tv Hannity FOX News May 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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i was in tears. god bles as janice from louisiana. jesse, have you ever smoked a toad? if not, would you? the answer is nor smok and no. sam from california. s ba >> you know it's bad when hollywood starts to leave the golden state. >> bill from virginia, all contestants on sink or swim should be required to wear onswimsuits as part of the them. how about only the women? i don't want to see joe concha some swimsuit. >> cathy from bethlehem, pennsylvania, happy daynnsylv weekend. how are you celebrating? i'llanhappy me be in california. >> that's all for us tonight. dvr the show.l happy memorial day. and always remember, i'm waters. and this is myd al membe world. >> welcome to a special edition of "hannity", by thety
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way. happy memorial day now. tonight for the hour, we will highlight' of ouriews a big interviews from the past few months. imrst up, immigrationdn is, one of the biggest issues for voters ahead of the 2024 election. iswell, i recently traveled to shelby park in eagle pass, texad tos, for an exclusived interview with former president donald trump aboutanle the border crisis. >> take a look. he came downook. the escalator> this was a big issue. big you were attacke issd right out of the box. yeah. you know, that day when you came down that dayx th on issue, when i was hearing peeut it from a lot of peopl and it was one of the primaryn reasons in 2016 that i ran and i raon then on the border ai ran on other things, but i ran d on the border largely and wee bo fix the problem. and in 2020, it wasn't even lare a subjecly t. i go out and say, i want to talk about the border. they say, sir, you fix the borderout . nobody cares about the border anymore. now, what's happened is, sincefd the election where we got millions more votes than m we di the first time. we have a situation wherme ae
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in this border makes 2016 lookr like baby stuff. it's probabls y the worst border that probably it's the worst border ever in the history of, the world. there's never been a border where 15, 16, maybe 18 millionip people have already crossed. and i think nobodylready has ana what the number is. you know, they got two ways. i don't know what they got. two ways to with millions and millions of people. and they come from jailss mill and prisons, they come from mental institutions. and you a step above that the insane asylum and you you just it's just hard to believe and you have terrorists coming. someknow, i've noticeds coming as somebody that watches your show a lot, i think you're i think you do wa shooa a a fantastic job. y 100% certain. i hate to hear it that we're going to have a big attack'm wrg at some point that you're 100. i pray that i'm wrong. and you're probably right. and that's a very sad thing. but i've heard you say>> pre a m times that i said, i'm not going to dispute it. i hope you're wrong, h but there's a certainly a good chance they're coming from numbers and countrie certainls that we
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wouldn't believe, say, if 28,000 from china all fighting age. you don't see women and youwome don't see men much older than that. it's fron ant m 18 to 25, 26 yes old. and there's something going on. and they're coming from yemen that we're bombing. they're coming from the cong o prisons in the congo. the only good thing is it makes our prisoners look like veryy np nice people. i'll tell you, because these are rough people that are cominge because role in. when you see them from venezuela fighting, having fistfights, the cops, we never saw that. you'd see cops. we let them. to bad things happen to cops, but you never saw people standing in the middle of a street with in a fistfight. and if that happened in their countra fistfighy, kill them wim seconds, they wouldn't allow it. they wouldn't stand for it. sonnds and a very terrible thi. what's our country is being poisoned. we're really being poisoned. and it's hard to believe, you know, as a business, you always want to understand the other side. i want to understand what is the other side thinkin oneg, evn if you disagree, i don't know what they're thinking. because who cad n this who can want millions of people from lots of bauld pouring into
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our country? and you're right, we have not this this is just the beginning. you know, we're just starting to see i call it migrants just. i really call it biden migrant crime. but it's too long so let's justi call it migrant crime. and everyone's going to notice . it be of biden l but we've never had anything like this. we have an inflow of people at numbers that are unbelievable. and you go back to new york and you see hundredsthout an inf of thousands of people and you can see, look, the mayor is trying. ew yorhe wants to do a job, butd just it's impossible. he mada e the city sanctuary. they made new york city a sanctuary city. i want to go newor back to whato you referred to, what i've been saying, because i point outing t we'll put it up on the screen, the numbers of people coming thi from iran, the number one state sponsor of terror, y their satellite, syria. you have the home of the muslim a inbrotherhood, egypt.t, tho thousands came coming from egypt that we know of, egs coming from i afghanistan. now, al qaeda has training camps up againousand. then, you know, over ten, 12,
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14,000 from russia. and i read recently over 37,000 recently from china. 37,000now, why would they make that long journey to our southern mak? and my fear is that we are wen u have in this country because these illegals are not vetted. i fearuntry bels that terrorists have set up in this country that will plot i scheme the next 911 or worse. i pray to god, as ndi said,go i'm wrong. i don't think i'm wrong, mr. president. well, china has as of today, 29,000 young men, for the most part in our country forhe the ee or four months. and there' s something going on. look, there's something going on now. hopefully we don't have that probleon't havm china. i always had a good relationship with china until the soviethich alwayhad came i. that was a step too far that we took in hundreds of billions far dollars from china. no president took in $0.10, nots $0.10. and we you know, we still get along with them. but when you look at this and when you look at other countries, wyou lo a othere havg
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in from iran. we have a lot coming in from, you know, places that we'redon' fighting right now. here go the bombs. you don't have to have bombs. weha no worries. the first one, 78 years we had no war other than a defeated isis. we knocked out aces. we took out the leading o terroristsut the world. both of them took them out. god. and now daddy solomonic. w you're, of course, al-baghdadi and suleimani. the worst in the world. worse than the and you look at it and you lookd at what's going on with our country. you come to texas. this is nou comew a war zone,nea and they view it as a war zone. and mexico is doinewg to help u. they're letting the caravans come unimpeded. i meang to h they come in byy the thousands. you have caravans with 25,000 people in them just walking into our country. ravansso something has to be do. the problem you have is arizona. you have a governo ther, very liberal governor that a lot of people say shouldn't be theoi governor. and in california, newsom's doing a terrible job he's doing
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i mean, other than talking about how wonderful it is, that's about it. y you have an outflow of people, as you know better than anybody. i salow peoplew your show with . i said, you know, this guy'sy. talking about california millions of people are coming in through california. free health care, free health care, freeg education, freeou g everything. and you go to jail, they let you out. they don'to to turn you over to ice, but not for our veterans. for our veterans, they get nothin g. ng and for people that have been there for a long time peop beesy geomething, citizen or they get nothing, but they get free health care. , untry,ome in illegally our country, you get things and this is why they're coming. the incentivhinge is so great. our top geopolitical foe, i would argue, is china. china russia is not far behind. iran is not far behind. si your little rocket, man. you you've got to keep an eyerocket on him. but china has been man but c ale chinese nationals have been buying up thousands and thousands of acres, farmland, ranchland and land near our military installationsa . now, you know, president xi, we called him and sai d, i know somebody, sean hannity would like to buy land, farmland
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and ranch land in china. do you think he'd allow me? i think so. they don't allow that. and they're they're very possessive allow of their count. they're very possessive of staying sharp and bright and frankly, coming into this country and buying a lot. ep fuh and you could take it a step further. united states steel and i'm noti trying to equate japan with china, but it'sngo all stil it's outside and they're coming in. japan is buying u.s. steel. u.s. steel used to be the greatest company in the world. no time agw it's a long time ago,i don't like that. i don't like seeing that.rt and part of the reason is because other countries in particular china, they dumpid steel into the united states. i had that problem taking care of largely because i put big tariffs on the dump steel and i saved the industry. hey're but now they're letting it go. and you know, you're not going to have a steel that youing it t to buy. you want to build an army tank and you're fighting china. are you going to have to get the steel frombuild th he toste? and it's a i think it's a very dangerous i don't think
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our country just overall i don't think our country has ever in a dangerous position like it is right now. when you look at what's whppeneddangeroution tha with af that we're talking about tonight. but beyond that, juse're talkint it's total incompetence. and it began to a large extentut with the election, but it began with afghanistan whewithn showed that weakness and that stupidity taking the military out first, leaving $85 billion worth of equipment behin firstd 13 soldiers killed. 13s about thetalks 38 that were obliterated. they lost their arms, their legs juse 38atedt obliter and we left a lot of americans behind. used to coved and wer that,nd actually used to give it a countdown. how many days i think you stop doine it ad g. it's so long now, but it's horrible. you have americans over there that i guess you could call them hostages in a sense, but they are over therulhee tray behind enemy lines. it's a horrible thing that happened. line, you have iran getting close to building a nuclear having a nuclear weapon, possibly 35 iaea. i'm not a fan of the un,
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but they said that they think buey now have grade material to build weapons would have never happened. iran was broke. i didn't let china. i told china>> presive , you're not going to buy or you're not going to do business in the united states if you buy. no business in the united states. i told that to many countries, in m bought oil from iran. it's all about the oil. nobody bought oil from iran and they were broke. they were acknowledged to be brokee they had no money fors or hamas. they had no money for hezbollah. now they hav e hundred and $31 thation, $231 billion that they made over the last three years . and joe is helping to make the iranian mullahs rich again. >> well, they they become the 10 million the 10 billion that he allowed from barack.10 i they laugh at him. they laugh at him. they think he's the worshed tt he's the worst president in the history of our country. jimmy carter is a very happyappy man now because his presidency by comparison to joe biden. brilliant. let me ask you thibis now, woul' speaking of your friend, joe would have been nice.
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he came would sit with us. i'm not sure if he's capables an of having a discussion likeon lk this. i tend to doubt it. i've covered that fairlye thisyu extensively. he shows up todat y. sho i didn't really show up at one of the hotspots at the border, but i played that tape. you know, everybody, children and children, they get chosen. they're all going to get in trouble. i don't care about what they did so much, but if they lie to you,children i theya whole lot of trouble. right. and they've been lying to the be american people for three years. moplayed that montagg toe the border, secure the borders, closed the border, secure borders, closer securid. no, it wasn't. you know, our eyes were not lying to us. we'vr eyese been showing this vo of these migrant caravans for three years, and now all of a sudden they have changed the narrative. ans fa this is republicans fault. your reaction? it's all disinformatioult.n on russia, russia, russia, everything they do to them. thd i guess you have to say that masters at it. they'll say somethinill sag
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at thousand to build the border is great. the border is closed and they'll say 2000 differenttd times and some people are going to believe it. i think that's probabl andy t the hardest thing that they've got to do because they have destroyed this borde r b and they're in the process of destroying our country. we're allowing the in our count that we shouldn't have. and we are allowing and extrudinwe havg our group, o group of people into our country. when you have prisons and jails and mental institutions being emptied out, not just in south america, all over the worlsoutd all over the worl, that being empty, that you can check your prison population throughout the world and it's all coming into our countr ally? and can that be good and how can it be good politically? joe biden here today. i i want to get your reactiontoda to thay t and you just saw the other tape and the other tape showe td there. there are so many of trump's policies that we reversed. there weri can't even list the. it's so long. i gave a short lis at. you and what is your reaction?
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why do you think he's here and w todau thy? dent i don't think it's an accident. and he had bragged about reversing the policies that you put in placersinge. >> what's your reaction? i know why he's here because >>i knowe we that we wer were here. look, you antd i made this but agreement two weeks ago. no, actually, half ago. oh, really? yeah, that's interesting. but we made it a while agowe mau the word got out, and a couplee of weeks ago, it started getting ouo itt, and thenthey they found out for sure. you put up the nice littleund picture on the right hand bottom corner of your television so that i was coming and all of a sudden they announced that they're coming. but they went to the wrong area. they wencomingt to an area thate governor and myself have done a good job on. and is essentially nobody coming through. so, you know, you're not seeing it. this area is tough. so if you win in november the elections on november 5th,sf about 249 days of if i'm right and on how do you reverse this nearly 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants.
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we don't know wher e are many are given court dates seven,ow eight years down the road. they never showing up for those court dates. now you'vee road talked about deportation. how do we identify them orm find identify where they are, find them and deport themd and isr that your promise to the american people? well, absolutely. and yoto then peopleu have no ce this is not sustainable. the cities are going bad , cities, the country, the whole place is going bad. you know, every statthise, real. a border state. and i was talking to theor abbot governor before and he has done really a great job. governor abbott, you havewanted ted cruz wanted to be here, but chuck schumer kept him back in d.c. as i promisre buter a good reason. right. look, we have to deport a lot>>e of people and they have to start immediately. people don't know that dwight eisenhowero was a pretty toughsenhow president. i never thought of it as that. but ten years ago,er was ay toug reading and you start really seeing. and he was a big deporte deep ordr and he would deport tremendous numbers of people and they'd bring them just to thee woulporo of the border.
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they come back and bring them again. they come back. then he brought themrd the 2000 miles back and they didn't come back. we have no choice. and the way you do it is your local police. you e. gre greatest policy they don't get the respect that they have to get and they are treated s dono they doo so something and they end up losing their pension, even if it's a good thind g. thin if they stop crime nowadays, they lose their pensiof theyn, family, their house, and we're going to give immunity to police and we're going to let the police do the job that they have to do. i think it's very important they understaneed who theseand h migrants are. they know by their first name, their last name,e w them they k where they come from. they know everything about it's going to be the loca l policeve the are going to turn them over and we're going to have to move them back to that whenuntr>> they this is the razor wire. >> now we go bacn: thik all coum was watching the mass migration in this sector right here. and you did the job that the federal government should do. and that is you put all this up . if you go all the way down that line, you can see just how extensive it is and you pute
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the containers in. ntainersand 99% reduction. exactly. so so right where we're looking, they used where w be 3 to 40000 people crossing here a day, a day. ssin but now, you see, there's no way anybody can cross here right from this to the anyon containers. and now we have about an average of seven people crossing a day. and if they make it across, they are arresteand. the texas department of public safety. you knew then that this could ad be fixed. you put all these policies in place. joe biden rescinde p thesed them with the stroke of a pen in the first hundred days and thens told us for three years the border is secure and the borders closed. yee yethborderp. r that anger you because that angers me. i don't like to be lied to. i doo bedent truon't thinkr you? knows what he's even talkingkn about, to be honest with you. but ow wbouti did put it we bui1 miles of wall. we worked very closely with thea governor, always had a great relationship. we worked together after the electionll what happeneds th is the governor kept moving and he did kept some of the whoe thing with the wire. and it's pretty tough stufe who i would say it's pretty tough stuff, but does really in this
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state should i be it. should it? it's not his responsibility. it should be the government. we were moving down into thisd area. we did such a job,we 571 miles. now, you got to remember, we were talking about this. i said, what's more effective, the wall is always going to be the most effectivet i. ective and because this you can cut and they find ways to get can'e it or nott thissue hard to believe, but they get through it even triple layers of yeah, but welayers wot very closely with texas and it was a great relationship and a great partnership arizona is not doing their job gov with their governor and the governorernowsom. news your friend is not doing his job. all of this was so preventable. the first hundred days every policy you had was was rescinded. and what we open borders, i guess, actually has to go with it because it's so you yous always like to understand the other side's opinion of you're on the other side of something the one thing nobody can tell me other than they want to cheat with the votes becaus me ee. you know, they're trying to sign people up. but why do they want this? why dobut they want to infects our country like this? why are they sending these people from prisonand se from ay
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are they sending people from mental institutions? and how is that a good thing? and even from a political standpoint, how cagood thin youn election when you're doing this, what they're doing and texaeiss, the right stance c and arizona is going to have to step it up because the whole country is going to be very upset with the governor of arizona. i can tell you thay wi bet you saw the police officers in times square, times square at night lt is lit up like broad daylight. it's as bright as it could b bee just kind of like vegas. and here i'm watchinvegag polic two police officers getting the beat out of thee m, a guy running up full force and kicking this guy in the head. guy in and i'm like, wow, how is this happening in our country? you've never seen that before? no, we've seen worse. we've seen the?sident tm shot. we've seen them. but you've never seen police officers in a fistfight with guys. and they're openly fist fighting. but and the odds weren't good because they were about 10 to 2. but it's something i've never seen beforsomethine. again, there's more violence
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than that because you see shots and you see other things, but it's something you've never seen. it's a total disrespect for law the law. americans have unified against>i illegal immigration right now, agn on any other any issue. and so i think that's going to change what's going on in these cities, these states. but look at the citizens in chicago. they're fighting back against city members. same thing that's going on in new york against city council members goins, the mayor, whatever the case may be, they're angry. but look at the backlash and that the mayor of athens, georgia, got when he was trying to talk about how safe he was making the city. americans are outraged. yeah, likeathenscans a i've nevn i know both of you have been very busy, but there wasn very a georgia, university of georgia. they hady bu a service, a rallyr this young nursing student that losat her. and thousands and thousands of people showed up. the people of this country have had it right that we we ha borders, we have laws and we should have sovereignty. nondhoulw, i don't think either
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of you disagree with legal immigratiother on. t that shouldn't that include vetting people to make sure they don't pe and maybe a healthchec check? and also they have to show that they're not going to be a burden financially on the american people. so that is sean, this is another issue that actually has galvanized people who are either here or want to come goe that whe n there are so many people who want to come here legally. nome here w they're getting pust to the back of the line because of the 9 million people who've come here illegall o y. so what biden has done is destroyed legal immigratione while he's facilitated illegal immigration. illegal imn, militaryean: age men. and i pray to go ad i'm wrong, but i have no doubt the people in iran, syria hav, egypt,and afghanistan, china and russia among them are not people thate have our best intentions at heart, and they are here in this countr besy plottingtind and planning and scheming. that's scary. i sadly, i think i'm right too.h i wish i was wrong. great to see you i, governor. thank you so much. appreciate your great help
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here. thank you, mr. president. thanlways grk always great to s. >> thank you very much. and coming up, my with new england patriots owner robert kraft about the anti semitism that we saw at columbia. >> straight ahead, allergies with allegra. they won't stop me. nothing beats allegra. it's the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief. >> right? live your greatness nail fungus nasty up to you now starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it's clinically proven formula . the nail for results you can see quickly opti nail give fungus, damage, toenails, a makeover, a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance. no, but we have life insurance . >> john. i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month.
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welcoming boxes live in ashley strohmier, new york. closing arguments are just hours away and the hush money trial against former president donald trump when trial resumes this morning. prosecutors and defense lawyers will have the final opportunity to address the jury. deliberations are expected to start wednesday. the jury will consider 34 charges against the republican nominee. trump maintains he is innocent and the basketball community is in mourning following death of hall of fame center bill walton, the nba says the two time national champion turned broadcaster died after a battle cancer following his hoop career.
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big red got into broadcasting for decades, finishing up his career at espn, he was known for bringing a sense of joy, wonder and wackiness to the coverage of the game. bill walton was 71 years old. i'm ashley strohmier to back to hannity for. >> all of your headlines. log on to and welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". now, i spoke with new england sp robert kraftowner the day he announced he was pulling his support from columbiaro university amid the anti-israel protests that engulfe pd the campus. take a look. thank you for taking time to bee with us. >> thank you. it's great to be with you, w. sean. you said it was you know, i had i never thought i'd see what's going on in america what's happening right now. and it really pains me to see s it. you knowee, we have our holidayv
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going on now. it goeous to memory, memorythoua of thousands of years ago where negative things were happening . and the same is happening now in this country that offered so many opportunities to ourso families who came here mur as immigrants and we have tond keep it open. we can't have this intimidations that's filtering throughe co all these colleges and the hate continue to growha and multiplyy >> sway it is. you know, i never thought in our lifetime, mr. kraft, ever, that we would be where we are today. e i thought you summed it up very well. how sawey and and are at the vit hate that continues to growcamps campus and throughout the country. you know througho, it's also the halls of congress. it's also all throughout
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europe. you know, i never thought out of australia people would chant gas the jews f jews. robert kraft, i never thought the world would turn this way. i thought we would have learned from history clearlylearne. we've nod t. yeah. and it's very sad to me. and, you know, we you know, but look at america we've done research and it shows 90% of the people in this countryf are goodthis people. they just have to be educated. and we canthey have them apathec or misguided. we a have to let them know and they have to stand up and not be silent. and, you know, it starts with the jews. but thend it every group that fs marginalized, whether it be blacks bus, asians, hispanicz
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gay people, it'ledl reallyly impact the great fabric of this country where people have freedom to operate and go the way they want. and now we have a hatredimidatio in intimidation taking over and, you know, i was just thinking when i went to columbia it was a place a where people listen, were empathetic w had compassionad and now, you know, we have professors who instead of teachin profeg how to think that they're trying to tell young people what they should think. and i think one of the biggest problems that we have to do something about is really tenure in these universities where people can do things y. don't have accountabilit yeah, you know, you have tenured professors there e celebrating octobertober
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7th,7t 1200 israelis weresrae slaughtered that day. the number of childrenlis s wef burned to death or decapitated. the that took placeildren b, th hostages that were taken, you know, you talk with great affectiostages tn about columbia and then you say you're not comfortable supporting thistingt university until corrective action is taken. what correctivhie action woulddo you insist on? yeah, well on?, i must saydetail one little detail. i do still support the craft stl center, which has been a haven e for. n professors and students who don't feelns safe. >> and i also have to tompliment the mayor, eric adams, who i he has been a stand up guy, the police governor article and really you know that's made me feel g good to see that there are people like thisoo see one a to stand up and haveidup the courage to say the right
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thing. right a. what hcolumbi you watched what happened last night. nighy a strong stand. you took it during the super bowl. l an you've taken it since octoberoc 7th. and look where wtober 7th ane a? i never thought we'd see thisi e in our lifetimvee. you and me both. sean you know, i think our universities were one ofiti our competitor advantages as a countrady. i think what's going on nowthin throughout america is scaring a lot of people and they wantar to know we're going to win this battle. and i just ask all your good listeners who care about this country to speak up e . you know, universities used to be where you haund critical debate and different points of view. we didn't teace h hatred and intimidation. >> yeaeh. >> s
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let me let meae ask you a question and maybe i'll use a football analogy. let's say the new england let's patriots have the numbernumber 1 one draft pick and we have a tom brady in the making that's going to go in the first round, first first pick. and you found out that thatou individual was a part of any of what we've been witnessint g on television and believe that would you pick that playenr ? no. and i know tom pretty well and he represents the bests values of america. >> and i agree with that. i'm noe best t i'm not insinuating else. >> no,s i was not insinuating. >> he has a we have the privilege of picking a pretty y number three this year who i think we're very proud of and represents his family represents values that all of us in america hold
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dear. >> and we we really have ore ads the reason i took these ads out, i want people t oo knowt that good people and they've come to our foundationo kn and y really care and they have to speak up and not be silent.ot the way martin luther king spoke it with clarence. i >> yeah, i agree with you. i wish more people like yourself of prominence that that have that when robert kraft speaks a lot of people listen. i've known you as a friend for many years and i'm really proud of the facnown t that you have taken a strong stand. i remember when the issuer when of social justice came up in the nfl. thf wrong, didn't you go to your players and say, if there's any that is nearrt and dear to your heart, whatever over you, whatever money you raise or put into it,, what you that you wouh it? >> and didn't you go out with some of your players.
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>> anderson yeah. yes. itank thank you for saying that. and it's true. you know, the look's, i'm one i of the greatest beneficiaries of what america has to offer. a and i got a full academics scholarship to columbia i dreamt big dreams. i went through tough times. but it's the greatest country in the world. butand i'm privileged, among or things, to own an nfl franchise in my hometown when i didn't have a car until i was 25. i want to keep those values alive for everyone that comes to this country. you know, i had a dinner tonight with a woman who runs one of the best hospitals in boston, and she camse here from nicaragua at age ten,ni and she the american dream. drem and they left somoza in nicaragua. and now she's worried about what's happening here.
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good people care. and we just need to bandbanned together and speak out and not to be afraidsp. t >> we need empathy hertoe and nt hatred. >> and coming up, i spokeomin with stormy daniels, former michael avenatti, at the start of the trump trial in new y danielattornyork. we'll play that interview. he was in jail at the time. straight out, who is your favorite judge? meet me. simon, what about simon? i'll bet you're better at throwing 80. >> check your local listings. flacks, a super thin, flexible pat with maximum rotc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts . did we mention it really, really sticks? salon boss. it's good. sammy, what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy's surprisingly ageless skin
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i don't wish that on anybody. i'll be a very honest i'm not te going to rehash all the stuff but goes behind this, but i'm sure that reality is now set in. what's your life likeality hase? >> well, i'm doing fine. you know, i'm very blessed, sean. i've gotten back in touch with my faith, my family stuck by me. you know, 19 years is a draconian sentence, and i'vend i got some pending appeals. it's far in excessav anything i should have ever received. >> but i'm trying to keep my chin upo keep. >> okay. understand? i'm sure it's not easy. let me. leerstand i't me.let me let me go to the heart of this shoot with this case. now that is going on in new york, about $130,000. eight years ago. u ha >> and you had said you defended trump as a victim of the system. i think there's a lot of issues involving statute of limitations. i have issues involving the judge and donatingt ofe to biden, i have issues involving potential conflicts with his famile donaoy. t
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i have potential i have problems with how do they get from a misdemeanor to a felony charge is on the federal level as a lawyer and i'll ask you that first. when you look at the chargestheh itself and the time frame and the judge donating to bidend and possible other family conflicts, what's your reaction imy? at case this is grossly unfair, sean, and that's going to come as a surprise to a lo grossly ut of but i strongly believef that what is happeningw right now to president trump and let me be clear, i disagree with presidenresidene on about 95% of the issues. at a minimume . m bu but one thing he and i agreeg hd on and that is that the of these cases in this caseeyesa in particular is gross. it's uncalled for and it's flat out. this is an effort to depriveer millions of americans of their choice for president. this guy has been indicted now in four cases up and down the entire east coast. sean, in this country, we don't
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have serial killers who are prosecuted at the same tim der i in different cases. the timing is wrong. case is wrong. >> and he's not receiving due process. ving bet me ask you, because you were once did a an article and they had an interview with you and theticley pointed out the one time, ansump.most dangerou enemy of donald trump who a lot of people on the left thought, l bring down president trump, bring down his presidencw pey. >> and, you know, i rememberi at the time i actually met you one time and i remember at the time that you were passionate. >> you had the media all over you. you had the media even suggesting some of them that you mightedia sug for president one day. and obviously, you're takinge da a very different posture now very, about you were then what you were saying then and what you are saying no youwg is it your experience that contributed to this?
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is this the entire the totality of what happened with you and your former client? withtotality of what happened, i guess, with michael cohen, the totality of what happened in your own life to explain, it's such a different it's such a different michael avenatti to me. can you explai men that? >> well, i think it's all of what you mentioned, sean. i do recall when we met,recall actually, and i recall you and i got along pretty welnl actually that night. but separate apart from that, i've a lot over the last five or six years, sean, you know, i been a product of the system, if you will. ti've been ground through the system fighting three cases at one time. i'vi've learned a lot about the media. i've learned a lot about whaarne it's like when the government comes for you, when you're targeted. i've learnedthe go for a lot abt it means to really get due process or to be deprived of due process. and so, you know, they say you can't teach an old dog,trics new tricks. well, i guess that's not true, because i've certainly but grown
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a lot and learned a lot overd the last five years. i'm that'sa lo why i'm saying what i'm saying now. >> and i firmly believe it. let me ask you a question. i mean, if you were to testifyii in this case, you know, that the prosecution would want to impeach you a thas a witnessd obviously all the issues you've had to deall with over the last number of years, all of that would be brought up. how would you handle that? >> i'd handle it directly. i'd handle it truthfully. and i can promise you that i'd be a of a lot better witnes sss tha than michael cohen could ever hope to be. >> and coming up , my interviewmy with the former great heavyweight champ, the one the only iron mike tyson. straight ahead. my family calls me mr. prepared because i like, be ready for anything. the air modo is a portable air pump that features a powerful rechargeable battery capable of filling any flat tire. >> sometimes miles away from my next stop on my tires. need a refill? that's when i pull out the air . modo gas stations are not reliable. i needed something in my glove compartment.
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youtube star jake paul coming up in july. >> take a look. >> sood to see you, my friend, sean. well, listen, will you please promise me you're going to kick this guy'sean: and shue prt hio please? hey, i would do just that for you. >> so. so you going out? you're going to do it for me? all right. >> sea a i your training video. i know you're in super shape. you're going into this fight. it nearly twice as old as you're twice as old as this guy. is that an advantage for him? younger, faster. although you look, you know, you looked like you were on your a-game in the video. >> i mean, do you feel.a ga yeah. i don't i don't think he's faster than me. right. how hard you training? i train every day. >> okay. how many hours a day? training.
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seriousl.y, it. well, this is the whole day. the process goes through the whole day. i get up in the morning, did a roll work, theinn i go to theo gym at one there i go to the strength and conditioning gue g >> then i start all over again. yeah. t l ovso, jake, paul is saying he wants to be a world champion. want bhe says you're the greatet heavyweight champion ever. the baddest man, the planet and the most dangerous boxerf al of all time. thus, this will be the fight e. a lifetim you got a chance to assess, jake. paul, what do you think of his boxing ability chanc? i think it's you know, he's came a long way from youtube. and listen, i've seen a youtub?m ,him at 16 doing weird dances. that's not the guy i'm going to be fighting doing. ng this guy is going to come in and try to hurt me, which i'm accustomed sme to, and he's going to be greatly mistaken. >> to an let's talk about theree been a lot of rumors out there about the fight that maybea lo
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because of 18 ounce gloves you're going to be wearing glo headgear. any truth to it all? not true. not true. >>e. n all ar? >> listen, i'm this is called the exhibition, but if you look up exhibition, you will not see any laws that we're fighting fig under. >> this is a fighthting under. g in. this is a real fight. and you're going in to win this fight. what is you back? what is luring you back in is a kind of like the last rocky movie. and you got stuff in the basement. you need to get itd you have ou >> you know, shawn, i have you o a weird personality. i don't think is weird, though. i havewhatever i'm afraid to dom it. and how it is.. i was afraid for a while. if i was goings to fight again with £100 overweight. i was, however, 54, 53. and i said, let's do it any day. anyt of i confront it. and that's my personality like,
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right now i'm i'm scared to death. but have the fight get'ms close, the less nervous i become because it's reality. le and in reality, i'm invincible. i the people hearing that mike tyson is scared death. it's kind of reminiscent of the last rocky movie, right? he goes, i'm scared to death, ma champ. aren't you afraid? i'm afraid of nothing. of, that didn't work out. did you feel that fear, that maybe it's a sense of failure or potential failure all your careehar? no, it is a sign of victory, because. >> and that helped drive youl of through all of those matches. all those when you always. i always believed the adversity. i always believe the adversity. i knowy that it pretty much catapulted me into success. and >> if i didn't have these feelings, i wouldn't i wouldn'it
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go this fight. i have to have these feelings to fight without the af tom, i d never go in the ring. yeah, i hope you don'twithoue yo have those feelings of fear about me one day, because i don't really feel like gettinhave of fearg in the ring with you.i one one of those mike. mike tyson left hooks is goingck to, you know, knock me right back in the shot. thank you. thank you. well, you know, jim gray, utualr our mutual friend, actually started our friendship. and what a great guy he is. and this is what he says s about he says, you are the nicest guyay on it. nicest guy. one of the nicest people you on met.d and i read something. i know. i'll talk a little bit about your businesg ans. you've gotten into the weed edible business, and you actually, you know, you call it mike bites. it's shaped like ear, obviously referring to evander holyfield in the fight you had back then . yeah. then this is what you said that really interested me. you saidd this sd th that it mai different person and you want
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to offer this medicinal help to others looking for emotionalr and physical relief. this is medicinal for you,this i correct? absolutely. not only myself. for many millions and millions,d 100 million people on of m. anetreds yeah. you actually said if i don't use it for a week or three days, you're a totally different person. and this is what you said about yourself. whatre not a likabletally diffe. >> what happens if you don't have the medication? i don't know. maybe it has something to do with my dry polar tendencies orn something, but i don't think i'll be smoking for this fight. i'foe andnk i'm going to b really irritable and nasty. i don't know if irritable,on't nasty might actually help you in the ring. you know, maybe a off mike.t me let me ask you this. so you're launching this new line. is this something you would
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even would you take this beforeo the fight, for example? normally i do, but at this? particular fight, i think i'm a go pretty raw and, you know, nat. i yeah. with without all of itd.. all right, so the fights coming up, you're training. do you have any dislike for jake, paul?m a le like, do you want to teach him a lesson? >> i will do just that. but dislike him? no i don't. i do not have no grudgeshi against him. he's beautifulan. t and no, it's not from that perspective. this is from my, my, my pointt h of view of glory. you know, never for money, only glory. i would never risk my health for money. >> yeah. and. and you obviously feel like you're in the best shape. i know. i speak for a lot of people. they wani know at to see reallye that. >> but they want to see my face
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and win this fight see whe. and then my, my, my guess and is you're going to there's going to be a great night, that's for sure. but definitely one for the age will leave you wit h life. grateful. forward to it. i'm looking forward to it. >> i respect anybody that gets in the ring of the octagon. great respec i respet us. mike tyson, thank you. all right. more the special edition of "hannity" straight ahead. $1,000,000 on the line. >> you know what's going to happen right now? this hgtv. check your local listings in the fast paced rhythm of life where demands can be relentless and time is precious. prioritizing your well-being can be hard. not to worry. balance of nature, fruits and veggies, supplements are convenient and easy to add to any schedule paired with eating more fresh produce, regular exercise and positive mindset. balance of nature, fruits
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