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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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about. the defense and may be giving orders to the jury, misdemeanor charges versus felony charges and maybe make them misdemeanor charges. what do you make of that? >> i have thought for the beginning that the defense has a right under new york law to ask for a lesser included offense instruction. the felony is the greater offense. the misdemeanor is the lesser included offense. i think it is important to. if the jury feels they have to convict trump of something, you would rather have them convict on the misdemeanor. i would have to get thrown out the statute of limitations ran on that in 2019. >> neil: great job no matter where you are. tomorrow, another day and then we are told next week, the judge wants is all wrapped up. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeld along with judge during bureau, and she just got a reverse mortgage on her barbie dream house. dana perino. this is "the five." waiting for donald trump to speak as his lawyer's battles to get that case dismissed. after that year he got sent home for the day in this hush money trial. it comes as they finally found a crime the whole thing. it's not the orange guy, it is the prosecution resting its case after their star witness imploded. michael cohen admitted he stole tens of thousands of dollars from trump. cricket cohen said he only did it as a form of self-help he got screwed over on a bonus. after letting stormie get away with tawdry testimony about a magazine, the judge reprimanded trump's first witness, robert costello for rolling his eyes grew dramatically carrying out
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the courtroom to lecture him about the koran. costello repeatedly said that cohen told him he had nothing and didn't know about the hush money payments. popping up earlier. >> i am here instead of campaigning. i was supposed to be making a speech for political purposes. i am not allowed to have anything to do with politics, because i am sitting in a very freezing cold courtroom for the last 4 weeks. it is very unfair. >> greg: cohen's crying convention getting that media hot and bothered. >> michael cohen stole money from the trump organization. that was kind of stunning. >> this is given such ammu ammunition. >> there is an argument to be made that you are just an opportunistic thing. i think has moved michael cohen from this figure where he is part tom hagan from "the
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godfather" to now this guy is a thief. >> stealing $60,000 through fraud would be in larceny in new york state. >> greg: leave it to lawrence for going the extra mile for spending the cohen bombshell. >> he asked about the $50,000. that is irrelevant. that is where he very effectively got michael cohen to say to agree that yes, he stole $30,000. later when cohen was asked about that by the prosecution, it didn't really sound like stealing $30,000. it sounded a lot like michael cohen doing the little daddy good within that calculation to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved. and it still came out as less than the bonus he thought he deserved and the bonus he got the year before. >> greg: judge, they act like
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this is stunning. cohen is a perjurer and fraudster. he is still their star witness. this yet again undermines their case. the whole case undermine the case, because it was based on him. how could this be stunning? >> judge jeanine: it is stunning, because they have a political agenda. michael cohen is the linchpin of this case. the linchpin of this case has been attacked. and his credibility is totally destroyed. today, everybody was blown away when he admitted, yeah, i stole $60,000. he should be indicted for grand larceny. the southern district knew about it. the d.a. in manhattan knew about it. alvin bragg knew about it before the statute of limitations ran. they catapult him to the centerpiece of the corruption that donald trump is engaged in. the bottom line is that michael cohen pretty much cancel themselves out. by the defense made a decision.
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we are going to call costello. people will criticize it. i contend it was the right decision to make. cohen is the most credible witness i have heard so far in this case. the important role that a judge plays in each and every other case. the judge just doesn't decide what is this evidence going to be admitted? well i allow it are not allow it? the judge sets the tone of the room. this judge is so corrupt, he should have recused himself. i'm not gonna go through it again. the prosecution knew he was on their side. every time costello tried to talk, the prosecution objected interrupting the story. there is no coherent story in front of the jury to the point where costello goes, this guy costello, he is well-respected in new york. he goes -- and the judge flips out.
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the judge doesn't say keep your client under control. he clears the court room start screaming. keep this guy in line. i'm not going to take this anymore. he admonishes him as soon as he takes the stand and then rips them apart. however, he gets in this adult star who does you know what for a living and let's talk about everything from how great the encounter was to whether or not he used one and all this other nonsense. this jury now knows as a result of the way he is handling costello, the defense's first witness that this judge is not on the level. for those people who say it wasn't worth it, like costello, the signal sent to this jury is that this judge is definitely not on the level. and then michael cohen who went from -- i've got nothing to give the prosecution. nothing to give them about to
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kill himself and had a lobotomy. in spite of the fact that the president listen to everything he said. in spite of the fact that he is a serial liar, stole and rerecorded him. michael cohen is not to be believed. >> greg: harold, i guess the judge was upset that costello rolled his eyes. is the judge married to him? >> harold: it is good to be back with you. i hope everyone had a good weekend. the lawsuit is a little bit tough, otherwise i was good. i differ with the judge in one regard. i think you have to respect the courtroom and respect the judge. the judge and i were chatting off air. if a witness where to do this and that judge's courtroom, i think the judge may disagree. i know you and i love you. i think you would want control of your courtroom. you might not have been as sensitive as this judge would have been. when a witness disrespects a
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judge, a witness disrespects the courtroom, any judge no matter where they are appointed by a where the courtroom is should admonish. >> judge jeanine: let me just say that sometimes you let the witness hang themselves and let it go. >> harold: that is not the judge's role. keep her courtroom in order. he is an officer of the court. i agree with you. i think the young fellow from cnn who said, let us know that it is grand larceny what mr. cohen did. it is a more serious crime than falsifying business records. it is obviously across the media platform in spectrum today. there's a lot of concern that the prosecution's case was undermined by this testimony even more so than it has been in the past. the two things can be true. he can be a liar and a thief. it appears that he has lied if indeed he did this.
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i don't understand one of the other commentators that said it's a rebalancing. you go into the grocery store and get more things because you are trying to rebalance inflation. you would be charged and arrested foran. he can be lying about those things and also be -- the jury is going to have to determine if he is telling the truth about other things. as the judge knows, when you can show that your star witness -- the defense can show the prosecution has lied on the stand and lies about other things, that certainly impacts adversely his credibility. >> greg: jesse, he stole in lieu of a bonus. who hasn't? >> jesse: i stole your bonus last year. it was smaller than i thought. >> greg: i never hear that. >> jesse: never. a disbarred lawyer and the guy that rolled his eyes is disrespecting the court. >> greg: here we go.
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>> thank you very much. you saw what we saw. that was an incredible -- i've never seen anything like it in my life. a tyrant. and everyone is talking about it. this is what we have. we have an appointed judge. this is our fourth week. soon will be our fifth week. not campaigning. you saw what took place in that hopefully, the motion to dismiss this trial will go through. this trial is a disaster for our country. it's a disaster for new york state and new yo new york city. where exactly is the crime? to quote a memorable line, "i don't know. it's a mystery." there was no crime. it is unconstitutional in texas
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to enforce federal immigration law. how is it constitutional for new york to enforce federal election law? it's never happened before. nobody has ever seen anything like this before. this is a witch. this is to damage crooked joe biden, the worst president and the history of our country by far, by far, do damages political motive. that is all this is. highly political judge. a totally conflicted judge who just did something that nobody has ever seen. and of the press is not happy, i don't imagine. they just got thrown out of a courthouse. no one has seen anything quite like it. bragg has no authority to enforce election law, and we did nothing wrong. ted cruz said in over 200 years, never once has a president of the united states been indicted
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over no crime no crime. hemingway, very smart woman. this is a show trial. there is no actual crime or evidence. mollie hemingway reinspected by everybody, by the way. here is a very liberal gentleman, but a very talented one. critically acclaimed, director oliver stone. haven't heard his name mentioned in a while. it's a new form of warfare. it's called lawfare. even he is talking. i've never had such a liberal or as they say nowadays, progressive support. you are living through what is not only the worst president in american history, that is biden when it comes to domestic and foreign affairs. when it comes to the constitution and rule of law and
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law of order in regards to the republic, biden's dismantling it, and he's destroying it. i think that beautiful resolute desk in the oval office. the country has never been in this position. we are doing badly and so many different ways, and we are falling apart. we are not respected in the world anymore. they are no different than we aren't good bad countries are saying that. they are saying that the united states is no different than we are. the globalist elites have really miscalculated, declaring war on trump. i guess he is referring to the fact that the polls are through the roof. i'm not even talking about that. the polls are the highest ever. terrific lawyers as everyone knows, it's past time for a
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judge juan merchan to dismiss this case. there is no false injury. by the way, they paid a legal expense and market legal expense. i say it every day. they could have said construction. they could have said this is where construction purpose or some other purpose. they are called legal fees. they call it legal expense. they paid out all your money legal expense. the lawyer says retainer. at the retainer. he calls it a retainer. acting attorney general matt whitaker, the prosecution said that absolutely no evidence of a crime. the american spectator, people over there, judge merchan's animosity towards me development
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inability to ensure a fair trial is not lost to the voters. never seen anything like it. this goes on and on. ross, "the new york times," i would defy anyone to summarize the underlying situation in which a presidential candidate could be -- for a misdemeanor offense. very small, but there's not even a misdemeanor. for a misdemeanor offense misdemeanor offense elevated by a second crime for which he isn't even being charged. i'm not even being charged for it. i haven't even been charged for a crime. you know at the crime is -- that is what the crime is. they don't want me to be on behalf of i think 200 million people. they don't want me to beat biden, okay? it is a shame. this is when they have done. just to finish up at that, coming across -- the cnn panel
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just came out. this is significant. there is no direct link to trump in this alleged a conspiracy. this is from cnn. laura cnn, not a fan of mine as i understand it. possibly vaguely undermines the prosecution's case. this is a disaster. she said here, undermines the prosecution's case. this case should be dropped by the judge. i think the judge if he did that would gain the respect back. either the appellate think of it. the republican party, one of ths somebody to be their candidate, and that candidate now has been sitting here for almost 5 weeks in the freezing cold icebox listening to this stuff.
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no crime. cnn, the crux of the case is trump knew this and now. trump didn't know. he never would have agreed to be robbed by cohen. he absolutely didn't know. this is a bomb being dropped on the prosecution's case. this is cruising for prosecution credibility. i will tell you about. new york state is so bad. watching all the world. businesses are going to be leaving the state where they already are, unfortunately. budother judges that have creata horrible scar on the constitution. hopefully the appellate courts will take care of it. cohen about that. i have not made -- guilty to
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larceny. because you know it has taken place. i won't even mention. i have a gag order. i'm not supposed to be talking about certain things. i'm being very careful. you saw what happened. this is cnn mentioning it. which it is larceny. which it is -- you know what they are talking about, but because there was an admittance. the money -- i won't say that. i won't say that. in fact, you're going to have to get this money, because i can't read it. i have been gagged from reading this. it is a vicious statement by a respected person at cnn. you will have to read that one yourself, because i have been gagged. it turns out now that trump must --
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you can read that. need i can't read it, but that's i'm not allowed to say it. the prosecutor misled this jury. there is a case to be made. because 5 people have stated it very professionally that's a prosecutor should be prosecuted. the district attorneys are bragg should be prosecuted, because he knew when he submitted this case all about the lies. and therefore, he has committed a crime. many people have said that that they should turn this around. he knew that this was the case. he knew that the lies were all over the place. we are not just talking about a small amount. also, you have to go get the southern district about a 28-page book online which the judge would not allow. by the way, the judge wouldn't allow that. the southern district --
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in a book of 28 pages i believe are more of lives. the extra witness that we have some of the best there is an election law, brad smith, he is considered the rolls-royce to bring back to american car catalog. met the best there is. he can't testify. not allowed to testify. you saw what happened to a highly respected lawyer today, bob castello. i have never seen anything like that. i respect it. remember this. we can't put into next year witness. we are not allowed to put in an expert witness. nobody has heard of it before. election law is very complicated actually. we are not allowed to have an expert witness, because the judge wants to rule on it. he said we don't need an expert witness, i guess. he said he will rule on end. he needs help.
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on a very complex -- we did nothing wrong. i will tell you that right now. he doesn't want him to testify. that is because he is going to say we did nothing wrong. i can say that one, again, because i have a gag order. he goes through a whole big thing on witness today. i can't talk about it. the exact same thing. he is a very good lawyer. cnn commentator. it's not only their credibility, it is also those whose alvin bragg's office -- how did they not get this out ahead of time? that is what everyone is asking now. how could they put something like this out? he goes on to things that i'm not allowed to talk about. here i am, vice presidential.
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we have 15 people that i'm supposed to be meeting about who is going to be our vice president. but i am stuck in the refrigerator all day. the presidential nominee. i am down here by enacting judge. he is acting. and you know who appointed him? democrats in a clubhouse. but hopefully, i tell you for the good of the government steps forward. we have -- outside. if you are a civilian, you can get within 3 blocks of this courthouse. all we have is police. they have been good to me. i tell you what, you don't see any civilians outside. i never saw so many iron gates as i have seen the last 5 weeks. andy mccarthy to show he stole from the trump organization even as they are structuring a deal. i can't talk about it. again, i have a gag order.
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i think the case is going very well. the determination of the case. this case should be terminated. it should be terminated right now. new york state up a system again. new york state can't let this happen. can't let this happen. with no crimes, we did nothing wrong. i want to get back to campaigning there and i'm representing hundreds of millions of people. in the meantime, russia and china are good friends. they want to take over the world. chyron is developing a nuclear weapon. it's not going to be an easy situation. and north korea is getting frisky. the current administration. they don't even know his name. we have a lot of things to solve. inflation is hitting new highs. you see that, new highs. i should be out campaigning so we can turn the country around.
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thank you very much. see you tomorrow. [indistinct] >> greg: i cut you off earlier. please continue what you consider to be a thought. >> jesse: the president said something incorrect. i have to correct the former president. he said that there is no crime here. that is just wrong. there is a crime, and we found out that day that michael cohen is a thief. 19 days into this trial, we finally have a crime, larceny. he stole $60,000 from his clients. and he paid $20,000 in cash in a brown paper bag to the contractor he was the thing. this is the guy. this is the star witness. now that jerry sees trump as a victim. he is a crime victim. this whole case rests on this
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one thing. trump knowingly signing off on a false invoice. cohen doctors this invoice. and that proves that trump didn't know he was signing off on a false invoice. that blows the whole case. why would he sign off on an invoice that robs them of $60,000? he wouldn't. he's an x conspiracy with a guy that is stealing from him? michael cohen didn't even -- of the document is now tainted. the summary of this legal expenses tainted to the jury. the defense did a great job today putting out all of these legal things that cohen had been doing for a trump, the organization and the trump family for the entire year of 2017 that would justify these legal expenses. alvin bragg knew about the phone call that happened that blew up that never happens. then he also knew about his star
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witness stealing $60,000. the jury must feel totally railroaded by the prosecution. it showed today, michael cohen told everybody he knew that donald trump was innocent and had no knowledge of this payment and had nothing to do with this payment. the minute left and right office and said you have 48 hours to plead guilty or you and your wife will go prison for a long time, he flipped. that's why you bring in costello. costello comes in and says, at the height of its pressure where he was suicidal, and he would do anything he could give the fence whenever they wanted on trump, he told me he had no dirt on donald. he's got to be telling the truth. he would have served it up to him. they would let brad smith, federal election law year, on to say that this is a crime, this
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payment. it is not an illegal campaign contribution. this is the former president of the united states. not only are you gagging him, you are not letting him put on an expert witness. what the hell is this? you have cohen admitting that he had $4 million on anti-trump books and podcasts. he is shopping a third anti-trump book. he shopping a netflix deal. he is considering running for congress. michael cohen is considering running for congress. >> greg: he's got the cv. he is already committing crimes. he is following the footsteps of menendez. >> dana: cohen is not a fixer. he is a graph area. the jury sees that and they can weigh that. i want to go back to one thing. lawrence o'donnell from msnbc suggesting that michael cohen was just getting what was
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rightfully his. how many people at a business feel like they deserve more salary or bigger bonus? they don't go around stealing from that person and then trying to make it up. karine jean-pierre and never come up with spend like that. the media doesn't wear them. it is wise if the president is going to quote all these people, i would quote the people on the left who are making the case that all the things that jesse just said we're said today by people on the left. i would read those out. >> greg: all right. that was none. coming up, and angry old man yells at the sky. joe biden gives a race baiting speech to a black filled college. ♪ ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location,
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: joe biden to visit -- all-male historically black college in atlanta. the president painting america as a racist place that does not love black people. >> president biden: you missed your high school graduation. you started college just as george floyd was murdered, and there was a reckoning on race. what is democracy? that black men are being killed in the street. what is democracy? the trail of broken promises still leaves black communities behind. extremists closed the door of opportunity and strike down affirmative action and attack the values of diversity, equality and inclusion. they don't see you in the future of america. but they're wrong. >> jesse: brazen lies about george's election integrity law. listen. >> president biden: today, georgia, they won't allow water
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to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. what is that all about? >> jesse: lets go to you first, harold. >> dana: for no particular reason. >> greg: did you find the president's speech inspiring? >> harold: too often, talking about serious issues, sometimes i think too often use -- there's a backdrop of this. the president's polling numbers with a black man is not where he wants them to be. this effort and platform. i listen to a lot of this speech. he talked about his personal life and his faith. i think you have to step back and treat voters like every day voters. often times you meet people where they are. every voters paying too much at the grocery store. paying too much at the gas station. every american is paying too
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much for housing or believe that they are and most times are. i think that is where you have to talk about, the idea of making everything about race or trying to isolate race, there is no doubt there are issues about race. for black kids have a saturation of firearms. more black moms -- when their kids are born, the likely of them having a health element is greater than other communities. these are all things we can look to. when you are a politician talking about the things you want to do to make the nation savory. economy, inflation, and border. those are issues that every voter regardless of one's race you care about. the president gave it a great try and morehouse, but i probably would have done it a little differently. >> jesse: dana, when he says we don't have a democracy and black men are dying in the streets, what is he saying th
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there? >> dana: this was a speech that was a long way from hope and change. i don't understand. if i were ever to be in the white house again -- which i will never be. if the president of the united states has offered an opportunity to give a commencement speech, and it is an accepted offer, i would say, in no way could you make this about politics. commencement speeches are not about you or your campaign. they are about the students and the families who just made a lot of sacrifices and work very hard to get to this moment. what did he tell them? your futures are dire and dismal. i don't even know why you are here. why don't we all go home? i was miserable about it. i love a good commencement speech. we did hours last week. they were much more inspiring than this. i also asked this about every speech. why are you giving it? why did you give it this way? his base is crumbling in front
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of his eyes. he has to figure out a way to scare them into voting for them. the numbers are abysmal for him. in pennsylvania over the weekend, there was a piece about black voters in pennsylvania starting to walk away from the biden campaign. pennsylvania is a must-win state. i'm not saying they are going to vote for donald trump. maybe they will. maybe they will vote for rfk jr. if biden looses just a fraction of his voters, his coalition falls apart perhaps for a generation. >> greg: if he wants to get rid of the poison of white supremacy, he could just resign and let the black lady take over. i wonder how the crowd would have taken that. there were so many things that he said that were so wrong. talking about black men who are getting killed. who is killing them?
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everything he said, that's either wrong or what are you not saying? i defended the kansas city chiefs speech last week, because it wasn't for the college-bound critics. it was done by a catholic at a catholic venue to a catholic audience. he is playing to an audience, but where he expressed beliefs, he has parenting lies that are actually based on the assumption that everyone there is a victim. it is actually more insulting than anything you could imagine to go there. it wasn't a commencement address. it was a eulogy for the black race. he was, like, you are hopeless. you are screwed. your country hates you. talk about putting you all back in chains as biden said about romney. this is the most divisive leader i think i have ever said. he's about as uplifting as a terminal illness. he's only doing it to hold onto power.
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hitting race against race keeps us busy. they remain immune to our concerns. that is all this is. if they can keep black people looking at the white sand going, these guys suck, then they are okay. he clapped after the immediate cease-fire line. that tells you everything he knows about biden pretty will do whatever he needs to say. >> harold: president trump speaks to his crowd and says things -- >> greg: these are optimistic. >> harold: president trump has been known to hurl a few ins insults. >> greg: at specific people, not a groups. >> jesse: it is a commencement address. trying to be a little bit more uplifting about the future. >> judge jeanine: the sad part about this is he is so disconnected that he doesn't allow these students to have their moment.
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he doesn't allow them and their parents to have that celebratory moment. he is incapable of letting them reflect on whether they are able to do in the future. instead, he wants them all to look backwards and makes it seem like the backwards is today and tomorrow. he is the racist year. he is the one who is creating the division here. he is a guy basically saying blacks are being killed in the streets. you have to work ten times harder than the next guy to do as well. i guess he hasn't seen what dei does. i guess he hasn't seen what he himself and his party is doing to blacks in this country. blacks are without a doubt the victims of other blacks in terms of crime in this country. blacks in the minority community are the victims of illegals in a sense that illegals are taking priority of where they are in
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terms of the program, school programs, parks. the illegals come in and literally take away the hopes of black children who have the ability to succeed. he is preventing them from doing that. he wants to talk about demo democracy. what is democracy today for you? democracy is allowing jewish students to walk on campus and not be afraid to enter into a library. not be prevented from entering into schools. this is the same joe biden who was a senator voted against immigration in schools. this is the same joe biden who gave a eulogy for a member. this is a guy who is a racist. in the end, what he did was he took a moment to create a wonderful period and a wonderful celebration for students and their parents and turned it into hate and divisiveness. that is who that man is.
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>> jesse: great discussions all of you. i really mean that, make sell this time. up next, traffic lights are being sacrificed. ♪ ♪ noise commentary
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♪ ♪ >> harold: crime getting so bad in oakland officials are replacing traffic lights with stop signs. massive moment encampment nearby stealing copper wire from them and tampering with the lights electrical power boxes. this obviously is a crime, your honor. is this the right answer here for this? >> judge jeanine: no, it is classic liberalism and democratic brand cities. having to accommodate for the criminals and taxpayers paying the price for the lax policies.
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the sad part about all of this is they are moving everybody around and moving stop signs because it's in the way for the encampments. the whole thing is crazy. >> jesse: alerted you to the fact that copper is at an all-time high. it has doubled since donald trump was in office. under joe biden them it is over $5 a pound. you sell it for scrap going into ev charging stations. they are even stealing sculptures and war memorials to resell the copper on the black market. i am disgusted by it. this would not stand if i were president. that is not an announcement. >> dana: this will work about as well as abolish the police. i can imagine there will be a problem of not having stoplights at intersections and they will have to come back and fix it. why don't they called across the bay and say, silicon valley, we need some tech updates.
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why can't there be -- there's got to be a technological solution to this. >> greg: this is the problem. why is society having to dismantle itself to bow to the irrational actions of an insane mentally ill or drug addicted few. this is a result of an application of order and responsibility under the disguise of compassion bear when instead we need to separate the uncivil from. that is compassionate for both sides. once you start taking up our society to please those who don't even want to live by society's rules, you end up in the universe of mad max. sooner or later, the stop signs are not going to be there either. then what are you going to do? we have a society that has not just given up, but it has given in. if you try to resist it, you are seen as the bad guy.
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this is the ultimate consequence of phony compassion is brought to you by harold ford's party. >> harold: with not saying the last line, i agree with you. thousands of children left in tears -- we will explain it next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: a local las vegas restaurant is apologizing over an event that left parents fuming and children crying. it promised kids a chance to meet blewett, the world's most popular children's cartoon. instead of the beloved character, the kids saw a weirdo dressed in a wednesday. an eyewitness expressing her disappointment. >> did he look like on tv? >> no, he looked unexpected. we could see his beard. >> judge jeanine: i will start with you, harold. everyone was disappointed. they ran out of snacks before half of the crowd was there. >> harold: they grew up watching this character. it probably frightened a few kids. should not have met this guy out
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there. >> judge jeanine: what is it like disappointing kids, jesse? [laughter] >> jesse: ask my mother. they know blewett he doesn't exist. he is a cartoon. that's low expectations. someone is going to show up in a costume. the costume wasn't great. what do you expect? this is a chain restaurant in vegas. you are getting in for free. face pain. you are not going to see harold ford jr. this is a guy in a "bluey" sack. it looks like he's drinking. >> judge jeanine: the staff at this restaurant had no training in face painting. >> dana: i admire them for trying to figure out a way to make a dollar. we have a supply and demand. there are not enough "blueys." >> greg: i am with jesse. i don't go to free events. you end up with a man in a wednesday.
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>> jesse: is in your show free? >> greg: no. >> judge jeanine: "one more thing" is up next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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>> greg: omt tonight on my show bill maher for the hour. dr. drew, kat timpf. what a show 10:00 p.m. let's do, this greg, what's inside the bathroom wall. roll the clip and then stop it. all right. there's the clip. i don't know, what do you think is behind that wall, judge? >> judge jeanine: is that a spider? i can't see that. >> dana: a hole or something. >> harold: it looks like a spider i'm going with the judge. >> jesse: those are beetles. >> greg: dana?
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>> dana: rabbit. [spooky music] >> dana: a bat, of course. >> judge jeanine: is it the with whiskers? >> dana: that's very gross. >> judge jeanine: that's a big cat. >> that's gust disgusting. so tonight on "jesse watters primetime," what do women want why are they so angry? johnny asked people what they would tell graduating college students tonight at 8:00. >> greg: all right, dana? >> dana: pursy received amazing honor from the u.k., thank you king charles so much for that portrait unveiling of%y. appreciate it. >> greg: neutered just like prince harry. are we out of time? >> judge jeanine: we are out of time. guess we will move on to some guy named bret. >> bret: thanks. do you know what i learned "the five" is not cat people. >> greg: no.


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