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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> today on capitol hill the national institutes of health director is facing questions on lawmakers and what do they have a lot of questions for, republicans and democrats as well, one day after shocking testimony from a former advisor dr. anthony fauci, that stood up new questions about a potential covert origins cover up. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am kayleigh mceany hewitt emily compagno. joining us today is sunday at anchor, biden administration d-back shannon bream, lisa boothe and "fox & friends," todd piro more than 1.2 million americans lost their lives to covid-19 since 2020. families have been torn apart, businesses shuttered, the day-to-day lives of americans dramatically altered probably yours are some of your friends
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and your family. people could not even attend their own love once funeral. yesterday on capitol hill, one of dr. anthony fauci's top at pfizer if shocking testimony, dr. david spoke about the emails where he appeared to admit to deleting correspondences and lawmakers accused him of joking about using a secret back channel to help dr. fauci of a transparency. the house select committee on the cover pandemic are receiving devastating emails they lay at the misconduct alleged here is one email, revealing that he got help from the nih freedom of information act office to bury records that i learned here how to make emails disappear after but before the six dots. so i think we are all safe plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail. he must've forgotten hillary clinton the email saga,
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i don't know when he was doing that even goes on to repeatedly warn colleagues not to send emails and instead use his personal one. here's another where he seems to directly implicate tony fauci in a deleted email scheme saying he is too smart to let colleague send him stuff back across trouble. all this mother pandemic was still breaking across the country in the world to one question using his own email dr. fauci's right-hand man said he was just joking. >> when you ask do i get a kickback too much -- would you like to explain? >> that is dark humor between people like him and me. all of this was a bunch of snarky jokes. >> you are editing things or letters -- you do know that impression email correct? >> i don't remember but if i bid i should not have found that that is wrong so you can a joke about back channels about misspellings on those queries, that is a joke.
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>> i would have to see this communication because it is confusing to me because i have -- you knock on walk into tony's office and talk to them anytime i wanted. >> based on your answer you either let the congress audio transcribing view or you are lying here today. >> some of the emails i've seen they will have provided look pretty incriminating i don't know what they are in a don't remember them. >> do you want to take the fifth amendment? you don't seem to remember anything. >> i want this committee to know however many mistakes i have made, however bad they were i was trying to do the right things are. >> you are probably going to be hunted by your testimony today. >> kayleigh: i want to be clear we haven't heard from dr. fauci that i've seen but these are the comments about dr. fauci, so we still need to get dr. fauci side of the story on this but shannon, one thing that came out very clearly to me is typically when you consult a specific office of counsel your
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counseling about how to obey rules not how to avoid them and in that one email i read he said that the lady taught him how to avoid this, and then there is november 18th correspondence, 2021 my gmail is now safe and should be able to communicate safely with you peter for peter presumably that is peter and the health alliance as long as we use private gmail, he had a government grant but i'm not sure what you have in a private gmail but listen to this may 28th 2020 when you have the office of general counsel, according to -- instructed the office not to believe anything having to do with eco-health alliance, it is confounding to me we need to hear from the office and the office of general counsel what kind of advice with a given? >> this is joking and dark humor and this is just bantering back and forth oh, i forgot, these are very specific messages that seem to be counseling people encountering them ways around the searches, we all had a terrible time during covid-19 and we tried to give grace there
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was only so much that we knew and everyone is trying to make decisions based on what we knew but didn't even make decisions based on what we knew because it sounds like there was information that wasn't given to a lot of people at efforts to hide it people less livelihoods the military careers all kinds of things, because we were relying on what we thought we got the term but it sounds like at least that was their appearance that there was more going on at the scopes that we knew about. i think we have a right to know and a lot of people it was such a terrible. that, they were trying to get on with their lives but there are some lawmakers and you saw that they were bipartisan makers who say i am not buying what you are selling there's a whole lot more we need to know about that. back. >> one thing that is striking to me on the start is that the dates on the email most of them are from 21 so it's the aftermath of covid-19, but one of them is from june 16th, 2020. that's when i was serving government at the height of this
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global pandemic. we had scientific opinion and every ounce of energy was going into saving american lives trying to figure out how to open the economy, all of these very hard decisions and get he sent the email, and we are all smart enough to never have smoking guns, if we did we were to put them in emails and if we found that we delete them. here at the height of a global pandemic and you are talking about smoking guns in your emails? >> i'm glad you use the phrase serving to describe your time in office because these individuals that implicated in these emails clearly lost sight of that. we need to drive this point home. freedom of information act codifies our right as american taxpayers to the information our government is utilizing to conduct its day-to-day business, not for very, very specific exceptions with regards to national security. this is our information, this is the same thing as if we have a bank account and these individuals took that money because they just do that thing. the fact that there is somebody in the office, who was having a job to help work and prevent
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these certain rules is extremely troubling. this is our information we have a regal and american right to that information and this is just another example of a federal bureaucracy running amok with individuals who do not realize that they serve us and they don't serve themselves and by the way, to your larger point we were in the middle of a pandemic, people were dying in people needed information in the fact that this gene 2,022 -- it underscores of these people are ready defending themselves and not focus on your grandmother or your grandfather or your father, your mother, that is not the mission and dataset. speak to emily i want to give it a charitable interpretation, i tried when i first read the story because you have dr. lawrence u.s. is gmail and government accounts he can't control who sends what the what email. maybe he sent the email here or there that he should have but there's a mechanism or what you consider your government account
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and government records, i tried every way a clip to think about a charitable interpretation here but it is the intent, the intent to invade fully, especially with the office it doesn't seem to be a one-off accident but almost like a scheme. >> emily: to that point when we heard the testimony on a hill when he said it was a mistake and talked about essentially the application of that charitable construction that you finally extended to him, they remedy if that was not was what's put in black and white enough so how else are we to interpret this as anything but a scheme and he says that he was trying to protect dr. fauci, and peter giles zach and francis collins but what about protecting the american people. as a reminder dr. fauci with the highest paid employee in our government. you need almost $500,000 more than the president of united states, and you can't trust that, what about the owners of mark's public house here in new york who had 25 criminal summons for them to
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shut down their bar that was operating during the pandemic. shut down their liquor licenses. restaurants in washington state, they had to shut down permanently a family-owned livelihood producing restaurant because they couldn't keep up with the covid finds, that with the application of what was coming out of those people and leadership positions that impacted millions of people permanently. yes the deaths, the horrible death and isolations were family members were not able to say goodbye, and they shut down the wielding of the government and a criminal and in a regulatory manner and looked at the destruction of so many livelihoods and so many family owned businesses for a long time. in these people were ending our tax dollars at the time? earning? i say that lightly, so the reality i'm looking forward to now is looking forward to what that accountability looks like because accountability for americans going through that time, they were not giving any generosity whatsoever. >> the only place where i disagree with what's been said so far is that we didn't know better, but the media chose to
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ignore the truth teller and instead listen to liars like dr. fauci. especially at the beginning of the 15 days where we were basing our information getting that information off of bad data and we were told it was matter-of-factly, people who were warning that lockdowns were not working and you had truth tellers out there like scott atlas all these people who face incredible blowback on their careers, who were telling the truth about vaccines as well. yet the media chose to listen to liars like dr. fauci and people like me who told the truth were criticized but why would public health officials so invested in censoring the lab leak theory? because we gave money to the health alliance and they funded research and then we had a leak, that's what you can go back to january 20th 2020 when you have dr. francis and dr. fauci receiving emails, telling them that there was more than 50% chance is that this came from a lot but guess what happened february 1st you had dr. fauci who held a conference saying own
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total us otherwise in all of all of a sudden you have all the strength to sing otherwise because they want that grant money from the nih and the federal government. >> all right. be sure to tune in tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time i will be hosting because we have a great show lined up with so many guests, congressman, jonathan turley, they will be joining me, you do not want to miss it. president biden facing backlash for the latest defense of its lack of action. for the southern border. alcwill be looking at his respoe for the white house coming up next
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>> around 10,000. >> yes. in fact american people have a complex issue, who come to this country, they say they don't know but i'm good for how they are not good. so no check. no background check. >> he is absolutely right, catching a mike wright as he crosses the border and telling us how easy it was for him to get into the country. we continue to see him presidents a level of illegal crossing, not to mention horrific cartel activity but despite all that, the white house system prevalent when asking why president biden has not done something about any of it. >> you said touch up to republicans to solve the problem or use it as a political issue, the president has the authority to do something about this unit unilaterally, congress is in a divided government right now.
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>> so why should he have to do it unilaterally, why should we do it in a legislative way let's not forget -- >> weight. you are right, he took many executive actions before but in order to get what is happening at the border, and noted to do with a broken education system you need law and legislation and you need to have that happen in a bipartisan way. >> of a cohost spoke with mike johnson earlier this morning about why president biden has still not taken action to secure our borders. >> first he says he doesn't have the power then he says he does to secure the porter, what is the truth and why will he carry out action? >> the truth is very clear he knows that i have presented to him myself a list of at least eight statutory authorities that he has had since the day he walked into the oval office, remember we documented 64 specific executive actions that president biden and his administrator include americas,
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they intentionally took these actions to open the border why they did this by design. and that is what so terrible about it. he has had executive authority every day to reverse what he does but he refuses to use it. >> kayleigh: he refuses to use that, harris joining us now from washington with more on this. >> well, first of all refusing to use that executive action is paralyzing all of us, so they just say he has done this emily as you know the president has gone back and forth about what he thinks his powers are and what they truly are and why he can't take action. then he says he can't look, many content and all of this and something that i ask the house speaker about is when you sit with president biden and he has recently do you even get the sense that he knows what is happening at the border? and the speaker said in his estimation, a lot has been kept from him. look, and the politics but the president needs to be fully aware and not have forensically
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scrubbed scenes as you and i and kayleigh mceany have talked about on the couch many times. he goes to raposo and he looks like a probable ego's other areas and it looks like problem free you never get the full pico be indelicate but would he even remembered the experience of them is also on the table. so, what happens next? the bell likely his neck and a pass again. but now they are a wave of people emily who are against them who are republicans including lankford. who wrote the bipartisan bill for the border he's against his own bipartisan bill. so likely this will pass and nothing will get done. and what really hurts is the american people. you won't hear the president talk about that though. they are going to talk about how it really feels not to solve the issue of what it does to the polling, i want to get to this, i asked him about the importance of the border crisis for the election and the speaker had this to say. >> you just said you had been 210 cities how important is this
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issue for the november election? >> it is the number one issue, i don't think there's ever been a issue that has gotten this highest border. this consent every american has about it, people are set up like that up, by our estimates and may be close to 17 million undocumented people come across the borders after joe biden took office. >> so emily, that is so much larger than any number we had been reporting and i am pressed in on the and the speaker said yes. we do not trust the government's numbers either. we as republicans are keeping their own numbers on this and he said that the amount is also way off by millions, they hear something, and we talked about this but i didn't think of it in the theater and, he said that there is a category of people that we are not discussing, that dwarfs all of this and put into play that idea of our hateful countries are enemies -- there's
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a large number that we did not even ever hear about who were undetected completely. we don't even know they're here, our detection system down at the border we can catch them at all. they are invisible. unbelievable. it was a great interview and i was so glad the opportunity to sit down and do that. >> emily: we miss you on the couch but we are grateful to have you waiting another interview from washington, d.c. lisa, 17 million is the real number so speaker johnson delivered on a silver platter to the president here is your authority but i guess he still doesn't know what? >> joe biden created this crisis with a panic that ended with the pen but instead of trying to end a he's trying to codify the invasion by setting a minimum of numbers per day we should not allow any undocumented immigrants period. we believe the narrative that you have this impoverished people seeking a better life but when you see military men coming
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in from iran or china or pakistan americans or migrants going to these meetings in cities talking about how they are not getting what they deserve. when they came here on our time that's what you see majority of americans saying mass deportations on board. >> emily: the interesting point brought up between harrison and the speaker is a politics that is may be removing his view from the border and if so who and why? what furtherance it is been -- puts it further to have this mess here? >> what is so tricky for him if he declined -- all the things he pointed to some for him not to take executive action he cannot do some of the same things that didn't decrease the numbers at the border but were dental under the name of donald trump. his own fbi director has testified in the hill that their people from terrorist watch list who have and cannot find in the united states and talking about all kinds of other dangers that come class they are tracking a network that smuggles people into united states that is connected to isis and other
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terrorist groups, that is the warning from a fbi directive. >> use do so well and speak so why is it that the president can't do the same meaning why can't they say we still love everyone and they set up please the people on the left but also say we need to protect the dignity of every human so we're going to implement some things that prevents the furthering of this human catastrophe that a smuggling -- why can't they just be honest about it and everyone could be on board behind her. >> why it's something they alluded to, is he aware of the situation at the border or as a border policy being run by people in the white house who believe in this open borders notion? i think based upon everything we've seen and the lack of action from the white house, it is the fact that the white house is being run at least when it comes to immigration by a open borders caucus. one final thought, marco rubio said it best we are playing right into the hands of the terrorists who seek our destruction. that's all we need to know and that is terrifying. >> all you need is one out of
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the 17 million to be a terrorist that is the frightening thought. >> let me leave you with this, nbc news had time headline the biden administration has a plan to a plan to shut down the border but he needs mexico's help. it's not just grace they need mexico this is like a real lot number ten of what they plan to do executive rate. i won't hold my breath. >> emily: up next arkansas senator adjoins out numbered. with us.
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>> they face questions earlier today and the senator's appropriation tearing her testimony coming after dr. fauci's right-hand man dr. david spoke on the hill yesterday, he was pressed on covering up information regarding the corona finest unit at coronavirus pandemic. johnny maea now is the senator of arkansas. senator cotton welcome. you have been on top of this for a very long time. to cover it up, were you
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surprised when you saw what seemed to be an actual cover up from least one person? >> no i was not surprised. that was the first to ring the alarm out what china has done. because you can't trust chinese, nothing obvious they can't trust dr. fauci and his million to cover it up the fact that they had cooperated with the lab and they wanted to keep your tax dollars continuing to flow to it. most of all you can't trust president biden who used a pandemic to shutdown our school is in lockdown our churches, to keep people out in the army because they wouldn't take any ineffective vaccine and would do it all again if he gets another four years this fall. >> your colleague has called them and the justice department to look into to see if there's any criminal activity involved in what we saw yesterday on the hill, my question is if you think that will happen because we are seeing outrage from the house democrats so a lot of pressure on the doj matches from some republicans. >> it appears that potential criminal violations could have
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occurred in freedom of information law is using privately and all accounts to protect profitable business -- and senator paul is an outstanding job of conducting oversight hearings into the wrongdoing. >> we will see that happens let's move to another topic. there has been controversy if you call her from "the new york times" saying that his beach house he flew a flag called the appeal to have been flagged, this flag has a historical meaning going back to george washington and the revolutionary war based on john locke's second treatise and obviously he is a founder of the enlightenment so one widely respected and fact this became the naval flag in massachusetts and 7076, what's the controversy here? am i missing something? >> this is just another partisan smear because he is a outstanding justice who upholds the constitution and the law as written. it is about the left-wing pressure he's under no obligation to recuse in cases because of a fight his life rise
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and for that matter i just want to say that he is a great patriot and i commend her for flying a patriotic flag that goes back to even george washington, for that matter i think i'm going to fight outside of my office here in the senate. if you want to look at judges who have recusal problems when we look at george moore china new york was presiding over the sham trial of trump who has done -- not only is his daughter raising money off of the trial of what he is presiding for democratic -- he himself contributed money to joe biden violating new york judicial ethics rules. he's the one who should be recusing cases but you don't hear the democrat in "the new york times" demanding that he recuse that case because they want to weaponize the justice system against the president and if they can do it to donald trump they can direct to -- >> instant "the new york times" and rolling stones they appeared to be far more interested in
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christians "new york times" one of the palms with this flag is someone who is viewed that their faith is instrumental and then their life, you talk about flying a flag outside of your office but the key to my constant christian extremism hangs outside his office because mike johnson flies the same flight and a spokesperson for mike johnson said that this was given to him by a pastor. so that is problematic now being a christian government? >> for the left and joe biden yes, it is. his own department of justice has targeted for instance traditional catholics who have been going to mass is that they disapprove of, it's another example of how joe biden and the democrats have weaponize the government and use it against their political opponents like trump, and that something you expect to see and things like pakistan or georgia but not the united states. again, if it works for trump, they would do with any american who believes in things like flying a flag that george washington design and making that appeal to have for our country which millions of
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bible believing christians do every single day. >> i'm interested in the timing of this attack because one references a flag flown more than four years ago and one references a flag flown more than one year ago. all of a sudden this comes out just now your colleague senator ted cruz has an idea as to why listen to this. >> this is all about trying to delegitimize the court. the democrats almost every democrat in the senate, if they win that they want to pack the supreme court and grow the supreme court from nine justices to 13 justices. >> x set the left respected our institutions is this really about attacking institution the third of our government? >> the left have been attacking the supreme court for years since i had a senate right majority. i think specifically why now? they are considering two cases both of which look at donald trump and hundreds of january 6 defendants the first case is a case in which the supreme court i suspect will
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find that presidents of any party have to have president mutual immunity from criminal prosecution back and shipped on the against trump. a second case is about the department of justice under joe biden who was stretching lost to the breaking point to prosecute hundreds of january 6 defendants for crimes that are not really what congress intended. both of those cases gonna come down a good next month and i suspect "the new york times" and democrats are once again going to try to target justice alito because they want to undermine the court's credibility. >> you are spot on and they're probably n not too threadbare there for that opinion as well if they ever find the person who leaked that? i guess they're not looking for that anymore. thank you so much. shannon, you are well sourced to the supreme court i'm curious about what the latest said. >> shannon: i talked about it recently and i reached out to them about the beach house flag trying to get more information and we will have more of that shortly this afternoon but i think they point out a good
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point, it is fine to ask questions and to do stories, but to do than equally i think it's very important as what we had a ninth circuit judge who in the midst of the same-sex marriage case in california and they lead to a decision at the supreme court saying his wife was a directive a group that sent out to a couple of legal briefs in that case, he didn't recuse he said her views or her own or they don't condition anything i do i decide. so let's just have the same standard looking out over the stories. >> interesting that is an amazing comparison thank you shannon. okay, president biden is set for a rare news conference any minute now he will be alongside president from kenya, we will see if this tented at the pony and does anything to stop the growing cause for him to drop out of out of the 2024 race by some democrats. that is coming up next
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>> emily: it max pettey to welcome back any moment now president biden will be holding a news conference, he said to speak alongside the president of kenya as part of the president's visit to the white house, he better hope for a stellar performance at the podium because according to the polls, voters do not have a lot of faith. a new poll shows trump leading in all seven crucial swing states. they are not alarming enough for that part of biden bidens made a mental fitness are still plaguing his campaign. just this past sunday he made this error forgetting what exactly he was the vice president. before when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. and what happened was, barack said to me go to detroit and help fix it. >> emily: yikes, and with episodes like pieces no wonder that critics want someone else
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to represent the democratic party this november. take a look at these recent headlines here calling on president biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race entirely. will they be successful? >> no i think it's a pipe dream at one point i thought he would drop out after the robert reporting was so damaging they had democrats criticizing him and they try to avoid him, i started to lean in, but it seems like it is baked at this point the one thing i will say that the way that the bait struggled you have this huge debate is there is some horrible thing that happens if he falters the head of the convention so well it be logistically difficult to do if they were some wiggle room that appeared slight but this is a big problem for democrats, "the new york post" says hundred 60 -- one to 48 gaps of verbal stumbles over to my period. so imagine what the debate is going to be like but i don't set the expectations too low because he will probably bulldoze
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through them. >> shannon your fingers always on the posts are they calls for him to step down in the cayman dixie regarding from the establishment decision-makers or are they dissenters who is behind this? >> shannon: he's been a democratic stage is forever and talk about how scared she is and he said something about the latest poll numbers and they said it's like seeing your grandmother naked you can't unsee if he was that scared and he's pretty democratic establish i would say. interestingly enough i was giving a speech down for a few weeks ago it was a mixed audience is seen to meet but i asked them during the speech how many of you think that president biden will be on the ticket and we did a show of hands and the majority of the people said no they didn't think he'd be on the ticket so i do think you're probably right logistically it's hard to do but i think there democrats out there who hope there might be someone else if there's like governor newson is running a shadow campaign but he be ready. >> would you rather be, laura or a cabin? >> you get your answer on june e
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debate. if you look at the travel schedule for your kamala harris or others and they are traversing the country to the swing states i think we have our answer as to whether or not these campaigns are going to start in advance of the democratic convention. bloomberg poll i think the one state that is the most concerning if i'm president biden is wisconsin because in every pore thus far, biden is winning wisconsin is now the trend shows that he is losing wisconsin as well he cannot come back from that because it is not like he is winning pennsylvania in these poll's, arizona and nevada and one final point as i can make in regards to the speech we are in sudden graduation season, if any graduate gave a speech that joe biden gave at the end see a -- then the naacp convention the administration will review from immediately thinking that he was intoxicated. and that is for 18-year-old student.
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this is the president of the united states this is the image that we sent to the world and it's not getting better it is getting worse. >> serves the support of known or no return? >> can you imagine being a foreign leader and having to work with president biden but trump is winning right now because democrats is lost all connection to working americans they are completely disconnected we are talking about covid-19 earlier and with the laptop class being right were all in this together meanwhile the rest of america has been laid off and suffering financially in the laptop class were completely not impacted by it and code on the list and joe biden is at the stock market will you have three or five americans believe and where an economic recession or this massive transfer of wealth that the student loan bailout where working americans are having to fund decisions made by a fluid college graduate. you go down this list and there is just a complete disconnect of working america and that is why donald -- that's why he is suffering of the polls right now i don't know how the correct but
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i think this narrative is already built-in. >> perhaps if someone else planned to embellish the the whole scheme. >> although gavin newsom and ng -- >> and ultimate would you rather and no right answers. more "outnumbered" coming up next a right with us.
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>> we are moments away from president biden's meeting president of kenya, we will bring you updates from there as we get them live. several college leaders are right now and capitol hill to answer for their response to the anti-semitism on their campuses. they jewish ucla student who was blocked by protesters from entering campus will be joining us live with reaction. from the cdc director will also be here with his thoughts on this shocking new emails from dr. fauci's top advisor. join john roberts i may live as a medical reports at the top of the hour. >> a new bill is heading to illinois governor desk, that would change the way the state refers to certain convicted criminals. state democrats no longer want to call the convicted criminals offenders they now want to relabel them as justice and did it not just as impacted --
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critics argue that the move will not fix bad behavior with one republican state senator saying over and over again we keep changing the name of how we are referring to those who have entered into criminal activity she says it is costing us thousands and thousands of dollars just to do a name change. why is it necessary i ask that question to you one of the hundred attorneys on the couch. >> i feel left out. >> todd: it's less of an attorney entered this changes direction we make language what bothers me so much is that we have lost so much sight of the fact that your number one job and only job in government is to keep people safe. is that what we're doing here is we are keeping the criminal safe by changing the language to make them feel coddled if there is some positivity to take away from these blue states that do these things look at what just happened in portland the soft-on-crime d.a., look at what happened last year i believe it
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was in san francisco. soft on crime d8. you hope for the sake of people in the great state of illinois that this is a trend nationally that this notion of hate we need to protect the criminal at the expense of a victim goes away and goes away soon. >> devil's advocate for the only person with a soul on the couch. what about the concept of social stigma? and the fact that is baked into the system we have absolutely stigmatize people who are convicted felons and nonviolent regards side of helping to combat that won't help them transition into society and essentially become more successful not become recidivists helping them and us in the long run? >> doesn't do stigma exists for a reason because people don't want that attached to them as a deterrent. unfortunately we are seeing democrats remove all the deterrents for people wanting to commit crimes but it is part of this broader narrative on the left of oppressive this is a past and what they have established, they say anything can happen to you. look at these college students with what has happened to the israelis, that's okay because
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they are deemed the oppressors and it's the same thing with these criminals sometimes the criminals are the ones who are the oppressed in this instance so if you're a victim of crime somehow you had a criminal? we live in this upside down world or the left does but the rest of us happen to be punished with. >> that day they have a lot of bigger problems so they can come back this and help everyone out but the reality is they don't have the money for this >> yes if you change language and books to people even use books anymore? 's finding the statutory books on the shelf. now you say you jeopardize that. my goodness. i thought when i first started reading about this maybe -- i'll have to check if what we're doing is actually real so i found this website that tells you all the words you're getting it wrong if you're being politically incorrect you cannot use the word actress because everyone's an actor, you can't use bald or hey guys, or skinny, ladies and gentlemen, and they
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had custody suites -- so apparently -- custody suites -- so, i'm having a hard time keeping up. >> that sounds like something they say before the wedding. >> being a part of the movement, i have taken ownership of my place in the criminal justice system and in my world here, so i use language carefully so you can sort of go at it that way but at the end of the day if no one knows what is right or down or wrong or right and we are all paying for how for how does that help anyone fix the behavior? >> i don't need to understand justice impacted it almost makes the perpetrator for like the victim. justice impacted you're the victim to your point exactly in this past 34 to 21 an extraordinary margin of people focusing on the issue it does not matter into the viewpoint illinois of all your points to focus on i seem to recall
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climbing chicago and denver mayor when all the youths were committing crimes and hitting windows out of cars, he made excuses for the juveniles he said it's not constructive to criminalize youth who have been starved of opportunities, focus on going after people who have committed crimes giving them their day in court putting justice forward and fixing crimes in your city it's very simple but their focus on something else something else. >> that's the point, language matters for so this photos enforcing the law and set us our tax dollars contributed to keeping a safe at the end of the day first priority more "outnumbered" in just a moment. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward.
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and lawrence jones will catch up with trump at the event. you can catch that interview tomorrow on "fox & friends" starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. tonight be sure to tune into hannity at 9:00 p.m. easter i will be hosting we have a great show lined up byron donalds, also senator josh hawley among others, some big moments this rally in the bronx, new york, times the sienna poll showed president trump was within three points of getting the latino vote and when it came to the black vote he was pulling in 23%. if he was to get that total among black voters that would be the highest number eight republican has received among the black community since the civil rights act of 1964. will bring it in on hannity where i'll be guest hosting, thank you to everyone next up "america reports." >> john: kaylee, thinking we will see you tonight. right now a live look at the east room at the white house where any moment president biden will be holding a rare news conferen


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