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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 28, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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cures and prevents fungal infections. plus, it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. >> say goodbye to toe fungus with fungi now. welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and close to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. sign up and start streaming ♪ today. >> right before we go on this memorial day. y i want to honor all of thoseo brave men and women that gave their lives for our country, for freedom. we thank them. we can never thank them enoughn. . unfortunately, that's all the time we have this evening. and foru for being with making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an r dve of hannity. every well, leont not your heart hea be trouble. greg gutfeld is next. rt b edwill put a smile on your s >> have a great night.
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happy day, everyone. >> i'm kat timpf and greg is off today doingnedoing wh whatever thing he does when he's off. i don't even ask anymore. but anyway, we've hainn hedho some shows with some great guests over the past few months. >> so tonight, let's watch some of our favorites. >> enjoy. former ovorites. bill clinton hs a memoir coming out this fall m about his life after the whiteil house. needless to say,ife af it's a pp book. >> a new report claims that donald trump's spotify playlist includes suspicious mindrump s s by elvis. l hello by lionel richie. november raiionel vember rn by . meanwhile, president biden's playlist includes knockinking o ac heaven's door by bob dylan. according to a friend. d tige tiger woods is saying no to during preparation.
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>> the masters. no word yet if he'llo word be switching to bluef but not having in order to. prepare for the masters. apparently some people apg for[laughparin the masters for eight years now . new images at a health caret event revealed visible from a cpap machine on biden's faceda . >> his staff point to thisoof that as proof that he's breathing. >> on wednesday, joe rogan called the view a rabies infested henhouse henhouse. the view responded, saying, what? what? that's how a hen with rabies
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would sound. thank you. no, it's okay. you don't have to clap. thank you. tyruyou don's. a prop >> a proposed law in california would ban your boss from regularlosn bay. >> you after work hours and. >> at least two people hope this law comes to new york. i just call you to you about my nightmares and movies. >> yes rumors about that>> gre british actress elizabeth hurley once took harry's virginity. but there's little debat- onceeb >> who took prince harry'sal? the biden administration is spending $422,000 to treat diabetes with native american healing circles, a native american healing circle. so that's what we're calling black tag tables.
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i love that. >> today is national tell a liey day. reat j >> by thobe way, great job, cat. not nice. >> and the president off botswana is threatening germany over a conservatioeningn disputn by sending over 20,000s showin elephants. the u.s. is showing their support, and we'll eveg pr send over five of their own. >> all right, let's get started on diversity, equity n. ever isio never in the field of human endeavor have so few words done. sodan and much harm to so many.. it's almost as bad as brian kilmeade here. buddy guy has done it again. now, the seattle public schoolet is phasing out its highly capable cohort schools designed
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for gifted students who could skip the lessons designed foentn kids their age. you know, nerds. ught but just when you thought seattle couldn't get any dumber, it doeuld noges somethig literally to do just that. and can you guess wht.y? that's right. because it's racist. you see, those programsbad have too many students from the bad races. last last year, over 50% of the advanced students were white, 60% asian, 3.4% black.e-poin there just weren't enough black, latino, indigenous, alaskan, alaska and pacifican? islander students. d pacifii guess we could say goe to the nba real soon, right?whas what's that? oh, we don't use that type that?of insane when it's sport. what a strange demarcation. but people say, don't do that with basketball, but let's do with less stuff, you know, like education. >> so the schoollesss got canced like it was hosted by don lemon.
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>> bmo you why? smar, it's not about how smart these kids it's not about what's up here. it's what about what's on here? likeabout what these kids when they're in a classroom together. it's about embarrassing their teachers and administrators just by being themselverss. why i don't know, but that sounds pretty racist to me. so now, insteaprettyd of the c brainiacs in their own class with their own teacher wi teacher all those bratsgether are being lumped together and the teachers expected to come up with different lesson plans for different levels . y's work okay, kids, today's vocabulary word is mediocrity. ne here does anyone here know what that means? mediocrityat means. what happens when the people who run our country force e atus all lower our standards e the elites can pat themselves the back for their atrocious beliefs. cad that's what about the continuing destruction caused by luxury beliefs, whichstill st
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are bad ideas that bestow status on the elite to holdain n while inflicting pain on everyone else who must you re thee musm? you see it with climate activism, criminal justice wita and higher education, and the enlightened progressive alread y their college degrees, their houses do electric cars. sos thei they're immune from their own destruction. but god help your kidsruction.. and so in seattle, the smart kids will be reading the gutfelinfld while in thee sc same classroom, the slow kidsl e will be reading get it together by jesse watters"get it . the kids who are already a reading shakespeare are stuck in the same room with the kidsdd eating boogers and paste. >> in case it was both.. glue tastes. >> great. but now i get to eat the wholeto horsate. >> but today, helping kids
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all races advance at their own pace is now considered inequitable and holding highly intelligent children back is now considered equitableg highl and yes, that includes black kids. in fact, those who complainetha about shutting down these schools included black parents. and gues s what the school boardthem? vp reportedly told them, y they were being tokenized by the white parents. the whitshe was probably in the class, which is once against it. >> once again, it's mind numbingly racist. but toto the it's as if black parents don't have minds of their own, as if they don't have the same hopes tod concernsav about their children as everybody else. to one day be likee li me,ch you know, rich enough to own a helicopter that can drop own potties into kilmeade swimming pool and not only are some of the smartest kids in school being punished foroo what they look like, but so are the smart kids. these differenlike butt addictsm to be helping.
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call me old fashioned, but the only reasosticlping.n should bed for what they look like is if they're chubby. the smartest kid might be black. but now he has to sit next to the dumbest kidw heo si in sl who might be white or asian. well, probably not asian. as >> when i was a kid and we had a test coming up, everybody to sit next to the asian kid. it's the only reason friends george takei had friends. dl but sadly, like it or not, i these kids are learning what moder nn america is all about. it's not about living up to your potential as an individualis notino. ik it's about what you look like as part of the herd. you're just partt of the group you have no control of.wh which is why i quit menudoich io now. >> and of course, anybody blo dares to question is is racist. and that includes black parents who realizack paree they're gifd children are being punished. and they're exactlrey right.n a
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finally, something every race can agree on, which is theon't idiots who make the rules won't let us. let's welcome jess. she's on the fight. finitely but she's definitely a ten. the fivgo to the five. >> in america's newsroom, dana perino, he's frightened by unfamiliar ears. ter and sounds like applause. actor, writer and comedian jamie lissauer. she's a vibrant with a voicee dr deeper than nick's. a new york times best selling author and fox new bs contributor. got to. he's a mince intense and won'tw sit on the fat cat. it'll break. "new york times" bestselling rk timest seauthor aauthor and r nwa world champion tyron. >> dana, you know what kills mew about this whole thing?g came
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they would rather kill the program that admit their policies don't kil work. >> and it's weird because just r this morning, we did a story on america's newsroom, m how harvard is starting to reject the programs. w haisthere's a professor who wc a piece that said, look at the applicants in number of applicants from this year. it continues to go down by thousands--o because people don't want to go there anymore because it's become insane. soe it'se in and corporate america also a is starting to walk away from the eyes that. it's weird that the elementary schools and junior highsattle ca of seattle can't figure this out that it's like it's a terrible thing and every thi pe has something special that they can do. yes. th n do and i mean, i don't know what yours is. >> oh, i knoreg: ow. h, >> i mean, i did some filmsded o on it back imen the in germany. >> yeah. those were a little bit weird, but it is. i'm very flexible, dana. but what, you have some if a kid isn't in the gifted program and they're upset, but they not be upset.ho >> you know who's upset?-- the mom? mm-hmm. right. becaus younoe her kid didn't geo
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so she had to make it bad for everybody. the other thing, they don' had h have in seattle, which they need, is school choice. yeah, because these parents are trappey nese hisd. - the situations. yes. class, i have to go to you next becaus e. child >> you have children and there are various differenrete you genetics. >> yes, yes. ve d. er youer >> this must bother you?t no, becausbothere most of my kis are homeschooled for this reason. mm-hmm. but asn. bu a a former teacher,e a sometimes it can be bea benefit to have a gifted kid sitting with kids that are behind, because sometimes they will help them catch up and.. >> that happens next to never. what usually happens is you get the gifted kid to sit next to the other kids and he starts emulating their behavior. right.n and so and then the ones who don't get picked on becauses if he has the shakespeare book and i have those scratchingbook sniff pop out book, yeah, i'm going to go out of my waymyf
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to tease him to make myself feel better. so everybody has the regular books are going to go after him and it doesn't stop in the classroom. noter hid it dw stays on social. it's going to follow him out- in with the with the in the recess or whatever. they even still have recess anymore. the problem is, is that we justt need to call it what it is. they. ever you- you argue with them as a parent, like i don't like t this, what's because you're racist or sexist orhi whatever, which means and that's what they've done all along. wh done ged those cards so lon . so we're all saying in a common sense and we're all arguing about it. so the they freely be racist oub in the open. it's that polite racise m. hey, black families, you're not good at making decisions. herakine going to make it focism you because, well, you're black, so don't worry about reading and writing. deci tot through. and here's the deal. guess what? now, when you go work at the fast foo getgh to yod joint, wen you $20 an hour. so they're just laying up it' and it's just a layup. ju it's racism is broad daylightst, . y ti the difference is we're so busy arguing over every time.
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yosae and ifith jami he's losing the argument, he'll say, you're a white supremacist. harris and i'll be liks an i'll be, well, arguments over. meanwhile, the real ones actingy in broad daylight. >> yeah. you know, jamie,ou i you're children are gifted in that you're finally out th. heir lives they applauded that. and the crowd is wild. the crowd like that. you clap me, i sing insult that i just directed at youn fatherless children. funny. yes. if that's the biggest responsehh ,get all night. >> i'm goingt to be upset. >> i have three children. this hits home. yes. [l one of my teachers said to me the other day it was at a like some sort of event. she goes, do you hav e --e favor a favorite kid? which i thought was like such a bizarre question, which is parents" a bizarr, you know, tires city. you have a favoritte and i'll just i'll just tell you who it's my neighbor's kidel that in am one of these though i'm on the low end kid like i really was in school.
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i had trouble in school.l dod i don't think it's good to try to keep together. i was more of like instead of like no child left behind, i was like, don't wait up. >> i'm like, it's frustrating - for real. it was like, go ahead. like, they would take us to another place and we'd learn ani to use like tool, honestly, like we would do different stuff. i did better in collegbettere. i think i approach things smarter in college. i would schedule all my classeti really early in the morning and this way when i woke up at noong w wokn, i was done forl . i bet you still have like ovi you still have nightmares over college. >> so two missing classes. i do have i do have nightmares. >> i was not like. but there are people the we neek people that, like, deliver pizzas. everyone has they're all delive r clean pools. o by the way, i'm not throwing shade. these are jobs that i have hadng . like, i'm not saying like, that's a menial job. i do find you'll do you'll noticenial job that no coincideo that i did choose jobs that were the guy that gets jo guy in jobs that i, i wouldu
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guess that you were probably i in some gifted classes, correct ? >> yeah. yeah. i was always really good at school. i bet you were. are >> yeah. you were precocious. yeah. i was, like, also in trouble i was at, too. >> but i, i this thing blows my mind, especially. i don't know about especially. but definitely what the schoolts is saying they're going to do. >> instead they're assuring gs saying they're going to have an individual lesson plan fore an individual studento which sounds awesome. unds athat be way better. but it also says there won't necessarily be any i more teachers in the class. >> exactly. >> ge a curriculumt this about how to go about this instruction, unlesslimits that curriculum is like how to clone yourself 32 times. hi don't i don't understand-- how they can get away with saying that. and people don't un i mean, like i knowow we did like dolly the sheep or whatever, but this seems a lotdh advanced and i don't know how that wasn't pushed. more like, okai don'owy, what a
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you really going to do? because based on howg to works,g you're not going to do that. do to be kidsgoing who are not going to be challenged and other kids then't getting the attention that they need. >> it's almost as if they belong in separate classes. it's if and of courset was an awful white lady behind this affluent white liberal walking in broad daylight. exactly and just so smart. before we go, quick reminder, ed my favorite kind, you can come see me on tour this summer. i'll be inn m red bank. new jersey, fort lauderdale, durham, north carolina. thompson is goin bank,g to be te to go to g gutfeld dot com for tickets. ets. next, a studies conclusion stu about gender confusion. >> i love that myic daughter still needs me, but sometimeal dosces nervs cane to burning and stabbing pain in my hands. so why use vive nerves. clinical dose of alpha reduces yo as seven days of now i can help suppe. your b
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it's required to show up when hired. you may have heard of ghosting a behavior typically associatedg with dating where you abruptly stop communicating with someone without explanatio w abon. encig of course, some people experiencing experience gh others.. practi, others - >>ce the practice is common amog gen z, and now they've started doin i g it with employers. a new survey found that 93% of gen z ers admittedz to skipping ouadt on interviews and 87% said they even acceptedy a job, only to not show up forri their first day of work. it should be noted this study nt is from the u.k., so nonede wer of the jobs were for dentists that cheap shot. the kids claim bailing helps them feel in control of their careers. no surprise, their flakyl ov flights of fancy have left cag to hirestruggliner people plus, without a job to tie them down, they could spend their daystraili what thes best? nothing. whic do theh raises an interestinges
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question how do you have a career if you constantly blow off a do ya b? maybe it's actually kind of smart. wantr all, wouldn't you prefer someone who didn't actually want the job not show up at all? show and you're a you be happy that you just dodged a bullet. a person who blows off a ly their day of work probably isn't someone you want working for. >> isomeon working you.u are so the kid probably did you ahu huge favor. and it's the loss when i you think about it. >> i mean, m he ends up missing the first day of orientation. you know, that's when my staff about their benefits. >> when i model robes. yeah. >> yeah. charlie, are you gen z? i'm not gen z.. >> i'm a millennial. oh, there you go not gen. you know what's funny is this data says that you could prevent ghosting you with a higr salary. >> i could see that. i know, right? i thinfore i'll take the job, pay them more. kind of works across the board. exactlrd.y do you think this u is unique to gen zers? >> i do,ni
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but it's actually a reverse trend because i just identified myself as a millennial recall being ghostedenni by some of the jobs that i applied for. yeals, when i graduated, like i remember applying for a job r r in idaho falls,aho. idaho. there's only two reporters therrs ia. foxe and i was it was a fox, cbs and abc all rolled into one. o onthey never got back to me. i >> i thought i had a greati ha interview. so i was a little bit inteastonished. but when i look at the path of gen z is headed down now. wn now ii think about like the e of it all. they go to college, they can failto classes and have it wipel out their transcript in some caseeghaves and future employers will never know. they could probably get their student debts wiped out by joedt blown and then they graduate only blow off the employers who are trying to give them a golden opportunity who t. e >> so i imagine ifyers they're treating potential employers like this, what they probablylike t their significant others like. so i just want everyone here. please hold mest w accountable,b even if i'm desperate. evenn let me date a younger ma . please leave.
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>> i feel the same way. i know i'm on. i'm on the fence. i'll take what i can get it.>> d cat but on the other hand, it's not like you owe thesel people anything, right? >> these bosses, they could fire you at any moment any. you know, i don't think it's easy to be gen z either. yeah, like, i mean, like philip. >> injections alon.e. it's more time in pain that i'm willing to put in. clearllling ton, cley. >> i also just. it' i think it's. i, it's. they just missed that the part of the job that'y d ths good is the part where you get paid. yeah. you know, i don't know why allod pud.i don't in all the eft to like, go and do a job interview, putting yourself througbh that to not get even, like, con men. they. hav >> they ghost you after they have your money. right. but that's like an important part of it. >> yeah. they're not like, gotcha. like, what did you get?
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yeah. you just addicte. ared to the tl of the scam? i think jets. i think people, they don't understand what a career is like. a career has to be something where you make money tomething,? and millennials, it's that actually they don't do that because they're worried that ghosting would ruin i their career, which is, i think as a millennial i can relate nnial y. ways wof anxiet like, i always worry every time i if i don't say something that i shoulor idon'd said someg and if i did say something that it was wrong. mhm. which is where the i tal wei thak a living. yeah. it is true. so you don't have that problem here. that's for tyou dohave her. >> yeah. you know, maybe they are addicted to job interviews. e an >> you get free coffee and water. people are nice. no. ity are we people t being nice about this. it's not even a generation's e thing i had. i'm ex and we've got a ton of de in our group too. yeah, and some of them we have to callf mars, so. c yeah. you knowl, the one is always got the get rich quick scheme and he's got all the codes for bitcoin. >> he just needs your money . hnlock ithe >> at least have the decency to be a nigerian prince wheravne
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you. >> the problem is that thisthisg younger group and i watched this i watched this go down this weekend with my thid everyy thinks they're famous. >> mhm. so when they they they're accountability like here is and i wanted to explain it to me. so you decided you wanted a job, you got up before 3 p.m.. yeah. did some form of grooming. bird to the job interview which you stayed up all night practicing your lies about how you were not a lower than c grade student in collegeu ha and you got a really cool career influencing, getting ready to start r what you're working on. you went to that interview and they weryonte ine dumb enouh to give you a job. you went home, bragged about it, you were doing your thing, and then d you and then you.
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i think i just killed one of my kids on my phone and you, wi where was i?yo and then you wait fourr your first day to go on your. tick or facebook and say, go to the job today. burn for for people to tellto you you're so brave. yeah. ted becausebecaa apparently. hold on. because when i was coming up, we had theseuse appareld, funne called missed meal cramps and keeping the light bill on calle generation x parents x answer when you ask them fornswe money was usually what i just did to my phone click ajar. did this ever happen in your restaurant business where people would has to because likesses wait they're very promiscuous with their careers and with their time and with their time? look, the thing is, is that this happens every single day. i mean, we've got jo. i thib, you know, busters, runners, bartenders, dishwashers and every single day we get ghosted. what we started to do was kind of like a doctor's office policy where wd to y a e takere your credit card before the interview. and if you don't show up for the interview, we charge
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intervie darge y you $100. our sales have gone up likou0.e 600% weekly. but -- but to get into some ofbu the psychology behint toduse -- the reason these people because i actually it's funny somebody goes in for a job interview we reodr a the job four months lar they applied again and i reached out to them i'm like you goes to the firstly interview, they actually reach back out and they were like, no, it's social anxiety. i star t driving there. i started panicking. i didn't know how to interact with somebody. i'm like, look, you know, i'm going to cale panick northe? come in, let's have the interview. they've now beene have working r us for two years, and they truly did have social anxiety because everyone'so year in thei phone these days and they don't understand how to interact with people. soheirs thes in that way it wor. >> morgan freeman yeah, right. yeah, yeah. and they're now the. interviewer yeah yeah. >> morgan freeman yeah, i don't know. i'd just like say that i cannot wait for black history month just yet. >> over. all right. wait fo are all shows the rage in the streaming age. i've been doing this for a long time, but i haven't quit.
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classic overachiever. you can still become america's next master chef. >> i'm a millennial not worried about the thing. gen z, we have nothing to lose. oh, i feel like this dish is giving me a hug. >> i don't usually cook with alcohol. i'm mostly drinking it. gen z, whatever the big question, which generation is going to win it? >> all "masterchef" generations. this on fox this to drop what you're doing for the summer of stars because we're serving a cold your own sky summer of stars kicks off on fox and fs more the schedule is out coming in the anticipation is through the roof. this is a heavyweight match and got high enough in the face . technology, software, hard data
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. let's experiment honey in the science corner. thank you. is your brain no tw musk's domain? elon musk announced on x that his company neuralink hasyr implanted a computer chip intoal the braiimplanten of its first s test subject. >> so we know it's not adam fir schiffst musk says the patientring wel recovering well and initial results show promising neuron spiklromisinge detection, which is medical speak for the patient. got a . >> oh i am kidding. >> the brain chip, which has whi 1000 electrodes, allows people to wirelessly perform fuo functions by just thinking of what they'd like to do vistak think and click mechanism. >> according to company execs, the long ter--m goal is to make the chip available to billions of people and unlock humanofdndo
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potential and go beyond biological capabilities. wololitiesw. m >> great. now i can fire people with mymid mind.. oh, so then we could murder someone with our mind. but in the short term, they hope it'll helpilitatin people with debilitating neurological disorders. neural disors are donee do in six years, folks with head injuries or dementiain six could benefit from the chip. >> oh, why don't you just let me die? d says one man. i asked adsk, what do you make of this? isn't this excitint,g? iting? is it new and much like amazing every part of life he isn't elor to make it better. >> energy, space, technology, health. i'm leaving something out. >> no, i think it's exciting for people who want this. and obviousl hiy people who are in
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situations where this iteration may be beneficial, especiall ite what where we're going to end up, unfortunately, is that we won't have a choicofe whether or not we want an implant in our brain or not, because so many po people will have them that people without them won't be able to compete in terms of opportunities. kind of like nowe to i if you d with the internet in the house, you're right. you didn't want a cell phone then basically it's like, okay, thenphd e okn live in the woods and kille your own food. you got no other option. yeah. r functioning funct member of society anymore. so i think that we're in and me. people i mean,e the amount of things people are like the amount of secrets, like my phone's full - of like the everybody says this about a people who know, like they can se mle, like, e if you can sendr like this. this min is the one place i havc where i can do whatever i want. yeah, don'an whatevet take thatm me. no, we won't. but they're not. not yet. good >> is cat making a good point? is it 1, right. and i will take it a step further. ellen. no, lookd itwill take a at it. zoom in. wrall no, you not do that as you will. literally everythingrything yo u think is yours isn't yours anymore. you're really sitting at your you're sittit yourw king
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about leaving, but you don't see anything out loud. and next thing you know, she's like, hey, put your thoughtshokay, s on the scu what? put your thoughts up on the screen. i don't wanturthoughts up on tol and then boom, and then all the algorithms on your phone and stuff. someone sits acphon next to you and they looking at the wrong thing. >> it goes across your mind. then you don't want all that sci like it's the scariest thing. every man in the world, lifeg b be ruined because it won't catching your phone is one thing, but literally you're falling asleep when they link a thinone thg bu g to your eart thei and put their mindser t and thei morals in you. >> and we'll all just be bign maslavesn, which is horrible. >> why women will rule us all. kennedy is this going to advantage, as tyra says,at that you will now be able to seel ? >> we're really thinking i'm going to have an army of nubile --e men, my hands feeg my every whim if they fan me-- and waft scented candles w upe my nose and then other things up other places that we
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can't talk about, but we can think about and they'll have to do it then asbout. i actually think this is great. i've always been a big fan of right to trisays y and there are so many tragic stories about people who died because they weren't able to get o ge that mightdrugs have saved their lives, might have extended them. and the government has always stoo andd in the way. so if you have a quadriplegic who's under 40, who can't feel c and who can't live, and thisantm give them some semblance of a normal life, then they at least have thesemblal right to be a d of the study. >> that's interesting becauses s it does i mean, this is all kind of related shows, like if you take somethingake some like, steroids were invented for an illness, but then were used e as performance enhancement drugs. kennedy is talking about this is madnttalkine for people witht quadriplegic issues and whatnot, but iquadriplt wile used for as a performance enhancer or a mental enhance u r that person will now be able to go on jeopardy and win without even tryingo o andg. ad >> it won't stop there.l yo and i'll tell you that the last thing i need is another implanat
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. >> yeah, i think i know causeus makes a good point that there's no way they put this intoyour your brain and they just leave you alone because goingy pu to happen is they put it in there, and then you start to get the ads. unless you ghere then o neuro link premium, right where you get the next. thank you because you're minding your own business and suddenly you're like, oh, a plaque thoriasidenly youe, plaqus.s. i know. like, i don't that looks like beans and that guy. sokse bean i never thought abouo psoriasis for so i say, leave this alone i thi, we're already caught up. the greatest chip invention was the tostitos scoop that's right up there with mankind's best total tostitos scoop george foreman grill and elevator door closed button. we don't need any more new inventions. >> we all need to stop this. do you know what's going to happed anions.o stn when somy texas, you say, hey, hey, . i know you're there. i'm in your brain. answer me. answn phonee callri'm brain. on silent and say, i didn't get the call. now you're finished. .w yare mad at me?u ma >> are you mad at me? are you mad at me when i talk to you? why am i talking to you?
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but i'm sure there's army digging my skull, pulling the implant out. it not i'm will be an on off switch? >> no. why did you turn it on? why did you turn it off? >> you'd have to. you can't leave your own brain on reed. >> yeah, it's true. wow. if someone messaging you and someone is thinking about you. all right, this is fun. allmys pt, this is fun. a lift, just add taylor swift. >> maestro this was all over then. story out. story out. of course, writers who kne could be connected for me because centex works on both coasts. coasts. antiqueshemage. clear skin, and as psoriatic arthritis can mean less joint pain and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions soa severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. risk of infections. n or isome have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccin e or plan to or if ibdu symptoms develop or worsen. sefoe new mr. clean, ultra foame magic eraser. it's more magic than ever
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>> yeah. too short. yeah. i was trying to prove mr. presence at the scene of a drive by shooting back in 2013. but he's frequently been forgetful and unreliable ido reliable on the stand. >> do you think this y s wasort' his strategy? >> yeah. or he was. mayb eah.e trying to cope. listen, i. if we run that tape again, sounds like me wednesday, thursday and friday nights at my house. it reall sdayy, really does. man. around 9:00, you're like, hey, you want watch a movie? i really can't right now. so i just don't think it's in court, you know, he just but he kn i don't know.he's h he's honest. it's probably best time to question him. i think everyone e beay should be high on the stand, not because they're going to talk. that's tru e like choke up and go give some justice and probably u they solve the mystery of the murder. >> yeah, one of their >> like we know who killed jfk. oh, in, like, 7 minutes it was if it's going to get high, >> iee da talks up her
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will solve something by the end of the day. the probley.m? we won't remember it. yes, that's the thing. e world hungerlv will solve it, but we won't tell anyone. tegthey will eat everythin my cat does cyrus have a point that maybe of being your best thinking, honest thinking would be under the no. ke you i think that it can make you think that you're thinking best. but i think we'd all leave herev thinking we heree. had a great idea. we'd have, like, ten business ideas, and we wake ud wep be lil how do i tell that person that i'm not going to doso that? >> one person gets it.. got it. appreciate your honest . y. i, i this has to be a plan,caus right? >> that is a reallth iy high pen . that can't be an accident. no, they can't. like, i feel. ents. like if you want to go in and be a good witness, you might want to justbe to get or maybe get, like, medium high. yeah, don't get that a me high. so maybe it was like, listen,
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they don't they didn't want to be trusted. >> they don't want to be in that position. exactly. didn't want to be in. he was going to probably be shot if he testified. >> so this was his way. it is creative. >> it is very creative. might limit your job opportunities and mean most i'm just why do they have the mic? maybe i'm high right now why do they have why do they have the microphone wearing a mask and the that please wake up. i mean, that is far or is wearing a mask. >> i mean, that's the story that's right. that is a story. that is. how did we miss that thewearin microphone you got to get high and it's the only way a there are a lot of masks suffering from long covid. yes, that' sufferis right that'. or micro covid. if i drunk by the way, we knowow who killed jfk, it was the cia. yeah, that's true. that's true. t's truen. tucker carlsocia. in that case.
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but he's right he's right. do you think maybe he was just sleepy reading your book? i'm glad you brunch in the book , greg. >> it's called get it together troubling tales from the liberal fridge. theris cal togethee go joey. >> he claims he was addicted to mdma, but i don't think that was mdma. oh, no, no. and the mdma>> n is in the ama a is what you do to go on a spirit walk. that'sit wal not a spirit. look, here's the deal. two things i want to point out here. number one, thisn shows how weak our generation is, just absolutely weak. because if neration were al caponerial on trial in a witness that we're going to testify a thet, they wouldn't just the show up. guy, i'm too hot to tell the truth. they would just be dea trd, would have four feet. but now that you know, this new generationnderblocbut, y, to
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going to get you haunted you in there to turn you back on their favorite. the thinother thg ising is, thin county, georgia. i'm pretty sure fannie was sitting there a week ago talking about all kind of crazy. >> so like as a georgian,ap i just want to apologize to america that thisol is what we're presenting you a couple of weeks in a row is a corrupt de yo yoa about her sex life tag and shifts in belize. and now we've got a gang about t too hot to tell on themselves. so there's been nothing good in fultonon theoo since hank aarons knocking bombs out of there. >> that's true. you know, it's got ut hard will to defend yourself in court, too, when your name is youngbe o is a fine, upstanding citizen. younnag, young. >> all right. l-dese >> coming up, a well-deserved . oh, i can't wait for this family. getaway shinglesthat can doesn'. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last
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more words science more psychos are women. cat, a british researcher, says the number of female psychopaths could be greaterresh be than previously thought because they're more subtle than men anthan pret d. less o >> their psycho behavior is less obvious. do you agreebv >> y >> yes. but this doesn't describe me because they said that i dbe mf you want to have control over others. and i have a hard enough time having control others and iscon.
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>> mm-hmm. all right. well, that was a to answer. okay. yeah, i expected more, frankly what about you? do you know a lot of female psychopaths? b >> sure. yeah. they're all my best friends. [laughtes, is i think. >> i think a studied about this is that the psychologist. they always. it's just taken them now to figure this out. - date ten timthey thought they werene ten times, you know ten man to every one psychopathic woman and now they think, oh, maybe it's 5050. >> did they not ever know any? mean girls in high school. mm. mean girls in high school versusmean girn were s some dums on the playground punching each other out. yeah. ayground who has the lastingey! psychological drama and damage?a >> i mean, girls. it is true.nd dals?and think our culture tyra. it encourages female whereasps male we call it out but femalese it's like you go girl well,e: yu what? >> wea girl.h. g another guy who says you gog.o girl greatth. awesome.
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yeah. listen, all i'm saying is this. you've got to give womenc a breaisk on this one.ot their it's not their fault. because according to social media. yeah to soc, like 65% of men are transitioning to women or something like that. >> yeah. sotransitienr yeah, it's. you add up the numbers. yeah. oh. all thes these crazy men, it's a solid transition over to women ,and they say i'm crazyca because they go on social mediua and they look crazy. and what is a woman? anyone can be one. sowhat i poor women. and like our regular crazy women who just stalk you and call - you and be like, why donh you love me enough? or that i make you mad, which is fine. d-it andmen weren't geneticallh designed to handle that by chugging beer and dreaming of other places where they talk. we're designed forhere andreami. >> yeah. it's funny too, because when[lau you look at criminalgh when the they're reporting on criminals, they do say women. when it's men identifyin and g as women, which skews all thes all now the crime statwos, you you had to deal >> i psychopaths in your lind e
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of work. i still do. yeah. yeah. look, no, i did my own researcln . i'm married to a woman. yes. greatest person all over. ch. om 60% of my employees are women from portman square group. >> for all your information, investigative and intelligence ins, they kill people. and. and my daughter. not and myt girl. she's a woman also. not a single one of them are psychopaths. wow. yeah - of. >> you didn't mention your first wife. oo>> who go i can i. i'll drink. drive safely now. >> no, i'm kidding. i know, i know. i shouldn't have said that. >> no.t well, but you dihaved. don't go away. >> we'll be right back. i don't know why i did that. i'm so. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. >> but we get it. some things shouldcould si stane test of time when that a long lasting eylea hdr could
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