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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 22, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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visit >> lawrence: buck up, it is wednesday, 8:00 a.m., this is folk. >> steve: joe biden's latest big bailout, white house giving billions more in student debt relief amid growing struggles with voters ahead of november. charles payne will discuss that with us. >> lawrence: you did it with the growl. >> ainsley: plus, y'all, free rent, free phone, free computers for the migrants. denver shell ing out millions,
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the cities it is cheaper than paying for hotel rooms. >> brian: and fani willis wins primary in georgia and exboyfriend nathan wade joined the celebration 678 final hour of "fox and friends" starts now, remember, mornings are better with friends. white house announcing another student loan bail out worth 7.7 billion. >> lawrence: okay. peter doocy is live at the white house, what is the latest? >> peter: officials are getting creative. supreme court told them they could not forgive student loan debt one way, they are trying to expand programs, you can apply for forgiveness after 20 years and now they are changing it to 10 years. president biden is saying about
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the latest 7.7 billion, these 160,000 additional borrowers are enrolled in the save plan, public service workers like teachers, or borrowers approved for relee because of fixes we made to income-driven repayment. it is early in the cycle for a hail mary, president biden need to do something, he is down by 14 points with under 30 set and down seven with black voters. the former president is planning a stop in the south bronx. back to you. >> steve: peter, the administration and you tipped this at the beginning and you can taed about how the administration tried this before and supreme court stopped them. six or seven states led by
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republican attorneys general are suing the administration. will the courts intervene and pull the plug on this before the election? >> peter: a lot of borrowers get an e-mail explaining their loan debt has been wiped out or greatly reduced. they want credit for putting money back in people's pocket. people have less money, trying to make it seem like they can help. >> brian: add to national debt. >> lawrence: didn't they freak out when donald trump put his name on pandemic checks? great job, peter. >> brian: author of "making money," known as the money man, charles payne. 7.7 million into our debt.
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>> they are trying to help address inflation, this stocks inflation. think about the three-year period when no one paid student loans, their debt went up, they went out and spent, that stocks inflation. on top of it, so unfair. listen, so interesting, two separate programs and hard to get details, they give them names like low income. say low income version of this is 1.6 billion, out of 1.6 tril knowio, undercores that most people with a college -- kids will live in less violent nei neighborhoods and they don't need bailouts. >> ainsley: court said you can't do this, and congress.
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>> i hear people like, i'm worried about donald trump being a dictator. you mean ignoring supreme court and trampling congress, that kind of dictator? >> steve: people that have student loans get an e-mail that says your loan has been forgiven. i wonder if student protesters arrested or suspended, will they have their debt forever -- forgiven? >> if they qualify, they will get more taxpayer relief. >> ainsley: where are we getting the money to pay for this? >> throw it on the pile, another trillion here and there, keep piling it up. >> brian: i love president trump will give a speech in the bron and. joe biden should go to oklahoma and nebraska and make this one country, tell us your message. >> stop demonizing maga voters as if they are a foreign enemy
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of the united states. he speaks about half this country as if they're are mortal enemy. >> brian: aoc was asked about the president going to the bronx, this is what she surmised. >> he's hosting a rally to con people and fleece them to fund his own legal fees, in the south bronx because he has court and the man has legal version of ankle bracelet on him because he has to be in court. it is truly embarrassment to him and i am looking forward to the response of everyday bronxites talking about them. >> brian: bronxites? >> lawrence: didn't this person run amazon out of her district. >> she would not be in congress if the third ranking democrat
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was not arrogant and didn't campaign. i have a lot of relatives in south bronx, i was on a charter school board in south bronx. i am thrilled he is going there, i wish he would go to harlem. three months ago, my niece was shot on the street i grew up on. she does not hang out there, a good friend of mine, her son passed away and they were having a memorial for him. gang violence on the rise and they come to mass and an apartment was busted up. she had four-hour sergeantry, she is okay, went home two days ago and then cookie, who was shot also, has gone home. >> steve: who is cookie? >> two were shot and cookie i knew for 45 years, i went to go
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visit them in harlem hospital. our country is so cracked apart, half is doing extraordinary well and live in safety and eat avocado toast and the rest of us, whether in places where opioid epidemic is out of control. my neighborhood was be ing gentrified. >> brian: illegal immigrants, gangsters, are going to start fighting american gangs. they are intertwined. my buddy in the bronx say illegal immigrants join other folks. no one will report on it, it is really bad. >> lawrence: can you explain the black male support with donald trump? there is a divide. >> i'm not surprised, i saw this coming in so many ways. i try to explain to people all
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the time. two things. older black people like my mother's age, she passed, but they grew up in time of immense fear. i remember going to alabama in the '60s and there was palpable fear. a white woman owned a store, a shack, she was blind, cons everywhere and no one stole anything. i said, someone must have been lynched or something. there was palpable fear. my granddaughter did not sleep with a pillow, she slept with her arms crossed. you have young folks, my son 27, i've been listening to music, they hear rick bronson talk about owning things, they are arguing over who works hardest. they don't want free housing or
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free food, they want the american dream. particularly young black men are being shut out by progressives who won't corporation discriminating against black men. look at hollywood. black women are in you have mooies, without a black father figure or black lover, black male pushed out by progressive and they want someone to look up for. donald trump, i want what he's got. >> brian: charles payne. >> steve: talking about the bronx, you had a great interview with lou valentino. listen. >> i think democrats have been dropping the ball, you see crime. you see a woman being dragged with a belt. you see all type of stuff happening in the bronx and they gas light and act like it is not
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happening. people speak up and a lot of bad things are happening and people can't afford groceries or this lifestyle they have probably four to five years ago. this is i think, once in lifetime opportunity. spot that is deep blue, should send message to republicans, step up your game. >> steve: it's a great message, we're all impacted by the same thing, that is the economy. that is if joe biden loses, that is going to be on his watch, that's it. >> no doubt about it. they tried with ultimate big government, trillions unnecessary in the economy and thought they could buy votes and they created inflation and all money trickles up, we live in a trickle-up economy, we get money we are not used to mpc, p propensity to consume.
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if they give you a 2000 stimulus check, you are going to spend it. that is how people who get stimulus checks spend all money and record high credit card debt. it is psychology, they united states use it and abuse people who have gotten this money. they use people they gave this money to, played them for suckers and now everyone is suffering. >> ainsley: what do you expect tomorrow when donald trump is in -- he went to harlem for the bodega thing and now bronx. >> it is going to be beautiful, unless they sabotage it. ultimately, beautiful. i think the world is in for an awakening, there is a cl clamoring, oud of democrat and republican, who may have solutions and really care, professional politicians talk the talk, they don't walk the walk. >> brian: president talked about african americans --
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>> i was in atlanta, in the hotel with karine jean-pierre and others and i had a great candid conversation with one guy, used to be regular contributor on our network, he said i agree with you on the economy, it is bifurcated economy and poorest people are not well served. >> steve: first one in the office today on your show, show kicks off at 2:00. >> some things never change. >> steve: thank you very much, great observations. >> brian: carley shimkus, we hate to brag, we have carley. >> carley: i was looking at the couch gazing on you going, five smart, wonderful people. giving comp limp back to you. >> brian: that was not in prompter. >> carley: fox news alert,ire know land, nor way and spain announcing they will officially recognize palestinian statehood,
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leaders from the three nations saying intent to get nation through the two-state solution. will take effect on may 28th. new jersey state police say one person has been killed in major crash on i-80 earlier this morning, video shows jack-knifed tractor trailer across the concrete median. the trailer hit a box truck after breaking through the median, which resulted in a fire. crews are working to reopen traffic lanes. new photos from senator bob menendez home being released revealing 600,000 in cash stuffed inside of boots. gold bars wrapped in plastic along with thick wads of cash menendez and his wife are being accused of taking gifts in exchange for -- on hold until
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memorial day. wild video from miami show woman leading police on high-speed chase after allegedly stealing a car from a honda dealership. they jumped into a pond to try to get away. police pulled her out of the water and arrested her, she is facing multiple charges. fulton county district attorney fani willis taking democratic nomination by wide margin last night. look at results. 87%. willis will face courtney cramer in the general election. >> they delivered a strong and a powerful message. it is no one above the law in this country, nor is there anyone beneath it. >> carley: former special prosecutor nathan wade was seen in attendance at the victory
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party. wade was removed from the case due to a relationship with willis. he was at the party. >> lawrence: at the party. >> ainsley: man is not a plan, carley. always have cash on hand, especially two g's. she likes grey goose, not wine. >> ainsley: i don't even drink wine. >> brian: we learned so much during that trial. >> ainsley: we really did. >> steve: if she won the democratic primary, she will face the republican in november. how however -- also the judge mcafee won, too. if either lost, that could derail the trump election intriefr interference. >> ainsley: how could she win? >> lawrence: she said the trial
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brought them closer together. >> brian: a rekindling. would you follow that story in >> ainsley: he must not be in another relationship, he would not be allowed to go to her party. mclaren s >> lawrence: she revealed it ended and men judge differently than women. >> brian: i never follow # that. man thought it was over -- >> lawrence: she said certain things adults do, men say it ends. she said it ended far sooner than that. >> steve: things started, it became winded. >> brian: so bad attinuendo, i never know what you mean. thank you. if you don't mind me asking. >> ainsley: i'm confused, i will get you to explain to me. >> brian: tomorrow the menendez
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trial, money in my shoes. >> ainsley: man is not a plan. >> lawrence: a companion. >> brian: dvr the show to find nuggets of wisdom like that. >> ainsley: go through whatever lawrence said and put the pieces together. white house forced to issue nine brutal corrections to biden's speech. >> president biden: saving millions of families $800,000 a year in premium. humble to receive this organization. -- calls erectionists patriots. >> brian: blood bath, who cares, tomato, tomato. stick around, we are not convinced there is not an attempt for the state to be corrected. ♪ ♪ my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving.
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we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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>> adam: severe weather threat continues on this wednesday, following big day of action. storm reports over 24 hours, southwestern iowa we saw biggest storms, really entire state got in on it. 80% of the state saw some severe warnings, worst in southern
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iowa, southwestern iowa. i was on fox weather and we saw the tornados sweep on through. something similar today, those storm reports left wisconsin with 50,000 people without power, illinois and iowa have people without power. cold front is slowing down and stalling in areas of upstate new york, running through the plains and a bulls eye across southern plains. dallas is spot severe weather, particularly this afternoon running into early evening hours. those are weather headlines, steve, down to you. >> steve: busy day, keep an eye on the sky. white house team in cleanup mode as it issues nine corrections from short speech he made over the weekend. >> president biden: when i was vice president, things were bad during the pandemic, i'm humble to receive this oerrganization.
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saving millions of families $800,000 a year in premium. cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rent down. mortality rate for black moms who are three times more likely to die. he calls erectionists patriots. donald trump said if he loses again in november, there will be bloodshed. -- >> steve: gaffe palooza. "america reports" host john roberts joins us. >> i worked there for 11 years and never saw anything like this. in the bush administration, there was one thing corrected. tony snow added a name because they forgot them in a speech. yet nine glaring corrections in
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this transcript. boo, from the left wing media. they are starting to catch on. huff post, president did no favors during the speech to naacp, what does this bode for debate, steve? here is the thing, we played a sound bite montage of many mistakes over the wean. is he not listening to himself. it is all on prompter and he's having a problem. instead of saying insur insurrectionist, he said the erectionist, i would expect him to laugh and say, did you hear what i justed. his supporters are saying, he's bad at giving speeches and he's really old, vote for him, because he is not donald trump. that is what they are playing on.
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>> john: it is glaring, if you look at him in 2020 and now, he definitely lost a step. most of his speeches of gaffe paloozas. on the global stage, you want to be like john f kennedy, projecting american power with an elkwens and delivery the world pays attention to. i don't know how anybody can pay attention to that, you can't follow it. >> steve: that is why he doesn't have pretss conferences. oftentimes it is photo opthing. here is vice president yesterday in philly, i believe she's ordering a cheesesteak and a reporter asked a good question, which of course she avoids, watch. >> the president and i have been clear that more aid need to get
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into gaza and that we have concerns and have been obviously doing work to make sure that we can increase the opportunity and possibility of aid getting in, such as construction of the -- >> israel doing enough to allow -- flow of aid? >> and then pickles and peppers on the side. >> steve: pickles and pepper on the side. >> john: maybe that is code. >> steve: she said what she wanted to say, a follow-up question. i'll have pickles. >> john: maybe pickles is code for we are doing everything to get people to comply. she was in philadelphia to meet with justin trudea, one politician who is les popular than she is.
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he has approval rating of 28%, hers is 38%. if you want to look good, stand next to justin trudea. >> steve: just in time with john roberts, thank you, we'll watch you today at 1:00 eastern with sandra. >> john: i kissed booboo goodbye this morning and she did not even flinch, remember the nickname last time i was on with you? >> steve: that's right. >> you have a nickname? >> honeymooner. >> good for you. >> steve: her birthday is friday. >> john: my wife was so jealous of you playing pickleball with kid rock. >> steve: how much fun. >> john: she loves kid rock and
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pickleball. >> steve: okay. she can join us next time, senator marco rubio will join us and janice dean is live gearing up for fleet week. >> janice: i'm with manny from the uso, he will talk about fleet week and how exciting the ships are coming in right now, stay tuned to "fox and friends" right now.
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>> steve: all right, more trouble brewing for boeing amid year full of dangerous incidents as lawyers for boeing, the
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whistleblower found dead say that boeing is responsible for their death. lucas tomlinson joins us. >> lucas: ruled a suicide, john barnet died from a gunshot to the head in march after he failed to show up for depositions against boeing. b barnet told tmz bog was returning the jets to the air too quickly after the door panel was blown out midnight. boeing ceo announced he would resign amid the company's ongoing struggle. 73-year-old british man died from a heart attack from london to singapore when it hit severe t turbulence in the boeing 737.
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mr. barnett's attorney says boeing may not have pulled the trigger, the company is responsible for his death. boeing has not made comment. steve. >> steve: carley joins us with news about court. >> carley: i do. the jury has been dismissed until closing arguments on tuesday in new york versus donald trump criminal trial. judge merchan agreeing to remind the jury that it does not imply trump's guilt, refuse to remind the jury hush money payments are not illegal. officers rescuing toddler from a car evera the chiel was locked inside.
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[screaming] [crying] >> carley: you can hear that baby crying when they broke open the door. the child could be seen sweating and in distress was in the car 8 to 10 minutes. those officers are heroes. space x launching next generation u.s. spy satellites into space a little while ago. >> three, two, one. >> carley: not known how many satellites were launched. mission was space x 52nd launch of the year. those are headlines, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. 36th annual new york fleet week is underway as parade of ships will make its way down the hudson. >> lawrence: janice dean is live from the intread trep id /* /*
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intr/* -- intrepid. manny? >> janice: yes. >> board of governors uso. >> janice: tell me about your service. >> i spent 32 years serving the united states air force. >> janice: how did you make the transition? >> it was tough, i retired during covid, learning to get out of military and adjust outside of the military, in the climate it wasn't the most healthiest. i'm fortunate, one of five individuals who was presidential appointee to this position. >> janice: congratulations, tell me what the uso does. >> what doesn't it do. military member, we're there. 250 centers around the world. we try and do our very best to be where the military is at and
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we do that very well. >> janice: what are you doing on the ships? >> today we'll have a tour, tour the uss baton and talk to the military members and say thank you. this is important. >> janice: you are doing installations in the ships. >> four aircraft carriers in the united states navy are getting this new gaming center. we are putting uso's on the ships and hopefully by 2025, probably be ahead of the game and cover all aircraft carriers. >> janice: what does memorial day mean to you? >> you appreciate military for what they do, throughout the world, a lot of them don't understand that, they may see someone and say thank you for your service, commitment to dedicate their lives to freedom of country is important. >> janice: parade of ships coming up. what does it mean to you? >> this is welcome home.
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young men and women have been coming here in this,a mazing city and it is open arms. >> janice: thank you for your service, my friend. god bles you and everything you do. >>, you will find more. >> janice: thank you for your service, 36th annual fleet week happening here, the beautiful intrepid, the weather will be spectacular. that is wonderful. over to you. >> lawrence: can't wait to see the boats employees >> ainsley: and the people walking around in their uniforms in new york, always nice. thanks, janice. >> ainsley: 20 till top of the hour. >> lawrence: marco rubio is warning terrorists are walking into our country, he will explain that next. and it's designed to help you feel cool.
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>> ainsley: we are back with an update on hunter biden, first son's lawyers will appear in los angeles courtroom today attempting to delay his tax trial to later this year, complaining aboutim tooing of the two trials hunter is facing,
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both will begin next month. delaware gun charge case set for the 3 third and tax charge trial is set for the 20th. they claim it has overwhelmed their ability to properly prepare for each and want the l.a. case postponed until september. he wrongly chose to lodge a jurisdictionless appeal and this defendant should be treated no differently and motion denied. prosecutor says the problems are of their own making for trial calendar and has been well known for months. >> brian: thank you. anti-israel protesters causing mahem on capitol hill as blinken testified before the foreign relations yesterday. >> he is a war criminal.
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40,000 people. death of 40,000 palestinians. he's a war criminal. he's a war criminal. blinken is a war criminal. >> brian: senator marco rubio joins us now. blinken had a hard time defending his policy and from protesters who think we should not be helping israel at all, where do you stand? >> protesters are same pink co communist group, pink group, nothing happens to them. they are arrested, put out on bail, fined and out next day doing the same thing. one day something bad is going to happen. it is simple, israel has to destroy hamas. hamas has basically defined victory as survival. fact they are in place and can hold press conferences is vict
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r ry for hamas. they watch our internal politics and see waiver ing support unde biden. they see countries recognizing a palestinian state, which is a joke, what state are they talking about? a state that never existed and they feel they have the advantage here. this group wants to destroy israel, hamas exist to destroy israel, what are you supposed to do with existential threat? you can't allow it to survive. >> brian: he's been there seven times and we have given more weapons and alliance is iron clad, he has become general blinken with no military spoorn, how valuable to be to go forward as bloody as it could end up being, we have found three hostage bodies by going in. maybe they could find some alive going in now. >> if you are hamas, you feel like the united states has
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conditioned what israel can do against them. you view that as victory, that improves moral among terrorist savages and among the world. you have ability to believe you can hold out longer and increase what conditions are for a ceasefire to end hostility. it is encouraging hamas in combination with protesters and riots on campuses are things hamas sees ands we are winning the pr war and on influencing foreign policy, israel has less leverage, hold out longer and we may not need to surrender. >> brian: chuck schumer will reintroduce bipartisan legis legislation. you wrote an editorial about the terror watch list on both b borders. we have 81 already this year and these are people we have treaty
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with and exchange information with you, see a pattern here. >> first of all, illegal immigration is incentive and perception based, they are coming because they can get here and stay. nothing in this bill chuck schumer wants will change that, it will create asylum core to award asylum on the border. s people on pathway to citizen almost immediately. terrorists are coming from parts of the world with no information on. we may not know you area terrorist, we don't have information on you and you are linked to terrorist groups, we're talking thousands coming from parts of the world isis is recruiting. if just a small percentage are terrorists, we'll have a terrible situation in this country and it happened because of joe biden's open border. he opened door for isis and criminal and terrorist element
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groups and put our country in grave danger. most dangerous, internal terror threat situation we've had in over a decade. >> brian: he says he has sudden interest in the border, so does the administration, mayorkas telling that to neil cavuto yesterday. why? >> they see polling and are worried about a terrorist attack. if someone crossed u.s. border illegally over last three years commits terrorist attack, joe biden will be blamed for it and he's responsible for it and they are afraid of that and want to say we tried to do something, it is too late almost. >> brian: saluting and offering con condolences and will hopefully get blasted. thanks. straight ahead, no sun, no problem, indoor water parks this summer. i will grab my trunks. i have boxer shorts, i'll wear
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them. i'll check in with dana perino and bill hemmer. >> dana: fun to see you and greg gutfeld together at the water park. >> brian: together is the problem. >> dana: deadly weather continue to break hearts, live reports from the scene. bill melugin back at the border and from sitting in court to on set, jonathan turley will have analysis what will happen in the case. president biden wants you to pay for other folks student loans, how much for that scheme? can graceland survive without the presley name? bill is around him somewhere, i'll find him and see you at 9:00.
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>> ainsley: no sun, no problem. families are turning to indoor water parks for a one stop shop get away. >> lawrence: madison is live at the great wolf lodge with more. hey, madison. >> good morning, guys. they let me in before it even opened to give you an upclose look of the great wolf lodge. 20 locations across the country and opening more. by next year, 90% of america
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will be within a 4-hour drive of one of these lodges. that's so important for their key demographic, families with kids ages 2-12. with airfare going up you can hop in the car. this location is so busy that year round they have 90% occupancy. listen, i wanted to do the hard work and figure out why so many people come here. i got to check out the park yesterday. i took a spin on wolf's tail, their yellow slide here which has a two-story drop right off the bat. it was obviously a ton of fun. when it comes to these resorts, 13 million people come each and every year. when you think about not having to deal with airfare, when you think about the fact kids as young as two have something to do and you see the experience like a slide like that it makes sense families are turning to an option like this. send it back to you guys.
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>> steve: looks like a lot of fun. quick fox news alert before we leave. right now there are law enforcement officers at the rnc headquarters in washington, d.c. d.c. fire and ems confirmed they have units on the scene. we have a fox crew headed to the scene to figure out what's going on and bring you updates on fox news channel all day long. so keep it right here. don't know what's going on. >> ainsley: brian will be covering that on the air. >> bret baier and martha maccallum. >> lawrence: play the audio of you and your little crash from yesterday. >> brian: it doesn't transfer well on the radio. >> steve: it's great on tv. >> ainsley: what a trooper. have a good one.


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