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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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what his fellow catholics had to put up with at st. patrick's, that speaks volumes. if prayers at a large mosque during a muslim holy day had been similarly disrupted and ruined with pro-israel protesters and christian protesters, i have a feeling he would've heard from the white house. number member their messaging is always political and now christians hear them and that's the angle. that's it for us tonight and thanks for watching the special edition of the angle and never forget those who fought and died defending our country and freedoms for our family and grandchildren and posterity and fly your flag proudly and remember your flag etiquette and remember it's america now and forever and jesse watters prime time starts now. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: in my book, people from all walks of life opened up to meet and share their life story in the deepest secrets but just because we finish the book doesn't mean they get it together series is over. are talking to a retired soldier from the latin kings. saw things no person should never have to witness. an active participant in drug trafficking, robbery and extortion and things we can't mention on national television and did whatever he had to do to survive in the underworld so how did he go from a prison king to an evangelical minister? andy rebirth joins us now and how did you get started in the gang life? >> so how long do we have on the show because it's a long story. to sum it up, wrong influences
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listening to the wrong voices gravitating to the wrong things and being out there. >> jesse: did you get initiated? >> i was around 14 or 15 years old and i let five grown man jump me so what what i have to do to keep that friendship? first-degree attempted murder one count of aggravated damage that was gang-related and i was charged as an adult. >> jesse: what was her name and the gang? >> the use of call me paco basically when i went to prison we started latin kings blood nation and i was holding a flag and in that prison and i was the president and they called me paco and ironically it was paco the pope of the streets. >> jesse: was there something
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that happened when you were imprisoned and made you think man, today a go down the wrong path? >> it was my kids and watching my kids grow up in pictures not being able to come visit me because i met maximum-security but this one time it is etched in my heart and i'm fully restrained with the belt and the handcuffs and my little girl hailey was almost two years old when i first got incarcerated by this time she was about six years old about five years old so i go in visit holding my beautiful little girl and she asked me all these questions and grabs my handcuffs and says daddy, what is this? brand-new handcuffs and i say oh baby, that's my bracelets and you don't see daddy shining over here? she looks at me and asked me what is this?
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grabs my shackles and i started making him jump like a jump rope and i said that's my jump rope and she looks at me again and says you look stuck. you look stuck and she asked me again, daddy what is this? and i said handcuffs and i said what is this and i said shackles and she says why do they got you like this daddy? and i said daddy was being bad and this was daddy's punishment and she looks at me and says daddy promise me you won't be bad anymore because i need you home with me daddy i need you home with me and it killed me but i'm looking at her and she starts asking me questions like she's mixed and says daddy, what color argue? what color his mom? what color am i? it killed me because my daughter
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did not know her identity because her father was in her life and that's what i look at going on in the society today as people do not know their identity because they are not in their father's life. >> jesse: you struggled with addiction and said god help you recover from that as well? >> oh, yes, that's i end up getting sentence to the church and overdosed on heroin for the third time in the first time i overdosed i was in the project and through my body in the hallway and they should have killed me because all the games i was playing but they thought i was dead so if it likely didn't have to kill me so through my body in the hallway and i know now it was god that brought me back so i look woke up in the hospital bed and the police officer in front of me trying to act like i'm sleeping because i knew i had more drugs on me and i'm not cuffed to the bed but i
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have ivs hanging off my arm so the minute the police officer left to help nurses with another guy that came in real illiterate intoxicated and i see him move and i jumped up and ripped the ivs and i broke out running and made it through one door but the other door they have to buzz you bow and bring me the guy will close doors no man can open and open doors no man can close and i thank god for that closed-door because i needed to get caught. >> jesse: you have got it together and congratulations till america one word to focus on, what would it be? >> jesus. in jesus the bible said the beginning was the word and the word was with god this is my life and my story so i have to tell it and share it and if god can do this in my life, what can he do in your life? >> jesse: i'm inspired and thanks we're joining us and
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thank god you got it together. >> glory to god. >> jesse: before he was a comedian he was a drug trafficker and before that, a college kid. joni mitchell has been to columbia, prison and now he has been to prime time. how did you go from college student to drug trafficker? >> naturally that's the progression of any american college kid. that was just the market who was buying up drugs generally young people and people on college campuses so one of those things as every kid back in the nineties and 2000 sold weed so i was no different and i got into at the university of oregon and i got good at it and i got good at it so by 2008 and 2009 have shipped thousands of pounds
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through the u.s. mail all over the united states so it was quite an experience. >> jesse: what was that like when you first started getting involved in the cartel? >> while the first time i ever met these guys, i was massively hung over taking keg stands the night before and my buddy reminds me that you might want to take it easy we need to go meet mexican drug traffickers tomorrow so we drive like 10 hours down i five from eugene to this tiny little town in northern california and went to some dumpy motel room and we met these dudes and i think buying 50 pounds with a hundred thousand in cash so god is 50 pounds of wheat and i remember as they were counting the money and getting to know us, i kept having to go to the
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bathroom to throw up so these guys probably think i'm wearing a wire and i'm adjusting it. >> jesse: that went down and your parents had no idea you were doing this? >> no, they didn't not to this level. >> jesse: they didn't care? >> of course, they cared but i was so far gone in the game and so addicted to the money which is far worse than any addiction i had to alcohol or women that there was nothing they could do. >> jesse: when did it all end and when did you get arrested? >> 2010, the fall of 2010 i was arrested by federal agents in the portland police department and the portland detectives.
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>> jesse: you believe this experience in prison with drug trafficking with the cartel, you believe this gave you the comedy chops to be successful? >> when i was in prison, i started doing stand-up comedy as they would have town show nights in the cafeteria at the facility at the oregon state penitentiary and if you put together enough good behavior, once a month, you could go down and sign up to perform your talent so it was like open mic night so i would get up there and try to make people laugh and i started roasting people and make fun of everybody and it was brutal like today i would be canceled and from the outside looking in, it was probably hate speech but i was killing jesse so i got the bug because in there if you're
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trying to perform a talent, its kill or get killed so that gave me the first kernel of an idea may be there's something more to this and i said i'm in a go to hollywood and be a screenwriter and an actor and other delusions i had but my cellmate would come down and see me doing these talent shows and just killing and he was doing life never getting out and a shock collar from the hells angel prison gang and he said you should think about doing this comedy thing and from then on my mind was made up. >> jesse: great advice from the hells angels. you have gotten it together mitchell, any advice for people that still haven't gotten it together? >> you have time to 'get it together' as long as usual ruin
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your life irreparably so you can't do drugs anymore, fentanyl has ruined it and is ruined cocaine you can do drugs anymore you can't do life in prison and you can't end up dead but short of that and of disaster mistakes are okay and necessary. >> jesse: we are glad you got it together words from the wise. there is still time. appreciated buddy. take care. shrooms, acid, psychedelics are trip but nothing comes close to smoking toad.
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toad is the mexican tribes is the venom secreted from the glands of this mysterious amphibian and used for centuries for its dissociative properties with users calling it an out of body near death experience. my next guest hector gonzalez says it saved his life and now devoted his entire existence of this medicine traveling north america turning people lawn to the god particle, the secret toad. morning, it's no joke. virgin smokers unprepared for the trip can suffer severe psychic breaks. hector gonzalez joins us now. why do you smoke toad? >> hi jesse. i smoke and work at the medicine to better my life and it gets you out of your own way you can hear things you need to do
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better in your life like eat better and treat people better and do different things. >> jesse: describe the trip for people in colorful detail. >> a great void in a period of time or two or three minutes when you get profound insights and a religious experience to help guide you in your life. >> jesse: so this is church for you? >> 110 percent my religious belief and it is a church. >> jesse: any negative side effects -- side effects? >> absolutely yes, and if someone were on ssri medications or any other kind of medication, is not for everyone and very dangerous. >> jesse: talk about smoking toad with a cartel hit women. >> shared the medicine with her one of the most difficult
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processes i've seen someone go through and she had a tough time and have not spoken to our sense and not sure where she's out or how she's doing. >> jesse: i guess if you assassinate a lot of people nuc god, might not be a great time. >> you are exactly right. >> jesse: you gotten your life together through smoking toad and you had a very tough life growing up. what was your life like in the earlier years? >> my life was whilst i was not at home with myself and very angry and hurt and bitter and confused and i wish i would've found this medicine a lot younger because it made me who i am today but i share medicine. >> jesse: please share some toad with my assistant johnny who can really learn to be a home does should be at home with himself. thank you hector. homeless caveman, swimsuit
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models and jake paul ahead on prime time. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪)
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: introduce you to the homeless caveman of modesto were tent cities cramping their styles so they got prehistoric -- prehistoric digging out caves with wall decor, furniture and floor tiles in a makeshift fireplace with the chimney. primetime did not see a problem with it but the neighbors did. >> those caves go into the grounds here so what's the stop them from going under the houses next? >> jesse: saint you can burrow underneath your house and tunnel up through your den and maybe still something out of your fridge? >> or some of my pool.
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>> jesse: the caveman got the boot shooting a pair when is fine living in caves is too dangerous as the roof might collapse i in california, you're supposed to die in the streets outside a starbucks but the la homeless are evolving from caveman to contractors building a makeshift mansion in the middle of the 110 the walls are real -- real but don't worry they have two fire extinguishers very responsible. and look at the water feature pier gorgeous. this guy built his homeless mcmansion, the rest of the vagrants still neat a hand and says she needs donations from you to make it happen. >> right now we're working to move passed night rentals including biomass purchasing
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hotels and already built permanent housing know we are asking the most fortunate angelenos to participate in this effort with personal, private sector and fellow and trophic funds to help us acquire more properties and lower the cost of capital and speed up housing. >> jesse: why did they need money? what did they do with the many taxpayers gave them? they lost it. california lost 24 billion the state earmarked for homeless and where is it? no one knows but the money is gone and there's even more homeless in a sports illustrated swimsuit model has had it. she grew up without a law and lived in san jose and now she's blasting them for taking advantage of our working people as she paid her way through college and hit it big as a cover girl and now politicians
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asking her to bailout homeless junkies so she's leaving fleeing california and headed to nashville. she is here. kristin, what happened? >> thank you so much for having me today and it's an honor when we see nonsense, it's our duty and only residence as a state but as a mother of three young children is what's happening in the beautiful state of california that was once was beautiful and what has happened is it's embarrassing and sad and for someone to ask us for our hard earned money as we already have the highest taxes the most clean state but instead we have the number 1 homeless problem in america 28 percent is right here in california so lost track of close to $25 billion and asking
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me for more money and i don't think the solution is to ask me for money but to hire new leadership. >> jesse: do other people feel the same as you do and a model exodus? >> you come to california it is the state of dreams you think you can accomplish anything but it does not feel safe anymore i don't feel safe going to the grocery store especially in metropolitan areas without my husband with me and i don't take my kids in to city limits. there is this red wave leaving california and they say don't breathe -- bring your views and i think there needs to be massive change is this guy is fumbling over and over again of 20 years of experience in our state and you keep fumbling time to cut him and bring in someone knew and bring us to a w. >> jesse: he thinks he's slick so you have a message for gavin
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newsom? >> that's tough to be on error saying that so he watches the show so telling what you think. >> take a seat body it's time and let someone else come in and clean up a city that you so-called love and if you do, let's bring in some new heavy hitters to generally queen it up and i would actually say let's offer not only housing but his skill to these homeless people teach them and put them in trade school and teach them a life skill they can carry on into the job market and let's have them build the houses earning money and learning a skill while providing homes. >> jesse: that's a good idea and probably get off the heroine would help as well. >> i saw a couple people smoking crack. >> jesse: nashville will be a big difference from where you're coming from and thank you so much. >> i can't wait.
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>> jesse: even hollywood lifers are leaving. actress cameron candace was born and raised in a labor hightailed it out of there star of the new movie unsung heroes joins me now right as you leave? >> hi jesse. my family and i did not feel safe anymore we don't want to live behind closed gates and that's part of the protection you can feel and being someone in the public eye, lot of people show up at our door quite unnerving and paparazzi and all kinds of things so we moved out of los angeles. >> jesse: you're not allowed to have a gun or a guard dog and just set amount? >> we have both of those. >> jesse: it's not crazy? >> yet to the point it wasn't --
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>> jesse: it is that crazy? did they say mommy who's the homeless junkie with the mace? >> you would be surprised. >> jesse: maybe i'm overdoing it. tell us about this movie. >> the number 2 movie in america and the number 1 faith-based movie and a beautiful story that celebrates moms, the unsung hero is about miracles and hope based on real-life story of the family you might know them as the singer rebecca st. james in the story is how they immigrated from australia to america lost absolutely everything and their mom made life and adventure and they slept on beds made of closed and started a lawnmowing business of the cliff food on the table and it is full of
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adventure and miracles in tears but happy ones a strong story of faith and i'm so proud to be a part of it and i'm in the movie but also executive produced it be one uvic show off. thanks for joining us and off to greener pastures. jake paul joins prime time. (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking...
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>> welcome to fox news live. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu say sunday's deadly strike and rafah was a tragic mistake. the killed at least 45 people and israel's military initially called it a precise airstrike of a hamas compound but open up a investigation.
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basketball community in morning following the death of hall of fame center bill walton. nba says the two-time national champion turned broadcaster died after a battle with cancer and following his baseball career, got into broadcasting for decades finishing out his career at espn and brings joy and wonder and wackiness. he was 71 years old. back to waters world and headlines on [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: prime time loves the spectacle and controversy but no one in the fighting world is better at stirring the pot then jake paul. originally a youtube sensation enema boxing star, he's taken on ufc champs like tyrone woodley, nate diaz for stepping up in class now.
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-- he is stepping it up in class now. >> not only have the honor to fight the greatest authors that ever lived. >> jesse: will be fighting mike tyson at the at&t's tedium in texas live on netflix. this will be the event of the summer. iron mike is the youngest heavyweight champ in the history of boxing a lifetime record of 50 wins and six losses and now 57 years old and still training like a beast. >> since day one, the party has just begun. day number 2, were getting ready for you. d3, you still want to [ bleep ] with me? day number 4,.
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>> jesse: jake paul does not have tysons record but he has youth and power and athleticism and he's only 28 years old and he only took up boxing four years ago and continues to shock the world's. >> your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see. >> jesse: does jake paul have what it takes or making a big mistake? tyson was on 'hannity' last week talking smack. >> he came a long way from you tubing and listen i've seen the youtube of him at 16 doing world -- we're dancing but that's not the guy i'm fighting and he's going to be bravely mistaken. >> jesse: jake paul joins me
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now. thanks for coming on. >> thank you jesse and want to give a quick shout out to my mom who's watching so i love you. >> jesse: i want to give you a shadow and you're probably not watching but i love you too you heard mike and says you're making a mistake and what do you say? >> i think he's underestimating me and i truly think that and it's a heavyweight fight so he's the bigger man but i'm the faster man and he's the stronger man but i'm fresh he's experienced and i'm smart but he could be smarter so it's really an interesting matchup but i think the whole world and a lot of people see his training videos and yes, he looks like a beast and he's a dog and he's iron mike tyson but i believe i have what it takes to beat him and i know it's the toughest test of my life and an honor to be in there with mike but at the end of the day, all be the one
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that gets my hand raised. >> jesse: we will see an all be watching along with millions of people and you know how he likes to get insight on people that's his move to fake and get inside and kidney and uppercut and when you seen the results, i don't know if you want to give away your game plan on live tv but what are you going to do? >> look, it'll be tough as he's the bigger man as he will be hitting inside and i'll probably be at chick-fil-a with mr trump training -- trying to gain weight for this fight but i believe that i have faster feet and faster hands so i will be working angles and i don't mind as my can have the game plan but i'm still gonna win and that's how confident i am in my ability. >> jesse: what happens if tyson bites you're off? >> he can't bite my ear off if i knock his teeth out.
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>> jesse: is this an exhibition fight? a lot of controversy of how real this will be? >> it's so annoying that people on the internet will believe anything they see or hear there's so much misinformation and we know this and mike and i want this to be a pro fight fullface shots submitting that request of the commission and an all-out war as is been on these fake videos about not being able to hit each other and as trump would say it is fake news. >> jesse: you do have a big event coming up in november maybe not as big as this fight the summer between you and mike. if item put the gloves on and trumpets the gloves on, what you think would happen? >> trump wouldn't even have to punch and biden would fall over from the wind. >> jesse: we will leave it there.
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>> and trump if you're watching this, this is an invite as i know you used to promote tyson so i would love for you to come to my fight so donate pull up and we have tickets for you. >> jesse: g. have tickets for jesse watters primetime? >> i got you men. >> jesse: you been very successful and everyone ready for this big fight live on neck flicks with jake paul and mike tyson. >> the first ever live professional sporting event on netflix most valuable promotions in less than three years of business so it's a testament to me and my partner and thanks for having me jesse is always in a put on a show promise to my fans i will come out and do the unthinkable and show the world's no matter the odds are or if it's mike tyson that unless than four years, you can become the best in the world. >> jesse: if you beat him, i
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don't know who you will fight next. >> anybody anywhere anytime anyplace. >> jesse: think so much and good luck. >> jesse: jonny goes to the beach. beach. but is next. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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>> jesse: we believe it's important to honor and remember the men and women who sacrifice their lives to protect us though johnny spent most of memorial day talking to people at rockaway beach. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: why are you off with works? >> to drink with my friends. >> reporter: what is memorial date? >> honoring those who served our country that have not died confused veterans day with memorial day. veterans is the one... >> reporter: who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> i have no idea. >> you have the wrong one let's
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say i did not pass that. >> great britain. >> north versus south. >> reporter: who won the civil war? >> isn't at the south? >> the north! >> reporter: tell me about the civil war. >> we party together all races and ages and sizes. >> reporter: who was the civil war between? >> did norwegians? >> reporter: who did america fight in world war ii? >> china? >> germany, japan, italy. >> somalia? >> what difference at one point does this make? [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: who bombed pearl harbor?
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>> it's on the tip of my tongue. >> the koreans? >> the irish? >> reporter: who won the cold war? >> australia? >> the usa. >> the russians? >> reporter: why did they call it the cold war? >> super cold and a lot of people died. [laughter] >> reporter: tell me about the war on terror. >> airport security got stricter and stuff like that. >> do you watch jesse watters on fox news? >> you are the best newscaster out there and no one better and cheers to you and enjoy your
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memorial day. >> jesse: miami beach decided its canceling spring break with the city telling college kids don't come but one city's trash is another city's treasure as fort lauderdale welcomed college students with open arms and after johnny would not stop bothering me to send him down there, after a while, i gave in. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: what college do you guys go to? >> florida state. >> arizona state. >> everyone's lemmings been break so what's going down here? >> a lot of drinking. >> may she rest in piece. >> looking for a beautiful white girl and i'd love a latina. >> reporter: how the ladies treating you guys? >> i have not taken a shower since we got here. >> reporter: what's the craziest thing you've seen her down far? >> got naked in the bar. >> a man licks my about. >> multiple people went up to us
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and said spit in my mouth. >> reporter: to do it? >> yes. >> all be darned, that's amazing >> it definitely wasn't me. on god. >> this girl that tried to take my girlfriend. >> they end up fighting both of them and the craziest thing i've ever seen. >> reporter: how locus were school? >> it's a liberal arts school. >> very liberal. >> we go crazy and have a lot of fun. >> that's not the question. >> reporter: what issue facing america is most important to you? >> world peace. >> reporter: >> people are too sensitive. >> i don't like racism. >> i don't want to walk into a club full of ugly men.
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>> reporter: how is joe biden doing? >> [ bleep ] >> i need a hot president and i think it should be me. >> reporter: how was the doing? >> is that the colored lady like me? him even know who that is. >> harris, what he think she does? >> oh it's a girl. >> she's pulling the strings like a puppet. >> you are right. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: define inflation. >> it's bad. >> i was paying eight dollars for a big mac meal a couple weeks ago. >> people going broke. >> reporter: if you are in charge, how would you handle the crisis? >> if they're not sling the day, they can get the [ bleep ] out. >> like bars girls get into bars
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>> reporter: so you let the girls in first? >> reporter: how important he was january 6? >> i don't know i don't pay attention to dates like that. >> it's very important because my best friend's birthday is january 5th so the best week of the entire year. >> it's a great day because i know who's going to win. >> january 6 is when we vote. >> bless his heart. >> reporter: how is donald trump doing? >> i love you too but you're not my type. >> reporter: you want to say what's up to jesse watters? >> my mom loves you which means i love you too. >> what's up jesse watters appear come to spring break. >> jesse: more jesse watters primetime ahead.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: big memorial day
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barbecue today on the hot dog is it mustard or ketchup? i'm a big spicy mustard guy and when i see guys slather catchup on hot dog, disgusting so let me know what you think. ketchup or mustard on the hot dog. peter from virginia, jake paul will pulverize tyson. ronny from new york. jake paul better take out those precious earrings before the fight. dom from jersey. maybe we can hire both of them to protect our southern border. they need a little bit of help but that at least takes care of texas. cell for massachusetts. ifo -- i hope he takes those diamond earrings out. sally from michigan.
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interview with the former latin king was amazing and i was in tears. god bless. janice from louisiana, jesse have you ever smoked a toad in which you? >> the answer is no end to know. sam from california. you know it's bad win hollywood starts to leave. all contestants on sing or swim required to wear swimsuits as part of the theme and how about only the women. i don't want to see them in a some soup. kathy from bethlehem pennsylvania, happy memorial day weekend and how are you celebrating, i will be in california baby. dvr the show and happy memorial day and always a member i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: welcome to th


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