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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 22, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone this is "outnumbered," i am emily compagno here with my cohost, harris faulkner. joining us today is host of the kennedy save the world podcast, kennedy, "fox & friends," carley shimkus, and former wisconsin congressmen and cohost of the bottom line on fox business, sean duffy. we began with president biden latest student loan handout. the white house is wiping out another $7.7 billion in student debt this morning, despite the supreme court ruling against the bailout last summit. just this year, president biden has canceled $1.2 billion in february, 5.8 billion in march, 7.4 billion in april, and another 6.1 billion earlier this month. in total, president has wiped out over $167 billion in student
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debt. remember, that is all on the taxpayers' dime. you cannot wipe out that if someone has to absorb it somewhere else. but i would commander in chief is running to keep the bailout coming. saying "i will never stop working to cancel student deck no matter how many times republican elected officials try to stop us." sean, i think it was a typo in that because what the president meant to say is that he will never stop trying to purchase votes for himself. >> sean: so, looking at it, president biden one of the main constituents of democrats, and the use of boat is tied right now between trump and joe biden. many of them have become radicalized, and president biden is not liberal enough for them. so what they're trying to do is say listen i will help you with some of the pain you felt for my economy and my inflation from a lack of opportunity and the increase right and crisis, so i will forgive your debt but the
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problem is congress hasn't appropriated the money for him to forget that. so they said joe biden is talking about everyone who is a threat to democracy but -- by going well and forgiving but he has no authority to forgive, by the way if the question overturned this, wait and see what the youth vote does they expect this money now to come and if the courts not taken away they can blame joe biden that republicans and that the court. >> you cannot take away a toy gift given to a trial. kennedy -- >> kennedy: he knows. very upset. [laughter] >> emily: the administration has incredibly defended this by saying we see a pain in the current economy so we will help assuage that pain but they fail to acknowledge that they are responsible for creating all that pain with their failures of economic policy, talk to us about the economics and the impact? >> kennedy: it is plain and simple, colleges have no reason to live up tuition, tuition
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costs keep growing and growing in ballooning out of control, so for people who were accepted to a prestigious private school, the government is there to get them free money that they will have to pay for at some point, so you spend 70 or 80 grand on the columbia tuition, and then what do you get when you go there? you get a campus that is locked down with a bunch of anti-semitic protests, you can't go to classes anymore or go to your commencement if you have suffered through this for four years and they could get into the job market and now they don't want to hire people who have been at these radicalized schools, the government has treated the problem, these schools have dependent on government money and they continue to increase tuition and propagandize students and we're the ones who get stuck with the belt not only the cost of tuition but the cost of being held hostage by radicalized propaganda. >> sean: this is this is inflationary as well so it's in a drive inflation higher by giving these young kids these free money on college that.
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making things worse. >> emily: i want to clear with covert how studies show that the older people get the more conservative their values and their decisions become probably because at that point they appear in the dollar and understand what it means to give most of it to the government to the point is is that the students are enjoying it now but they are going to be absorbing what that debt means and what that cost means then in the later life. >> harris: the two things one where you were talking about is that was in the reduction act, talking about the offset of what this will do for any benefits that if that could possibly have. that the student debt loan amount was going to drag on the economy as a extra inflationary hold. we have known this for a couple of years and yet he still going to try and forth to sound like that's not what happened. emily, i disagree with you in some ways because i don't think this is who the kids are there we've looked at over. these are not some pat the heads
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of these kids and give them some loan type of people. these are your future doctors or lawyers or so on and so forth and they have made a concerted decision to radicalized. they are not victims of this movement, they are none of that they are exactly what kennedy said, they know what they're doing and they could be a lot more permanent and stubborn in the politics that people have been in the past who were young huber right, they got hit with a mortgage and i sure wish i didn't pay higher taxes i might be a republican. i don't think they can go down that road. >> emily: will be hard to see logic and common sense if you majored in the love affair and equity and inclusion. >> there's a lot of signs of desperation coming -- picking up from last week where he had agreed to debate trump, if you are when you are not debating and he agreed to that. and then yesterday, on top of the student loan announcement, it was also announced that he is releasing a million barrels from
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the strategic petroleum preserve which is literally -- that's like two and a half hours of gas across the country. but enough for him to say i am doing something when i'm on the campaign trail, if you are feeling the brunt of gas prices i am on it so yet that talking point. when it comes to student loans, and the politics of it what he is doing, the supreme court struck down the version of what he was trying to do right now. nancy pelosi is just a surprise as anybody because when she said you can't outright cancel student debt, new/now he is for you to understand politically what he is trying to do. when he looks up the poll numbers and he sees the support of monks use voters where should we do? we should help them out monetarily but he has been doing this for months now and once the poll numbers have come in and it's just not paying off so he is paying off her student loan for ungrateful students who are probably maybe won't vote for trump but they could stay home come november. >> sean: this was pay for for
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obamacare that government is now in the student loan business because they share with you to make this money from the repayment in the interest payment to pay for obamacare, it's been lost for all of us now. >> unto this. voters with hand out isn't enough but the biden campaign is looking to win back young voters with more internet memes. the team just put up this posting and they are looking for a top candidate to manage day-to-day operations and engage the internet's top content and pages, so don't be surprised if you see much expertly crafted memes such as this one, just click redo it up. is this a good investment? >> carley: it's a hilarious new story and it's just can create this type of conversation. this is where you compare and contrast two candidates. anything about donald trump whether you like them or not is that he is authentic person and he is authentically -- and then you have joe biden and also,
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harris, who just are not. so when you see the branding to network and you see a job posting for somebody to create funny, you cannot create funny these moments just have to happen. but this would be an interesting job to have maybe is the first one. just something to say. >> if he was trying to sell cool, if that's what they're trying to do if you are over the age of 80 you are insulted he's making the older look very bright and really awful i don't even want to go there and of course we all do want longevity but i don't want to turn into that. so there's that issue with the poor who is he really reaching with this? who is going to go and buy these things and thus can shift their vote, i want to know. >> harris: if he took cash and put it into people's pockets, allegedly, maybe that would do it, but just this picture, it is a onesie for a baby would you let your trial wear this? i mean maybe. "the faulkner focus" don't memes drive issues on the campaign trail when you see this online
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you can drive a point has political benefit so if you had someone who is really created this in driving political points for one side of the, it really can impact people's views on certain issues and policies. >> you can't teach it, it comes naturally. >> emily: >> kennedy: this is change my mind i was on the fence about this guy but now i realize await the policies in the toilet, he is basically speaking out both sides of his mouth on israel, you know we are swirling down the drain faster than we ever have in modern history, but he's gonna find someone to make memes, i am team president biden all the way. that is some forward thinking that has solved all the problems. >> i would rather wear a garbage bag for the rest of my life and where that. >> you could shoot little laser holes through it so you can see. >> coming up a stretch of district attorney and trump prosecutor who scored a big
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primary win last night, but the party might have to end early if trump whence they appear to get her kicked off the case. but until then, she can be seen living it up with all her supporters including one who says their extramarital affair was "as american as apple pie." that study coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ (inspirational music)
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- [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years,
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and we are just getting started. (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. ♪ ♪ >> carlton county jacek attorney, one mexico primary election last night and now she is looking to continue overseeing georgia selection case against trump. she beat her democratic opponent
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by a wide margin but could face a tougher republican challenge in november. willis, at the end of the night she handed with a defiant speech. let's watch. >> they want to district attorney that believes that everyone deserves to be safe. and everyone is entitled to some dignity. and it is a message that is angering people but there is no one above the law in this country. nowhere is there anyone beneath it. a very brilliant woman last night, rachel maddow said that this campaign and this movement is the bellwether of democracy. >> harris: kennedy, i am just gonna come come straight to you. >> kennedy: does she kiss her merry coworker with that mouth? my goodness. >> that is a resounding yes. >> emily: i just wanted to go to charity first but okay, one
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special guest, shocked people and the inner internet apparently, are you shocked? she had her so-called ex-lover, former special prosecutor i used to call the matt sokol, prosecutorial paramore nathan wade came up to show her support all smiles even after the recognition because the judge or kick them off, there was a choice they could both leave or he could leave and i come back to you, kennedy. >> kennedy: he decided to stay after doing the salacious tell-all interview he is doing whatever he can't because the spigot has shipped out for him and he no longer has that good $600 fire hose that she had pointed in his direction when he was curiously appointed as her special prosecutor friend during the trump trial the judge thought that they obviously took an uppercase f that he had to resign from the case if it was going to move forward and it is
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becoming as titillating as a story line of "vanderpump rules" are they aren't they are they stuck together whatever is happening it is the poor voters and constituents in fulton county "the faulkner focus" thanks for reminding us. really quickly let me ask the team, can you ask them saying what he thinks the whole thing is? >> workplace romances are as american as apple pie happens to everyone. and i happen to the of us. >> harris: apple pie. >> sean: there is nothing apple pie about the love affair, it is scandalous and by the way it is interesting to have willis out there talking about how no one is above or beneath the law all the while when they sent her money for helping endangered use in swag -- republicans are all of a sudden trying to impede her
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inc. in criminal investigation. but when republicans are saying you are trying to impede a presidential election, god for that that, of course i have not. i am legitimate in my investigation but she's a hypocrite and it is rich to see. good on her for winning, it's a huge wedding her constituents love her kudos. >> harris: they must really love reality tv. >> emily: yes but not reality, that's the additional irony nobody is above the law she says putting herself on the bacchus if she is the victim but she has absolutely let down and failed utterly at her job for this constituents in fulton county, the most populous county in georgia and has the highest larceny rate and us with the clearance ratings for felonies it is 35% for all crimes it is 62%. what that means is in plain english is that they failed to clear a 6 out of 10 cases that comes across her desk to desk. the joke is on her that she says with a straight face, how somehow she is the victim.
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everyone in that county is the victim? she's not doing her job but guess is what is coming for her, oversight. >> harris: you are right about that because it's the standard of living. if you are in her scope a district then yes. that is not good. they are not fighting crime. >> carley: i think that this victory, a big victory also truly encapsulates how divided over culturally are, go this is -- you say how can this woman win by 87% base and how she portrays herself on the witness stand alone, but the reason she did is because of name recognition and fund raising also her supporters see her as politically persecuted by donald trump supporters, so that is one thing. interestingly enough the general election that you mention in november might be more of a challenge for her. i talked to them about how this could player and while republican courtney kramer has set up hill battle, she said
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that she has a good team and if she wins back north fulton which is outside of atlanta, republican but not deep red, that's why i could be challenge. this could be a challenge for her. so she easily won the primary book could be a little bit more difficult come november. >> as semglee pointed out, people in her county, they are voting against their own interests. by supporting her. unless you're going to need some big names from the republican party to go against miss reality television. >> that's the nicest thing we can say. up next to a squad member is facing backlash for invoking michael brown to introduce or reintroduce a bill of police violence stay with us.
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birthday. in 2014 michael brown was a robbery -- despite being one of the catalyst for the black lives matter's movement at the time subsequent investigations including one from former president obama's department of department of justice concluded that he had reached for the officer's gun -- despite -- congresswoman bush felt that michael brown would be the best namesake for a bill seeking to help families heal from what she described as police brutality. >> the killing of unarmed black people are responsible for more than 50 million additional days of poor mental health days per year. it is devastating our communities and it must be addressed. that is why in mike brown's honor alongside mike's mother leslie i and reintroducing ther
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helping families heal act also known as the michael brown wheel. this legislation will provide crucial mental health support for the victims families and communities harmed by crew police brutality. it will fund these resources and bolster counseling in our schools. >> emily: . criticism has been fierce and swift for her and among them where the tenets that at the time, that was a fraudulent concept being put forth that he had been gunned down and a unjustified matter by police officers and subsequently that she is as well acting fortunately and building on that lie to perpetuate this three times now bill. >> harris: i didn't get the grafting part because i don't know if she gets the money but she gets to play product takes us to perpetrate a fraud and get to do these other things. so where is the funds and the bills for the families who have been harmed by defunding the police? what about those black families? or those hispanic families are
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those poor families in every racial cultural category across the country who live in urban areas and i think gravely harmed by defunding the police. continue your care remember -- what about these families. what about my family, i want to see her ethic if the people who are hurt by crimes that are still happening and still moving and still going i don't have an investigation improved on the premise on this one was wrong. >> in the wake of that type of anti-police retacrit leasing ambush rise over three or preacher percent on them and small businesses devastated to these days by their violent backlash on the lie that was perpetuated. so what about those bills what about that attention. >> new fortunately division cells because she obviously does not have ideas. cheese -- and that is what you want your people in congress to do, you want them to go to washington and make where you live a better place but it is not better and she is showing
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that by profiting off and i'm not saying that she is personally raising money and grafting but she doesn't have to what she is doing is taking an incredibly divided issue that has been so back for law enforcement because they could have been a moment with them really smart people could have gotten together and said what are we doing wrong in law enforcement in some of these communities and how do we make it better for police officers in the communities and help them work together you cannot have that anymore when you have people like this who want to fish and they want people to hate police officers and want to go back to the george floyd riots -- and for people across the country, we live in unsafe cities now because of the mentality. >> harris: talk to us about the mechanics. >> how is this possible? is there any environment or
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criticism within her environment that can say stop doing this? >> sean: looking introduce crazy pelosi don't need a coalition of people but what concerns me is what message does this send the committee you have mike brown who -- he allegedly -- and we're gonna celebrate this guy? why don't we celebrate people who said i will follow the law if i'd been contact with law enforcement i will follow the rules. celebrate us who followed the directions are supposed processing sing with an extent a chance chant of hands up don't shoot which is a complete line to an attorney's point who has turn all of these anti-law-enforcement movement across the country which has led to defunding the police to my people being victimized because of this bill that she is perpetuating. >> there are plenty of strategies that we've seen in this situation but this one isn't one of them. this is a tragedy for a different reason in the
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narrative she's pushing. >> she knows and the reality is she knows about the important of peace and delete my policing because she defended her use of private security while calling to defund the police, and now they have the doj investigation for campaign spending and security services. what you want to do in this bill bears repeating, she wants to provide mental health services for victims and families who have been involved with some sort of police brutality. as you something in the speech that she played that is also interesting she said the police murdering of unarmed black people are responsible for more than 50 million additional poor mental health days per year. i need someone to help explain that statistic, because "the washington post" keeps a very comprehensive list of police involved shootings, and so far in 2024, 410 people have been killed by police. 75 of them had been black, three of them have been unarmed.
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so i have no doubt that she wants to help our community and the black community that given the statistics alone there are much better ways. >> i don't think it is that way at all, if you want to support breaking the community between law enforcement in the community where they are a part of the support -- >> coming up the city where migrants can get food stamps and free job training and a cell phone and even a laptop. coming up next asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids.
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>> right now democrats are holding a press conference for president biden's revived border security bill, but republicans are going after that measure for being a little too late and not enough i doing to point out this
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is senator from new hampshire and she is leading the way right now as speaking. let's hear from them. >> the democrats are the party of open borders and they intend to keep it that way. we are a nation of law and order yet the biden administration has allowed over 10 million undocumented immigrants to flood our border, that is higher than the populations of seven major u.s. city. boston chicago and dallas and l.a. and knoxville and memphis combined. combined. under this administration, every town is a border town when we are talking about border security the left means release and reset up. when republicans talk about border security, we mean deny and deport.
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>> harris: okay senator risch chuck schumer is not the lectern right now you just saw the senator blackboard who joined us on the focus right after her news conference wrapped up a little while ago. she said what you're going to see if schumer and others is that they are going to twist the politics they know that the president is in trouble over the border and there is a down flow for this issue as it still leads in the top two or three most important thing that voters in america are looking at right now. so biden's border is contagious, and democrats on the hill are trying to stem the flow of that contagion hitting their own poll numbers, so we will monitor this and let you know of any other type of moose come out of it when you are democrats in washington are pushing for democratic -- they have big plans for migrants or as they call them newcomers. that way you don't know how many of them are undocumented. for the record, this is a city that has taken in more than
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40,000 border crossings in the past year and now denver is just announcing an ambitious program they hope will put 800 of those people on a path to work into lives in denver. they want to give and here it is such coolant, six months of rental assistance, anyone on the couch get that out of college no? food stamps and utility in for computer and freep p prayed cell phone amateur best prices, legal help with this kind of application and remember some of the dates are so far away that the youngest is 15 -- >> long before they had the hearings but what they were saying about this is there a lot of americans going through pain there are seniors who are choosing to buy medication in food or pay the rent. there are people who cannot afford to feed their family put gas in the car and we have a community like denver and communities around the country and states around the country who are spending billions of dollars to help migrants and it begs the question what is the role of the government whether
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it's the state or local or federal government is to save your people and when people are going through hard times were you paying for other people who are not citizens of your culture? take care of your people first. >> you know why. >> because of politics. >> exactly and it has backfired and that is why democrats are now scrambling to reintroduce this bill to similar what i said about the strategic petroleum reserve to go on the trail and say the least we are doing something about it even though we can oppress in his neck and her work there so many examples of why president biden, when he was in office he had dozens of executive orders reversing trim policies could right now today reverse those, by choosing not to for political reasons. but there are dozens of reasons as to why there has been a huge negative consequence as a result. one of them is what is happening in boston which is a city that has been really rocked by this that doesn't get discussed enough, but i was talking to a
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veteran know who apparently there is a veteran facility turn into a shelter in a vacant home, but there's a lot of people who could have used it saying that it was vacant but the veterans community is saying these are elderly who are trying to figure out where to put and reopen it for them but they are getting put at the back of the line so they can make room for migrants. >> harris: that reminds me of chicago what is happening there. we've seen many residents on the east side saying that they are literally being pushed aside. the fight over resources and the resources are finite. so they are spending money on these people many of whom who are coming here undocumented, and they are spending money on them and pushing the american citizens aside who as those variances you mention, they need the resources the civilians and the citizens in chicago. >> for a political party that likes to use the word displaced and -- it's curious that's that
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is what they are doing and people in underserved communities that they pretend to represent what extinction voices i point out here in new york the real deal just published in the tech community, the wealthiest industry, only 10% of listed rentals are affordable. over 80% of new yorkers cannot afford their rent to right now given the annual salary and their averages. it is mind-blowing but we are walking through the streets running about laptops and cell is being handed out, the back of the line is such a perfect analogy we are all being pushed to what end and why because these men are suffering to. >> i want to remind everybody that denver was the place where undocumented citizens were refusing to leave an encampment unless the city and there met a city list of the men. the city needed to provide culturally appropriate foods like rice and chicken as their premade meals and referrals for
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specialty medical care and help finding a job free immigration consultation and more. literally the list grows and grows. >> if i went to honduras or ecuador what to expect the same? if we went to any of the country in the world would we be able to expect or demand a list like that know you can't and unfortunately the cruelty of government is that it is a zero-sum enterprise that means the government doesn't make money it takes money that's how it gets money so it's not a hedge fund is not going to make any more money based on market fluctuations that make you have to decide and prioritize where the government is going to spend that money because he could only take so much before you have a revolt at the polls. you think about single mothers with kids doing her very best who is one who late rent check away who has never had these resources, and that is why you are seeing the uprising in chicago and that's why the dnc this summer, it is going to be a
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♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell
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and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. (inspirational music) - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started.
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>> "america reports," the current crisis is worrying but did not take my word for it i am not a judge, judge judy says that she is very aware of the chaos unfolding on streets across america and also knows exactly how to get there, watch. >> i know how we got here.
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we got here because, a small group of people who have very loud voices have created a scenario where bad people got rewarded. and the victim got punished by the system. there is almost always a reason for criminal behavior, meant to be l, that's reason, taking drugs, that's reason, you take alcohol, whatever it is that the reason, but there is never -- excuse me i get excited, there is never a excuse for bad behavior. and when society started to make excuses for bad behavior, and react to criminality based upon the excuses it falls apart. >> emily, as a judge, she has
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a different perspective but why are lawyers and judges so able to see what has gone wrong and also d.a.'s and politicians are not? >> respectfully i think her view is actually irrespective of her role as a member of their cherries prudence machine here, irrespective of her role as a judge that's just common sense. think what we have seen is the result of vocal minority and people in decision-making capacities who have made horrible decisions on behalf of the so-called victims that they created to her point about excusing that behavior. this actual violent death is because they are poor people who subscribe to certain labels excusing to erroneous violent unacceptable societal behavior and then installed people who abdicated their duty. instead of the district attorney actually prosecuting instead you have activists in that role who utterly fails at their job and because of that there has been an epidemic of people who have lost their lives in this country
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and have lost their livelihoods and both of those are inexcusable. >> you can feel the difference, you can feel the shift to ucp people did not hurt people or take their stuff but why is there no longer part? >> judge judy said the same thing as another so something must be true here, so i think you change the narrative and something is wrong with the defendant. something is wrong with the perpetrator must try to fix them and if you do something wrong we will hold you to account. you have a very close relationship with your community because it is your chops to keep them safe and something that has happened within the voting population of the cities that are electing woke prosecutors who are enforcing the law and the results are catastrophic i hope there is a realignment and a rethinking of the voting base to go on people who will enforce the law and put that people behind bars and keep a safe and don't change hopefully will come.
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>> is there way of doing it before we reach the point of no return that's what worries me the series will get so but you will not be able to bring them back they talk about that in san francisco but we have to be after mystic and forward working so what can we do what can be done? >> the headwind of illegal immigration out of a border system to be tough because you have so many more illegal drugs on the streets today and it's not just that fentanyl, they use as an additive so on and so forth so you have more deaths from drug over overdoses and such, so that is the headwind against the system of going -- i am always a optimist about this but i'm also a realist. you have got to deal with your immigration issues now because these cities are being infiltrated if you will by people who are undocumented. it is their way of living, you hear about the venezuelan prison gangs who came here, when the prisoners emptied out and came here we did not stop then or they got away, they are in our
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cities now and that puts pressure on the system. so just like you, kennedy, i want to have hope that people will turn around, but we need to strategize our way out of this. >> it is certainly not enough maybe she should be running for president. >> she looks good in that hat. but yes speaking a lot of truth. and she is absolutely right and it is refreshing to hear some of my car say it and stayed with such force in such conviction and what she's talking about is that this is an ideology where progressive democrats believe that criminals are victims of a racist america which is not true which is all of these policies as a result of that thinking, broken windows policing is now a dirty work but it works and now that gone they are smash and grab robberies and everything in cities across the country's are now up as a result they are smashing and grabbing
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>> more "outnumbered" coming up next stay with us.
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>> last but not least are harris has a limited series on fox nation called "vietnam: footsteps of my father" and it follows harrison's travel through the country retracing her father's time on the combat failures liquid. >> his headquarters where he probably slept most nights but he had three platoons. and way up in the central highlands he had a platoon up there so your dad would have flown nonstop moving around to check on his units. i found a website of his old unit. >> you found a website of my dental unit? >> yes and i saw the company command post. >> name is there i did not know he made major. >> while he was in vietnam.
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>> that's a big deal. wow. i tried to imagine what his days were like because when he would say he would fly nonstop, i didn't, first of all, had a good feeling of the landscape we were fighting in. but this is a lot. the 614th maintenance company. emily, my dad always said the reason he went to fight a war in his tour is this country struggle with civil rights as he wanted to be part of the answer so many lawyers would be as an african american he felt it was important for people to love the country and show their love and believe we could get through anything. because of the u.s. constitution. we are just that special of a republic. the only one like it on the planet. so when i found out he was actually rising in the military while he was serving in a war that turned out to not be popular in this country it divided us like we are divided
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over issues today. there were a lot of moments where i was shocked and emotional. that was one of them. i am so proud of him and i am so proud to have touched part of that that becomes our family's legacy now so thank you so much. i am excited for people to watch it on fox nation, please go. tomorrow i'll be in washington, d.c., and sit down with house speaker mike johnson. it will be our first sit down together and i am so anxious to talk to him. i use the word anxious because this portobello's a big deal. the house had one, hr 2 i want to know what it feels like as a republican to go up against this democrat machine on an issue they really can't win on and i have so many other questions. so watch the faulkner focus tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern for my sit down with house speaker mike johnson and much more. thank you for watching "outnumbered" "america reports" now. >> john: harris thank yo


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