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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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and names names and i share a few of my own battlefield storiee s to illustrate the reality of the brotherhood and why we need to save it. the book is the war on warriors. i'm proud of it and i hope you order it. >> also, the third episode. t of outlaws and lawman today sean hannity is available today exclusively on fox nation. the third episode followsg legendary man hunter bass reeves. >> taker e a look. >> one of the first black deputy u.s. marshals in the west. bass reeves is often viewet hedg with suspicion and outright hostility. but over a staggerinht but oveg 30 year career, reeves brings thousands of outlaws to justice and sends more than a few to their grave. >> it's a great show. you got to see it. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. >> be sure to catch me thishas o weekend at fox and for gutfeld. coming up nexts coming. eveni have a great evening, everybody
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. oh, yeah. yes. okay. stop undressing me with your eyes. happy wednesday, everyone. well, the republican national committee's headquarters was evacuated after receiving a packag e to donald trump containing two vials of bloodse. >> they've already eliminated suspects who no longer have. the commerce department has that it wants to add a million women to the constructiowantn industry. >> that or jusn cot eight guys. yeah, it's funny. a brewery in the u.k. is being forced to shut down its websit e after selling a beer in honor of osama bin laden. it
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they should have sold vodka instead. that way, everyone coulde shoulr the terrorists with a shot to the face in nice. >> so they laughed at the setup, but not the punchline. >> a nigerian woman created world's widest wig at almost 12 feet in width. >> but is it for sale?whit asked one man. illinois politicians aimey want to change the word offender to justice, impactingdual the individual. >> but in a related story, illinois ill taxpayers want to change the word politician to marxist impacted stain. sportswriter for the kansas city star has called for kansas city chiefs to replace harrison bud kerr with a female placekicker. and so far, we have one volunteer. h crow wow. tough crowd on this day
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in 1908, the wright brothers patented the airplane. e then three years later, they also patented the male flight patet. ep >> how do competitive competitive eater attack hero kobayashi has announced he's retiring, also retiring his plumber this week in 1891,it the first motion picture was shown to 147 people. and thomas edison's lab. and on that same day, moments later, the man stuck thomas ara to see the first. wow. a man was arrested for assaulting a canadian cop with a block of cheese. a bl >> lucky for him, it wasn't sharp. so back then, you laugh t at that, but not at the otheriln piecesce of.o my >> makes me sick to my stomach . a client, a climber, was found dead after falling off the highest peak north america.
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park authorities located the deceased climberhe large ate base of j-lo's. >> oh oh. >> and according to a new study, new jerses.y, the state with the dirtiest restaurants. it's not juse witht dirt, it's e small portions, said one man. all right, you guys. i tried it. i tried. you gu keep off the fat jokes, but you the just ate them up. all right, so the democratic candidate for the most powerful mosth gave a speech n nast night to the acp where he couldn't say the name of the organization. in fairness to him, is a hole. five letters. but dairy committed, no less than nine errors that were later corrected by white house stafferserro, nine errors. in a single speech. how fetterman didn't make m that many in a year after his brain blew up like an irania ar n helicopter.
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what are you guys pro iran here ? oh, too soon? you guys are mourningtcher the butcher of baghdadof. >> me? so how do we know about errors ? they were corrected in plain haew, or else we likelainviey wouldn't have noticed. >> which made me think when someone offers you something mad that you didn't ask for, like leaking both these errors and the corrections you've got to ask yourself what's really going on? could it be that we're seeing a shifngt realization, perhaps, that something's up and it might be joe's number? because something here smells fs fishy or thahen joy baker's nylons after a two mile walk in august. let's examine evidence. america, you laughed at it. >> now, in case you missed it.if his speech. if you missed his speechou did,t
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worry if you did, because so did joe. so j of the flubs the white house corrected. >> when i was president, things were kind of bad duringg th the pandemic. tru i'm humbled to receive this organization that truly inspires and saved millions of families $18,000 and $8,000 a year in premium for crackingrp down on corporate landlords who keep rents down. the mortalitg renty rate for black moms, who are nearly 3 three times more likely to die. donald trump has said if he loses morie again in novembee there will be, quote, bloodshed . >> spirit endures. what the ? >> so among biden's gaffes wasmh the claim that the end double a c spirit endures, not the end . maybe he's afraid if he says p, he'll actually it. >> the naacp is actually the national of ambulance compliance, a number that i'm sure jill has on her speed dia
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dial. biden also to have been vpg vp during the pandemic. joe, you missed it dur by aboutr four years. and how could you do that and still pretenand were a professor and a truck driver? has he bragged winning an oscar for barbie yet? and he said he saved familieseah $800,000 a year each in insurance premiums. if you do the math, he was off only by about $800,000. s and then there was this one where he called the january six rioter fors, called the isse . capitol hill patriotriots.s. >> maybe he was thinking of his son. remember, fellows, if you're an ,it's for more than 4 hours.4 hr contact your doctor. ust th >> wasn't just there that joe was a match. here he is on tuesday duringer a different speech. >> and because of this., afterhe i signed the packet packet lock act into law, you know, maybe
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you shouldn't close with that. >> you know, if you're going to sum something up, make sure it's words. then it gets really weird? >> i said, every young man can o get married, marry in a family of five or more daughters. i did my wife's oldest of five sisters. you know why one of thoseys lov always love you? >>no not the same one that marry into a family with fiveat daughters. what could be the reason could?g so you have a 20% chance during the week someone will bangomebol >> clearly gave the same advicei to a hunter. ce who else looks at his brother's widow and says, i'm going to hit that.d you can't even find stories like that in old penthouse forum. believe me, i looks and. >> whoa what was hunter's pick up line? you know all this talk about the hereafteall thisr. >> makes me wonder. are you here after?
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it's, but it's not like joe suddenly got. he's been this way a while. there's an old but awesome making the rounds again with cbsn's margaret brennan asking a video of biden is realf or a. >> i watch bid. >> yeah. so here's president biden. all right. that's what i'm going to ask you abou wham go yout. t. you can't be pro insurrection and pro-cop. t beectionyou can't be pro insun and pro-democracy. you can't be pro insurrectioe pn and pro-american. donald trump lack the courage to act the brave women and men in blue all across this shouldha never forget that. >> so what did you thinkt.nk a of this one? he didn't blink. not at all. right. so that suggests it's fake. s one's actually real. yeah, it's. they actually real. it's as if they've never seen a a creature having a staring contes nighth death. that's going to give me nightmares. i hope my screams won't wake kudlow. screeat's really going on asid
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,watching the leader of the free world turn into a wax museum, dummy. thise free turn might be a cluel in april, donald trump beat biden for the first time in fundraisingp wa. t time and there are reasons for this. among them, of course, the alvin bragg trial, which the public knows is about as legit as a leah thomas swim trophy. but as the polls shift to trump and biden continues to ossif th >> don't you get the sneaking suspicion we're not the only ones noticing wert in e age issue is is suffocating him and he needs to bring up that he's only four years older and he's gotese only turn it ar. i need to quit arguing and complaining. >> the times covered his ageste and opponent is so good that that's a waste of timeofe do. t. >> don't do that.>> he gets like that until you feed him mic he thate. i love. ag >> he says. it's the age issue that's suffocating him, not im actual age. dude, life is suffocating him. he has a harder time breathing than alvin bragg carrying a pizza up a flighg ant stairs.b
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so maybe there's a reason dempster staffers are suddenlye pointing out that their candidate is done,idate is thats time to gently shuffle them off the stage. because why else woulduse why es issue nine corrections that nobody asked for? maybe because the speech was foe followed the next day by this man is working around the clock to free the man hostages, just w as we have freed hostages already. and here fr the today's hersh goldberg polling is still he is not here with us, but he's the y hamas. eld >> what the guy he was talkingsn about, joe, thought was in the a crowd at the rose garden. but he's a hostage in gazae. >> no. so what does it take to get the dems and the media to do the right thing? let's ask joe himselthe righf. . >> no, no, no. come on.e on m and i knew that guany wasn't there at the olive garden. >> i mean, i just wanted there in spirit. you know, sometimes if somebody can't be theremetimes ,
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>> they're there in spirit. right. i talk to spirits all th e like cornguys in the old days, corn pop. e mi i mean, he might not be there, but he's there in spirit t, right yeah, i mean, i. i got visited last christmas. eve by three spirits. >> i woke up in the morningin and there was a kid. i saidres, go self a turkey. >> keep the change. that's a true story. ge stothat's no joke. >> i was in arabia. i got. i found a lamp and gave it a rub and a spirit came out,'t offered me three wishes. >> i have to thinkn have about . >> i said dollars, dollars, dollars. just make sure i'm lost. let's work. nd appla yes. hey lives on a farm. and guys, liberals are fox news contributor charlie herd. he went straight b in the movies dumb and dumber. and also last weekend in my placte hosed down the harlan highway podcast on youtube. iamsyeah, like an iranian
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helicopter. she's down to earth. "new york times" bestselling author and fox news contributor catch it right at his closet full of mothra. the times bestselling author, comedian. my . you don't deserve that audience. charlie. all t. h >> does it appear that his side is now acting unilaterally, i wl kind of push him off the stage? i wouldn't have even known about that. ha tspeechspeech. you >> i'm not the audience. but, you know. well, whether they're trying to push him off or not, o they definitely now realize it to a code brown moment for them. they have a real problem for thd on hands. and but i love that the white house is still tryinve theg to,, correct the stuff that he says
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in his speeches, includingn his doing the original version text of the of the transcriptt ofctio actually spelled the word, kissed with an eye 2 hourss that all the other words that he's made, do they spell them out? it makes no sense. but what i think is going goe is that they are they wanted us to notice that they went and made the non corrections because they want this to be that.o he's jusbet, you know, a font i of malapropisms, that he's just a guy that says craz ay stuffas and that has nothing to do with the problem. >> the problem d is? >> he's fried. yeah, he doesn't. and the thing about the hamas about the hostage is that's the problem. we that' with them, not the misspeaking. >> yeah. in fact, it just the the sound harland, like i was we weree laughing about the words, in but man, the syntax and the slurring. >> i mean, he like. >> you mean that on a friday night? no. oint mean this guy is at this pointeh creating his own language. it sounds likeage it i mean, thg
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african bushmen over there going like they don't even known what he's talking about. >> and do you remember when they initially started selling this as a stutter? yes. can you imagine if he actually did have a stutter and we had h to hear this four times in aad row. w i mean, this guy better not win the or i'm leaving. but here's the thing. you know, here's what scares mew the most. >> like he doesn't know where he is. he wears these mirrored sunglasseshe wears. so you got to know he's seeing his own reflection and he's probably like, heyown refl who let orville redenbacher? >> and it's you. >> it's you. unreal. yeah, it's crazy. yeah. fat cat. what do you make of the. y fl that this stuff just kind of easily flowed out there? ere.yeah. i don't even understand>> how we're calling these corrections. i dand how weright. like, they crossed out pandemic and put recession, which makes
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it accurate. but that doesn't mean that'san what he meant. >> yeah. like, who knows what he meant and? what would it look like? are they going to just start doing this likk likee thee done that? like when he said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. d s unclright. they could have just added my uncle out of the word. not. yeah. ce >> he was not in awe when he said he had cancer. yeah, but the word no. in front of cancer. no, no. he actually meant to say i. >> no idea. you. >> who knows that? that's what he meant. yeah, that's true. a correction does nothing t to affect the actual meat of thi s being tyrus. what do you think? am i being too conspiracy oriented? here. we're all making the same mistake. we'rmick wle all watching this car accident going and >> the democrats are not always going to see beau biden. he's fin e. >> sarah palin, he hase. swallowed. dummie >> oh, yeah, i know.'m yeah. the crash test dummies like i'm not getting the with this guy. >> but what we're missing is tha not g this [ bt they're fine with it.t
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they're so fine with it. they're literally like, oh, he meant to say this, you can say this. you mean to this perfect example, bill maher said when h he was on the view that he looked like a cadaver. right. its onm pretty that's pretty p to hear. someone tells you you look like a cadavewhich is r. >> that means you look dead. it's not. yeah, i'd be. yeah. i don't care who you are. even if you're dead, you pay e who enre deae to make you loo. so. did they come to visit you? but she fired back. well, his brain stilthey firl gr >> so the democrats don't care. we care. we car the house on fire and wee screaming buckets of water. and they're sitting indianindian style with their marshmallows styl. to chnk it's fine so it's not going to change. he's literally he might go upan to debate and literally just stare and drool. std drool h, which is why i thik he wants the debates to be so early becaus e. he wants them to be as far awayh from the election as possible, as people forget right now that they'll be they're letting
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debathey're lettinhey are g himk freely now. so when he says debate, they'll be like, let's watch the tape, mr. president. there'll be no debate. i think when they do the just prop him up a little. they should hang his degree from dry on the back wall.r li yes. and have a list of all the people's lives he savel thd as a lifeguard. yes. so remember, even whenre he wasn't a lifeguarmembd, he s eight people from drowning. just very casual. asual.i mean, i'm not to brag, i brag about that every time you meet me. no matter what conversation we ha dd, it would end with, you know, i saved eight people from drowning. >> well, now they're drowning in lies, you know?m to and if you get him to upset, he's going to give you the what for? he's going to say, don't. giveo >> yeah. all right. up next, a totaldon't. joke. who pretended to be broke? >> his phony allergies don't have to be scary. it's great. flonase sent him his daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a century mist flonase
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oh, i'm so rich but i tell everybody up homeless. >> i'm oh s, poor baby. her sob story imploded when we learned and daddy are loaded.n y i speak of 19 year old student at upenn named ileana atienza, who was kicked off campus for participating in an anti-israel in mit. weird, right? most colleges these days give protesters a scholarship and a hamas travel mug, shequirr told the philly inquirer. >> the suspension made her homeless because her family lives in the philippines. the the biggest stretch since lizzo wore yoga pants. >> her fans are yoga pants because as the washington free beacon in coverage, she's actuallys super rich. her dad is one of the philippines most popular talk hosts. aside from me, of course, over
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s there they refer to me as that tall guy. her grandfather's a politician who served as deputy speaker, cn the country's house of representatives. he's sort of like our old speake who wasser of the house. >> only his face still works. and mother is a upenn grad who served as the president of several international schools. e wonder how she got in. translation there is loaded as alec baldwin's gun. >> the family's made no secret about posting about their wealth on social media. caviaralthn on first class flig, lavish trips abroad. they can even afford to fly day on planes where the doors stay on how kid herself even postedde about a trip to antarctica. we'rpostede the only homeless people there are the penguins. ths a rich kid endup of crying, poor and lying about her background? wellg poor, speaks to the entitt rage of young, attention seeking, affluen entitlet classg they have everything they could want, so they have to pretend.
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they're victims. it's the one thing they can't buy. it's onyx. theistory they're pretending to be a victim for attention and adulation. proteca lot like when kudlow prs to drown. so i give him cpr and i fall for it every time. haaland. haaland. is this amazing?ably >> her parents. they're probably going like we pay. so they're they're probably grad paying 100 grand a year. >> and this is what she's doing . well, here's here's the kicker with her, right? neve itrobably never roughedbl out. she's out living on the street in a tent somewhere. somes. to and they just kind of rub it in. i went on ebay last weekn and c bought a black bear costume for 320 dollar fors. later tonight, i'm going to crawl down the sidewalk and justi come here and scareo the living. >> why did i thinkattend that? yeah, that would be a great thing for the show to do. but i'm lazything e show. let's be honest, greg, you in a little bear outfit and,
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you're going to get picked up in. and then i got to come down, get you in the car. were they scared of mein? >> yes, boss. they were scared of you. what if this was it? i mean, not to say to sa daughter would ever do this, but what if your daughter. they would. my kids mighrever dt. i did stupid stuff. i join the nation of islam, you know, after i saw the movie and then i read and. >> then i watched the whole movie, i'm like, omovie.h, but g think we're missing the point here. she's i'm homeless now because she knows she's got old school parents. they're rich. she's not there. she's not in any of their fancy travels, you see. so she's got to now call mom and dad and say, i've been d expelled from school. and if they're old school parents, then be like, well, i guesre old-ss going to figurem and now she's going through some hard times. but agaitimes otn or not, they e moved to somewhere else. the good news is her parents have money. akin so worst case scenario is she's going to take a private jet home for the summee forr, you k,
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so but no one feels sorry, but this is you're exactly thisn is that virtue is singling victimhood that everyone loves. but maybe the parents are old school and they're like, yep, you. so now in the philippines, they probably are. they are. i know look, i know nothing about the philippines, kat. i can' tt stress that enough. i did not go there foro a summr and make a movie. >> kat it is kind of a. microcosm, the current state a of the protests. there's a lot of well-off parent lotparents with, and man outside the country. they're like thousands of these studentsents are paying full tuition. >> people don't talk about that. they're the ones funnelingey ars or funding this pic, whatever word. >> yeah, i actually don't think there's a lot of students whose parents are this well-off. thiss h, i read about this and it's a level of wealth i didn't even know existed. >> likwealth ie her dad has a de egg collection. not just one, right? there's rich. there's dinosaur egg rich, and and there's dinosaur egg collection. rick, i didn't even knowr e dinosaur eggs were available
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for purchase one. pu? sn't he scared >> one? isn't he scared that they might hatch? apparently not. of all the money he had. i mean, look, i'm sure. re you're 90 and you've never had a problem in your whole life, and all of a sudden you don't have youeverhad le know you're y of your housing and you don't have family here. >> but manin, that is like rich doesn't even begin to cover it. eve >> yeah, i've never even hearddy of anybody this rich. thisrnow what it is, dinosau eggs are the cocaine of the philippines. >> rarreg: dinosaur ege, rare, r egg. you know what? that's when you know you have mc too much money, you don't spend it on coke. you spend it on eggs for the second time. >> i have this. i got i got to ask, what are you going to lay it? oh, great.ft after weer w get done breeding, you're not going to like it like dinosaur eggs. okay? and justt. go mcdonald's and geo an egg mcmuffin. >> and what's with these people? mcmcmuffin, that's a lot of egg
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right there. okay that could feed an entire.g >> yeah, i could feee.d friehomeless friends. >> yo, charlie, here's the thing. it feels like we're indulgingd a certain class, and i'm going willy intod and sa believing that victim is a proper identit iy. >> it's like we're creating the the real housewives of hamas. yeah thel, why would. i mean, why wouldn't you want to be a victim? thinouslvictimy, it is the most celebrated thing. >> and this is allg the product of rich girls who have never had work for anything. and they wind up in college and they come up with all these grievances. they've never even thought about it, never thought through any of they don't know. ything a >> and the worst of all is, i mean, if i get separated college at this age, how much fun would that be? th, you slumknow with friends. >> it would be fantastic. you know, she's got two credit cards in her wallet that that. and she could just go and find g a hotel. she was in a hotel that night.uu oh, yeah. oh, without a doubt.
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oh, without a doubt. all right. >> up next, illegals turn to fake crimes in desperate to fake crimes in desperate time you know, i spend a lot of tim e you know, i spend a lot of tim e thinking about her at threes. in the morning, any time of day . what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soils u from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. everybody should have it. it worked great fot dirt. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that itlaugs really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd]. huge turner. i'm proud of it. we had to take our old gas heating and radiant heat. that was a really, really huge project. who has the time. as a toddler. mom, i do not. i was so overwhelmed. so i started contacting people often and to be able to see contractors that are licensed and real people refused work with people that obviously knew what they were doing. it was a game changer.
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policy with no medical exam and same coverage visits like .com. >> we shop, you save a story in five words illegals paid to be ra abs. all right, tyrus, this is amazing. 60x people have been charged in a chicago based fraud scheme that staged armed robberies, where participants paid to pretend to be victims in order to apply for visas intended fory fo genuine crimevm victims. so they staged. and so they would get and they would again cut in line. >p >> yes. well, apparently in other countries no one stands lin in line. yeah, that's an american thing. and they're not having ie nt ita with the energy it takes to payo the cartel to get your cross, then find person to set up fake beatings. fake one of them accidentally shot somebody.
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hey, you accidentally shoot somebody . tid the time it took to fill out the paperwork, mail itship in to get actual citizenship seems a lot easier and less dangerous than staging brutal assaults for a visa when you could have just filled out the paperwork. yeah. from where you were at and went through immigration, the rightto way. it just seems like the roadad to get citizenshipn they is ridiculous when you're doing it wrong and it never workoingsd >> so why not take that same energy and intellect to just fill out the paperwork? >> also carry what do they get g the money to pay forreg: ad the robberies and what stuff is being robbed? these people are not. bee guys weres i in total hardship. >> well, they're terrible with money. yeah. you like. you just get robt get robbed for free. that's true. why are you paying to rob you then? the cost of what they steal for. >> the wy you pay for it is from whatever they then
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steal. >> exactly. i meane, and that's chicago, w right? why does this keep happeninghy here? it's very jussie smollett. it didn't work last time hav but yeah i mean paying they have enough money to be paid to then be robbed and then they got caught. >> yeah. wolf with. it's weird. it's like it's, it's a crime. >> a crime. they break in and then they and then they then create a hoax. it's almost likeen l they're learning froearnm ameri. hey, if you want to be if you want to get ahead, pretend you're a victim, creatife a hoax ,everything, everything they know about america, amerm jussiero know ab smollett. >> yeah. no, no. everything is wrong about thcile same, including the fact that usually if you're going to seelyseekk, you seek asylum m out of the country, you just got mistreated. but of course, that's not everything about. our immigration system under joe biden is so twisted wis well, te incentive you know, they say, you know, don't come to the country, but if you come to the countryy, we'll you in a hotel room for
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free at taxpayer expense, for an w unlimited amount of time. w and whether it's paying for people's education , whatever itn as is, they they put all the incentives in are designedn to to help them and hurt the country. >> mm-hmp themm. haaland in the green room, you said you would be happy to be there out of them.for fr well, yes. my god. >> it's for free. what? no, no. i find.>> i fin it interesting , you know, illegals used to come across border and at leastd make they'd make a humble attempt, you know, wait outside homed depot or something and try to make money. so, you knowake mone, they theyt into the cow coming across the border illegally to at least tr ly and fy and find work.l >> now, they're going to come across looking for acting classes. you knowsing classe, that's likt of work. >> actors like. welcome to meryl streep's hold up class. >> you know what i mean? it's just like, that's ridiculous the lengths they're gone to now. yeah, it's crazy. they're going to end up scientologists. >> oh, yeah. when that be great. yeah. yeahdn't tha. >> science. i love science, but a legal
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marine biologist running aroundg . it's jusisning arot what we nee. >> except robby fish stars everywhere. all right, we got to move on. take stock of your love for classic rock. >> they were among the toughest, most dedicated woman. this country has ever seen. and maybe the greatest of them all was a former marsh bat three in the midst of violence and prejudice, greaves is committed to justice no matter the cost. i'm looking for men who are willing to fight for justice, civil rights for all. >> and his legacy lives on in every marshal who wears the badge today this is outlaws and lawmen on fox nation.if you >> i'm jonathan larson, here 'rto tell you about life
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ifif you're out. then it comes on like placeagles i don't listen to on my own, but if it plays in au wo public place, you think i listen to it every dayul when i wake up? yeah, exactly. it's kind of like when you hear d know whennyr you're robbing a liquor store and you're victim and you look at each other and you go, yeah, i like this song before you blow their out. that's exactly what i meant. yeah. harlan, i have a problema with the title classicproble rol because as we get older, classic rock stays the same. sharethe saso in the 9090s, len and the eagles were classic. s that's 20 years ago. now it's 2024. we're almost 45 years. but they don't say duran duran or soundgarden as classic rock. but that's like 20 years ago. crock butdo you follow this lo? >> yeah, and i think we all and based on that logic, we get to start changing the names of these old bands like rolling should be the rolling kidney stone, pink floytoned, just chae it to rosetta.
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how about, you know, who's some of the other ones are? neilt whe some young? w how about we call that guy neil old? he looks like a demented that gre that just wandered out of a gourd path. >> i mean, i watching tvhing the other day, i thought i was watching wizard of oz. >> that scen of oze, the scarecw comes to life and starts swiveling down the yellow brick road. >> it was iggy pop with the fise shirt off. what i we got to what is with hip-hop?p okay, that's not fair.the le i think he was born that way. he's had leather skin to wear, l like someone who lived in florida their whole life on the beach down here. >> it makes sense. >> you know, the leather skin, but don't look like you just got hit by a van singing songscd like candy, thinking everyone's delicious treat by a guy who clearly boiled himself in hot water and candy. it looks like he's having a diabetic lik said about that, just squirming around like dolly parton without, i guess, don't he? looks like his skin's getting ready to be treated for anke hie
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alligator in the suit. yeah. no, he does. he does. you know, charlie, he scales charlie. >> the the classic rock like you didn't it didn't matter about the lyrics like smoke on the water. amazing riff. i didn't even know what that was about.e wate >> turns out it was about smoke on the water. yeah. sounds like a bong. >> yeah. no, but in a lot of cases, the lyrics make it bette dr. but i agree. obviously the music, you know. but it totally unifies a the country and we should all gather around classic rock. cl and i think the reason is because like even the britis h that are you know led zeppelin you know they were welcomed you know, as like among american teenagers as own because they were like true rebels unlike, like kids today who are the opposite of rebels back rebel is really they look like even skynyrd looks like a scary guys. yeah, really scary. they look like hippies looking.
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>> they're not they're not really hippies. yeah, but they look like hippie, you know? piesit's funny. there was a people think t that there were like, all hippies were peacefuhe l. yeah, no, the bikers were. ty could altamont, tyrus you argue because we just heard charlie heard his whitd yoe mob that basically classic rock is a hellscape of entitled white men. >> and we could say this surveye is racis survet. yes, we could. if every rap song didn't samplef a song from classic rock. yeah. the problem is the reason why classithe prc rock doesn't b add anything to it, because it's classic rock. >> they were. they wrote it, they composed it, they sang itt, and every anybody in the industry stole it. >> like i wasn't wasn't into rock and roll that much. >> i was i grew up with rap music and all stuff. then i got got 4 on the like aru 40 i put in i think it waselin led zeppelin for the first time, and i was like, i know the worst. all is never heard it beforef because every one of my favorite rap songs stole from them. stols why it is alld jing the songs and jingles we hear
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today are stolen frolem the artists, and that's why songwriters get treated so terribly. raere'songwrittmens that great m classic rock where you take any number one rap song, you will find its roots will come from classic rock.l musi all music seems to come like classic rock is the bible. i meanc tassic ro, you're not ge a third testament added to it. and the factir that you say duri duran is classic rock, i should slap. >> no, no, i'm saying it's whyth aren't they? if you go by the agee age ri lie in the nineties, we said the seventies was classic rock. now you jump to 2024, but they should be adding more age. tobin's classical music. in yeah, but shouldn't you be adding more into classic rock? no, because nothing can fill k?e. it. if it could, it would. w if we had someone who showed upo who could do. classic rock right now write their own song composer on song, put it out. there it doesn't sound like everybody else they would be there. do you know that we don't allowo that? if you listen to a classic rock station, you will hear nirvanu listarock seca is make d because was it nirvana, cobain ,old? >> well, cold maybe.
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oh, but too soon, i think. >> did it and wow, wow in myas e story. >> but i feel like she did g all right. we got to move on. boy, this audienceottais audienr you dare make fun of kurt cobain or murderous man. up next, a spoon that's hard to fault if you happen to likeye to fault if you happen to likeye salt. a lot of new dry eye patientsed in mhay office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye bue of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears and again, but the relief is temporary. is temporary. vydra ca relief as hydra treats the signs and symptoms of drlury eye disease don't use ify you're allergic to xyrem, common side effects include or blurred vision when applied to the eye and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90 day prescription. preside right today. he doe these billsns are crazy.
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visit va, go forward slash oig forward slash hotline technology software hard data. let's experiment, honey, in the science corner tonightn on science corner, science in japan, they have them there. charlie. sorry to surpris charliee you. invented an electric spoon that zaps your tongue fl enhance the saltinesspoon of bland food. apparently, the goal is to give you the feeling of a salty hit without spiking your blood pressure. hhere's one of the patients that they tested it on. blah, blah, blah, blah. >> yeah, don't get too closedon to that thing. i ditod, harland. >> would you be comfortable using a rechargeable lithium battery spoon? >> i already kind of dabble in this because i like. dab
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i like to really taste my food, so i wear one of those zapping dog collars to barrel. >> yea weah, that's. >> do you do you actually eat a barrel? i love it. i it you know what's great about it? they have the rocking chairs out fron at and go and you eat e the food and it fills up with so much gas you cand an sit on the rocking chairs and rock for half an hour without your feet ever touchinirn rockg the ground because you're . so you ask. i know, i know. and i'm glad i did that. did charlie. they also developed a likable tv screey:n. oh, yeah. is that awesome? what do you make of this? what you were saying?? the break? yeah. the japanese are very a very weirt jad people. >> i didn't say that, but was. that the same way you said? all nt to punch the he out of al of you? yeah, okay. well, i don't always get this the immistuff. that's usually the name of the
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show. i'm going to lick your tv g right ouoing tt. it's almost like he's making it up. yeah, it's almost like he', is trying to win the . >> t this thing is so stupid. >> it's like the electric fork. it's just. it makes no sensupid like. >> you know? salt is good. we'd all die without salt. salt is good for you.>> gar >> you obviously work for the salt industrky, paris. giv >> gutfeld if okay, and i don't give it at this point, i'm tired. >> if this was so great, thenoi. why is it on chopsticks? the japanese use cuts. >> yeah, they do. what? that's why you hat e them. okay. it makes sense. they do? yes. they use chopsticks. i went to japa andn and yeah, i think i wrestled there like seven times and i was always like, can i havet seves an a sp. which i'm sure at the chinese restaurants you. oh because the chinese and japanese you don't think
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they you can tell them apart when you're in the same room. >> weltur il well i know but ye, no it's true. a lot of people think that you >>t with a knife and a fork. >> yeah, yeah. charlie, you're the best. i'm just goingter] to stay. cha. you're the best. >> he didn't know that, correct? the japanese, the asian cultures used chopsticks>> he d you know, i forgot. >> but now i know that you're. you're as thin as a chopstick. how's that for a transition? and that's a transition that's hasn't harmed childrens . >> kat, who do you think makes the chopsticks good who makes the children? children chopping little stick s ? >> who will save the children? kat who will save them? don't k hmm.ou i don't knowt this about this vo because i feel like i know that, you know, eating too much salt is bad for you, but i feel like what might also be bad for you, it would be too muche your electrocuting yourself in the face. >> yessee face. ha >> like, was there been
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research done on prolonged electrocuting yourself in theelr face? yes. and we have to understand human nature. how longocution to face? beforeo some guys ask the oh, talk to anybody, the electrictalk toothbrush in history. they'll tello an you. they'll tell you stories. you can read a mile of reddit responses to this story and not a single person would go thereu except greg gutfeld. >> i want to know what happensho if one of those kids with thee train track metal braces ultimately their head would just blow up. they look like they live liker the ghostwriter out of panda express for the nighout att. well, we'll be back. well, we'll be back. >> i thought water would help with this response. that's as law >> scott's health plus will cure its long diseasen ben going around so like other people have it and it's not pick up a bag of the new scott
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>> this wednesday on fox. well, well, what to head back? oh, come down or come back. take me lucky run, boy. that's how we go. great shot. 5 p.m.. surprise, surprise. one, two, three. singing. come over party crashing. what if it was all back? and on the whole lot? who will fill the role of ebrahim raisi? the white house concurred that there is no cause for why the court system can be israel . testimony is open. we could have a sometime late next week. show.on fox news channel "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham >> laura: good evening,"the


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