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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thank you for joining us. cohen lies, biden lies, that is the focus of tonight "angle" appeared to consider what the jurors who had to sit there in manhattan for four weeks had likely learned aboutstar the prosecution's star witness.x evhe has a convicted perjurer ad excavator and secretly taped and doesn't get permission from his clients. light on the stand about the reason he had a call with trump's security and on toh of all of that, he admits he is a thief. the fixer inflated contractor's invoice to the trump organization from $20,000 toce o $50,000 and pocketed the difference here what i was wondering when we would start hearing evidence of an actual crime at this trial and today was it. any legal expert worth his or her song at this point would
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know the credibility ofth michael cohen is cooked. speak of the fact that he was never charged with larceny is important because doing $60,00$60,0 through fraud which would be larceny in new york state is more serious epigram of a falsified business. >> i'm socked we are hearing itu for the first time for theael cohen that prosecution did not confront it> it goes to the heart of thee fr actual case. >> t to show that he actuallyg stole froma the trump organization, even as they were structuring a deal to pay himbi $35,000 a month is an enormous big deal. >> laura: larceny, embezzlement, perjury, oh, my! and opportunist, a drifter, i meant that got squeezed by prosecutors and essentially started spewing whatever he thought would help him get n reduced jail what were alvin bragg and michael cohen angelo thinking? we know what they were thinking because they had to know about
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beall of this larceny by cohen e if they didn't come but theysm should be sanctioned for gross negligence. unfortunately there is no mechanism for sanctioning penance forar tv anchors fornk k stupidity. >> michael cohen was asked about that on redirect by prosecutioni it didn't sound like stealing $30, it sounded a lot like michael cohen doing the little that he could within that calculation to rebalance thee bo diplomacy he thought he deserved. >> laura: he was rebalancing the bonus, that is not theft. meltdown mode at mbc when they decided to dig talking about the actual case, the statute, the elements of the crime and tstart talking about who was wh trump and feta courtroom today. >> x hells angel for drug abuse, bernie kerik who also did prison time. it was doutralg central, the
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attorney bill barr gae, matt gaz who's been on the ethics investigation. it is like hise is trying to pot out that this is going to be fed nation without laws. outlaws areryte above the law. everything about them is no, we are above it, we are the outlaws here. >> laura: is there are someve aromatherapy gift basket or may be a spa day that we can send over to those kids? i'm beginning to think they all need a little bit of self-care to clear their minds. it is hard to believe that a few members of this jury won't see the obvious at this point. >> no one would ever consider bringing a case like this because it is unprecedented. in my view, you don't test theth new legal theories from the a d.a.'s office when dealing with the united states president and the election and described as one of the worst witnesses anyone has ever seen. n>> laura: and then today, juan
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merchan repeatedly sustain the prosecution's objections to the second witness, robert costello. he was testifying to the conversations he had with cohen back in 2018 that include a conversations about whether the government had anything on president trump. well, of course, he let stormy daniels go on and on with hours of prejudicial testimony including the trump encounter. it had nothing to do with the case and he allowed this to go't in before he stepped in and said you can't consider that to the jury, oh, thanks. judge merchan should be ofe a se of himself for letting a spectacle of interference case get this far. when the defense rests in the prosecution rests, trump's team will file a motion for directed verdict. it should be granted. now, for those of you that don't know and no reason you should j come a directed verdict is ahat rule entered by the trial judge after concluding there is no sufficient basis in the evidence
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presented for a reasonable juryc to reach a different conclusion. so, a fair and a decent jurist, judge, would end this travesty as soon as possible. but of course we won't hold our breath. democrats like to be known for their first, first hispanic thi. or first lgbqt that, but this is the worst, the worst caser brought by the worst d.a. with the worst star witness before th e worst judge to help the were sitting president in u.s.d history, joe biden. and speaking of biden, he and a cohen have a lotre in common, don't theye? both are drifters, both arey liars. biden's siphoning off his family members after cashed overseas slightly more clever and new ones tha t t may be b3, but biden's lies are nonstop and just astion look, biden's lies about inflation.
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>> i think inflation tha has go lightly up and 9ar% when i comen and out down around 3%. the one that was a lie, 1.7, 1.9%. lies about his family. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about this thing, what are you talking about, china. >> laura: he lies about hie s own personal experience. >> i've spent more time and thee church in delaware and i haveblc most people i know with black people in that church. no, i'm serious. >> laura: i'm serious. he lies about america beingle systemically racist.d >> black men are killed on the street and we bear witness. for me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy.po wethroughout systemic >> laura: old to burn his chances to stay in power. these are wicked, awful, and
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cynical lies. for years now, we have watched the most powerful people in thio country lie about enpresident trump, lie about ths country, and even lie abouts. indisputable established facts all to gain more power for the themselves. but the latest polls indicated the voters are tired of being lied to and ready to hearel leaders who tell the truth. and if the jurors in new yorks feel the same way, then the democrats plans for this trial will really have backfired on them. and that is "the angle."d ce 20 mi sol wisenberg deputy counsel and fox news contributor and they had ryan, founder and ceo of america majority, it took weeks but we finallys found the crime intr this triala cohen stealing from the trump organization, sorry, rebalancing what he thought was owed to him, but if you are the prosecutionnd here, isn't it incumbent upon you to have known this fact and
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maybe have put this out there in direct to blunt the effect later on? >> yes, laura, it is called f the bite sting out o and it is incredible to me if they knew about it that they didn't front it. of course, if they knew about itit, it is brady material which dencis exculpatory evidence wito constitutional obligation toest, share with the defense. so at best, it is a huge,im strategic mistake on their park not too fronted with cohen when they had them on direct. >> laura: ned, you got that since all day today on the other cable networks, even msnbc, they were relegated to talk about who the guests were in the courtroom with trump.ut they just invented talking about this business fraud statute altogether. it is almost like they have a
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given up but still trying to give the impression there is a real meaty case here. >> the outcome it is pretty glorious to watch this medarwinistic stroh show trialdi exploding in real time. mighand being realistic about ie might want to start backing away from this and qualifier statements as they wipe the eggi from their faces ends affects the aunt don't like cnn washa talking about michael cummins felony being of greater felonykw of what they are actually o come of theret dam is starting to i break. you know what, laura, in fact, i call this a show trial because i alvin bragg and his team are corrupt. it is time to put rainbow wig and red nose on alvin bragg and call it the clamp show it is. at thel po end of the day, since this is all political what is the bie political fallout for te biden administration coordinating all of this and what is the fallou ot for this biden campaign part of theirwa reelection campaign?
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what does this mean for trump?wi the backfire spectacularly and l think you will see a search with fund-raising and with real votes come november because of this. >> laura: he threw everyone out of the courtroom in a dramatic courtroom sol when he didn't like how robert costellon was i guess interacting or reactingd then to him, and thenn msnbc, they went on to talk about costello and made a bizarre comparison. check this out. >> this is not how respectable lawyers behave or that is what the jury could find at theerea d of this. whereas you had michael cohen really just an exemplaryir performance under a highcu stres situation.rd >> when michael talks, t he reay connects to the jury. i heard that from a reporter's inside of there. >> laura: sol, wishful thinking much?
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>> i think it is wishful thinking about michael cohen when based upoinn everything i have read. i'm not in the courtroom man iyo understand today's cross-examination about the theft, embezzlement, larceny or whatever you call it was devastating. but i will say this, juriesto strictly as a technical, legalju analysis, juries tend to really bond with the judge and so for costello to pick a fight with au judge or to be seen as disrespectfu gl to the judge is not a good thing. as you know, there were a number of people apparently on the defense camp who thought it wase too risk ty to call costello. so we will have to see how that pans out. his testimony was obviously very dersimportant to the defense. i understand that, but you know, if you are seeing this disrespectful to the court, that is a bad thing here that is aet bad move. >> laura: i would say michael cohen was pretty disrespectful lying on the sandu multiple occasions. so i would agree with you, sol,
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you don't want to roll your eyes at the judge or sigh loudly.s, ibut i think both sides of thi, i'm thinking both sides, and ned to come up from a political perspective though, watching the coverage of this and you're not in the courtroom see, people art in the courtroom but they see tt say very littlhae discussion abt what is the evidence that president trump directed any of this except the word of a convicted perjurer taxi vader and now a thief. he is the only tide they have two donald trump. that is it. >> this is what happened when w theo woke brain worm a hole and misdemeanor times misdemeanor times misdemeanor somehoitw equs a felony. this is where it would alwayshe end up h here there was never ay crime here.o faand they hope somehow they can somehow manage to facilitate something that would stick with
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trump.thin i will c say this, laura, speakg politically, the only thing thay can go worse for them right nows is actually to convict trump in this kangaroo trump dome at court. and i think he is better nowge with voters. >> laura: sol and ned,l thank yoyou both. president trump keeping a huge promise on this show and we will tell you what it is next. ♪ ♪
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whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa!
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♪ ♪ >> you may campaign at the bronx or madison square garden. will that be happening? >> look, we have nine months goyet, but i will see about madison square garden and we will go to the south wi think there is a chance to o new york. >> laura: that was exactly three months ago tonight. t and now donald trump is doingist just that. he is heading to the south bronx this thursday after finishing up in court. if you are a working class a voter, there is only one choice makes any sense here appearr wa the guy who gave you a roaring economy, the border was closed, low inflation and rising wages. plus, let's face it, trump isw o more fun. the like to talk how compassionate biden iss but not every aspect of american life.
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and i was thinking about thisak today, trump's compassion is really in hi cs policies thatmo ended up makinreg your country e and put more money in your pocket. t plus, he could be a stand-up comedian. >> i just got this today and somebody handed it to me and not as a joke. does anybody have any tic tac's? the guy said yes i'm a look at i the size of that sucker. is[laughter] lledthis is called biden tic ta. [laughter] this cost more money than the one that was ten times -- this is inflation. >> laura: how many people could do that after sitting in that court room for four weeks. biden has nothing to offer butd fear and loathing. fear of each other and hatred of the greatest country on earth. a >> what is democracy? a black man being killed on the street. what is democracy?s st a trail of broken promises and
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leaving black communities behind. you have tbetto be ten times ber than anybody else to get a fair shot. >> i wouldks never imagine 2024e would ban books in america.t? what in gods name is that aboutt not only that but trying to we race black history, literally. f >> laura: that is a wicked,t false thing. it is a defamatorye comment tond say something like that about the nation he leads. he goes on and on and on. look, we believe all men are created equal and that we have certain inalienable rights given to us by god regardless of skin color workstation and life.n he joins me now, reverend rubenu diaz sr., nca former new york cy council member representing the south bronx, which i love. reverent, great to see you. this was the scene over the weekend during our march. >[chanting]t tr >> laura: you might have to
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work on your chance beyond trump, trump, i'm just teasing reverent, but can we do better? it as a certain ring to it but a lifelong democrat if people don't know this but why did you organize this march? >> i used to be in new york state senate for 50 years here f at all of my life, i have been s democrat. but we are so fed up, we are so tired, we are so disgusted with what president biden and the democrats have done to our state, city. and taking away the benefit, the program, the space, classroom from our children from our people to give to undead market undocumented community. i would like themem to come.
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they may have thought that we would like to see hispanics coming to the border like crazy, but no, no. >> laura: it is killing wages. >> we reject that and we wantngo trump to become the president of the united states and close the bordert .g start working on grocery pricesw hear it and put everything back. as a matter of fact, you know what i want to see? i want to see the bronx. >> laura: i want to ask this question, you said that african americans, minorities are conditioned to hate republicans or hate someone lika donald trump. what did you mean by that? >> i mean that for years, the
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democrats come to our community and they say vote for me because i'm a democrat. and then they get elected and theyey don't do nothing for blak and nothing for the hispanic community. and they blame the republican. and four years, they have managed and under the republicaa has been -- >> laura: they>> l were absente. reverend might have to ask you come i am sorry to interrupt bu1 i have to ask you one question,1 on a scale of 1-10 and 10 being the most excitement and 1 the biden excitement, how big will this be inex the bronx and excitement 1210? >> 11.
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>> laura: [laughs] to i'm so excited about this evento whatever it is come i don't know what it's going to look like. >> me too. >> laura: i'm going to come to new york and hang out with you because you seem really fun and i think we need more people to hang out. i'm coming but only if i can borrownk y your t >> thank you for the opportunite to tell that the south bronxbest will welcome donald trump. o >> laura: the best, reverend, thank you so much. a wild brawl last night and no, it was not outside the courthouse but nascar all-star race.? national correspondent kevin corke is here. kevin, what can you tell us? bus ricky stenhouse jr. through a right know mike hook at kyle busch and suddenly melee broke out otherwise all-starburr race over at the speedway and it had nascar fans like yours truly buzzing as we look forward to next week's
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marquis coca-cola 600 at charlotte. >> retaliation that started out as a discussion and then escalated. >> escalated i will say, you see, kyle busch out wrecked ricky stenhouse sunday nighted,a move that look like retaliation for how stenhouse had raised him earlier. then after aer nice long wait, d after a brief conversation as you saw there through a right hook at the chevy driver and said a brief melee and members of both teams bruise pushing, shoving and eventually it was broken up but not before more words exchange, "i'm going to wreck you at charlotte!" and somebody said that and probably ricky stenhouse. this could be an extension for0h stenhouse the 2023 daytona winner and i love saying that, nascar determines hebera deliberately cause that wreck, which i'm betting they will.
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laura. thesawls>> laura: kevin, you thk about these brawls and you don't think of nascar but you think ol hockey or maybe a baseball, n basketball but you don't thinkbe nascar with a brawl. wouldn't you be more understanding to see a brawl inm table tennis, squash customer >> man bites dog and not dog bites man. and you see scraps after races but i like the sort of stuff. but then again i'm a hooligan. uch.>> laura: i didn't say it, kevin, thank you so much, great to see you.o democrats push thewo panic butt. what has them so worried? i what has them so worried? i s next. sickle musical
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>> laura: trump'sse double edge on handlingde inflation and economy scene in pollmo after poll and after the
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democrats been out to explainm things come i think this coulder be my favorite. >> i am still at the point when i walked to the grocery store, people come up and grabbed my hand and say, we are okay, you won't win, will he? they won't let them back in thef oval office, will they? there is ad panic because peope that look at the facts and circumstances go, wait a minute, how can this be tied? how can this be tied after everything that has occurred?on >> laura: let me just say come i do not believe one person has come up to claire mccaskill at e grocery store to say anything oc thoge sword. if anything, they are asking if they recognize her. why has the price of eggs goned to $2.10 or $4 a dozen? and on and on and on. this has been and never a problem for the biden andpr democrats buint a policy problem here thee liy have spent, borrol pretended like the law of economics somehow doesn't apply to them here they have left the
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border open up your they got us bogged down in a proxy war in ukraine who left us weaker at home and abroad appear at some of the less clueless liberals are beginning to see the writing on the wall here and speak witht the question is not just how p this could be tied to pure the question is not to amy's point how can trump be ahead but the question is some of these trendlinestrum old we need to accommodate to the reality that trump's could win comfortably. that is something no one seems comfortable saying out loud buty that is the truth., >> laura: kellyanne conway, fox news contributor a pollster and insider advantage. kelly and, let's start with you and some of the swing state polls, 14% of those who voted for biden in 2020 say they areon not backing him now and one boater even told the t times thh backing biden was the biggest mistake of his so, this is no longer antidotal,
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right? this is a trend not deviated from for a long while now. >> for a while, laura, actuallys joe biden lost independents cairo inexcusable withdrawal b from afghanistan and never won the polling. he's never been on top withto approval versus disapprovalfo among independent pluralist spirit but those who voted for biden with trump, they are clear where that is purenomy "the new york times" shows an awful lot to do with the economy. inflatios n and the cost of everyday life increasingly unaffordable. they blame the guy in control or the s. karine jean-pierre say gas is down by the excuse me housingon cost and cpi core inflation trying to feed ourselves, clothd ourselves and put a roof over our heads as close to 20%. "the wall street journal" hade, what they should be
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demonstrating. on the flip side to come at the biden voters, the hard-core biden voters who will vote for w hihim again according toe ab "the new york times" tend to be white, abortion voters and they tend to be against trump and not for biden. so biden has failed to knit together a coalition thaiastt cc actually support him and feel enthusiastic about him and the v recent claire mccaskill doesn't think the numbers are up is because she lives in aha parallel universe told the ones the rest of us. there are more voters than elites. take it to the bank. >> laura: it has trump leading by five points in arizona, but the white house is banking one one issue:is that it believes c> turn the tide., we >> arizona, we are looking at the issues of the economy and inflation driving the vote there.s ine is a part like 82% of voters and 78% say top of mind but all is arnot lost for president biden. they look at that third issue in arizona with the state of
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democracy and they say many democrats, independents, themo john mccain style republicans in arizona him a look at president biden and say he's a more stable chose. >> laura: what happened to bob costello.o the state ofto democracy, is tht what people are thinking of whet they go to the polls in november, matt? by any stretch of the imagination? >> laura is the usual dr. no and negative about the republicans come i have to tell you the tide is turningke. kellyanne nailed it, it is the economy and most of the locations and even the suburbs e direction ofth trump and i have never thought they would move. i don't think democracy is an issue except watching this trial on television because the trialt and the coverage of it probablyy mpis causing more people to have sympathy for donald trump then any one issue i have ever seen. if convicted, it will probably win and the white house. it ii s phenomenal -- i'm inow t
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cincinnati, ohio, right now and i talk to people on the streettn don't know that well here this trial, nobody thinks it is fair. they are kidding themselves that they think democracy is a threat with donald trump here they are watching it right now in new york . thing d: kellyanne, the that is wild about this as they keep doubling down on failure.d usually like the smart politicians come obamathey did s and clinton, they pivoted and they pivoted credibly. t other than that tariffs on the chinese goods, they are allt talk and no pivot.of >> no pivoted. your so the state of the union, laura that was a great chancet for joe biden to reset and define whahet you would do as president in this last year and do in his second term buts instead insistence the rest of us and what we seeis is wrong. what they say is that is not working. thersu thee is not a single issn the top five excluding abortion where joe biden is spinning are donald trump. trump beating by doublthe digitt inthe horse race numbers are one
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thing. do have one beating by double digits oe ecn inflation in the economy, on the border and. migrants, immigrants, that is toremarkable because we don't t. voters what is important to them. they tell us. and telling us, they show us that it is not going to change your glory, this is why you see donald trump expanding his map. outside the margin of error in arizona, nevada right now the more diverse states of the swing states. he is tighter with biden. although ahead michigan,jo wisconsin and pennsylvania, the waiter statedes is the irony. joe biden has a wider coalition. trump is expanding minnesota, new hampshire, but where is biden expanding? >> laura: kellyanne, matt, thank you so much. time for tonight's pallet i cleanser. everybody knows i have two rescue dogs and i love them soor emuch and in honor of rescue day
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come i want you to meet the quota, beautiful german shepherd mix, and she is ready to be adopted. wish i had more room. dakotaore ro was was chained inn by animal control and was in bad shape and set to be euthanized, but big dog ramps rescue stepped in three weeks ago and they saved dakota and now she needs to find her forever home. if you would like to learn moroe about dakota or adopt a rescue dog go to the website. it is a fantastic organization.o and up next, biden tries to court jewish and black voters as he loses a black superstar and congressional brawl from last week continues. raymond arroyo has it all in "seen and unseen" next. ♪ ♪ eakthrough solution. i'm trying to get a thought across and i can't find the right way to say it. i noticed as i've got into my 50s i started feeling
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♪ ♪ >> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we rebuilt the stories behind the headlines. we turned to fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. raymond, biden has gotten desperate to stop the exit of black voters isuesn his coaliti. speak with the main is he's talking the issues and no one can follow what he is saying in>
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a given time. this is part of naacp speech. >> if he loses again in november there will be -- what in gods name are are we talking aboutals here? because as we stormed capitol hill patriots, reelected. who douil you think he will put? an supreme court? do you think he will put in anybody that has a brain? when i was vice president myne things were bad during the pandemic. and what happen is barack said to me, go to detroit and help fix it. >> laura, if you can make anything out of that yelling, he was not vp when the pandemicany happened up you. barack obama did not asked him to talk to a mayor at all. the kicker is that great line,th why is the speechwriter adding? do you think he will put anybods on the high court who has a brain? this iespes like p. diddy writia song about respect for women.dy
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it begs the larger issue nobody wants to entertain. back in 2020, one of the biden's boosters was cardi b. ayin>> i want trump out here ans know what i'm saying? his mouth gets us in trouble so much. look what you are saying with thispeop president. my people. this is what we have to do is go out and vote. >> welcome alora commission went to i do in 2022 i don't now. cardi b is telling rowley rolling stones layers and layers of complaints about biden pew os inflation and wages, i feel people got she is not endorsing biden this time. boy, how things have turned. when you have lost cardi b, you have lost a sizable number of people.n or >> laura: i think you are a business person or somebody who started off in business and you, hbuilt up a company, built up a
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brand, how can you be for joe biden unless multibillionaire may be you would do fine. but i don't understand hownd: anybody else thinks this works. there is a turnabout but this is happening over hollywood. the president concluded a speech to jewish voters although i'm sure civilly perplexed by these comments. i don't think it is hebrew but i will allow you to listen. >> w working around the clock to free hostages just as we have freed hostages in [inaudible] , he is still being held byes hamas. discriminated aggressively. and that is my special envoy to moderate anti-semitism, deborah, are you here?ha >> laura: i wanted that flight to carry him away. that fly to carry him away.g?
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>> this was a tiny address and no one knows what he's saying, hostages are present, people aren't present. this in text is so garbledew appeared when you have 400 plusr ne,w instances of anti-semitism with 400% increase, this is a dire situation for democratic phase here. he has told on to the base. >> laura: as a follow-up to w that brawl in congress last week where mpg and jasmine crockett,e a girdle row down. >> your remember making hard for her to read. and crockett yelled that she was bleach blonde butch and now posted this vide so for working out. jasmine crockett is selling ait t-shirt. ai>> i took this as an opportuny to and again flex on maga and lt
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them know i will always be lau smarter than you. >> or maybyoe not, laura.g if you read that t-shirt she selling closely, look at that, her name is incorrectly spelled, crockett and hear crocker, maybe alternative spelling. i don't know what that is but i think you have to check the staff in place. >> laura: it isn't valued anymore i say. my k cursive needs a little wor. that is a professional t-shirt so you would expect that e to ba little better bureau that was embarrassing back and forth. it is all embarrassing. raymond, thank you, thank you coming up the liberal mediaio should start asking who the rea? election deniers are. thatt, h is next. ♪ ♪ fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory.
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no matter what happens? it is an unfair election. i think you are asking the wron person. the democrats have opposed every victory since 2020.or you voted to certifyy. the election. >> that stage in, the process, you have no options.ecti >> senator you voted to certify the election. >> laura: one of the presses r favorite attacks on republicans, but do they have amnesia? >> you can run the best campaign and you you can become the nome and have the election stolen>> from you. >> i believe he knows he's an illegitimate president. anhe comes in a cloud ofresi illegitimate seats. some people want to bear their heads in the sand but the russians interfered with thefree election. >> was the election a fair and a free election? who is fai not a free and fair election. >> laura: joining me now victor davis hanson at hoover, victor, look, you know this is v going to happen at the debate. i combat as my mother used to
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say my bottom dollar on the fact that tapper or dana bash is that is going to do it?e by mr. trump, will you abide by whatever results of the election? he's got to be ready for that. >> yeah, he does. he should say unlike the democrats, i will accept the verdict if i find it is fair.t h but the democrats objected inmor 2007 and they said for a yeart george bush was elected and not elected even though "the new york times" ran an w investigation showing bush did win florida in 2004. and thompson come remember head of the january 6 election andbo lectured us about integrity and validity and he voted to decertify the ohio elect doors pure john kerry lost ohio by 116,000 votes and they still challenged it.. 31 house members and then we go to 2016 and remember those grade
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c celebritiet ins in mid-decembr bagging 31be electors to flip on and renounce their constitutional duty to d reflect the popular vote in the state and give it to hillary? we hadstat jimmy carter and hakeem jeffries say the same thing, donald trump was elected by the russians and was illegitimate. stacey abrams, he became a celebrity by suing georgia even though she lost by 50,000 votes and introduced at every one of these leftist conventions as a real governor. even though brian kemp wiped her out in 2018.t in that is what they do, marco rubio was absolutely right. >> laura: he hit the nail onof o the head and he is one of the people trump's looking at forbu vice president even with the constitutional issue there. victor, i want to circle back s what we were talking about earlier in the show which is bold trumpbera move into liberan territory, which i have been begging republicans to do for years.
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but finally with trump we have n working class message that connects with ethnic minorities and other working-class fro americans who have gotten a rawh deal from the globalists. t he's goinger into the heart of their territory saying, "i will bet. for you." i love that, brilliant. >> yeah, we have never seen a republican candidate that has appealed racial and ethnic lines on middle-class values and solidarity. that idaris what he is doing. almost every hispanic male i know in this area living in a community of 85% mexican-americans will vote for donald trump. >> laura: it is awesome. not necessarily young people but hispanic males have had it with the border, inflation, and allpp of the cultural issues people talk down to them about transgender is him and late-term abortion, power, et cetera. r we are in a revolutionary time
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if trump can pull it off and ica think he can buddies got to campaign in these areas. >> laura: be bold and make biden fight for every vote. i love it, love it, love you and i can't wait to see what happens. that is it fo tonr us tonight. before we go, we have a special guest, oh, my gosh! all right, it is his birthday tonight. did you ask me if you could come on the show? anyway, 14 years of age, micco, happy birthday. follow me on social media. do you want to read what it you read is too >> it is melting outside? >> j >> carley: money talks, th


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