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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 22, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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anniversary bands the jewelry exchange to carat fancy lab band's 1491 carat classic natural band's 1990 half carat natural for 99 unlimited choices guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct will fill the role of ibrahim raisi, the white house concurred that there is no cause for why the court system can be investigating israel. testimony is open. we could have a verdict sometime next week only on fox news channel right program. >> we know tomorrow night my will interview israeli prime minister bibi netanyahu. pm be sure to check that out. and the third episode of myhird new special outlaws and lawman on fox nation episode three tomorrow night. that's the time we have left that night. your heart trouble. greg gutfeld put a smiletroubled on your face. >> have a greagt night.
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oh, yes, i. >> i know how you feel. happy tuesda y. once again, the white house has been caught editing the transcript of a biden speech changing. i was vp during the pandemic, too. i was vp during the recession. they'v pandee even cleaned up se his videos, removing his mistakes. my name's joe biden. >> thank you. >> oh, yeah. edgyu.. michael cohen admitted he stole tens of thousandhes of dollars
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from trump's business. his defenders say, howeverrom, ' that he's like robin hood. he stole from the rich and gave to the senator patty murray introduced a bill to mandate auto safety testing with both male and female crash test dummies. you can tell the difference becausale in the crashes it's always the female dummy driving. it's true. >> can't argue with science. people saye a scie a pennsylvana resident dug up a significant amount of cocaine doing yard d work. authorities had no further detailugs, but the guy got his long hair done in one eighth the time on. >> this day, 1932, amelia earhart flew her plane across the atlantic ocean. >> i tell you a joke about her, but it wouldn't land her too soon. yeah.
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gutfeld tonight, oh, it gets worse. h comp a budget chinese tech companany is offering a four foot tall humanoid robot with a sale price just 16 grand. that's half of what it cost o to book an actual. >> h perino what microsoft revealed, the new i bought that was screencap. everything you do on your windows computer. great. do now we'll nee two computers, one for and onem for even worse, according to a new study, vivid nightmares may be an early indicator of disease. they may also be an indicator that you b just saw.ease >> jesse watters, primetime that a new york man kept a seven and £50 pet alligator in his house until governmen yot hauled it away. that means there's only one man left that's still living with a £750 reptile.
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>>living w he knew people are ae >> so how'd i do? announcer guy great jokes, greaj greg. >> now hit me with a monologue. okes grelove him. so today, the defense rested and the trump hush money. ly bec meaning he won't takeau the stand, probably because he doesn't need to. yesterday, alvin bragg, star witness michael cohen received cohen oscar escapee. trump's attorney stuck a scope of truth up cohen't pus and exposed a giant pile up of lies. >> cohen is brags key witnessco the maisn he depends on eventh more than the tailor who has to let out his sweat pants let. he's the only one who can tie trump to any crime, even thoughi nobody there seems to care what that crime is. so cohen felsuret l apart like britney spears in an iranian helicopter he f. n: it ge it gets worse and all that'sef
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left is for the media to pretend none of it happened r . now, trump could still be convicted. after all, this is manhattang where shoving grandma in front of a train gets a verbal warning. oe but double parking gets youe chair. and these are 12 jurors from a pool that's been in electing and voting for biden by almostti 85% last time. i mean, these are the dopes t who gave his bail reform gav, de blasio and sucker punch a woman week. so let's manage our expectations. but if there's any hope, let' therehere must be one juror that will hang this jury so we can end this horrible thing and get on with the summer. le t yorkers put on their short shorts and halter tops. ndladies to. >> and at this point, even if you ever convict trump of anything i it's not goings to matter. like jesse's first toupee he put on craigslistfirs. nobody's buying it. you can thank cohen and brag for that. because of them,
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for of ththust the system as much as the expiration date on a dollar store contract. now, nobody was more disappointed watching the brag case fall apart thanedia our media. you'd think they'd be used s by now.but th this was supposed to be an epiib takedown of trump starring, all a killer witness who had all the dirt. sadly, they'd beenth promisedwee george clooney, but instead got george costanzed georga. e ad >> the big moment. cohen admitted he stole $30,0000 from trump's organization. we cohen explained how he build the trump company for 50 grand. oh for to a vendor, but only pa0 them 20 and pocketed the rest. guy is so low. >> wael ghonim. but finally, we found an actual crime, an actual crime in this e mess. and the media is shocked that cohen was ms the one who committed it. >> i'm still kind of reeling from the revelatioco>> andn that michael cohen stole money from, the trump organization.
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>> that was just kind of stunning. this has givenn thatunning suchn as to possibly fatally undermine the case.t to >> there's an argument to be made that actually you're just an opportunistic thief. i think has moved michael cohen fromn op, this figure where's p he's part tom hagen from the godfather. artom hagabut really more like o corleone to now this guy who's just a thief, stealing 60 thousand dollars through frauo stealihroughd, which wouly in new york state, is more serious of a crime than, falsifying business. >> so the guy who supposedly was deep>> sean: in cahoots witp on a master plan to defraud the electorate was stealing from trump. come on. if you can't trust the convicted perjurer, who can you trust? seem to know eitn it was coming. meaning cohen lied to themhe, too. you think they would have covered this in witness prep? i mean, ify woulr this i you're going to put jeffrey dahmer on the stand, you tell them, please don't bring up dah your favorite reci. now, we're watching the5 stag
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lemmings. work through the five stages of grief. lawrence o'donnelles o in thedel denial stage. >> he aske sd about $50,000. he that'saske irrelevant to the $130,000. and that's where he very effectively got michael cohen to say, to agree that, yes, he stole $30,000. later, when cohen was askedke about that on redirect by the prosecution, id thatt didn't rey sound like stealing $30,000. it sounded a lot like. michael cohen doing the little that he could withinul that calculation to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved. and it still came out as lesswht the bonus he thought he deserved and the bonus he'd gotten the year beforeear befor >> you know, i've been in the media forever, but i can honestly say that's the stupides it thing everer b broadcast. >> and i watch the vieroadcastw >> see, cohen didn't stealal the money. he just ripped the mon balancedt
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rebalance did. that's like somethin.g you do on an airplane with lizzo rebalancing. >> isn't that how they defend lootinrebalag reparations? g an rebalancing is a new word forita the theft. after the show, i think i'll rebalance some of judge jennings activia. . that's yogur t. >> now, the bad news is that a the left's lawfare isn't tostricted far to, according toa website called the 65 project, some 400 republican lawyers and politicians have been targetedsome 400, criminal and i litigation, as well as disbarment proceedings. nalthis as we head into the 2024 election, there's a whole new round going on in arizona as another election interference case is underwa y to. attack and bankrupt republicans. of course, arizona is a swing state and trump is up in the t polls. must be a coincidence,he right? that trump is pretty much up ie in all the swing states. sog states what point is the lea to realize lawfare is working about as welirorkingl as their s pullout?
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or hunter's pull out with that stripper ers? >> they might want to rememberhs that if trump does, it'lld be the orange meanie who controls dojbe. ks and like the old saying payback, said clinton. then a cli then there's the trup trial judge juan merchan who's been treating team trump like daddy treats houseguests. usege >> when trump's team surprisedst witness robert deliveredd testimony that destroyed cohen evencohe more the judge actually accused him of staring him downe . something i've been accused of many times here in the men's rooofy time m. i told lou dobbs i thoughti told i saw a nickel in his. anyway, the judge then trump'stt lawyers, and threatened to have costello's testimony stricken fromen estimony. the record. this is the judge that allowed testimondy about trump's choice in underwear and let stormy spread lies likee d they wered her ankles. enough already. o merchant, do. your job
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and strike this entire affair and let america go back to being the country where banana republic only refers to the place where i shop in the boys department. >> let's work. he looks like that tennisnnis pro in your wife's closet. comedian jeff dye. she protects women from dudesg that are women. author of swimmingudes against the current rally game. she turns more heads than chiropractor for an owl's gear at times bestselling. author and fox news contributort captain. for him, housesitting is usinga a house as a chairho. o why do i come here? comedian and former nba jeff so
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much is funny about cohen stuff the rebalancing, but the mediae is still has to take it seriously, which is great. >> it feelity which s good. i >> yeah. it's fun to watch the zoo and the and the circuss fu most i don't understand most of it, but it's funny, the staring games and all that stuff. i also like the way they plaes y with words i always talk about on the show. they'll always reuse what i was rebalancin e showr wordg when i stole, like $100 from starbucks when a i worked there back in the day. >> and they treated it like a really, really big deal. >> so for them to be like, l what's the big deal? he just stolat'se little money. >> that's what i said to starbucks and it didn't work. u >> did you really steal at starbucks when you worked there? tarbucks wheyeah. what i would do is they would they would bring they'd like buy a lobuy a lodollart of tapen or something, and then they just leave at five and walk away. >> and i was lik eave at e, i bet i could figure this math out. >> i and i'll just deletee 5.
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the whole thing and keep the five. did you regret that? i did, yeaid you regret thh it . >> but i was a punk teenage kid, not some creep in office. yeah , you're absolutely right. >> you really grown since? yeah, i'm a man. yeah. you're a standupgr. >> barely making it. i make hundreds of dollars, dolr riley. >> i do. you notice how the media is like? the media is actually excusing their abysmal behavior because apparently trump is worse. yeahor bec, i. this whole biden thing that's going on here, everyone is on o their side. the judge, the median, their star witness, even who makes pinocchio look like jerry falwell. >> it's insane is what it is. w and i hope the new yorhak city see this for what it is, which is political persecution. n. they're not. i mean, their taxpayer dollars are being used to put away are ortry an to try to put away donald trump. but real criminals are od d trun the street walking around new york today. i was telling kat this before i sa around city todw woman layg on the ground fully exposed right? officer standing right there.
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i look at the officer, are you going to hel e p her? >> mm. oh, no. she's a regular. wow. nothing. uld be >> it's funny because, you know, normally whoopi k and ig tans in the par don't even. are jus why is it tans? you just see evil little man. i would have a little ma evi n right? >> like i'm an evil little man. kat, there's s'm an evo many, bu don't have to comment on this. but it just occurred to me that they'reut i sending the juy home for, like, seven days or like. >> and they don't talkthey about the case, so they're leaving the cesspool of new york to go into a courtroo the tm. >> then they're coming out back into the same place that creates own bias.y. >> it's crazy. how do we rebalanc e that? yeah, i can't get i really>> i can't get over the rebalancing or c the fact that michael cohen said it wasn't stealing was kind of like self-help. t wa othat is. >> yeah. you're helping yourself to someone else's. e >> yeah, but i mean, for jakepe tapper to at least say i wased b stunned by this or shocked by this episode, at least
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he acknowledged that it was stealing least i. >> i mean, the lawrence o'donnell spin was one. i agree with you. one of the craziest things crazi that i've ever heard. >> i mean, you can't if you feel like your bonus wasn'ti fair, you either renegotiate or you quit your jor renegotib, bue not, then welcome to then steal from the company. everybode totealy knows that. >> yeah, but why would you pretend like you don't? i meant?, nobody can listenu sa to something you say if you're going to say that. >> that's ridiculous yougoin. es >> i did steal a lot during durn the pandemic at fox from the snack tray. >> remember the free snacks they would give at the mall? so it's not stealing.. >> and there's a free snack. now, i took i took them homee and then i resold them. >> okay,the you were right to o that, greg. you told everyone to get new basketball uniformwith eves >> you. that always works out. madison square garden. yeah, it is cowboy uniform. >> a >> yes, exactly. the tourists fall for it everyn: time every. t care you know, tires. i don't care. call me conspiratorial lis t. trus is that a word? anyway, why should we trustsystm the election system if they're rigging the system right in front igee us?
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>> i think since we made the references to the godfather earliet me tr think we are seeig the godfather versus godfather two. mm. and michae2 mil cohel cohen's de something he's not done in 1050 years. oninhe told the truth and hey. completely the prosecution. right. so there's that great scene inir godfatheer 2r two where the dude clemenza, is in the witness protection program iitness p anl just walk up to him, they say, you know, your family is going to by o bee good, your reputatin will be good. and, you know, you just have to dojust hav the right thing. and he slit his wrists in a bathtub and did the right thing. but hed in front of the jury i and he told it he well, he lied on the movie. but cohen told the truthe movie. the entire prosecution, because they expected him to say whatever he needed to say to get donald to go away. a instead, maybe he had a moment of clarity. maybe he had a moment where he was like, because he didn't need to say that he stole, that he had gotten away with it. right. gotten awa they perfectly willing to bury it, but he was willing to say that. so i'm not giving hie saidm cre. i'm just saying that maybe in that moment on that stand, maybe he decided
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to do the right thing. >> hmm. interesting twist to thig.s discussion. we have more to comee to c. i think. i hope that jamal hill's dumbup remark n about caitlin clarke. >> if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. ou've ma it's in there as well saying sp in the navy, the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife and. if you've made the deployment and you've been the wife at home or you've been the spousea home l home, you und what i'm talking about. your spouse has earnedou to bor the right to apply for a va home loan. home loan. >> the new day 100 loa you to borrow up to 100%ne of your home's value takes. >> so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. g s >> nido one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> we love being outside,onds but the sun makes our deck
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>> hold your applause. are you ncaa? oring >> yes. for scoring was the number one pick of the wnba draft. ans th also my number one pick for getting things off the shelf. >> that's also her final college game, drew 24 million tu viewers and she signedgh a $28ik million endorsement deal with nike. that's $1 per child workinghild in their china factory. >> but 20 $8 million, that's only 350 times her wnba salary. that but according to former esn host and notorious race baiter jemele hill, clarke's rise to fame is is because she's white and straight. telling the new york times, l.a.g the times that clarke qu, we would be all be very naive if we didn't say race and her played a role in her popularity. there is a part of it that is a little problematic because of what it says about the worth and marketability of the
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players who are already theret it's just the fact that in our society, black women are often erased fromthe the picture. right. picti guess now that she's out of work, jamelle must have had her cable cut ofof wf due to nonpayment. otherwise she would have heard about brittney grineteardr, you know, the black hoop star who wasn't a racist at all, t bs just bailed out by our government because she packed her bong for a trishe bp to ru. but true, it's time america addresses the lacksionab of black professional basketball players and too few in sports. right after we get more whites into hockey and more chineseinto playing ping pong. riley what jamal saying is that it's not it's not reallynd about her talent. it's that she's white and straight. but more because sheo becaus itd like she was saying it's because she's straight. >> sow she said caitlin clarke
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is as problematic in this scenario, which doesn't make sensitlie. me. this is someone who has brought viewership to the wnbawho brou to college basketball. she's set records, sold out arenas. ng how in the world is she problematic? >> and yes, to your point, jamal hill, she called trump a white supremacist. this is a woman who, whend th working at espn, she for a boycott of the dallas cowboys because the owner said, he wouldn't stand for his players not standing for the flagstan . it's insane, really, to have a woman of her caliber with hert influence, to race in the way that she doehedos. >> i don't think she has. anyhik caliber. i agree with you. i think she's kind of like, you know, if it wasn't for race hustling, there's nothing. i think that this is like acts of desperation. nue ends up on the number one late night show in america because she spoutsmbow stuff and i'm grateful for it. >> kat, i'm going to start using that as an insult. you've got no caliber. not
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>> you are not high caliber. you're no caliber. you caliber >>li that evenber use a blank. yeah, you're a blank, you know, caliber. that you are. >> everybody knows you're ayo huge wnba fan. >> you actually demanded that we do this story. acting so how are the other players reacting to this? what's t r they p what are they saying on the street as the kids like? >> oe streeth, i love i love ree this article because my favorite part was when shadig said. sure, she's the leading scorer in women's college basketball scory as if there's just something to write off. and that's something that kind of explains it. i heard about caitlin clark before. any idea what she looked like?e >> the point of this article was, i guess that if you knos t her and you don't knowyo the previous person who held the record, then it's because you're racist. >> for me, i would say it's more likely because that happened before i was bore' . >> hmm. so i didn't have an opportunity to hear about it. yeahveny to hear about , but yes over. yeah, sure. she's the, you know, the highesheste int in history.
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>> yeah, that.t that can't be it. no it., she's white and straigh. tyrus. >> if only she would identify bk as black and .y kudlow >> larry kudlow is doing that. >> well, he's not doing it>>ne alone, brother. >> i don't know what that means, but i was listening. listen, the wnba has been a subsidized league, which whens it has not made money. and when their top stars have gotten to shine like candace parker orsf gor know, it's been because of the nba. mm-hmm. and here comesf along. the and right now, it's all about the jay. moit's about the three pointn cr shot. it's the same thing steph curry gets all. everyone loves steph curry because he's got a beautiful shot. and that's the way the game is about making long shots at points. that's what the kids love. here is a young lady who has done that at a high leve whoatlt almost to the point where she has a better field goal percentage than most men ine prs college, in sports and in
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the pros. so here you get this gift, the wnba, you get an iconic player coming that's bringing ann with you that will spread to where everyone else gets makes more money . and maybe instead of owing $80,000 each year a player to make up for the losses, you'll actually start getting tickett . she came in and she made one statement and she got the entirely private jets. now they got to fly commercial. so and what it is, is the it off because it is a straight white woman news flash. most of america is white and straight. somost of they're going to brif their kids and their families to support. they're going to buy tickets and they'rams to e and you want to areot mad because it's not it's not a black woman that's getting a k all this thing. caitlin gets this thing not becausn gets tte she's not becah wears shows her ow on ig, becaue she plays this game at a beautiful high level. an if.e like i said, i watch the tournament and watching her,er i found three other new favorite players like wow she was ball club is awesome. awes athe young kid and the you
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lady in usc got a great shot. it's athof the jordan did the se thing and everyone was around. they hate him because he couldn't shoot larry same thing. so it's just goes back to this thing where they have a beautiful thing. but because it's not a design, it's not them. wan they want to trash it.t ca so they don't care about success of the league. abfon, y fond agaire unfortunately for black people right now in entertainment, thisblac is a common thing when we don't have anything left to say, oh, everything's racisto s everything's racist. even the argue with marjorie taylor the other day, she was are een the her talking about eyelashes was racist because they don't have an argument anymore. >> yeah. jeffelashes acistbecaus it is t. every every time that race card is introduced, it, you can't it' have any fun. yeah. this is a beautiful moment. nos a, it's racist. >> jemele hill. >> it's a strong comment. jeff. she's like you said, she's race hustling. >> she capitalizes on all these things. her podcast is called jemele hill is unbothered, yet shevery seems to be very bothered. >> yeah. everything is like, yo,
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black folks are like this. she's the racist. she's all these stereotypehis ds in every sentence, she says. also, she says, the fact that caitlin clarke is white and straight is the reason people are, you know, we should we should acknowledge that. >> maybe that's why i'm so comfortable with liking her because she's white. well, what's the problem of that? yeah, she w wi thoughha ob wasle called representation. i thought it was okay. what iass a problem to like someone because they kind of look like you or that. isn't that the whole pointically of representation? i was told by cnn it's racistevp to to like tiger or to to evenoi point out that tiger is a tig black player in a white league and that's why he's getting so hich attentionis a. i was told it was racistwas to to accuse anyone for voting for barack obamald because of their race. >> that is racism. it's just blatant racism to go,a well, you only like because you're straight and white. no, i like it because i li. good at basketballite. >> it helps that she's straight and white. well, i don't see a problem with it. all right. good for you, ma.n. wait a minute. that's what you got from that?>d
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get your risk free bottle of relaxium. sleep now. it's guaranteed to work your money back. visit. try relaxium or call 889 eight 9322. that's try relaxium dot com or call 889 eight 9320 two. >> it's coming your way. hey, hey, it's stay the day. love reading it when cnn quiz. >> dear rapper. the whole thing went int wo the . so was the network's ratings sink? e crappe some guy named cameron tries to sell a drink. today's video of the day to us. from the cable news nightmare known as cnn, where anchor camee abby phillip was interviewing rapper cameron about the allegations surrounding p diddy. that's when cam decided to chug a supplement and questionlemenn the he was even doing there. a common reactio n, cnn guests. >> roll it. can you tell us a little bit
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more about that? i mean, is there is there something known in the industry about how did he treated his artists? >> so i'm going get some chickso after this. >> horsepower joinme cheekt. inappropriate. get some cheeks. miappropriate. i think i speak for millions of old white guys when i sayllwu what our cheeks are about today . the show. all right. well, draw your map and let' t's haves some more. >> what about the industry in general? i mean, so many people have pointed out that diddy couldn't get away with this stuffd ou ifo there weren't a lot of people protecting him. do you think that'prs the caseo >> could a talent agent for this like being able to sitw around, watch a wedding doing all this? i didn't knowhat jointw this wae joint that invited me to yo yo, who booked me for this joint?
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>> all right, well, and i be cameron watts and diddy, r all that. >> thanks, woman. thanks for joining us. thank you for your time. us thank youthank you for havin. >> i love him. i love that he. a thinks cnn has a talent agent. >> that network could put a coke head to sleep. >> but why did he think he was asked to be on cnn in the firste place for his views on benjamin netanyahu, his analysis of the national debt. sorry. when they want that kind of n guysnsight, they always go to flavor flav. i knew all right, tyrus, you're on. you knew i it. oh, man. >> i will never be as coolil as that person as much as iy try. please tell me what cheeks are there. well, if you put them together ,clap. they help you run fast.
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>> okay? it's like kicks, greg. okay, i'm going to get some. >> he was going to get some cheese. he's going to go procreate. apparentlye in, he came on the news to come out, and everybody know he's a breeder. ye ts. >> he's so brave. thank you. so great to shame don lemon wasn't still at cnn. >> yeah, he. he does other. yeah. different league. okay. the >> no problems on either one. but this is this for is the this is the ugliness of the elites when it's one of their a own. they want to have a fact finding team. k they're trying to find black men to come forward and try to supportmen to. diddy. there is no support. mm-hmm. there's no no, no one gave a about his apology. it was you did it ten years ago. and you're apologizing now? you're talking about now. you wereyou're talki you'r on aa tough time. you were spending all biggie's money. what are you talking about? like these. these individuals that get caught. the questions ge the should be k is, why did it take so long? mm-hmm. because it's not like that films
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sits in that hotel forever. somebody had there's the thing with the elites. they all like to play these games and do some of the things he's being accused of isually vi disgusting. when you see a video like that,a that is and then you bringn ju somebody on, just another black guy who raps. dist black d he rapped? so he's just brought a black guy on there mad he had fun with it and good for him because he he outsmarted them and he played with and made a fooe ofl out of them becausem. they were trying to make a fool out of him. >> and he used them that sell ce because he made a great team. he made a great comment. he saintd you don't need to brig me on here just to ask me ifen i was offended.disgus i'm disgusted, everyone. nobody's going to be like, oh, that video. you have to understandtebody ho. was feeling that morning. no one gives a . he beat a woman. he got awa wom ay it and nowically he's caught and he's like basically saying, i'm sorr y to the to the us because he got caught. >> cat let's go back to. how awesome is that individual and abby phillipesom to be fair her stoic face is somethingdersa every husband understands when they come home drunknd
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. well, so. so cameron himself said and i said in one of my favorite songs, i'm a changed man at the range, man. i got a whole new game plan. mm-hmm. and hew game p and he he was right about that. i mean, look at this. he's able to go from rapping e to to perhaps being the reason for the best segment that has airedg in cnn history. >> yesn cnn, i watched this 14 s today. it's great.g thin it's one of the most entertaining. you know, he's almost 50 years old. he looksgs amazing. >> yes.>> w and also, we don't cry. we do look good. loo also, it drives you like non matter what a white person does ,they can't be as relaxed and as just cool as that.. i mean, he's basically you do. >> i'm about to get some chicks after this. i'm going to send you to h.r..
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you know, work here trying to be like cameron has. >> how did you feel about that appearance? i liked it, but i think it's cnn feece? being racist. yeah. you know, like, oh, he's a black rapper. ask him about the current event with p diddy. and then this guy's like, i don't know what'd this s on here. yeah. yeah. i mean, you shouldn't be surprised that he's wearing sunglasses and a bucket hat and taking a shot of a energy drink and making inappropriate statements. n ever >> you brought him on for this kind of clown? yeah. like it's crazy.y to just ask h that. that would be like being like, well, jeff, you're a white comedian. jeff you a comediyou did a show 17 years ao with louis c.k.. >> what's your statement like? >> what are you doing exactly? cnn. yeah. what do you make of it? did you find abby handling itnga appropriately? i mean, they set themselves uppe . yeah. i just want to know how much pink horse pink horsepower sold . >> yeah, i know. pink horsepower. bestnk hor thing he could have . yeah, exactly. exactly. i'm curiou
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s about pink horsepower. >> yeah, i heard it helps with covid. ye is. yeah, horsepower. just the science. it's. itti imagined it uses. as t maybe you want to havehe there a horse joke in there. but you know what? s this is a family show. yeah. and when have the manson familym says it? it? yeahil. babies just walk across the carpet. all right, coming up s the carpet, story's i a doozy. >> if you're trick had triggered by aiggere movie, if l be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join studio audience. it's in there as well. >> saying in the navy that the t toughest job in the navy is a navy wifuse at he. and if you've madeig
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good apple get trigger warning cat amc network added a warningn before an airing of goodfellas, which says the film includesand/ language and or culturalor stereotypes. wow. that are inconsistent with today's standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers. nothing about like the fact0 that like 100 people get sliced and diced. >> wle get slicee i'm confused. well, i thought this was a movie about a grandma who paints dogs goodfellas.pains >> i've only ever seen a one scene. i reallyf only. >> we have it. it was his mom that painted one scene. look at this.. >> it's beautiful. i like this one. and no one goes one way, you and you don't go to the next guy saying, what do you want from me? fro m me yeah, it's a nice, wholesome dog painting, that is. while they're doing that, there is a man barely in the trunke ca of the car who's been stabbed and shot that shot that can't
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be true. >> >> it's this death. it's the truth. thin seak about you could do tol movies now, because every movie. >> every movie has stereotypes, right? it's how you make a character. >> yeah. can you. like, what are you going to do? trying to think of irish movies? . >> are there irish movies? yeah, there's plenty. okay. name five. okay name 5 the man who' >> the quiet man. . don't they punch each other? he's punching with the irish. of course they did. don't ty punce. >> john wayne? whose potato is this? >> is thisd. r gol leprechaun. one, two, three, four, six. i in this movie think it's pretty. >> it's amazing, though. k about. hav >> okay, so i guess. i guess reilly, this is you have you seen goodfellas?>> i >> i was born in 2000. w that doesn't answer the question. >> so i have it now. i have it. it's about a grandmai have paid staff. that's what i thought. i think it is diverse. the final scene has italians, irish, a black guy and a jewish
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. >> that's diversity inclusion. there you go. there you go. it's lik.t's likee a benetton ad with guns. yo greg, you know what it is? no, i'm glad they did this, but they didn't go far enough. really ? yeah. i'm furious. as a guy watching goodfellas, 17,000 times, isn't it funny that the only person in the thet entire movie who's late all the time was samuel jackson? >> that'im sammyls right. right. he was the one who overslept. he w 1n tie black guy in the movie can be on time for robbery. so a robbery didn't go far enoud as i'm concerned. >> do they? should they do a wizard of ozthy warning for the little people?e >> yeah, the munchkins. i am offended by it. noitt to mention there's like, witch cult going on thereing and thaton lands on the waitress shoes. >> the house lands on the which, by the way think about a witch of color mind you think about thisr . >> if you were to admit we. have an older audience the wizard of oz did the house
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landing on it was a bit creepy e and the flying monkeys was that in there? >> they're playinge flying monk >> that was triggering. yeah, it was. yeah. and a stereotype of monkeys. yes. they don't even fly. they don't fly. i don'they dont think they hatel the scarecrow to this disemboweled. by the way, the wizard of oz is a very scary film. is a very scary film. all righ sean: by t, i'm going e on. cats got a surprise. and you wsn't believe your eye>d . >> there's joe to have a crack trust safe like this. damage, but he was busy working from home, so he's go to a safe flight in just a few clicks. we came to his house, then we got to work. we replaced his windshield and install a new wipers to protectr free. his new glass. it's great. thank you. my pleasure. we come to you for free schedule now. schedule now. for free service safely icon flight. y safe library, please.ou're
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. together we can end hunger. learn more at feeding talk about the "new york times" best selling author has a lot more to offer. >> what? let's go to kat. kat, d.she han ano you have an announcement to make? >> yeah, i wrote another book. oh, yeah? >> again. what inspired you to writeou t book, kat? >> sito one of the things i noticed when i was going around the country for my tour is that we have so much more in common than we think we dor weor that the people in power want us to think that we do. i think for especiallyt worse it's going to get worse going up to the election. people in power are going to bei pushing to divide us for their own game. and this book kind of exposesto lot of the tricks that they use to do that. >> and it just makes the argument that a difference of opinion or association or an assumption shouln ord not be enf to write off another person. anotohat we lose when we d
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in of not only our relationships but also our freedoms. >> kat i stopped listenings of you when they put the cover up. >> okay, put the cover u coverp' you crazy look, is it so? >> so it's not use. is >> you see, i was about it. everything you see you think is . tell us about what it what it is supposed to be and what it hatred it. the face omingd in hat hate mai. and yes, i'm not wearing clothes and yes i tell a lotg cl very personal and at times outrageous stories in this boomi that. i'm actually kind of scared for people to read, but it's too pew. covake them out no a for >> but the stories on the cover are the same thing, which is that if we want people to see each other as humans, weas have to first show ourselves as humans. we haven't said, what's it called? are you so i used to like you. >> and until. all right, so here's a question k, your firstd boo book, you had this incredibly shocking chapter here regarding' something. and if you haven't read the book, i'm not going to tell you what was in chapter five. c just figure it out for yourself. but it's a very shocking
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ha do you have anything shocking in here as shocking? yes, i do. there's things >> theng that i thought t that i was too afraid to put in the first book that i thats book. in thi boo >> is there anything in there regarding me? you're you're. in th you're in there a little. yeah. you're in there a little. yeah, but there's a yes. you are >> yes, you are in there. three pages. does he cover? that's how manes who i know. >> when you.k. yeah. when you open a book you go into that. he goes to checkwants to che toe his name's at. >> yeah. he goes to see where he is in the index. but it's you know, i read a loto of the stories also make an interesting read. >> was it harder to write it the second time? >> in the first time it was easier. and i think, well, this bookfiro is actually way better than the first book. >> it's way better than that. now, we know you do with yourham hate mail. >> yeah, no, that was actually all that was noait that was all real hate mail. i was in that position for like two and a half hours. atsitioni needed help getting up because i would stiff you being real hate mailbeca as in. s you actually wrote all that? yeah. yeahall that s, i wrote the one. right hand. >> it just says died, right? yeah . i >> well, i get worse.
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and i think that we're just so quick to hate each other when really w we have so much more io common. and it's. oh, i used to like you until i lost all respect for you. milli >> i mean, we all have heard that a million times for something so small, but weing se so much when we have that view. but the people in power actually gain a lot when we're divided and they use it as a tool, where can people start pre-ordering? >> yes>> where can p. real kat timpf .com has links. you can preorder wherever books are sold, got all the links there because people sell fake things. >> they know kat timpf .com and preorder it because it's apr wild ride and you don't want to miss it. >> i again i bought those pills that i thought were real. >> yeah. nothing there is mine. you should fired. all right. congratulations cat guys go in preorder right now in the preorder right now in the commercialal break. like t yeah we'll be right back. >> i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experience. with experience. doaround t you? a lot of subscriptions like the streaming services, music, the streaming services, music, fitnese wh six or seven around there? >> i do. i have a lot.
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