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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the world, walk her father's combat trail, and explore. his lessons of faith, bravery and perseverancenow on f. watter >> available now on fox nation tonight, jesse watters, primetime judge jeanine, tommy, larry. name steve thomas. >> steve. okay, richard. all right. all right. america's first blact black astr candidate is now the oldest person to reaconaue h space. his name is ed white. was he was. he was a hadn air force pilot wn john f kennedy nominated him to be the nasa's f earliest forr the nasa's earliest astronaut corps. he wasn't selectedont corps. bea and select black astronautsit until 1978, but he finally made it to space. he was up thero e for 10 minutes and said it was a life changing experience. yeahging, i.fe i heard him say that he didn't think he actually needed to do it in his fe, but that when he dide diheealized , he realize that it is what he needed. >> so it is. all righan animat. d to >> that's it for us. everyone. have a great welcome to jesse watters, primetime tonight. >> there is no one defending
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fani willis but herself. i am notight. going to be brok i am going to still be standing here doing my jonob lawfully. >> fauci was the science. now, is the law. >> it is a lie. it is a lie. >> biden just presents as old. i saw hi m yesterday making that speech. >> i mean, i'm sorry. he's cadaver like joe biden, the democrats and father time and back at like welcome to the wild, wild west., here >> plus, here is my karma on you. >> fox news alert.bombsh >> a major bombshell in theel trump documents case. the fbi authorized the use of deadly force during the mar-a-lago parade.
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>> this according to documents filed by trump's legal teae m. >> agents in unmarked polo shirts plan to bring standard issue weapons, ammo, handcuffs, medium and large size bolt cutters, and even lock pickingut equipmenters t as they prepare o door to door at mar a lago. and they didr . ransacking melania trump's bedroom, along with barron trump', ras bedroom. >> the fbi also took extensive photographs of melaniad and barron's rooms for no apparent reason. be.nk about this forba a second. >> joe biden sent men with guns to his political opponents house and turned their bedrooms upside down. >> that's never happened hou ine history of the united states. and we've had some crazy presidentshi t. this was the former first ladyep and a professional model. these people are sick. le and biden complains about his son's privacy. >> hunter's. he had armed men rummage through baron's bedroo thrm. the fbi even allegedly hadd
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a medic on site in case someone. was shot. trump reacting, quote, wow.ou i just came out of the biden witch hunt triale ic in manhattan, the ice box. and we're shown reports an joe biden's doj and their illegal and unconstitutional raid of mar a lago authorized the fbi to use deadly, lethal force. now, we know for sure that joe biden's a serious threatl to democracy. he is mentally unfitfo to hold office. 25th amendment. trump's lawyerholds claim that e former president's constitutional rights were violated. tutionalit was an illegal searcd and seizure. the fbi misled the judgehe to obtain the warrant, and the raid was executed in an t egregious fashion and in bad faith. nor was there any basis for fbi the fbi to bring firearms intoto mar-a-lago. >> bring what was life threateng about pieces of paper? the fbi improperly seized trump's passports, taxcords. and accounting information, and even medical records.
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>> think about that. think abt .the biden administrad his political opponents medical recordl nent'ss. n >> who signed off on it? >> i personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter. second, the department does not take such a decision lightly. >> remember, the new york timese reported that biden wanted his a.g. to, quote, act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor willing to take on trump. p >> this all came from the just like the june six case,ge a the fancy case, alvin bragg's workshop in manhattand ln, where today both sides rested the rest during the arrest of the case. i won't be arrested. i don't care if i like your sometimes, but i won't get arrested. >> trump won't take the stand, but the jury is dismissed until next tuesdayrest.n't , where tht supposed to see the news or talk about the case to the s judge stops the case dead in its trackupseeings and tells the jury to go home for a week
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and not look at their phones. home aw, i don't know about your phone, but my phone has alerts. >> ping. biden falls agaibideain,n. ump s >> ping. trump update in georgia ping. trump's a dictator. how ma how many hoaxes are they going to blanket the country to pierceweek the make believe bubble the jury supposed to be in?posed in and how do you not talkto to your wife or husband for a week about the cas you note? how do you go to a memorial day barbecue in new york without at leasto to one chatty cathy wu trump derangement syndrome? >> alvin bragg's star witness is a lying lawyer and a suicidal thiefp who tried selling anti-trump t-shirts to the jury and want as to run for congress. the other star witness is are ar who has with men for money on camera. >> behind the scenes bragg's office has never felt more embarrassed. wit >> all of my colleagues and all the people that i worked with in the d.a.'s office have all said to me, eric, go out and talk about this. are you have the experience to address it. and there actually, of all unanimously, whether they like
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president trump or never trumperser, have said they're embarrassed by the d.a.'s office bringing thi these type of case. and it is it destroyed the integrity of my old office. >> you know, it's blowing up when rachel maddow is back on tngv begging for help.edow magihistory of the rule of law in this country tells us that the rule of law does not magically defend itsel f and it is mortal. it can be killed when it is attacked. itis attacked, i breaks in the alternate version of this history that we'd like to imagine we would be part of the whole country would be uimagine p in arms about torh and about new york and about all of these cases tellinoly would g these people n back off the judges, back off the witnesses and the jurors, c back off the prosecutors back all fani willis protect ofprs, protect the rule of law. >> maddow is saying that awyers alvin, jack and judge merchan aren't just lawyers and judges. >> they ar ae the rule of law. >> it's like when fauci said, when you attack me, you attacked science. now, if you attack a prosecutor
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wh mr spending taxpayer money o kickbacks, you're attackineng the rule of law. has to be protected at all costs because the biden campaign can't win without her. maddow was in rehab mode last night. mat going to allow people to be attacked while they do their job of havingle prosecutors that are free from interference and are allowed to just look at cases, look at the factse from. and if people brought to broke the law to bring charges, has gn to go on for us to live in a free society. the sad part, though, for all of them, miss maddow, is it doesn't matterth how many timesl they attack me. >> i am not going to be broken. can lie, cheat and steal, but she is the rule of law and the rule of law can't be attacked. and if the prosecutor is a black woman, ther isn attackinge the rule of law is also racist. >> s also 14 minorities were eld to office to serve as district attorney, and now all of a sudden they need an oversight
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committe e to look aftertorney district attorneys because they want to tels e thl us howun to prosecute and who to prosecute and where we should put our resources. >> apparently, we now need t daddy to tell us how to do our job. >> 14 days don't need oversight, just one. we're talking about willised. d >> fannie doesn't need a daddy. she hay,s one. a >> did sheny say anything to yo about having a large savings of cash? oh, no, she. oh, no., let's see. maybe. excuse me. and yo hand your honor, i'm not to be racist. okay, but it's a black claim. >> okay, well, michael cohen must be black because he paid contractors 20 grand in cash and brown paper bags. menendez, too. so in cash, in windbreakers must be a black thing. pe all the people charging trump with crimes but m. mitting the but you're not allowed to say that because we have to protect the rule to sa of lawfare. >> i mean, the rule of law. fannie and bragg are all a
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the democrats have since jack smith's cases are getting calendarlle , it is so bad they're bringing back james come y. he is la a he is a threat to the rule not aw in americw a. that's to me, that's what thist election is about. not about policy differences. fe >> it's about what kind of country are we going to be? if he has the ability smarter pr than he was last time to use the power of the department of justice and the fbi to target his enemies, especially the rule of lawhang in america, will change in a way we haven't seen in our lifetime. >> they're sayin g trump's going to unleash assassination squads on his enemies. but biden unleashed armed agents into trump's house, authorizing them to use deadly force. >> judge jeanine pirro is here. >> authorized armed agentsforce. to use deadly force in thedeadly moral longo raid. >> that is insane. is there any justification for that? absolutely not. the thing that concerns me about thisre any jon forthat?, e use of deadly physical force ngagto engage the president ands
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security detail, who, you know ,jesse, is the secret service is a is a pre-authorization where they assume something's ton and they don't even call us for the use of force. we're giving it to you ahead of time preemptively. but more important and more telling to mtime.tante is that a them not to wear shirts that identify them as law enforcement agents just to wear unmarked polo shirtsjust and to i think they wanted to cover up the they keep law enforcement equipment concealed. now, why would they do that? i don't know. but, you know, my mind as a a prosecutor goes to. maybe they wanted the engagement of physical force. mayb force.e they wanted to come in without fbi, without, you know, do withoj, without aln that identifying so that they could engage in deadly physicals force. and let me ask you something, jesse. when we were getting outhing, en of afghanistan, did the biden administration approved the use
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of deadly physical force when we had someone in a suicide vest in our sight with actionable intelligence? no. , bu'm going to stay here. 13 americans died they're ready to use force. it's smart. usedo it against joe biden. >> when they seized his records. soy seiz when someone is being d by an undercover, when they're tackled and cuffed, you often hear them say, oh, i didn't know you were law enforcement. >> you kno't know, you weren'ter you were dressed like plainclothes. >> maybe they were looking for a little actior a n. >> maybe. tell me about this one weeouk vacation that this jury is getting. have you ever seen a judge say take the week off right before b the case goes to them? gfirst of all, taking the week off, their memories aren't as sharp. they have the opportunity to bee to have other people, you know, plead with them, especially in the new york area. you'veyou ha got to convict thi. he's a bad guy, all that stuff. then they come back to a charge where merchan is not going to be he's not going to be fair heir. .anced
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>> he's pro-prosecution. and when i was a judge , as soon as the defense finished its case, if it had a case , i would tell all my jurors, you're going to bring it overnight, beggingd tell a tooh in case you're going to be sequestered. and as soon as they get thatg te evidence, they go to the hotel and we do not let them out until they come out with averd verdict. this is an opportunity to noict. the only mess up the case, but toe make sure they're influenced suc. e publibu >> this judge does not deserven to wear a robe. merchan mentionsde ajoke fani willis we're hearing just she just won reelection when it was a primary. >> so we're going to have more . but she's stil fani.l in troubl, though they are investigating her for more shenanigans. just at a higher level. yes. does she get accused or not? i don't know if she gets cued,he but and i don't think she cares. but the trut caresh is she used her office to hire a boyfriend, used state funds h to pay forr him, and paid for their r liaisonsse and then lied. about it. >> let's be clear. if you do that, there' u cas a lot
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of liars that are going after donald trump. liars with lot s of cash hanging around. >> yeah. michael cohen. i mean, yeah michael, i sold 60. i thought he owed it to me because it wasi th self-help. i mean, he should be indicted. but the statute has passed. >> it's crazy. judge jeanine, she'll be in k next week. wee oh, stop it, jesse. >> all right, all good luck. take care and catch your foxp eo nation special. what did he do? >> very good. fox news alert>>. ack to >> hunter's taxes are comingt back to bite him, but not in the way he likeno s. thre three of his former lovers are expected to take the stand in his felonformer l angun trial, and they're being called to the stand by his father's justicther department. what a mess. hunter's ex-wifetm , kathleen boo,e is will be called. she helped the prosecution establish that hunter was a coke addict when he lied on a federal background check to get his handgun. >> one of hunter's ex-girlfriends, zoe kirsten,
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known as weed for 20. h she dated hunter in 2018. she'd establish that hunter was smoking crac he wak when he lies on his federal firearms form. >> and finally, there's beau's widow, haley borden. hunterwi h had a relationship with his brother's widow. brothershe was the one who tosd the gun in a trash can by the school that hunter blames cas. xican her lawyer says she'll refuse to testify if she's called. but just hours ago, the special counsel filed a court order that would compel her toup show up and testify. the gun trial begins in two weeks on june 3rd, and his tax case startweeks june 20. e in courts gog to b more thainn trump. >> that's not the way nextbidens planned it tht. >> breaking news about p diddy. next, the people, you know, the voices you trust. all new fox nation exclusives available now.
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news alert. >> new allegations against p diddy. this tim e the, hip-hop mogulcue is being accused of drugging and assaulting a model d in 200. according to a lawsuit obtained by tmz, krystal mckinneyd sh said she met diddy at a fashion event when she was just 22.s >> she claims she took a hit of diddy's blunt, which she now says was laced. diddy't whshe says diddy forcedf on her in a bathroom. she resistede , but then she sa she lost consciousness. waking up in a tax ii when shesl realized she was sexually assaulted. crystal claimslted she was blackballed from the modeling industry after that, becoming depressed and attempting suicide two years later. this comes after the disturbingn video surfaced of hip hop mogul and democrat community organizer beatinghi his ex-girlfriend. some of diddy's close alliesex have started talking. diddy's former assistant said the video didn't surprise
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former there i her at all. >> there was not one cell in m m body that was surprised. why not? go and know, it's going to sound a little bit weird because i don't have any facts. right. and nobody's going to call me to testify. but i would say that it' stuitio woman's intuition and it is former head of securityn., roger bonds says he's seen did he get physical with women ge times.did yo >> how many times did you personally witness him be violent towards women? around four or five times. i've seen him get physical. i've seen him get really physical. geoing him get int some wrestling and punching matches. and sometimes i felt liktches, d what are you mad at? what are you upset about? because it's a deepeour anger when you hitting and punching a woman in that type of manner. but when you have a problem with every woman that you deal with, then i think that problem is inside of you. >> you. did he used to be untouchable?
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now everybody's coming out of the woodwork. networkse, now e are clamoring r interviews with anyone he's ever met, but not all of them go as planned. cnn talkedyone he to cameron. >> that kind of anger at all. from your experience like that, what did you mean to be recognized? >> do i recognize them? mean, do yourecognizi seen themi what do you mean? my experiences? i've seen them and i don't . >> i thought it was disgusting. is there is there something known in the industry about how diiddyd he treated his artists? so i'm going get some chicksks t after this. >> hp's right. erwho talent agent for this joint. like they're going to be sitting around watching what didrink,d he do or not?around as i didn't know this wasg a dirty joint that invited me to gwhato. do, >> who booked me for this joint ? biden officially ended>> his black exodus jes tour and nw trying to win back everybody else who left him. the president went to one
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of the whitest states in the country today, new hampshire. y why? because a new poll shows him and trump are tied there. this is huge. a republican hasn't wopublicann new hampshire in 25 years. if biden's fighting for new hampshirin fightine, he's gt of problems. biden's pitch to voters not tool strong. >> let me closose with thie wis after i signed the packageac at act into law, everyone: ever stumblesyo sometimes, but each stumble for biden lethal to the campaign. >> 70 7% of voters think biden is too old t to beng president. yesterday, he said he was hanging out with a hostaget with who's actually still being held hostage by hamas. my administration working t around the clock to free the remaining hostages justdy as we have freed hostages already. and , as hirscha day called goldberg, poland is still and he is not here with us, but he's still being held by hamas. biden scaring away voters.crats
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and now democrats are leakingar an democrat senator said this if you go out there and do a focus group, the focus groups all say he's 200 years old., yo you got to be kidding me. d >> another democrat senator said young voters thinrh biden looks tired. >> these are the conversations that are happening behind the scenes. >> only a few will say it on tv . >> biden just presents as old. it. e ot really fair no, because he's almost the same age and trumpe as is almost the same age as him. but trump doesn't present that wayimdoesn't . you know, you look at somebody right away, you can kind of jus nd ot some up. don i mean, we are not young, but we don't present as old.t yeah, biden does. i saw him yesterday making that speech. meani mean, i'm sorry. >> he's cadaver like, but his brain is good. he's still great. biden comes across way older than trump because of his gait mumbles and he hides. but carville say s biden should flip it and called trump an olds
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geezer with the age issue is suffocating himd call and he, to bring up that. he's only four years older. and trum p and i mean, he's got to turn it around and need to quit getting in. >> complaining about the times covered his age and a poll when is so good. te that's a waste of time. don't do that. talk about how you going to change people's lives and make it better and how you build an a recor betted hodl on. >> tomi lahren. at, hostd on tomi, whato you think of this strategy? >> i'm not all you are.t' i think that's the first time i've ever heard someonein about presenting as old. you know, in 2024, you canbe identify as anything you want to be. but now, apparentlt noy you cann present as elderly. and biden certainly presents as elderlyd , but it has nothinh to do with his actual age physhas everything to do his with his physical and his mental state. facild trump doesn't presentnd m as old because donald trump still has his faculties and joe biden cad joe bibarelynl us what he's standing for,
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and that's when he's reading off a teleprompter. prompter when he's off the teleprompter. we need some kind of an interpreteerpreterr and. then when he puts out these videos that his social media team puts out of him, there, thr should be a stroke warning for how many jump cuts they have because a rning e i'd imagine io 20 to 30 takes to getme. one sentence at a time. i mean, this is embarrassing. but th e left knows this.y and that's why i firmly believe thiswill notfirmly b be the nome in november. all of this is just testing the waters is just for when thep it out for gavin newsom. wait and watch. i the calls for him to step downe are going to intensify within the next couple of months. >> maybe joe should identify as gavin newsom. you're saying gavin newsom, you tomi lahren, right now on the show. gavin newsom is going to be the nominee. >> yeah. gavin newsom, i believ. e, is going to be the nominee. >> and everybody says, well, what about kamala? well, i'll tell you thisd . mal? a very interesting thing that we heard last week is that there are people arounesting t dg abou her that say that she was joking about potentially going to californig toa and being
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the governor if her and joe don't win in november. now, her campaig f they dn has denied that. but i think that that's the perfect bait and switch. kamalathat is going to make the choice to go back to california and run ford governor and then bait and switch. gavin newsom will be in that seat. i become thet it all on it, jes. >> all right. how much, tommy? what do you want to wager? anything you want to wager right here, right now. >> i firmly believe that gavin newsom's the guy. all right, tommy i will do 100 and. all e going to leave it at that. all right, mark this down. you got it, gavit.n. s >> switcheroo with kamala. it's like the three card shuffle. and biden goes back to wilmington. we'll see how it plays out . k. th tomi lahren, thank you so much. >> what did fauci know and wheno did he know it? we may never according to a new report, the daily mail. fauci's top adviser was a self-proclaimewad expert on hw to make emails disappear. >>pear that top adviser was dr.
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david moran's a senior official for for around 24 years. and he was in regular contact with ecohealth alliance, the group run in gain of function at the sloppy wuhan lab. >> moran said he deleted emails aftemornez dr the pandemic to a having to turn them over to thet publiche. but congressional investigators got their hands on other emails he d he didn't managhande to hillary. >> here's james comer reading just one of themmanage. how >> i learn from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after i am fired. but before the search starts.e so i think we are all safe. plus, i deleted most of thoseeae earlier emails after sending them to gmail. we are all smart enough to knowk if weverno have smoking guns and if we did, we wouldn't putut them in emails and if we foundem them, we would delete them. >> how many emails did he delete?
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how many of them were the fauci? what's he hiding his bosseshi won't tell us. >> deleting information. g going to great lengths to not be transparent in an apparent ii cover up of something that i think we would agree in a bipartisan manner is is one of the most serious issues that our country has ever faced. >> the covid 19 pandemic, they say crime is down. >> you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about deer of time thinking about deer at three in the morning any time of day. >> what people don't know >> what people don't know is tha at thisro. same. you need dirt with the you need dirt with the right kind of nutrient look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in anyr. garden. if people only knew that it
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first team gordon chicken vanderpump off. >> we're done. food stars season premiere wednesday on fox. >> there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers. >> you have no respect for me. what about you? that's more people than get divorced. i have a respected you said that everyone, which means tube is more popular than saying you'll never be able to take back. the more popular than moving into a sad motel by the airport . more popular than hating your ex-husband. stupid face. chubby. it's more popular than divorce . it's san diego's beautiful, but it's got some problemsed wit to overrun by homeless and boats filled with migrants or crashing onto the shores like it's d-day. >> instead of reopening psych wards and stopping the migrants ,the city's waging a war w on yoga. the city just bannedards and gr. of four or more from doing th a permit.ithout
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>> why? they don't want anyhout unauthorized businesses makingon money on public land. well, what about fre publie clas one the one norma steve has been teaching for almostbeen 20 years? sorry, no permit, no yog teachi. here. e have 40 degrees is ridiculous. we'v be been here for 17 years, and now they're like, no, teache you're shutting it down. >> steve's just one of many yoga teachers getting the boot. and worst of i boot.t all, this ruling so vague it could impact anybody. et >> when i got here, the streetd was lined with the park rangerwh tracks. there were three rangers standing on the grass overlookinacks.were thrg a clasl of people doing yoga. what if it's completely free clas whats? the answer was no.s okay, well, what if a group of friends comes down here and want. s to do a yoga class? are you going to stop and interrupt that? the answer was yes. we'll find out if it's ant organized group. if i give a summer camp money and say, here, takis if i giva sue care of mywn t child, and they take a group of kids down to the beach and don't t have a permit, canbe
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they get kicked off the beach and deer in headlights? >> and to me, that tells me it's not just yoga that's at ris k. an so for those keeping track at home, you can do drugs and live on the beacthh as longn as you don't stretch with three of your friends. a wothe war on yoga won't be ane easy one for san diego democrats. yogigo s are banding together and striking a warrior pose against mayor todd gloria. may >> san diego yoga instructor steve hubbard, a.k.a norm. steve joins me now. all right. now i'm steve so i can be homeless. take fentany stevel camp on theh . but i can't stretch. >> you can do all that and more. but yestretc s, if you're doing something healthy, exercising your freedom somet of assemblyyi with your fellow neighbors and citizensr fe, they will try to shut you down. in fact, i wish you could see it right now. i wish ovejesse, over my shouldm we're being monitored very by a as we a park rangeronit speak. >> there's a park ranger>>
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watching your primetime hit. >> he's been. yeah, he's beehe has bn. he's been here for 30 minutes. all right, well, if you have a camera guya and an audio guy and one more person, if anybody has a tight hamstring, don't stretch. >> you'll wind up in prison. >> yeah, they'll shut us down. what else are these? park rangers, in your opinion, capable of doing?n dieg i know san diego is noto a perfect city. it's beautiful. but ther cite must be some other problems in the city besides >>is. we've got, you know, a mentaltht health crisis that's national. we have go i.t homelessw and addiction problems, as you ve. very well we're a border town. and you know what that looks like right now? we've got a lot of stuff hav going. on here. it is a beautiful city, a great place to live. but there's a lo lt problems. yoga is not one of them. this is something that is designed to create and maintain physical health, mental clarity and an emotional sense
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of balance. s right. this is the opposite of a lot of what are these problems are. this is the solution th and theo antidote to a lot of these problems. and this is what they want to take away from us. >> why don't you invite the mayor to come do yoga with you guys on the beach? >> uys on he's been invited to. there was a meeting set up for friday with the mayor, but he he. at theed and it's been told to metorney that the city attorney gave him the advice to cancel that meeting. they've canceled the yog classa class. okay, so the mayor's canceled on the beach yoga class. i'm sure they'd much better more important things to worry about. unbelievable. namaste, steve. namaste. stay. than k you. and good luck. and stay loose and limber. now, my state stay. e an >> thank you, buddy. what's going on in florida? >> a gang related shootout shook up miami gardens this week. watcngh this.
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>> the neighborhood looks likedk baghdad. >> neighbors report finding nearly a hundred casings on theirndred ca lawns. miraculously, no one was injured. but no, arrests have been made. >> then, outside tampa, 400 angry degenerates tore a strip mall to shreds. y people torwhy? shr >> because a party got canceled . >> hang on to 20 three. ults
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promotes healthy circulation. >> call now. >> fox news alert. the fbi just respond js into the bombshell allegations from the trump team that the fbi was authorized fbi authori to use de during the mar-a-lago raid. >> quote the president has nothing to do with and had zero input on the plan. the fbi followed standardng protocol, which includes a statement limiting the use of deadly force. there was no departure fromth the norm in this matter. >> totally normal. probably going in arm the teeth into a former president's house. >> i is going to take our jobsto and then it's going to try to kill us. that's notl me saying that. top engineers claim the new e technologiesngin careening down a dangerous path faster than anyone imagined. hin geoffrey hinton, aka the godfather of a.i., telling humanity that our days may be numbered. >>ay be numbered. they're cleary
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competent. >> they clearly understand a lot. theymoree a lot more knowledge than any person. almost everybody i know who is an expert on the aree i a belies that they will exceed human intelligence. it's just a question of when. cos i think there's a chance they'll take control and it's a significant chance. iit's not like 1% is much more. what i'm most concerned about is when these things it i autonomously make the decision to kill people. so robot yeah, and those are criminals gt and the like. and it may be we can get something like geneva convy, but i don't think that's going to happen until after very nastythink th s have happened. >> well, geneva conventions we created those because of how gruesome world war ii was. how ba ward this robot judgmenty supposed to be. these technology , these have been growing exponentially and are integrated more and more into our lives every day, meaning this clash is coming sooner than you think. goe >> with ai goes rogue and tries to take over. is something we may be ableing to control or we may not. we don't know. and soe o this point beforenot.
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it's more intelligent than us, so seeing be putting huge resources into seeing whether we are going to be able to control iare got. 0 my guess is in between five and 20 years from now, there's a probability of about a half that we'll have to confront the problem of them trying to take over. >> flilem of hg themp a coin. >> those are the odds tha that artificial intelligence will try to rise up againstxt humanity within the next couple of years. >> and even if humans are able to keep a.i. in check, this new tech'sket inck, this going to fundamentally change the way we live. >> that'y wes incredible. dible, >> rocky, what kind of interview? well, it's for a software engineering role, but i just need to know do i look presentable professionally inte , you definitely have the. i've been coding all night. looks down, whic rockyh could actually work in your favor. maybe justwhic find a hand thron your hair or lean into the matching. finerough the . of t if i is going to kick everybody out of the workforce, how are
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we supposed to make a living? experts say universamake al is e short term solution, but it doesn't solve the problem at its cor tion, bu doesne. >> i certainly believe in universal basic income. i don't think that's enough,of peopl though, because a lot of people get their self-respect from the jot m thb they do. and if you put everybody on universal basic income, probe that doesn't that solves the problem of them starving and nom t being able to paye the rent. >> but it doesn't solve the self-respect problemself-re >> without any jobs,g peop the only thing people will be left to offer these giant of will beey arebl our personal information. >> well, they're already extracting our data right nowr without our consent. so if they're goindata rg to tae our jobs, they better start paying us for taking our informatioeyn. cybersecurity expert morgan wright joins me now.ow >> so he says it's about a 5050t chance ai is going to take over and we can't control it. ke >> what's that going to look i like? suyou know, i'm not sure that i
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subscribe to the doom and gloom and the sky is falling. bse to thei think what we haveny explored yet is why this is so new to us. we haven'ty alling figured out the way to harness it, but i think we will. we were able to harness the atombu and nuclear weapons,e you know, and we were able to achieve some kind of a balancap achiee with nuclear we. i think we'll do the same thing with a.i.. jesse. the issug withe is, well, we understand how to really apply it so that it solves the big problemsto. >> it's not going to take away jobs in spite of whapitetn people think. i think what it's going to do is open up new things for people to do. for peopand the other thing, to, it's got to balance out the loss of people that we notseeing in public and government as people retire. we're not getting the people in to take getti their place. so a.i. fulfills a good role in terms of us being able to help even helpi government r but it protects our cybersecurity, our critical infrastructurecyber se. it's been used in our military, but we do it differently than china and russia does. d dand that's the big issue th. well, china and russia subscribe to a geneva convention. e to >> i don't think they will. i don't think the japanese would agree with you that weow. were able to control and the: i atomdon' bomb. ld a
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but going back to the killer robots, whic with h i'm mostly concerned about because i'm irreplaceable, no robots going to be jesse watters primetime. >> i'm just that special b. >> what about these? he says they're coming. h he says they're almost here. killer robotthey as. >> is there an off switch? how do they know betweeny know b civilian and enemy? >> that's been a big challengeen because computer, even a.i. to this day, it's not about the algoritho m it's about the machine learning that goes into it. just the a.i. is a vessel. so the machine is the content. look, there's already out there robots that russia has demonstrated looks like robocop with two glocks. that shootint rug you china with the robot dogs. the difference is the ethics in a.iethics.. e kill we wouldn't do that. we'd always have a human in the kill chain before we would say, yeah, pull the triggere we wou.e what i would do is get us to that decision point quicker, quic, more efficiently. but the problem is, like you say, i'm concerned about rogue nations, especially tier one adversaries like russianati espec, china, where l
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automate it, will become autonomous warfare. you know, it's the it's thef wa automation of war on terrorism, and we're going to see that. anterror we arbut going to balag good nations again, are going to have to come up with ak that that's going to allow them to push back against them. tok you're goingdon' to get the bad people and the bad guys subscribing to a treatyt yssubscr or a truce or n like that. i think what it's going to take is the only way to beat y is with the good guys havingng a.i. to defend against it. >> well, the one lady ai girl, she laughed at that guy's joke. >> she seemed to be sarcastic. where does it where does that take us? i don't know. i don't know. it's all very confusing to someone as simple confuo as. >> morgan, thank you so much. you bet, jesse. >> y betmorgan wallen and the me right back. >> i thought water would help an with as drd.y spots. that's the disease. but scott's health plus
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get back to your monster to do list. really get a quote at aggressive commercial .com. well well what do you have back. come down or come back. risk takers make a lucky run. but that's how it's done. great job by him. surprise, surprise, he did come over a party crash. what if it was all back and a whole lot more? who will fill the role of ibrahim raci? the white house concurs that there is no cause for why the court should be investigating israel. testimony is open. we could have a verdict sometime late next week. only on fox news channel. fox news alert. prime time's obtain the dead boeing whistleblowerx news suice
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note. fox news senior o national correspondentbtained kevin corke is here with the latest. >> kevin. evening, gsa lawyers for boeinvg whistleblower john barnett who police found dead in south carolina after found d missed a deposition in a lawsuit against the company back in marcagainsh are now blaming the aerospace giant for the r public release not of his suicide note gave a peek into his state of mind before on he took his own life. the expletive laden note fox news digital has reviewed explicitly waslicitl handwrittee in all capital letters, stating things sucn h f boeing and i can't do this any longer. and bury me, face face down. so boeing and they're lyingd blank leaders can kiss my blank. you get the picturr leadere. atr barnett's lawyers noted that investigators determined their client was sufferingtermid ptsd, anxiety and panic attacks before his death and after cops showed their client's suicide note. his lawyers wrote this r cops his mental condition was the result of the retaliation
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and hostile work environment he was subjected to. and in response to hiscted complaint that boeing senior management was pressuring workers to disregard processes and procedures required by toy be followed, allowing defective parts to be installedgo on airplanes, disregarding and ignoring problems that hehel believed posed a potential threat to the flying public. pon, those were his attorneys words. now, boeing, for its part, has no his atboeingt responded to a rer comment tonight. i suspect this is not the lastpt we will hear of this ongoing lawsuit, jesse. all right. thanks so much, kev. >> you bet. >> major at morgan wallensaturd saturday night. it was crazy. >> that's how i we got lost for about 45 minutes after the concert in, the parking lot when i couldn't find my car. cos any indication of howw good of a night it was.
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>> crazy experience. s the man has soul. we love it. we some texts. >> mike from florida. he must be breaking out the gray goose tonight aftere her election win. now she doesn't like champagne. shshe doese only likes gray goo. >> mike from steamboat springs, colorado maybe can taketrump' trump's jury on a quick cruise on a. vernd i don't think she's very good at geography. so they could wind up in nova scotia. john from cape coraln nova, flo. are you kidding? $100. what kind of bet is that? rs people bet more than that on a turtle race. >> i didn't want to soun d boujee, so i thought 100 wasa hu normal. karlndred from polk city, flor. >> jesse, you shouldn'te, be betting on anything you s with your past record. >> i know i owed her all the g stupid red wave. it was for charity. d >> whatever. carla from perry, indiana. i'm going to nam e a stairway from san diego if you want day
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to resist. >> the resistance is real. s of yoge resiak and go to the beach with three of your friends and do the downward doga park. >> denise from alabama. the yoga group should just s like the homeless, pitch a tent and do their business in the sana tentd. . >> joseph from huntington, west virginia that women's rage ritual look like the lobby of a starbucks when they get several wrong. sam from fort worth texas you better trademark your patented i'm watters and this is myfo world before t i steals it all they betteisr na steal it they better pay me for that. >> and that'll be more than $100. d th >> that's it for us tonight. dvr the. dvr. sean hannity is up next. always remember, i'm waters and this is my


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