, all right? cohen agrees since 2024 he spoke with the prosecution about the case more than a dozen times. closer to 20 than 12. cohen met with prosecution more than an hour or two. i don't think he asks if he spoke to the prosecution over the weekend in this read-out.
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why would that be so significant? continue, andy. >> well, you are not supposed to talk to the other side's witness while they are cross examining him to try to repair the things that have gone wrong in the cross examination up until this point. the other thing is they shouldn't have been able to prep him for redirect, which means he would have to -- he would basically be questioned cold once he is done with cross examination. if you are the prosecutor, you would love to have been able to talk to him to load him up to repair some of the things that went wrong on cross examination to the extent you can last week. but you would also really have wanted to prepare him for redirect examination so that you could do like a half hour quick, crisp, examination and then get him off the stand.
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>> dana: okay. phil holloway, from where you sit, one of the things that you have is the situation with the jury instructions. i don't think we've heard from you on that yet. it really does seem to have come down to that. we know based on what bill reported a few minutes ago from our producers that you have a request from the judge for both the defense and prosecution to send in what are your red lines and what do you agree or disagree on? is that a normal thing the judge would ask for as he thinks about jury instructions as well? >> yes, it is normal that at some point towards the end of the case the judge will make something like this request so that he can get maybe started thinking about what his jury charges will be. but in this case, i don't know how much agreement there is going to be between the parties. look, this charge conference or charging discussion that will go on between the lawyers and the judge is going to be as critical
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to the outcome of this case as jury selection was in my view. because the prosecutors' theory of the case even up until now in my opinion is entirely incomprehensible. i can't get my head wrapped around exactly what it is they are saying donald trump supposedly did and in what way, particularly with respect to this other crime, right? it is bizarre that we're this far along in any criminal case, let alone one involving the former leader of the free world, the president of the united states where this far along in the trial the prosecutor's theory of the case is so jumbled and income present henceible. we'll hopefully find out what their theory is when the judge puts it in writing and instructs the jury. but it is a big mystery to me. i thought i was crazy. i thought maybe it was just me. i've spoken to other of my colleagues, other people who are
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talking about this trial, and it seems to be more like universally none of us can fully understand what alvin bragg is trying to get at here. if it goes to the jury like that, and the jury can't understand it, that can only help donald trump. >> bill: we'll see. phil, i was sharing this with dana during a commercial break. an article from the "wall street journal" this morning. news piece as they examine the defense of trump. this is a piece from "the new york times." it is a news piece that examines the case against donald trump. dana, they could not be more different from one another as they look at what has been presented so far. >> dana: which is why it's great to read both. >> bill: stand by. we have turley inside and we have trey gowdy inside the courtroom as well today. it will get good. stand by. dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day.
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