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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[cheers and applause] "fox news @ night". >> trace: good evening i am trace gallagher. it ate across in los angeles and
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this is america's late news "fox news @ night". nine corrections issued on the president's speech to the naacp, breaking news. >> when i was vice president, things were bad during the pandemic the insurrectionists they call them patriots so a hundred thousand families and prepaid premiums. >> trace: the speech on the teleprompter and unclear politicians. >> look at the cameras in the eye and guarantee no new taxes? >> no new taxes. >> trace: we told you it would happen and it did. california governor promising no taxes and adding $18 billion in tax hikes for businesses in his latest budget proposal and then there is this. >> biden...
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>> trace: defence resting his case in the new criminal trial and the judge does not appear to be a fan of the former president. nate foy is outside new york supreme court with the latest. >> reporter: on the 20th day of this trial, former president lawyers after testimony from bob costello and after that, lawyers on both sides debated about the instructions given to the jury before they decide whether or not trump is guilty. >> there is no crime. this is such an embarrassment. a showing of the prosecution. the motion through this. there has been no evidence. >> reporter: the judge agreed to remind the jury that michael cohen's guilty plea to federal
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campaign finance law does not apply to trump's guilt and refused to remind the jury hush money payments are not a legal pair case i do with trump's lawyers on the key issue to the $130,000 payment to adult film actress stormy daniels in the jury instructions are expected to include this line. "if the payment would have been made even in absence of candidates he, payment should not be treated as contribution so if the jury thinks the trump is motivated by his brander family, bookkeeping charges could not be elevated to felonies and state as misdemeanors. on the sand today, he testified about the close relationship with rudy giuliani in setting up a back terminal to trump and costello maintained to use that back channel to michael cohen's request. trump himself did not testify in his son said that it would not have made since given how unfair
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this trial has been in his view. the jury sent home in the morning and come back tuesday but expecting closing arguments next week and wednesday deliberations to begin. >> trace: nate foy thank you and let's bring in former dod chief of staff and great to have you on as you been doing this a long time and have you ever seen this many objections by the prosecution and the judge sustained most of them? >> my entire tenured career, not once and trace, i was there in the courtroom all day yesterday and showed up with trump tower at the president and spent the day in court and return to trump tower to so to get an inside look from a guy used to try these kinds of cases, times when the judge was sustaining when no one made an objection and times on the judge with striking evidence from the record especially in bob costello was
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testifying and no one had objected. i've never seen that in my career and i believe every judge has a bias and most of them able to set aside this judges sure hatred for the defenses on display and when he saw bob costello blowhole in the entire case, general who tried to save the day? the judge by blowing up and doing something i had never seen and kicking everyone out and circa sell fascists -- fashion. -- circus style fashion. >> trace: the judge going over jury instructions in this line open to putting in the jury instructions that if the jury finds the payment to daniels was not a campaign contribution, that could hamstring the prosecution's case so if you don't believe this, hurt the prosecution and it's kind of
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unusual. >> it is but here's the bottom line the whole payments were illegal and nothing illegal about them so what he's doing is playing to the camera saying i've decided 99 times for the prosecution in this one minimal part of will give it to the defense so you have the appearance of impropriety but he's continuing to trample donald trump's dew process rights. when you saw cohen testify and costello go up there and literally say 10 times over michael cohen came to me and wanted me to be his lawyer and to tell the doj michael cohen had nothing on donald trump and that was the deathknell for the prosecution's case in this judges try to save it. >> trace: very quickly, the fox legal editor said this. >> is still unclear what exactly donald trump is being charged with four. judge could've easily scent that back or the fact he frankly made
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it pretty difficult for someone like bob costello to get there is testimony and on top of, letting the amount of superfluous information stuff that was not relevant at all saying we don't really nail down the actual crime is unbelievable >> reasonable doubt all over this place. >> trace: great to have you on and in the meantime, president biden speech to naacp on the teleprompter but the white house forced issue nine corrections in the senior national correspondent live in dc with the list in good evening. >> to but it bluntly, they went there and they really did. white house officials going into cleanup mode after the president delivered a gaffe riddled speech to the naacp on sunday in detroit making a whopping nine
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corrections in the formal transcript. the changes such as calling capital riders erection this in flagrant retellings claiming he was still the vice president during the covid-19 pandemic and not true in the official transcript released monday made no bones about the errors with strikethrough's of mr biden's mistakes and, of course, the corrective comments included in brackets. don't take my word for it but there you have it right there. take a look. things like when i was vice president... and he met recession. donald trump has said if he loses again in november there will be more bloodshed. he didn't say that both said bloodbath. how about this. truly in spire saying.
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cracking down on corporate landlords. you get the picture. between the start of the year in late last month, white house has made at least 148 adjustments to transcripts of the president's remarks according to analysis and as you know mr biden is already the oldest president in american history and would be 86 were he to make it to the end of a second four-year term both men such as square off at a debate on the 27th and can't wait. >> trace: we kept saying one more kevin. life for us in dc and thank you. let's bring in fox news contributor steve and thank you both for coming on. one more sample and i'll let you take a grab at this.
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watch. >> let me close with this. effort i signed the pack blank in to law. >> trace: nine corrections in your thoughts about this? >> even after that, i was watching the longer version in absolute gibberish. you generally can't work out what he is trying to say and it is funny when you watch it immediately you laugh but it's not funny because this husk of a man clearly incapable of doing the job of any kind even the most important job in the world and supposed to be the leader of our nation and we have massive problems all around the world's and here at home and frankly many of those problems caused by the fact that he is such a week leader and now he's weak physically and mentally in the
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final point i want to make trace is just think about what's going on with the contempt the democrat machine has for we the people of america to think they can get away with hoisting this clearly in capacity did man for four years as an absolute disgrace. >> trace: they are getting away with it steve. biden clips was from today and here is joy behar saying mag a hat wearers to just put a swastika on it. >> that hat you keep wearing the red hat this is make america great again just tells people that you go along with us some items will put a swastika on the hat. >> don't do that. >> trace: it's not the hat wearers chanting from the river to the sea and kind of unbelievable.
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>> extremely unbelievable and i want to go back to biden speech because it's so unbelievable reading a 20 minute speech should be the easy part with were seen from the left to change the narrative and we all know it's headed to this debate in 90 plus debate were biden has to be speaking on his feet coming up and quick responses when he's going against trump, much better equipped and more capable in making realtime addresses. >> trace: speaking of trump, fundraising numbers from april as 76 million in biden and appears being in court is somewhat profitable. >> yes, because people are seeing what is happening in the country and good news and good
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results to happen economically and around the world's and crossing it with what they say now is a seat energetic fighter in this whole court process and the weight of the establishment stocked against him with the media amplifying the ridiculous and preposterous charges in the choke and farce of a trial going on in new york and say actually we believe in fairplay and real justice in america and will not stand for this corruption of justice pushed by the democrats. we want the guy who put our economy in good shape and let america so the world was peaceful. >> trace: 30 seconds for you lydia and those are big numbers and it does appear the country looking at this child of this is not fair. >> certainly the opposite of the intended effect people recognize unfairly being prosecuted and should not be going to trial with this people wanting to put
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their number -- money where their mouth is. >> trace: thank you both for being here. for the meantime, congressional democrats pushing in immigration legislation that no coincidence the biden border disaster a top issue for voters and high jeff. >> despite it getting blocked senate democrats trying again to get up bipartisan border security bill planning to force it could take pressure off of president joe biden's weakest spot that being the border and democrats would attempt to seemingly put the ball into the republicans court as well as former president donald trump to kill the border bill and it would make it more difficult for migrants to qualify and give the president the power to shut down the border if certain key factors are met in senate majority leader chuck schumer says this is the strongest and most copperheads of border security bill the country has
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seen in a generation. >> democrats are doing this because we believe in fixing the border and we have the only real bipartisan bill negotiated by both sides with a real chance of passing and being put on the president's desk. >> trace: republicans say why a solution is long overdue that this is not it some going as far to say it's a political stunt to deflect the... plain and simple, this is a problem caused by president joe biden. >> going to a border bill right now is just a gimmick a way try to convince the american people that they're concerned about this when they caused it. >> test vote on thursday and take 60 yes to advance but expected to fail with so many republicans against it. >> trace: thank you jeff.
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"fox news @ night" senate department came on fox to date where he had a simple question "are we safer now than we were before 911." he responded with bs in fact triple bs. he said screening and vetting at the border better than never and dhs more vigilant than ever working harder than ever so neil asked again "are we safer." and says we are in a heightened threat environment in the wake of october seventh and says when it comes to american security, january 20th, 2021 is when biden took office and dismantled border security on doing everything trump did and now we have an additional 11 million illegal immigrants and record-breaking numbers of illegals on the terror watch list i in record-breaking numbes
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of god are ways. we don't know if they are in the list because they got away. fbi director says "we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border and says." but apparently missed that memo and the question was are we safer? common since thanks it's concerning when the head of dhs either doesn't know or simply won't say. let's bring in the former los angeles county sheriff in texas sheriff and thank you both for being here knows very well we are not safer today than we were before 911 because we've seen 11 million people many of those we do not know about in your thoughts. >> he certainly does in its more political rhetoric from this administration as i spent from
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2003 when dhs first brought forth all the way to when i retired from the u.s. border control in 2022 and look what is going on now is nowhere near when i left the border patrol with with vetting what's going on at the border now is really the opposite of that. >> trace: going to play a little bit more sound. >> we implemented the circumvention of awful pathways rule through regulation and we have built additional facilities deployed enforcement and removal operations. >> it is talking around everything and you wonder what he saying as he keeps going through some of these things that are apparently happening and if you can't tell the truth and really rely on the truth then he has to talk around it. what you think?
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>> you can write off a bunch of nonsense statistics and putting in the right context he realize it means nothing in the fact is we've almost doubled the undocumented population in the united states in the span of the last few years and that is a massive amount of people we do not who they are or where they're going and what the impact will be when it hits the safety net already straining amongst the homeless crisis the fact were not keeping track of crisis anymore so many things are going wrong at the same time and have to take a step back to see what we are doing right. >> trace: reuters ipsos on should we deport those? 56 percent say most or all should be deported if they are in this country and a big number that shows you that this is an issue voters are looking very closely and most of them agree
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with their former president trumps view on this. >> certainly and have to make sure we keep border security and immigration separate as they are separate issues and have to get focused on securing our borders. i was with vice president pentz to delay with border patrol and we talked about deportation in the opinion that it will take a lot more than a realize a good friend of my brought up some good points but will take our local law enforcement agencies to get back in sync with dhs with 287 g. that gives us the authority to hold the criminals in place and allows us to turn them over to the feds. >> trace: what they're not saying as you see the border but what they're not seeing as the damage they're doing to enter cities like los angeles and flooding the schools in these kids already can't red and do
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math at grade level and filled these people that don't speak spanish and need to be educated but hard when the kids are already there. >> very true. we were struggling with the population we already had in this wave that hasn't hit hard yet but will in the summer when people realize the impact of adding 11 million people to a straining system and standby to standby. >> trace: where we going and how do we do this. both sheriffs, thank you for being here and coming up, present biden against the arrest warrant and the wife of actor george clooney is a driving force behind that arrest warrant and a looks like clooney's and biden's families will be together at a family fundraiser in june. and later in the nightcap, a cheeto's loving bear broke into my buddies truck in mammoth and decided to handle the matter in
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what would you do if you found a bear in your vehicle? call for help or handle it yourself and why. let us know and we will read your responses in the nightcap. fox news at night look across america. phoenix, arizona. one of only two states that don't observe daylight savings. and in no iowa, you know there's more pigs and people? finally in atlanta georgia when coca-cola was invented in 1986 and if you can join us live, don't forget to set your dvr. we are coming back with aaron cohen rabbi. he navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: president biden says the international criminal court issuing an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu is outrageous even though the recommendation coming from the wife of one of his most famous donors. ashley live at the latest on this. good evening. >> republican lawmakers finding themselves into rare agreements over the icc requesting arrest warrants for israeli leaders now even more, administration is up all its with amal clooney who just so happens george clooney participating in a fundraiser next month so she announced she was part of a panel of international legal experts that recommended the arrest riding in a statement, reasonable grounds to believe they have committed war crimes. the white house made their position clear today.
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>> icc prosecutor's application of arrest warrants against israel leaders is outrageous and fundamentally rejected. >> house speaker mike johnson say working on legislation to rebuke the icc in some form in a measure he thinks will be bipartisan but as of right now, not everyone is on board. >> i support the courts independence in making their decision. >> icc is doing it's job what it is supposed to do and we cannot only apply international law when it is convenient. >> up to the icc judges to decide whether this issue to arrest warrants the process according could take around two months and trace, important to know if the icc judges move forward with the warrants that netanyahu will him not likely face prosecution but a harder
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time traveling internationally. >> trace: ashley is life for us a. now let's bring in rabbi from the belaire and idf idf special operations veteran and great to have you on the show ntu erin, aaron, saw a little bit of aoc in favor of this warrant and let's hear a little bit more from her. >> i think we have seen the input from an overwhelmingly amount of our allies in the developed world and across the world's really respecting the independence of the icc. >> trace: inputs in to definition this whole idea you have president biden who is against this warrant now fighting a big part of his in favor of the and has been like that through the protest as it is a divided party in this warrant where they say come on. >> is exactly that the fact israel is not fighting a
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conventional war a low intensity conflict that means we're talking about counterterrorism that means as if scene unfolding over the last seven months and internationally designated terrorist organization hiding but find civilians to do a best they can to operate with selectivity and loss hundreds of soldiers and rescued hostages in the process in areas that are extremely dangerous but the fact is amal clooney and aoc out there and i'll tell you this entire operation cannot be looked like a conventional war and the reason is because how specialized has to be therefore they are laughing right now and biden laughing but let them do the investigation and once they peel back the layers they will see there is nothing more to look at. >> trace: you're talking about a fractured party is there's a
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big fundraiser in the be there even though they disagree on some of these things of israel that they have to play nice before the election but still you can see there is a fracture. >> when it comes to voting for your guy, this is just politics in the pregame show talking about this court case trace, bring it on everybody. i'm telling you. imagine the jewish people being up against the world they found 50 tunnels in rafah and you couldn't get the babies out? how come america didn't go in say, we have beachfront building a port to bring in food and couldn't get anyone out? let me tell you something, there's a lot of ways to get the jews out of this to kill hamas but the world is saying you are the bad guy. the world have to be on court. >> trace: condolences to the
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iranian president who died flew the flag to half-mast with the moment moment of silence and what you think of this? >> what you drop down six more feet and take the flag down because that is much worth the terror proxy regime president has in the court of counterterrorism operations you know they want to cry about him being gone and another stain on the un the same ones working with hamas in its nonsense. >> trace: it doesn't make any since. california glow break this, when the press becomes an arc cnn would hunt on the pro-israel protesters themselves putting 13 people unmasking counter protesters who attacked ucla's pro- palestine encampment. not going after the people were saying river to the sea and
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genocide show in all the other stuff and kkk. not going after them but the people. >> you come in my face and i come back and protest you guys are doing the wrong thing and not letting them go to college at, there's something wrong with me. there something wrong with our country we allowed this to happen that the good guys standing up for freedom to walk freely, you're the one getting shut down free speech the other side claims there in four. >> trace: what happened to free speech? 11 days ago cut california governor vowed there would be no new taxes and after all the state has the highest taxes in the country but guess which state is now getting a tax increase. plus in my hometown of mammoth lakes, my own body should know better than to leave chinos in his truck.
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in one aussie shares his inventive method for trimming his lawn in today's best viralsm videos next. and stories are told beneath the stars. where connections grow and memories are born. at bass pro shops and cabela's, we believe in the magic of the great outdoors. our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you gear up for your next adventure. with club member mondays now through memorial day... club members save 10-percent at bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure start here. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: the fall of the formally popular is emblematic of the problems facing california spring and republican nominee for congress and board certified medical doctor, thank you both are coming on. the san francisco chronicle and the irony likely don't have enough issues? riding about los angeles and santa monica quoting the fall of third street promenade the once vibrant outdoor model. one of those things where it's laughable except for the fact they are right as it has fallen on hard times but as you point out, these things are fixable.
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>> absolutely and i grew up going there and i live really close walking distance and it's a ghost town with more than 50 percent of businesses are closed and the article complain because of high rates of, inflation and online shopping but last i checked, all the malls like the grove in century city and nothing close and what's the difference that its local government the fact that they invite the homeless and santa monica band police and security from their saying gets on equitable but you have homeless people lying there at the storefronts smash and grabs left and right people being assaulted so the businesses closed down in an economic engine and no sales taxes. >> a homeless man swimming a business because they were playing classical music trying to drive some of them away because her interfering with business and now this homeless person swimming the business a lot of businesses are doing this
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try to keep the homeless away. >> he might win. >> business owners paying commercial property taxes to fund city services and we are asking whether they have the right to do this and i think they have the expectation of their elected officials to maintain public health and safety and elected officials has abdicated those responsibilities >> trace: this is the homeless guy and said the first night i went to bed at 1:00 am and second i got no sleep in the third night i had no way to get any sleep and i just want to put it up there that this is a homeless person staying in front of a business he doesn't belong in front of an angry the businesses trying to push amount move on now because here is gavin newsom here's the soundbite on may 10th. >> look at all the cameras in the eye and guarantee no new taxes. >> no new taxes i don't know how
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any times i can say noted that. >> trace: how many times would have to say no? raise taxes on businesses by 18 billion and i talked to chef and i said he would raise taxes on a set of course he lies about it and raises taxes. >> ddc his face? he is not good at lying and he's always been bad at it and knew it would happen and as the chef pointed out that when you raise prices at a restaurant the some people stop coming in comes counterproductive the end up getting zero and that's what's happening in california when you raise taxes on businesses the businesses go broke or fully take their jobs and there is the income tax in the state has less money in exactly the thing that got us into this budget deficit to begin with and now doubling down on the failed policy and inviting businesses back into.
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>> trace: that's why he's running for office and he knows he has to do something in the byline as he has those issues all over california as we know we have a 74 billion shortfall and has to do something about it. oakland california because the copper being stolen out of traffic lights, they're getting rid of them and putting a stop signs and forget safety but we can't afford copper in the lights. >> exactly what happens when you don't punish petty criminals they become emboldened and keep on pushing the envelope and goes to show you in california aggressive isn't working. >> trace: know it is not but a lot of people think it is because they keep voting for it again and again. thank you both for coming on. half of the united states could experience blackouts a summer in president biden's push forward noble energy not really helping as lawmakers examining the growing demands of the
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nation's aging power grid along with increasing threats from cyber attacks. here is congressional correspondent. >> reporter: tonight senators on both sides of the aisle sounding the alarm about the nation's overwhelmed power grid. >> brand-new numbers and shows half the country elevated risk of blackouts. >> reporter: in recent years a, demand for electricity spiked thanks to manufacturing, bitcoin mining, the move in ai and a push for electric vehicles and also last week, federal energy regulators announce a new rule forcing grid operators to plan for electric growth will introducing renewable energy. head of the american electric power co. morning senators that's overly ambitious and over traditional energy. >> i love seeing renewables on the grid but he cannot substitute 24/7 dispatchable generation. >> reporter: say biden's green push making the nations grid even more vulnerable.
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>> president biden does not seem to care at all once the to be high to force operators so shut down these plants before the end of useful life and it is a disgrace. >> reporter: democrat senator agrees. >> you can't take something off if you don't have something equally good to replace it with but doing it because of political reasons. >> reporter: law makers say inaction can make the outcome much worse. >> the costs of not addressing climate change dwarfs the cost of addressing climate change. >> all of this comes facing the rising threat of cyber attacks on the grid and the increased pressure from the ai race with china say we need a stable supply of power to win that race. >> trace: in dc tonight and thank you. first up and tonight viral
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video, i grew up in mammoth and learned never to leave food but my buddy left of the back of cheeto's in his car yesterday we found a bear munching cheeto's and the bear finally left the vehicle after eating the cheeto's in getting the heave ho from mike and broke the truck center console. looking for a way to save time while trimming your hedges, one australian man has a hack for you and came up with the right idea to look his lawnmower to a crane and drive it the truck along the head she wanted to cut and not sure if he's crazy or genius but ended up with a nearly perfectly trimmed hedge. if you have a viral video to share with us e-mail us or send on social media. coming up to the bear that broke into the car for a snack, what would you do? try to scare the bear away or would she let someone else handle it? let us know and we will read
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your responses coming up next it the nightcap. known for getting everyone together. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage cancers. one of those cancers is triple-negative breast cancer. keytruda may be used with chemotherapy medicines as treatment before surgery and then continued alone after surgery when you have early-stage breast cancer and are at high risk of it coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain
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[ ♪♪ ] time for the nightcap crew here and tonight's topic very big
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problem. bear broke into my buddies car in mammoth lake in california -- california as he was trans- native his truck in a snack watch. >> it's about 11 in the morning pretty big guy eating my cheetos. get out of there. what do you do in that situation? do you call for help or handle it yourself and why? the obvious go to person is the person from los angeles. >> i mean stealing cheaters as a misdemeanour and if you are poking a bear you better have a good plan. >> let somebody else handle it. be mixed the steals less than $900 and cheetos are free no
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penalties no crime. confronted with this going after the bear. >> i would go after the bear. i live in la and deal with homeless people criminals coming at me all the time just walking down the street if i can handle them i can handle a bear. >> the old joke is you just have to outrun kevin corke people running from it that's the thing. what you do. >> there is no way. you can eat the front seed i do let somebody else deal with that come on. >> ashley? >> i'm with kevin take the cheetos in the car leave me alone i'm running the other way. >> me to them with kevin and ashley and getting out of there i grew up there. >> i would try to get some other food items to lure them out of my truck because i'm more
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worried about the interior of the truck but you keep a bag open that's price of admission. >> here's a social media report of it here it is. do you call or get it handled, 70% call for help, and seagram 70% it's a tough 1 on 1 hand they want to rescue my cheetos on the other hand i don't want to die. thomas says from a safe location hit the emergency button on your key fob the horn will blow and away they will go. tommy unless it was a friendly yogi the bear i'd let pros handled the situation. all you need is a picnic basket no help needed. can keep my snack in my car just keep me out of there. thank you all for watching the nightcap thank you for joining us in watching america's late news we see you back again tomorrow night. turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service.
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♪ ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia or just leukemia in general. and here we are. saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. she was referred to saint jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis.
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they already had her treatment plan drawn out and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody, because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. and we have received no bills since being at saint jude. we have paid for nothing. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life saving research and treatment these kids need. join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. anybody and everybody that contributes anything
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to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates, you know, once a month, they are changing people's lives and that's a big deal. (♪)
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that will do it for us here. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ]yone >> i'm dana perino wit


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