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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> like she said, go for it. don't let any sort of doubt or fear or anything like that get in your way. the thought has ever crossed your mind, go with your gut feeling. the number of kids out there that need a forever home or just love. >> dana: luke, what are your big plans for the summer? >> well, i went out for football. i'm really excited about playing on the team because it's been a while since i was in sports. >> dana: you are a beautiful family and thank you so much. the kissinger family. >> thank you. >> martha: amazing. when he said i never thought forever was for me. >> dana: harris, over to you.
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>> harris: that's why i love them both. they are real, those two women. my co-workers. fox news alert. america's national security is underthreat and the current president's border crisis hags led an increasing number on the terror watch list. millions of unknown, unvetted border crossers, cartel driven fentanyl and underground network of sex trafficking. if our nation will stand, a chance at any point, then we have to stave off this wave of crime and peril. we need leadership who will lead. chuck schumer, the top democrat, is about to hold a test vote on the same border bill that failed earlier this year. it was created as a bipartisan bill but republicans are saying the effort is worse than doing nothing. they pressed the point it is all a political gimmick to boost vulnerable democrats in an election year. live from washington, d.c., in the battle to secure the border
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on this day, i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." for now a second time the legislation all but certain to fail. republican senator james langford who helped negotiate the original bill is now joining other gop senators who are against it. >> we wrote it to be a bill to try to actually solve the problem and say let's figure out what can be the solution. >> senator schumer and president biden think the american people are stupid. they think they can pull the wool over their eyes. >> in is a political stunt. you have chuck schumer doing this because they are hurting. they know that the open border is the number one issue with the american people. >> harris: we just saw senator marsha blackburn of the great state of tennessee on with me yesterday. she criticized president biden for not taking executive action to make america safe by handling
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the border disaster. here is reaction from the white house. >> why should he have to do it unilaterally? why shouldn't we do it in a legislative way? let's not forget. that -- wait. so you are right. he took many executive actions before. but in order to deal with what is happening at the border, you need legislation. you need it to happen in a bipartisan way. >> harris: in "focus" with me now in washington, d.c., republican of louisiana and speaker of the house mike johnson is here. so first of all let's start with what the president is feckless on now. first he says he doesn't have the power, then he does to secure the border. what's the truth and why won't he carry out action? >> the truth is very clear and he knows that. i have presented to him myself, harris, a list of at least eight statutory authorities he has had since the day he walked in the oval office. remember, we documented 64
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specific executive actions that president biden and his administrators including mayorkas who we had to impeach in the house they took actions by design. he has had executive authority every day to reverse what he has done but refuses to use it. >> harris: talk to me about the politics of the moment. i know you had your meeting at the white house. does the president seem to you to be up to speed on exactly what's happening at the border? >> i think he is in denial. i think that many in his party have demanded -- there is an open border informal caucus in the democratic party and they pushed this agenda. the reason is, harris, everybody asked me. i've been in 110 cities and 29 states in the last 5 1/2 months around the country campaigning with incumbents and candidates. everywhere i am no matter where in the country everybody says why would they do this? it is such a catastrophe for the country? why would the president allow
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this? they want to turn these people into voters and change the outcome of the census is six years. it sounds sinister and it is and they have exacted untold damage on the country. >> harris: what about the hr2 put in the senate last may? it has been there for more than a year now. what about that bill kept democrats from taking a peek? what is the truth about that? >> the truth is hr2 the squoosh the border act was the most stringent border security ever passed by congress. passed it through the house. sitting on chuck schumer's desk collecting dust. it would actually solve the problem and reinstate remain in mexico, the policy that president trump used to get control of this border. it would end the catch and release program. they have see these people at the border and turning them loose into the homeland and putting them on public assistance as they do that. it would fix the broken asylum
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process and fix the parole process. you do those things and you solve the crisis. the white house has no interest in doing that. >> harris: this bill doesn't do any of that. >> it is an immigration bill and codify some of the terrible decisions and policies that president enacted and why all the republicans are united against it. >> harris: one last one on this topic. i don't know when was the last time you were at the border? >> we went january 3, '64 house republicans. >> harris: you have been to 110 cities. how important is this issue for the november election? >> it is the number one issue. i don't think there has ever been an issue that polled as high as border. people are fed up. had enough. see what it is doing to our country. by our estimates it may be close to 17 million illegals coming across the border since joe biden took office. >> harris: your numbers seem to be a lot more aligned with what i've seen at the border. why is the administration's not
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there? >> we don't trust the numbers. they count encounters at the border. that doesn't account for all the gotaways. they have a number for that, i think it is underestimated. what no one talks about is the people who got through undetected without any evasion at all. >> harris: wow, all right. let's move to this. another politically charged showdown on immigration today. speaker, you are making moves on election integrity. a vote on a house republican bill to roll back a voting law in d.c. letting non-citizens vote to local elections. house democrat leadership is working hard to try to crush your efforts. it starts in d.c. what are you trying to do with this bill? >> the example a, right? d.c. city council decided they want illegals to vote in local elections and that's a real problem because all you have to do is reside in the district of columbia for 30 days and you can participate in the election. that means russian spies, chinese officials, it means enemies of freedom could help decide who the mayor is in d.c.
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and who the council is. that's right. >> harris: 30 days, yet when you come across the border, you can't get a court date even if you qualify for one, as an asylum seeker, for years. >> years. they give them a piece of paper and show up in new jersey in 2021. it's a joke. >> harris: would it change anything in the country in non-citizens could vote across the board? >> absolutely. let's take the dhs numbers, department of homeland security. 10 million illegals in the country let's say one out of 100 decide to sign up to vote. you can change the outcome of a presidential election, congressional races for certain. a real serious problems. >> harris: there are other states where their municipalities. california, maryland, vermont where you can vote in local elections. it is my understanding there is a federal law that non-citizens cannot vote at the federal level. what is your concern? that's been some of the pushback on your bill. >> a huge problem. we'll handle the d.c. issue
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because congress has jurisdiction over that. we have jurisdiction over federal elections across the country. if you show up at a welfare office where the administration is telling all the illegals to go to sign up for taxpayer benefits, when you are there in the local offices because of the voter law that are in the early 90s they give you a form to register to vote. one box someone checks saying i'm a u.s. citizen. yes. virtually every state you can sign up to vote by just checking that box. no way to prove citizenship because the law prohibits the states from requesting it. the save act we introduce after the memorial day holiday and get that passed and it will solve that problem on the federal election basis. we have to do that. we have a responsibility. >> harris: before i let you go a big day in washington particularly for you, speaker. four of your top aides announced within a 24 hour period are leaving the office and quitting and you have had the speakership for seven months now.
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166 days, yes, we're counting, until the november elections and your party is fighting to keep its shrinking majority in the house, four members. earlier you survived an effort to vacate the seat, greene came for you. how do you hang on? >> we do the job every day. we have the smallest margin in u.s. history. johnson has the toughest job since the civil war. one-vote margin is what we have. the four staffers that left out of 100. we have over 100 employees in the speaker's office. great folks and they committed to stay with us to six months to go through the transition. we changed speakers in the milts of a congress. not done before. they did their duty to the country and go with my blessing. great guys, great opportunities in the private sector. we'll be announcing their replacements in the next week and we move forward. this is a revolving door in
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congress. young staffers come and serve for a while and go. we'll have a great november. grow the majority. win the senate and white house as well. >> harris: do you think you'll be -- >> we have to keep the train on the tracks and i think we'll continue to do that. >> harris: i like how you broke a smile when they tell you how the odds are not since the civil war and you take that challenge. last quick word. >> we have to. look, this is a fateful moment for the country and provide leadership and show the american people what they're for. that is really important. >> harris: thank you so much for being with me today. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> harris: all right. we have some breaking news now. we want to listen to attorney general merrick garland talking about a lawsuit against a nation over -- live nation over monopolizing the live entertainment industry to determine the detriment of both concert-goers and artists with what is happening. >> it has also worked
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strategically and illegally to eliminate the threat of potential rivals from emerging across any of its businesses. as detailed in our complaint, live nation suffocates its competition from acquisitions of smaller, regional promoters and venues to threats and retaliation, to agreements with rivals designed to neutralize them. this has included acquiring key independent promotors even when the economics of a particular deal did not make sense for live nation's promotions business. for example, as recounted in our complaint live nation required a controlling stake in ac entertainment. independent promoter in tennessee. live nation's chief strategy officer assured executives that even though, quote, the numbers are not super exciting and this
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feels like more of a defensive move, the acquisition helped, quote, grow our moat in the nashville market. when faced with another potential competitor live nation took action to insure the competitor would not threaten its dominance in the live music industry. live nation initial nallly categorized the venue as one of its biggest competitor threats. over time, however, oak view and live nation went from competitors into partners. as detailed in our complaint, live nation executives repeatedly scolded oak view for trying to compete. in one instance in 2016, live nation's ceo warned oak view that competition would only lead to artists demanding more compensation. the live nation ceo emailed oak view writing let's make sure we don't let them now start playing
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us off, referring to a prominent artist agency. oak view backed down. in a similar instance in 2022, live nation ceo scolded oak view east ceo, who would be so stupid to do this and play into the artist's agents arms? oak view again backed down quote, we have never promoted without you. won't, said its ceo. later added, quote, i never want to be competitors, close quote. we also allege that live nation has repeatedly wielded its powers to keep its rivals from expanding in the u.s. concert promotions market through threats and retaliation. in 2021, live nation threatened to retaliate against private equity firm silver lake unless one of the portfolio companies
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stopped competed for artist promotion contracts in the united states. he told silver lake he failed to understand why silver lake continued to invest in a business that competes with live nation, close quote. the threats ultimately succeeded and silver lake has tried to sell tag all together. we allege that live nation does not maintain its dominance in the live entertainment industry by staying ahead of its competition on the merits. it does so by unlawfully eliminating its competition. we allege that live nation controls the live entertainment industry in the united states because it is breaking the law. i am grateful to the justice department's antitrust division for their excellent work on this case. the live entertainment industry is complex and well sourced. taking on this case has required
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persistence and diligence by the antitrust lawyers who are behind me today and by their team. i am proud to work with them. people always remember the first time that they were transformed by live music. i still remember as a senior in college going to a bonnie raitt concert and seeing an upand coming musician named bruce sprin springsteen. we all knew we had seen the future of rock-n-roll. the justice department filed this lawsuit on behalf of fans who should be able to go to concerts without a monopoly standing in their way. we have this lawsuit on behalf of artists should plan their tours around their fans and not be dictated by an unlawful monopoly. we have filed this lawsuit on behalf of the independent
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promoters and venues. >> harris: we wanted to show you live. speaker johnson was just sitting next to me moments ago and watched part of it together and he said this is the tip of the iceberg. the d.o.j. is suing live nation, the parent company of ticketmaster trying to break up an illegal monopoly by ticketmaster and live nation to drive up prices for concert fans and they just push out the competition so that you are paying so much more. first this really started to come into scope with some of the taylor swift concerts and you even heard some of her people including her taylor swift talking about what was going on. the importance of this, of course, is that they would break up this monopoly if they can do that and that would benefit fans across the world. we also learned that what got the party started was memories for a.g. garland was a personal note saying he loved to see
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seeing bonnie raitt and couldn't imagine this happening back then. they work on ticketmaster. when you google the concert isn't that the firstening? it will say sponsored at the top. it beaten out everybody on some search engines. we're dealing with that at the d.o.j. and we'll keep you posted. the national institutes of health director on capitol hill this morning is testifying and it comes one day after the covid select subcommittee revealed one of dr. fauci's top aides seemed to go to some great lengths to keep controversial covid era emails secret perhaps to protect fauci. 2 million people died from covid in the united states since january 2020. and from that former fauci aide yesterday it was a tone not appreciated. watch. >> you are going to joke about back channels to fauci and about
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misspellings on queries. that's a joke, not very funny to me. >> i would have to see this communication. it is confusing to me. i had -- i could walk into tony's office and talk to him any time i wanted. there is a mix-up somewhere. >> you deny it? >> yes. >> harris: rich edson has more from d.c. >> that is dr. david morens, a former top aide at the national institutes of health pushing contacts to use his permanent email address to -- they regard controversial eco health alliance and its president peter daszak. in april of 2021 morens wrote him i can either send stuff to tony or his private g-mail or hand it to him at his work at home. too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. there was no evidence released
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yesterday that fauci used personal email for official discussions. at this hearing, morens drew bipartisan criticism. >> it is government business if you are advising him and advocating on his behalf and editing letters he wanted to send to nih. you did that on personal email, correct? >> i don't remember. if i did i shouldn't have done that. that's wrong. >> he said he believed his emails with eco health alliance were personal. he wrote the because of death threats and general harassment of me and my boss, tony fauci, we have to keep communications like this on private email so it can't be retrieved via foia. the trump administration in 2020 terminated funding for the
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project in china. in response to morens's emails the department of health and human services can't report on specific cases. policy is employees conduct government business on government email. back to you, harris. >> harris: dr. marty makary is with me now. first of all, what do you make of the importance of this? >> well, we know there was a lot of activity talking about the lab origin, preparing for the pandemic not showing up in the emails released from dr. fauci. a giant void. it doesn't make sense. we know there was scrambling at the last minute, emergency meetings talking about the lab leak origin and nih funding. it is a black box and we know why. his right hand man was boasting about deleting emails and said at one point i learned how to make emails disappear from the media getting ahold of them through foia. i think now we're safe.
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safe from what is the obvious question? >> harris: safe from what? what would you be looking for based on what you suspected we should all be knowing about the origins of covid at the time? >> we know dr. francis collins, the former head of the nih, had one of the emails we did see is he has called for a so-called swift and devastating takedown of people who actually suggested this declaration saying keep the schools open, need to focus protection on the high-risk elderly. if they called for a swift and devastating takedown in one of the emails not deleted what else were they talking about? we know the article in the scientific journal that fauci paraded at the white house independent scientists say it didn't come from the lab. they told him they thought it came from the lab and when they submitted the article said this article was commissioned by dr.
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fauci and collins. >> harris: i want to talk about those early days and how some of this would have mattered. he is wearing a cloth mask now. we know that surgeons don't wear those. we know that now they didn't do anything. it was all for show. how sad is it that we were -- look, he is wearing another one. he was basically lying to us about what would keep us safe. what else don't we know about that period of time that maybe would have saved lives? >> look, we saw an era of medical dogma like we've never seen before. dishonest scientific declaration that natural immunity wasn't a thing. boosters benefited young healthy boy. schools had to be shut down. people are hungry for honesty and an apology. >> harris: i was studying months ago when this was now two or three years ago when this was going on and people criticized me in 1918 the largest school district in america never shut down and others on the eastern
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seaboard, too. they were figuring out some things in the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed 50 million people across the world that apparently we figured out but not told as a public by those what did you call them medical dogma. >> it loomed large. what we saw was and the apologists of dr. fauci and crew, they were making rapid decisions. they didn't have good information, no. in the summer of 2020 after covid hit this country, the data were overwhelming from europe that the schools were open free and clear without any increase in covid infection rate or hospitally scotians rates. chose to ignore that and cheered schools to be shut for another year. why are we talking about? the most avoidable pandemic in human history. >> harris: some of these people still have power. i can't imagine that the biden administration wouldn't listen to dr. fauci if it were -- if he
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were called up again. that's the problem. it's a web of connections whether he is holding the actual office again. >> look, after a year of covid screw-ups by dr. fauci and collins and crew, shutting out doctors who said we have a different idea, fauci got promoted as chief medical advisor and collins got promoted up. after these mistakes they got promoted up. they are still parading around. i saw dr. fauci get a standing ovation. >> harris: and men from that retirement. they never had to disclose money from pharma. that's bizarre. they are in public positions. >> harris: it is always great to talk with you. and i don't get to see you in person very often. this is a blessing. dr. makary, thank you. former 2024 contender nikki haley has extended an olive branch and did what she said she would do. she backed the republican
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candidate who she thinks will be donald trump hands down and she will vote for him. what she says about the biden presidency you ought to listen to for sure. plus former president trump is getting ready to rally in the south bronx today. that is the nation's poorest economically poorest district. district 14. a new poll shows president biden's lead is slipping to single digits now in very deep blue deliciously cobalt blue new york. very democrat ahead of the big rematch. bronx voters say they are ready for trump's visit. >> i think that's amazing. i think it is epic. >> the best thing ever. >> will you go? >> yeah. >> how will he be received here? >> open arms. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> harris: breaking news. the housed indication committee is holding a hearing on anti-semitism and doing it all morning. the chaos we were seeing on
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college campuses is at the heart of the discussion. lawmakers are questioning leaders from northwestern, rutgers appeared ucla. all of them have seen major anti-israel protests and jewish hate on campus in recent months. moments ago congressman owens with some tough questions for northwestern's president. let's watch. >> would you have the same patience, the same strategy if these were kkk white supremacists trying to negotiate were intimidating black people? would you have the same patience with that? >> representative owens, thank you for the question. i won't engage in hypotheticals like that. that hasn't happened. >> this is how you deal with hatred. with jewish students, if it was black students against the kkk, instead of pro-hamas, would you deal with them the same way as you dealt with these students? >> i won't engage in -- >> the answer is no, okay.
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>> harris: did you hear that, that president of northwestern? it was the biggest bless your heart. he dodged that question. good for owens on pressing him. we're going to monitor this hearing and keep you up to date. former president trump is set to rally in the south bronx later today. it will mark his first major new york campaign event in eight years. he is looking to increase those gains in the polls that he is making with minority voters, watch this. >> i see democrats coming out and they are like oh, trump is not welcome here. who are you? >> i think he should definitely come to the neighborhood. >> he should come and check out the people. trump is for the little man. >> how will he be received here? >> open arms. >> really? open arms. everybody show love. they will show you love right back. >> thank you for doing what you did. >> harris: you know how politics roll. trump isn't getting a warm welcome from everybody.
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progressive congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez had this to say ahead of trump's visit to her territory, as i put it. 700,000 people in her district. next door to the district that south bronx is in, are from bronx and queens. the president is speaking right next door and aoc will not ignore, forgive the rhyme. >> because he is stuck on so many charges around fraud and these payments, he is stuck in a pretty tight radius of where he can go. new york city is blue, brooklyn is blue, queens is blue, the bronx is blue, and he has nowhere to go so decided to come to the south bronx. he is broke, he needs to pay these legal funds and busing people in in order to get those donations so that he can funnel them to his legal fees is kind of his business right now. >> harris: meanwhile, a new poll shows the former president
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donald trump is closing the gap in deep blue. she loved that word blue new york. he holds 38% of the vote compared with president biden who has 47%. the lead down to double digits, drastically different from 2020 when biden had 60% of new york. they are a point apart. former 2024 rival nikki haley is backing trump. she announced that yesterday. watch. >> trump has not been perfect on these policies. i have made that clear many, many times. but biden has been a catastrophe. so i will be voting for trump. trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they are just going to be with him. and i genuinely hope he does that. >> harris: power panel now.
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matt gorman and brad howard. all right. we'll go in order of what we saw. you literally were shaking your head as the democrat guest on aoc. she didn't talk about the economy and things that mattered. she lumped everybody together. these are blue states people always vote blue. that's like biden saying if you are black and don't vote for me you aren't black. >> he is not going to win the state of new york. >> harris: black voters are important no matter where they live and hispanic voters. why isn't your guy going? >> he wouldn't be there if he wasn't anchored to this trial. >> harris: why is he going up in the -- >> he is in new york because he has to be. she was saying he is on trial so has to be anchored to the new
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york area. if he were not there. >> harris: you know black people live in other parts of the country. when he gave money to h b-cus, when he had those conversations with black colleges and universities, when he invited people to the white house like that, was that because only black -- >> i would be urging him to talk to black voters in swing states where the influence can matter. >> harris: you mean biden? he hasn't talked to them at all. >> he was at a black town hall and church. >> harris: i was greedy. take it away. >> also where is almost every major media outlet headquartered? new york. before memorial day there will be plenty of time to have those rallies in atlanta and everywhere else. this is a smart move. more than anything else a signal. a signal by the trump campaign that we want to compete for minority votes, latinos, african-american men who i think are crucial in this election. it is a signal more than
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anything else we don't take your votes for granted like aoc did in that clip. >> harris: double back to you. why is biden losing the black vote? >> because he is obsessed with issues that don't really have any basis in their lives. they care about the economy, want to afford groceries, gas, buy a home. and he is talking about every other issue under the sun except those things. trump i think gives at least a vision and plan for that. >> harris: all right. >> i would love to see the details of that plan. when wages were up, prices were down, the proof is there. >> catastrophe that was the pandemic. >> and the biden presidency. >> inflation is coming down. homeownership is going up. >> harris: the golfer, scotty scheffler and police are giving an update. >> thank you very much.
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good morning. last friday morning, our community suffered the tragic death and loss of mr. mills just after 5:00 a.m. in the morning. that tragic death led to a series of very unfortunate events in the dark, rainy, intense conditions. transparency is incredibly important to our administration, to lmpd, to our community. given the importance of transparency, we are releasing some information and video today as we committed to following the tragic events and series of events that happened thereafter. to restate what we've already
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said, we are not aware at this time of any video footage which captures the initial interaction between lmpd and mr. scheffler. we are releasing today video footage at the time of mr. scheffler's arrest from two video cameras. one of those video cameras is a fixed pole camera from the other side of shelbyville road and the other camera is from the dash cam of a police car. at the request of the county attorney's office, any additional video or evidence related to this case will not be released until the conclusion of the legal process. the chief is now going to speak to the investigation of the arresting officer with respect
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to the lack of use of body worn camera. chief. >> good morning. thank you all for joining us. thank you for your patience as we work together all available facts regarding this incident. obviously it is of great public interest so we appreciate you providing us the time to insure that we release accurate information while the judicial process is occurring. we are grateful to pga officials for bringing this event to our beautiful city last week. but tragically, last friday we lost a beloved community member who was working the event. as we stated in our preliminary public message, lmpd expresses its condolences to the family and friends of john mills. he was fatally struck by a
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shuttle bus outside of the valhalla golf club. by all accounts we've learned that mr. mills was known for his kindness and dedication to our community. his passing has left a notable void in the community and throughout the city. regarding the results of our internal investigation, detective gillis did have an encounter, as we know, with mr. scheffler. detective gillis should have turned on his body-worn camera but did not. his failure to do so is a violation of lmpd policy on uniforms and equipment subject category body worn camera and he was sustained for a violation of the policy 4.31.6 procedures and 4.31.6 operation. defective gillis did not have his body-worn camera ready as
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required by our policy. he was performing a law enforcement action as defined in our policy. further, in section 4.31.7 states members will maintain their bwc in a constant state of operational readiness. detective gillis was counseled by his supervisor. we understand the seriousness of the failure to capture this interaction which is why our officer has received corrective action for this policy violation. this corrective action has been notated on a performance observation form which is in line with our disciplinary protocol and practices. we respect the judicial process and we will allow the courts to proceed accordingly. we will not be able to make any further statements as relates to this matter. at the conclusion of this press conference, as you have already heard, we will release the documents as follows. you will find the investigative
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findings memorandum by the commander of the unit. you will also see the failure to activate form completed by detective gillis and find our policy as well as the two video footage the mayor has mentioned. also all this information will be uploaded to our youtube page. >> harris: well, that was an important moment in this investigation into scheffler's encounter with a police officer on his way to make a pre-dawn tee time during a big pga tournament a couple of weeks ago. one of the things that you just heard from leadership there and a police force was that the officer, detective gillis, failed to turn on his body camera as they were having whatever their altercation was
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verbally. and because he didn't now, there is corrective action to be coming for detective gillis. the police department says they won't make any more comments. it will go through the courts. investigation will continue in that way for the law to be applied. that was a big deal to hear that. we'll follow it. we wanted you to watch it. major news around the world. of course, golf was being watched in part to see if scheffler would make it to actually compete and he did handedly. let's move back to what we were talking about with matt gorman and brad howard. here is charlamagne tha god with the host of the view just to reset what we were talking about. >> now it is not the time to sit this one out. >> i didn't say that. i never said i was sitting it out. i'm voting in november. i like to focus on issues, not individuals. >> why not endorse biden? >> we need you to do it on this
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show. >> the reality is both candidates are trash so because i'm -- i am going to vote in november and i will vote my best interests. >> help him out? >> help him out by doing what? >> >> harris: by doing what, brad? >> she is thinking he would be a good endorsement for the president to have. a common reflection with a lot of young voters and newer generation, they are more likely to vote based on policies and issues of the day rather than getting behind a candidate in a cult-like way. >> harris: vote in their own interest. you can't put people of color in a box and count on them no matter how hard representative clyburn of south carolina tries to aid in that process. >> i have a lot of respect for him. a civil rights leader. he has seen the stark contrast between trump and biden on policy. at the end of the day i would think based on the policies presented charlamagne tha god
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would come around. that's up to him. you can't force anybody to endorse. >> harris: they were trying. they wanted him to see their democrat view. i have talked with the congressman clyburn about this over the years in terms of being the backbone of that vote through south carolina and he knows that his role is what it is. but it is not his fault he is being exploited and that's really what is happening here. people will vote in their own interests. >> absolutely. charlamagne endorsed biden last time around and the disaffection you see in him and other voters of color and across the country. why not help us out? it was almost like they owe democrats their votes, right? it is like come on, four years, let's go. >> he has been a team player in the past. >> the first time he ever endorsed a presidential candidate and a big mistake. he was disappointed by biden. >> harris: i would ask charlamagne tha god this if i
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had the opportunity. after biden made those racially charged comments if you don't vote for him you aren't really black, why would he endorse him? i've always scratched my head at that. he is not saying he will endorse donald trump. this isn't about trump. this is about biden. >> that's the problem. what you see with a lot of democrats, i'm talking at large, they are using the same sort of attack they used the last ten years against donald trump. look, we've already had four years of a trump presidency. a lot of those attacks are priced in and need to make a case for the biden presidency if he wants to win. >> this will be about issues and when you look at the economy and jobs and inflation and public safety, down the line, homeownership and student loan debt the issues will win the day. six months ago. plenty of time to decide. >> harris: 166 days. how many days he spent in
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delaware at his vacation homes he will hit the trail more than he hits the weekend. >> i think you will see more of the president. >> harris: glad we got to meet in person. matt, great to see you as well. judge merchan is set to transmit jury instructions to the attorneys today and attorneys are scheduled to deliver closing arguments tuesday. legal experts say michael cohen's testimony may be the deciding factor for the 12 men and women on the jury. here is attorney who was with me yesterday. >> still say it comes down to credibility. there is no way if your doctor made you feel the same way cohen did and that doctor said you needed risky brain surgery, would you want a second opinion? >> harris: that's good stuff. new yorkers weighing in on the historic trial. watch this. >> i think it's so political, it's obviously political it is
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pathetic. >> i believe president trump will be acquitted but i didn't think it would go this far. >> if you are going to vote for him you won't change your mind based on the outcome. >> this is all b.s. it really is. >> harris: 65% of new york voters say a guilty verdict would not affect their vote in november. alina habba is the trump legal spokesperson and it is great to have you in "focus" today. first of all, where do you put this case going into closing arguments with all of this unsequestered time for these jurors? >> it's unbelievable the amount of time they have been sitting there. if i was a juror on this case i would be a little bit angry i've wasted weeks sitting here for something that should have been airtight. if you are going to prosecute and criminally prosecute a former president for the first time in american history and the leading candidate, you better have a real case.
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and this is just not that. i think that's very clear. one of the things the prosecutors didn't anticipate was that their witnesses would fall apart. i won't speak to individuals, i can't speak to it. let me just be very clear. we have a real corrupt system in new york. i've seen judges time and time again give jury charges that sway the jurors to push towards one side or the other. i will tell you the only -- the only benefit at this moment after sitting there through this trial with him is that the prosecution has a judge who should have recused, who is very politically motivated. i can't speak to that either. this isn't america anymore. but the fact that that judge has to give a jury charge is our best bet at this point, harris. >> harris: i want to get to the point of the jurors who are not sequestered for the eight days between the time that they were
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told they could go back to their lives, their jobs, their homes, a holiday weekend with relatives and friends just stay off your devices basically, don't talk about the case. what is the reality in all of that eight days until they return on tuesday? >> 0, 0. we have to be realistic here. it is impossible. you cannot expect that these people with a gap like this didn't go home and watch tv. it is probably not fox. we're in new york and a blue state. they are watching and listening to their opinions. those opinions affect them. >> harris: relatives and friends. too. i guess my main concern, i'm prayerful that the jury will do what it is tasked to do and keep some of that out. they are around people who aren't keeping it out. everybody has a cell phone. it's right there in your hand. my question would be just about
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this whole situation it's a man who used to be president who could be president again in just a few months. why wouldn't you sequester the jury? >> i agree with you. it is probably the single most historic case we've ever seen in this country and to not be clear on those things. to not have a fair jury charge, to not have a judge be particularly clean so that there was no chance of a mistrial or reversal. these things are fatal errors that we're seeing because the political motivation to rush these trials against president trump to make sure they're done before the november election and cover it up saying no one is above the love. the stupid catch phrase they love to praise. hunter biden is above the law and we've seen it time and time again. >> harris: house republicans are threatening to refer hunter biden to the justice department for lying to congress. the ways and means committee voted the release documents from
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his february deposition. they say those documents prove the president's son, hunter biden, lied at least three times under oath. democrats say the effort is political. watch. >> the only defense that at the time as i recall when hunter biden, his team came up here was that the i.r.s. whistleblowers, the democrats's position as well the i.r.s. whistleblowers were somehow against the biden family and what they are trying to say is our credibility shouldn't be questioned. here is the evidence. >> it doesn't surprise me they want to continue to drag out the wild goose chase of the biden impeachment investigation. >> harris: he lied under oath. how is that a wild goose chase? >> we have testimony that the president himself was the top, was the boss man, whatever the term was. we've seen checks. just because you use 17 shell companies doesn't mean you aren't part of the corruption and fraud. we have no time for this in politics. instead they are going after
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trump for a books and records keeping violation that he didn't even do. he was in the white house and trying to make it criminal when it is at best a misdemeanor. who know who did a worse crime, a higher class crime? hunter biden and then to lie to congress. but there is people above the law in this country. it is anybody who is a democrat, anybody who is part of this regime and they aren't treated the same. i really hope they hold his feet to the fire and i hope they make him accountable. it doesn't matter if you are the president's son. but here in this country we're seeing a dual system of justice. this is a perfect example of it, harris. >> harris: what you are talking about has national security implications because his father was vice president when he was accused of those crimes and whether or not it would make his dad vulnerable for extortion.
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