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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 27, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the plants, making sure they have enough waterh water. and just enjoying nature before it gets too hot. >> but yeah, baseball games when my son, me and lincoln go to a lot of baseball game ji we heckle violently, harold, to the point that we disrupt the quality of play. y of >> and it's always memorable. although my son ha play.s no ida how much his life could change based on the amount of money cos. baseba these game it's actually a dicey proposition. but yeah, baseball at lincoln and i lovell you had a greaties point making lots of great memories that will lasert forever. >> that which makes summer so much fun. well, that's it for us ois ill see n this memorial day. we will see you back here tomorrow. have a great night, everyoneery >> and we can't be makings traffic jams in one maxwell house right now. a copy could we say intense
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in my book? get it together. people from all walks of life opened up to me. they shared their life stories, their deepest ant secrets. but just because we finish the book doesn't mean they get it together. shseries is over.togeth today we're talking to aer retired soldier fo frome latin kings. meet andy pellicano. thehe saw things no person shod ever have to witness. an active participan t in drugan act trafficking, robbery, extortion and things we can't eveniv mention on national television. >> he did whatever he had to doe to survivele in the underworld.r >> so how did he gwoo from how a prison king to an evangelical minister? >> andy rebirth bay, r.a. joins us now. andy. how did you get started in the gang life? >> oh. so how long do we have on this> show? because it's a long storhow lon but to sum it up, i was just. just a wrong influences. uences
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listening to the wrong voices. juststening gravitating to theg things and being out there. >> did you get initiated? yeah, i was. i was around 14, 15 years old,t and i left. five grown men jumped me sown m i couland be their friend, as i like to put it. so what would i have to do to keep that friendship? fi and it led to first degree attempted murder, three counts of aggravated assault, one count of aggravated criminal damage. it was gang related. i was 16, i made 17. >> js charges an adult. what was your name in the game? well, i went nam to the park. >> they used to call me park or when i. when i got basically got out of the gang. when i went to prison, i startesically d and we starten the outlaw king blood nation, where we joined the latin king s with the bloods. and i was holding the flag in that prison. i was the presiden ias holdingty called me paco. the ironically it was paco, the pope of the streets, paco, the pope of the streetreets.s.
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and was there something that happened when you were in prisos thn that made you thio man, did i go down the wrongay a path? >> it was my kids watching. my kids grow up in pictures,p ic watching my kids, you know, noto being able to come visit me t because i'm on maximum security. in mbut this one time, it it is etched in my heart. i'm fully restrained. e be i have the belt with the handcuffs, with shackles, and my little girl handlin thege was she was almost two yearss ol old when i first got fir incarcerated. by this timest, she was about sx years old. she's about five or six years old because i yeah, yeah,ou she's about five years old. so i go visi yearst. i'm holding my beautiful little girl, and she starts asking meas all these questions. she started she, she grabbed my handcuffs and she said, dadd theses myy, daddy, what is- and i, you know, it was brandne new handcuffs. i'm doing a moving. and i said, oh, baby. oh, that's my bracelet. n' she won't see daddy shining over you. and she looks at me daddy shinee she said, well, what is this? i
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and she grabthiss my shackles. and i started making the shackles jump like a jump rope. makiim jumi said, oh, that's myh rope. she looks at me agaie lon and se says, you look stuck. you look stuck. and then she asks me again. she's like, daddy, what is thi s ? i said, handcuffs. she said, daddy, what is this? s i said, shackles. she said, why they got you like this, daddy? i said, because daddy was being bad. his daddand this is daddy's punm and she lookens at me and she says, well, what would daddy promise me? you're not going to be bed any more because i need you home with me, daddybad caus. h me i need you home with me, daddy. it killed me. t kibut i'm looking at her, and then she starts asking me questions. she was like, well, daddg me qye all because she's mixed. so she said, daddy, what color d saysare you? at what colors, mom? what color are my. it killed me because my daughter didn't know
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her identity because her father wasn't in her lifecause he. and that's what i look at going on in the society today. t people do not know their identity because they're not in their father'sif. life. >> and you struggled with addiction, too. with you recover from that as well? >> oh, yesyo. and that's that's really how i end up getting sentenced to the church. seo i overdosed on heroin for the third time. th dosed onthe first time i overdoi on heroin, i was in the kaleoy n project and they threw my body in the hallway because they thought they should have killed me because all thes games i was playing. but they thought i was dead, so have feli t t like they didn't have to kill me. so they just threw my body in the hallway and allo ki t i g now it was god that brought me back. but fast forwardght me to the tk time i woke up in a hospital bed. the police officer was in frontt of me. i was trying to act like of to i'm sleeping, like playingi possum. i'm looking because i knew i had more drugs on me m and i'm looking. i'm not cuffed to the bed, but i have ivs hanging out
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my armm no t. so the minute the police officer left to help some of the nurses the polic with anothc that came in real belligerent, that was intoxicatedam, as soone as i seen him move, i jumped up, ripped i visand a my arm, ai broke out run. and i made it through one door. but the other doorthroug, they e to buzz you out. and it brings me to the scripture that god will close doors. no man can open and open doors that no man can close. and i thank god foen doorsr thad door because i needed to get caught. >> all right. you've gotten itd fothat togethe congratulations. if you could tell america one word for them to focus on, amera what would it be? , in, little bible says in thehe beginning was the word. >> the word was with god and the word was god. this is my life, my story. so i have to tell it. i have to share it. and if god couldto do this in my life, what could he do in your life? i'm inspired, what. pellicano thank you so much for joining jesse watters from time. and than esse: i'm inspk god you got itsn
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together. >> glory to god. glory to god. >> before he was a comedian, he was a drug trafficker. s before he was a drug trafficker, he was just a college kicker andd. johnny mitchell has beenki to colombia. he's been to prisod.n, and nowha he's been to prime time. johnny mitchelbeen tl joins us . >> so, johnny, how did you go f from college student to drug traffickerro ? yeah, well, naturally, right. that's the progression of anyn american college kid. that was just the markete ki. that's who's buying up drugs generally. youn whog people. it's people on college campuses. so, you know, it was just one of those things. every kid back in the 90 thosesn and 2000 sold weed. so i was no different. nd and i got into it at theo university of oregon and i got good at it and i just kept it going. y 2008 and, you know, by 2829, i had shipped, i don't know,9 have thousands of pounds through the u.s. mail all over
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the united states. so, you know, it wase un quiteit was quite an experience. >> what was that like when first you first started getting involved in the sinaloa cartelrt ? >> well, the first time i ever met these guys, i was massively hung over. i was like taking keg stands the night before. and then my buddy, he reminds me, he's like, dude, you might want to take it easy. we got to goas meet mexicand to drug traffickers tomorrow. so i'm like, okay, okay. yeah get mexic. so we drive like 10 hours down v i-5 from eugene to this tiny little town ine to northernn in california. and we went to some little no, and we metom these dudes, and i think we're bi and £50. >> we had 100,000 in cash. and so that got us about £50 of weed, 2000 a pound. and i remember as they were counting the money and like remeg to know us, i kept having, having to go to the bathroom to throw upin.
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so i was like, dude, these guysp probably think i'm wearing a wirem we. >> i'm adjusting it. so that went down and your and parents had no idea you were doing thisents had? no, they knew your parents knew you were a drug dealer? b yeah, just not to this level, you know, and they didn't care ? no, of course they cared. of course i care. but i was so far gon?e in the game, you know, i was so addicted to the money, which is far worse than, you know, any addiction. i had alcoho tl or women or anything like that. there was really nothing they couldn thats nothin do. >> okay, so when did it all end ? >> when did you ge t arrested? >> two thousand ten, the fall of 2010. i was arrested by federal agents and the portland police department , the portland portland detectives. >> and you believe thisev
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experience in prison? drug trafficking yakking with the sinaloa cartel? you believe this kind of gave you the comedy chops to be successful? >> welsfull, well, when i was in prison, i actually started doing standup comedy. they would have these talent show nights in the cafeteria at the facility, at the institution. i was at the oregon state penitentiary the ogo. ethe and if you put together enough b good behavior, a good timeehavi a month, you could go down and sign uoup to perform your talent. so it was like open mic nighp t and so i would get up there and i would try to maket up people laugh and i would justrtd i started just roasting people andng peopl they would jt i would just make fun of everybody. and it was brutal. like today i would be canceled for that. like from the outside lookingheo in, it was probably hate speech. but utsin, ii was killing, killg jesse. and so i got the bug. so i got the i got the bug. f y'
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because in there, if you're ifor you're trying to perform a talent, it's kill or get killed. so so that gave me they gave met like the first like kernel of an idea. i'm like, okay, maybl of an idee there's something more to this, you know? and i was like, i'm going to go to hollywood. that's i what i'm going to do.ei i'm going to be a screenwriter and an actor and whatever, you knowte actor, other kind of delusions i had. but my cellmate would come down, he would see me doing these talent shows and just killine doin g. g and he was doing life. he was never getting out. he was a shot caller for the hell's was angels prison gang. pri and he goes, you shouldt doin you should think about doing this comedy thing. and from the comedy n on, my mid made up. >> great advic wase i got and tn great advice from the hells angels. you've you've gotten it together. mitchell any advice for people that still haven't really gottey adn itvi together yeah, you have time. you have time to get it together. as long as you don't ruin your life irreparablg asy so
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you can't do drugs anymore. fennell has ruinedso it. ruined it's ruined cocaine. fun. i'm sorry. that's just the way it is. you can't do drugs anymore. you do life in prison. ofu can end up dead. but short of that, short of disaster, mistakes are okay. >> they're necessary. we're glad you got it togetherhe . th listen to the words from the wise. >> there's still time. >> appreciate it, buddy. all right, man. take carapprece. >> shrooms, acid, peyote, psychedelic or a trip, man. but nothing. and i mean nothing comes close to smoking toad. no, i got a guy making toad or
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boo. >> pho is the mexican tribe's call. it is the venom secreted fromis the glands of this mysterious amphibian. it's been used ibia for centuriesr it for its dissociative properties, with users callingts it an out-of-body near-death experience. imy next guest, hector gonzale, says bufano saved his life, and now he's devoted his entire existence to this medicine, traveling north america, turning people on to the god particle, the sacred toad warning proof is no joke. >> smokers unprepared fortrip the trip can suffer severe psychic breakssevere. . hector gonzalez joins us now. hectorz join, why do you smoke,? >> hi, jesse. so i. i smoke too, and i workok with the medicine to bettere an my life. it gets you out of your own way so you can hear things that yout
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need to do better in your life. like eat better, treat people better, and do good things. >> and describe the trip for t people in colorful detail. >> there'sp a great void, and there's a period of time of two or 3 minutes where you get profound insights. a primary religious experience to help guide you in your life. >> so this is church for you. this is 110% in my religious belief. and it is a church. yes. >>s ef andare there any negative sie effects to toad smoking? >> absolutely, yes. if someone were on ssri medications or on any kind of other medicatioe weren, it'sr for everybody. it's very dangerous and it can hurt. if not eve danger used and respected properly. >> you told me about smoking toad with a cartel hit woman. >> tell us how that went. so i shared medicine with her. it was one of the most difficult processes i've ever seen. one ofe go through.
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and yeah, she had a tough time. i have not spoken to her since s and i'm not sure wherepo she's t or how she's doing. >> yeah, i guess if you assassinate a lot of peoplef and then you see, god might not be a great time. right >> you're exactly right. you've gotten your life together through smoking toad.oa >> you had a very tough life growing up. what was your life like in the. earlier years? >> my life in the earlier years was lost. i was not at home with myself. i was very m angryys and hurt and bitter and confused. i wish i would have found this medicine a lot younger, but i don't regreted and ih it becaus it's made me who i am today and i share medicine in a better way because of that. >> okay, well, please sharee. some toad with my assistant, johnny. he could really learn how to be alone with himself. home. nk you, hector homeless caveman swimsuitaveman
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primetime ] introduce you to: n the homeless cavemen of modesto. tent cities were crampedtryou to in their style, so they decided to get prehistoric digging out and furnishing a commune of caves, complete with wall decor, furniture pstoric d or er tiles. even a makeshift fireplace furne with a chimney. primetime. , dn't see a problem with it but the neighbors did. >> those kids go well into the grounds here. what's to stop them from going under the houses nexwhat'st to . house? >> and they cannot burrow underneath your houseus and tunnel up through your dene and maybe steal something out of your fridgeou or swim in my pool.
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>> but the sophisticatede chanties weren't up to code, so the cavemen got the boot . shooting up heroin find living in caves too the roof might r collapse in california. e in >> you're supposed to die on the streets outside a starbucks. ts tside a but the l.a. homelesss u are evolving from cavemen to contractors. building a makeshift mansion in the middle of the 110.0 th the walls are real. it's got electris arec, a garde, a hammock, decorative lighting, a barbecue. >> of course. don't worry. they have one now. they have two fire extinguishers. very responsible. and look at the water feature. gorgeouse . this will this guy build his homeless mcmansion? the rest g homeles of la's vagrs need a hand. sa and mayor karen bass sayst of she needs donations from you to make it happen. >> s fro o now we're working to moveki past nightly room rent rentalsng ,including by master leasing and purchasing motels
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and hotels, and already built permanent housing. >> now we are asking the most fortunate angelinoscipate to participate in this effort with personal private sector h pe and philanthropic funds to help us acquire more propertiesrse, c lower the cost of capital ca. speed up housingos >> oh, why do they need money? what dd o they with the moneyy o taxpayers gave them? they lost itit. california lost 24 billion. the state earmarked forke homeless. >> where is it? gobody knowsd fo and. but the money's gonene and there's even more homelessn . a sports illustrated swimsuit model has had it with bassa spo kristin lowell gaffney grew up with that a lot t and lived in san jose. and now she's blast ding bass for taking advantage of hard working people. gaffnevantage y paid her way th college and hit it big ase an a coved r girl.
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and now politicians are asking her to bail out homeless askis. so she's leaving. gaffney's fleeing california and heading to nashville. christian gaffney's here. christian, what happened? you heard bash. you said that's it. >> darby we're packing their bags. jesse thank you so much for having me today. >>r and i want to piggyback what the said. when we see nonsense, it is oury duty not only as residents of a state, but as a mother. i'm speakingidences a stat wholy as a mother of three young children. what's happening in the beautiful state of california that once was beautiful? i am born and raised. my husband is born and raised. we lovia that wase the state. what's happened is it's embarrassing. l and whatit's sad. and for someone to ask us for our hard earned money, i mean, we have already the highest taxes we should have. arguablys ned mo the most beautifulos state and most clean state. but instead we have the number the numb one homeless problem in america. that's 28% of the homeless problem is rights proble here in california. so you have lost track of overon
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24, close to $25 billion. and now you're asking me forin more money. i don't think the solution is to ask me for money. gord i think the solution is too new leadership. >> do other people feel the same way hirleader as you da >> is there going to bmee a modd exodus? come >> you know, you cometo to california to the city of dreams, a state of dreams, right? you think this is where i can accomplish anything, but its does not feel safe anymore? i don't feel safe going to the grocernoy store. i don't go anywhere outside, especially in metropolitan areas, without my husbanhedsban with me. wie and i certainly don't take my kids into city limits. therandon'e is a movement, i'm g you heard of this red wave leaving california and red states might say, you know, don't bring your views. i'm certainly not. i think there needs to be massiv bringe change.massiv and it's just like football. i compare everything to football. if this guy is fumbling overe n and over again. you have newsom with over 20 years experience in our state and he keeps fumbling. it's time to cut him, bring in someone new and lead us tondi a w. >> well, he thinks he's slick and he owns the team, song a w doesn't think he's going anywhere. do you have a message for gavin newsom? >> e r is it?
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>> oh, gosh, that's tough, sh be honest, because you just he watches the show, so he's listening right now. >> oh, tell gavin what you think. take a seat, buddy. tim it's time. it's time. let someone else come in and anclean clean up the citupy in a state u that you so called love. right. if you really love so-cal it, let's bring in some new heavy hitters let'. woully clean it up and i what i would say to him, i'd actually say let's offer no t only housing, but let's offer a scale to these homeless people. let's teacskill to th them. t let's put them in trade school. let's teach them a life skill that they can carrhool andm y oo the job market. give them a job. let's have them build the housesrket a . ear they're earning money. they're earning it, and they're learning the skill while providinleg homes. >> that's a good idea. j i'd probably get off the heroin. that could hel p as well. >> that part too. i thought i was in l.a. yesterday and saw a couplepeople of people smoking crack. they were having quite the party. all right. well, nashville is going to beei a big difference from where you're coming from. thank you so muclle ah and goodo luck. >> i can't wait to even
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hollywood lifers are leaving. actres jesse: s candice camerony was born and raised in l.a.,r hh but she just hightailed it outta of there. >> candace cameron berry of thew of the new movie unsung hero, joins me now. >> candace, why did you leave? jesse well well, my family and i didn't feel safe anymore. i we didn't live behind closed gates. and i feel like that's the parlt of the protection, you know, that you can feel and beinofg someone that's in the public eye. a lot of people would show up at our door and it was quite unnerving. and paparazzi and all kinds of things. >> so we we moved out of los angeles. you you're not allowed to have v a gun. you can't have a guard dog. you juste a gu a said i'm out. >> oh, no. >> have both of those. really? it's that crazy? yeah j: it's n, yeah, yeah. to the point where i>>t just it yeah. wasn't worth it for us anymore. we're also in a different stage
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of life. i've three grown children, and they're not living in l.a. anymore either. and i want to be where they are. >> was it like, mommy, mommy, who's that? homeless with a mace? >> you'd be surprised. >> okay, maybe i'm overdoing it a little bit. movie, about this unsung hero. >> well, we are the number two movie in america right now and the number one faith based movie. and it is a beautiful story. that'se numb celebrates moms,or the unsung hero. it's about miracles. it's about hope. it's based on the real life story of the smallbone family. you might know them from the band for king and country or the singer rebecca james. and this story is about how they immigrated from australia to america. lost? absolutelyimmigrat everything, and their mom made life an adventure. they slept everythin beds, madep clothes, they started a lawn mowing business so they could put food on the table. of adventureadvent
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and miracles and tears, but happy ones. it's a stron itearg story of of faith. and i'm so proud be a part i'm of it. >> i'm in the movie but also executive produced iet. uvi >> oh, you big show off camera. candace cameron berry thanks for joining jesse watters primetime and the greener pasturesd of, jesse. >> good luck. and jake, paul joins primetime . >> i've been doing this for a long time, but i haven't quit and i won't. i can't give you a yes. i've got to give you one your bof these. no fra >> check your local listings. can the rivesir support your brain health? >> mary janet. fred..y, edie.lleng. >> no. fraser. frank. frank. everyw brad fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including ist
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food star all new wednesday at nine eight central on fox this to drop what you're doing for the summer pop stars because we're serving the cobra american heroes together for the first time for four floors you got messy people let's take this guy that guy and all those guys. i think you get where we're going with this and the stars and stripes. oh, they'll be there and back. and we've got soccer morning, noon and night. your welcome, america summerup, and fs i'm not here to fire you up. arf if you're not already fired up, you shouldn't be in this room. if thi as victory isn't worth all you have to give and leave. all you have to give and leave. but no chance to be a part of a victory. ing. >> the world will remember forever. inevi >> victory over cancer. thista victory isn't just happening. it isn't inevitable. no w is ourtime time.
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>> your time. >> your time. you may save someone you love. time is very precious. is tomorrow's victory, a victory that is there for the takingho? . grab it. i was there now. that was a great halftime speech. >> let's go win. don't give up. >> don't ever give up. >> welcome to fox news live. im ashley strohmier in new york of people are under a severe thunderstorm watch in the northeast. this memorial day. earlier this holiday weekend, deadly tornadoes tore across the nation's heartland. the violent weather killed at least 22 people in texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky. late sunday, the storm moved east, creating delays at new york area airport and putting people living along the i-95 corridor at risk of damaging
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wind gusts, large hail and large tornadoes. >> president biden marking memorial day by honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice after placing a wreath at the tomb of the unknown at the arlington national cemetery, where he delivered a somber speech, the president saying, quote, freedom has never been guaranteed and every generation has to earn it. i'm ashley strohmier. >> back to jesse waters, primetime special primetime loves a spectacle. we love controversy. and nobody in the fighting world is better at stirring the porsy bu t than jake paul, originally a youtube sensation i ,now a boxing star. s jake paul's taking on ufc champs likkee ben askren, tyron, woodley, nate diaz. ng >> but he's stepping it upclasso in class now. e is
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>> you heard it right. i'm fighting mike tyson. he's got a role right here. and not only do i have the honor of one of the two most famous boxers to ever o live, he's also happening liveed on netflix july 20th. jake, paul is going to be fighting mike tyson at the at&th stadium in texas liveiu on netflix this is going to bef the event of the summer iron mike, the youngest heavyweight champ in the history of boxing. a lifetime the record of 50 wins and six losses. 50 winhe's now 57 years old andl training like a beast. >> if they won the fun, jeff began the day to getting ready for you day three. >> you still want to put me before you know who is okay.
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but you know you can still win. you got to defeat the god of war at nine and one. >> jake paul doesn't but he'shas>>l record,does got youth, he's got power and he's gotand athl athleticisl >> he's only 28 years old yed he only took up boxing just four years ago and continuess to to shock the world. my dear mike, in your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see. >> does jake paul have what it takes or is he making a big makin mistake? tyson was on "hannity" last ' week talking smack. >> i think he's, you knot w, g a he's came a long way from youtube. and listen you , i've seen a youtube s of him at 16 doing weird dances . that's not the guy i'm going to be fighting. this guy is going to come in and trye're dan butt to hurth i'm accustomed to. and he's going to be greatly mistaken. >> jake. paul joins me now. thanks for coming on,
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>> thank you, jesse. comin i want to give a quick shout out to my mom who's watching. so, mom, if you're watching wh, i love you, mom.>> jes >> i want to give you a shouti out. i know you're probablywant not watching, but i love you, too. >> so you heard mike. a mike says you're making a mistake. what do you sa says y? >> are you? man, i think he's underestimating me. i i truly i truly think that. and it's a heavyweight fight. the you know, he's the bigger man, but i'm the faster he's the much stronger man. but i'm fres he'h, 's he's experienced, i'm smart. but in the ring, he may be smarter. so it's a really interesting matchup, but i think the whole world and a lot of people see his training videos and yes, he looksd ana lo like a beast. k he's a dog. he's iron mike tyson. t but i believe i have what iti takes to beat him. and i knowhave w this is the to' test of my life and it's an honor to be in there with mike.k but at the end of the day, i'm going to be the one
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who gets my hand race by. >> we will see. beknow i'ls my.l be watching alg with millions of other people. you know how he likes to get insidealon on people.le that's his move. faint, faint, get insideat's hi >> kidney, kidney, uppercut. i mean, you've seen the result s . i don't know if you want to give away your game plan on live tv f yo, but what are you going to do yet? look, it's going to be tough.h he's the biggeasr man. so you're right. he's going to be getting inside. i'm probably going to be at chick-fil-a with mr. trump trying to gaina with weigf this fight. >> but i believe that i have the fasteorhis fighr feet s faster hands. so i'm going to be working angles. and, you know, i don't mind, mike. mike can have the game plan. y cai'm still going to win. that's how confident i am in mys ability. what happens if tyson bites your ear offility.? he can't he can't buy my ear off. if i knock his teeth out.k hi >> okay. is this an exhibit in fight? is
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there's a lot of controversy over how real this is going to be. >> what's the truth? yeah, it's -- it'sthis wil so an that people on the internet will believe anything thatg the hear. there's been so much misinformation. misinfori mean, we know this coy that would have fox news and yeah, mike and i want this to be a pro fight fort space shots. we're submitting that request to the commissio g thatn. it's an all out war. there's been all these fake videos about not being able to hate each other, big blows, all of that stuf each otf. d as >> and it's all, as trump would say, fake news . you know, you do have a big event coming up in novemberr ,maybe not as big as this big fight this summer between you and mike. >> is this fightf if biden put s on and trump put the gloves on,n what do you think would happen ? i mean, trump wouldn't even have the punch and biden would just wav follow her from the wi
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all right. we'll leave it there. and and trump, if, this you're watching this, this is an invite. i know you used to promotes an t tyson, so i'd love to have you at the fight with they came to my other fight and of course, the silver fox and trump. so donnie pull up.s for yo >> we got tickets for you. all right. you have tickets for jesse watters, primetime. i got you, man.r of course. come on. all right, good. >> well, you've been very: successful. everybody's getting readyou y fr this big fight live on netflix. >> jake, paul, mike tysoign, the first ever live professional sporting event, all netflix and most valuable promotions did that in less thae n three yearsss so of business. so it's a testament to me and my partner to lisait's ao and jesse. thanks for having me as always. and i'm going to put on a show and i promisee is to my fas that i'm going to come out with the dubs and do the unthinkablane and show the world that no matter what the odds are, no matter if it's mike tysoter n that in less than four years become the best in the world at something milethanur years, if f him, i don't know who you're going to fight next.
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>> that's going to be a toug y u tough call. >> anybody, anybody, wil anywhe, any time, any place. >> all right. it's a challenge. jake, paul, thanks so much. good luc.k sok. johnny goes to the beach. that's nexbest momt. the best moments happen outsider where laughter dances with the where laughter dances with the windn. beneath the stars for connections grow and memoriesfrd are born at best. pro shop dgeables and cabela's. dgeables and cabela's. we believe in the magic of the great outdoors. our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you gear outfitters will help you gear up for day... with club member. mondays now through memorial mondays now through memorial da at best pro shops and cabela's . >> your adventure starts here. some people would rather crash than slow down. it was a golden age of motorcycles and took my breath away. i built this club out
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looked here primetime. we believe it's pretty important to honor and remember the men and women who sacrificed andbe their liveu to protect us. so johnny spent most of the memorial daythough talking to pl at rockaway beach. >> why you off from work today? >> to drink with my friends monday. you know, it's royal day weekend. we're here to bring it in. what is memorial day? >> tnds.>> rep are honoring thon actually served our country that are notoro served died. >> a lot of us confuse veterans day. memorial day veterane nos is thi one that's alive. >> memorials, dead know veterans is the one. >> oh, i didn't. i thought of. oh, you switched on me. r: who d >> who did america fight in the revolutionary war? whoa in t. >> i am so bad a history. i have no idea. oh, no. e wrg body,ot the wron
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because, of course, just. i did not pass, i don't knowt., back to school. >> back to school. great britain. versu >> the north versus the south in the revolutionary wars . >> yeah. final lesson. who won the civil war? wasn't it the soutr:hoh? >> puerto rico. the north. the north. >> mexico. the wall just got ten feetcivil taller. tell me about the civil war. the north, one of color. we are integrated today. are. we are party together. all races, ages, sizes. who was the civil war between? i don't know. >> the name. the nerd. the. no. nor norwegian. >> norway. nor. what do you speak? >> norwegian. who did america fight in world war two? chin did americaa. >> >> poland and france. germany. japan. >> italy. somalia. what difference at this point does it make who bombed pearl harbor? who? pearl.
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tomorrow. i saw on the tip of my tongue. >> try getting it out. >> tkoreans. >> the irish. the japan. biden. >> what are we talking about here? who won the cold war? >> africa. the australians. >>e usa. >> the russians. if russia won, we wouldn't be here right now. why did they call it the cold war? old wa >> because it war?s super coldan and a lot of people died. >> tell me about the war on terror. . was really terrifying >> we were bombed with our twin towers. airport security started to gett more stricter and stuff likeuf that. i've never seen that stuff in my life too much. >> jesse walters on fox news. i don't. what do you want to tell them? jesse watters you are the best newscaster out there. no better. cheers to you. enjoy your memoria one bettel d
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>> jiami beach decided it's canceling spring break. lic >> the city telling college kids don't come. ol but one city's trash is another city's treasure. fort lauderdale, welcome. colleg stududents with open arms. >> and after johnny wouldn't stop botheringents wit me to sed down there. >> after a while, i gave him in. what college? you guys go to florida state university, like maybe arizonala state. >> everybody's love in spring brea state. k. wha what's going on down here?er loe?t of drink like dying. may she rest in peace. the guy's got to provide liquor looking for a beautiful white girl. >> beautiful black girl. i would love a latina. >> how the lady's been treating you guys. it's. he smells funny. i hav >> i haven't taken a shower since we got here. i know you stink. i love it. what'se ower the craziest thingseen you guys seen down here so far? down. an looks my foot >> i got naked in the bar. we were justou multiplepeople people just coming up to us
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and being like, hey, hey, spit in my mouth, spit in m wo usand. >> well, did you do it? yeah, i'll be darned. >> that's amazing. some guy skinny dipped over ocean.n the but again, it definitely wasn't me on god. wow this girl that tried to take my girlfriend, we ended up wrestling . they go in and they end up fighting both of us. thg i'vehe craziest thin ever seen. how broke is your school? . 's a liberal arts school very liberal. really broke. actually, i do. if we go crazy a lot like we have a lot of fun. that's not the question is, oh, wait, what? >> my god, karen, you're so stupid. what issue facing america is most important to you? world peace. not enough people on this beach. that's the biggest problem in america, right now. >> people are too sensitive. i don't like racism. the bouncers nee d to do a better job because i don't want to walk into a club full of ugl y men. you got to go this balance.e bi
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>> how's joe biden doingde all the i need a heartd president and i think it should be me. >> look,president an i'm very y, energetic and handsome. >> what am i doing this for? ? w's kamala doing kamala? is that the colored lady like me? >> i don't even know who thatw is. i don't even know who that is. kamala harriwhs, what do you think she does? oh, it's a girl, harris. >> she's running the show from behind the scenes. >>e. pulling in strings lik a puppet, bro. no, i. >> you're right, defi an define inflation. s bad. >> it's bad. i was paying $8 fo r big mac payin miller couple of weeks ago. >> i'm paying 12 fore goin people going brokeg . >> that's not a big thing. okay. if you were in charge, how would you handle the migrant crisis? if they're not saying the day they could chargehe get, the oh, we're ] o going to get those are you going to send back home? >> but getting into bars e bars when like girls get in the bars
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easier than guys. so you let the girls in first. the only reason like being a girl, a sexist, would say how important to you is january sixth? >> i don't know. i don't pay attention to dates that. l january 6th is very important because my best friend's birthday is generally fifth, soe that's the best week of the entire year. >> i like it. i like it. t we eit's a good day, great dag i know who's going to win. what happens on january six. that's that's that's when we vote. >> goodness, you'll bless >> rheart. >> how is donald trump doing here? come up. love that gu p doing?y. >> he's good stuff. i love you, too. but you're not my type. you want to say what's up to jesse waters spy? >> my mom loves you. okay j and that means i love yo, too. >> but you gotta go straight jes from more. jesse watters primetime ahead. $1,000,000 on the line.
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it's a family affair. no felonies rocking this guy. are you at the game show? geniuses at fox wanted to show that would make a big splash. oh, my god, you're going to love this. two families clash for a chance to win on $1,000 cash. do you have the rams spherical objects to play the quiz? twin falls premieres this tuesday on fox. >> this year make father's day special. the fox news shop's new proud american dad collection from polos it hat to golf, a decanter set and more so dad the love with gifts you can't get anywhere else. order now at shop for a holiday delivery: bi by big memorial day barbecue
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debate on the hot dome g. e ho is it mustard or ketchup? i'm a big spicy mustard guy, and when i see people slather ketchup on hot dog.s slat disgusting. so let me know what you thinr c >> ketchup or mustard on the hot dog. do some check. nia, >> peter from virginia. jake paul will pulverizepaul wil mike just like lennox lewis did. ronnie from new york. jake paul better take out those precious earrings before tak his fight. >> let's face it, tyson's going to wipe the floor with paul. might swallow an earring, too. dom from jersey. maybe we can hire jake,e we paul and mike tyson to protect c our southern border. maybe need a little bit more help. but that at least takes caret ta of texas. >> sal from massachusettkes. >> i hope jake takes those diamond earrings out or michael diamk his tooth. >> well, he's had a gold ring before right there. sally from michigan, that interview with the former
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latin king was amazing. i was in tears. god bles as janice from louisiana. jesse, have you ever smoked a toad? if not, would you? the answer is nor smok and no. sam from california. s ba >> you know it's bad when hollywood starts to leave the golden state. >> bill from virginia, all contestants on sink or swim should be required to wear onswimsuits as part of the them. how about only the women? i don't want to see joe concha some swimsuit. >> cathy from bethlehem, pennsylvania, happy daynnsylv weekend. how are you celebrating? i'llanhappy me be in california. >> that's all for us tonight. dvr the show.l happy memorial day. and always remember, i'm waters. and this is myd al membe w


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