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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 22, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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intolerance and they offend some viewers." vie okay, jimmy, hollywood, they are not making any real films anymore. they are not making films, but all repeats of the old films of cartoons and things like that. now "goodfellas" needs a warning. >> can weep and call them "goodfellas"? are they good persons? at the gender of these mobsters? that is so insensitive. sta "goodfellas" is people getting a stabbed, shot, strangled, left in a nice freezer. if italian stereotypes do you have problems emc cancel. i am italian and no italian asked for this. we don't want to italian error "goodfellas,ou" shut up, it shod up, up. >> laura: great to see you.e you went for the casual look and not tot too flamboyant. >> i will never get an animal -- >> laura: great >> todd: campaign code red for
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president biden and vice president kamala harris. breaking just this hour, 10 seconds ago, the white house announcing another 7.7 billion student loan bribe -- i mean handout, just ahead of the presidential election. this is not only new move the campaign is making to get poll numbers up. you are watching "fox and friends first" on a busy wednesday morning. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the white house is looking to move the dial, trying to with key voting groups is off to a rocky start. lucas tomlinson has details. >> lucas: good wednesday morning. biden administration announcing another round of student loan relief, releasing this statement which says "these 160,000 are
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people enrolled in the save plan, teachers, nurses or law enforcement or borrowers approved of relief for income driven repayment." this brings total to $167 billion, size of u.s. army budget this year. new fox news poll shows president biden losing support from black and hispanic voters, suburban women, moderates and down 14 points young americans under 30. in effort to whoo that demographic, biden administration looking for a manager. partner, manager, and meme pages, biden administration campaign looking for partner manager to join the digital partnership team and manage
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day-to-day operation in engaging in internet top content and meme pages passioned about bringing political content to voters on the internet. biden administration says it will sell 1 million barrels of gasoline in attempt to lower gas prices, which are 50% higher than the day biden took office. emergency gas tank 40% has been depleted, i did that on website percent gain. public speaking, he's been criticized on lately >> president biden: when i was vice president, things were bad during the pandemic. hoping to -- this organization. it inspires me saving families $800,000 a year in premium. cracking down on landlords to keep rent down.
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mortality rate for black moms who are three times more likely to call. he calls the erectionists patriots. donald trump has said there will be bloodshed. n naa spirit of -- >> lucas: bill maher says the oldest president in histories cadaver like. >> carley: lucas, they say never do math live on tv, you knocked it out of the park this morning. >> todd: thank you. >> lucas: find that website, we're lost in petroleum reserve. >> todd: not good any way, we need gas. state assemblyman will take over kevin mccarthy's vacant seat in last night's special election.
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vaughn beat out boudreaux. in the election interfere case spin off challengers in election. fani willis taking democratic nomination by pretty wide margin beating smith. willis will face cower nee cramer in the general and judge mcafee winning for fulton county court. president trump calling out president biden after learning the biden administration authorized use of deadly force during the fbi raid on mar-a-lago raid. >> carley: brooke singman. >> brooke: august 2022 raid on mar-a-lago. doj and fbi agent plan to bring standard issue weapons, ammo and
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handcuff and bolt cutters and ininstructed to wear unmarked polo shirts and keep law enforcement equipment sealed. president trump said the raid of mar-a-lago authorized fbi to use deadly force. joe biden is a serious threat to democracy, mentally unfit to hold office, 25th amendment. and there is different in how trump's classified documents case was handled. >> you compare this authorization of deadly force for the former president versus essentially the kid gloves they put on for joe biden who had classified documents from senate days in a garage compromised by foreign government. they treated these differently. >> carley: fbi says this is
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normal, fbi followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, standard statement limiting use of deadly force. no one ordered additional steps to be taken and no depart offure from the norm. giving more context and distancing president biden from the situation saying the fbi require the team leader of any search warrant or arrest warrant to complete a operations plan. also included on the form which must be read to all agents is reminder of fbi's deadly force policy. president has zero input on ops plan. this is standard form that fbi lawyers require before engaging in any enforcement operation. former president trump pleaded not guilty to all charges from jack smith's probe into classified documents and federal
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judge presiding over the case has postponed the trial indefinitely. >> carley: thank you. trump campaign surrogate and former florida attorney general pam bondi will join us to react to new, stunning revelations. >> todd: we have questions. and today blinken will be back on capitol hill for a day of budget hearings after yesterday's hearings went off the rail when ted cruz accused biden administration of funding hamas. watch. >> this administration, you and president biden funded october 7 attack by flowing to a genocidal regime that funded those attacks. >> that statement is wrong. >> why? >> i will not humor it, it is disgraceful. >> you funded our enemy and undermine our froons and the world is more dangerous and americans in greater jeopardy
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because of it. >> todd: and protesters hauled off by capitol police for disrupting blinken's testimony. >> he is a war criminal. war criminal, 40,000 people. [screaming] >> 40,000 palestinians, he's a war criminal. blinken is a war criminal. >> todd: secretary blinken is asking for more than $60 billion from the state department and agent of international. >> carley: prime minister netanyahu responding to report that prosecutor with criminal court is applying for arrest warrants over alleged human rights violation. >>y woo are supplying half the water of gaza and supplied only 7% before the war. this is opposite of what he's saying. he is saying we are starving
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people, we supplied half a million tons of food and medicine with 20, answer are00 trucks. >> carley: in the flyer the idf dropped warning palestinians they would be invading. senator bernie sanders says the icc is right to request it saying israel is credibly accused of war crimes. fox weather alert, millions face severe storm threat after deadly tornados tear through iowa. fox weather forecast is next. >> todd: we brought this story yesterday, wild video, riot breaking out at a florida skating rink. this morning the owner of the rink joins us to tell us what the heck happened.
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>> todd: fox weather alert. iowa state patrol confirming multiple people dead after powerful tornados ripped through the state. obliterated the town of greenfield. >> carley: a tornado took out a wind turbine, causing it to burst into flame. several tornados in iowa yesterday. today severe thunderstorms will hit texas to new york. meteorologist adam klotz has the weather forecast, powerful storm system. >> adam: certainly, i was on yesterday tracking tornados and saw the wind turbine snap on live tv and go over greenfield. it was devastating. same line of storms drape across texas.
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yesterday a ton of activity in southern and south western iowa, those storms may be winding down, storm reports are impressive. tot totally -- excuse me, rail report getting up to four inches of baseball size hail combined with big storms. outside now, a couple light storms, it will take daytime heating to see storms react in a really big way. biggest risk today settled further south in places like dallas, you are the bullseye, east texas has been getting hit round after round after round. dallas in the bullseye, three on the scale of five of severe risk, including tornados, tornados across dallas and guilty little rock. all ingredientses are in place
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this afternoon, noon running to 6:00 p.m., big weather. >> carley: it is the season for it. >> todd: the owner of a florida skating rink will meet with local sheriff's office to talk about this wild brawl at his bee because a party was cancelled. [bleep bleep /* brk] >> todd: the skating rink called off the party because the family did not hire off-duty police officer. the group took to social media calling on their friends to show up and as many as 400 people did, and caused damage, too. chris mcbeginnis joins us now. it is more than failure to hire
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a police officer for the event. what led up to the events we saw in the video. >> how is it going today? pretty simple. lady came in to book a child's birthday party and friday our manager saw online these people were advertising as a teen dance 1 11:30 to 2:00 in the morning. you cannot advertise unless we approve and cannot resell tickets and have to have deputies if it is a teen event. we exercised our option, called her on friday, gave her money back. she screamed and cussed and called us filthy names and on saturday started posting to go to the skating rink and give the police and skating rink a hard time. >> todd: to be clear, when this woman said i'm going to throw a child's birthday party at
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midnight, your red flag was raised and you were monitoring and you saw what you saw and said we can't do this. you have been running rinks like this in florida for 43 years, have you ever seen anything like this, chris? >> well, the last three or four years, the climate has changed dramatically with teenagers, this element. a lot of rinks in our industry are not doing events on friday and saturday night. we are family business, we've been having kids skate with us since they were five years old. the night of this event, 529 kids in our rink skating, having a wonderful time and all this n nonsense took place because we disbursed the crowd outside. we will not let any more people
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in, this is a bad element. when the crowd smells like marijuana and nothing but profanity and words we're not allowed to use, that is my call. we will not let anymore people in. they disbursed, and they went up and down the block destroying people's businesses, this is the climate with that element. >> todd: to be clear, why didn't you have security? you did have security, on friday and saturday, you have security there. did rioters not seem to care that security was there? >> we had, we always use deputies at our rinks, two, three, four, depending on the crowd size. it is a different world, you have 12, 13, 14-year-old kids cussing and threatening the police and the moms come and say they're just children.
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what you see on that camera, those are not children, they will kill you. they will kill you in two seconds flat and that is what we do not allow in our roller rinks, we try to keep it family friendly. keep those kids out. if you want to come skate, we love you. if you look at videos of the people fighting up and down the street, none of them have skates in their hand or on their feet, that i come to fight. they go to tramposhgline parks, they do this, they enjoy that. >> todd: family-friendly needs to be something we see more of in this society, thank you for not letting your business run afoul of that. thank you. james comey can't stay away from the lime light, back with a new warning for the voters. >> i don't care how you feel
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about joe biden, you must vote for him, the consequences are to go clear. sgls pam bondi will react to that next. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most. discover, preserve, and share the stories of your family's heroes. save on ancestry subscriptions for a limited time. >> todd: james comey back on tv with his warning what he thinks a second trump term would look like, watch. >> when you think of trump administration, what would implication be for the fbi? >> serious for justice department and fbi. trump is coming for those institutions, i don't care how you feel about joe biden, you must vote for him, consequences
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are too severe. >> carley: joe concha joins us now, there was a lot in this interview that james comy says, what do you think about the interview that trump is coming for the fbi? >> joe: james comey looked comfortable over there. he is delusional as 30 rock. same clown that held that infamous press conference and said hillary clinton broke every law during time as secretary of state by keeping classified documents on unsecured property, he was not going to charge her anyway. he was fired by donald trump, he has written two books, showtime gave him a series and now he's begging for people to vote for joe biden to save democracy.
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that is scent of desperation, trump is leading in a dead heat in states like virginia and minnesota. james comey, when he says you must vote for joe biden to save us from donald trump, talking about saving the party and person who will weaponize fbi, cia, doj. think about it, fbi authorized use of deadly force in trump mar-a-lago raid over what, classified documents? that is third-world stuff comey wants to continue under second biden term and going on national tv to make a foofl of himself. former fbi direct or, supposed to be apolitical in your job, a political hack, that probably got trump more votes than anything else. >> todd: you nailed it, only people who want doj and fbi to continue as is are deep state and media enablers who benefit from that regime. rest of us, average american and
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average voter is saying, we don't want weaponization against us and it scares people. point is perfectly said. get your thoughts, joy behar and bill maher got into a heated exchange over criticizing president biden. watch. >> i'm nervous to say anything against biden, and not that i have power, and you have some, more than i do. >> i don't know about that. >> are you afraid you might influence people on the fence? >> my bond with my oaudience, yu are not going to like everything i say, i am saying what i think is true. >> todd: joy behar is democratic operative on "the view," what do you make of the hubris to admit nonchalantly on national tv like she did? >> joe: you are right, maher
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nailed it, i don't think joy behar realized how insulted she was made as far as what maher said, i think it destroys your credibility when you just can't have courage tos to criticize somebody, you may influence somebody not to vote on that person. i have a whole chapteron bill maher in my book, and i say he is last stand as far as democratic sense in the demo democratic party. i don't agree with everything he says, even knowing he says what he feels, that is what somebody with principles does. he will vote for joe biden. he says stuff about donald trump i don't agree with, i msnbc and
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"the "the view" could use more people like that, cnn for that matter. great book tour with bill maher. >> carley: he did gutfeld and the night before. this was with joy behar. two schools of political commentating. >> todd: one is right school, the other is school is out for summer. joe concha, thank you. newly unsealed court feeling shows authorization of deadly force in the 2022 raid on mar-a-lago. in the classified documents probe that is where this happened. former president trump wrote crooked joe biden doj and illegal raid of mar-a-lago authorized fbi to use deadly,
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lethal force. now we know for sure joe biden is serious threat to democracy, mentally unfit to hold office, 20th amendment. >> carley: pam bondiis here, former attorney general. how dare you get in the camera shot. fbi is responding to this saying this is standard protocol warding way we worded this search warrant, this is not a standard raid. what should have happened? >> i was in trial yesterday with president trump scomb walk out of court and get this news. mar-a-lago was a safe place, i have executed multiple search warrants, nothing was standard. it was seize by sea, land, nothing was normal. we've heard they had medics and
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ems there in case there was a shootout, nothing about this is standard. you coordinate with other federal agencies before you go in there. >> todd: fbi in response said fbi follows stearn protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, standard policy statement, no one ordered additional steps to be taken. you are saying, to be clear, that statement really is not the full truth, this is not how it is, woed in your career when you have done something like this? >> when you are executing, nothing about this is normal. when you are executing a search warrant and you have a coordinating federal agency, you coordinate with them, you are on the same team. they are protecting the president, the president was not at mar-a-lago, that is why they chose this day.
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mar-a-lago is one of the most secure places in the world. if they were looking for a serial killer, it is different, they were looking for a box of documents. >> carley: what do you think happened? >> i have no idea why they wouldn't coordinate with the secret service, to have medics onnen 62, that is what we heard, in case something went wrong is outrageous. >> carley: you are former florida attorney general, merrick garland said he personally approved of this raid on mar-a-lago. does that mean that ag garland looked at the search warrant, saw shoot and kill and gave the rubber stamp? >> absolutely, if he said he personally approved it. think about resources that search warrant took, helicopters, people on water at mar-a-lago, agents everywhere, they used so many resources to go get a box of documents in the
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most secure place in the country. >> carley: when you say the fbi should have coordinated with other law enforcement agencies. if you were overpopulatedseeing this, what should have happen fbi coordinated with donald trump secret service detail? >> without a doubt. >> carley: then it wouldn't have been a surprise. >> president trump wasn't there, nor were his staff, were they worried he would have a letter from president obama that would be flushed down the toilet, this was not fentanyl. these are chaos. >> todd: you were in court yesterday, defense rested, closing arguments will not be for a week. you have been in court, this is not normal, why is this happening? no other reason than to keep trump off the campaign trail for another week. >> nothing about this is normal, sitting in the courtroom, having prosecuted hundreds of cases.
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i walked in there, a judge is neutr neutral arbitter. he was clean up for the prosecution. you would sequester a jury and instruct a jury and send them out then. he said, go have a great memorial day, see you next week, no sense. >> carley: you were with donald trump when he got this news of the search warrant and wording of it, we saw the tweet. in person, what was his reaction like? >> it was upsetting to everyone. that endangered lives. what if secret service didn't know those were fooeb, they thought it could have been a murderer coming into mar-a-lago. >> todd: will agencies coordinate in new york? >> carley: headline is, this is not standard protocol. thank you, very interesting. all right, switching gears here. this video has taken over the internet by storm. it is adorable.
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have you seen it? >> who wants to go to four seasons orlando? >> me! >> me! >> todd: four sans orlando wants to partner up, talking to the baby's parent and someone from the resort. don't miss that. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪
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>> carley: an injunction hearing for elvis presley's iconic graceland home set for today as his granddaughter fights to stop foreclosure of the estate. >> todd: what is going on? cheryl casone has the latest, a lot to break down. >> cheryl: that hearing is 9 a.m. local time in shewell,by county in memphis. elvis presley's granddaughter became the owner in 2023. the 14-acre tourist destination where elvis, her mother and her brother are buried. she is trying to block sale of the company by a company called nosaty who says they loaned lisa mry 3.8 million. it is claimed lisa marie never
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borrowed money and any signature of her mother is forgery. elvis presley enterprise says they can confirm these signatures are fraudulent, the lawsuit is to stop the fraud. you can understand why graceland would be a target, there is 10 million for annual revenue and restaurant and entertainment complex. graceland is historical landmark, personally, i'm invested to make sure graceland is protected, my father grew up in memphis and his best friend was elvis's body guard and he used to go hang out with e, they called him.
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and my dad hung out, all the girls were there. >> carley: my mother-in-law did, as well, i'll bet they are about the same age, maybe they knew each other. >> todd: all i can know cotribute, my mom loves elvis. >> cheryl: my father and grandmother and i went as tourists and my grandmother talked that poor woman's ear off about her son and my dad was like, stop, mom. >> carley: claim to fame. >> todd: catch her on mornings with maria in less than 15 minutes, cheryl, thank you. >> carley: such a cute video, can't wait to show you. four seasons resort in orlando may have found their newest spokesperson after this video went super viral. >> i have a question for everybody, who wants to go to four seasons orlando. >> me. >> me! >> me. >> carley: her little hand shoots up, that baby's parents,
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will and bailey join me and adriane, manager of four seasons orlando resort. will and bailey, your daughters are so cute. bailey, give us the back story, when you asked your daughter, can kate, the one year old, did you know she would respond like that? >> i knew she would respond, how she responded that moment in time no s, could not have predicted that. it's been fun to watch. >> madeleine, your four-year-old is beautiful, as well. how old is kate? >> just about to be 13 months, end of the week. >> carley: fact she was able to say me issue raise her hand is really advanced, i have a 15-year-old, we were pregnant
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around the same time. will, you are funny in this video, with a big smile onnureioface, what was going through your head when your daughter reacting like that. >> as bailey mentioned, it wasn't much of a surprise. i was not dressed for the occasion, it was a genuine reaction. it is ki typical to react that way. >> carley: before we get adrian into the mix, are you going to four seasons orlando resort for vacation? >> we are, we are excited, very excited. >> adrian, you are manager of this resort, you saw the video, when i say going super viral, people sent to me, it has gotten hundreds of millions of views, what do you think of all of this? >> good morning. yes, it was amazing, this video is so precious and adorable.
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this little girl has been staying with us at the resort and we love seeing that authentic reaction and we're happy we made that impression on her. >> carley: adrian, you are looking to make baby kate a spokesbaby, is that true? >> well, you know, seeing how it was viral on the social media and popularity of it, we are definitely looking into something like that, yes. >> carley: that is great. what is your reaction to that, bailey, that is your daughter could become a spokeskid? >> no words, it is exciting, it is nerve racking, this whole process and everything going on is something new at every corner. >> carley: so funny, i was reading comments, that baby just booked the trip for herself. i was not ready for her to be
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fully aware and speak at 13 months to say me and raise her hand like that is advanced. she is so little, so grownup. beautiful family and adrian, great jock at four seasons orlando. i would love a stay at the four seasons in florida. have a great day, guy. >> happy to welcome you. >> carley: thank you so much. >> todd: brock will be doing a video in a couple hour. >> carley: say me. >> todd: raise that finger, brock. >> carley: start making money, buddy. viral video of a different kind. ceo with offer for two brawling nascar drivers. >> todd: no brawls. janice dean live to intrepid museum, she will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." maybe jd takes them on. >> janice: we love our navy, marine and coast guard and we
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are celebrating 36th annual fleet week. parade of ships going from the hudson on the hudson from battery park to gw b. we will catch it on "fox and friends." we have someone from the in intrepid museum here, great day. the forecast is spectacular for fleet week starting today, lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 80s. could see scattered storms. for memorial day weekend to have a great forecast for most of the weekend is pretty great. stay tuned to "fox and friends," we'll have members from the marine and navy and of course we love them all. make sure you thank them for their service. "fox and friends first" returns after the break. don't go away. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not
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♪ >> todd: jet's qb on the gridiron for more than four plays and not on the ballot. the four time mvp denouncing rumors that he would join r.f.k.'s ticket. i love bobby. we had a couple nice conversations but there were really two options it was retire and be his v.p. or keep playing. and i want to keep playing. >> todd: qb is focused on one
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thing and that's football. r.f.k. selected nicole shanahan as his running mate back in march. >> carley: from the racetrack to the ring. nascar drivers have been offered the chance to settle their differences in a boxing ring after brawling at sunday's all-star race. >> yeah. just definitely built up frustration with, you know, how he runs his mouth all the time, you know, about myself. but i know he is frustrated because he doesn't run near as good as he used to. >> todd: that's a burn. ceo of celebrity boxing here to tell us about his offer. deedamond, would would these twe perfect for celebrity boxing. >> sucker punch. these things have to be settlementsed in the ring. not on the track. in the ring and not in the street. we have to make sure when mike babcock from tmz reached out to me yeah, we got to do this. i thought this would be the perfect match also for the new
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trump's people's championship belt. would we display this. looking for the perfect match to do this. ricky stenhouse, kyle busch step up and do this. we are the platform that does this all around the country. >> carley: you have a trump people's champion belt that you wanted to give to donald trump but if this boxing match actually happens, either ricky stenhouse jr. or kyle bush would get that as their belt? >> absolutely. mike davis and frankie pick hart in philly, too, may be going at it. i already had it set up to present this to trump. if it gets to him first or gets to stenhouse. >> carley: clock is ticking. >> on or about busch first that, would be good. >> todd: how did you get this idea of celebrity boxing? >> i was a former undefeated professional fighter. i was 9-0. i got injured outside the ring. i was trying to figure out what was going to be next for me. i did a radio interview with a
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radio host and he said i would love to do -- or i said to him you should step in a ring and do a celebrity boxing match. he told me who he wanted to fight. he wanted to take on the local weather man in philadelphia tom blaris. we made it happen. dick clark productions. fox. vanilla ice, rodney king. tony bud fill low. fought octo 34078. >> todd: best of the best. >> yeah. black china, all the kardashians. >> ainsley: doesn't surprise me you are a boxer. you sound it. very innovative to do the celebrity boxing thing and become the ceo of it. tell us where this potential boxing match stands right now. you reached out to ricky stenhouse jr. and kyle busch, have you heard back. >> we haven't heard back yet. i know they will see the trump champion belt. this is needed around the world
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right now. this could be the ultimate match for the trump championship belt. we are figuring out what belt would be perfect for these two guys to battle it out. and i figured the trump the people champion's belt after talking to mike babcock. we have great opportunity for these guys to settle it and start a new trend here with different sports. especially nascar. instead of fights right after the race do it in the ring for charity or something. >> carley: for charity. great point. >> todd: important event come up to raise awareness for mental health. one final question, one final point. you and carley have amazing chemistry below the surface rage that festers is this a proper forum. oh no we ran out of time. damond, we don't have time for you to answer this thank you for this. looking forward to it. >> carley: good stuff. look at that trump belt. it is shiny. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: we can start right now because ainsley just ordered


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