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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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patient when you travel. we can't control the weather, right? just remember if you are at the airport, on a plane, the people who work at the airports, airline employees, you know, they are only going to help you if you are polite and nice. most people are generally complaining or yelling at them. a little patience goes a long way and there is forreason to get mad about things you can't control. you are traveling at the busiest time of year and you have to go in with the mindset of expecting delays and hassles and being okay with it. wear your patience pants. >> sandra: pack your beach read, right? have that book that takes you away from your work or your everyday stuff. it helps, right, hemmer? >> lee, great to have you on and great words of wisdom. >> have a great weekend. >> bill: if you aren't nice to them they won't be nice to you. >> common sense.
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>> bill: american tourists arrested in the tiny island of turks and caicos facing more than a decade behind bars. ammunition found in his luggage on the way home from a family vacation and about to learn his fate as u.s. lawmakers fight to bring home the married father of two. there are four other americans detained on the island and more before all that as well. a new hour starts now. i'm bill hemmer, dana has the day off today and hope she has an awesome weekend. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. the sentence hearing is getting under way right now and as he gets set for this hearing, another detainee tyler, spoke to fox news digital about how he is holding up. >> it is scary and uncertain. it is just a rollercoaster. i mean, you just have a mix of emotions. yesterday was very emotional for me and my wife and it will get that way again when we have a
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sentencing date and have to go into the courtroom to figure out what my fate is going to be. >> bill: you have a congressman out of pennsylvania representing one of the defendants confronted blinken over his handling of the case and said this. >> it is my estimation that your department is weak, feckless and incompetent at best. >> sandra: gillian turner is live at the state department. what's the latest on this? this is so shocking for all of us following this story what they're going through. >> brian is this american tourist now facing a minimum of 12 years behind bars as you mentioned. right now any moment he is about to learn his fate at this hearing that's getting underway inside turks and caicos. he is charged with unintentionally carrying ammo with him while traveling in the island nation. look at this. he is now just one of five americans who are detained right now facing similar charges. he along with ryan from
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oklahoma, schar eid yeah of florida say they've become unlikely friends even a kind of family after finding themselves facing similar unexpected circumstances. listen. >> you know, i'm a human. we're all humans. i made a very honest mistake. i had no intention, no knowledge that that ammunition was in my checked baggage. and it's -- i don't see where the punishment fits the crime here. >> another congressman up in arms bob good of virginia is accusing the state department of seeming disinterested in treating this situation with the urgency it warrants. >> they don't seem highly motivated. not to the degree they were to get britteny griner back that fit better with the kind of person they're more eager to help. >> he said getting these folks home is a top priority. >> we brought americans home from all over the world.
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our number one priority. i will apologize to no one for the efforts our people make every day to help americans who are in jeopardy anywhere around the world. >> the governor's office in turks and caicos says the judge has some discretion to possibly determine less time behind bars as warranted with either/or a combination of some kind of financial penalty so there is some hope. again we'll learn this guy's fate any moment now. >> sandra: keep us posted and we'll watch for it. gillian, thank you. >> everyone was better off. we had the greatest economy in history. everybody was better off under a man named president donald trump. we'll throw out bidenomics, replace it with maga nom i cans like you had. >> bill: this was another turn last night. former president trump in the south bronx. an unusual stop for any
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politician. unfort unfortunately. prices in new york have risen by more than 17%. could it put the state in play this fall? madison, nice to see you. good morning. >> good morning, bill. the blue bronx last night was quite red. thousands of folks showed up. more than the campaign initially expected with the former president himself saying on stage that he wanted to call it a meeting but, quote, like it or not, this is a rally with thousands there. he called it a quote, love fest from the campaign stage and that sentiment was returned by those in attendance, especially those native bronx residents. >> what i see no president ever came to the south bronx. i just came to support and show love. for him to be in a place like the south bronx is huge. you have never seen any other candidate do this. biden is not doing this. >> they wanted to send a message the democrat party has taken their vote for granted for too
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long. we see in polling that minority voters, black and brown americans are starting to shy away from the democrat party. for reasons like the economy and immigration, that is exactly what i heard on the ground. >> tell me why are you out here today for this rally for president trump? >> everything he is doing for us. first the economy, the border, fixing my pockets because inflation. that's another thing. everything is high. >> things are super expensive. for us mainly is the immigration. we think it is extremely unfair. >> my great grandmother 95 years old will vote for trump this year, life long democrats. >> multiple printed signs that says new york is trump country. polling doesn't show that to be the case quite yet. the president received a warm welcome last night, bill. honestly that's putting it lightly. >> bill: we'll see where it goes and what it means in november, right? madison, thank you here in new
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york. >> sandra: let's bring in shannon bream anchor of "fox news sunday." nice to spend friday with you. >> bill: i just like friday. i've gone to freedom friday. >> sandra: lawrence jones had a chance to catch up with the former president and he asked him about the nikki haley endorsement. here was the exchange. >> we did the nomination process the fastest in history. you know, if somebody else were running they would still be running for another month in order to get the nominee. we did it in two months. the party is together. i appreciate what she said. the party is together. >> sandra: he asked the former president is it a sign the republican party is coming
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together? that was his response. interesting. >> shannon: it was muted compared to how he used to call her bird brain and all these different things. remember when bind and harris were on the debate stage together and she was suggesting he was a racist and they end up on the ticket together. you always have to wonder what could actually happen. i would say nikki haley was maybe something less than an endorsement. i'm voting for him. these two choices aren't good. >> bill: she did make the first overture and she did it at the hudson institute in washington, d.c. which is no small matter. i see parallels working here. i see reagan 40 years ago in the bronx. i see trump the same way in the bronx. i say reagan taking his biggest competitor in george h.w. bush. i think her name is still out for vice president.
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>> shannon: there is a component that both sides of this ticket would like to get. biden folks talked about a lot of outreach they've done they see as potential haley voters they could pull over and suggesting to the trump team you guys need to do more to cultivate this relationship because these people are voting gop, not voting for you. the question is are they so never trump in the protest votes for nikki haley they'll never come home to trump? >> sandra: another interview he gave last night to a local news station, news 12 and he was asked about his running mate choices and where he is with that. and when he was asked specifically about nikki haley he said she will be on our team in some form. that's the first time we have heard him say this. >> sh >> shannon: will they send up in the cabinet or on the ticket? he wants to pull the factions together. interesting to see if they are
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woohable at this point. if you are going for a protest vote are you persuadeable. >> bill: the judge in new york suspended court for a week. not the case with hunter biden. he has a hearing. his attorney said this about the l.a. tax case. the resource distribution between defense counsel and government is not the same but working hard. let's have a fair trial we can say is fair. where is this now and what should we be paying attention to? >> the one will move forward in another week or two. the other has been delayed until september. not unusual. judges and courts respect each other and coordinate and look at time lines to be what is possible for defense teams to get done. i don't know if it's a win for the biden folks. hunter biden's trial will be september in the heat of getting down to the wire. do you want to get it earlier in the election cycle or want to have this trial making headlines in september when we're starting to get to early voting at that
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point? >> bill: byron donalds this weekend. >> shannon: yes and congressman moskowitz. two of the greatest legal minds. trey gowdy and andy mccarthy talking about the trump trial coming down to the finish line. the world would be in good hands. i will be there for a final arguments on tuesday. >> sandra: see you then. >> you used to vote democrat. this year that's going to change. >> it is. i think that the cost of living has spiraled out of control. >> last time around you voted for joe biden. this time around you will vote for donald trump. why? >> absolutely because donald trump already showed me that he understands our problems. >> bill: so you've seen the crowds, you've heard the message now in deep blue bronx that went 85, 88% for joe biden.
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can he generate the same enthusiasm in key battleground states? we'll check on that coming up. >> sandra: grades are up but test scores are down in schools. >> bill: video showing migrants throwing rocks, bottles, dirt and more at border agents trying to use that ladder to scale the wall. we'll let you know how it turned out. >> they call it is biden migrant invasion and it is wrong. it's immoral and unacceptable. we must stop it. ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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>> sandra: college athletes will soon cash in. they reached a settlement allowing student athletes to earn revenue beginning in fall 2025. division i schools can pay agent
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lets up to $20 million a year. deal includes 2.8 billion for former athletes. long overdue and long time coming. it is getting close to a system for the first time will treat the athlete the way they should be treated. i suppose that's debatable but that's the way he feels about it. >> bill: a younger sandra smith is running track at lsu and maybe you are in on the deal and making tons of loot. >> sandra: we've talked about this. so many ways to look at this. we're never going to know the right path until something is implemented. here we go. i don't know how good or bad this is going to be. >> bill: people who transfer four times in six years, i don't know if that's the best policy. that's the choices they can make right now. >> sandra: choices can be good. >> bill: they can be, that's correct. now border patrol agents struggling to contain the growing surge of migrants from
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around the world. bill melugin obtained this video, right? texas dps in new mexico in the el paso sector chose cartels smugglers pelting border patrol agents are rocks, dirt and bottles as people try to climb the wall. chris, nice to see you again and good morning to you. normally when they set up the ladder, they do it at nighttime. the fact that this happened with daylight hours, does that tell you anything? >> yeah, good morning and there is a lot to say about that video. very brazen. this is what happens when there is very little support from our friends and neighbors in mexico and, of course, just the complete lack of strong policies coming out of washington. consequences for everybody involved in the border crisis. again, you know, one thing i want to make very clear is thank
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goodness texas ds was out there with a chopper. you here nonsense that the state of texas -- the eye in the sky are working whenever there is a situation like this and it happens more frequent than people would like to admit having spent a lot of time in my career there in el paso specifically as the number two for west texas and new mexico very familiar with this situation. encountered a lot in yuma as well. >> bill: looks to me like it is a drone camera, not a helicopter. do -- under the trump administration, there was an order to put a camera on every light post every 100 yards along the border. i am told when changed administrations in january of 2021 the cameras were never turned on. do you know that to be the case? is that true? >> yes, that's true. i can speak specifically in
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yuma. we had over 4,000 cameras and light poles supposed to be installed and less than 25% were ever turned on and operational. some of them were turned off. so yeah, again, everybody talks about the wall or this administration talks about the wall. it is the wall system. it was the wall where it made sense and the technology package based on agents's requirement. for that to be turned off when things were going so well for the border security teams down there, it is just disgraceful and quite honestly a betrayal from this administration. >> bill: the most recent encounters san diego is popping. 37,000, tucson 31,000, el paso 30,000. seem to be the gold, silver and bronze at the moment. as you know they move based on what the cartels can intersect and push more people through, they do that. here is bill melugin asking these migrants just recently where they are from.
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>> where are you guys from? what country? >> pakistan. >> india. >> turkey. >> india. >> where are you guys from? >> turkey, turkey? >> china. >> ecuador. >> india. >> bill: i think we know, chris, unless there is significant action taken by the president, not congress. they are fighting over this border bill. it doesn't look like it will go anywhere. if you get an executive order, joe biden could change some things. if he doesn't, you have comments like this from the south bronx last night. >> california governor newsom offers education, medical care, pensions, offers everything. he will even give them an electric car because they are all over the place. >> bill: that's one argument. the other one is what we're seeing about the folks showing up at military installations and what that's all about we don't
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know. last comment. >> i will tell you all these things happening from this add min trigs -- it is creating a business opportunity for the cartels to continue to exploit people as you see from that clip from around the world. that's exactly what we experienced in yuma for two straight years with over 100,000, 300,000 arrests mainly from countries around the world. not an american problem or mexican oh problem but a world problem. the people that are released and causing problems. i've been saying this on this show. border patrol is national security. take the politics out of it and the emotion out of it from an immigration perspective and look at it from a national security perspective. americans deserve that. this administration needs to get on with it right now or be ready for the next one to take care of business. >> bill: thanks for coming back. talk to you after the break. chris clem, thank you.
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>> the simple fact is joe biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. he is not getting the job done for new york and not getting the job done for america. >> sandra: former president donald trump looking to expand the electoral map. the real race still remains in the seven key battleground states. a look at where the campaigns are spending their ad money. >> bill: higher prices putting a damper on the holiday weekend. david asman with a look at what is draining your wallet. hello, david. >> sandra: how are you? ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button? no mask? no hose? just sleep.
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every time you brush your teeth. call or go to and for a limited time get new pro whitening gel for just $24.95. order in the next 5 minutes and buy one get one absolutely free for just $24.95. that's two for one and save 58%. we■ll even include free shipping. get your teeth whiter, guaranteed, or return it within 60 days for your money back. i smile every day now. the difference is literally night and day. so now i'm always smiling or cheesing because now my teeth are much wither. announcer this offer is not available in stores, so call or click now before the special buy one, get one free offer goes away. >> bill: now is the economy putting a damper on the summer season? maybe, maybe not. 55% of americans say they are not planning a vacation this summer. the reason for that, financial. that's up more than 20% from a
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decade ago. david asman, fox business, friend as well. hello to you, sir. quick comment on that and we'll get to the numbers. >> last year was the operate. 60% of americans said they were going to go on vacation. the fact it's simple. people are running out of money. all the covid savings are gone. non-discretionary items that people have to pay for, no choice. the rent, food, insurance, skyrocketing. childcare has gone up. regular healthcare going up. those items are going up 6% still with inflation. the discretionary items, the stuff you don't necessarily have to buy, boats and everything is flat. that's pulling down the overall inflation but the stuff regular americans have to buy is still going up at 6% and that's putting a real crimp in how they spend money. >> bill: how much are high prices affecting summer vacation plans?
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72% said a great deal or some. what's the problem with your family? 89% said food, gas 84%. >> bottom line we were so pent up during the pandemic we really were dying to get out there and hit the road and go to the restaurants and everything. the cruise lines are still up because people make their plans for cruises long in advance. so you see this big boom in the cruise lines because people made their reservations several months ago. but other than that, it is going to be a pretty flat summer. the other problem is the federal reserve. you saw what happened with the markets yesterday. way down. 600 points down on the dow because of the fed thinking not of lowering rates but maybe even of raising them. >> sandra: i will believe travel in the summer. travel is up so -- i was in europe. people are out there. perhaps if they're out there racking up credit card debt. meanwhile chuck schumer shocker,
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pointing the finger at big oil over high gas prices. >> instead of working the lower gas prices for americans ahead of a busy memorial day weekend big oil company executives are huddling to find ways to keep prices high and keep their profits soaring. one of the ways big oil companies spend their time these days is cozying up to donald trump who, as we all know, is no enemy to big oil. >> sandra: this is a dangerous allegation, right? he is alleging illegal behavior on the part of the big oil companies, somehow they are getting together and purposely propping -- this is not how this works. >> as you and i know you used to cover the oil markets. you know those very well. every time there is the charge. they investigate it. how many times have that he found -- >> sandra: 0. >> this is the democratic tactic. we saw it last week. first you lie about inflation, the president lied about inheriting 9% inflation, which
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he didn't. it was 1.4% when he took office. and then if that doesn't work, which it didn't last week, you blame it on the companies. first lie, if the lie doesn't pass, then you blame it on price gouging. >> sandra: when that doesn't work they blame a mom and pop gas stations. >> it is easy to explain this as well. if you are producing less oil, which the united states is right now. we had a slight uptick in u.s. oil production last month. but it is still below what it was in december, in november, in october and september of last year. so the fact is that we're not producing anywhere near as much oil as we can, demand for energy is increasing and 15 years they say it will go up 60 to 70%. and at the same time we are going to be using more electric tee. while the electric grids will be forced to put out more energy, we have less stuff that makes the energy. and that doesn't work.
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it is common sense. as the president said former president said last night, you have to base your economic policies on common sense. if you don't, you run into trouble. which is what inflation is. inflation is the trouble that comes from spending money you don't have. >> sandra: amen. >> bill: new administration, energy secretary will be one of the most important jobs in the business. >> doug burgum may be the guy. thank you very much. >> i'm here tonight to declare that we're going to turn new york city around and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to bring safety back to our streets, we are going to bring success back to our schools, we are going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. >> sandra: former president
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trump holding a rally in new york city. most of the campaigns unfolding on air and online in battleground states. william la jeunesse is following the story for us. what do we know, william? >> unless you are one of those seven toss-up states you are not seeing ad war. how each is attacking the other. oddly, more money is being spent in lansing than los angeles, more in yuma than chicago. so this is president biden's number one spot. tens of millions of views online. 3,000 times on tv. $1.2 million say if trump is elected americans will lose their healthcare. >> president biden: healthcare should be a basic right. he is coming for your healthcare and we aren't going to let it happen. >> biden's number one issue, abortion. there are nine versions of this ad from liberal super pac american bridge. >> in is a president who bragged about being responsible for overturning roe v. wade. he called for punishing women that have abortions.
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we're already moving backwards. if we reelect trump, what will women lose next? >> in the last seven weeks according to ad impact which tracks ad spending biden is focused on philadelphia, phoenix, detroit, atlanta, milwaukee, pittsburgh, vegas, grand rapids, raleigh. the number one ad supporting trump is against biden, a 2 million. 70 million views online. running in new york, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan and north carolina. >> he keeps denying reality. is it dishonesty or demeanings yeah? biden is week and has failed and he is dishonest. we had more in our pockets when trump was president. >> trump also hits biden on immigration. >> biden's open border is hurting americans. >> president biden: nobody is going to be deported. >> while trump is in court he is using the trial to appeal for contributions.
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>> we're here in court with president trump standing. >> let's make america great again. he is the man to do it. >> so less than six months out the ads are getting nasty. the morning the biden campaign launched a $14 million about buy in pennsylvania. it is just getting started. >> sandra: william la jeunesse live in l.a. for us on that. >> bill: new study revealing a shift in american habits. daily marijuana use is now outpacing drinking. when has that been the case? dr. marc siegel will tell us what you need to know. a story that gets stranger and stranger. why the f.b.i. is said to be investigating a failed attempt to auction off graceland.
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>> because one, the euro state is considered unique -- [inaudible] and be >> judge might be on board. the sale of an iconic property is put on hold and that's today's hemmer celebrity news, smitty. you have a judge putting a temporary restraining order on the auction of graceland. the tennessee a.g. is wanting to investigate the company trying to sell the property. it is sitting fine with fans who want to keep it public.
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>> it needs to be in the family. >> it should be in the family and it is our historic area so i think that it should stay the way it is. >> bill: the granddaughter of the king is suing to keep control ownership of graceland but apparently before lisa marie died in 2023, she allegedly signed this agreement with a company to bail her out of bankruptcy. so that is the issue. based on what the judge said, i this i the family stands a good chance of keeping graceland. i love the king. >> sandra: weren't you elvis for halloween a few years? >> bill: i was the elvis -- honolulu, 1973. epic. try it. it's a great recommendation. >> sandra: all right. by the way, oh, oh, oh, dolly parton is coming up on "america's newsroom" today on
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friday before memorial day weekend. so excited for this. she will be joining us live from dollyland and tell us about the exciting adventures happening as travelers are hitting the road to go there. she has a new album coming out. >> bill: love her. have a great time with that. that's 1:00 with smitty and john and now this. >> sandra: busy memorial day weekend is getting underway. people are gearing up. near record number of americans are expected to head out of town for this holiday. dana marie mcnicholl is live in miami. we were watching chicago o'hare. what is happening in florida? >> hi, sandra, good morning. the roads are busy here in florida and aaa says the exact same thing. they haven't seen numbers this high for memorial day travel in 20 years. they project it will be up 4% over last year at 43.8 million people vacationing. pointing to, of course, the longer tsa lines and more traffic.
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>> the big news this year is we expect road trips will set an all-time record with more than 90% of americans traveling by car or just about 38 million americans traveling. >> usually around memorial day those gas prices go up. but according to gas buddy, the nation's average price of gas has been unchanged for a week now sitting at $3.51 were gallon. $0.04 cheaper during last year's average. if you are traveling by air tsa expects today to be the busiest weekend day. atlanta national broke a record for the amount of people they screened during the morning travel rush and experts say they expect the number to go up. you were mentioning chicago o'hare. 4,000 delays across the country mostly in chicago, dallas and new york.
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if you are hitting the road the time to do so is now. >> sandra: yeah, maybe like an hour ago, couple hours ago. dana marie mcnicholl on that for us. it looks warm and sunny there. enjoy. thank you. milestone in marijuana. the number of americans who use weed in some form every day is surpassing the number of people who drink alcohol. this is according to a new study in the journal addiction. let's bring in dr. marc siegel. you don't have to convince us of this. you step outside the door in new york city and you just smell weed everywhere in the cabs, ubers, in elevators. i mean, it feels like it is just everywhere now. what are you seeing? >> sandra, not just here in new york city. i think you can get high walking down the streets here. it is everywhere. this study came out of carnegie-mellon talking about 17 million people using it daily. 40% of all pot users are using
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it daily. 74% of americans live in a state where it's recreationally used legal or medical marijuana is legal. i can tell you medical marijuana is often misused and often overprescribed. you can get it very, very easily. the big problem here is that the amount of thc in marijuana has skyrocketed whether we talk about gumies or vaping or smoking. 30 to 50% concentration of tch compared to 1.5% a couple decades ago. it leads to cannabis use disorder and emergency room visits. most importantly, people who have underlying mental health issues, it brings it out. it leads to anxiety and depression and problems with performance and states where it's legal like california, women are using it when they are pregnant, which is a huge risk to the fetus. this is a major problem. >> bill: go back to 1992.
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8.9 million alcohol users versus.9 cannabis uses. in 2022, 17 by 7 million to 14.8 million. per month usage alcohol 45 days a month. marijuana 15 to 16 days a month. here is a quote carnegie-mellon. cannabis use appears to be on a different scale than it was before legalization. what's the danger there, doc? >> the daily use, bill. if you are having a beer watching the knicks lose it is one thing, right? if you are smoking pot every single day, how are you going to function properly? another thing that carnegie-mellon study showed is daily alcohol use down by 7%. a lot of this has to do with the pandemic. people were shut in and pot use increased and that was the way you socialized. very dangerous the daily use. >> bill: the way it's made.
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the thc that is so toxic. >> that's absolutely right. that chemical is up to 30 to 50%. that's causing all the mental health problems. that's causing all the behavioral problems. that's causing the suicide risk. e.r.s are flooding with people that have deeply disturbed thoughts from the marijuana. >> sandra: that's a tough one and something that they are seeing more and more of. dr. siegel on that for us. thank you. >> bill: have a good weekend. thanks for coming on today. inflation a fact of life not just in the higher prices you are paying but also in schools. how teachers are pumping up the grades even as the attendance continues to drop. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to the roots of our legacy. where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom.
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test scores and attendance go down. troy olson teaches high school in virginia and joins us now. this is something that concerns all of us as americans and parents and educators what to do about the growing education crisis. what about this move to be more lenient with grades? what is the effect of that? >> i think it's something we've seen, you know, in schools across the country. not removed from anybody. i think a big push has been renewing and changing some policies specifically with trying to be more lenient with students. we can imagine a scenario in which school board sees students being stressed or anxious and tries to manage that with good intentions and maybe creates policies that allow students to turn in work late without penalty and ultimately that can backfire in meaningful ways. we see less learning and we can actually see teachers trying to
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manage students behavior with the policies being developed. >> sandra: average grades in mathematics versus actual act test scores. while the grades are going obviously up, the act math score is going down. it's not like they are learning better or taking in more or -- math skills are improving. it is not showing up in the act but grades are getting better. how do we do this so the kids are actually learning and retaining and going off with real skillsets into life? >> i think the power needs to be given back to the teachers. i think these policies remove teachers from being able to work with their students. teachers know their students. i believe in the resiliencesy of students and i believe if you set high expectations for students they'll achieve it.
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teachers will help them get there. policies are being made that don't allow teachers to actually meet their students' needs and we're kind of being, you know, met with this inflexible mentality and in a lot of ways students are leaving high school knowing less, actual less content and actually being less prepared to do well in college or the workforce wherever they end up. it is a lose/lose situation. >> sandra: we go from economic inflation to grade inflation. the percent increase over a 12 year period of students reporting a grades in different subjects. the number going up in english almost 10% more are getting an a grade there, math a grades up 11%. these are double digit increases across the board. i have dug into a lot of these state report cards. what we're seeing is teachers being put into a position of passing and then graduating kids
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who are well below their grade level in learning and well below their grade level in reading especially. what's the harm in that? what is life going to be like for them if they aren't graduating at grade level for reading? >> i think we're allowing students to leave high school in a position that maybe is functionally illiterate to a point where students can't perform at the level they need to going to college or entering the workforce. whatever they decide to do after high school. a lot of it is teachers genuinely want to help their students and want to set those expectations and hold them accountable. i think we're being put in a position that that's not possible for us anymore. >> sandra: i'm glad you said that. for so many of us including myself, a lot of school teachers in my family want the best for their students. unfortunately so many times they are put in the position of just teaching to test. i know that's a big debate that is happening at so many of the
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public schools right now. thank you so much for joining us on that. >> thank you. have a great morning. >> bill: before we go, before we go -- >> sandra: already that time? >> bill: apple music put out the best music of all time. here is what apple says. lauren hill. michael jackson two, beatles, prince and frank ocean checks in at five. rolling stones. get the debate ready. marvin gay, beach boys, joni mitchell, stevie wonder and then abby road by the beatles at number five. i believe spotify needs to be the arbitrator to settle this dispute. >> sandra: i'll ask dolly parton at 1:00 today. thanks for having me. >> bill: freedom friday. julie is in for harris, have a great weekend. >> julie: thank you so much.


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