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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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joe biden could be facing a massive rebuke with the black waters this election cycle. we've all seen the new york times battleground poll where donald trump is getting over 20% of the black vote, would be the largest number we've seen since 1964 and the irony of courses joe biden is the 1 who has a history of making incredibly racially charged racist statements like saying he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle or that obama was the first mainstream american who is bright articulate and clean so that says a little more about joe biden and the democrats then it does charlemagne the god. >> thank you both. enjoy your weekend. spee and take care. that's it for us. and kayleigh mcenany in for lower income. be sure to catch me on outnumbered weekdays 12:00 pm. a big week next week on the legal front. thank you for watching the special edition. jesse watters primetime takes it from here.
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>> welcome to especially edition of jesse watters primetime. because the producers of primetime like to mess with me i will read the prompter exactly as it's written. i am charles william kane in for jesse. it was a love fest last night in the bronx. >> right here in the bronx. [ cheering and applause ] who would think cactuses like a love fest. we love you. we're going to renovate new york subway system so it no longer looks like it hasn't been clean since 1932. >> they always going to whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. trump going to show men's go for all of us. >> i want to find out. i got to get my teeth like that. it doesn't matter whether you are black or brown or white or whatever the hell colour you are
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it doesn't matter. we are all americans and we are going to pull together as americans. >> breaking donald trump once a real anti-shower the borough of brooklyn with love and they returned the favour. but none of it surprised the former president. >> ttc black black support going up with hispanic young people kept the people look more like me then you and ac are different. >> i did things in office nobody else is done. criminal justice reform. i did criminal justice reform at a level nobody thought was possible and i did that largely for the black and hispanic community. they're the ones who wanted, opportunity zones with tim scott and he was so much in favour of it's probably maybe the best economic development package ever for african-americans, first para cannes ins. we did a lot of things people couldn't believe were able to
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get done. >> he did surprise the media when they trump in the bronx and saw him potentially turn a deep blue new york red speak certainly bigger crowd than i think democrats particularly get on this. 1 of the blues counties in the entire country. >> a lot of the people i talked to were first-time voters. some have never been to a trump event before. some have voted for obama twice and voted for joe biden and are now saying they are going to vote for former president trump. >> charles: the bronc site told primetime last night that the rally was quote a smorgasbord of patriots. of all races and colours. does this mean that trump will now win the black vote? i don't know. doesn't mean he could turn it from 90% democrat to 70% which would be significant? election swinging significant but more significantly mean someone is paying attention to people who been ignored, people who have been forgotten and jealous democrats are calling all that circus.
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>> you don't make a difference at all for donald trump to be the ringleader and invite all his clowns to replace like the bronx. new york will never ever support donald trump for president. we know him better than anyone and that means we understand what he's all about. it's just for himself. so the state will go solidly behind joe biden for president has it has in the past. so he wants to spend his time doing these made up fake rallies and pretending their support be my guest. >> ignore them. call them clowns. that's the new version of if you don't fall for me you ain't black. democrats abandoned the forgotten men and women of the bronx and now our name calling them for siding with a man who's doing what they promised they would do to actually listen from the deplorable stew clowns. 1 of the clans in attendance last night was congressman byron
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donald's. enjoy read says trump doesn't actually like byron. he just keeping him around so he can say he has black friends. >> that guy the 1 black eye that republicans love to roll out as fake proof that a black people the blacks are meghan. it's a joke. so there clowns. they are a joke and after last night in the bronx it looks like trump has a lot of black friends. those democrats are even accusing republicans over the sin they have perfected. 's mankind out of donald trump is ever been to the bronx before i doubt if you will ever come back. this notion of typing, stage calf kick boisterous him and carnival barking people need to be aware its nothing but drive-by politics. >> charles: drive-by politics is the name of the game for democrats. that's if they drive by at all. trump was just in the bronx by the way. a few weeks ago mingling with
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the bow dagger workers as chants of 4 more years pierced through the air. this is all real. none of this is fake. trump is building a campaign on positivity back even in his words love for every american black white republican and democrat. and the only ones bringing the negativity are democrats. it's because their districts and voters are showering the guy they love with more love than he could ever imagine. instead of listening they are peddling them lives. >> donald trump presidency was a catastrophe for the bronx. his gross mismanagement of the covid-19 global pandemic left a death toll of more than 7,000 fatalities in the bronx which is greater than the death count of 9/11 and pearl harbor combined. so donald trump has brought preventable death and deep suffering to the people of the bronx and instead of holding a rally he should be issuing an
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apology to the people of the bronx for the long lasting damage that he's done not only to the bronx but to our country. >> the bronx does deserve an apology but not from trump. from democrats. who have done nothing but take their vote and give them back broken promises. 2024 is the year all of the changes. the writing is on the wall and even now cnn is admitting it. >> this is very democratic precinct. but look at the margin trend line. you see obama 94 obama 96 clinton 92. biden won but only 69 points. >> why is that important because look at that 23 percentage points less than hillary clinton won bio. this is a sign of the hispanic movement that we saw last cycle. if you look back hispanic voters at this point in the 2020 cycle joe biden had a 25-point lead. luchador that leaders today. is 7 points. donald trump right now 44% if
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that helps will be the best performance for republican candidate among hispanic voters since george w. bush in 2004. >> yes 69 points down from 92. cover your eyes democrats. that way you won't see was coming. >> i think the democrats ignore trump's outreach to minority voters at their peril. trump knows how to trigger people. he knows what speaks to people and gets them out. i can sail those people are from the bronx. i'm very suspicious the majority of those people were voters in the bronx but he's doing something that's speaking to the hearts and minds of minorly voters and i hope that democrats don't put her heads in the sand. >> charles: the visit to the bronx may just be the beginning of something special. joe biden this week. trump knows that. in fact nate silver recently, not exactly republican pollster that nate silver recently said they may have to replace joe
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biden as early as august. if trump keeps hammering these deeply precinct with speeches like the ones you games and the bronx is gone to drive souls to the polls and it might give us 1 of the greatest political combats in american history. madeleine is a black seductress and joins now. she was also in the bronx last night for that rally with donald trump. tell us a little bit about. what did you see and feel? >> thank you so much for having me. i'm very disturbed number 1 by these comments that these paid tech okay elected officials off of our tax dollar on making towards our whole entire demographic of american citizens they work for us. we don't work for them. they've got twisted. yesterday out in the bronx that was electric. there is something supernatural
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about that whole entire experience. the energy that was in that talk of people of all races, all creeds all religions altogether on 1 accord and we were happy and excited. it was magical. you had to be there to understand and feel the energy. none of those rich people in suits but ever step foot in there. donald trump did. and we have his ear. he showed us that he cared. >> they got away with saying that. they can feel confident because they've gotten away with saying those types of things for half a century. they've gotten away with accusing their opponents of racism. they've gotten away with making broken and unfulfilled promises for half a century. why this time will be different? >> it will be different because they fumbled us, 67 years of being loyal to a party that's
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never returned anything to our community. we've got nothing but welfare on top of welfare crime, dilapidated housing, failing schools, safe injection sites abortion clinics. liquor stores okay. what's the latest thing they put in their neck those legal weed spots. this is all the give us because they think these are the things that will satisfy and pacify us. keep all that crap. make some major investments in those communities and bring some serious jobs. replace the guns can't replace the drugs with hammers and nails and drills and still work and ironworker. use those young men who are involved in the criminal justice system to renovate and rebuild that dilapidated housing and pay them good money with benefits to
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take care of their children and help lift them up out of poverty. instead of enabling the outright just estimation. make some pathways that will help them avoid incarceration. all this crap they are talking. i've been around a long time, a whole bunch of 24/7s and i voted democrat loyalty and they've done nothing. they fumbled. they fumbled the black boat. they fumbled the minority vote. they fumbled the democratic vote and it's over. >> preach. beautiful. he almost started a sequel to the rally right here in primetime. thank you so much. let's bring in trump campaign press secretary now caroline love it. great to see you tonight. tell us a little bit about the strategy. donald trump has looked to go in to democratic strongholds. the bluest of the blue and here
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it is in the bronx. what's a strategy for the campaign for donald trump? >> our strategy is to continue playing on offence. president trump continues to dominate joe biden international battleground state such as pennsylvania wisconsin, michigan. we are seeing that across-the-board poll after poll shows him morning so we are going on offence and these traditionally blue democrat states such as minnesota, virginia, new york and new jersey. these are states that are legitimately in play and president trump is leading the charge by going into these longtime democrat communities act democrat run cities that have been run into the ground by corrupt and disgusting democrat politicians who have made empty promises and delivered nothing but death and destruction and crime and violence and president trump's message of optimism and hope and making these cities send our country wealthy and safe and prosperous again is
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resonating with all americans of all backgrounds regardless of their race religion or creed. so while we plan offence joe biden and the democrats are on defence. they are panicking. you can see it on the faces of everyone on cnn last night and this morning and they know joe biden is in serious trouble right now. >> the other thing i would think about going to these areas is you are going directly to the places where democratic policies have been implemented so all the real-world effects of those policies are most acutely felt in these neighbourhoods like the bronx. so the question is where you go next? >> i will let president trump announce that. will be going too many democrat run cities especially in battleground states across this country and you are right the citizens in these cities have felt a tangible difference in their lives from president trump's president. >> reporter: now joe biden's disastrous and failing presidency and the message we hear from these residents every single time is that i'm sick and
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tired of being put last ahead of the legal people who do not deserve to be here in the first place. president trump a put americans first. you will provide them with hope and opportunity and jobs. he will secure our southern border and demand law and order in our streets. >> sadly for america you have plenty of cities to choose from. you can go to detroit. you can go to san francisco. sadly you can go to any number any dozen of states across this country. caroline we wish you the best of luck. thank you for being with us in primetime. >> good to see you. illegal aliens caitlin clark and stephen miller head-on primetime.
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>> charles: illegal immigrants continue to pour through her borders getting to the country
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so easy for them. they can just call in uber or lyft and go wherever they want literally. this colombian illegal immigrant grew tired of waiting for border patrol in california after he crossed so he ordered a lyft to pick him up and take him away and that makes him i got away. national correspondent bill maloof is here with the latest. border patrol reports in the last week alone they've arrested illegal immigrants from 67 countries around the world. take a look at this video right here in hot come back. this is what it's like driving around on some streets. we shot this video showing migrants wandering around aimlessly looking for border patrol to turn themselves into. when we shot this there was no agents around. it's unclear if this group was ever apprehended. we talked to it took us man who crossed illegally and he says americans should be worried about how easy it is to cross the border.
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>> did you have to pay a cartel? >> how much? >> around 10,000. in fact american people is right. completely true. who comes into this country? they don't know. how if they are not good. kill or what else. no security check. there's no background check. >> no security check or background check. you are worried about who's crossing the border. >> of course. >> reporter: take a look at this wild footage of new mexico from a texas dps helicopter. what you're looking at our border patrol agents responding to the border wall as cartel smugglers and illegal immigrants are trying to scale that wall using a ladder system as the agents are trying to make apprehensions. guys on the ground throwing rocks and dirt at the agents through the wall. other guys on the wall throwing bottles at the agent as they get into a tug-of-war with the smugglers trying to get the latter down. that's what agents have to deal with day in and out.
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on top of all of that ice confirms to fox news that to max rady nationals arrested earlier this month trying to breach marine base at quantico are in the us illegally. 1 of them was arrested crossing illegally here in san diego sector last month, then released into the us. the other was here on f-1 student visa which expired in january of 2023. ice says they have no reason to leave either have any nexus to national security concerns. will send it back to you. >> crazy. thanks. it's so crazy that the illegal immigrants are looking at the other illegal immigrants and going i don't know about him. he looks crazy. is not normal. this is crazy. let's turn in america first legal founder stephen miller whose with us now. you know i don't know if it's illegal immigrants doing the thing where hey i made it through the door so i want to shut it behind me.
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everyone understands the need to not continue illegal immigration if they are looking around at the rest of the people crossing going this is trouble. >> it's definitely the second 1 because these are individuals who have travelled with the cartel's cactus smugglers and coyotes. they see the criminals and the terrorists in the national secured threats crossing through that a border and even though those illegal aliens or lawbreakers and we don't want them. , they are horrified by who's coming across the border. dolma lugw and reported in the last 24 hours alone over 3200 illegal immigrants were freed into the country by joe biden. that's enough to fill midtown skyscraper. some of them will still jobs. some of them will still benefits. some of the most of public services but among those are people who are going to hurt, name and possibly murder and rape american citizens. how many times have you heard a
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case in florida recently 11-year-old girl kidnapped and raped. who is charged? illegal alien set free and released by joe biden. autistic young woman in maryland beaten to death and rakes and murdered by an illegal alien. who left that illegal alien in? joe biden. the man charged in her gruesome murder set free by joe biden. he's waging war against this country by any definition. everyone of these men at that the border could all be deported instantaneously but he's made it will fill choice to set them free in our country and all of a sudden the consequences. >> i want to ask you it's keep on the topic of illegal immigration. i want to ask you about this bill that passed the house of representatives and representatives to keep noncitizens from voting in washington dc. it did gain some democratic support to pass the house. o'soup happens. we know it will happen but we'll see what happens in the senate. but perhaps the most no full
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thing is how many democrats voted against is bill. in other words to allow noncitizens to vote in washington dc. i know their arguments, noncitizens voting is not a problem and doesn't happen all of a sudden they found some kind of newfound religion of federalism. let local means the parties dictate their own future. but i think there is real insight into their true motivations here in voting against the idea. let's keep noncitizens from voting. >> it's the vast majority of democrats voted to lead illegal aliens vote in nation's capital and most importantly their entire leadership team and hakeem jeffries voted to lead illegal aliens voting are nation's capital. what does that mean? they have the majority. that will be the uniform party position. they won't let any members go to have free votes. they will all voting unison uniformly to lead illegal aliens vote anywhere and everywhere. if they have been majority in the house and the senate and they have the white house they'll get rid of the
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filibuster. joe manchin is gone. the only 1 standing the way retiring and gone. get rid of the filibuster and they will make every illegal alien into a full voting citizen >> always lies feel free to get a glass of water. you been fighting that the entire interview but did not get in the way of your wisdom. thanks for being with us tonight. joe biden judge nominee and troubling past with trans child rapists. more on that next. lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5!
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ratings but not everyone is happy about it in women's sports and not everyone is happy but women's sports elevating. here's the view sunny who went on an unhinged rant against clark and claimed people only care about her not just because she's white but because she's pretty tall and wait. >> i do think that there is a saying called pretty privilege. is a thing called white privilege. there's a thing called tall privilege but i do think she's more relatable to more people because she's white, because she's attractive. >> pretty, lauckner heard some bc caitlin clark anaconda cover. tallcree she's a double nba player 6-foot. she's on the shorter end of players in the wnba. and then we get to race. jemele hill formally of espn told los angeles times black women are often erased from the picture. plenty of room to highlight and celebrate caitlin clark's popularity while discussing ways in which to not erase black
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women from the league that they have built-in continue to build. so why can't we just be happy for caitlin clark's success and popularity. why so much attention on her race? the attention she's giving to women's basketball is helping elevate the sport for every player but these hatemongers that reduce everything to race always need to tear someone down in order to create their controversy. barstool founder dave portnoy's calling out all of the criticism for what they are. its racist. he pointed out by the way if this is all about caitlin clark being white why isn't sabrina ionescu and hollis cameron whole list of other white wnba players achieving the success and popularity of caitlin clark? it's because they're not celebrated because she's white. they're celebrating her because she's the best women's college player in history and plays with swagger and she's revolutionizing the game in the same manner of steph curry. fortunately for those who understand this and aren't
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obsessed with race baiting was people beginning to speak out. >> caitlin clark is the reason why a lot of great things is going to happen for the wnba. i'm rooting for kate and because i've been in that seat before. i have walked that before. hope she goes sneaky 100% rate on these girls hating on caitlin clark. where the most insecure group in the world. you all should be thanking that girl forgetting private charters, all the money and visibility she bringing to the w. nba. >> charles: here's another point. even of caitlin clark's race did contribute to or popularity why is that problematic? it was celebrated when tiger woods brought black popularity to golf so i is it problematic in reverse, because there's a growing anti-bite racism that's become more prevalent on the left zameer so racial division where there is none and the
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impactors far beyond the world of sports. operations in academia are racing to embrace antiwhite racism under the guise of diversity. a new investigation by the washington free beacon has revealed the extreme practices put into place by the new dean of admissions at ucla medical school. her dna policies are religiously pushing white students technician white students in promoting unqualified candidates in the name of diversity. the dean demanded high high qualified white male be knocked down several spots because she put we have 2 to many of his kind already and she told doctors who voiced concerns they had no right turn opinion because they were not people of colour. this is what happens when you go all in on antiracism. you just end up being a racist. jeremy carl is the author of a new book entitled the unprotected class the rise of antiwhite racism and how it threatens to tear america apart and he joins me now. great to have you on the show.
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i want to talk about this on 2 levels cultural and systemic. when i spent some time pointing out was going on with caitlin clark we're talking about a growing cultural tied of acceptability of racism when it applies to someone who's white. >> that's absolutely correct and thanks for having on. i think this is 1 of the really interesting things. there's 2 different things at play. 1 is this cultural aspect where you get all this hate directed towards people like caitlin clark who's just the best of all time at least at the college level. she plays with incredible swagger and that's why she's brought attention but then you also have this formal discrimination going on like you sought ucla medical school and in situations like that will kill patients because we are bringing in unqualified doctors because we can't have white doctors according to diversity bureaucrats. >> charles: i going to the audience we had a long conversation for about an hour
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on the will kane's show that streams live on the fox news channel and facebook page and you can subscribe spotify or apple. we spent an hour talking about this but you laid out for me real concrete ways where there is racism baked into the systems of america where they are not being through government contracts or hiring practices all across the country. >> absolutely and your previous guests stephen miller has been at the forefront with his group of america first legal really challenging some of the stuff. it's been hiding in plain sight where they are basically, they have jobs where they are like no whites need apply or internships and you can do that even legally but the culture has become so systemically antiwhite that people were not even challenging until very recently. >> a wave of the hand of this conversation is always poor white guy you had it so hard in history but the point that you and i both come back to is aren't we supposed to be judging each other as individuals?
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if there's a victim of being judged by the superficial characteristics of your skin colour isn't that inherently the most against the very spirit of america, even if we acknowledge america didn't always live up to that spirit cree that's the aspirational goal of america. >> absolutely and as thomas saul said the quest for cosmic justice always leads to kind of greater injustice. this notion that of course because we had things less-than-perfect in america's past that we somehow need to put a big elephant on the scale to weigh things and the other direction is not the way we want to do things. we want to aspire to treat everybody regardless of the race and as fairway and honest away as we can and treat them as much as you can and individuals. that doesn't mean we don't see colour but it means as much as possible we are trained to transcend it as opposed to breaking it into the cake which is what are bureaucracy wants to >> wonderfully said. we aspire and recognize.
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we don't pretend colourblindness. we recognize the world is reality and we aspire to move beyond in order to see each other truly as individuals. you laid it out really well in your new book the unprotected class. stephen and i had a long conversation once again go to the will came show on youtuber spotify and you can check out the argument that stephen is making the unprotected class. thank you so much jeremy spee thank so much. it's a pleasure to be with you smith jeremy carl bradley gaines is on deck. >> like the pool. she's on the deck ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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>> charles: in 2022 judge teranet been recommended a biological male who identifies as a female to be transferred to a female prison but he wasn't just any male prisoner. and he was a child rapist who pled guilty to sexually assaulting both a little boy and a teenage girl and now judge byrne is up for a federal judge position because of course her bad judgment in the eyes of joe biden is good judgment.
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>> she said i don't want to go to a male prison. i don't want to go to a female prison, and the board of prisons says what planet did you parachute in from. you are going to a male prison but this kind of record and you sent him to a female prison. you said the board of prisons was trying to violate ms shelby's constitutional rights. >> recommended finding under-- >> why don't you admit that was your ruling. are you ashamed? >> charles: no 1 summed up the outright lunacy better than senator ted cruz. democrats are so entrenched in their own agenda they are willing to sacrifice the safety of individuals to pursue their ideology. >> this these -- this case demonstrates that you're willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology. >> sue uteck a 6-foot to serial
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rapist, serial child rapist with male genitalia and he said i would like to be in a women's prison and your answer was that sounds great to me. senator kennedy is right. this is not a judge's order. this is a political activist. >> the facts are joe biden nominated judge who granted the transfer of a biological male rapist to a women's prison, after all of that was known but democrats don't like the truth which is why they tried to shut this hearing down. >> we have a witness badgering and now badgering of the chair. some of us would like to get on with this hearing. >> i'm sure you would. >> can you get on with it madam chair. >> so does that mean every democrat senator want to cover the facts? >> when we returned to senator questions are we will adjourn
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today's hearing. >> you want to adjourn you can do that. [ simultaneous talking ] let's avoid the facts. >> they turned the steering into a farce. was never about holding the rights of americans and the constitution. it was instead about dea. >> the value notches the the importance but the value of diversity in our judiciary currently each spring tremendous both life as well as professional experience which i think strengthens the judiciary. when more perspectives are considered. >> charles: what about just good judgment? out,.com host ambassador to the independent women's forum and author of a brand-new book swimming against the current. riley gaines joins us. great to see you tonight. you often are with me or some other host talking about trans athletes often in the world of sports and you and i had a long
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conversation recently and we talked about this is enabled at the highest levels elite academia and in this case the justice system, the insanity here coming from a judge. >> you're right. this is not only happening in the courts. this is virtually in every realm so it seems, academia and corporate america, in our media which is disheartening to say the least but let's be very clear. sara net byrne is a political activist using her position as an officer of the court to put people at risk in order to advance her progressive agenda. she has no business being a crossing guard let alone any kind of judge and i applied senator cruz, senator kennedy mike we had good questioning but as you said this judge is not a one-off. we have seen federal judges in the fourth circuit and the tenth circuit, not even be able to define the word woman. we have a sitting supreme court justice who can't answer the word woman or what a woman is
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because she claims she's not a biologist. i'm not a veterinarian but i know what a dog is. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. and very briefly the scenario senator cruz was describing the 6-foot to mail entering into a woman's prison male convective octave -- of awful sexual crimes that's not uncommon. at 70 indiana new jersey ohio kansas new york texas california. of course in california right now in california others over 200 male inmates patiently waiting to be transferred into women's facilities and there are women's institutions that have installed condom dispensers. ask yourself why would they install condom dispensers and all women's prison facilities. >> right and there's something uniquely of a revealing about a scientist who doesn't understand basic allergy the difference between a man and a woman and a judge who display such horrific judgment.
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it's not just your failing the basic tenants of the job. you have lost your mind to some new insanity. >> you're exactly right. seriously. of progressive specifically president biden and his administration in this case cannot draw a line to serial repeat rapist and distributed of child pornography then there's no line. this is becoming a farce endgame of words every siegel day that passes and i believe it's about time these agenda driven judges are shown they are not above the law. >> charles: >> charles: swimming against the current is the new book. check it out at the risk of being kicked off the program. riley and i sat down in our this week on the will came show and i will say it here, the compliments are earned. incredibly thoughtful and wise for somebody who's only 24 so check out both of you get the chance. thank you so much. >> thanks.
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>> charles: young americans abandoning key values that have made our nation great for hundreds of years. faith family patriotism, seemed to be all things of the past. belief in god having children and loving our country are all things the current generation seems to despise. the question is why. is there hope for gen z to get it together? the author of the new book the war on warriors in my fox and friends we can coho with a much more celebratory introduction. >> thank you for what up? >> the question as we worry about the future ends in gen z. to the grow-op. to those positions and opinions change as they gain years or is this the real fear for the future of the country? >> it's a really bad number. yes, they will change and be mugged by reality.
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they will need to rely on something other than themselves like faith. they will realize they are falling and fragile and there something more to life than just material world here but that number of 26% belief in god. so the boomers just lay down and didn't pass anything to the millennials in the millennial 7 casual but thinking their kids would be like boomers but they didn't do anything to pass along so here we are at 1 fourth of young kids today don't believe, low believe in god. that is generational implications for our nation. 26% believe in god. 32% for patriotism. that means your casual about passing to your kids while these institutions will have been captured. these are really dangerous numbers. the first thing we should do a new administration is repent and recognize as a nation we lost our way. >> i'm serious. that's our only hope. >> on the patriotism side this is part of what you've discussed
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in the war on warriors. if he of a nation that doesn't believe in itself it is and how to fight for itself. >> that's right. that's concerning for everybody. it's wye road the book the war on warriors is because i signed up to defend the nation i love with a bunch of other guys that love that nation who are trained in that steep and that and encountered a meritocracy that taught them to fight for that. right now not only are we not teaching kids that put them inside our military ranks are filled with the same divisive ideologies. we're doing dti and crt so white soldiers are looking at black soldiers differently and then we have ginger is an electric tanks and climate worship in patriot extremism. pad on top of vaccine mandate that a lot of patriot set i'm not interested in it's an unholy mix that not only is infiltrating our ranks but is discouraging those 26% of patriots from saying i would like my next location to be service in camouflage and that's
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a problem when china is building a military to defeat us. the book's were on warriors and comes out in 10 days. you can preorder it right now. thanks for the time to talk about it. >> of course. everyone should get it. you saw pete look off camera left when he looked for china. to my camera left over here is a gigantic screen because this has divided the house on fox and friends which pete went beyond my morning because the mavericks are up 1-nothing and he could not face me going into the weekend. wolves and mavericks. >> wolves insects. >> no way. not in 6. on makeup production because that's how smart him about sports. >> so confident. pete going to be there for those 4 individuals will be there on fox and friends 6:00 am tomorrow. catch the will came show 12 every monday through thursday fox youtube and facebook. spotify and appl


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