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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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desecrated recently by pro- palestinian protesters and almost immediately cleaned up by the cops. the wa report was carried by sculptor named karl who served with the 107th infantry in a world war one is based on his personal experiences. that said this is an absolute beautiful memorial. it could serve as a testament to all americans who died in our wars and we salute them this week. >> yes we do. remember folks if you have your own hit or miss be sure to send it to us jtr on fnc. that is it for this week show but thanks to my panel and of course all of you for watching. i'm charles would paint you can catch me making money on the business channel weekdays at 2:00 p.m. paul is back next week, hope to see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪. rich: 's this threat of severe
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weather is looming for millions of americans. forecasters one of the potential for tornadoes, damaging winds and hail in the plains area today. the storms could be at their worst in the overnight hours. the system is then expected to shift east tomorrow into the mississippi ohio and tennessee valleys. we are monitoring all this will have your full forecast coming up. alec baldwin criminal trial is on track to begin this summer. oscar-nominated actor facing one count of involuntary manslaughter and not move deadly movie shut set shooting brand-new hour of "fox news live" i'm rich editing. molly: great to be with you, eric and arthel are off this memorial day weekend. i judge in new mexico yesterday upheld the indictment rejecting latest effort to throw out the charge against him by the shooting happened on the set of the western film arrested britt back in october when he told went bald and was rehearsing a scene while holding a gun when it fired killing cinemat
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cinematographer. criminal defense attorney brian claypool told fox news he thanks the person who is really responsible for this tragedy the film'films armor has already ben convicted. >> this case should not go to trial. where is lawyer should have argued this been a jury trial the trial has found guilty hannah it was her sole job to handle that firearm. make sure there's no live ammunition in it. >> a trial date is looming cb cotton is light in her new york city newsroom. perks the judge has now ruled this case was properly presented to a grand jury. the likelihood alec baldwin will sent thstand throughout the sums defense lawyers filed a motion to get the case dismissed. arguing the prosecution had not sufficiently shown evidence to grand jurors that could have supported baldwin's case.
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during a tense may 17 hearing special prosecutor carol morrissey defended her handling of the grand jury. saying jurors were alerted to the existence of witnesses and evidence from the defense. she said jurors never asked to examine the items closer but ultimately the judge upheld the criminal indictment. riding in her friday ruling new mexico law does not require prosecutors to present exculpatory evidence or require grand jurors to even consider it after being alerted to its existence. baldwin faces one count of involuntary manslaughter to which he has pleaded not guilty. nearly three years ago's as you mentioned during a rehearsal on the set of the movie, rest a gun baldwin was holding fired a live bullet killing cinematographer. the defense has failed to other motions to dismiss the indictment the judge has yet to consider. the judges ruling removes a one hurdle to the upcoming trial but fox news contributor and
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attorney says there will be more attempts to delay the proceedings. >> is going to be a hole of their hump to get over if they're going to all the way with this. which is the choosing of the jury. first of all if they have not already they probably will file a motion to change venue. my gut tells me that will likely be denied. >> if convicted baldwin could face a maximum sentence of 18 months in prison. >> cb cotton, thank you. sue for prosecutors hunter biden's federal gun case are prohibited from using some of these salacious details of his life it is criminal trial next month the judge presiding over the case ruled special counsel david weiss team cannot reference hunter's discharge from the navy or the child support he is paying for his daughter out of wedlock. prosecutors may use certain portions of his infamous laptop and parts of his memoir about his drug use. the president's son is accused of lying about using drugs on a federal form to buy a firearm and 2018.
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biden's lawyer lawyers lawyer r might deny being an addict after completing a stent in rehab just before purchasing the gun trial is set to be in and delaware on june 3. >> the defendant send your mad at me? i said omg, no, not a value being silly by. the defendant said i told you! i just think y think you like mm attracted to you and then she said a lot. i responding the feeling is mutual i just never saw this coming. the defendant said why? i responded because i just assumed you are happy with your situation. the defendant responded i was but things have deteriorated. >> atf agent brian higgins reading flirty text messages between him and karen read the massachusetts woman on trial for murdering her boyfriend fossen a police officer jon o'keefe for this tax% weeks before o'keefe
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was found dead outside of a friend's house in a january of 2022. prosecutors claim a reit hit o'keefe with her suv during a snowstorm. it reads lawyers claim she is being framed by police. joining us now is mercedes criminal defense attorney to talk about this this is captured not just interest across the country but a lot of interest that massachusetts is being paid very close attention too. i want to get your take on a higgithiggins who kind of face n awkward situation reading on both sides of the text messages back and forth in court, your thoughts? >> really interesting because of friends like brian higgins you don't need enemies apparently they were friends and there is a flirtation taking place in these and text exchanges brian higgins was one of the individuals they defense site was in the house the night jon o'keefe died in the snow bank outside the home he has been implicated in a co-conspirator kind of way.
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not directly in any way he is not brought up on charges. there is nothing like that. what the judge has allowed the defense to do was to plead this alternate defense theory that could implicate individuals that have not been charged with any crimes. brian higgins is one of those individuals they defense is targeting may or may not be involved in janaki's death here here's their take out the defense say jon o'keefe was inside the home allegedly was then thrown out of the house and left in a snow bank to die. there were two very significant issues that came up this week on the defense site which could be a game changer for the defense. this all entails jennifer and who is she? she is the sister-in-law of the owner of the home were jon o'keefe was allegedly beat up as the defense is theorizing. she had listed with the defense has shown she looked up how long
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an individual takes to die at a hypothermia for hours before his body was found dead in that snow bank. interesting it was then deleted she was examined in this week and cross examination for it was established she and she denies it for the other part that was a significant boost to the defense is that she was confronted with her cross-examination of the change in her testimony. when she testified on behalf of the prosecutor's in the grand jury, she claimed karen read said that i hit him? i'm not sure that i hit him? did i hit him? nothing like that said definitively she hit jon o'keefe it has changed now. now she she's the prosecution's witness in the trial she said definitively parent reit admitted she hiton o'keefe. during cross-examination she was hit with that particular testimony. these are two very key issues the defense is going to take an
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exploit for sure bye-bye stuart reese raising interesting points haunted by the cold sort of scenario that google search was talked about a lot. we have a little picture we also have what mccabe has explained regarding that regarding she does not remember doing this in the middle of the night instead she did it when asked. take a listen. >> karen was screaming my hands were shaking and she was saying google hypothermia how long does it take to die in the cold? >> what phrase did you put in your phone? i'm asking you to s say it too. >> why don't you show me it? >> you literally don't remember? >> again she was screaming google hypothermia how does it take to die the cold i picked up my phone and i started googling. >> she says she did not do this in the middle of the night two dead after janaki's body was found upon the direction by
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karen arish. but throughout the course of this entire trial as it has gone on the defense attorneys have been putting forth areas of phone records and some of the folks on the sand these witnesses say that was a butt butgalli never made that call. i never googled that in the middle of the night, i did at the next mic the defense is pushing back on a lot of that. we're showing them these phone records that witnesses are saying i don't remember that, i didn't do that. your thoughts is that a tactic? how is that going to play before the jury? what's it's really difficult but you s said t sit there as a jure never been a jury i always exclude it when i'm a jury pool. when you look at that type of evidence and you do not have definitive evidence that shows the defense that shook the defendant had think of the alleged crime being alleged to have this budging back and forth in the digital footprints of the evidence coming forward that is not contradicted during cross-examination it is hard to convict the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt of being guilty of the crimes are being charged.
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that is the issue we are dealing with right now but you've got digital evidence that is contradicted in cross-examination. when these witnesses are coming forward and i think jennifer's testimony is going to be so q you're going to hear it you will hear it definitely during the closing the defense is going to try and tie all this together but frankly whenever you have this type of fantastical conspiratorial theory the defendant has nothing to do with the crime. it's all of these co-conspirators hanging out in the house. they are responsible for janaki's death. it sounds so fantastical. when you start to really thread the needle and put in the timeline you put in this digital evidence certainly what jennifer alleged to have done, why is she looking up and googling how someone dies in hypothermia for fourhours before the bodies fou? he tried to move a timeline to
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after his body was found. that's when i did that googling. there's something going to be very significant shows up definitely again during the defense out and certainly in their case and lastly in the closing. >> the right had the defense is making this argument she is being framed it's up to the prosecutor's to get rid it of any reasonable doubt with the outlays and for the jury you mention the closing arguments when they finally get to them are going to be pretty interesting. mercedes, thank you so much for joining us on this memorial day we get we appreciate your insights and for helping us keep track of this trial there are a lot of faces coming up to that stand. much appreciated thank you. >> pennsylvanian dad detained and cooks and caicos has returned home to his family. bryan hagerich was arrested and february after airport security found stray bullets in his luggage ray christina has this story paid. >> 39 oh pennsylvanian dad
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former pro baseball player spent more than a 100 days in turks and caicos as he waited to learn if you would have to spend years in jail there. he was arrested after security found loose ammunition in his luggage. illegally carrying ammunition is a crime with a mandatory 12 year minimum prison sentence. he said he forgot he had ammunition in his luggage she said it was from a previous hunting trip. yesterday a judge and noted his explanation and sentenced to one year suspended and fined him $6700 which allowed for his release and return home. take a look at his emotional reunion with his children. >> every emotion you can imagine as a father, as a husband, to be reunited finally after 101 days like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. >> he is one of the five
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americans arrested and detained and turks for having straight ammunition and their luggage since february. the other tourists are still waiting to learn their fate for they say they did not intend to bring the ammunition. take a listen. >> this is about families being drastically affected by a very, very simple oversight that had zero intent. john fetterman through the u.s. bipartisan congressional they're not gonna runners just people who made a mistake. >> tci leadership appreciated those coming down there that really brought it to the forefront. >> fetterman also said he's hopeful the other cases will be expedited and the other detained americans will be released and united with th her family soon.
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>> christina coleman with that thank you. >> severe weather threatening millions this memorial day weekend we want to dig into this forecast predict possible tornadoes, intense wind and hail for parts of the planes today. that weather risk expected to move eastward tomorrow. let's go to fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is standing by to give us the latest. >> yes big storms ultimately on the way. we see stormy weather out there as we speak. some even severe jiggly up and on the east coast everyone of the yellow boxes is a severe thunderstorm. the really big impactful weather here is still waiting for her to come together you are looking across oklahoma, up into kansas this is where the bull's-eye is. we could see some really severe thunderstorms hooked at 90 miles an hour. all the possible impacts including tornadoes in major cities like oklahoma city, tulsa, up towards wichita. some of the areas being hit again and again. future forecast model it takes u
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to until central time. any one of the discrete cells could turn into a tornado brave the conditions are out there for it. national weather services indicating these could be impactful significant storms that run overnight tonight but ultimately linger into your sunday forecast a as well the tornado risk is on the higher end surely get the maroon color four out of five is really the same er areas that most across oklahoma europe bull's-eye the center of the state you could ssee really big long-running tornadoes popping up this evening and then running into the overnight hours. there's a ton of moisture is hot, it's human, sticky out there a lot of people are feeling that with the moisture in the atmosphere flooding is also going to be a concern we are watching all the systems fire up in a rain across areas that are getting it time and time again. that certainly is a concern for as you can tell outside of this one central area by the time we get into the evening is looking
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mostly clear across the country as you look at your sunday it continues to be that system moving across the country. everywhere else is largely clear of your actual memorial day forecast sets up on the east coast is not severe by than everyone else enjoying a really nice memorial holiday. >> thank you, looking forward to that but hopefully we make it through these storms relatively unscathed. appreciate it. >> if you went through airport security friday, you helped to break a record. sorry, tsa says nearly 3 million americans a new all-time high pass through security checkpoints yesterday. that beats the previous record set last year on the sunday after thanksgiving. today and tomorrow are expected to be slightly less crowded in our nation's exports great nation say this is one of the busiest memorial day after advert with nearly 44 million people likely getting away from home. back here in washington the pentagon is warning about russia's space warfare program
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that could threaten crucial american satellites we will speak to former space force in general about the growing threat in earth's orbit. that is coming up. super hot or super not, it's pedialyte. the #1 dr. recommended brand for hydration. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive?
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>> the missionaries there are targeting and these people do not just kill you, they do it
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brutally. it is just so sad to think this country is in 90 minutes from our border. we cannot even have missionaries, people going out serving the lord to go to that country and be protected but we must do something about this. it is getting so bad. >> he's talking about american-based admission a group helping in haiti that came under attack by a brutal gang on thursday. they killed the daughter of a mystery state representative, her husband and the local director of a christian mission group. gang violence in the country has exploded since a 2021 assassination of haiti's presidents madison scarpino for us now. >> hello, admissions in haiti the nonprofit all three of them at worked for says a gang ambusd natalie lloyd, her husband and jude mantras we spoke to natalie's father this morning missouri state representative
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ben baker he says natalie and davey were passionate missionaries who love the kids of haiti. >> natalie loved it if you look at her pictures and her interactions with the kids, they loved her. she just beamed with joy doing what she was doing. i sp said many conversation abot all the violence in the situation and how dangerous it was. but it never really faze her. >> representative baker said they are still trying to learn all the details of what happened. he said natalie and davy were leaving a church service with the missions in haiti children going to gang ambushed them and stole the nonprofits cars. there are no reports of any of the children being hurt. baker said natalie, and davy and they were hiding in a house when they were shot and killed. >> it davy and ann natalie, if
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nothing else they were perfect example of selflessness. that was they cared more about the people. they cared more about others than they did their own lives. that was ultimately what they gave for those people. >> baker said they are in the process of trying to get an natalie and davy's bodies safely back home. the situation in haiti as you can imagine is making that difficult this comes as gang still control 80% of the capitol according to the un. this week before all of this happened president biden pledged $300 million to multi national force to help things get things under control in haiti that includes about 1000 police officers from kenya. >> heartbreaking loss for that family the brave a beautiful young couple. a medicine thank you for bringing us the update, appreciate it. >> rush at launch a satellite into low earth orbit that we
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assess is likely a counterspace weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in lower earth orbit. russia deployed a new counterspace weapon into the same orbit as that u.s. government satellite. >> that were in pentagon press secretary pat reiter u.s. defense officials say they are keeping a close eye on this. are ready to protect what they call it the space domain. retired brigadier general served as assistant under secretary of the u.s. air force now joins us now with his expertise. general, thank you for joining us this afternoon. what can you tell us about what russia has launched into space and what kind of threat as opposed u.s. assets? >> rich, it is been clear for a while now sp spaces they contesd were fighting domain. an adversary would love to take away our ability to use it and we would love to maintain our ability to use it and deny its used to an adversary.
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just by the nature of this launch which place the counter satellite weapon in the same proximity and orbit of one of ours it is intentionally too provocative and threatening. that is why we are rightfully concerned. >> tdo we know if this thing is still in orbit? >> it is. is it orbit almost immediately after it was launched. which means it's a very direct and global norm threatening challenge our asset that is in the same orbital position. >> a kind of potential does this satellite have? what can it do or is the real problem what might be coming next? >> like i said counter satellite can either strike a satellite or block a satellite or can capture eight satellite or contaminate satellite but i'm sure until experts know exactly what this russian capability has by the nature of its proximity and
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orbit position it does mean it's intentionally threatening escalatory position to the asset that started there. >> especially the united states military has as a planet earth rrerely set off a light on satellite communications, right? >> it does. both navigation come all of our banking a plethora of humanity benefiting tools come from at the united states has provided its base the fact the russians would love to take away that domain from us is an indication further poll putin provocative actions. this is just the latest example. >> are not looking to do it by launching a number of their own satellites but much of their own hardware and space for the looking to potentially take out u.s. satellites that is the potential this has. >> they do know we rely extensively have maintain a massive consolation for a variety of humanitarian benefiting and military assets
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in the space domain. would love to at least give us the concern those assets are at risk. that is what space the control or superiority is our ability to maintain our use of that domain and our ability to do not use an adversary prolix retired air force thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> former president trump back on the campaign trail he will speak at the. >> former president trump back on the campaign trail he will speak at the libertarian convention tonight. it may be a less friendly crowd that he is used to seeing that white libertarian voters say are dissatisfied with him and other candidates on the ballot this year. ing the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at dale used to hide his smile. now... it's swishy time.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help
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provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice,
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i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. are you sure? bring it on! but with weathertech's heavy—duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. the underside features an innovative solution. shock absorbing rings disperse the impact of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo. wow, no damage! protect your truck from costly dents and scrapes with the rugged impactliner from weathertech. for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at rich: former president trump is
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reaching out to libertarian an effort to minimize growing third-party threat for just a few hours will give a speech at the parties national convention in d.c. that is where we find alexis mcadams with more of what we can expect from trump's speech and how libertarians may respond. i was there yesterday we ran into each other a little bit it is quite a scene up there today. >> it is is quite the scene. with so that you when you're on the ground that people with big personalities and bake opinions. we'll have to see if they are happy or upset tonight to the former president take that stage where he is going to go through some specifics on policy and reach out to the trump team and tells me they're not worried about people possibly heckling or yelling things trump will be able to handle that on stage he talks about immigration, the economy a some other main issue. what your stance on the israel hamas war will have to see if he talks too much about that at this point. the libertarian party tells me they are excited to have major party candidate on the stage in it for the first time in 50 years something they've been working hard to accomplish here.
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it might be a tough sell for some voters who are waiting to hear the former president has a say, watch. >> i think you could see people maybe change their mind if he was willing to make the compromises that i do not think he is willing to make it. i think that is the problem. i think of most of us are very, very skeptical and very, very unconvinced. very few of them will be up for grabs. turn libertarians over to the republican party. people want less government control and say they're antiwar. they want to hear trump's stance on that. they want to see trump adding libertarian to his cabinet if he is reelected. trump, the presumptive presidential nominee will take the stage in about three and half hours here at this convention beat rfk junior and it attacked biden and trump on the handling of the covered pandemic last night the crowd was very vocal shouting free palestine, abolishes cia and
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when he mentioned donald trump, watch. >> i have got to know donald trump over the course of the last several years in the last several months. you are going to hear from him tomorrow night the question is do you want to influence the next administration or don't you? that is the question for this room to ask. >> so he is a big hype man for donald trump is trying to get the crowd wrapped up some people but they were vocal as you saw yesterday want to see if they are excited or unhappy to see the former president for. >> they certainly wrapped in one way alexis mcadams thank you so much. >> is the administration think that student loan debt cancellation contributes to inflation? >> what we believe the student debt cancellation gives an opportunity for americans to start a life to buy a house, to start a family. that adds to the economy but that's also important to the economy.
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>> the white house not giving the most direct answer whether student loan bailouts are making inflation worse. president biden wiped out another $7 billion in student loan debt this week. trying to boost his numbers with those demographics that are most crucial to his reelection. if fox news a poll shows those under age 30 the minority of vos support his decision there. white men without college degrees, those age 65 and up independents largely oppose it. with jon about the associate editor for the wall street journal. fortunate enough to have on with us today thank you for giving us time this memorial day weekend. greatly appreciate let's kick things off of the student loan forgiveness. more money going out the biden menstruation making the big announcement this week. the thought is this is appealing to the young voters who has to come out and get out to the pole he has had some success here. the supreme court pushed back last year but he has managed to wrangle around and dig into the
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student loan forgiveness, your thoughts? >> it is an appealing gesture to younger voters. they tend to be the ones with student loan debt. you are seeing some various executive actions by the biden administration to try to appeal to younger voters and also nonwhite voters. both categories of which he is drawing less support from than he did in 2020. that is quite concerning for the campaign. to change the status of marijuana for example, not as harshly regulated. his efforts to release some gasoline into the gas market ahead of this vacation. that we are in right now. to bring down gas prices these are around the edges including student loan measure. around the edges to try to
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appeal to various constituencies. are they really going to move the needle on the election? it's a really tight race. a lot of this is baked into the mindset. >> you raise some interesting points. little polling data to talk about what problems american families are facing. what's really hurting their bottom line out there right now? gas prices are on that list. student loan much further down maybe the point you made that is not apply to everyone. there is a contingent of folks, a voting block perhaps they are seeking a little more help from. this big release going on a million barrels heading out between memorial day weekend and july 4. will there be an effect at the pump questionnaire will be one people feel or something that becomes both in novembers? >> if just not enough gasoline. it sounds really good. it is an action the admits duration is taken that might appeal to folks.
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on the other hand it gas prices are not radically hybrid there are much higher a year or two ago. they are moving sideways, drifting down a bit. they're not as a volatile as they were a year end half or two years ago. on the other hand inflation has really become the issue for americans. gas prices are part of that. the rate of inflation is way down from where it had been a year end a half ago. still three plus a% a year per that is concerning by americans a lot caused by the pandemic. that is kind of a hard argument for the administration to make. the good news for biden is the voters are seeing the economy is more positive than they did a year ago. that is a very slow moving needle. the percentage of people who feel that way is a growing. is it going to be fast enough
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going into the election? that remains to be seen. >> what they ought to hit on vulvar over time are the looser marijuana rules. they are proposing toward legalizing marijuana. there's 69% favoring just 30 are opposed. the youth vote on that is really quite high. one things i was interesting with swing states, some of them have already approved full medical use. there are a few georgia, northglenn, pennsylvania, wisconsin have limitations. it seems to be a directed play to the youth vote may apply to some the swing states. >> that is right. it definitely is a play to the youth vote it's a play to social justice voters. people who say fashion of people who are incarcerated for marijuana violations are disproportionally one direction or another racially in the
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united states. it has an appeal you are right a lot of states have moved on this. whether or not it's a game changer. think game changer in the election remain to be seen. a bmaybe a peace accord and gaz. a real win and a debate for one candidate or the other. a massive change in the economic direction lower interest rates because inflation has plummeted and the months between now and the election. not a great likelihood. or kennedy somehow making more a liability for biden work shrum given his anti- vaccine that's also a possibility those could be game changers. marijuana gas prices, student loan i think it's a baked into the mind. >> some months ago that i have got me thinking about october surprises wondering what's going to happen next but will see. jon bussey thank you so much we love your insights and think of that's our time coming on we are
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grateful. rich: this weekend the nation honors the service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice one veteran nonprofit is urging americans to give back to those who served by making a life-saving donation read some fox viewers have answered that call we are very proud to speak with one of that is coming us.p next. because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you
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>> this week and we honor those in uniform of the ultimate sacrifice get back to those who served our nation and are now fighting to stay alive. donor outreach for veterans matches living kidney donors with vets in need of a transplant. fox news feature of the ortheorganization before we ared to report 18 veterans at lives lives havebeen saved because of connections made by fox viewers that included danny murray fox viewer who donated his kidney three weeks ago through dove. army veteran lauren who recently received a kidney donated by another fox viewer through dove it. danny and lauren both to join us
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now. lauren, i want to start with you. tell us what happened with you. how long were you waiting for a kidney what happened once you got connected through dove? >> i was waiting for a kidney approximately two years through the debit program i was able t to -- t -- my donor eric heard t the program through the fox news segment. with his help we were able to go through an exchange program that allowed me to get eight kidney transplant this last december. >> how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling great, i am feeling great. quick standing, tell us about your side of this you are on the other side here. what made you want to go do this? >> well, as you know i am a navy veteran. i heard the advertisement last year on fox that said contact the debit transplant and they would help coordinate
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everything. thank you for having me on this program. >> thank you for being here and thank you for what you have done what you did. i do want to put up the website right here so if you do feel compelled to help there's a number of different ways the organization you can help. but back to you, lauren. i want to talk to you about what it was like to be on that waitlisted for two years, just waiting for someone out there to help you. >> being on the waitlist wasn't nervous at times, anxious, exciting trying to figure out the whole process and everything that was going on. like i said once i got the phone call that i was getting a transplant it was excitement all over. i could not even explain it. >> we do know there's more than 2000 veterans who are waiting
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for a kidney right now. and danny, the process for you. this had to have given you pause, right? you opted to have surgery to help someone else. were you nervous of the process? what made you jump into this? >> a while, being a veteran i just wanted to help somebody. god gave us two kidneys, one as a spare and one we can share. when i found out there is close to one 30,000 people in the u.s. that needed a kidney and those that are going through this have to wait a most five years to get a kidney i was very enthusiastic to try to give a kidney. especially for a veteran. quick standing, i asked laura this we started the conversation but how are you feeling through this whole process you just donated three weeks ago. >> i feel fine.
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it has been three weeks i feel slightly bloated and still a small amount of tightness but rich, i swam at 1000 meters yesterday in a thousand meters today. i am doing lots of walking so i feel very good and very fortunate. >> lauren have you had much contact with your donor? and if so what is it been like? >> yes i have. it is been very positive conversations every time we talk. we actually were talking but getting together try to meet each other in the near future. it will be exciting to do that. >> how about you danny? >> i have not been in touch with my recipients. but hopefully that will happen in the next couple of months. >> guys, absolutely wonderful story. thank you so much. have a wonderful memorial day, thank you very much both for joining us today and we will be right back. >> thank you, rich.
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