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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 29, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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criminals are becoming more brazen and more violent and it cost johnny his life. we need proper prosecution for criminals. because, you know, stuff like this is turning into gunfire and it's been going on for a while. there is test happening all the time. and, you know, i'm hoping that we do something so this does not keep happening. we can't keep losing more people to this. >> carley: tessa, we are so incredibly sorry for your loss. we know it's difficult to talk about this on tv after such an immense tragedy takes place in your life. but we're going to remember him very well because of the words you said. tessa, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. we'll be following this story. >> thank you. >> carley: you're very welcome. it's a tough one. and life is fragile and things can end in the blink of an eye and there is the crime element that's involved in this as well. >> todd: senseless tragedy. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: good morning, everybody, it's 6:00 a.m. here on the couch in new york city. this is wednesday may 29th, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." we start with a fox news alert. you know this. it all comes down to today, the trump jury gets instructions from the judge and is expected to begin deliberations all while robert deniro takes on trump supporters out the courthouse and then it went south. >> brian: it's great idea, i think. charlamagne tha god sets things straight in our interview this morning saying the border isn't just a g.o.p. talking point. >> people are coming over and getting more access to resources than people who have been living on the south side. >> plus, will take an r for retirement. >> steve: what? >> ainsley: that's a question. what vanna white sees for the future of that show. >> brian: what's her magic 8 ball say?
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>> ainsley: she a south carolinians i might say. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now and mornings are better with friends. >> steve: let's kick this hour off. jurors in the new york vs. trump trial are set to begin deliberations today as the historic criminal trial starts to head towards the close. >> lawrence: so the former president's fate is about to be in the hands of 12 new yorkers. >> ainsley: eric shawn is live outside of the new york supreme court. eric? >> eric: hello, ainsley, good morning. guys. the jury gets this case today. that after judge juan merchan gives them their jury instructions that will started at 10:00 a.m. eastern this morning. you know, sometimes, the jury instructions, that can mean the difference between a verdict of guilty or not guilty. the judge will look at the jurors and take about an hour giving them their instructions. he basically gives them the legal guidelines that must be used as they sit in judgment of the former president. his instructions lasting about an hour. then they will retire to the
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jury room for the deliberations. trump's lawyers asked merchan to tell the jurors that paying stormy daniels, the nda, a nondisclosure agreement, is not legal. prosecutors objected to that, not included. the defense wanted the jury to be told trump was relying on the advice of his lawyer, michael cohen the judge blocked that because during the trial trump's lawyers did not use it as a defense. and man did the jurors hear an earful about cohen from trump attorney todd blanche yesterday. he called him a gloat. the greatest liar of all time and admitted perjurer who cannot be believed. prosecutor joshua steinglass said there was a mountain of evidence against trump that corroborates cohen. trump, he said, tried to, quote hoodwink the american voter by engaging in a conspiracy and a cover-up. the goal was, quote: to unlawfully influence the 2016 election. he said, quote: the name of the game was concealment and all roads lead to the man who benefited the most, the
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defendant, donald trump. donald trump cannot shoot someone on fifth avenue and get away with it. well, court convenes about four hours from now. we will have those jury selections. and then we are going to wait for the verdict. it could be a few hours. it could be a few days. let's hope it doesn't last for weeks but we will have to see. it's up to the jury. one of the glories of our democratic system to be judged by a jury of your peers, donald trump will be facing that later on this morning. back to you. >> brian: eric, a quick scheduling question. they are going to work today normally an off date. will the jury continue to meet if hung up throughout the weekend? are they going to keep working straight through? >> eric: we don't know that yet, bryan. i have covered trials in which judicial release have gone through the weekend. they may go through friday if they don't have a break and then continue the next week. we'll have to see what judge merchan says. there is something called the allen charge. that's where the judge basically calls them in and says you know,
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you have got to try to reach a verdict. you really got to try to do that. that is the ultimate they call it a dynamite charge if they can't reach it. we are not there yet. we'll have to see. >> steve: indeed. >> ainsley: all it takes is one for a hung jury someone who doesn't know which way to go. >> steve: that's it. >> brian: i'm struck by jonathan turley said he thinks an acquittal is not likely. the best would be a hung jury from what he sees. what he has been pointing out consistly has so many people aghast the partisan nature in which this judge has approached everything with defense and prosecution. >> ainsley: he said the judge allowed the prosecutor over and over and over to say the federal election laws have, in fact, happened. and then the defense objected and the judge allowed it by overruling. >> lawrence: all our analysts have been observing this what some would say very partisan like that's in the courtroom. the trump campaign, talked about the former president has said that he is conflicted. we all know the story about the number three person in line in
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the department of justice leaving the office and then joining, taking a demotion and going to alvin bragg's office. >> brian: angelo. >> lawrence: the administration said there is no evidence he did it on his own. not involved in this. this is a straight up prosecution. that was until yesterday when the official campaign spokesperson came with deniro and railed against donald trump right outside of the courtroom. here appears preview of that. >> trump this kind ever government will perish from the earth. i don't mean to scare you. no, no. wait, maybe i do mean to scare you. if he gets in. i can tell you right now, he will never leave. >> you are gangsters. >> you are washed up. >> [bleep] you. [shouting] >> you are a nazi. >> you are a movie labeled. >> you are trash.
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>> brian: meet the parents 4. >> steve: he was yelling at trump supporter there's. there you see the cover of the "new york post" today raging bull. you know the rest of it. side sohio bob goes ballistic. something for biden outside the trump trial. campaign biden has not really weighed in on any of the criminal trials until yesterday. and so they sent deniro and two of the january 6th cops from the capital down there. and they were supposed to be talking and draw attention to donald trump and january 6th. but, instead, deniro went off script and suddenly he is ad-libbing and it didn't go well for him. now, here's the interesting thing about it. the campaign says the reason -- you see him wagging his finger. >> brian: it's unbelievable. >> steve: the campaign said he was not there for commentary on the trial. >> brian: really? >> steve: instead the campaign said the reason we sent him down there was because there were so many reporters and so we just decided to have a press
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conference. that's what they say. >> ainsley: going to send robert deniro your actor top surrogate to defend your campaign. >> steve: is he famous. >> ainsley: to rail against donald trump. this comes as the same day that politico released that article about biden political leaders freaking out. this might be an example of that they are freaking out so they are sending out an actor. in that article it says what they are saying what his team is saying and what his supporters are saying on tv and in print is completely different than what they are texting their friends. this has totally backfired. made trump even more popular. these four criminal cases are deeply flawed and this is just unprecedented. >> brian: the other thing is he is talking about how donald trump is going to ruin new york? what's he talking about. donald trump hasn't been present for three and a half years. >> ainsley: and the world too. >> brian: he likes new york because he started a film festival. good job. whole thing, robert deniro who has been emptying the city and
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emptying rikers island not prosecuting criminals. not prosecuting the person who breaks into his house. it's not donald trump. if he had a chance to ruin new york he would have done the 80's, 90's, 2,000 or when he got elected in 2016. people still don't believe that he legitimately won that election. but let's talk about this election. right now this administration, one of the big worries is that the black vote. the latest one they are losing 20% of the black vote. they need to get it down to single digits or back to at least the 13 or 14%. if you want to -- if you want proof of panic, think about last week when they had four straight events. what about this week when they are going to philadelphia again getting -- leading black politicians to formulate a group just to attract blacks. the black vote. >> lawrence: when they're supposed to reach the big outbreak plan it's interesting they are picking philly. >> brian: so close to the white house. >> lawrence: so close, not like he is going out there. they are supposed to be talking about and going to have some celebrities there again about
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the gains in this administration. black america, of course, is saying things are hurting right now in the community. but they hope that the celebrities will bring them some sort of publicity. i just don't think it's gonna work. are the celebrities going to share with them about the migrants that have taken over the rec centers there where the kids -- we showed you reporting of that. are they going to share with them that the tax cuts that trump gave most americans are going to be undone if joe biden is reelected again? i mean there's a lot to talk about, about the economy. and how the border effect black america. >> steve: here's the thing. what they are doing is what we are going to see right through election day. that is because joe biden has trouble getting a crowd. today, going to actually be a joint -- a rare joint appearance between the president and the vice president. and they are going to bring in people who are very popular in the community. for instance, they are going to bring in wes moore who is the
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very popular governor of nearby maryland. and he is going to be a surrogate. and so that's the idea. they are going to bring in all these influencers, all these people popular in the black community and then, by extension and apparently a sink ton of cash into black media. they are going to essentially buy their -- they are going to try to buy good press. >> ainsley: it sounds like they have a lot of work to do when you look at the poll numbers and when you hear charlamagne tha god and brian sat down with an interview because he has his new book coming out and he basically explained to you brian, right? that he is talking to ordinary, everyday people that are complaining about what is happening with immigration and other issues. >> brian: yeah. especially the border and how it is effecting new york. you can't get a hotel room here and also they are seeing all this money going to the illegal immigrants and not to many in the working class. here's what charlamagne tha god. >> brian: endorse joe biden astounding on book tour on the
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pressure on you. not that you feel it but you are getting it? >> i'm not cap saving joe. that's not what i'm here for. yes, they are asking me, you know, why i won't endorse. like, what does it matter? and it's not like i'm out here not telling people not to vote. i want people to participate in the voting process. all i'm going to do is put the issues out there, right? i'm going to say what i feel. there was some backlash earlier this year when i got asked a simple question. do i think the border is going to be an issue in november? this was in january. i said yeah. the reason it's going to be the issue for the first time in my life people i know are having conversations with me about what is going on at the border. whether it's somebody i know who works at a parking garage in new york coming to me in tears talking about, you know, the crime that is in his neighborhood because of gangs that are coming over or, you know, talking to activists in chicago who are just upset because they feel like, you know, these people are coming over and getting more access to resources than people living on the south side. you know, homeless are getting.
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that is just me listening to people. so, when i get asked that question and i say yes, all of a sudden i'm on msnbc with the headline charlamagne the god spreading maga messaging. these people aren't maga this is everyday working class person comes to me because they know i got a microphone and they know i'm complaining. >> lawrence: great get, brian. his show is based off affiliates. people on the ground every single day. so, the whole idea that the administration their explain to bring celebrities. they may be doing good. but their relatives probably not. the people that they serve on the day-to-day basis aren't doing so well. so it just seems tone deaf to speak before the public and say life is good when you know it's not going well for the rest of the family. and i think that's what charlamagne is talking about. make no mistake charlamagne is still a progressive. he just understands the bales of the community and how they feel on a day-to-day basis.
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he can't host a national radio show seeing his audience struggling saying actually his audience is okay. >> steve: he said look, i'm not going to endorse anybody this time but i will vote. so what's he going to do? >> brian: i think is he going to vote -- i think he wanted to vote for harris. he never liked joe biden. >> steve: first time. >> brian: now he feels as though harris has totally under achieved. i don't think he is voting for trump. r.f.k. has been in the studio. i think is he probably going to vote for joe biden but he won't endorse. he doesn't want people following him because he doesn't like his choices. he says there is some things that he likes that we were doing that we're not doing now. but is he an issues like let me talk about the issues. i want to debated about the issues. is he wide open like b bill mah. wide open for people to come in and say i totally disagree with you. i don't know where he got this that donald trump is going to be a grow gait the constitution. he keeps saying. they said it last night, too. what are you talking about or he is going to have a dictatorship.
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he had one casual throw away line with sean hannity about saying yeah, day one will be a dictatorship, i'm going to close the border. now everyone says he wants to be a dictator. robert deniro saying the same thing. >> ainsley: why closing the border would that -- he shouldn't have used the word dictator. >> brian: he wants to close the border. >> ainsley: that was joke. that's not a dictatorship. that's his policy. joe biden opened the border on day one. donald trump will close it on his day one. >> steve: i think you are right. he probably won't be voting for donald trump because he also said on gutted if he would last night i agree with robert deniro i suffer from trump derangement syndrome. i think he is a threat to democracy. but his book is very popular. apparently it's very good. >> brian: about his biography all hard work and working way up. getting fired four times. >> lawrence: they can say a threat to democracy all they want. there is only one political side trying to throw the other one behind bars. they can say they have nothing
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to do with it, when you come to the closing arguments of a court case where your political opponent is running for president, could be in jail for 40 years and you are there to have a press conference? on that day? i think a lot of americans say that's disgraceful. brian ains the stormy daniels story came out in 2011. trump is on trial for election interference. yet, they were keeping him in court so he can't campaign. joe biden is able to campaign. they gag order donald trump. they don't gag order the other side. this is all about putting him in jail potentially. and keeping him from the campaign trail. >> brian: i think you are 100 percent right. the key person who appeared yesterday was not deniro, it was michael tyler. he is the biden communication director. >> lawrence: spokesman. >> brian: we are here because you guys are here. we want to get our message out. >> steve: there were a lot of cameras and a smile. >> ainsley: donald trump getting too much attention go down to manhattan. >> brian: they have a white house where the president doesn't like speaking.
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>> ainsley: correct. turn to headlines starting with a fox news alert. one person is dead. seven hurt. and another still missing following a natural gas explosion at a high rise buildings in youngstown, ohio. the blast blowing the facade off the 13-story building which houses a chase bank on the ground floor and apartments above. overnight first responders finding the body of a 27-year-old bank employee in the rubble. the search for a missing woman is ongoing but officials believe she might not have been in the building at the time. philadelphia police releasing surveillance footage of a group of gunmen who shot a man and left him for dead outside of a chinese restaurant earlier this month. four men hopped out of a 2018 mercedes, drew their guns and opened fire. the victim died at the hospital after being struck multiple times. a $20,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest. happening today, convicted murderer scott peterson returns to court virtually from state prison. lawyers from the l.a. innocence project are attempting to clear
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his name. they are asking for multiple items to undergo d.n.a. testing. peterson is currently serving life in prison for the murder of his wife lacy and their unborn son. nicole brown simpson's sister revealing in a new sitdown. watch their reaction or what their reaction was upon hearing the news of o.j. simpson's death from prostate cancer last month. >> it's very confusing. it's very complicated. but, i have a relationship with the kids that means everything to me, and i was just very, very sad for them. >> for them? >> very, very sad for them. >> carley: this june marks 30 years since knicks coal and her friend ron goldman were stabbed to death outlines of their los angeles home. o.j. was tried for their murders and acquitted before being found liable in civil court. the brown sisters are making rare public appearances as they plan on honoring nicole in a new special lifetime show. results from the texas primary
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run jawfers. tony gonzales will continue to seek his bid for re-election in november after edging out activist brandon herrera. and former 2016 trump campaign spokeswoman katrina pierson defeating incumbent state representative justin holland in their run for texas' 33rd district. texas state representative craig goldman winning his primary run off against business owner john o'shea to fill the seat of granger. navy veteran fuhrman will face henry square are a in november after beating rancher garza. this coming weeks after cuellar was indicted on bribery and the money laundering charges. and manh henning. comes sun sets perfectly between the city's towering buildings. this only happens twice a year. everyone here in manhattan goes down and takes pictures. it's beautiful.
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it's happening again today at 8:00 p.m. so if you are driving in that area. >> steve: it's a killer because you are driving right into the sun. >> ainsley: normally we hear carley do the headlines she is so busy doing fox and trends. >> carley: thank you, ainsley. >> brian: i don't know if that was a toss either. >> ainsley: sorry. i was not successful like carley. take it away. >> carley: you are flawless. don't let brian bully you. you are so sweet. you bully. >> carley: a story pique your interest, i'm sure. the co-chairman of the super pac backing robert f. kennedy jr. plans on publishing a tell-all memoir woman who had a child with hunter out of wedlock. whoa, the book is set to come out this summer ahead of the democratic national convention. >> peter: we learned today there is going to be a book coming out this summer by lunden roberts. according to the press release protecting the ununacknowledged
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grandchild of the sitting the before the united states. do you know if president biden has met that grandchild yet? >> i don't have anything to share. >> carley: president biden was asked about his seventh grandchild before his term started saying he had no comment. and how about this? judge judy is sending a message to gen-z about workplace behavior. she says these days everyone gets a participation trophy and gen-z is not willing to put in the work. >> you have a bunch of kids entering the workforce that say "i don't like to work past 4:00." i don't work on saturday. sunday is football. well, you want to be successful in what you do, you are supposed to be first in the morning, and close up shop. somebody will notice that. >> carley: according to race may builder survey 74% of managers found gen-z more difficult to work with than other generations. and finally, wheel of fortune
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co-host vanna white is opening up about her future on the popular game show as p pat sajas final episode is just 10 days away she told tv insider she is not ready to say goodbye to the show. when i heard that pat was retiring i thought maybe i should retire, too. i'm not ready we will see towards the end of those two years how i feel. she also thanked god she still loves her job all these years later, guys. she wants to stay as the letter turner for at least two years. she extended her contract and ryan seacrest will be the new co-host. >> brian: she is going to stay with ryan seacrest for two years? >> carley: exactly right. >> brian: at first i thought she said she didn't get an offer and then saying she didn't want the offer now she is staying for two years. >> carley: staying in her exact role and taking over for pat sajak. >> steve: celebrity wheel of
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fortune signed up to do that. >> ainsley: probably making more money now than ever because they didn't want to lose two people at once. >> lawrence: she a familiar face. >> ainsley: we will pay you whatever and please stay. >> carley: i would give all my money to go shopping in her closet and see all those pretty dresses throughout the years. >> brian: shop. chuck poll lerly sick. watch the wheel of fortune. you gold and shop. do you remember, chris? >> steve: in the showroom. >> brian: they just won money. make you shop right away. can i put it into a savings bond or something? >> steve: do you know why they did that? >> brian: why? >> steve: now they just give you money. money cost stuff in the showroom it's like maytag is going to give us free stuff. okay, take all this free stuff. >> ainsley: she won a car. i think it was on the price is right. i said did they drive the car to your house? no, did you go to the lot. pick out the car you want and you pay the taxes on it. >> lawrence: oh. >> ainsley: yeah. >> steve: when ryan seacrest takes over, i'm just saying,
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it's not going to be the same. >> lawrence: it's not. >> steve: he is great. >> ainsley: is he going to do "american idol" and do this? >> steve: is he busy. >> brian: gave up his gig with kelly ripa. she is going to work with her husband. what could go wrong there? >> lawrence: you are going to get in trouble. you couldn't have dawn on the couch with you and work. >> brian: i don't think it would enhance the relationship. do you think working with your loved one would help or hurt you. i want to ask the people that do you think working with your looed one would help or hurt the relationship. >> ainsley: i could do it. could you do that me too i would love to do that. >> steve: i wrote five cookbooks. including cookbooks. >> brian: i am in so much trouble. don't move. more from my exclusive interview with charlamagne tha god and how he thinks migrant busing went. >> kind of genius if you are saying sanctuary city now this they sent them here send them back. we don't have enough room for them.
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>> janice: taking a look at the tornado tally over the last week 121 confirmed tornadoes from texas to the great lakes with surveys still ongoing. the national weather service is out there determining what ef
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the rating scale these tornadoes were. but certainly it has been an epic spring. here's the severe storm reports yesterday. over the last 24 hours you remember on "fox & friends" we had tornado reports, also flash flooding and severe thunderstorm warnings for the dallas area. we had wind gusts in excess of 90 miles per hour in texas yesterday. so a lot of damage. we had deaths and today we are going to be looking at the potential for more severe weather for texas. power outages right now half a million still without power for texas and today we are going to be dealing with the risk not only for texas but a new area of low pressure comes out of the rockies and the high plains will be on alert for severe storms as well. all right, lawrence, your family is okay, my friend. i know this time yesterday we were talking about them in texas and the severe weather there. >> lawrence: they are all good, j.d. we are praying for our extended texas family. >> janice: absolutely. >> lawrence: thanks, j.d. jad jad you got it. >> lawrence: third trip to the city this year. this comes on the heels of
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another violent memorial day three homicides in 45 minutes on a sunday. joining us to discuss biden's visit if he will change actually lead to him coming to the city will actually lead to change. penn state student caillat thanks so much for joining the program. >> thank you for having me mask rally with a lot of black and brown sp folks there saying they are open to supporting him. do you think joe biden has the right message for the people of philly? >> i don't think so. i think we will see another wave of pandering. it's a cycling process. november is coming up. the biden administration or the campaign areas realizes they do not have the black vote in their pocket. they are going to try to convince americans, especially in inner cities that crime isn't skyrocketing, that gas isn't expensive, that inflation isn't bad. and i just don't think that
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americans have short enough memory to take that message and believe it. >> lawrence: lawrence kale, what do you think will be for voters black polls? something seems different if i'm going to the barbershop or running into people at the airport they are so frustrated right now. a lot of folks voted for biden because as the democrats said it's the right thing to do. but now it doesn't seem like black voters are buying any of that. >> i think the economy is probably going to be the biggest voting factor for many americans, including black voters it. hurts in your pocket the most. everything is expensive, inflation is terrible, and even for people my age, especially graduating university, it's almost impossible to be able to afford a home, so, i think when money speaks the loudest and hopefully people remember that come election day. >> lawrence: kale, i only have about 15 seconds, if you had a
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message for donald trump as he says is he going to be going to more communities, what would you tell him as he goes to more communities? >> just emphasize the message of how great life was pre-covid during your administration so people don't let joe biden bring the wool over their eyes and act like the economy is doing great or that america is in a better place than it was about four years ago. >> lawrence: such a simple message. kale, thank you for joining the program and tell all my folks at campus reform i say hello. >> thank you. >> lawrence: you got it. bad press, more media headlines about biden's popularity problem five months out from the election. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis ♪
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i could hear everything. call miracle-ear at 1-800-234-7090 and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. >> carley: listen to this a man is dead after jumping overboard from -- need a little teleprompter scroll there that would be helpful. the story is the world's largest cruise ship as it sets sail from
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florida. the unidentified passenger reportedly left off the icon of the seas as it departed for a seven day crews to the caribbean. a search and rescue effort by the crews line was filled by other passenger. the coast guard also assisted in the search and eventually recovered the man's body. the incident comes a month after a similar incident on another royal caribbean cruise ship the crew has seized over 33,000 pounds of cocaine during 8 separate busts in the water off of mexico. >> steve: meanwhile, the israel-hamas war is dividing democrats and threatening president biden's re-election campaign as progressives slammed the president for supporting
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israel. >> president biden says what's happening to us is not a genocide. [cheers] >> but we're not going to forget in november, are we? you are an enabler, president biden. >> it's unconscionable what is happening and the fact that it continues to happen with our support. we have to continue to pressure the administration to change course. >> steve: well, our next guest says joe biden is in big trouble. democratic-- strike that just and author of the forthcoming book politics of life doug schoen joins us live from a hotel room in boston. doug, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: we heard the congresswoman say we are not going to forget this in november. it's not like they are going to vote for donald trump. >> no. but they could stay home. they could vote for r.f.k. jr. and in states like minnesota and particularly michigan, that could be enough to cost the president at least two swing states. and potentially the presidency. >> steve: so is the white house listening? are they trying to do something? we heard behind the scenes
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apparently jill biden, the first lady, has been going we have got to wrap this up. let's get this done with. >> what i'm picking up is that the white house is uniquely tone deaf and not listening to not only me but to democratic insiders who have been in past campaigns who have been successful with the obama administration, the clinton duration. there is a near total freeout on outside advice to the detriment of joe biden and kamala harris. >> steve: yeah. you know, doug, over the last couple of months we have seen all these swing state polls, donald trump is beating him in like five of six across the board. and then you see the headlines from yesterday on politico, democrats in full blown freakout. and biden's weakness becomes bigger and bigger worry for democrats. it goes on and on. does this campaign know what they're doing? >> i don't think it has a clear theory of the case or strategy.
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they have no message on inflation, they have no message on the southern border. all that they appear to do is demonize donald trump and talk about their statistical record of accomplishment and everything i see in my polls and every other poll, steve, says it just isn't working. >> steve: is there anything that they are doing that is working? >> one thing that they are doing that has potential is to use the issue of choice, abortion, for their benefit, but in an election where inflation is as high as it is and people have trouble at the pump and in the grossry store paying their bills, i think, this unlike prior elections, is going to be uniquely impacted and ultimately decided by the economy. >> lawrence: when voters ask themselves am i better off today than i was four years ago, even though we were in a global pandemic, you know, at the beginning of the pandemic we had more money in our pocket. >> that's what voters say, you
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are exactly right, steve. voters are comparing trump to biden by about 10 points they are saying we were better off under trump than with biden than even with their doubts on donald trump which are real. they still give him more credit than they do the incumbent president. >> steve: can joe biden pull it out? >> he can. but he needs to show more empathy on the economy. on inflation. he needs to do something about the southern border. and he needs to have an agenda going forward that is sense tia to people's needs and interests and concerns not the current message which really strikes me as tone deaf. >> steve: i think you are exactly right. doug, good luck at your college reunion. >> yes, absolutely. thank you. >> steve: you bet. thank you, sir. all right, 18 minutes before the top of the hour. endorsement drama, brian is going to ask charlamagne tha god about the media demand he,
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chcharlamagne throw support behd joe. >> they are asking me why i won't endorse. what does it matter? and it's not like i'm out here telling people not to vote. ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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everybody else. >> if you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or trump then you ain't black. >> what is something that you always carry with you? >> i want you to know people are going to see this okay she is pandering to black people. [laughter] >> okay. is it working? >> what was like when you were high? what song was on? >> oh my goodness. definitely snoop, um-huh tupac for sure. >> brian: some of the bigger and brighter moments. charlamagne tha god's new book is out called get honest or die lying why smalltalk sucks is available everywhere. cheryl macharlamagne good to se. >> brian: why does smalltalk suck? >> everybody knows what we are here for. just get to it.
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>> brian: i roll these clips of the most important people in america. they all need to talk to you. you have become a power player. what do you think about when you see them talking to you? has this always been the vision? has it always been the dream? >> that's a great question. i think when i look at, you know, the people that i grew up, you know, admiring in media whether it was the arsenal hall, the barbara walters, you know, the howard sterns of the world, all of those people, they use their platform to talk to folks who is actually shifting culture. who is actually, you know, moving us forward. i dreamt when i was younger of possibly interviewing somebody who was the president of the united states of america only because the people that i just mentioned i saw them doing that. >> brian: the pressure on you to endorse joe biden i was he astounded on your book tour on the pressure on you. not that you feel it but you are getting it? >> yeah, i'm not captain save a joe. that's not what i'm here for. so, yes, they are asking me why i won't endorse. like, why what does it matter
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and it's like i'm not out here telling people not to vote. i want people to participate in the voting process. all i'm going to do is put the issues out there, right? i'm going to say what i feel. >> brian: what about the state of the country? where do you think we are at right now? >> well, that's objective, right? if you ask me my answer might be different than, you know, one of my cousins living, you know, down in south carolina or, you know, one of these, you know, kids that i might be talking to in newark, new jersey: america has never been great for everybody. i think about the least of us. when i have conversations with the people, you know, the disenfranchised in this country they are not happy in any way, shape, or form. it doesn't matter what party is in office. it doesn't matter if it's democrats or republicans, i think that people get very frustrated right now. i got in trouble -- i'm not going to say trouble but there was backlash earlier this year when i got asked a simple question, do i think the border is going to be an issue in november? this was in january. i said yeah, the reason why i
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feel like it's going to be an issue, first time in my life people i know have having conversations with me what is going on at the border. whether it's somebody i know who works at a parking garage in new york coming to me in tears talking about, you know, the rhyme that is in this neighborhood because of gangs that are coming over. we are talking to activists in chicago just upset because they feel like people are coming over and getting more access to resources than people living on the south side. you know, homeless are getting. that's just me listening to people. so when i get asked that question. then i say yes, all of a sudden i'm on, you know, msnbc with the headline charlamagne tha god is spreading maga messaging. these people aren't maga. this is just regular, everyday working class person coming to me because they know i have got a microphone and complaining. >> brian: should that be the national issue search voting on in november. >> it was a national issue back in january but for whatever reason it was still labeled a political talking point so if you weren't on one side of that
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issue, if you are on one side of that issue, you get labeled one thing on the other side you get labeled another thing. now, it's like everybody is having the same conversation. and, guess what? if america knew how to take care of the least of us, it wouldn't even be a problem. >> brian: i think when the governor of texas, started sending the illegal immigrants out of el paso, into chicago and new york and philadelphia, then it became a national issue. >> people got mad at me even back then when i was talking about governor greg abbott and desantis in florida and i was saying hey, man. it's inhumane and cruel what they're doing to the migrants kind of genius if you are saying you are a sanction area city, welcome, welcome, we'll take them. we'll take them. okay. now that they are sending them there, send them back, we don't have enough room for them. >> brian: right. >> what it makes it seem like to people is republicans were always right on that issue and democrats were wrong.
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>> brian: right. >> really that simple to optics. just from a political -- as a political stunt, it worked. >> steve: he is great. >> brian: he sees it in new york every single day. you can't live in new york and not feel this especially if you have got kids. he has four girls. dancers, cheerleaders, and he sees it because they can't play in the parks. >> lawrence: when he identified he said these people i'm speaking to aren't maga but they are sharing the same issues as maga. because of the forgotten men and women of this country and if the former president can leverage that and a message and solution for that, i think that's what democrats are worried. honest voice, stale progressive, putting it out there is not going to be sold out. >> ainsley: is he really that progressive that far left? >> lawrence: is he more progressive. >> brian: getting closer to the center. >> lawrence: is he not as progressive because he is from south carolina. >> brian: i like biographies, that's what this book is, is he from a small town in south carolina. his mom was a teacher never made
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more than $30,000. he is stuck on this culture right now where people want instant success. i want to be a podcaster. i want to be an influencer and here's how to do it. they think it's all easy but they don't want to put in the time. so much of what he says is what we discuss on the couch all the time. people want shortcuts. if i look at this book. it's not. he is also very hard on himself. said his wasn't as faithful who that he could have been with his wife. he has known since high school. howard stern on the radio. he didn't like that person. wanted to be more of a positive influence. he changed who he was. and he raucous before he got to the breakfast club. unemployed, living at home with his girlfriend and a kid wondering if he is ever going to get out of south carolina. within months, he is on the number one show in urban radio. >> steve: everybody wants his endorsement because he is the ultimate influencer for the black community on the radio. >> lawrence: he is definitely one of them. when you are joe biden and struggling with black males, one
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of the leading voices in the culture is ch charlamagne that's why they want it him to say just back him. >> ainsley: did he last time and is not this time what does that say? >> brian: jake steinfeld good friends of the show helped me meet him and number two is kennedy used to work with him. >> steve: you will have another part to the interview coming up. >> brian: also talk a little bit about hunter. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism.
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