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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 25, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. have what we saw last night shoulde s have solidifieagd the message that democrats shouldn't just be scared. they should be terrified. the bronx is supposed to be a major democrat stronghold. remember, biden got 84.4% of the vote and yet thousands flocked to see one man, donald j. trump. i believe that we can win york state be at levels of support that nobody's seen befor, looke >> i mean, look at this. our country is going to be very. successful and people are going to come together. he hahe has the guts to comeafd and show that he does. he's not afraid. t tahe's afraid to come to a democratic and show that he's here fos r us. pro
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>> we must work together as a team to win. you are proud patriotspatriots . >> you love this. you love this city, you love this state, and you love our countr it's ly you live in a blue city, but it's going red very, very quickly. igh: can can you imagine biden getting a crowd like that anywhere,the anywhere in the country? i couldn'tcity. the city is changing,ng t but democrats are desperately tryingo cl to claim otherwise. b >> new york city is blue.oo klyn ibrooklyn's brooklyn is blue. queens blue.s br the bronx is blue. and he's got nowhere to go. he's brokeg people people in inr to to get those donations so that he can funnel to his legal fees is kind of his businessp wa right now. so trump was bussing people into the bronx. that's what aotold uc us.d fr well, she probably didn't expect to get fact check fromcrw none other than cnn. >> certainly a bigger crowdn. than i think democrats would like to see, particularly given this is countyr th county for p
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the entire country to go to a lot of these rallies across the country and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles. donaldpart of th trump, and thet necessarily part of the community. however,found is tha one of thee that i found was that there were a lot of people here that were actually the bronx a l that was a little hard to hear her. >> the ymca music was admittedly loud. maybe we'd rather listen to that than the cnnc reporter. there but she said no. there were bronx wer residents s there. there were thousands. and look, we're seeing thi rosss all across the country, we're seeing this in blustates, e sta. we're seeing this in swing states. in fact, trump isn't just trump isn't just winning the traditional states. and new hampshire journal poll shows that the raceie is statistical tie that was a state carried by bidenie by more than seven points in 2020. of course, we're speaking virg and virginia.ghmpshire. several polls have shown a tight sometimes margin of error race despites by biden carrying the state
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by double digits in 2020. trump is putting new state shere o in play, but he's doing something far bigger and picking off a state hereum r there. now trump is remaking the republican party. he's creating a diverse, movem thriving, robust political movement that's narrowinenting the g the map fow joe biden. it's the rust belt or bustha. that's what steve shepherd of politico wrote. while polls broadlwhy show bidep continuing to fall behind, former president donal d trump in swing states across the country, listen to this. he writes, they consistentlyyshy show the older, whiter states of michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsi, n as the most competitive for biden. trump, meanwhile, larger leads in the rust belt states, in large part owing to biden'svo loss of support with young voters. and listen to this voters of color in nevada, a state that a republican presidential candidatn e not won in almosts y 20 years, trump leads 5.3% on average. and in arizona, trump has a healthy 4.1% advantage. these leads are fueledmovement
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by voters of color joining the trump movement>> and sometimes even lifelong democrats. >> you you used to vote democrai this year. that's going to change. it is. i think that the cost of living has spiraledrol. out of controlt i don't see biden doing anything about it. and also is an, there's an inflk at the border that needs to be dealt with. and i thin trump isk trump is the man to do it. anti-trump people in my neighborhood are coming are n to vote for donaldess. trump because they believeu vo in economic success and they believe in lowering crime. >> last time aroun n.d, you voted for joe biden. this time around, you're going to vote for donald trump. whbecause y? >> absolutely. because donald trump already showed me that he understands our problems. he understands h what the county needs. >> he has the heart to do it. please, i said this democrat, this black puerto rican. i said my endorsemenet foru. you as a black.
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joining me now is two of the men you just saw, reverend ruben diaz, seniorw former new york city council member representing the south bronx, and andric e drayton, bronxno resident. both are longtime democrats who are now supporting trump. reverend diaz, you have a new me far.n. nd her name is my mother. she said she recognized l your kind and gentle spirit. and she talked about you a lot last nightight wheere on. we were on the phone. i was just amazed by what you had to say.know, yo. o less and i want to know, you know, lifelong democrat, elected official n.o less decades. >>at was the moment you said, i can't do this anymore? well, you know, i have been for years already been feeling the pain, feeling, feeling the abandonment in which the democratic party has pulled off. but now that we're. but then there was no republican, no. d to, yo
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that decided to, you know,rump go to the brothers and pay attention to u ds. but donald trump has done it in such a way that i never imagined myself. i never imagined the thing that i'm seeing in street whenti i walk the street. taxi drivers, car. i mean, people, senior citizeno . everybody's moving to trump.p. t and i'm so excited by their weight. last wee week, ik last week i wa on this program and laura ingraham asked me a question and she asked me the the rally that's going to happen from 1 to 10. what number will you give her? and i told 12, i'm giving 11. oh, 11. i said, i give m givine a lyric but -- but, but i made a mistake. i made a mistake. >> it was 15, 15.
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wow. that that's pretty hot. and would have to agree with you on that. you know, andrew, i was reading what you sent to our producers, and one of the things i saw, it was a statement. you said i became a republican wh of yesterday. five 2324 what happened yesterda>>y? goin >> well, basically, i was going to make the change. i was already fed up. mm-hmm. . plabut i don't play around. and when i make up my mindy re and i've done my research very well, very extensively on well v versedersed on what's going on, i don't need to just, you know, wait, procrastinate things of that nature. and i saw the voting tables and saijust geti let's just get the way and move forward. >> so they were registering people there? yes, they were registering people. but i wa registeringeople s registered wow. and i just said, how do i do this? how do i just change this? wholec thinand take the whole w democratic thing out of the picture. i'm a republican now.
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just walk me through w and it was real l simple. and that's what i didgret and that's what i felt. and i'll never have ans.y regrets. >> i understand. well, welcome to the party. welcome to the movement. ay i look, there is this conspiracy theory, and i want to play it for you, reverent fod diaz.hat a this is msnbc. and here's their thoughts about whatpp yesterday in the, hisp bronx, which both a hispanicchof and black majority might seem hike an odd choice for a manho who echoestl hitler on immigration. >> the audience is not the bronx. what he's tryingwhat to do is js signal to other people, to signal to people in swinge wt who are white, who don't wantra to be thought of as voting forci raciststo softens to soften gro, to say, well, i'm not such a racist. >> i mean, reverend. so this crowd wasn't bronx. you represented the bronx. s what did you seeee those statics that the democratic youth to scare us and to sometimesrno to make shameful even. even the governor of new york stat statee said that we were c.
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last week she said thatn the the youn--g black guys in the fort in the bronx, they were stupid, practically. but she said that they don't m even know what they weres wh computer means. - an so that's what they do to us. and they and they want someone like donald trump come to us, show respect and give us the knowledge where we really are. and try to fool to bring us up.p that's what they do. that's what we are learning. it is not working anymore. >> andrea, as a new republican, hearu you think when your governor say that the people at the rally were clown e ? i think it's very disrespectful. and i thin >>k that try to usedivide the race card to divide us to make us see it as a racial s thing. but the country is, you know, thst much in disarray that you have to think american.ha
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you're missing the whole point. we're american and, you know, that was one of the tipping points for me when this thisigrn illegal immigration thing came into play. they just forgetting we american. >> i've never been out the country a day in my life. ts >> yeah. we're americans. that is such a beautiful sentimentifut. andre so impressedd with everything you've had to say. reverend diatoz. ther not only are we americans, we're brothers and sisters in . i knowsters in that.>> tha so thank you both for being here. thank you. all right. wellou, now that trump went to the south bronx, we think it's time for him to continue the angles for him. state strategy. no city. no state left behindangle 50. and we want him to head to other blue areas like chicago. chijoining me now is perry, eae chicago red chair and founder and lifelong chicago resident. perry, welcome.hat yo i was reading what you had to say earlier and you said, trump, will be greeted like a king in chicago. tell m e the reception for a trump, should he come?
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>> absolutely. we oing t are going to show him los of hospitality. he is the only person has ever tried to save us from this liberal failure and chaos impacting every facet of our lives. and we're going to give hime. a hero's welcome. and we cannot wait until he gets hereybod. everybody is saying when trump comes, we're going to go outside to make sure that he knows that we support him. >> perry, i want to play forwan you remarks by our current president. >> liste yn, i just want to make sure most of all. >> what does it mean? as we've heard before. even i to be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn'tk love him back in equal measure? >>ay that's pretty different. >> trump said, here's what we're going to do. here's our visio emn. the future was empowering. that seemed to me very dark. thatthen , well, this is why we him call him jim crow joe. he has been in congress. he's been in the executiveican v branch, been a leader in theis
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american government for over 50 years. if he's aware of the fact, wh that citizens feel like the country hates them, why hasn't he implemented any initiative s, programs, any becau anything to change those sentiments? becaus it's he it's him who feels that way. and we're going to get away from the last living dixiecrat named joseph robinette biden. roat's just who he is. >> i'm not surprised by anything racist that he says. surpriseyou know, what is the sa biggest issue you are seeing that's causing this trad thee truth? >> remarkable. i mean, if if trump wins 23% win of the the black vote, which is what he has a new york times siena, that is more than any sie republican presidential candidate has gotten since the civisl rights act of 1964. what is it? is it the economy? telln that tell us? >> it's the illegals. the invasion i is just too disrespectful. they're taking money that is supposed to go to rehabs and giving it to the illegals. they took the buses from our american children and only made the illegals eligible for it because it was for unhousedl.
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people. we have now in the cityly of chicago that citizen are actually losing their housing because the illegals are comin g with a housing stipend. that's more than what they're paying for rent. of landlordsdlords aren't renewg leases. so they're taking the illegals out of the shelter the shelt thm in the homes that they're taking the americans out of, to put the americans in the shelters. we cannot accept this. and so because he's sayinge is that he's going to have the largest deportation program in americaation prrican historya as he takes his hand offti the bible at the inauguration, we're going to be calling ice for them to come do their job. wee ice in chicago.s th >> and donald trump iser the only person who can bring themson whg th us. >> hey, ray, love the hat. love everything you have to say . >> have a great weekend. you as well. thank you. a border warninge ha straight fromllegal the mouth of an illegal immigrant. congresswoman anna paulino luna reacts. >> that's next. they were among the toughest,
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>> learn more at adopt us kids, dawg. >> well, guess who's startingigs to worryta about biden's open border policies? the illegals intake.e. >> the american people is right. completely true. are who coming to this country? they don't know whether. okay, i'm good t, but how? if they're not good, how they
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have to kill or cycle what else? i no guarantee of dead wouldn't like like no no security a national securit>> ny, noout h background check. >> no security check. no background check. you're worriedis the about who's crossing the border. yes. yes, there are. of course, me. because i'm people.l, you >> i'm not normal. hmm. wellth are, you.e shocke things are bad when even those crossing our border illegally are shocke d by the lack of security. joining us now is florida congresswoman anna paulinaana la . >> congressman luna, what do you think? n nna, whak when year what do ys worried about the illegal immigrant? looks frightening. an the unfortunately, kaylee, it's a lot worse than the american people aren being being by this administration. just to put it in perspective, kaylee. in aprilve, of this year, there was a known terrorist that was released inta o us., actu us country. i'm in texas had, actually, that had been responsible and tied to a group that had sold nine soldiers in afghanistan. fi thison knois, is that is not the first time that it's occurred. but i do believe that this administrationws're doin knows ' what they're doing. and frankly, it's almost like
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they want something to happen. it's crazy to think about. know congresswoman luna, biden continues blame you and congressional republicans for not passing so the called bipartisan bill. but here's what i find curious. si was in the press shop and ie know as press secretary, oftentimes you'll put out a headline s an of you're thinking about about doing as an administration. so i like to see what they're thinking here's about and here's what we find. let's pull this up. these are the headline oates all times they have floated to different outlets that they cog considering executive action. there you have cnn politics, politicopolitico, most recently. this is going back to february. so they continue to blame press you while telling press weboth might be taking executive action. how can both of these things be true? >> well, if the fact is thatr it's a law. in fact, congress actually passed up a ver y tol border security measure. and it's really sitting in the senate because the senate told r ,us democrat senate controlled, mind you, that they would actually pass border afcurity unless unless there's
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mass amnesty. and as you know, we can't afford to do that. in facford to ently tht currentr 22 million illegals in this country. and so is, the fact is, kelly is not only are they missing the point and that thilly s administration has intentionally tried to create these illegals coming here as just hispanic, you know, you have congressmen, women like debbie wasserman schultz saying, if we don't allow theset illegals to come here, who's going to pick the crops? and the facthae is that theseht people that are coming here are not just hispanic. they're on the terrorist watch it and they want to hurtba americans. so the biden administration is doing this to pander. ckfire. e youit's going to back. and that's exactly why you're seeing those voters, new voters from the democratty o party coming over to thet republican side for this election year. wellt about it. >> well-said. degrresswoman, thank you. >> on day one, we're going to throw out biden. they're going to replace it with maga. that makes like your hat magaanomics on which magnavox has a ring to it as trump promises to make our economy great again. againaoc is claiming on spectrm news new york one that trump will actually make it worse. in,
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>> the former president met with oil executives last week, sayinghey, y hey, you give me $1,000,000,000 and i'll make sure that you get the policies that are to raising gas pricesas and making sure that that a lot of these companies continue to price gouging idea that he'ua be those down when he's cashing in from the same folks that are bringing those price bris. >> i think it's a little bit suspect she needs to be educated . ices has she forgotten what gas prices were like under the trump administration? apparentlyke the so or the recordey wer high that they hit under biden? they weren't $5. >> that was the high. joining us now is north dakota chart governor governor burgum. i want to put up a chart for for you because apparently aoc needs to see this. this was gas pricing pricinger r trump versus under biden. and what you see is a loa low ht with trump. it was around $2. and then with biden, it hits a $5 record high. i voters know this because wel they pay their gas bills.
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>> well, yes, they sure do. and i just have to say what then clip you showed, aoc, i was wa that room when president trump was having meeting with these business leaders that are job creator s that are investing in the future of our america and that what she said is just not trueople. these are the people that risk capital and create jobs and they've done everythinamgum. to bring america back, to be energy independent under president trump withould bt. eye them we'd be in a world of hurt, but under joe biden, with his policiedrivins they'ret only driving inflation. i mean, here we are heading into the memorial day weeken d. gas prices are high, food prices are high, rent is higtri electricity is high. that's another energy cost. interest rates are high. all of this are becauseme of biden's policies. and undeanr president trump, i mean, we had we had just exactly the opposite. so biden-nomiceds fails.p ev it works for no's maggie nomics lifts up everybody, and that's why you're seeing working families who care about this countrtes,yy and blue states rushing to support president trump. >> governor,wh my friends who ae
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really credentialed conservatives and, you know, they exist in conservative er wl thought. they've experienced it their whole life. they believed in it. liyou are you're one of the nams they often bring forward as a great vice presidential. >> is that something you'd be interested in? well, i think the thin thehinggg got to be focused attention to right now is getting president trump elected. you se electede president trumpa i don't say almost doesn't need a running mate. but is he's across every demogc and he's winning for all the right reasons. he's helping make sure the american dream comes true. joe biden is killing the american dream with his policies. and in furtherpolicies joe is at only raising the price of energy at home with those policiesse, he's funding bothndn sides of two wars. he's funding irarsn. russia are funding their wars against us with what they're making on the energyenergy else so, you know, like a lottrump,au of other folks that are out campaignin tg for impor president trump, we're doing that because we've got to get him in the white house. that's the thing that's mostta, right now. >> governor, here's something that voters, viewersnow about ys know about you. i want to pull it up. it's an associated press headlines head.
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census north dakota's oil s counties cities see big growth.. and they cite mackenzie county fastest growing county in the nation because the oil industry fueled population growth.. so tell us about this nexus. when trump says, i'll bringr by down inflation by drilling, i'll make our country better by drillinit seemsg. that i >> seems like you're a microcosm for that in north dakota. dalln , kelly, and we've just a few weeks ago, north dakota was nameh ind. we have the highest gdp growth of any state in the nation right no countw. s mckinsey county is a great example, but our population is getting younger our our familiessperit are growing. and with that prosperityy,, r you know, all the things we're clicking on in our state where there's great schoolit's twe arr whether it's the things we're able to provide for families and safe communities th. is. so that's why that's whyd and this is what the whole country could be doing, what north dakot doing a is. but understand, we'd be doing prod better if not joe biden. under joe biden, production in north dakota is down. productionan r in in russia,powg in venezuela is up. joe biden's energy policiesghtig
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are empowering the dictators in the the regimes that are literall ts y the wars against and of course, through all of that, it helps china because china is the most energy dependent country in the world. they imporret energy than anyboy else in the world. the biden administration goes to china and they don't talkt wa up. they don't talk about the walking softlylkinly wit, a big, which is energy and food policy. that's what we could be doing to negotiateg toth china. instead, they're over there talking about climate agreements the. a >> and that's not that's notleig the existential crisis forh: ny america. no, it's not. governor burgum thank you very much . to d all right. a polling guru says biden needs to do one thing, just one thing to help democrats before the election. >> drop out. the details next. >> what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy's surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful beauty supreme created by french anti-ageing specialist dr. jean-louis small
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>> hunter biden was back in>> k court todaayy. t fox senior national correspondent can caucus here with all the details. n corke ith alekevin even kelly. >> hunter biden appearing at a court in his hometow n of wilmington, delaware today. as you know, he is on trial fofo a federal gun charge. and today, his lawyers asked ane court to block prosecutors from discussing certain evidence. and here'sd what happened. judge mary ellen noriega ruled that prosecutors, specialecutor counsel david wise's team cannot repeat cannot use somecrn salacious evidence in the person's criminaall next month, including references to his u.s. navy discharge, cocaineor related perhaps, and the child support for his out of wedlock daughter in arkansas. fox news has previously reported that prosecutors plan to usens portions of his bookopn and his laptop, includinclg photos, to convince a jury that the first son is guilty mae of making false statements on a federal form when he bought a revolverr back back in 2018 we
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actively using narcotics. judge noreika says that wise'sn team has to show that hunterwas biden waads addicted to drugs, but not necessarily using drugs. the day he boughght thatt gun. s for his part, hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to the chargeilty to s. >> w jury selection. kelly begins on june the third.a we'll be watching it very carefully. but for now, back to youck. >> and they could use information from the laptop. i thought the laptop wasit w disinformation. >> 50 one people said it wasn't real . apparently, it's real. a lot of egg on a lot of faces in the media. kevis bet.pres >> well, president biden yesterday held a rare press conferenceid kenya not, the preu of kenya. >> it did not go well. you know, you can't have a billion people not to shoot. first question. michael welner, two questions, e if i may, on nr o one does. the one question. matthew, your question. okay. okay. next isk. i do ask next question as well,a mrn-. president, could you telln
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me what the african union is doing when it comes to the humanitarian in the congo? what was my question. back can united states and kenya break the backs of thistion? coordinated militia that has the grips of the nation. yes, it let me ask nancy a good two. you have you make. erybod well, this this this concludesy. the press conference. >> thanks, everybody. two questions. no. one, i wis wish i yould havh, i could have pulled that one with jim acosta. biden's struggles continueat. in the polls as well. a new bloomberg news morning consult survey found crump trums leading biden across the multiple key swing states. things are sleadino bad for the president that polling guru nate silver is now, joe to step aside. and if he doesn't, then democrats should dump him. >> democrats might be better off replacing joe bidenwere on the ticket if. came the he were really as concerned about defeating donald trump an
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democrats claim they are. then you should be doing everything in your power maximi. >> maximize the chance that you win. no now is sean duffy, dav co host of espn's the bottom line, and sean davis and ceo of the federalist, too. sean, so we are going to goy an duth duffy davis instead. duffy, let's start witffh you. i mean, you were in congress. did you ever have your press secretary, like, shoutin yougav you down, fearful of what you would say next? >> i did not have that happen to me. i thin that youk this was a first. but i think you played the clip from nate silver think and i thk what nate silver said out loud is what all the democrat leadershipsaying b is saying bet closed doors. they're concerned about the pollin putout thg. ng o joe biden is losing or tied in all of the swine all g state. and there's nothing to make changes that are going to make the polling. i think any better.? and so the question becomes, how do they turn this around? we'r about e talking about this debate at the end of june, joe biden, donald trump. debthe question becomes t with that kenyon interview, why on earth would joe biden agree to a debatan't e ae, he can't ed a press conference with the
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kenyan president, let alone an hour and a halmp.f with with donald trump. i think what's happening is joe biden thinkso that he needs to solidify his base by having a good performance. it's riskyswhat h, but i think e what he's trying to do. otherwise, it makes no sense. i think you're right you aret. . and while joe biden's trying to solidify his base, you have donaldonald tr trump reaching out to all these different constituencies. it's not just the bronx. e be athe's going to be at the. libertarian convention this weekend and then listen to him ia . this is news 12, tara rosenblum. d him about nikki haley. think about the suburban women, the independent voter. here's what he hadthindependt i about if she could be inst the next administration. wel is there room for her on your team or better yet, your ticket? ing to well, i think she's going to bes on our team because we have a lot of the same idea. shes the e thoughts. i appreciated what she said. you know, we had a nasty campaign v that was pretty nastn but she's a very capable person. and i'm suream going to be on or team in some form. >> absolutel y. sean davis, he's reaching out to a lot of people. o he is. and i think he has to. and i think this is part of him
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building that that multiracial coalition that he actually did a fabulous job of doing in 2020 . you know, he gets knocked from ople the left for only being the president for angry whit loe people. but if you look at that rally in the bronx, he had black, brown, white, everything ws. f i think what draws people toroe thump in a way frodemocrm bidend the democrats is they remember what life was likeeyber ho in 2l they remember how their bank accounts look. they remember what theoo. market looked like. and the big problem for joe biden isn't so much biden because his policies are no different tha n the party's policies that are whole as a whole. their problem is that their policies are destroying the country. and it doesn't matter whether it's joee bide gavin biden or gm or kamala harris, they all believand kamae the things and o think they're things that are making the country worse off and makingpl poorer.last >> sean, there is a moment unfa i really caught on to last night, you know, trump staring down a heinously unfair court case that should have nevervel e
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been brought novel legal theory, never been brought before for a federalgal theo el. last night, when the crowd chanted lock her up, referringad hillary. >> look at how trump handled it . >>ha i hate the concept. have i said, we have to get on with our country. we have to win againsttogainst . >> w e have the winnings th is china. he hates the concept you know what he there wa hs chantss what all over in 2016 about lock her up and it was not about what the chantdonald ts wb it's what a donald trump do once he was elected, which was nothing. he said, you know what? i wa fornt the country. t i want to look forward and make this country great for i th people.o ever for and i think he was right to pivot to issues that matter to everyngle single american.or what's interesting about donald trump is he's not bound by republican ideology dem, democrat ideology. he looks and says, what is going to what policy forican go to be best for the american people. sometimes it makes democrats or republicanrts mad.we're we're not a party of of tariffs. fr tra we're free traders because, like you know what, free trade has to be fair trade. i'm going to put tariffs o
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on china. and unless they get fair with us and republicansican p the hard cause got pretty angry. eod but the american people loved it. and he was fighting for factories and jobs country agaie in this country, which, again, you do that as a president. you arresulte to get great resua >> black, brown, white. all across america, we're. seeing that. and sean davis on this notion of the vp. n ofit was interesting. for the second time, trump said he would name the vicesecond tea president the convention. so i love that. it's unconventional. it's exciting. t onco entionali want to put up a poll, though. harvard polled various vice presidential selectiond ho and e they would affect a trump ticket. and the results are quite interestining.g at this. so you havpoe tim scott addingr six points to the trump ticket, every other person and either breaksbr tracts even or detractst's a little. what do you make of that? f thes >> i think it's a little hard bi to tell now and a little hard to poll nongd theyw. t name a lot of these people who are being polled, they don't have great name i.d., they don't have grea n. utth is recognition. and the truth is, people don't know a whole lot about them.for my
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they're they're going to vote about who's at the top of the ticket. art, itell you, for my part, i e sarah huckabee sanders. i think she'd be a spectacular pick for him. s wa great governor, femaleuld be poderstands washington. i think she'd be great. but i think looking at polls at this poinin vs t on, vp'sng t is probably a little too soon to figure out how people are going to react . >> we would be blessed to have someone like sarah huckabee sanders in that spot. sesean squared. thank you. all right. a top medicaa l now graduating,i unprepared, failing, woke doctorlings. >> the details next. >> fox nation is forever grateful to those who have put this great country first. we're continuing to offer all active military veterans their first year of fox nation for free, celebrate our country ,brand new shows and new seasons of exclusive content. you can only see on fox nation. >> war is . did you think that you would survive? honoring those who put their lives on the line and gave their all for our freedom. fox nation would like to thank
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w the school denies there'squot: trouble telling the angle. quote, student s and faculty members are held to the highest standards of academicec and thap students are admitted based on merit and a processconsiss d with state and federal law. >> joining me now is dr. markdri siegel, fox news medical contributor. you know, dr. siegel, this isn't alarming. this is based on i think it was six sources. so this isn' jus talkint one persontalk. talking to the beacon. >> it's a lot of people and admissions people don't talk. basi and the state of california has a law against admitting people on the basis of race to schools. this is even before the supremee court's decision on affirmative action. but look what we're talking about hereolextrem. o that medical school is extremely difficult. i can attest to that. s abit's about empathy. it's about a tremendous knowledge source. ing toabout learning to use. your hands at a certain way. e a really, really carefully. obviously, if you can operate inside someone'sgot to be best , you've got to be the best. we use the analogy of landin g p a plane. this is so much more difficult
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than landing a plane. you eve personally attest to that. did you ever think, what's the coloe r of, the skin of the doctor that helped save your life? >> no. patients no.tients n think thats ever say, get me a brain surgeon. >> who's this? or. i mean, that's not how you decide. and we that's not have to havey for all. we learned that the first day of medical school to care of everyone. so it shouldn't be that medi ory is excluded included based on their race, based on their gender. bit should be a there should be a broad amount of people involved. of coursd thate, but we've reacd that point already. but it's a meritocracy. skills ait's having the skills and having the ability to learn the skills. it's reall skilly difficult. >> we need the best and the brightest, the best and the brightest regardless. of race, ethnicity, the best and the brightest. i do want to get to this because this just happened. this was at the libertarian convention. it has to do with rfk jr it. he had previously come under fire because the new york times had found some informationnd i. he had previously talked about an injury caused by a worminjury, got into my brain ae
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a portion of it and then died. live experts question that.t tonight, he made light of it. watc h. >> there's always a reason why right now the rights are an inconvenience that we can't afford and recently it was the covid pandemic, maybe a brain worm. that part my memory. ea >> smart to make light of it.i but is that a real thing? well, it i is a real thing. pla but i don't know if it's smart to make light of addiction. th placen india in a whe where this is endemic, probably sister psychosis, which a lot is tapeworm eggs. and it hurts and kills a lot of peopl osn't eate. but it doesn't eat your brain. it causes an inflammation that causes seizurescauses s. v it's number one cause of seizures in that part of the world. he may have ha.d may have beent treated. it may be true, but i don't think it ate a part of hisof brain. although some people listening to him may think that the wa thy he talks. i mean, he says his voice came from vaccine injury. i meanm , he says a lot of stuffal that may not be correct, medical information.
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i think entertaining, but i don't think i thinkinform it's misinformatioatn that poine . >> i don't think anything in his brain. well, when he said you canhen ha have up until the moment of birth and then he had to walk that back, i was wh saydde something hart of th his brain and that was a part of the brain right where he didn't. >> right. he's getting more like biden, though. >> yes. and his voice, of course, is separate. bel. s a neurologica so can't leave that there. dr. siegel, you're the best. than you arek today. umbere >> you're great. up next, the worst mediad. of td week, the tape you do not want to miss. >> next. >> mummify it's kind of amazing. wow. lou eye drops dramatically. reduce redness in one minute and look at the difference. my eyes. the brighter and whiter for up to 8 hours. >> liquify really works. see for yourself. >> he was only 47. aneurism. did he have life insurance? >> do you know? you got to get on it.
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heaven flag at his beach house. media went crazy. watch. >> the court is in an absolutes, crisis and apparent opinion siding with the far right activist. >> he is a lawless individual, a cleahe's ar nationalist, and w a duel insurrection, flag. n flg >> he has, of course, an obligation to recuse himself becaus oe is baseded on the appearance of bias. apparently, they don't know, lee said. this was a flag. n had back inn th the 1700s based on john locke's treatise. based well, i guess if you hate american history, it is terrifying, which we know. a of the left does. i' you know, i i've not been able to sleep since the story brokve tsleep sie. t just so terrifying. but, kaylee, we know what this is about. we know s isw that the supreme is about to decide on january six. related cases, includingincludin presidential immunity and also this obstruction charg e that's been waged against hundreds of january six defendants. and they'r w ainst hue to preempt it. tha
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right. they're trying to taint that decision and also getting head ando ges scare and put a little pressure on the conservative justices. the vative that's what it's aboe it's about tainting the supreme court. bingo. court. >> ruth but ruth bader ginsburgn compete, can speak about trump's tax returns and yet serve on the case about his tax returnhes. s. yeah, it's remarkable how democrats suddenly foeumvered that they car about ethics after donald trump was elected to the white house. and lisa's right.pred these attacks have become so predictable because they happen at the same time everyicevery right before the supreme court is about to release its decisionyep before ss. o remember the whole hoo ha overvg clarence thomas last year. now we have the attacks on alito and you notice how they never go after justsubstance of the decisions that the justices make. it's always personal attacks, e attacks that actually become dangerous when radical left-wing activists ths show up at these justices houses and threaten their livesp . s up the well, let's up the iq level on this show and move over to the viel onmishara w. sunny hostin, she gave her theory as to why basketball star caitlin collinsgave her iso
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popular. >> there is a thing called privilege. there is a thing called white privilege. there is a thing ere's a thin called total privilege. >> and we have to acknowledge that. and so part of it is about race. i doar i that she is more relatp to more people becauseleactive she's white because she's attractive. and unfortunately, there's unfortuner is that stigma of against the lgbtq plus community. >> kaley there's also this thing called just being a really basketball player. yeah, and what is tall privilege has she tried to wear heels being over six feet? i don't think sos. i don't think that's a thing either. but i'll just say as a young woman, it is so disappointinas see that all of the attacks on caitlin clarke are coming the women and this fro is coming from the same people on thisme show, the viewa who chirp all day long about how conservatives are allegedl abouty to erase prs or bring america back to the to the old. what a and yet what are they doing? they're dragging another young
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woman down becauseredoing?agginl her success and her skin color. ouif that's not going backwards i don't know what is. viw, sticking with the viebackw they're pretty upset with charlamagne. tha god, that's what he calls himself. lookey areh charlamagne. >> now is not the time, in my opinion. >> sit this one out. yeah. i didn't say that. i never said i was saying iti t. ag it why do y'all need us to say this? and we don't feel comfortable saying no, no, it's not. o we need you to say it.thin oh, but i think i think other folks need to hear i am going to vote in november and i'm going to vote in my best interest. when you look at somebody likeye biden, feels like his basebase is pretty at him for for iof a number, help him out. >> well, no, look, i actually had one. >> lisa, this is literally the guy that joe biden saidn sad you ain't black to if you vote t with republicans. but yeah, you got to endorse him right now. well, why do democrats thinkcrat they own black voters? i mean, as you pointedin, whe joe biden went on the breakfast club and told him, you ain't black if you don'ton the vote f.
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right, right, right. well, see, i mean, look, joe biden could be facinwe'll sg a massive rebuke with black voters this election cycle. we'vh thke all seen the new yor times battleground poll where donaldl trump is getting over a 20% of the black vote would be the largest number we've seen since 1964. >> historic. and then also the irony, of cours thee, is that joe bidea is the one who has a history hiymaking incredibly raciall and racist statements like saying he didn't want his kids to grostatemdidn'tw in a racialr saying that obama was the first mainstream jungl american, wasca bright, articulate and clean. so i think that says a little bitt says more joe bidd the democrats than it does charlamagne thmocrats a god. lisa marie booth, caitlin mcgee white, thank you both. enjo youy your take care. well, that's it for us tonight. that'smeeigh mcenany, in for laura ingraham. be sure to catch me on outnumbered weekdays at 12 p.m.. we've got a bi mg week next week on the legal front. thank you for watching the special edition of thel front.w. jesse watters primetime takes it from here. >> big wide shot


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