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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 27, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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police officers took on an alligator into custody after it was found lord during on someone's driveway. do you want to pet it? yeah, no, thank you. the officers managed to take the gators mouth shut and loaded into the back before it could do harm. the offender was promptly released back into the wild. i mean, rich, that thing is pretty small. i could take it down. >> yeah shakespeare the holiday weekend is coming to a close as a record number of travelers pack their bags in the course for tsa agents. the record-breaking week with more than 2 million screened friday. gators under two fly for free, julie. >> that is it for us. happy memorial day. rich, always great to spend the holiday with you. stick around.
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"outnumbered." ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: hello, everyone, this is a special edition of "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany and joining me on the couch this memorial day fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises, bruce. fox medical director, dr. janette nesheiwat, the steamboat institute and senior fellow for the independent women's form, kaylee mcgee white, and fox news contributor, joe concha. today is memorial day and while many are spinning the holiday with the unofficial start to summer, it is important to remember what today is all about. it's not about the barbecues. it's not about the beach. it is about remembering those who have lost their lives fighting to protect our freedom spirit and memorial day we honor all of our brave, fallen heroes who put on the uniforms not for ourselves but for all of us because without them, there would be no america where it as we honor these great men and women, we reflect what
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america truly stands for and how blessed we are to live in the greatest country in the world. it also reminds us how critically important it is to pass that patriotism to the next generation pure "the wall street journal" op-ed makes this point, challenging everyone to do that. "teach your children to live america." it reads, "we live in nh and i will say this quickly as we know it, children are instructed 100 different ways, 100 different portals that america is and always was a dark and scheming place spirit that its history as the the history of pushing people around often in an amorat for wealth and also because we aren't very nice. and we never lamented about the declaration. parents help your children love this country." it will be good for them more to the point, this country deserves it. also when you don't love something, you lose it." we don't want that to happen. you know, tammy, it is an
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important point, especially in light of a gallup poll and i want to put this up, a chart of people who feel extremely or very patriotic. take a look how it has declined over time. you can see there once a high of 90%, 91% around 9 9/11. we have since fallen to 67%, 39% in these categories of being extremely proud of. it reminds me of ronald reagan saying you have to teach freedom to the next generation. >> tammy: exactly. we talk about patriotism, it is not somebody manipulative into not being patriotic. we see our own government and we make judgment about the people we have hired to do what they are doing. we see the nature of whether speech is still relevant. if our government cares enough to keep us safe. it is like we vote for these individuals, we pay our taxes. is that something or infrastructure is implementing properly? or we speed bumps on the way for the elite dynamic to live their lives?
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and part of that is a generation coming into office that really has not, as you noted, been taught to love the country. they move into office thinking, well, when you have a president that says america is fundamentally transformed, that kind of began the open acknowledgment that this nation has got to change. well, not up until that point, obviously we continue if no nation is perfect, we continue to work to become a better nation and a better people. but it really is the core of the constitution, the bill of rights, et cetera. i think for those we remembered today and celebrate today, i think they would trust as i would in the same situation, that we are going to have their backs and their families backs in the next generation specs as we move forward so those debts are not in vain. >> kayleigh: yes, joe, there was an important point in addition what we have gone over that the editorial makes and this insidious ideology being taught to young people and often times young people not privileged who are not born into wealth and privilege.
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here is what they said, kids from different circumstances permit means there is no hope. you want to escape a violent or unhappy family until a better place, the world outside, because it is in better repair of the world outside is america which fertilizes the minority, the woman, the indifferent. insight is scary but outside is scarier. what a vulnerable thing to do to kids. well said up here and >> joe: a little trivia, i went to college with my dad. i want this on the way in here that we would talk about this great piece a common sense columnist for years. a lot of people may believe this because they have a president who does speeches like the one we heard last week with joe biden and he said this, "you start a college george floyd was murdered and it is natural to wonder if democracy naturally you hear about works for you. what is democracy, that black men are getting killed in the streets? how utterly despicable that speech was an divisive pier there was a good reason within
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this poll you pill out the end little bit 67% of republicans are very proud of their country. more than half to only 29% of democrats are proud of this country. so, that his wife for donald trump, be the happy warrior and an optimistic campaign as he's been doing lately and let the democrats tell you how horrible, evil and racist this country is because it is a losing message. >> kayleigh: when you compare with president trump to bend the brock bronx, the outreach cheesemaking and in his speech optimistic and uplifting and we can partner together make this country better. everyone has a chance of the american dreams here at large leap positive and acknowledging the real problems we have. >> it is attracting the real voters. the reason joe biden is getting support among the youth. it is not a particular problem but generation z the less patriotic of everyone in the same gallup poll said 18% of
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young americans my age are extremely proud to be an american compared to 50% of adults ages 55 or older. and it is disturbing to me because i have a brother who serves in the military. he is in the navy and also probably, yet, we see the consequences about my generation and lack of recruitment to military branches, which is a particular concern for this we can. you see the radical college campus protest just as anti-america as they are anti-israel. this is the consequence of people not being proud of this country. and i wish that my generation would sort of wake up and remove this blanket of indoctrination pulled over their rights because they could see the goodness of america if they do so and realize just how grateful they should be. and i think this op-ed is great because it hits at an important point. teaching children to love this country starts in the home with the parents. my dad taught us as kids that you love god, your love your family, and you love your
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country. that is why my brother is serving in the military and why i am here now. we returned back to that home-based focus, the next generation will have a better chance in mind. >> kayleigh: that is well said. turning to the message today, dr. nesheiwat, this is what bob wrote into "the washington post" and i thought this was really important. while few of us know memorial day was first observed 1868 as a way of honoring union soldiers killed in the civil war, trip us care of here and for the holidays the start of summer and for many others unfortunately a beginning of the growing season and an easy pay for purchasing flowers and freshening up the gardens. it is surely worth a moment of precious time to recall the ultimate sacrifice made by those who will never again enjoy a breath of fresh air or bask in brilliant sunshine. to that end, the cost of freedom you are enjoying today, 1.25 million americans have given their life since the start of this country. >> this is such an important aid
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to make memorial day and veterans day because i come from military background. just like your family have served, and some of them have almost lost their lives. so knowing that along with the fact that i am jordanian american, the daughter of immigrant parents that came to this country makes me love and cherish this country. i appreciate the patriotism and the love of this country. it is so critical we instill in their children and teach them love of country and patriotism so we can instill a sense of civic duty and responsibility to encourage them to be good citizens and contribute positively to this country and society. to know that we must understand and value the core principles and values of this country and it starts, like you said i'm at home and important to honor our fallen heroes so that we never forget them. >> kayleigh: without a doubt 1.25 plus americans who lost their lives. we remember them today. coming up closing arguments
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began 24 hours in historic new york versus trump trial. voters from across the u.s. way and pure you will be interested in what they have to say next. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: closing arguments start tomorrow in historic, unprecedented new york versus trump trial. so fox caught up with voters to see how they are feeling about this case. many were not shy about being totally fed up with it, even labeling the case, "politically motivated." >> it is a shame and a disgrace that they would take a former president who would be unprecedented in in november and try him like that. >> i think it is the most corruption i have seen in my lifetime. i'm flabbergasted by the blatant corruption going on and political targeting. >> i think it is a total farce. if not thrown out, i would be shocked. >> i think the trial is a scam. >> absolutely, they were trying to set him up here it's because
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they don't want him to be president again, pretty much it. >> but as far as -- i didn't vote for him. >> i don't think anything is totally fair, but it is clearly wrong. >> the idea of doing it this close to the election when it is something that happened many years ago just yells out it is intentional. >> a star witness has fallen apart here or there is no evidence. it is politically motivated. >> kayleigh: dr. nesheiwat, that is spot on. i go back to it and i said over and over come it is important when "the new york times"'s in every case brought under state election law and cannot find one example of the brought, that is unprecedented and factual. >> dr. nesheiwat: absolutely and thieves are not misdemeanor charges. what is a crime? as you see, most americans most
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of these people don't care about these charges. they know it is a distraction to keep president trump off of the campaign trail. when you look at the big picture, look, he is winning and all of the states, even though the margin of error. wisconsin, pennsylvania, georgia, arizona and they look at the other demographics. his numbers went from 8% to 23% approval among african americans. what does that tell you? americans don't care about this trial but with a cure is what matters most of them, health care and the economy, inflation, crime those sorts of things but not these trials taking up time and money and not really focusing on the issues that matter most to americans. >> kayleigh: ha kaylee i looked at the jury instructions and they are often won or lost in the judge gives the final instructions on what those say. he would endeavor to get them to the parties thursday evening and there was no indication that they were out.
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i don't know if the attorneys currently have them but i've been unable to find them currently. this is what anthony to anthony mccarthy rode, a long start of memorial day weekend and safer to assume we will not get the jury charge from illegal instruction that juan merchan will give to the jury prior to deliberations in a criminal trial. it is obvious that juan merchan does not want to give a moment to pour over and publicly dissect what he wants to say. that raises the question why he sent the jurors home after both sides rested tuesday giving a full week to marinate on the intense out-of-court publicity to feel pressure from family, friends and acquaintances. yeah, that was said. >> it is pretty predictable that it would have backfired as well for two reasons. first, voters don't like the choice being taken away from them. they like to make the determination for themselves whether a candidate is worthy of being elected to office. you can go back to bill
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clinton's impeachment, which actually boosted his approval ratings and same thing with trump's impeachment bumped his approval ratings. an out facing this persecution in the courts because of voters want to decide. they do not want democrat prosecutors to take that decision away from them. the second thing is voters don't like to be treated like they are dumb. i think about my home state of michigan and the voters back there, the democrats have assumed as long as they throw stuff at the wall and one charges able to turn into a compunction against donald trump, that will taint the perception of him irrefutab. voters aren't dumb here they are able to spare these charges for themselves and to make that determination of whether they are worthy of the charges being brought. i think that is what you were seeing. even the voters box interviewed clearly paid attention and know what is going on. wait, hold up i don't agree but this spirit i think it is a big mistake on the part of the democrats to assume otherwise.
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>> kayleigh: joe, let's talk about another joke, his name is joe biden and you probably could guess who i was going to bring up. politico, yours deadline biden has stayed silent on trump's trials. biden's plans to speak after the verdict whether a fiction, acquittal or a hung jury, he plans to break his vow of silence and donald trump is facing according to four people with internal deliberations who told this to politico. here is the interesting part, biden's will address in a white house setting not a campaign one to show it is not political according to the people who were granted anonymity. what do you make up biden talking about this from the white house went for 15 is going this the biden trials? it doesn't help him much. >> joe: you are telling me of acquittal or hung jury that joe biden will address the nation and say we need to accept this particular outcome? i spoke to john and charlie because i'm not a lawyer. let's say you have a hundred
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dollars and i said, what would you bet on right now with $100? $85, hung jury, 10% acquittal, 5% acquittal. so you see this trial for what everybody seems to see if or when it comes to the judge and when it comes to everything as far as you said, misdemeanor loan up to be a felony. i think in the end, if it is a hung jury, it is a victory for donald trump no question. while the trial has been going out to look at the betting markets as much as the polls and joe biden is to point favored to win back the presidency. donald trump is favored by 18 points in the same betting market so a prepossession game and this continues and he gets acquitted from the jury, a rocket campaign for the jury. >> tammy: and the clips of people talking, you noticed one guy said i would be shocked if this didn't get thrown out. there is an inherent hope or belief that the system will work. that this nation is frankly
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found it on, which is a blind justice system here at that no matter who you are, you will get fairness and you have the jury f peers. it will not be set up against you. it will not be used against you. my main concern here, hopefully, this will work. the jury system will work. we will see that and if it does, that's great. it should have never happen in the first place. but if it doesn't, if marinating, as you put it in a week with friends, new york jury, a point where they wanted a tear, can new yorkers be fair at being liberals knowing the problems in the justice system? because if they are not, that is going to have such damage to the justice system at the federal, state, local levels. we don't know how that gets fixed. how do you fix that? how do you reverse the nature of the blatant display of unfairness and bias? that will be the big issue. >> kayleigh: i am of the belief once you have lost cnn, you have lost the manhattan
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jury. make no mistake, they have lost cnn. the lead prosecutor of the trump trial, the doj official. >> kayleigh: that is true, step down and take a job at the state level. who does that? coming up transportation secretary pete buttigieg has a hard time explaining why the biden administration set aside billions of dollars for electric vehicles charging stations. but only a handful have been built. ♪ ♪ mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test.
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>> all right, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, remember him? he leads the vehicle electric vehicle push. but just last month he mocked americans who don't want to buy
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an expensive electric vehicle. now, he's being laughed at for his explanation why the administration has only been able to complete eight, that is on more than seven, federal charging stations. eight! despite your marking, or you're ready, $.5 billion taxpayer dollars for them. speak with the federal highway administration said seven or eight charging stations have been produced with $7.5 billion investment that taxpayers made in 2021. why isn't that happen more quickly? the president is supposed to have a half a million chargers by the end of the decade. it is more than plunking a small device into the ground, there is utility work and also a new category of federal investment. if it we've been working with each of the 50 states and every one of them is getting dollars to do this work and engaging in the first handful and again by 2030, 500,000 chargers.
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the very first handful of chargers already are being physically billed. but again, that is the absolute very, very beginning of the stages of construction to come. >> tammy: so kayleigh, it is less then nine. it is a remarkable number. you have got eight anthony said, it is going to be half a million. that would be six years. what do you think the possibilities are here of this actually manifesting as a real thing? >> kayleigh: precisely 0% pure glow, half a million, and seven or eight years? the host had to chuckle a little when he said that. >> tammy: it's like you got $8 and you said you will have half a million and six years and doing nothing. >> kayleigh: exactly but a liberal policy achieving nothing, where have we seen this before? $530 million in government loans and filed bankruptcy two and a half years. again, failed liberal policy. >> tammy: kaylee, it is funny when you see spending other people's money like it is
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monopoly. and this is a good example, but shouldn't this reinforce because this is always the case. i don't think there is any government program that is delivered the way they said it would deliver. >> kaylee: this is such a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars. no one can accuse me of being a math whiz but i know we are $1 billion per electric charging station right now. who is this benefiting? i think this is such a great example of how out of touch this administration is with the average american. if they were spending all of this money to build electric charging stations that no one is going to use because no one is buying electric vehicles in the first place. to think about in-laws in rural ohio who has to drive back and forth to the factories they work with on a daily basis. they are not buying an electric vehicle, a, they don't have $60,000 lying around to test the new tesla. you know that this benefits? biden donor class, the wealthy upper class who he's been
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recording ever since he took office but it hurts the rest of americans because we are the ones who have to pay for it. >> tammy: dr. janette, always the climate change is used as malleable and can be used for any reason. this is the underlying argument for this dynamic. they claim that is a health issue, right? doing this will somehow make your health better, make your lives better, and yet to come a billion dollars for a charging station, when that money go a heck of a long way when it comes to improving people's health and outlook for the future? >> dr. nesheiwat: imagine what we could be if we had money and funding and technology to go towards medicine, antibiotics, cancer therapies and tools to help keep patients alive. but instead, we are wasting money. why is he pushing this? exactly what you said to commit to appease the climate activist to get more funding and donatio. in reality, it is unsustainable. the power grid cannot sustain it
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on top of that, it is expensive. we are in an economic crisis of economic financial problems. the lithium batteries you need, once you replace them, those are toxic to the environment. it may maybe we should take a look at what is happening in china, for example, 1 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide every single year compared to us. i think we can put our money and more better places that can help really make an impact in the lives of americans other than immersing 2% of people who are using them. >> tammy: this is really the core of the leftist agenda. interestingly, it is one thing to disagree with goals, but they can't even accomplish it. they can't make it happen. what is your take on this? >> joe: rose rhetoric around electric vehicles and save the environment meets a very harsh reality. it is like joe biden said search the bow order and we see what happens when the reality sets i. the reality is and i will push
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back both of you come all right? >> kayleigh: i can't wait. >> joe: yes, they are eight charging stations but that is 4,992 to go, hard is that? look, i will answer your question with a question, tammy. no one can answer this basic question. if i live in hoboken, new jersey, and i live in los angeles, chicago in an apartment complex, how am i charging my car if a thousand people in the apartment complex, you need 700, 800 chargers? the reality is not reality here because they're simply -- by the way, what tow truck is coming to get me when i am on i-5 los angeles and my battery dies. do tow trucks have charging stations on them because i'm pretty sure they don't. >> kayleigh: joe toes. >> tammy: a new slush fund distributed to all states and we don't know where the money has a length. what is happening to the money? perennial question for the democrats peered coming up upcoming hillary clinton has a
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: hillary clinton is still bitter about 2016 election laws to donald trump. now she is blaming female voters for tossing her the presidency. hillary claims women ditched her after fbi james comey we opened an investigation into her email server. she tells "the new york times," "the voters who left me were women. they left me because they couldn't take a risk on me
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because as a woman, i'm supposed to be perfect pure they were willing to take a risk on trump who had a long list of laws to illustrate his imperfection because he was a man there they could envision a man as president and commander-in-chief." give it up, hillary. i mean, joe, why? how does this help your party win suburban women. >> joe: all we are missing is dr. -- there is something seriously wrong with this person. think of all the people she blamed after losing that election. i got a partial list right here. >> kayleigh: okay, we have the full list, you start. >> joe: james comey, bernie sanders, joel stein, dnc electoral college, wikileaks, matt lauer, low information voters, coal miners, the basket of deplorable spirit may be a few campaign come at that stage, she barely lives in michigan and patently unlikable and elitist. there is the list.
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and i could keep scrolling. >> kayleigh: i love your commentary. i felt like you go there and you teed it up well. let's go over the list one more time, kaylee all the people she has blamed low information voters and a basket of deplorable spirit bernie sanders, her campaign, go back to the forest you are wandering in. >> kaylee: oh voters in the 2016 election, which is why she lost. this attempt to blame us as women specifically for her loss, it is a representative of total disrespect and actual contempt for female voters. it is not unique to her. most democrats actually do this. you see this on the campaign trail right now when joe biden come if he is campaigning to a female voters, the only thing he ever brings up is abortion because they assume that we, as women, or going to about the exact same way because of our
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sex and only think exact same way, capable, diverse thought, for example the issue of abortion, maybe some do not agree this is a threat to our rights and we need to elect joe biden in order to preserve our liberty. so, what she is doing is actually a disservice to our spear that is what she needs to keep in mind. >> kayleigh: no doubt, the left on abortion, tammy, but it left sees her as valuable and bill and hillary clinton, fund-raiser for biden. so biden is still using her. >> tammy: it tells you how we clear benches and health and that is when you are going to appear at all right? if so, i'm not surprised because the democrat benches horrible right now but hillary needs to realize in order for someone to leave you, you have to be with them. and of course, she felt entitled to win here and she expected to win. they expect of the system to work accordingly, yes, women,s and others do what they were
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trained to do. this was the shock in 2016 that all the generations being trained to behave in a certain way to conform which is what the left expect would do so. and we have been doing so for a while because we really didn't have any other options. she expected it and was promised it by the system. when it did not occur, that was clearly a shock for her. i think as for american women especially, you know, they left her because they are not dumb. there is a realization. we are still a young country. we are still young puppies. we don't like to be told what to do and to be taken advantage and abused in that way here they have an alternative and trump. it was on a wing and a prayer. we didn't know it was going to happen but we found out it was correct. her behavior after the fact confirms how bad of a president xi would have been. so, i encouraged her to continue to talk and i think she will have another bad election night
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this year as she did in 2016. >> kayleigh: i remember this was important and the trump rally in the bronx you're the crowd started chanting "lock her up." you know what he did in that moment, he backed up and said this is why i didn't do it and why it was focused on the issues americans talk about and not jailing political opponents. before we go into this unprecedented trial that president trump was the bigger magnanimous person. he wouldn't criticize the justice system bureau that is what they are doing. >> kaylee: he is a prime example when he stood in the bronx speaking in front of thousands of people and exuded confidence, strength, and leadership to take that stance and not fall for, "let's go back and regress." number one on your list, kayleigh, you're so pure it we have to acknowledge our own shortcomings, you know? we are diverse group of women with our own political and cultural backgrounds. we vote who we feel will fulfill
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our needs whether something to do with education or abortion rights or crime on the side of the streets and go for a walk at night without having to worry about being injured. we need to look at the big picture and not point fingers at others. that is why we see where she is today. >> kayleigh: what a fall from grace, but she is still fund-raising for joe biden so we will keep you updated on that. the new reason why gen zers are ditching college and signing up for trade schools. ♪ ♪ only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed.
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: all right, it seems the old college rabbits losing favor among younger americans. out with this headline, keep your diploma, gen z prefers a tool belt. for many, the tool bill is the key to fulfillment and freedom. this is insider who spoke to one 27-year-old who went to college to study pre-med but became an electrician instead. "unlike an office job where you go to the same building daily, i work somewhere different every day. experience different things and see different people every day.
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when a job is finished, i feel a sense of accomplishment and closure. i finish it and move onto another. it doesn't feel like one long job forever." dr. nesheiwat, pre-med there, that was not easy to do, no doubt. you have got something different every day, but it involves real people. what do you think the difference is between being an electrician versus the nature of managing people in that way? >> dr. nesheiwat: my expertise like joe's wife, anyone can walk in the door so you have to be ready come on your feet to tackle anything. it could be anything from strep throat to heart attack to gunshot wound pier that can be stressful. but you know what, what defined success? it is hard work, determination, grit, and a good attitude. if he found something that makes him happy and contributes to society, i'm all for it. good for him. look at all the college debt people are coming out of schools with, further and further away
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from achieving the american dream because of the high cost of tuition. and it is high demand for trade schools as well. >> tammy: with all of the refunds of your college tuition and the debt, it kind of employees going to college anyway is a lemon. that vocational school is a good idea and that happiness in addition to accomplishment matters. >> dr. nesheiwat: i am gen z and went to college but i think it is great more people in my generation are expanding their scope and considering pursuing other opportunities instead of only pursuing the path we were led to believe we had to do in order to achieve success. i think of my husband, he went to college and grad school afterwards to get his mba. he doesn't use either of those degrees. he decided to go into contracting after graduating. he and his friend started a business and he was in people's homes claiming space out. it is not a pretty job but you know what, it is a good job. finds a lot of fulfillment in being able to help people in that way and work
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with his hands and pursue a career that may be most of iv would look down upon. so i think it is amazing for more people to do those jobs. you know what some of the biggest benefit, you will never be out of a job. we always need people to do so. i might be replaceable but i guess not. >> tammy: you can do it anywhere in this fate of the diy shows, the flipping shows shows that we have fun getting to know people who can do construction for a living and build things for a living. could that also be part of it? >> kayleigh: i think so. i remember seeing a video of a man on tiktok and he was a lineman and he was gen z. he said he makes $200,000 and owns multiple homes. and to believe that he would achieve that in college. he's using his money to buy more and more homes and have all this resources that is disposable. there is a reckoning with higher education. like you, i'm proud i went to
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undergrad, law school, harvard law school and i still wear my ring. there is a real reckoning with anti-semitism on college campuses. i don't want my daughter on college campus with vitriol racism we have seen spilled out like an open wound. i think over the next few years, if they don't get that straightened out -- >> tammy: there is a benefit to college and hope to think properly and defines the process of how to approach things but something to say about being a tool belt generation of making things and being on your own, independent. >> joe: i saw this topic, wow, relax because my brother runs a trade school, paterson, new jersey, which you know, low-income families primarily and maybe it'll class, couple. the school keeps expanding. they don't have enough spaces in their classes to learn how to be a mechanic or electrician or contractor. it is a fraction of the cost. my brother is most proud of this dad, trade, 99% of graduates get a job when they graduate
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because the demand is so there and good jobs like six figures for contract work these days. it is working. to your point, my kids inc. going near harvard or columbia. they are going south texas, notre dame. >> tammy: it with it being nice to have a plan and have the schools back and do vocational schools as well. more special edition of "outnumbered" next. with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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>> today on memorial day we are reminded that freedom is not free. we remember those who have served our country and those who have made to the ultimate sacrifice to protect it. we also keep their families, their loved ones, and our hearts and today we are thankful for our great nation and we reflect on what america really stands for. singer-songwriter lee greenwood famed for the song god bless the usa had these inspiring memorial day. >> we are a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. there are other countries that embrace freedom but no other country has the ability to protect it. to go after those who would defeat it and destroy it. we have some conflict inside our borders. and we have people running
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across our borders who shouldn't be. but i still believe that if america continues to live by the doctrines we started with, and that's the declaration of independence and the constitution and the bill of rights, we live by those documents and no matter if the administration changes or not, we can move on as an american public. and i have great faith in that. my encouragement to veterans is to know this. i have toward this country for 40 years and all of america believes in what you have done. they believe you are wearing the uniform of america and we are all proud of our veterans. >> freedom is not free. according to our braemar room 1,250,855 lost souls gave their life for freedom. >> it reminds us to be grateful to live and the greatest country. i am so grateful to my parents for emigrating here when they were younger because who knows what life would be like in the middle east.
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we see all this war and turmoil going on and it reminds me of a quote from ronald reagan. freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. it must be fought and protected. >> i think this is such an important weekend for us to remember because we seem to be at a critical juncture right now in this country where there is one side of the country that is determined to hate america, to hate its institutions, and to hate its values. and we know what you do not love you do not defend. i think this is a great example for us to set to be able to not only remember the sacrifice that our veterans have made but also to remind everyone why that sacrifice is so important. >> we thank everyone who has fought valiantly for this country. we remember the souls who have passed and today we pray for your families. we think of your sacrifice and we reflect on it. thank you everyone for watching this a special edition of outnumbered. don't forget to dvr the show


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