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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> brian: guys, come on over. great job. the navy wins. the navy won anyway. you were pumped up. what is your name? >> this is speed and power, yes, sir. >> brian: congratulations. thank for all you do. >> steve: are you having a good time in new york? come back tomorrow, flo rider is going to be singing and we'll have breakfast. >> ainsley: in defense of the marines, is that fair? >> thanks so much, everybody. >>ey: thank you. ♪ >> i may have brought
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embarrassment to them by my actions and my statements is -- it's something i'm very ashamed of. i can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. >> dana: former top advisor to fauci. shady emails sent during the height of the pandemic. do his answers pass the smell test? bill is off today and i'm with my friend, martha. >> martha: i'm doing well on thursday morning. "america's newsroom." put the toothpaste back in the tube. he is right. he can't do that after what has come out in these incredible emails. they were embarrassing to say the left but maddening and we'll get into that. and potentially dangerous. dr. morens has a lot to answer for. they appear to show him bending over backwards to hide messages surrounding covid, the origins, eco health, all this from the
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public. >> dana: he talks about hiding smoking guns, deleting emails and using a personal address instead of a government one. a no no. he says he was joking but congress isn't buying it. >> you will joke about back channels to fauci and misspellings on queries, that's a joke, not very funny to me. >> i would have to see this communication. it is confusing to me. i could walk into tony's office and talk to him any time i wanted. there is a mix-up somewhere. >> you deny it? >> yes. >> martha: congresswoman malliotakis serves on the committee. let's go to rich edson first with the report from washington. hi, rich. >> good morning. dr. david morens counseled contacts how to keep emails from the public and in early 2021 he
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writes i learned how to make emails disappeared if i'm foiaed. i deleted most of the early emails after sending them to gmail. foia or freedom of information act is the law that entitles the public to see their government's records. this and other emails from morens drew bipartisan criticism at this hearing. >> unintentionally or not did you conduct government business through your personal email account? >> some of the emails i've seen that you have provided look incriminating. i don't know remember them. but yes, it looks like i made a mistake on more than one occasion. it certainly wasn't my intention to do that. >> many of these emails regard controversial government contractor eco health alliance and its president, peter daszak. they spent government money on research in wuhan. in 2020 the trump administration terminated funding for eco health's coronavirus in
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china. morens wrote this is sent from my gmail amount and send all replies to g. mail. he said he thought he was consulting with daszak in his personal capacity. the department of health and human services can't quote on specific cases but our policy that all personnel conducting business for and on behalf of hhs refrain from using personal email accounts to conduct hhs business. hhs adds it is committed to the freedom of information act. martha and dana, back to you. >> martha: thank you very much. >> dana: want to bring in congresswoman malliotakis and a member of the covid origins subcommittee. he says i can hand it to tony at work or his house.
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he also said if i had to bet, i would guess that beneath tony's macho i'm not worried reaction he really is concerned. your takeaways from the testimony yesterday, congresswoman. >> he said it mims that it was incriminating and i believe that that is the case. he was using words in these emails like smoking gun and kickbacks. think about what he was trying to conceal from the public, from congress, from government agencies. so it is very concerning and we need to dig in more. reality is he was using his personal email for official business. that is a no no, as you said. but it is incriminating. he was advising eco health and advising dr. peter daszak and they were getting grants in exchange. >> martha: the underlying factor here is what was he trying to cover up? at that point we remember that
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dr. fauci was pouring cold water on any suggestion that there was any link to the wuhan virology lab, or that the gain-of-function research that had been funded in part by u.s. dollars through his agency was part of the origin of covid also. is there anything revealed in these emails about that specifically? >> supposedly he was deleting emails relating to the origins of covid, relating to work that eco health was doing at the wuhan lab. and so i think it does warrant further investigation because what was he hiding? we know he worked very diligently advocating on behalf of the eco health to get the funding over to wuhan. the gain of function -- there are a lot of questions we have here. the good news is that we'll have dr. fauci come before the committee when we return the first week of june. i think there is a lot of dots
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being made here. there is a reason why hhs is saying they're prohibiting peter daszak from receiving federal funds. long overdue and a result of our committee exposing this connection. i think there could have been something nefarious that took place and warrants further investigation. hhs is coming out now saying they're debarring peter daszak after they said they aren't allowing eco health to receive federal funds. where there is smoke there is fire and we need to continue to expose what is going on. we should point out that dr. morens is still receiving a government salary. we're still paying him upwards of $188,000 a year no longer performing the official duties. he needs to be fired and should no longer be receiving taxpayer money. this warrants i believe a criminal investigation by the d.o.j. >> dana: thank you for being with us this morning.
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it is good there is curiosity and we'll pay attention to june as that is certainly going to be an eye opening one as well. i want to play it for anybody who thinks that there is -- that this is just a partisan exercise. play this from the hearing. two democratic female lawmakers on their take at the hearing yesterday. >> i think your conduct shows a blatant disregard for accountability to the taxpayers who fund the work and quite frankly, it really is disturbing. >> your behavior, mishandling of federal records and disregard for transparency under foia are an affront to the taxpayers whose taxes fund this government and we're all accountable, including yourself. >> dana: there is not a lot of curiosity from the white house but at least on the hill on that bipartisan committee there is. >> martha: you remember the letters that came out with all of these scientists that had all agreed it was of natural origin
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at a point there was all kinds of evidence it could have come from the lab. devastating to people's lives still. still the impacts we feel from all of this. >> dana: i was on with a doctor last night he said the very thing. the chaos and all the mental effects from it, the education. you talk a lot about that as well not to mention the long-term health effects and the fact that china got away with it. that's all we have to say about it. there is a little more on this. watch here. >> the president has the authority to do something about this unilaterally. congress is a divided government right now. why isn't he doing anything? >> why should he have to do it unilaterally and not a legislative way? let's not forget that negligent -- wait. you are right. he took many executive actions before. in order to deal with what's happening at the border, in order to deal with a broken
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grecian system, you need law. >> talking to a lot of chinese and turkish people and fox news pressed the white house on biden's inaction there. you saw the cameras capturing the people coming now into mostly southern california. bill melugin is live there. this is the most concentration we're seeing on the border now is the entrance through california, bill, right? >> martha, it is. it is not slowing down. cbp sources tell us another 120 chinese national crossed illegally yesterday right here in the san diego sector and we were there to witness many of them. we'll get into this video. late yesterday afternoon here right where i'm standing, a mass illegal crossing through private property made up of predominantly chinese and turkish nationals. some of them carried their luggage. some talking on iphones. one guy spray himself with
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cologne as he was walking. we tried to chat with some of these people as they were walking in. some willing to talk. others had 0 interest in being on camera. take a listen. >> where are you from? >> china. >> china. >> china. india. >> where are you going? you're in america. what city? >> i don't know. >> you don't know. why did you come? >> where are you from, china? you guys from china? china? hello, what country, china? no? china? >> this ended up being a group of 100 illegal immigrants mainly made up of chinese and young men from turkey. a border patrol van was playing audio in mandarin giving instructions to the chinese. we talked to a turkish man who spoke english who said he sold
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everything he had to get here to the united states and he also expressed shock at how easy it was for them to walk across the border into the united states without any resistance and he said americans should be worried about who is coming into the country. take a listen. >> did you have to pay a cartel? >> yes. >> how much? >> $10,000. >> yes. >> american people is -- who coming to this country they don't know. i'm good. if they're not good, killer, psychopath. no check. no background check. >> no security or background check and worrying about who is crossing the border? >> yes, yes, yes. people are not normal. >> i asked that guy how he managed to get here to the san diego county border from turkey. he told me it was a 24-day journey. some of the places he traveled through included qatar, dubai,
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egypt, south africa and brazil before he even got to central america or mexico. we'll send it back to you. >> martha: wow. that's an incredible sound bite this individual crossing the border is concerned about the safety of the other people around him. he says i'm good but i'm worried. they are letting in everyone. country hop for 24 hours and you, too, can get in and benefit from crossing into america. incredible coverage, bill, thank you very much. wow. >> i'm not going to let these hateful anti-semites push me out of school because that's what they want. ucla needs to step up and keep their jewish students safe. it was a total disaster. >> dana: awaiting a house hearing on campus anti-semitism. the first time that schools like ucla are held accountable. we'll monitor that, and then there is this.
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>> martha: that is terrifying video from a campaign rally in mexico. a stage collapsed, killed at least five people. what caused it coming up. >> dana: new developments in the trial of a woman accused of hitting her boyfriend with her car and leaving him for dead. could timing on the google search end up swaying the jury? >> did you delete that search that you would be implicated if that search was found on your phone? >> i never would have left john o'keefe out in the cold to die because he was my friend that i loved. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪)
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-thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes.
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>> martha: at least nine people were killed after a stage collapsed at a campaign rally in mexico. the governor says at least 54 people were injured, many more could be trapped underthe stage. the presidential candidate hosting the event not injured. the stage crashed in seconds after being hit by a sudden wind. the gale came from thunderstorms pushing winds up to 30 miles-per-hour. >> dana: good reason we have delays, right? >> it is highly offensive when they try to implicate you slept with somebody the first day you met with them and i take exception to it. >> dana: a state senate panel is holding a hearing in allegations fani willis misused public funds. she kind of said she did. >> that georgia senate committee investigating fani willis is going to hear from a
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whistleblower this afternoon who worked for the fulton county d.a.'s office. she served as director of jove nile diversion programs. the d.a. demoted and eventually fired her. >> that termination came after she become a whistleblower and complained about the misuse of federal grant funds. >> the committee will recommend guidelines for oversight of prosecutors but doesn't have the power to remove will ills from office. on tuesday the fulton county d.a. celebrated her democratic primary victory as she seeks re-election. supporters attending the watch party former boyfriend nathan wade. in march wade resigned from his role as special prosecutor in the georgia election interference case against former president trump and several associates in order to satisfy a judge's order that the couple could not prosecute the case together. the defense is challenging the ruling saying willis, too, must go. the georgia court of appeals is
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expected to hear arguments between august of this year and march of 2025, further delaying the georgia trump trial. >> do you believe this case will ever go to trial? >> absolutely. this case is going the trial. >> before the election? >> the day of reckoning is coming. >> i don't believe it will go before the election. the court of appeals have a job to do. >> dana, in that msnbc interview wade also said he still speaks with willis every day except now instead of discussing business, they offer each other moral support. he says both are under a lot of pressure. back to you. >> dana: thank you, jonathan serrie. >> martha: emotional testimony yesterday in the murder trial of karen read. she is accused of running over her police officer boyfriend, john o'keefe, and leaving him to die. she says she was framed. her attorney grilled a key witness, jennifer mccabe, who --
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he argued mccabe was part of a cover-up and posted holes in mccabe's testimony including incriminating cell phone data. let's bring in attorney george price. i want to start by playing some of jennifer mccabe's testimony about internet searches and this search had to do with a search along the lines of how long does it take to die in the cold? watch this. >> you made that search at 6:23 a.m., correct? >> correct. >> you claim he searched it because karen was screaming at you. >> i did. >> why the searches? >> she was standing next to me screaming. we never got the chance to read it. 2:27 the second search. am. >> you made that search at 2:27 a.m. because you knew that john o'keefe was outside in your
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sister's lawn dying in the cold, didn't you? >> absolutely not. >> martha: the two sides, for those catching up here, the girlfriend, karen read, looped around and hit him with her car. that's what the prosecution is alleging here. the other side of the equation is that the people who were inside the house at a party did something to him, causing his death. in any event, they found him outside in the cold dead on the front lawn of this house. george, having followed this closely, where do you think this case is going and do you have thoughts on who is at fault here? >> my first thoughts about the search at 2:27 a.m. that's a really, really bad day for the prosecution. not only do you have the witness testifying that she didn't make that search but she is also testifying she didn't delete
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that search. there is strong forensic evidence that both of those things actually occurred. in the world of csi today, that everybody watches. the data doesn't lie. so if prosecutors can overcome that they have a problem with finding her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. wearing my lawyer hat i have to say the idea that police officers from three different police departments from boston police department, and the massachusetts state police engaged in a massive con spur tee to cover up a murder i find absurd. i don't see that ever happening here in massachusetts. >> martha: let's pull up the evidence that is stacking up against karen read. the timeline of the case. it all happened in the first several months of 2022 appeared
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brings us to the trial which began april 16th. here is the summation of the evidence against karen read, the girlfriend. paramedic testified read said i hit him, i hit him, i hit him. she says she did not say that. the back of her s.u.v. had scratches, chipped paint, dent and shattered taillight. they are claiming nothing could have happened to him in a scuffle or disagreement with the people inside the house because he never made it in there. the evidence supporting read's claims, the sister-in-law jennifer mccabe searched on google how long to die in the cold. hours before o'keefe's body was found. the 2:27 call. the can ton police used red plastic solo cops and stop and
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shop paper bag to collect evidence and a piece of the taillight was found outside the home six days after the search was made. how was her car damaged if she didn't hit someone that night? what do you think? >> so i would actually think even more about it as far as the forensics on the body go. if you look at the autopsy in the case there were no bumper or tire marks, no fibers of clothing found underneath the vehicle. nothing else you would normally see in a motor vehicle homicide like that. how her taillight ended up broken, there is evidence out there apparently in a video it was not broken at the time she went to o'keefe's house for the first time in the middle of the night looking for him. so there is -- for every piece of evidence in favor of convicting her, there is another piece of evidence against that. remember the court and the
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defense here only needs one juror only to hang this jury and to find there is reasonable doubt. and that they haven't proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt. one more comment, i hit him, i hit im. there are many other statements made by karen read. one made to a canton police officer that morning that i did this. who says i did this when i didn't do this? there are not a lot of statements against her interest, which she made to different law enforcement and medical personnel along the way. so those are the things that are hurting her, but the idea that this massive conspiracy took place seems ludicrous to me. the other piece that is problematic and i think about this all the time. where is the other victim? when i say the other victim. john o'keefe was a boston police officer, 6'2, 220 pounds. if he was in a fight for his life in the middle of the house,
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where is the other guy or people who got beat up in the middle of that? no evidence of that. if the jurors think about this, they'll say to themselves where is the other person who he was fighting with? he should have been hurt. >> martha: it is a mysterious case. i'm fascinated by it. george, thank you very much. george price from boston. >> thank you. >> dana: americans in the heartland round after round of severe storms. a look at where the threat is moving today. burying the hatchet after a bruising primary battle nikki haley throws her support behind donald trump. will this move the needle? >> so i will be voting for trump. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena
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shredded. over 100,000 are without power in the region. dallas is also in store for severe weather. check this out here, download and stream fox weather to track the latest updates any time and anywhere. stay safe today. folks. >> i will be voting for trump. having said that, i stand by what i said in my suspension speech, trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me. and not assume that they are just going to be with him. >> martha: very interesting. she was the last rival of donald trump to drop out of the race for the republican nomination. now after months of speculation, about two months, she says she
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will vote for former president trump come november. joining us now fox news contributor guy benson, host of the guy benson show on fox news radio. so had some time to sleep on this. what do you think about this this morning, guy, as you look at it and what do you think would be wise moves next on the part of former president trump and nikki haley? >> i would just say i'm not surprised at all. i was kind of waiting for this announcement in some form from nikki haley. here is why. you are on that stage as the co-moderator when you asked the whole field will you ultimately support the nominee regardless? almost every hand went up saying yes. one of the hands was hers. a loyal republican. whatever people think of her she said she would support the eventual republican nominee for president and that's exactly what she has announced. some people are ascribing motives. maybe trying to get back into
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good graces and back in the picture for vp. this is something she was going to do because she pledged she would do it. in terms of the second question, i think she is right about trump. he needs the overwhelming majority of her supporters to come out for him in november. we've seen even after she dropped out for months a lot of republican voters in the primaries are loyal to her or at least casting votes of protest against him. i think reaching out maybe through her or just generally to that type of republican voter. they may feel like the minority in the party right now. those votes matter a lot come the fall. >> dana: we can illustrate that like you did with bret baier. these are the percentage of votes for haley in republican primary contests in some of the key states like georgia, arizona, wisconsin, pennsylvania. and other he over 10% in all. in arizona 17.8%. that makes your point. i was interested in looking at
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some of the left wing commentary who had this strange new respect for nikki haley but if she had become the nominee we know what they would be doing to her at this point. i was actually surprised by some of what i saw in terms of reaction from people saying that they were disappointed in her because she didn't stick to her guns and refuse to back him. did you see that? >> yeah, i saw some of the backlash. with the mainstream media, which, of course, not just leans left in some ways journalists are a vanguard of the left wing of the democratic party base, they love nothing more than a republican who criticizes other republicans and stands up truth to power all of that. country over party, all the things in the slogans they spout. then when someone ultimately reminds people i'm a republican or conservative for a reason they are like well, we don't like you anymore. that's predictable as a rising of the sun. she had criticism of trump when
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it was one-on-one and said tough things, he said tough things. that's how campaigns go. but the idea that she sold out by ultimately coming home to her own party and doing the thing -- whether you agree with her decision to make that pledge or not, she made a promise on national television in front of a lot of people she would support the republican ticket period. that's what she is doing. >> dana: great point to recall that great debate that martha and bret hosted. thank you, great to see you today. >> martha: thanks. >> dana: indiana beauty keen is now charged with helping mexican drug traffickers move huge amounts of cash. mike tobin in chicago with the latest. >> she had a big fall from her 2011 title ms. indiana to her current title defendant. indictment handed down said she used her position as a flight attendant and crew member badge to help a drug cartel member move cash, $310,000 moved to the southern u.s. and mexico.
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her sister worked in a lafayette, indiana bank and they are accused of laundering the drug money by swapping big bills for smaller ones in support of what federal agents are calling a drug trafficking organization or cartel. the indictment says that organization trafficked thousands of krill gram of cocaine. cocaine was moved by tractor trailer hidden in rolls of plastic, sometimes moved in private chartered airplanes. a twin jet seized by federal authorities in 2021. indictment states the cash went back to mexico with trucks, plane and the help of her on commercial flights. the head of the cartel has a number of nicknames. scrambler is one of them. he is a wanted man by the dea. last known location, mexico. we heard from the lawyer saying
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the allegations are five years old and suddenly dea agents arrested her after dropping her son off at school. they say the arrest was not necessary. >> dana: what a story, thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: i'm glad you are here for this. caitlin clark and indiana fever dropping a close one in seattle. here is what happened. >> kristy wallace, smith open for a moment. didn't get it to her. loose on the floor. clark has it. still loose, five seconds left and boston has it. the largest crowd ever to watch -- >> dana: the indiana fever fall to 0-five on the season. clark finished with 21 points, seven repounds and six assists. she played in new york last weekend and you heard from several people who went and said it was so fun.
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the crowd is popping. i would love to see her live. >> martha: she has done amazing things for women's basketball. a big transition to go from college to professional. she is an amazing player appeared brought so much to it. i can't think about basketball getting over the loss of the knicks to the rangers. we better tease new yorkers today. >> dana: here we go. >> martha: campus protests. the house is about to hold a live hearing where the public will hear from these public universities now forthe first time about their policies and negotiations with the protestors. plus -- passengers revealing what it was like to be on this flight when it plunged 6,000 feet in three minutes. can you imagine? >> dana: no.
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>> dana: fox news alert. right now the housed indication committee is holding a hearing on campus anti-semitism marking the first time public universities like ucla, rutgers and northwestern are represented as jewish students say they no longer feel safe at school. >> violence every day. i have seen chants of them in a circle chanting intifada. >> ucla administration isn't going to do anything or lapd isn't going to do anything we'll do something about it. >> i haven't seen schools making sure the students are heard super loud and super clear
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without feeling scared. >> dana: a recent rutgers graduate and so glad to have you here. a map here. this is colleges where anti-semitic protests have occurred. a pretty extensive map. ezra, for you in your experience at rutgers and rutgers leader will be on the hill today, what did you experience in the last few months? >> well, specifically with encampments and everything that's been going on regarding the palestinian versus israel situation, people who have been in these encampments have decided to take it more down the jewish route. they have gone totally against the jewish people. they have signs saying f the jews, signs saying death to jewish people, which is completely unrelated to what they are actually trying to protest. i'm a big fan of allowing people to express how they feel. everybody has the right to protest. once you take it to a religious thing and make it a matter of anti-semitism and not a matter of trying to resolve an issue
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that you are protesting for, it is unacceptable. >> dana: do you have a comment about northwestern's -- rut guerre's reaction? >> it's interesting. the encampments were going on for a few days and had signs there saying f the jews, death to jews, etc. only when the encampments impacted the finals of over 1,000 students is when they decided to shut it down. now, if they took action right away it wouldn't have gone to that. a combination of just being a little bit oblivious towards anti-semitism and taking it down for the wrong reasons are two things i'm referring to. >> dana: right now you see virginia foxx, congresswoman from north carolina, she is the chair of this committee and has been very strong and she said
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this. the committee has a clear message for mealy mouthed spineless college leaders. congress won't tolerate your dereliction of duty to your jewish students. you graduated. congratulations. are you worried about the students that will be coming up behind you? >> it is interesting. i have had a lot of positive jewish experiences on campus with the halo house and a lot of great times as a jewish student. unfortunately with what's going on in today's society and campuses across america, it is hard for me to confidently recommend rutgers or express excitement for the income freshmen and sophomores. so i think we're in a very difficult position right now. it is easily one of the top five highest jewish populations out of all colleges in america and very concerning that president holloway has done not much, only
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just released statement, brushed a lot of anti-semitism under the rug a little bit. so i think that it's very concerning for incoming students and i have family friends of mine who have kids who are considering sending them there but heavily considering other options because of such anti-semitic actions. >> dana: last quick question. you graduated. what is next for you? >> moving to chicago and working in supply chain management. it will be a cold winter but looking forward to getting started there. >> dana: a great city and we wish you the very best. your future is very bright. you have a fight on your hands and you are willing to stand up and we appreciate it. thank you, ezra. >> thank you so much. >> martha: we're on supreme court watch this morning. several potential rulings coming down the pike. the white house rolling out the welcome mat for the president of kenya today as president biden
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prepares to hold a rare bilateral press conference. that will be interesting at midday today. we'll be right back.
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experience. >> sheer terror and perhaps shock. it was awful. >> martha: passengers on singapore airlines flight hit by severe turbulence are describing their terrifying ordeal. the boeing plane was heading from london to singapore and plunged 6,000 feet in three minutes. 229 passengers and crew members were on board. one passenger died. the cause of his death is still being determined. the flight was diverted to thailand. >> dana: more trouble for diddy combs. he faces a new lawsuit by former model crystal mckinney claiming he drugged and sexually abused
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her in 2003. his old girlfriend is breaking her silence after a video shown assaulting her. >> they were in a decade-long relationship and breaking her silence this morning and asking people to believe victims the first time. the singer taking to instagram to write in part, i offer my hand to those that are still living in fear. over the weekend cnn obtained videos showing combs beating ventura in a los angeles hotel hallway. last fall she filed a federal lawsuit accusing him of years of rape and abuse. a day later the couple celtsed for an undisclosed sum. he released this apology on sunday. >> i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. >> her message on domestic
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violence comes as another lawsuit was filed this week in manhattan federal court. former model mckinney claims she had dinner with combs in 2003 and later on the same night was attacked in his recording studio after being pressured by him to smoke and drink. she said once she was intoxicated combs forced her to perform a sex act. she says she then lost consciousness before waking up in the back of a cab. the lawsuit is the latest in a strange of others accusing combs of sexual abuse. he has previously denied any wrongdoing. some new york city council members say combs's key to the city should be yanked. mayor adams said there is a panel working on recommendations. >> we never removed a key from anyone before. we want to make sure we do it right. now we'll set precedent. we want to make sure we do it right. >> combs has not responded to our request for comment on the latest lawsuit. >> thank you


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