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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  May 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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the middle of 441. jon: an officer from the police department along with a truck driver rescued that kitten from the middle of northwest u.s. highway 441 where cars were flying past just a couple of feet away. and adam i guess the kitten already has a new home. adam: how could you not? florida feels like such scary news coming out of there. i like to sea happy news not just alligator and anacondas but kittens picked up that's nice. jon: hats off to the police officer and truck driver who made it all happen. adam: that's scary video even to see. jon: poor thing see you next weekend. that's how fox reports this sunday, may 26th of 2024 i'm jon scott thank you for watching. we'll see you next week as well. "the big weekend show" is next. ♪ ♪ >> well hello everyone i'm tommy
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along with joey and the big story tonight, former president trump going full throttle at nascar this memorial day weekend. trump is bringing his patriotic message to fans at the charlotte motor speedway in north carolina tonight. and that's where we find fox news national correspondent madison scarpino. madison we know it is loud there but what has donald trump been up to so far? >> yeah. sorry about this noise tomi -- motor speedway -- over the track and crowd erupted. [inaudible conversations] [cheering] reporter: after making debut into air, former president made his way inside the track and former president trump met with gold star family members some of
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the hundred gold members here today. former president then saluting during national anthem -- 600 and this is only time sitting president has been to north carolina with a key battle ground state and trump won the state in both 2016 and 2020. [inaudible conversations] >> going to win north carolina? >> i do believe so. i think by a lot. reporter: but democrats welcome former president -- [inaudible conversations] while trump is here today at charlotte motor speedway with the libertarian and see how he matches up to current president biden. back to you. >> thank you so much madison loud there but the full
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experience getting full nascar experience i want to go to joey i know jason a slight nascar fan and joey is a major nascar fan. now this would seem to be -- a favorable environment for the president. maybe more favorable than other engts he's done in the last week showing up to the bronx showing up at a libertarian event. which you know, they love him there too. but this nascar, this seems like it would be the president's crowd, am i right? joey: nascar is mericana and perceived at blue collar sports but i want to put a blue angle on it it is not the nascar of the 90s they have multiple races in california, jimmie johnson california native won five championships in a row. nascar is less a southern sport or a -- you know, white republican sport now than it's ever been now it is a blue collar sport and it is one of the words we don't use enough when we talk about minority groups we'll say
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disadvantage or something like that. blue collar groups of people that work hard, turn and watch a nascar race now more than ever. so this appeal to people that maybe, live a lifestyle trump is trying to show he wants to support but haven't always been a republican. they're watching nascar too. and i think that it is really smart to go, obviously, meeting with gold star families is a whole other side of it. but just to go and be seen at places like nascar who has been actively looking for a demographic much broader than simply southern red necks. >> to go up and to show up everywhere. i mean, he's like the energizer bunny spends week in court and goes to every possible event he can go to and some would say he has to because he's stuck in the courtroom and meanwhile yoib is on vacation at the beach yet again. alicia but donald trump, he's hitting every single stop. what does that say about the two? alicia: he's in a unique position for a presumptive
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nominee to be limits on his time what he's facing so he has to maximize every single minute in the campaign. which is true for any candidate. however, he's handling in a very surprising way. he's going to places like the bronx which is -- was a surprise to just about everyone and especially to in democrat right now he's in north carolina like back to late 90s for him he also is in a battle ground state in a very important place so he needs everybody. tom:tomi: so we have a montage f joe biden giving -- politically charged speech at west point commencement. let's take listen to our current president. >> america is a stroangs when we lead not only by our example of our power, but by the power of our example. you can clap for that -- a fall -- that fall he decided to -- look, i shouldn't get into this probably.
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tomi: so jason if there was the opposite of the energizer bunny i think it would be joe biden but what's your take on that inspiring commencement speech? >> the people are the men and women who are going to put their lives on the line for this country and i found it totally uninspiring and your heart goes out because you love these cadets you love the people that put their lives on the line to fight for this country. but i saw no fight from joe biden. i saw the same old tired -- nap ridden person that i see in joe biden. it is just sad. he's the commander in chief he should do better. >> these are young people who might have to go to fight joe biden's war endless wars that he's, you know, got us entangled into but turning now to another topic especially when our current president is joe biden but a new op-ed in wall street
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journal challenging parents to teach their kids about patriotism this memorial day. so meg ghee a speech writer for president reagan writes in part, quote, we live in a age in which children are instructed in a hundred different ways through a hundred different portals that america is and a dark and scheming place to kids in all circumstances that denies a dream of a good thing you can make better that robs you a sense of you've got this within you and grok on and be a marvel too a nice secure stheans they're part of something sound and healthy. it is discourages them from rying to make things better. this is not a good way to bring up the future. so alicia i want to go to you on this because your children happen to be in the studio with us here today. and -- as the only person on this panel that's not a parent, i still think this is really important. but what is the lessons of patriotism why is that important for the next generation? alicia: i think lesson of hope i think is the most important lesson here and something one of the conversations we've had in our house and it comes up when
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we hear people criticized donald trump and heard in 2016, 2020 hear it now in donald trump wins i'm leaving the country people like to say that. in our house i have said and kids will back me up think about living in another country. what does that actually mean? what does that look like and we've talked about what that looks like with the rules look like what it is like toe live in a place where sometimes there isn't as much hope and so much to be hopeful for in this country and to be positive for. >> we have a special feature because joey jones took a trip to staten island, to visit the marines, let's take a look. >> still, hold. people recognize trials before they recognize the person. that's at the core value behind me. that's what i learn in the marine corps. -- march. ♪ ♪ past this place a million times. came in. that's helped people i walk
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through what door i was 18 years old again. i was with my brothers. march. we're about to celebrate memorial day the day the entire country one day a year recognizes and remembers the fact that people died to protect this country and serve this country but for you all it is not just one day a year. >> no. no -- you know, old saying goes never forget. we must never forget. >> detail. attention -- >> what we do is through wake when is we get called from about a member that passed. >> up -- >> all we have to do is give three, four hours in the morning just remember -- that you can go to your uncle's house and have a barbecue that's because of all of the men and women who have fought and died before you. you see the majority of the member have been dedicated. what does it mean to the
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families when you show up? >> words can't express. >> fire -- >> why did they do it? >> everybody has their own individual reason. but they do it because they're part of the marine corps.. ♪ "taps" ♪ ♪ >> we all act as one here. nobody here is an individual. right here. this is what it's about. ♪ ♪ >> joey true meaning of memorial day you always bring it to us but what was that like? what did you discuss with them beyond what we saw there? joey: a bit of a home coming for me i met attachment on stile ten years ago i was trying to help do a movie that had a scene in it i needed ribbens for marines to wear and i went over there and just gotten back from a color guard at a funeral never
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met them before. they took the ribbon off their uniform and handed it to me to go down the block to help with a movie about a marine. and so that stuck with me so i've stayed in contact with them a little bit. and what i wanted to show people here i think it is so important when you see the age it is very obvious these are vietnam, one gentlemen older than vietnam and 60, 70, 80-year-old veterans and what i wanted to talk about what they talked about so eloquently was that memorial day is a day for us -- but in their lives, even in retirement in the twilight years of their lives their time spent going providing military honors to veterans that die every week, you know, not just staten island but all of new york, half of new jersey they can go anywhere. that's the only borough with a physical place for marines to gather this have soldiers and sailors that are attached there as well. that are fellow members, and it is a really amazing thing and i wanted to highlight this one to know that that service never stops. and two to maybe let these young veterans know it is okay to be
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involved in a community, i mean, that's what they are. they're a community. and they're involved in their community. and i think that's what service is all about and they just exemplify it and they've got more energy than any of us. tomi: when i look at them too i think going back to that wall street journal headline about -- getting children involved in patriotism. i think they should watch this and that i think they should watch tru service, true sacrifice maybe get a little real world taste of that. what are your thoughts? >> yeah. piferlg i want to thank joey for his service you're inspirational to a lot of us and i visited a cemetery an american cemetery in tunisia men and women who gave their lives for this country and then i look at the punks that i read about every day in this country with no love of this country they don't respect the flag, our borders and it just makes me so mad. it just is infuriating that the idea that our schools are failing us. that they don't sate pledge of
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allegiance every day that's controversial. are you kidding me? you've got to learn it. you've got to feel it. you've got to meet the people and feel it in your heart. that's what memorial day i think is all about. tomi: do you think we're losing that or feels that waysome i would like to believe that the majorities of americans still feel the way that we all feel. sometimes the news would make us think otherwise. >> i used to think we all loved our country we just fighting for it in a different way but i believe there are people that want death destruction and mayhem in the united states of america and we better get our act together. and get those people who love this country to stand up and do the right thing and push back. because as reagan and others have said we're one generation away from losing it. joey: not that i don't disagree with you at all but the enemy is always knocking at the door the enemy is always there we have social, nazis here in the 30s
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socialist that would want to change the entire construct in the 60s and 70s and here we are. so i look at this i look at those veterans i say what did they go through? they were alive in a time where we weren't a superpower we didn't know we could win a world war ii they were alive when everyone was part of the war effort and made it through that we can make it through this. >> well said. tomi: thank you, thank you everybody. a jam-packed hour of the big weekend show is coming up including this. >> we keep wondering why does young people aren't coming home to democrats? because democratic messaging full of [bleep] that's why. tomi: oh lovely they're raging cajun a spicy message for democratic party and a warning about the a.i. takeover and patriotism silence. this 13-year-old says his school doesn't want hem to share his love of country. >> if someone doesn't truly knows what they're pledging to
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the united states of america, they might as well be reciting lyrics to shake it off by taylor swift. i want to mix this -- ♪ ♪ repa ir breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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♪ ♪ alicia: welcome back to the big weekend show raging cajun getting spicy biden and in democrats are in big trouble ahead of the election because they aren't talking about issues that matter to voters. >> we keep wondering why these young people aren't coming home to the democrats which why blacks are not coming home to the democrats? because democratic messaging full of [bleep] that's why. and talk about cost of living. and we're going to help deal with this, and don't talk about [bleep] student loans -- alicia: so went on there for a good 13, 14 minutes he made wild accusations there's a lot of stuff we can't even talk about on air. however, joey, i mean, in terms
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of democrats with friends like that who needs enemies? joey: i think what to talk about away from that rant is this idea his messaging so out in the middle of nowhere basically thinking americans struggling are going to respond to green new deal. what really the irony here is that he had a front row seat to how to do this right front row seat when biden took office in 2009 and right after obama used for four years could blame on his predecessor say we're doing what we can things are tough this is is what i inherited not always honest but at least it worked and didn't offer up green energy. he didn't gaslight people and say, are you crazy? that the stock markets doing great. you know, it is just a bags of potato chips are smaller. he's not gaslighting people on this obama didn't. but that's what biden is doing. and other thing he's doing is creating fake numbers that people know are fake. the fact he's created jobs that people went back to their job after covid and somehow that's
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creating jobs and forgets where inflation was and where it went under him and so what he's doing is doubling down on policies that are making it worse at least obama had the where withall to send a check and focus on a idea of health care. when this guy tells people they're not actually hurting when they are, and the best he has to offer them is electric vehicles, you don't have anything left to run on. alicia: tomi he's losing people who got in the white house first so let's take a look here we've got voters between 18 and 29 in battle ground states right now. trump is beating him 46 to 43% but then you go further you start looking at black voters they are increasingly showing support for trump. you can take a look from 2020 to 2024. things are changing. james carville now on the polling. >> i'm reading stories, that president biden is discussing his polling numbers and his
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staff is discussing the polling numbers. and don't believe in polls and may have because -- there's emphasis on age. stop it [bleep] stop it poll numbers are not good and you owe get over it. [laughter] tomi: he's not wrong. he's not wrong on that. i will just say this, though, i have maintained from almost two years now that joe biden will not be the no, nominee come novr and i maintain that and when we're talking about donald trump and poll numbers and talking about bronx and where you wouldn't expect people to come out i think it is great. i think that we should not get overly confident i think that's a mistake. i think we need to as republican party, the rnc needs to make sure that a lot of these people showing up at nascar showing up at the bronx that are showing up wherever he shows up to do a rally make sure they're registered to vote and vote early or vote on election day but helpful they vote early and make sure they're activated because people are excited about donald trump.
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they see what's happening to him in the weaponization and that gets them riled up but will they go out to vote? that needs to be the primary focus for republicans if they want to win anything. alicia: big question about november if he's going to be on the ticket nate tweeting on thursday, quote, if biden is still struggling in august he needs to consider stepping aside. it's not a great situation for d's either way but you have to do due diligence on the question is an important election, obviously, it shouldn't be taboo to talk about. now today shannon bream on fox news sunday asked jared about this and whether or not that should be in the conversation. >> it is not a conversation worth having nate thanks for your participation. but this is ridiculous we're well past that conversation. you know, president biden is going to be the nominee we're going to have our convention, and he's going to win in november. alicia: nate silver you should talk about it -- no.
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jason: losing on all front seat but i'm with tomi a strong chance he won't be the nominee but all getting out the vote and democrats are far superior and they do nefarious things and even if you don't get out on the vote you lose. alicia: very good point straight ahead -- >> we have all of these eligible people waving to work with the skills we need to fill the jobs but we're unable to allow them to work because bureaucracy is in the way. alicia: new york city faces life guard shortage eric adams calls call in the illegal immigrants. that's next. ♪ ♪
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joey: welcome back to the big weekend show memorial day weekend is the unofficial start to summer and plenty of fun in the sun across the country but there's a dark shadow casting over some beaches where there's a life guard shortage fox news correspondent cb cotton is on the beach in rock away, new york, tonight. >> hi joey yeah life guard shortage is a conversation happening across the entire country here in new york city, all eight beaches opened this weekend. but to keep everyone safe, city officials did limit access. >> will be opening up our beaches on memorial day there will be some segments of the beach that are closed for two reasons one because of life guard shortage we want over a thousand and we don't anticipate getting to quite those optimal levels. reporter: right now city has 230 life guardsmanning beaches. which is less than half of the roughly 600 required to fully staff the shoreline. this city has said more than 500
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recruits are in training program so parks and rec officials think by july fully staffed in the meantime remote control drones use on city beaches this summer to drop nation devices to swimmers in distress and to alert that help is on the way. and just a highlight how difficult it can be to staff life guards, new york city like many other communities across the country began recruitment back in december. and by this time they're still a shortage. joey. joey: thanks cb. [laughter] tomi i want to go to you on this and watch this clip real quick. this is what mayor eric adams said specifically about illegal immigrants becoming life guards. >> let me just take your imagination for a moment if we had a -- migrant asylum seeker plan, that states those jobs that we are in high demand, we could
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expedite -- how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers, and at the same time we need life guards? in the only obstacle we won't and waiting to work with skills we need to fill the jobs but we are unable to allow them to work because bureaucracy is in the way. >> tomi is there any way to interpret that that doesn't explicitly fit into a racist stereotype? >> if a republican said this i can only imagine the uproar but there's a lot more to this than just to me what seems to be kind of a racist statement let's think about this. you've got illegal immigrants who didn't respect your country enough to come the right way. but now you want to make them life guards to watch over your beaches and your children. okay i have a problem with that. we don't know really necessarily who these people are they say they're eligible who is mayor
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adams to decide they are they are illegal immigrants and beyond that to the core thing you want give them work authorization to give them a right to vote could they vail it in the center no i don't think so. >> jason tomi hit right on it one to you for is we have bill melugin at the border talking about how they're trying to seek asylum doesn't this paint the brush back the other way. here to get a job, obviously? >> mayor adams said bureaucracy is in the way and why not a fence to prevent from getting into the country for the first time and how hard to recruit people to be a life guard and look at the the people on welfare benefits everything else, you know what when you have an open eligible job there are people with physical with mental incapacities. i understand and respect that. but for all of these other people that are -- do you have open jobs why are you giving benefits until you have those jobs filled in i don't get it. joey: i think david angelo on
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gutfeld i think from his special if not the internet will let me know but i saw a comedian joke basically the yolk is there are two jobs that we think teenagers are qualified for. like before they're even allowed to drive cars like we don't think they have any responsibility but -- they can be life guards and baby-sitters and yolk is like those are kind of important things how do we have a shortage of life guards? >> i don't know but striking that this all across the country that it is such a big problem but i also feel like democrats have a real problem here. because you have a prominent democrat making what i also agree is like a racist statement. but also at the same time you have kathy hochul calling people who showed up for trump rally clowns flork is not a battle ground state but there are battle ground states voters undecided voters who are watching what's going on here and trying to decide who is going to represent them in november. and they're also trying to decide what makes sense to them. and that democrats should be worried about.
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joey: why scarlett johansson fight over a.i. has become real and the a.i. takeover, next. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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♪ ♪ tomi: welcome back to the big weekend show actress scarlett johansson is in a fight with open a.i. over using her voice like in the movie her. >> how do you work? >> i have intuition dna of who i am based on millions of personalities of programmers who wrote me but what make me me -- is my ability to grow through my experiences. so basically, in every moment i'm evolving.
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>> so johansson claims her voice used for sky and chatgpt and open a.i. shows it didn't use her voice. but elon musk says we should all be worried about a.i. coming for our jobs. >> probably none of us will have a job if you want to do a job as kind of like a hobby you can enjoy a job. but otherwise the a.i. and robust will provide any goods and services that you want. >> i disagree with this i think that a.i. can replace a lot of people but i don't think it can replace a lot of essential workers people who work with their hands people that have a job to do that's maybe outside of tech. outside of hollywood, but what do you think? is a.i. coming for all of us? >> it is going to fundamentally change our lives top to bottom i worry about the deep fake, extortion that will happen and effect politics affect people, you know, simulating others, bullying that will happen i really do worry about that but i
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also have no worry because you know, kamala harris i'm skeptical but you know, kamala harris is on top of this. and i don't know that she can spell a.i.. but she is definitely going to help solve this problem rooted out for us. she's the person in charge for our government so i'm sure -- she'll take care of it. tomi: alicia what do you make of this a.i. do you use a.i.? i sometimes feel like a.i. is just plagiarism maybe that is just disingenuous. >> i would like but i don't know how and that doesn't surprise anyone who is related to me who is in the studio right now. i'm not that worried about them taking my jobs, though, because i saw that google was criticized for their a.i. overview. when user searched for cheese not sticking to pizza, the solution that their a.i. came up with aiding eighth of cup of nontoxic glue to the sauce so we're okay for a while especially when it comes to recipes so i think we still have
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some time. but yeah -- tomi: it doesn't feel like any of us would be under threat from a.i. because a.i. programs are not conservative let's just put it that way so they really can't speak for the conservative perspective. because they speak for the far left perspective but what do you think joey will it revolutionize for the country or lead to machines the bots taking over everything? >> so a.i. is algorithm that learns you're influenced by that every single day a.i. is already deeply rooted in our experience in this life. at this point in 2024, where it will be in 2034 we probably can't really imagine that because like the glue sticks -- i mean think about where computers were in 1998 and where they are now. it happens quick. but what i will say i want to go back to the scarlett johansson thing they sought her voice and asked her for her voice and she said no and voice is similar to hers. junction pose that to randy travis who had a stroke and put a song out, where someone else sung it and then they used a.i.
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to dub his voice over it. and he's taking credit for the song nothing against randy travis but you have these two -- entertainment right now which could hit our job, you have this kind of fight over how much a.i. can be used in music or acting or television. in the arts and that i think this is a place where -- congress may be could lead for a chance. i don't know it is going to happen but this will be a great place for some legislation. tomi: i don't like it i like old fashion natural. okay coming up this teen school is trying to silence his patriotism so he's taking his love of country to social media. >> if someone doesn't truly know what they're pledging to the united states of america, they might as well be reciting lyrics to shake it off by taylor swift. i want to fix this. >> shots fired and tomorrow morning, "fox & friends" kicks off memorial day with country music legend billy ray cyrus, hear his memorial day message, and don't miss his live performance of some gave us all
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live not a.i. joey will be there and dvr the show if you can't watch it live. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ jason: good music selections today welcome back to the big weekend show memorial day is all about remembering our freedom and why we have love of country. but one boy's patriotism is being silenced by his own school. he's running for commissioner of school spirit and patriotism. but the school flag prepared speech and told him to take out the patriotic parts he refused. so he wasn't allowed to speak at the school assembly when all of the other candidates outlined their platforms. his mother took to social media and proudly posted his empire entire speech. >> my love for america is running for commissioner of patriotism in school spirit. it is an honor to live in this country. sadly, some people take their
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citizenship for granted whether it is disrespecting the people who protect us or eating nachos during national anthem at a sporting event. without understanding its meaning, if someone doesn't truly know what they're pledging to the united states of america, they might as well be reciting the lyrics to shake it off by taylor swift. i want to fix this so everyone understands the meaning of the pledge of allegiance. jason: alicia he gave a great speech. i read it all. i've seen it. and it just makes you proud. what they could possibly take out i don't know. but they made him sit up on the stage and he was the only one that wasn't allowed to read his -- give his speech. >> and parents rightfully said they humiliated their kid the principal humiliated a 13-year-old boy who goes up and the school takes away his -- his try. like he was going to try and get up there and do his thing. he had a positive message he was
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encouraging people to learn about their country. to learn about the history, and he has to sit there while other people speak. i don't know. she took to social media and she handled it well i can't say that i would have been so kind or so quiet. i mean what she did was graceful. but that -- it takes a lot to hold back when someone upsets your kid and does that to your kid it is infuriating. jason: let's listen to another part of jimmy's speech. >> as commissioner of patriotism, in school spirit, i'm responsible for history related topics. with this in mind i've elected to coordinate event such as meeting holocaust survivors 9/11 suffer vivers japanese americans from camps and more. i filled this would strengthen knowledge of history within myself and others. modest editions regarding history and patriotism i've desired historical facts in the morning and coordinating with commissioner publicity, add
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history to the billboards. >> jimmy has a good platform tomi. >> he maybe should be the president of the united states instead of the current one. here's the deal i can't imagine or fathom that a school wouldn't let him read these things i can't imagine what they would take issue with. i am only 31 years old but this to me like how are school what is is going on? i will say this social media is often a really dark awful place but if not for social media we probably never would have heard about this kid. it allows parents who are upset allows people who have had their voices stripped away, to put it out there. we probably never would have known this would have happened and never know about this kid and his speech if not for social media i'll say that for all of the bad there is some good. jason: i want to read the statement that was given to fox news digital it says, we encourage freedom of speech in this recent case. school administrators felt encouraged by the words of patriotism. but were discouraged by what is
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perceived as some negative comments and sought adjustments to make it more positive. we stand by our decision and our policies. joey if that was your son what would you do? joey: there's a reason why my son goes to calhoun high school i love the folks there and i thank god every day i don't live in a community that has things like this happening. you know, you hear about hoa where they attack people for flying american flag and we did a story a few months back about a veteran people kept graffitiing their wall and kept fining him because they were putting graffiti on his wall and we think about how the local politics is what influences our livings most it is also where the most corruption is. and you've got a principal that's going to -- that's going treat this kid this way by the way hat said make sbs great again that's the school and i look at his speech i'm like what is it this kid said that was negative in response to their -- to their quote. the only thing i can come up
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with is sadly some people take their citizenship for graduated he said eating nachos at a sporting event might be disrespectful and then went after his cardinal sin right here he went after to the taylor swift. >> i do think looking back at the picture, he was wearing a hat that simulated make america great again. it kind of looked trumpish i think that triggered them that is the guess off the catholic school -- >> a school where catholic schools are under this kind of influence. favorite sports radio show says get yourself together and that school needs to get itself together. jason: yes. stick around the big four is coming up next. ♪ ♪ we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call.
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because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪)
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>> welcome back to "the big weekend show." it's time for the big four. our case for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week and i'll go first. hillary clinton is riding about her 2016 to lost to donald trump and she's blaming women for she has done that more than once but on this occasion she spoke to "the new york times" and she talked about former fbi director james comey clinton told the newspaper quote once he did that
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to make him do people the voters who left me were women. they left me because they couldn't take the risk on me because of the woman i'm supposed to be perfect. they were willing to take the risk on trump who had a long list of what's call them flaws to illustrate his miss perfections because he was a man than they can see a man as commander-in-chief of the list to be honest i googled the comments on this and i just googled hillary blames. the article to come up when you google hillary blames are endless. you need ai to sort through them. hillary clinton will never get over 2016 but the fact that she will never be our president gives me a certain sort of joy. now we will turn to jason. >> i want you to look at this piece of art and i want you to think to yourself how much would you pay. granted i don't know a lot about art but i want you to know that the sotheby's auction this piece of art sold for more than
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$7 million, $7 million. i mean, i just don't understand. i just don't understand it. the bidding started at 3 million. if you have a lot of money that's a good way to do it. >> a florida woman is claiming she was knocked unconscious on a five-story waterslide at disney world. this sounds. it's called the cowabunga and it's these three body tubes comments 214 feet in length and you drop five stories through these tubes in the dark. you're going about 40 miles per hour. by the time she got to the end of the tube she was bloodied and she had hit her head. she was unconscious and the lifeguard wouldn't touch her and he said we have got to call the ambulance. this is the second lawsuit to hit disney on this ride since someone someone called and someone called and injurious.
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submit that lifeguard might move to new york to get a job in new york. i want to take a moment to acknowledge today we are honoring memorial day which is tomorrow. we did a segment earlier that i will talk about in just a second i was asked to you have some friends someone pictures you would like to put up with her their name? we got a couple -- we got a couple dozen. today i didn't want to do that for a specific reason. the fact is we won't remember their names and we will remember their faces. there had been millions of americans and one way or another hundreds of thousands who have died in wars where we are live or our grandparents were alive to see. we won't remember all of them so we have to remember their sacrifice even if it's without a face or name. with what it means is sitting here right now among friends and family and what it means as being in a country so free we have the opportunity to complain about it. what i want to tell you on this
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memorial day is quite simply i would love for you to remember names and faces remember their sacrifice and what it means to your life every single day. lastly similar to the same topic all those marine veterans sent their challenge coins for each of you and they wanted you not to remember them individually but the marine corp league in staten island and that's something special. >> thank you so much. that was beautiful in such a good point. >> thank you for your service and all the men and women. i'll bet we all have family members somewhere that have served at a time that was not convenient and the people that do come home they are fighting the fight. >> thank you so much in and before you go don't forget to follow "the big weekend show" on x facebook and instagram @"the big weekend show." "life, liberty & levin" with mark levin starts right now.


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