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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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anniversary making them the longest married couple in that country. god freed and ursula seltzer received a visit from their local governor to mark the occasion. the couple met during world war ii in ursula was 19. god freed 22. ursula 98 remembers her husband's insistence despite her reluctance. 80 years and three children later the secret to their long marriage is enduring love that still exists today. tomorrow on "special report," congratulations by the way. our "common ground" segment features democratic congresswoman katie porter and house oversight chairman james comer their first interview together on landmark ethics reform legislation. >> we will bring had you that story about grace land we mentmention earlier as well. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight fair balanced and unafraid. here's laura. ♪ >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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thanks so much for joining us as always. kentucky and georgia polls, they have just closed? wow, okay. all eyes are on georgia where another case against trump hangs in the balance. and tonight voters decide on whether to reelect fulton county d.a. fani willis. take a load off fanny. and judge mcafee, will they be saved by the voters tossed to the curve. results coming in at the about m of the screen. any major developments as they come in. first, ya beyond a reasonable dt that's the focus of tonight's angle. we are never going to know just how much this trump trial cost the taxpayers of new york, but it has to be, i don't know, in the tens of millions of dollars? and for every hour spent on this was one hour less spent on prosecuting real criminals still terrorizing the city, not that has ever been alvin bragg's priority. we know that he is on the side of the criminal. his sole focus has been to nail donald trump no matter what it
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took, no matter how he had to contort the law, no matter how much he compromised his own credibility. he managed to bring a case using a novel interpretation of new york penal code 175.10 without ever specifying the predicate crime that took this from just a routine misdemeanor to a felony. even a former assistant d.a. in the same office bragg now runs was left scratching her head. >> do we know definitively what that other crime is the prosecution is saying that donald trump intended to commit or conceal? that's a problem that we don't know. >> on the other cable nets the best legal experts were trying to work overtime to present a charitable view of what was a fatally flawed case from the outset. >> it's not your most straightforward charge. it's not like well i charged you, jury, on the elements of robbery. here are the elements of even fraud that can be straightforward. it's complicated but it's been
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tested thus far in this court and i think it's -- i don't think an appeals court is going to say this is illegal way to charge a crime but there is a bit of uncertainty in this. >> laura: a bit? a bit of uncertainty? ya think? how does our system of justice make any sense at all if a defendant doesn't have to be really told what the underlying crime is that he committed? remember, take a step back for a moment. falsifying business records, in this case the 34 entries and the detail general longer for donald j. trump revocable trust, that's not enough. bragg must also show the intent to commit another crime and aid in the concealment and the commission thereof. okay? that's what the indictment read. but, first, there was no documentary evidence presented to indicate that trump himself directed fraudulent invoices or accounting. michael cohen, the liar, the tax
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evader, and the thief has zero cred. second there was no other crime. paying hush money isn't a campaign contribution. but, of course, the jury may not know this because cleverly or in a biased fashion, merchan would not allow defense testimony to that subject by former fec chairman, the guy who knows something about campaign finance law, bradley smith. who would have blown up the prosecution's flimsy theory. >> federal law does not say that anything that you think might help you win an election is a campaign expense. rather, it's an objective test in which things like polling, paying for staff, paying for headquarters, you know, paying for advertisements and so on. those are campaign dependences. that's the problem that the d.a. has. he is trying to allege that these payments to stormy daniels were campaign expenses. i think quite clearly they exist from an obligation independent of mr. trump's campaign for president. >> laura: now, okay. now wonder the merchan situation
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went down as it did. of course he didn't want to hear -- have the jury hear from bradley smith, given what he just said. oh, no, you can't let the facts get in the way of a guilty verdict, my friends. and as for the talking heads on cable, how these people are called legal analysts when they don't actually cite the actual law is beyond me. >> the jury is going to use its common sense. i think one of the most important points to be made is do you really think, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, that michael cohen would have spent $130,000 of his own money if he wasn't darn sure that he was going to be reimbursed by donald trump? >> is that? -- >> laura: if the jury can find the president, president trump guilty beyond a reasonable doubt with this set of facts, with this totally compromised witness a totally novel application of
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this statute used against the chief rival of the sitting president? then all bets are off. after all, let's not forget who their linchpin is here. >> michael cohen is the key link in the whole chain here in the chain of liability. if all that donald trump knew was we're paying off stormy daniels, i want her quieted, and it's because of the election, that's not a crime under the law that's been charged here in new york. they have to tie donald trump to the accounting, to the falsification of the business records. and the only one who can directly do that is michael cohen through conversations. >> laura: through conversations and a photograph. what a joke. and today it looks like judge merchan gave the defense another issue to appeal. no specific crime apparently is needed to be, you know, instructed to the jury. the jury instructions, again, it appears that they will lean toward just pick the crime you're most comfortable with. merchan has just ruled that if the jurors find that trump made or caused to be made false business records in order to
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conceal a conspiracy to promote trump's election through unlawful means, the jurors can have different ideas about what those unlawful means are. >> this is very prosecution friendly. again, this is a win for the government because if all jurors had to agree on which one of those three crimes trump had the intent to conceal or commit, that would have been a problem. >> laura: okay. what you just heard and what judge merchan has done here, is antithetical to understanding of justice in the united states of america. the defendant has the constitutional right to have the charges brought against him clearly spelled out so that he may put on a proper defense. and on top of all of that, merchan issued the equivalent of what byron york called a judicial gag order on that key defense expert witness. and a running gag order, of course, against the defendant and yet, of course, he gave stormy daniels free rain to
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prattle on making irrelevant and highly prejudicial remarks about her dealings with the president. what merchan did was allow a case to go forward for which felony criminal conduct was never specifically alleged. courts, you may know, can strike down entire statutes on grounds that they're impermissibly vague or overbroad. this entire case should have been voided from vagueness grounds right off the bat. is it a campaign finance case? is it a tax case? is it election interference case? a simple bookkeeping case? >> what merchan is suggesting i will instruct the jury on all of the references to campaign violations. i think that's coming really too late. the judge has allowed them to say there were election violations. i'm quite convinced that that jury believes that there were election violations even though none have occurred in this case with regard to trump. >> laura: the only thing that
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this trial has proven beyond a reasonable doubt is that conflicted judges who partner with politically motivated prosecutors are a menace. they are perverters of the rule of law. so let's hope that the voters see that a weaponized criminal justice system is no justice system at all. what's transpired in that dusty manhattan courtroom these past four weeks has been a complete and total farce. akin to the show trials of the most vicious soviet dictators. and that's the angle. >> laura: joining us now is chris landau former scalia and thomas clerk, former u.s. ambassador to mexico and an appellate litigator. chris, so the prosecution is arguing that you don't need to show willfulness to commit a certain crime here. and it's clear that the jury instructions are going to allow a lot of leeway for the jury to just decide for themselves that
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some predicate crime and this add-on felony crime exists, even though it hasn't been necessarily proven. how bizarre is this? >> laura, it's totally bizarre. and that is -- as you alluded to in your opening, that's the real problem here that we have this novel, untested legal theory that is based on michael cohen's testimony, and this is basically the legal trial of the leading presidential candidate for the opposition party to the government? i mean, it can't be that this is allowed to go. this is a travesty. and, again, the criminal law, as you just alluded, to generally requires the mental state of the defendant is critical. right? it's not enough that he just know that he did what is he charged with doing in the criminal law. he has to actually understand that it's unlawful.
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and if the judge strips all that out, as if this were just a civil case, you know, this is going to be a totally target-rich environment for appellate reversal. the problem is, that probably won't happen until after the election. so, i think we have going on here is we have a train that is just going on, kind of autopilot, towards, i think it's being driven to try to get a conviction so there can be a campaign that says trump is a convicted felon. and then after the election, i think that will have 100 percent chance of getting overturned but then it will be like, oops. and i don't think you can just say oops, never mind, my bad when there is basically been nothing but election interference. i mean, this is actually, i think, a terrifying threat to democracy in our country. >> laura: i alluded to the show trials of the old soviet union because, you know i studied russian in college. and i remember, you know, reading about lenn l lenin and n
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summarily run through fake trials where justice was never the goal. i never thought i would see this in the united states of america. never in my life with althe political fighting that's gone on, i never thought i would see this where people say you don't really need to know the crime when the jury is deliberating. they don't really need to knowed add on crime to make it a felony. they can just pick one of three. >> they don't need to know much of three. campaign finance law. they can decide for themselves what's -- whether this is a violation. these are incredibly complicated issues. i mean, i remember my former boss justice scalia used to say federal campaign finance law is one of the most complicated areas of the law. and this is somebody who was no slouch in the legal document. i mean, you can't just throw this to a jury and have a
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situation where michael cohen is opining that he thinks it's a campaign finance violation and expect them to be able to figure this out. much less, you know a jury that hasn't been really instructed on this and hasn't been really, you know, given a full airing of what are these violations? again, without even discussing the question what the heck is a new york local, you know, manhattan d.a. doing trying to basically establish a federal campaign finance violation that the feds didn't even bring? i mean, the whole thing, laura is so insane. >> laura: the idea that bradley smith, who was chairman of the fec, the fact that merchan would not let him testify to the quintessentially important definitions of what expenditures really mean, what does that mean under the rule of law, that tells you everything you need to know that he wasn't allowed to
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testify on that. chris, great to have you on tonight of all nights. thank you so much. >> we are moving to the phase of pure politics now. because we're gonna learn whether or not donald trump is going to run as the republican nominee for president as a convicted criminal or not. 12 people are now going to tell us the answers to these big -- the biggest questions we have about the state of this presidential race so far. >> laura: joining me now missouri senator eric schmitt who attended the trump trial today. senator, what's your reaction to what you witnessed in the courthouse? i mean, it looks like most of the big issues in this jury instructions back and forth, went for the prosecution. the judge ruled in favor of the prosecution on key issues that go to the heart of this matter of what the underlying crime really is. >> well, it was kind of surreal experience, laura, sitting in that courtroom in the front row today watching the proceedings and, you know, the defense ultimately resting. and that this is america. this is the united states of
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america. we believe in something called american exceptionalism, exception he to history and we believe in individual rights and we believe in justice and lady justice is blind. that is not what is going on right now in new york. i think what you are seeing is, to your point earlier, this is a soviet-style show trial. and that's it, right? this is meant, and these charges were brought. people were running on doing this to try to interfere with the election. and to quote, unquote, get trump. and i think it's truly unprecedented. we talk about things being unprecedented all the time. this truly is unprecedented that essentially the democrats are trying to take out their political opponent who is leading in the polls, was the 45th president, likely to be the 47th president, this is the stuff, again that, our state department would be warning us about if it were happening in other countries. it's happening in the united states of america. i think the american people recognize. this and i don't think this election anymore, laura, is just about the candidates. it's about a cause. it's about america. country we are going to be. >> laura: now the media, this is
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one of my favorite moments of today -- are claiming that people like you, sen senator sct and others attending this trial and coming out and going on shows like the angle are helping to kind of back door a violation of the gag order for trump. watch. >> nbc reporting the coordination and organization between trump and those supporters have stowed questions about whether the remarks by the cast of republicans amount to a violation of trump's gag order. >> there's no doubt this is a violation of the gag order. the prosecutors could try to call some witnesses on it. they could do a side show on it. i have no doubt they would be able to prove up a violation of gag order. >> laura: senator, real quick. >> yeah. listen. as a former prosecutor and attorney general gag orders are typically no, i do not protect deftsd. >> this is the same crowd, laura, that doesn't believe in the first amendment. they try to censor speech, quell dedissent. that's why i was there to stand
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by president trump and the rule of law. >> laura: okay. a new court filing unsealed today, senator. this just in. provided a behind the scenes look at how federal agents prepared for and executed the raid on trump's mar-a-lago residence that was back in august of '22, including deadly force being within the mission's guidelines. senator, i this were actually thinking of using deadly force or it's on the table that might be necessary at mar-a-lago? >> if you ever needed any more evidence about the two tiers of justice, you compare this authorization of deadly force of the former president versus essentially the kid gloves they put on for joe biden who had classified materials from his senate days in a garage where hunter biden shares who is compromised by foreign governments, right? they treated these very differently. this is sort of like the exclamation point. >> laura: not only that senator,
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they gave a heads up to -- the lawyer was allowed to go, the white house lawyer was allowed to go to the garage and check out the lay of the land first, right? isn't that how it went down? so it was deadly force. okay. >> yeah. >> laura: it's really lawfare. >> honestly, honestly, it's crazy. >> laura: not funny. >> it's crazy. >> laura: something actually could have gone down, i guess, at mar-a-lago beyond just looking for the documents. senator, try not to violate any gag orders surreptitiously. take the load off fani willis that could actually be happening. breaking news on her future, next. ♪
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. ♪ >> laura: fox news alert. polls just closing in georgia. we are watching the fulton county d.a.'s race where fani willis is being challenged. georgia university law prof michael crease told axios about this if willis doesn't win her successor could choose not to pursue the case or do so less vigorously. well, her challenger has said that he would continue to pursue the case but he questioned willis' approach. last night fani willis made her pitch to georgia voters on msnbc. >> i have a democratic challenger, and i plan to win and win big. i am at a point where i need
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fulton county voters to get out and vote. i need people around the country to support me big and small, to say that we are going to be a country that still believes in the rule of law. >> laura: that's funny. joining me now criminal defense attorney ashleigh merchant who argued for willis' disqualification. ashley, now you have exposed miswillis for the fraud that she is. are voters going to toss her to the curb tonight or give her the equivalent of a promotion by giving her vociferous and sustained support at the polls? >> you know, i hope so. it depends on what the fulton county voters do and what they actually believe and if they actually come out and vote. but i think those who actually understand what is going on are going to vote her out. >> laura: last night she leveled it seems to me at least, to be a racial accusation against that oversight, prosecution oversight panel. watch this. >> georgia had never had a prosecutorial oversight committee and all of a sudden 14
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minorities were elected to office to serve as district attorney. and now all of the sudden they need an oversight committee to look after district attorneys because they want to tell us how to prosecute and who to prosecute and where we should put our resources. apparently we now need daddy to tell us how to do our job. >> laura: hmmm. seemed like she was reading that maybe i'm incorrect there. ashley, you say the racial charges, which clearly is what she is doing there are wrong. why? >> it's not true at all. i mean, she has got this completely wrong. any prosecutor living in georgia in the last five years would know what she is saying is not true. and the reason it's not true is this bill came about when there was a white republican in a suburben area of atlanta who would not leave office. he was indicted for bribery. he had a shower. sexual assault lawsuit. he wouldn't lee.
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the state bar wouldn't do anything his indictment was pending for so long. the senator who actually introduced this prosecutor oversight bill said the process is taking too long. we can't wait for the voters. it takes too long. >> this is a white republican prosecutor. this is not a racist law. then after he enacted that and actually presented this, the next person who was charged under this or who they talked about being charged under this was the prosecutor who refused to the folks who murdered ahmaud arbery a black man, that was a very racially motivated case. it was a white republican who was the one who was the target of this. this is not a racist law. >> laura: she likes playing the race card. she does it a lot. she wants everyone to think she is the victim who is she is clearly the one on the hunt for donald trump bias and all. ashley, thank you. is this so-called bipartisan amnesty deal -- they call it
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border deal. it's not a border deal. back from the dead like freddy krueger? well, details next. ♪ this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday,
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get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. >> laura: in a new report migrants are bum-rushing our southern border they are worried biden is going to be voted out in november. this isn't surprising. "new york post" reporting that illegal immigrants in arizona are entering now just in case trump wins. one saying we think with the elections it will be harder. the other spoke more plainly simply saying we don't want trump. joining me now tom homan, fox news contributor, former acting director of ice. tom, the migrants want biden and they basically tell us the story that most of us know that the open border has been courtesy of this president and his dhs.
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>> exactly right. they know trump comes into power that border will be shut down. going to be secure. we had a 45-year low on immigration during trump years. not only do illegal aliens know it the cartels know it. the cartels, that's their big sales pitch right now to the most vulnerable people all over the world. get to the united states now because trump will secure the border and shut it down like he did before when you think about this new so-called immigration old recycled immigration bill that senator lankford from oklahoma, a republican, thought he could, you know, work on with schumer and just release at the last moment and obviously a complete disaster why would any republican in their -- his right mind ever go along with this knowing what we do and we will put up the bullet points in a moment. >> look, i still can't figure out.
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look, i have done this for over three decades. that's the worst border bill i have seen in my lifetime. they want to stop president trump for sabotaging the passage of that bill. president trump knows the border. he knows what works. he had unprecedented success. he talked to me like me who told him this border bill is daryl. it didn't stop catch and release. it funded keep smuggling illegal yales. it did not to stop sex trafficking. okay to have 4 or 5,000 illegal entries a day before they secure the border. that's 1.8 million a year. anybody, republicans, democrat, independent think's it's okay for 1 point # million crossings a year before we secure the border? it's ridiculous. i can't believe lankford or anybody else would even think about supporting a bill like this. >> laura: it's really a migration bill it. kind of regularizes the levels of migration and the way they
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treat it. they treat it like these individuals, these people are animals. the democrats treat them like animals. they are trafficked, subject to abuse, women are raped. they have rape trees. that's how they treat them. like oh, it's just normal migration patterns you hear the u.n. humanitarians say that a lot. but, almost 2 million a year and nothing -- no triggers in the law at all. again, this is a migration and an amnesty bill. this is not an immigration enforcement bill. tom, final thought? >> my biggest concern is the biggest national security vulnerability we have seen since 9/11. we got nearly 2 million got away. we got people from 180 countries been arrested. some of these countries are sponsored by terror. they arrested over 160 on the terrorist watch list on the southern border alone. four years we had 11 under trump. how many terrorists have crossed that border. how many terrorists are a part of those 2 million got-aways. you would think this would be a nonpartisan issue. everybody on the hill,
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republican, dallas, independent. if you don't understand this is a national security crisis you shouldn't have that job you have on capitol hill. >> laura: only way to do this is get rid of this incumbent president. vote him out of office and reelect the man who knows how to secure the border. tom, always great to see you. thank you. now, how can you tell it's an election year? well, biden suddenly scrambling to lower gas prices. that's how. but, unfortunately because of his creation's ante oil and gas policies, domestic drilling off the table, he has only way of doing this. yeah. by draining our strategic petroleum reserve again. now, remember he did this before the midterms, too. putting our strategic reserves at dangerously low levels. now, today the white house announced it will release 1 million barrels of gas from the northeast reserve. now, keep in mind, that reserve was added 10 years ago after hurricane sandy and it is meant for true emergencies. hence, that's why it's called a
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reserve. but biden only has a campaign emergency but it's not supposed to be just a tool to boost a physically and intellectually sagging incumbent. since biden took office he has depleted the reserve by more than 40%. joining me now is conservative columnist chris bedford. chris, look, this is so transparent they be not even trying to hide how political this is. i mean, when you think about what this means to our security, our national security, our energy security, i mean, i guess it's not technically impeachable, but, man, it's an ethical disaster for them. >> it is certainly not strategic, at least for americans strategic interest. it's only strategic politically. we're supposed to have about four months in the strategic oil reserves, now we have got about 20 days. now, that's not really a problem unless, of course, there is a
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problem. if you get another hundred katrina, for example, we're beginning hurricane season now, the refining down in the gulf coast. if the death in iran escalates. israel grows in a way that cuts off oil to the united states even temporarily then that becomes a real danger. democrats have played politics with this for years. remember, right now joe biden is trying to refill this at nearly $80 a barrel. but just four years ago when donald trump tried to fill it at about $24 a barrel, he was blocked by democrats who said now we're not going to do this right now. that's just a bailout to oil. they bragged about it, released press release on it and put us in a weaker position. laura bush lawyer fox news alert, chris. the a.p. is reporting that the voters are keeping the load on fani willis. she has won the georgia fulton d.a. democratic primary. obviously she is extremely well-known. so it looks like she will get to proceed with her lawfare against trump. wow. all right, chris. thank you.
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what's going on with today's kids? [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [shouting] [bleep] >> laura: new details on a wild 400 person riot, next. ♪
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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♪ >> laura: a 400 person brawl breaks out after a florida skating rink party is canceled? yeah. senior national correspondent kevin corke has all the details. kevin, i saw this over the weekend online. i thought it was a joke it was so sad. what can you tell us? >> kevin: really crazy. almost like a seen out of something you would expect to see on world star hip hop. we are talking about absolute bed lamb in brand lynn, florida. law enforcement officials arrested 23 kids and six adults after a wild brawl erupted outside of a brandon skating rink after a party there had been canceled. this all happened saturday night. the hillsborough county sheriff's office said deputies were responding to a call after learning about a big fight after the party was canceled because the people who were hosting the
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party didn't hire an off duty deputy, which is required. they got their money back, but that just seemed to set off the crowd which, as you point out, laura, estimates of upwards of over 400 people. they went off fighting, damaging businesses, stealing, disrupting operations, and more. >> i'm utterly outraged by that type of behavior. it is anarchy, it is chaos. this disruptive chaotic behavior that effects the safety of our community has no bearing here. this is unwarranted. this is -- will be not tolerated. >> i really like the way he nailed that. it will no not be tolerated. apprehended 23 jiewngets taken to assessment center. six adults booked into the orient road jail. they have all been charged with trespassing and more, laura? >> laura: i love the people videoing it. they are just videoing it.
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>> kevin: egging them on. >> laura: you turn the cameras off a lot of that violence will probably go away. kevin, thank you so much. >> in god they chose. >> jesus, jesus. [shouting] >> yeah, that was what church goers experienced at jesus' dwelling place church in braddock, pennsylvania. that was a few weeks ago when a gunman tried to shoot a gunman during his sermon. less than a week later parishioners stopped a teen from w. a rifle getting inside saint mary ima magdalene catholic chuh with children were getting ready to take first. gleek lakewood houston 7-year-old in tow and opened
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fire. >> lakewood church. [bleep] [shouting] >> you killed my son. [gunfire] >> take the weapon. take the gloves off. >> the suspect is down. suspect is down. wound. small child. >> laura: houses of worship being targeted by some of the most deranged members of our society. now, security experts are urging u.s. churches to increase their safety measures with armed security at churches and synagogues. joining me now, david cass, global security group founder and ceo, david, i look around when i'm at mass and i'm always looking at where the exits are, who might look out of place or might look nervous or wearing a big coat when it -- you don't need a coat. so this has affected the way i sit and feel in mass. but, churches should not be in this situation where they have
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to hire security but i guess this is the reality that we now face? it is absolutely reality. houses of worship forget that some houses of worship attract as far as terrorism. you have deranged individuals. you have people known to the community who, for whatever reason choose that particular location, their house of worship to try to perpetrate an act of violence. you are right horrific reality phase laura bush lawyer should churches and synagogues have one entry point to make it clear who is coming in and who is coming out? i mean, i'm a ne-yo fight on this. how do you someone want to do harm. >> you are not a in ne-yo fight. sitting in church looking for people out of place looking for that vibe we get when this isn't right. you want to have a single point of entry. people outside who are
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eyeballing and interacting with people come in. it's axiomatic, you want to keep the threat outside if possible. so, more and more churches, because they describe don't have the budget to hire security turning -- they are internal, their folks. interestingly enough most congregations, we have been doing this training for 20 years. you always find a group, former military, active or former law enforcement just lay people who are willing to train and accept responsibility. and by the way, who is going to care more about the folks sitting in your congregation? a fellow congregant or person you are hiring to watch the front door? it's the congregation themselves. >> laura: yeah, you know, prepare the way of the lord and prepare parishioners for the way of deranged criminals. david, this is important information. i know we're going to check back with you on this. thank you. all right, this can't be real. is this real what i'm reading? joe biden gives dating advice he has so much time on his hands.
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cnn interview turns into complete train wreck. of course failla is here with that and more. ♪
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♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. >> the whitehouse says there is
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no cause for why the courts should be investigating israel. we should have a verdict some time late. >> it is time for wtf, what the fill. host of fox news saturday night. all right, jimmy, we know you are a lady's man, you must have sowght out dating advice from joe biden. >> every young man is thinking about getting married, marry a man with five or more daughters, you know why, one of them will always be on your side. one of them will always love you. >> do you get the angle there, one of them will always love you, it sounds like someone has been watching risky films on the company computer, jo might have a dirtier laptop than hunter.
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no one wants dating advice from a man who sniffs kids, number one. number two, where is this coming from? like, i know it was not in the prompter, if biden was a romcom it would be where harry forgot sally's name. i have so many questions. >> the thing that is odd about this, is he is saying that one of the sisters will always be on your side. he could have said that. when he said, one of them will always love you, especially with the odd diary situation. >> that's what i mean! >> a little bit strange. jimmy, cnn brought in a rapper named cameron to discuss the diddy story last night, and perhaps it didn't go as they hoped. >> is there something known in the industry about how diddy treated his artists?
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what about the industry in general, i mean so many people have pointed out that diddy couldn't get away with this stuff, if there were not a lot of people protecting him. do you thi that's the case? >> who the talent agent for this joint. do you think that i am watching what diddy does. i didn't know this was a diddy tell all. who booked me for this joint. >> it was one of the funniest things. he is promoing some -- i don't know what that is, energy shot, something. >> no one is drinking more than the people that still watch cnn. you have to be taking to the cabinet hard if you are putting up with this. because does she have a background in broadcasting, you know this, doing live television, there comes a cut and run moment in the interview where you realize, this is not a serious entity, and she
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continued to question him as he keeps on drinking. >> well, she should have said, thank you, mr. kim, or is it ron, or ran cam, or cam, thank you, but we have to run. you can't -- i felt bad for her. >> i did. >> this is the problem. you invite these individuals on, and you know, you don't know quite what you are going to get. >> it is insensitive for them, he offended both of their viewers. >> they were very upset, they had to get a snack. but it was like a saturday n nightlive thing, because she was like what do you think of james madison's views of the nation? the new series, queer planet, watch this jimmy. >> everything you were taught as a kid is wrong. >> gay penguins, bisexual lions, this is a queer planet.
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having two fixed sexes is clearly out of style. >> mother nature is pretty open minded. >> no one asked for this laura. no little kid wants bicurious george, okay? we don't want to have our birthday party at a heavy petting zoo, okay, and the idea that they have to make mr. ed, mrs. ed, kind of a no go. i don't doubt that it goes on, but why is it in every aspect of my life. >> i am glad you didn't make the joke about the lassie movie. i am glad you didn't make that joke. jimmy, good fellas fans say that amc networks added a viewer discretion warning befe watching the movie. saying there a are cultural stereotips that are different than today's standards of
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inclusion, and tolerance and may offend viewers. hollywood, they are not making real films any more. they are making films, but all kind of repeats of films and things. good fellas now needs a warning. >> should we be assuming the gender of the mobsters, that's so insensitive. it is like good fellas there are people getting stabbed, shot, and strangled, and left in an ice freezer. if the italian stereotypes get you, you have problems that amc can't solve. i am italian. no italian asked for this. this is like our super bowl. we don't want you to de-italian our good fellas, shut up. >> jimmy, good to see you. you went for the casual night. not too flamboyant. >> i will never get an animal planet show! >> good to see you. up next, jesse


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