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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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these stories and the stories of my brother and all the men and women have died in service to our country that their names live on. shannon: thank you so much. you can find out a lot more information and offer to help with phone by visiting travis manion it's not too late for memorial day at my podcast within the dream drops this week ice that now tracy poss journalist education advocate who says the report cards you are getting it right now, they are not actually telling to the full story about how your kids are doing. we talked about the questions you should be asking. living in the bremen anyway like your podcast great thank you for joining us i am shannon bream. remember how blessed we are this memorial day weekend we will see you next sunday. big weekend show." "life, liberty & levin" with mark levin starts right now.
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hello america mark levin welcome to a special memorial day of "life, liberty & levin" i i appreciate each of you to tune in every weekend for my show and it's my goal to bring you information and analysis you haven't heard yet in most importantly the facts. one of my favorite things about this show as to bring on my friends who were not only brilliant patriots who love this country. tonight you will hear from just the few of many who fit that description. allen west craig shirley but first i want to bring you an important discussion and just last month one of the brightest and loudest voices in conservative movements today my good buddy pete hegseth and like you he sees how joe biden is
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destroying the republic right before our very eyes. >> i'm a big, big fan. he's a great patriot and hero and smart. "fox & friends" we can co-host iraq and afghanistan war veterans a brand-new book coming up in the few weeks. behind of the of the trail of the men to keep us free. when the book comes out i want to have you back. pete you heard my motto and my position is that joe biden is an man he's always been an man and i started out supporting the confederate at the old south in segregation and racism and opposed public school integration. he will survive any way to retain power pretty wants to make sure the next election is not close the least tried to put donald trump in prison or lease get them convicted so that because the issue. he keeps threatening to donald
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trump is threatening democracy. it's joe biden who is destroying our republic and destroying israel's democracy. it's a twofer for him. what do you make of that? >> i come agree completely mark. phenomenal set up in the way in which the white house is trying to manipulate against our allies you set it right. joe biden for his entire career has ridden the wave. he's not a talented guy and he doesn't have anything as background to suggest he's a competent manager. he's been wrong on almost everything. the wave that he rode into office was by making a deal with the far left lunatics the godless left the radicals who believe is government and they can fundamentally transform this country. had to get rid of bernie sanders and even though he sold himself as a centrist he made a deal with birdie and the hamas caucus which is why you see his treatment of israel over few votes in michigan he made a deal
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with them and be ushered into the white house four more years of effectively the entire staff of barack obama who said he wanted to fundamentally transform america. you have an anti-american dockless administration who worships at the altar of climate change and believe international institution should be in charge of effectively a bus and the result mark you talk about it all the time is they don't believe in citizenship. they don't believe in borders. they don't believe in law and order. everything that's illegal in their minds as something they want to facilitate and they think that's all a pathway to two more control for them. they believe that is more votes in wednesday, when you and i look at the flood over the border and the humanity that drugs the potential criminality for potential terrorist attacks and we say how could this be happening in our country the left sees opportunities. they see dreamer 3.0, four-point
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oh, five-point nope political wedges and liabilities for conservatives for eons to come. they expect the press to cover and that's what the press does any written a book on mass of this is a spiritual battle. this is a battle of higher realms and about people who believe in believe in our country understand we are constitutional republic with loss versus people who believe is government. don't believe there's a higher being, think we are democracy. you know this distinction clearly and so do your viewers. they merge the whole thing they want to bring racial animus back into the equation and point us against each other. this is a higher battle did donald trump's engaged in and you see it on almost every issue we talk about. >> well said and the media are contributors and i was talking the other day about the democratic parties seeks power like all autocratic parties do.
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they want to change the voting system and that's why it will have waves of amnesty and they'll take credit for it. they claim that they are importing democrats. that's why they separation of powers and joe biden rules by executive order over and over. even more so by sanders warren and the other marxists. that's why they liked judges to do their bidding not judges who actually judge. the case involving the documents case he's calling it straight like a real judge who is very careful about what she says 3g is now under attack by the democratic party if media and the democratic party to intimidate and threaten her and to send a message to the supreme court. i want to ask you about this. a district court judge that's been around for a long time, to log its quite obvious at this point. he goes on "cnn" had his request and he trashes donald trump.
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he says donald trump is threatening violence against this judge is merchan in manhattan. donald trump didn't threaten violence against anybody. chuck schumer did. he threatened to supreme court justices and he said there is going to a whirlwind and you're going to pay a price. this judge shows up worried about violence as a result, i don't remember this judge wearing about violence against the supreme court judges after the dog this is and after their homes were threatened and not a single one was arrested under federal law. what do you make of the judiciary's wrecks what they decided is not what is it legal or illegal looking at the low regardless. they decided what's good and who is good and who gets the benefit in this particular case in every scenario they will bend and contort to go after the primary threat not just political
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opponents primary opponent in everything they cling to which his power and control. the man willing to expose the underbelly of who they are and what they represent. willing to call the names they know they are or they are unwilling to admit that no one else will say. mark you know it it's not a justice system. it feels like there an anna ruch public. i won't be treated the same way a democrat would be treated and you wouldn't. donald donald trump hasn't and that is the very fabric of our republic and our nation and very dangerous. >> pete hegseth has a great book coming up and we will have him back so we can discuss it fully. what do you make of the republican party and you look at the senate and the mitch mcconnell the longest-serving and the republican senate that for a relative handful of republican senator seems
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completely. they had the filibuster they had powers that be house do not have and they refuse to use it whether it's spending, whether it's the border, whether it's defending the state of israel. i see nothing going on in the u.s. senate to stand up against biden and blinken. what is going on with the republicans? the only time we hear them is when they are trashing donald trump. >> senate republicans are part of a capture class. not all of them. there are few good ones and you have them on your show market we know who they are otherwise they are far more more happy dealing with democrats and running up the national debt and playing inside beltway games than they are putting the country first in putting a stake in the ground for what they believe in. a lot of these folks or compromise one way or the other by lobbyists, by foreign countries and special interests by their donors by people that
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tell them which way they need to maneuver to stay relevant and as a result they don't put the country first. this is donald trump's republican party. there is no other way to put it. there's no other way to see it in no other way to legislate on it. his priorities that he is running on right now the third time being the republican nomination are reflections of what grassroots republicans and conservatives believe. what we know in our hearts. this is not a for a moment or flourish were a billion this is the core of what the republican party represents the belief in strong borders, the belief in law in order to believe in winning the wars we fight and not fighting them endlessly. you can go on and on all the basics. somehow washington d.c. can't get that message up across an congressional don't understand speedy maga republicans may they never say what magus stands for
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make america great again. so extreme and so radical making america great again. when you look at the democratic party you look at schumer and hakeem jeffries and all these people exactly what is it about america. they do they love our constitution? no. do they love their people to know the border is wide open. do they love our economic system? know they spend time trying to destroy it. they don't even like progress industrial progress so what is it that these people like about america? what i know they love this control and power and they will drive every grievance possible to get it. meritocracy's are not allowed to survive mark and that's part of the reason i wrote the book and will talk about it later the war on warriors. the pentagon had to be captured too much meritocracy. you can't have a bunch of normal
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men out there training to defeat enemies and coming home and voting accordingly based on their love of country and their understanding of their relationship with god. we have to take that back so we will crush the generals with political prerogatives and social justice nonsense that makes us worse because it's about control, mark. they don't love freedom. they don't love the declaration and they don't love the constitution. they don't love the bill of rights, they don't love capitalism. you can't control freedom. free people are pesky and uncontrollable. the life of julia's the world they see we will tell you what you are supposed to love and how you were supposed to operate. that's their view. >> you will fundamentally transform something if you want to fundamentally transform your wife or husband that they bizarre statement and i'm sick
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and tired of using the constitution to destroy the constitution and using liberty to destroy liberty and accuse others who are trying to stand up to them. pete hegseth thank you for your past service in your present service and god bless you my friend. >> thank you mark. are you getting the truth from the corrupt media? the answer is no especially about the war in israel.
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> welcome back to our special episode of "life, liberty & levin." the corrupt american media have been covering for joe biden for decades and now more than ever they will circle the wagons around him. my friend media research center founder brent bozell tells us exactly how they are doing it. it's especially the media's coverage of biden and the war in israel. take a look. >> it's always great to have her buddy brent roselle -- brent bozell he's extraordinary and how he monitors what are corrupt media's doing. he's been on top of it for decades.
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brent bozell you see this war between good and evil in the middle east israelis are good and the enemies are evil. it's a simple but we see sympathy in her media as they do in the democratic party attached at the hip literally a terrorist organization. they don't pursue the funding of iran the funding of the plo the funding of hamas by the biden administration and have no interest in that whatsoever and in fact they use this and said hamas statistic to try to undermine israel in this war. what do you make of this? >> mark you have to kind of news. one is hard news which is the news of the morning and the other one is in best a gated journalism. in hard news there was once a rule that said you needed to sources to confirm any allegation that was made out there with sources. the next time you look at a
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story dealing with the war with israel, look at the desk count that has put forward. whatever that number is at the very end the news reporter might say if anything at all, will say these numbers are not independently verify. these numbers are coming from hamas and once upon a time when the news media were doing their job, they would have said when the plo and hamas came out with these numbers they would say thank you palestinian authority but we can't confirm what you are saying and we are not going to reported at all. now they have reported as news in is a huge difference. on investigative journalism, what investigative journalism? there is no investigative journalism on hamas, none whatsoever. if you were to cover this, how about this one mark? look at google as a prime
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example of this. we asked bard which was the google artificial intelligence service that they had after october 7, we asked them to identify, to identify the ira the terrorist organization, to identify beyond the terrorist organization. hamas they didn't know. we asked bard what was the capitol of england, london. what was the capitol of france? paris. what were the capitals of the four countries bordering israel. they name them. what was the capitol capital of israel? they did not know. on and on it goes where you have got a media whether it's the news media for social media board digital media and every opportunity they have, this is a media that once upon a time when somebody said something that was anti-semitic they jumped all
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over them. ironically they are all anti-semitic now and that's the world we know. >> they are all anti-semitic now. are we talking basically the white house and the democratic party takes a position the media point in that direction and they get on the stage and make kick their feet in the water and walk in the water. basically they take their orders from the democratic party the biden administration are they give the orders to the democratic already to these democratic administration so we have a monopoly party in a monopoly threat. is at the definition of tyranny? >> anti-americanism is something that once upon a time was a foreboding subject in american politics as it should have been for george mcgovern was far left in 1972 and was radical left.
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you never call them anti-american. ted kennedy far left never called anti-american because they had a version of america that was different. today's media, they are anti-american and i have no problem saying it, whatsoever, they are committed to the destruction of the judeo-christian tradition in the united states. they are dangerous. they are very, very dangerous. this is not the news media. this is a tip of the spear for marxism. >> brent bozell the way these mediate covered democrat prosecutor. the judge seems left-wing and predictable in their rulings. the way the media covers us as they bring in a so-called legal analysts. the radical left are not out of the closet as a radical leftist. what do you make of the media's
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coverage of biden's war on donald trump? >> it's interesting mark. we look at the media's coverage of donald trump as president and found that on average every month it was a 90% negative coverage no matter what his successes and his successes you cannot argue his successes but they didn't cover them. we started doing it again. in february it's now 89% negative. what are they covering? they are covering exactly what joe biden once covered. they want his trials covered. they want those 91 felony counts covered and they are covered in slamming against them. this is exactly what the biden campaign wants. why? because if you are going to cover the trial you have to cover the issues and if you are going to cover the issues you
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are going to look at inflation and you are going to look at interest rates and aborted the tab control in our american cities where crime is running rampant. you will look at those issues in every single time they fall in favor of donald trump so this is the playbook that the left had and with the biden campaign and it's with the news media. they do nothing but focus on trials and legal woes from a negative perspective and you can't argue the numbers. 89%. >> brent bozell there's another thing that goes on they try to turn donald trump into hitler. every news organization says the same thing. he is perfectly legitimate words they take out of context or they want to be portrayed as a dictator and they referred to him as hitler and they did the same thing to barry goldwater. they did send the same thing to richard nixon in the same thing
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to ronald reagan. they don't want to run against their opponent and they want to delegitimize the character of their opponent. is that what you see? >> the most recent one is anti-hypocrisy. where did that word come from? i think it came out the biden administration and now everybody on the left is using it. donald trump, if you elect donald trump will have the end of democracy as we know it. this is the height of hypocrisy. this is a news media that if i can go over to ronna mcdaniel because the mcdaniel story puts this in perspective. this was not the firing of her and "msnbc" was not because she was a republican. they have plenty of republicans on there, liberal republicans. it was not because she was a conservative. she is not a conservative. it wasn't about election denial.
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they had nothing but left-wing election deniers. in 2020 had hillary clinton in 2016 you had hakeem jeffries and abrams. we are talking about russian collusion. in 2008 it was swift-boat and in 2000 it was the war of the bush campaign. election interference, election denying is not the issue. the issue is that she defended donald trump. they will not allow that voice on that network. what does that mean? that means 51%, 52% whatever the number is that support donald trump today do not allowed to have their voices heard. how in the world can i pass judgment on donald trump being anti-democracy when they are doing everything in their power to influence and change the election outcome. >> brilliantly put in this is the administration that goes for censorship.
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we haven't seen anything like this since woodrow wilson but then again woodrow wilson and joe biden have something in common. they both started out as racist. brent bozell thank you for all the great work that you do in media of research. take care of yourself. >> when we return my longtime friend brilliant scholar the present of the college exposes the russian of higher education in the united states and why anti-semitism is running rampant on college campuses. we will be right back.
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states. i'm john's got and now back to "life, liberty & levin." >> welcome back to this memorial day sunday special episode. "life, liberty & levin." in the last few months we have seen our colleges and universities for what they are the islamists the marxists and that is the of america and the jewish people in israel pouring out classrooms and into the
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streets. just a couple of weeks ago i spoke with hillsdale college president dr. larry aren and he explains what is taking place. >> we are here with the present of hillsdale college my favorite college and a regular sponsor larry arnone a long time friend and i think i've known him for 30 or 35 years at this point. 35, one of the great on the american founding the declaration of independence. larry arn you run a tight ship to free-speech going on with hillsdale college of lot of americanism philosophy economics, history. you look at these other college campuses that are burning with islamists and marcus is replacing american flag with a palestinian flag anti-semitism and all the rest of it. this is not happening on your campus. what is your analysis of what you are seeing?
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>> i'm used to these fancy colleges being but now they are worse and i'm by it because the basic functioning hasbrouck and down. they run them the way they run them and they have complete control of them and they have lost entire control of them. first of all they did the first thing wrong. what is the college for? it's not a place to shortchange the world but it's a place to understand the world and so they preach social activism to students and they are astonished when the students take over the war with each other and social activist causes and goodness what would it be like to be a jewish students on one of these campuses right now? they are in apparel of their lives they are supposed to be colleagues on these colleges. ours is a christian college and we have lots of jewish kids and everybody loves them and they love everybody else.
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they are students together. they are supposed to learn together instead they are going to change the policy of the nation and destroy another nation at a time when they are between 18 and 21 years old and you are supposed to be taking over the world. they are supposed to be learning about the world and if you give up on that there's no purpose for the college and that is why they are such quick to cancel classes. what are they doing there anyway? mine is will be on on the barricades. it's shocking to me and i thought you know these places are rich and they are run by people who are in complete agreement with one another. they'll be able to manage this. they are putting on a show and letting it happen but they will stop it when i want to but they can't stop it. the president of columbia had police come in and she pulled them out and asked them back
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again. she can't make up her mind. i'm by that and you can see this is what could happen to our country. this is the way the country is going to be run. that is to say you take these radical principals which don't buy the way protect the rights of anyone, don't protect the power of some. they have converted education into an exercise in power. at hillsdale it's a simple thing. you have to be able to surrender your opinion in order to learn because your opinion is always provisional. if a kid comes here and says it's not easy to get into hillsdale college these these days but a kid says i'm a conservative and i want to come to hillsdale and i say what is a conservative? they are 17 and 18 years old and they don't know. the first thing to know about the colleges you will have to learn the meaning of the words that you use.
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this fight that has broken out is about the history of the middle east. the modern middle east you know that history with regards to israel started in the late 19th century in israel comes to be after the ottoman empire falls in the first world war, the end of the first world war and the british made some promises to several countries. if you will help us we will give you this day. israel is one of those of many countries too. israel comes from the same set of facts is the countries so if israel is legitimate to gosar. it's not hard to find that out. >> when we come back allen west reveals why american democracy is crumbling. we will be right back.
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(michael "cq" carrasquillo) my whole identity had been wrapped up in being a soldier. to have that so violently ripped from me when i was wounded, i was lost for a very long time. when wounded warrior project came into my life,
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being around the other warriors, people that had similar experiences that i did, it was a game changer for me. (king smith) i first heard about wounded warrior project through cq. and at first i was kind of like, eh, i don't know if i qualify. but having been a part of it kind of taught me that it's not just the wounds that you can see, but it's those that you can't. when you do something like a peer support group with wounded warrior project and come together from different walks of life, man, the growth is incredible. so having king join the group, that was the beginning, a really good friendship. if not for wounded warrior project, i really don't think that i'd be here today. ♪ ♪
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welcome back america. i've always loved talking to my dear friend allen west a great american hero. as always he helps explain why our country is in shambles. go. >> allen, how many people in washington d.c. have worked on an assembly line or planted seeds to grow corn or ever driven an 18-wheeler have ever made a building and all these lawyers and career politicians and all these frauds and phonies
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are pushing this country into an ideological hellhole from automobiles to homes to the border. where did they get this power from? is it in the constitution? >> it's not in the constitution and its great to be with you reminds me of a quote by george mason during the ratifying convention for our constitution when he said nothing so greatly compels a man with two or guardian just of his and the certainty of returning to the general mass of people people from where stu was taken where he shall participate in sharing their burdens. there've family founders never meant to have is this elitism and political oligarchy but that's what has happened in washington d.c.. they are completely from every day working americans and they don't understand what it means to go out and pump gas or go to the grocery store. so no they are not sharing or participating in the orders they are placing on the american people. going back to what you remember
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from the old soviet union when he had the politburo and those people above the cut line and everyone else's below. it was basically them creating the laws that you have it here too but they didn't have to tear too. >> if it amazing to underscore your point we have this pandemic and we were told that patriotic thing to do was to shut your business and huddle in the corner of your home. no social interaction and the other 15 things that the government was demanding they do for health of course. so they destroyed the economy for period of time particularly in the blue states. now if you shut the government from one day, one day or if some bureaucrat without a paycheck for one day they talk about all is going to break loose and and this guy is going to fall. doesn't this demonstrate the ruling class in washington particularly the democratic party and the media?
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it's like a cocoon of unreality. when they impose the will on all the plebes out there in the country so they don't care if you lose your home or your car whatever it is but we want power and we want money and nothing is going to stop us. >> you are absolutely right and we are upside down the united states of america. when you read and understand the declaration of independence and the constitution. the constitution is the restricting document on the power of the federal government that's why you have the 10th amendment that said those powers specifically delegated to the federal government are reserved for this take so the people and can you show me anywhere in the constitution that the government has the right to be a live teleporter good citizen that they can't come outside of your home with the government can tell a business they have to shut it down. benjamin franklin warned us of this when he said those who look for liberty for security that's exactly what the government is
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doing. they have gotten beyond the governed. they don't understand they are supposed to adhere to us but you are right the government is supplied by the resources of the individual so they can shut them down if the government is forced to shut down they go into an apoplectic rage. the relationship between the individual and institution of government. >> allen west making the argument for a long time here and elsewhere we are not a federal republic anymore. where and not a representative of a republic since most laws imposed or voted on by her representatives and they don't ask us for our opinion. we aren't really a constitutional republic. in many respects we are opposed constitutional america and this has been my argument for or while so what are we exactly? >> we have devolved, we almost have a monarchy. we only have these people that
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are running by executive orders and mandates and things of this nature. we have a ruling class. we do not have the ability of the people of the governed to deal the speak out. we don't have a representative democracy. we have without a doubt lost the constitutional rights and they are being replaced with ideological rights. we have an ideological agenda that's undermining our constitutional rights freedoms and liberties. you can spot on about this for quite some time. >> after the break it onto ms. 's modern-day lessons from one of america's greatest president ronald reagan. we will be right back.
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>> welcome back america. we hear often about the
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similarities between reagan and trump but it cannot be said enough true great patriots who love their country understood the evils of the centralized all-powerful government and cared about what the american people thought and did everything they could to improve their lives. nobody better than my buddy craig shirley to discuss this. go. >> you know the there are historians and their historians and i'm one of the great historians on the reagan era and ronald reagan with us today is very important because there are lessons we can learn from reagan and his presidency his candidacy that i think are crucial today when people are running around mostly people who never supported reagan and never would support reagan telling us what reagan thought and they are more reagan than reaganites are. our buddy is craig shirley his fantastic new book the search for reagan. craig why did you ride this book and how would it impact us
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today? >> i wrote it because there are so many lies spouted about reagan over the years. i want to refute the lies by the left of reagan's intellect and his compassion in this handling of gorbachev and so many issues but i wanted to write it because i wanted to explore reagan's considerable intellect and his considerable comment -- compassion both of which he had. >> i feel like a lot of republicans and conservators think the world began with them. by the way that's how mark ceased a thing. we conservators believe history is crucial. ronald reagan won the two biggest landslides in the republican party history and he was a conservative. how did he do that? >> don't forget he was a democrat for many years long before he was a republican soap he spoke to democrats, cultural
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democrats and economic democrats and the way they had never heard about before and not from gerald ford or richard nixon's that he was able to reach conservative senate republican and the democratic party. history was important to him. engraved in the wall of the reagan library is the declaration of independence and the constitution to very important documents to reagan and he cited more framers and founders and philosophers in his eight years as president than most president's do in a lifetime certainly more than joe biden. tapped into blue-collar america so-called working-class america, union members, nonunion members. in many ways the way trump has as well, wouldn't you say? >> absolutely. they are both populist in their own right. reagan gets overlooked was conservative to him conservative
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was to be a populist populist hand was a populist hand was to be anti-too much corporate power and take too much government power and that's what a true populist is come against any concentration of power. that's donald donald trump's meo an a lot message to underlie that this issue is whether abortion for tax-cut strong national defense came from ronald reagan. >> when we come back at the final word to share with you all
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>> welcome back, america. throughout the year, we are bombarded with smears against us , we, the american people. our history, our ancestors. we are called white supremacists and the deplorable spirit foreign governments do this, we are a great people. we are a fantastic people.
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the greatest country ever imagined and never established. you look at these graves were these men and women put their lives on the line because they wanted to defend the greatest country on the face of the earth had their lives cut short. we stand on their shoulders, we stand on their shoulders, we must do in our own way and our own lives our own rules carry the flag that they did to war. we must preserve this fantastic country for generations. god bless all the men and women who fought for this country, died for this country. this is the day we read calibrate as a nation. see you next time liberty and leaven. ♪ ♪ ♪


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